and bonnets. clotlaliis; boots ,iacl mr graaf s new at ail...charles fox, of raton, was made...

LAS VEGAS DAILY GAZETTE : FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1884. and Trinidad cau't possibly walk away REEL FUN, with the spoils. Last night pools wero selling freely. s THE LARGEST QAILY, SUNDAY ASH WEEKLY ('rcnlatlon in the Sonthwrnt with Santa Fe in favor, for the territo- rial contest today. Glf&Tll! Eeal Tilt HORSE RACKS. At one o'clock this afternoon the green" race will be called. Tbe hose The Hose Companies Have It All Their Own Way Yes eta bles. Fresh rac?s will follow and tbe quarter race will come afterward. Folio wipe are THE CITY. the entries for the Dry Goods, Hosiery, ;Sl SUITS A630 WRAPS: And Itaco Horse Stay in the BEST TUKEE 1W KIVE Or THE THREE LADS ISarn AU Day. LONGINGS. MINUTE CLASS: Blodgett. out of American F.ncle. bv Cassius M. Clay. Celery, Lettuce, Radishes, Onions, Rhubarb, Asparagus, Califlower, If I wen a railroad brukrraan, Estate Yextcrday was one of the biggest days Koan Charlie, owned by 11. W. Wyman. Rusty Cuss, owned by P. J. Kennedy, and Mollie, owned by Stafford, of Pueblo. None of the horses have apoeared ou Las egas ever had. We say one of the biggest, and there has been a whole calenoar ut tbein. No town ever exist ed wnero me people uaa so general a disposition todo something every tima the chance apoeared as the citizens of LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. LADIES' PATTERN HATS and BONNETS. Clotlaliis; Boots ,iacl StLOOJS? Ladies' and Gentlemens' Furnisliing Goods. An Entire New Stock Just Opened at MY NEW STORE ON THE PLAZA. this wide awake town of Las Vegas . . 1 it mr Graaf s Thorp V- - pd botiur the lUtioni to plain That the man who irlng lo Tcvu Would go clear Umiugb lo Maiuc. I'd o (mui to door of ibo smoking (ar And I'd vive aui-- a mighty ror That tho iiwfiigem,bok In tbo lmpvr Would all fall out ou tbo Uoor, For I couldn't afford a tenor V4ce, And I couldn't afford to iak , Is the awtet aoft touoa of atollan harpa for 111 a week. ' 7 k If I were a bnvrage-miiHtf- r I'd rattle tbe trunks about: I'd stand tbuin up In a corner, And I'd tear tbc-l- bowels out. I'd pull tbe bandies out by tbe roots; I ould kuk tho enria ra in. And sire be r uflluff ail round tbo t ar, ii mere areanvcfueorauons, L,as vegas makes them; jt there are big tires. Las Vegas furnishes tbem;if there immense the track before at this meeting. The purse is for $175; fl00 to first. RUNNING QUARTER AMD REPEAT. This will undoubtedly bo a very in- teresting race. Pitchtork Johnny and Lucv Walker are two entries that tried their speed two days since and are now matched again. Jas. Campbell has also put into the race his Sleepy Bill. Purse (100; $75 to iirst and $25 to second. Pitchfork Johnny proved himself too much for Lucy Walker before, but this may bo an off day with him. enterprises, vegas lathers them. This is tho seat of all generous feeling POINTERS. aim liberal subscription in the territory Mi B ail oi rsew Mexico. Eight hundred pounds nice, fat buf- - We have tbe best race track west of the Missouri river and the San Miguel fair association is a credit to our city. 1P Xj STRAUSS-- - falo meat. M. Komero & (JO. Ten barrels of apples at Thos. Sevia1 Center street fruit stand. 305 tf Already this, tbe third meeting of the Lockhart & Co. have $2,000 worth 5ociaiiui, I. as tarntnl the endórse N. M. T. F. A. lo tu of fcuece.-.s- . The enterprise is the of new wall paper, decorations and cor- ners, of all styles, aad prices to suit only ouo of the kind m tho territory, j i tud matte tin in lunk aii'i 1M0. . Vori couldn't uIIjC to wcur kid irlovis, Nor t"put nut: pad on my iv-t- . Nor baulM tbl. its gently, when all uiy pay JuM kct me lu In t ad and meut. Sail UGIKIT M, ma bids fair u be the most prominent everybody. oOitt one in tiio southwest, hence it was not Call at Sporledofs atid havo your WHOLESALE Organization ot a New Institution Last Night. strange that at tbe hour appointed for the hose compauies tournameut yester lino boots and shoes made to order. 305tf The Sopris nos team attonded Ibe uay mere were At the Real Estate OHIre of theatre last night in a body. Lumber for sale. Buildings and fences out up by contract by P. J. Ken 2,000 I'KOI'LK tW THE UROCND. At 3 o'clock the iudcres called tbe Uncle Josli and his load of pumpkins nedy. at tbe Opura nous touiUt. "lly Sania Fe team up to the starting point. The Montezuma barber shop has gosu. iney appeared a nne lot of men, anil A meeting of firemen was called for iasc evening at 8:30 o'clock on tbe west side, and a temporary organization was first effected for tho purpose of creating what is to bo known as the New Mexico territorial firemen's association. Upon motion it was agreed to pro- ceed to tho election of permanent officers. For president there were in been rolitted and papered in elegant style. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call and Let everybody turn out and fill tbe Ouera bouso. as it la a good play and made a beautiful run in 352 seconds; lime was called and the nozzle was op in tbo air. Tbe ouly incident of note see them. JOOtl tbe company deservo a rousing house. CD "V" jtLi íS a- - FSK P. J. Kenitedy & Co.. general com CALVIN was tbe claim of foul because there was mission business. All kinds of stock Tbe street cars made their last trip to a washer lomnd in the nozzle, which and goods bought and sold. tho east side at 8:15 last niiiht. The AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, service is poor. lessened the time required to screw it on the hose. By common consent it was agreed that other companies should use the same. To Ice Consumers. Remember tonight is tbe b; laujjli Ice was rotailed in Las Vegas last soa nomination Charles Fox of Raton, John Hill of Lks Vegas, John Gray of Santa Fe, and Charles Blanchard - of Las Vegas. By ballot Charles Blanchard was elected. John Gray, of Santa Fe, was elected vice president. John Hill, of hose company No. 1 of Las Vegas, was chosen treasurer, and O O 3VT I IiBTE STOCK OT NAIXiS. The Trinidad team, the . B. Sopris, nigbt at tbe Upern Iiouh. it is oqe continuous laugh from boginnin' to -- EXOMTSIVI BALI Of- - end. On tbe Line of the Street H R. was favorito in tho pools; many bets be- ing made of even money against the held. Santa Fe was second choice, The Celebrated Charter Oak Stoves, and Buckeye Mowers and Reapers Attention is directed to tho new card while there was little distinction made between numbers one and two of Las of K. K. Burlinerauie, the well knowu son at an actual loss to the dealers. This year we desiro to obtain a fair margin of profit, and iu the hope of do- ing so have agreed upon the following rates from April 1st to Ootoberlst, 1884: To customers taking less than 100 pounds per week, 1 cents per pound. To customers taking 100 pounds and lofes than 200 per week, 1 cents per pound. To customers taking 200 pounds or assayer, of Denver, which appears in Charles Fox, of Raton, was made secre- tary. It waa determined to adoot rules, as well as constitution and bylaws, and he secretary was ordered to telegraph Vegas, although the disposition was to give No. 1 the last place. another column. C. Avtltman & Co.t""Vibrator." and "Sweepstakes" Threshers. Portable Er-t- : es. ence Wire a Lead-ri- Specially and large stock always on hands. Barb Wire at manufacturera bridge 8"n?orr, bopns next appeared In Tbe railroads runninir throucli Colo elegant uniform and good muscle. r ices witn actual ireignt xo as v egas aaaea, vi.anuiaui.urer i in, tjopper ana oneei iron ware to Trinidad and have a codv of the Col rado lait year killed throe thousand tire hundred head of cattle. Tbev also 1 heir rua was not remarkable, but the Agency Hazard'Powder Co. orado rules sent to this city by tomor- row's train, to use the same in the prep killed three hundred bead of horses and management of tbe nose was liko clock work, and the judges could do nothing BTOnU ITNT EAST ATO-J- NEAR THK P0ST0FF1CE. aration o i sunaoie rules lor isew Mex ico. two thousand bead of sheep. The Santa Fe general passenger de mre nor less than deui.iro tho time of 34 i. over per week, l cent per pound. Las Veoas Ice Co., By Henry F. Hobart, Secretary. Montezuma Ice Co., By R. J. Holmes, Superintendent. No. 303 lm. Ihere wero mysterious possibilities partmeat has fixed the round trip rate from the Missouri river to Las Vegas at ÍTEB, LIFE AND ACCIDENT wrapped up in tbo noble fourteen of No. 2 Las Vegas. Heavy wagers were $37. 0. On May 15th tbe fare will be upon them, and confidence increased reduced lo f 32. For Ladies Attention. Mrs. W. K. Holmes invites the ladies as the men appeared on the track ready to run. (Probably every Las Vegan A street car driver yestorday saw be During a recess the foremen of tbe three territorial companies proceeded to ballot for position in today's race and the result was: Las Vegas No. 2, first, Santa Fe, second. Las Vegas No. 1, third. Owing to the trouble experienced in getting a start yesterday by the pistol nhot signal, it was agreed to use au au- tomatic signal boaril to day. Tho following judges were appointed for the hose races today: Major Wyn- - felt ashamed that the company had not fore htm two lsdies amine a buggy on Ward & Tammo s opera house irk J ef Las Vegas to visit her art parlors in tho Rutonbeck block where she has ma been generally supplied with uniforms.) Bridge street and called to thoin to & Ü RailToad avenue. 50 feet front by From tho start they shot forward like clear tbe track, ibev worounablu to 100 deep, built of stone and giants, making tbe best time of the day do ho promptly and the car struck tho terial and stamping for all kinds ot em- broidery. Keusiugion work commenced and instructious given. Floss and patterns. Orders taken for dress goods ou 500 feet 29 seconds. Tho coupling brick, two stories high" lots 50x buggv heavily, llio lauies wore unin man ran at least ten feet ahead of the jured, but the driver was careless. 150 feet. Big interest on the in coupling, however, and two attempts TeKtment euaranteed. Will be Koop, tv. a. aatpp, a. Ii. Whitmore. George Ward and Jas. Campbell. The Kansas, Colorado and New Mex mor and ladies furnishing goods of every de- scription and mado to order at reason- able prices. 309-- tf had to be made to place the nozzle, by which not less than two or three seconds were lest. Time, 371. Manya groan Ihe association then adiournod to sold on easy terms.part cash,bil-anceatlOp- er ceat interest per meet this morning at 9 o'clock at tbe house of Hose company No. 1 to trans ico land and cattle company, with half a million of English capital under the management of Harold Carlisle, have located a rango iij Hio Arriba county and are putting in riot air pumps, to went up over tho unfortunate incidents annum. THE FAMILY of the run. act omer ousiness. Office. Sixth and Douglas Sts.. Las Vegas, N. M. Number 1, Las Vegas, was a long oost 500 each. John Mosloy, of Mod- - GROCERY STORE! timo in getting read y for their run. Two foul starts wero made, owing to the A., T. fc S. F. It. It. ícine Lodge, Kansas, is rango manager Georgo L. Brook a, secret ary of the Central New Mexico stock growers An Analysis oi the Condition of DEALER IN association, has been kept exceedingly busy Hinco tho adjournment of tbe two tfooas delivered in meeting's at Socorro and Albuquerque answering letters from prominent cattle General Merchandise ! "The Longest Lino." During the last legislature there were numerous attempts made to control tho business of tho railroads in New Mexico. It was said that thev were makinir ton aien of lexas and eisewnero. luey any part oi tiie city or generally ask about the country, and Store room on Railroad av enue oocwoied at preset, bv the Bos- ton clothing house. Building 25 x 1 00 feet- - lot 25x 1 50. Occupied by a good tenant. Property will be sold on easv terms part cash ;and part on time, at a low rate nterest. The Arcade saloon property on Railroad avenue. Building 25 feet front; lot 25x150. This is a splendid cut stone structure, papineabig, interest on the in Hi Mr. lirooks invariably tells thum that for breaking of their harness. An appeal was made to the judges, who decided that the boys should have a fair start. Upon tho third trial the starter's pistol failed to explode the cartridge, but the click of the hammer was enough to set the boys oil", although there was some wavering in the ranks owing to tbe doubt as to whether it was a go or not. They bandied the hose and nozzle well, and the time of 37 was given by those who took their time trom the start of the team, while tbe timer, who reckoned from the pistol shot, made it 35. The run was declared dead by the Judgos, and will not be run over. Bets between Nos. 1 and 2 are therefore oil. VVASHEU9 IN THE NOZZLE. The Trinidad boy3 aro visitors today. grazing purposes New Mexico cannot be excelled, which is true in every sense much money aud it was high time for of Vin FTnt Rrkvi the people to take a hand iu the tl1 llul OpilUft. WOOL AND PRODUCE. of tho word. Socorra bun. PERSONAL. U BARASH & BLOCK reguiuuou oi railroad prolits. Such demonstrations to all intelligent men appeared as monstrous travesties of fairness. Within tho legislature there was probably not a singlo man who could havo told, if asked, what is the amount of the capital stock of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and of ni h rf tipt.nru tf annul immi vtavxnri Ike llloch is off for San Francisco to LiU day, 328-38- 0 It. It. Ave. Don Trinidad Homero is again in the Kinshuiil. ami P.uys goods only from first lian ils. Ajjent for Wood's Mowers, Advance Sulky metropolis. Order your livery rigs early in the - N. M. determinina the questions of legislative East LftS VCgftS Paul Laughammer. commissioner to day. of Ferguson & ('o.s Machinery, unsurpassed lacilities lor procuring heavy machinery and nil articles iin.-r- - New Orleans, is íd the city. Hon. Eugenio Romero was at the vestment. Easv terms guaran- teed Very desirable business proper- ty, on Sixth street, two stories high, 25 feet front; rented to prompt paying tenants. Will be sold cheap. Only part cash, bal- ance on time at 10 per cent in- terest per annum.- - Capt. lleddleson is again at bis post races yesterday. not usually kept in stock. Orders by mail carefully and promptly attended to. "Woolen Goods and Overshoes at Cost. of duty at tbe Hut Springs hotel M. Romero rides a bicycle with the R. C. HEI8E, Mrs. Gonzalez, the Hot Springs drug gist, is back from a visit to Uiiayruus greatest of easo. Firemen all look like men who enjoy, ed good appetites. Thos. Nickerson, tho great railroad On the Plaza. Las Vegas. N. M. THE LEADINU; Fred Hooper made a present of some fine English harness to Mr. Althoff PALACE PARLOR BARBER SHOP Six young men in a business house yesterday mado up the stupendous pool Liquor Dealer oi $ l. rlly. MeoBt Tonmiriiil llarlx r Hhop In tho lii-N- t placo tur '"' I work. king, has gone with his family in a private coach to the City of Mexico. Joe Sanders, of the liquor house of Simon Sanders & Co., Trinidad, came in last night. He will leave today for Las Vega and take iu the races. Reg- ister. He's here. Millard Browne, tho lending man of Browne, Manzanares & Co., Socorro, goos home today. Ho is grayer than he was before he was married, but there is nothing relative hutween tho two facts. The weather clerk regards the Las Vegas races with favor. Hopo ho won't Come and Examine my New and Elegant Line of GOODS! Ladies' Misses' and Childrens' Dresses, in Silk, Satin, Cashmere and Brocades. N. L. ROSENTHAL. cnange nis mina. Wo'll bot you'll bet you'd have been mierierence, iney wero also ignorant. Blind acts, in general, hostile to the railroad companies were discouraged, and at the samo timo a bill preventing discrimination against tho home pro- ducts of New Mexico, which can only be made profitable by fair local rates, should have been pa.-se-d. The A., T. & S. F. railroad does not need the ex- cess of prolits to be deriyed from dis- crimination to bring iheir percentage up to a very high point. Home in- dustries play a very small part in the regular business. The report recently mado sets forth very clearly that tho profits of railroad- ing are less as tbe distance from the Missouri riverincreasos. F'or example, tbo southern Kansas system paid a profit of $887,394 on gross oaruings of $1,71)2,092, nearly fifty per cent, while the Sonora railroad was operated at a loss of $08.000 on gross earnings of $347,000. It is tborefore not just to es- timate upon tbe rales at which a rail- road can afl'ord to do business iu this country by citing figures froia other parts. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe is divided into four parts. First, tbo main line and auxilíanos of 1,220 miles. Second, tho southern Kansas system. 399 miles. bettor off if you hadn't bet between now ad tomorrow. Safo bot. BridiM! Street, Near 1 0 TONY CA JAL. Ludios Klininnoo and Hair dreg liifrby MItS. C'AJAL. mo uesi peopie oi me territory, in- cluding tbo clergy, were witnesses of At the St. ruchólas yesteruay were KAST IiAS Vl'XJAM. KAlLKOAl AVKNUti, Sack Mull, Baton: J. Hopkins, H. C. Winters, Charles 1 androfl', C. L. l'ears-nia- n and Mrs. Dolaney, Albuquerque; Matt Calhoun, W. W. Lyman, Watrnus; W. S. Spruce, Lincoln county, New Mexico, and S 1 Urn-Ian- , Denver. Brick residence property, cor- ner Main and Seventh streets, fine location, all modern improve- ments. For sale cheap, part on time, easy payments. Frame residence and barn, two lots, fenced, desirable part of citv. Will be sold on the install- ment plan-Tw- houses, five rooms each two fine lots, good location. For sale on tho installment plan. Two elegant residences, within two minutes' walk of the post-office,n- ve rooms each, all modern improvements, rented by first-cla- ss tenants. A rare invest- ment. Will be sold for one-thir- d cash, balance in monthly TTOFMEEr and OTHERS the hose contest yesterday. F'un begins at 1 o'clock today at tbe grounds. This has been rendered uacossary because of the long program. Tbo railroad company will run a br tuch up by tbe lair grounds wheu we g-i- t tho punitcn no, we lorget sonio-nin- g. Santa Fo men declare that thoy feai i bo No. 1 more than No. 2 in today's race. They suy tbe latter uses up all its wind on tho start, and that they can't do in 700 feet what they can in 500. Let tho Las Vegans who take an in- terest lh seeing our hoso boys run, also be caruful to take an interest in improv- ing the exchequer of the companies, Tke liremtn do something fer us; don't forgot to do something for them. ATTENDING THE RACES, CAN GET Third, thn Sonnrn iralam QVk miU l Fourthly, the operation jointly with the Union Pacific of 103 miles, one-ha- lf of which is litty-on- e and a half milos. These divisions relate to the workings Wholesale and Retail. BRIDGE STREET, NEAR P.O. XaVUI VEGASi 3NT. TVT. '."'IR BK8T. KHANDS OF Imported and Domestic Cigars II 1 of the system. The oporations of the El Id L ill) I iiByil IT company cover a fifth division the At- lantic & Pacific which, however, is no integral part of tho Atchison system, but which the Atchison company, by reason of its half ownership, finds it for its interost to protect. The capital stock of tho corn n an v Iliixl Kirke. A fair aud.eucu glinted llio Chicago comedy company lucí night to witnet.-tb- performance, of liuzoi Kirke'. Tlii.-i-s the best pluy jet presented, although the others were nil good. There is something in the play that appeals to the heart of everybody, a truo home picture, blending fun and pathos in a way that pluasus all. The stage settings and costumes added much to the piece. Mr. Graves as Dunstan Kirke was ex- cellent, bis splendid acting at the end of tbo first and third act receiving rounds of well merited applause. Mr. Shaw as Arthur Carringford and Mr. Koso as Squiro Rodney were both well roceived in their dillVrent parts. Harry l'lunkett looked l'ittacus (roen lo the dot. Miss Douglass ns Hazel Kirke addod to her many friends. Her interview with Lady Carringford in tbo second act was tbe fiue.m pir-e- of noting we have seen her do. Miss Graves made a lively Dolly Duiton and added her Kbare to tbe fun of tho evening. The musio was excellent. Taken altogether, llazol Kirke is the best per foruance we have had in Las Vegas for orne timo. FOR THF WHOLESALE TRADE. MENS' WEAR OF EVERY KIND stands at $M,913,250, its debt at $25,-887,0- (including the land grant bonds) and its surplus at $7,190,478. It has contingent liabilities of $11,7Ü9,000 on account of the Southern Kansas system, Two residences, three rooms each, well located, three good lots, fenced, all modern improve- ments. A good bargain. Lot. 52 feet front on Bridge street. Coyeredwith buildings, best business street in the city For sal very cheap. WARD & TAMMES' OPERA HOUSE $4,000.000 on account of tho Sonora system and $000,000 on account of tho Ueaven worth, lopeka and Southern system. A total of direct and indirect indebtedness of $13,014,000. Out of Sorts. '1 went over and looked at that houso ou Inter-Ocea- n street yesterday, dear," said Mr. Fullhand to his wife yesterday morning at breakfast after he'bad tried in vain to get some response to various One week commencing Monday April 21. Graves & Kempton's Ciago Homero. Vacant residence lots in the most desirable parts of the city for cash or on the installment plan. A few business lots for sale on most excellent terms to parties desiring to build thereon. remarks about the hoso races for the day, "I think the bouse is well located Today's l'rognun. It is probable that the crowd of pleas- ure seekers at tho grounds today will bo even larger than that of yesterday. It was there thoroughly proven that tho people take more interest in swift-foote- d men than in speedy horses. Yesterday the hoso races inciudod the work of making couplings and getting ready to turu on the water, operations in which tho slightest accident may lose the race, and it never happens that everybody is satisfied with the verdict. The speed made in tbe run enters to a small degree only in the result. It is easy to lose and hard to pick up a second in the run, while sev- eral seconds may be lost or gained in uuaccountablo ways when it comes to handling the hoso. Such things really belong to tbe realm of art. Spectators who cannot seo everything in a contest of this kind are not satisfied with the simple announcement of the judges. A race such as is sot apart for today is ono in which the ticklish business of making thread meet thread on a water plug is left out. The contestants will run their level boat and everybody can sort the finish. It will be very ex- citing and tho wholo town will turu out to witness it. This will bo a trial of spoed botweon territorial hoso companies only a straight away, and the only rule will be to "got there' in the shortest time. Santa Fe Hoso Co., Las Vegas No. 1 Hoso Co., And Las Vegas No. 2 Hose Co. have been entered for tho contest, and as there is no other team in New Mexico that could beat anyone of them the result of today's race will decide the championship of the territory. Lato last niq;ht it was planned to pick a team from the three other hose companies to run the Sopris boys, of Trinidad, and it is probable this will bo done. Xboa there will be some fan, and will suit us for all time to eome. I have decided actually to spend the rest of my days there!" "Well, Mr. Full-hand- ." replied his wife, her eyes flash-n- g, "I don't care dos reales where you spend the rest of your days, what I want to know is where are you going to spend the reslef your nights." Mr. Fullhand was crushed; he went to the rasos and bought $5 worth of that surething soap, without tbe ten dollar bills in the package. SILVER BAND AND ORCHESTRA In a repertoire of the latent eaKtnrn sua-ca- Entire change of bill each night. Ua C'oinctly ami Terpsichore. The Chicago Comedy company will tenight play Joshua Whiicomb, the favorite, and having seen them in the pieco we know that Graves as Josh is a decided success. Tbe oc- casion Willi bo an extraordinary one aad our people may fcet more for their aerify in the way of enjoyment Ithan was ever before offered. Iho visiting firemen will be present as the guests of Uose company Ne. 1, and it is probable that all tbe tirutnen in tbe city will bo there. After the play the prizes won in hose company races will be awarded. Speeches will be made; and then, tho floor having been cloared everybody will join in the dance to the superb music of tbe orchestra of tho Chicago Comedy company who has volunteered to serve without any extra cost. Surely we have never had a theatrical com- pany in our city that has treated us more fairly or given us bettor art upon the stage, and we should patronize them more liberally than wo have heretofore done. The races have claimed much attention, but with tonight there will undoubtedly be a change. Everybody will be there, anda grand goedttime wlU be had. AT LESS THAN C08T Before Removing to the Ward Block Simon Lewis' Sons. 312 Railroad Avenue, LAS VEGAS, - - NEW MEXICO , FRIDAY EVENING JOSHUA WHITCOMB An entertainment and ball comment-orativ- o of the goodness ot Abraham Lincoln was given by the colored peo- ple at tbe home of Mrs. M. E. Price last evening. We k ave a few desirable resi dences for rent. Business rooms are scarce.but we always endeav- or to accommodate my'wustom-ers- , either by leasing them such premises as they desire, or by building for them. Money to loan on approyed real estate security, most of the time. Reliable fire Insurance companies represent- ed. Always hold ourselves per sonally responsible for all repre- sentations made. Don't fail to come and consult us when lu want of anything in our line It is said that a quoon bee lays from two thousand to three thousand eggs in twenty-fou- r hours. Now the El Paso man that will discover how to graft a ADMI9310K TJ cents. floscrveil Beata 11.00 Now on sale at the Novelty Emporium, New Town , aad OiisweU's Prui Swre, Old lews. queen ote on a nen win make kit eter al íortiae.--- l Paso Times.

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Page 1: and BONNETS. Clotlaliis; Boots ,iacl mr Graaf s New at ail...Charles Fox, of Raton, was made secre-tary. It waa determined to adoot rules, as well as constitution and bylaws, and he


and Trinidad cau't possibly walk awayREEL FUN, with the spoils.

Last night pools wero selling freely.s



('rcnlatlon in the Sonthwrnt

with Santa Fe in favor, for the territo-rial contest today. Glf&Tll! EealTilt HORSE RACKS.

At one o'clock this afternoon thegreen" race will be called. Tbe hose

The Hose Companies Have It AllTheir Own Way Yeseta bles.Freshrac?s will follow and tbe quarter race

will come afterward. Folio wipe areTHE CITY. the entries for theDry Goods, Hosiery,

;Sl SUITS A630 WRAPS:And Itaco Horse Stay in the BEST TUKEE 1W KIVE Or THE THREE

LADSISarn AU Day.LONGINGS. MINUTE CLASS:Blodgett. out of American F.ncle. bv

Cassius M. Clay.



Rhubarb,Asparagus, Califlower,

If I wen a railroad brukrraan, EstateYextcrday was one of the biggest daysKoan Charlie, owned by 11. W.

Wyman.Rusty Cuss, owned by P. J. Kennedy,

andMollie, owned by Stafford, of Pueblo.None of the horses have apoeared ou

Las egas ever had. We say one ofthe biggest, and there has been a wholecalenoar ut tbein. No town ever existed wnero me people uaa so general adisposition todo something every timathe chance apoeared as the citizens of


LADIES' PATTERN HATS and BONNETS.Clotlaliis; Boots ,iacl StLOOJS?

Ladies' and Gentlemens' Furnisliing Goods.An Entire New Stock Just Opened at


this wide awake town of Las Vegas. .1 it mr Graaf s Thorp

V- - pd botiur the lUtioni to plainThat the man who irlng lo Tcvu

Would go clear Umiugb lo Maiuc.I'd o (mui to door of ibo smoking (ar

And I'd vive aui-- a mighty rorThat tho iiwfiigem,bok In tbo lmpvr

Would all fall out ou tbo Uoor,

For I couldn't afford a tenor V4ce,And I couldn't afford to iak ,

Is the awtet aoft touoa of atollan harpafor 111 a week. '

7 k

If I were a bnvrage-miiHtf- r

I'd rattle tbe trunks about:I'd stand tbuin up In a corner,

And I'd tear tbc-l- bowels out.I'd pull tbe bandies out by tbe roots;

I ould kuk tho enria ra in.And sire be r uflluff ail round tbo t ar,

ii mere areanvcfueorauons, L,as vegasmakes them; jt there are big tires. LasVegas furnishes tbem;if there immense

the track before at this meeting.The purse is for $175; fl00 to first.

RUNNING QUARTER AMD REPEAT.This will undoubtedly bo a very in-

teresting race. Pitchtork Johnny andLucv Walker are two entries that triedtheir speed two days since and are nowmatched again. Jas. Campbell has alsoput into the race his Sleepy Bill. Purse(100; $75 to iirst and $25 to second.Pitchfork Johnny proved himself toomuch for Lucy Walker before, but thismay bo an off day with him.

enterprises, vegas lathers them.This is tho seat of all generous feeling POINTERS.aim liberal subscription in the territory Mi Bailoi rsew Mexico. Eight hundred pounds nice, fat buf--We have tbe best race track west ofthe Missouri river and the San Miguelfair association is a credit to our city. 1P Xj STRAUSS---falo meat. M. Komero & (JO.

Ten barrels of apples at Thos. Sevia1Center street fruit stand. 305 tfAlready this, tbe third meeting of the

Lockhart & Co. have $2,000 worth5ociaiiui, I. as tarntnl the endórse N. M. T. F. A.lo tu of fcuece.-.s- . The enterprise is the of new wall paper, decorations and cor-ners, of all styles, aad prices to suitonly ouo of the kind m tho territory,

j i tud matte tin in lunk aii'i 1M0.. Vori couldn't uIIjC to wcur kid irlovis,

Nor t"put nut: pad on my iv-t- .

Nor baulM tbl. its gently, when all uiy payJuM kct me lu In tad and meut.

Sail UGIKIT M,ma bids fair u be the most prominent everybody. oOittone in tiio southwest, hence it was not Call at Sporledofs atid havo your

WHOLESALEOrganization ot a New InstitutionLast Night.

strange that at tbe hour appointed forthe hose compauies tournameut yester lino boots and shoes made to order.

305tfThe Sopris nos team attonded Ibe uay mere were At the Real Estate OHIre oftheatre last night in a body. Lumber for sale. Buildings andfences out up by contract by P. J. Ken2,000 I'KOI'LK tW THE UROCND.

At 3 o'clock the iudcres called tbeUncle Josli and his load of pumpkins tbe Opura nous touiUt. "lly Sania Fe team up to the starting point. The Montezuma barber shop hasgosu. iney appeared a nne lot of men, anil

A meeting of firemen was called foriasc evening at 8:30 o'clock on tbe westside, and a temporary organization wasfirst effected for tho purpose of creatingwhat is to bo known as the New Mexicoterritorial firemen's association.

Upon motion it was agreed to pro-ceed to tho election of permanentofficers. For president there were in

been rolitted and papered in elegantstyle. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call andLet everybody turn out and fill tbe

Ouera bouso. as it la a good play andmade a beautiful run in 352 seconds;lime was called and the nozzle was opin tbo air. Tbe ouly incident of note see them. JOOtl

tbe company deservo a rousing house. CD "V" jtLi íS a--FSKP. J. Kenitedy & Co.. general com CALVINwas tbe claim of foul because there was mission business. All kinds of stockTbe street cars made their last trip to a washer lomnd in the nozzle, which and goods bought and sold.tho east side at 8:15 last niiiht. The AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS,service is poor.lessened the time required to screw iton the hose. By common consent itwas agreed that other companies shoulduse the same.

To Ice Consumers.Remember tonight is tbe b; laujjli Ice was rotailed in Las Vegas last soa

nomination Charles Fox of Raton, JohnHill of Lks Vegas, John Gray of SantaFe, and Charles Blanchard - of LasVegas. By ballot Charles Blanchardwas elected.

John Gray, of Santa Fe, was electedvice president.

John Hill, of hose company No. 1 ofLas Vegas, was chosen treasurer, and

O O 3VT I IiBTE STOCK OT NAIXiS.The Trinidad team, the . B. Sopris,nigbt at tbe Upern Iiouh. it is oqecontinuous laugh from boginnin' to --EXOMTSIVI BALI Of- -end. On tbe Line of the Street H R.

was favorito in tho pools; many bets be-

ing made of even money against theheld. Santa Fe was second choice, The Celebrated Charter Oak Stoves, and Buckeye Mowers and ReapersAttention is directed to tho new card while there was little distinction madebetween numbers one and two of Lasof K. K. Burlinerauie, the well knowu

son at an actual loss to the dealers.This year we desiro to obtain a fairmargin of profit, and iu the hope of do-

ing so have agreed upon the followingrates from April 1st to Ootoberlst, 1884:

To customers taking less than 100pounds per week, 1 cents per pound.

To customers taking 100 pounds andlofes than 200 per week, 1 cents perpound.

To customers taking 200 pounds or

assayer, of Denver, which appears in

Charles Fox, of Raton, was made secre-tary.

It waa determined to adoot rules, aswell as constitution and bylaws, andhe secretary was ordered to telegraph

Vegas, although the disposition was togive No. 1 the last place.another column. C. Avtltman & Co.t""Vibrator." and "Sweepstakes" Threshers. Portable Er-t- : es.

ence Wire a Lead-ri- Specially and large stock always on hands. Barb Wire at manufacturerabridge 8"n?orr, bopns next appeared InTbe railroads runninir throucli Colo elegant uniform and good muscle. r ices witn actual ireignt xo as v egas aaaea, vi.anuiaui.urer oí i in, tjopper ana oneei iron wareto Trinidad and have a codv of the Colrado lait year killed throe thousandtire hundred head of cattle. Tbev also 1 heir rua was not remarkable, but the Agency Hazard'Powder Co.orado rules sent to this city by tomor-

row's train, to use the same in the prepkilled three hundred bead of horses and management of tbe nose was liko clockwork, and the judges could do nothing BTOnU ITNT EAST ATO-J-NEAR THK P0ST0FF1CE.aration o i sunaoie rules lor isew Mex

ico.two thousand bead of sheep.

The Santa Fe general passenger demre nor less than deui.iro tho time of34 i.

over per week, l cent per pound.Las Veoas Ice Co.,

By Henry F. Hobart, Secretary.Montezuma Ice Co.,

By R. J. Holmes, Superintendent.No. 303 lm.

Ihere wero mysterious possibilitiespartmeat has fixed the round trip ratefrom the Missouri river to Las Vegas at ÍTEB, LIFE AND ACCIDENTwrapped up in tbo noble fourteen of

No. 2 Las Vegas. Heavy wagers were$37. 0. On May 15th tbe fare will be upon them, and confidence increasedreduced lo f32. For Ladies Attention.Mrs. W. K. Holmes invites the ladies

as the men appeared on the track readyto run. (Probably every Las VeganA street car driver yestorday saw be

During a recess the foremen of tbethree territorial companies proceededto ballot for position in today's raceand the result was:

Las Vegas No. 2, first,Santa Fe, second.Las Vegas No. 1, third.Owing to the trouble experienced in

getting a start yesterday by the pistolnhot signal, it was agreed to use au au-tomatic signal boaril to day.

Tho following judges were appointedfor the hose races today: Major Wyn- -

felt ashamed that the company had notfore htm two lsdies amine a buggy on Ward & Tammo s opera house irk Jef Las Vegas to visit her art parlors intho Rutonbeck block where she has mabeen generally supplied with uniforms.)Bridge street and called to thoin to & Ü

RailToad avenue. 50 feet front byFrom tho start they shot forward likeclear tbe track, ibev worounablu to100 deep, built of stone andgiants, making tbe best time of the daydo ho promptly and the car struck tho

terial and stamping for all kinds ot em-broidery. Keusiugion work commencedand instructious given. Floss andpatterns. Orders taken for dress goods

ou 500 feet 29 seconds. Tho coupling brick, two stories high" lots 50xbuggv heavily, llio lauies wore uninman ran at least ten feet ahead of thejured, but the driver was careless. 150 feet. Big interest on the incoupling, however, and two attempts

TeKtment euaranteed. Will beKoop, tv. a. aatpp, a. Ii. Whitmore.George Ward and Jas. Campbell.The Kansas, Colorado and New Mex morand ladies furnishing goods of every de-

scription and mado to order at reason-able prices. 309-- tf

had to be made to place the nozzle, bywhich not less than two or three secondswere lest. Time, 371. Manya groan

Ihe association then adiournod to sold on easy terms.part cash,bil-anceatlOp- er

ceat interest permeet this morning at 9 o'clock at tbehouse of Hose company No. 1 to trans

ico land and cattle company, with halfa million of English capital under themanagement of Harold Carlisle, havelocated a rango iij Hio Arriba countyand are putting in riot air pumps, to

went up over tho unfortunate incidents annum.THE FAMILYof the run. act omer ousiness. Office. Sixth and Douglas Sts.. Las Vegas, N. M.Number 1, Las Vegas, was a longoost 500 each. John Mosloy, of Mod- - GROCERY STORE!timo in getting read y for their run. Two

foul starts wero made, owing to the A., T. fc S. F. It. It.ícine Lodge, Kansas, is rango managerGeorgo L. Brook a, secret ary of the

Central New Mexico stock growersAn Analysis oi the Condition of DEALER INassociation, has been kept exceedingly

busy Hinco tho adjournment of tbe twotfooas delivered inmeeting's at Socorro and Albuquerque

answering letters from prominent cattle General Merchandise !"The Longest Lino."

During the last legislature there werenumerous attempts made to control thobusiness of tho railroads in New Mexico.It was said that thev were makinir ton

aien of lexas and eisewnero. luey any part oi tiie city orgenerally ask about the country, and

Store room on Railroad av enueoocwoied at preset, bv the Bos-ton clothing house. Building 25x 1 00 feet- - lot 25x 1 50. Occupiedby a good tenant. Property willbe sold on easv terms part cash;and part on time, at a low rate oínterest.

The Arcade saloon property onRailroad avenue. Building 25feet front; lot 25x150. This is asplendid cut stone structure,papineabig, interest on the in

HiMr. lirooks invariably tells thum that for

breaking of their harness. An appealwas made to the judges, who decidedthat the boys should have a fair start.Upon tho third trial the starter's pistolfailed to explode the cartridge, but theclick of the hammer was enough to setthe boys oil", although there was somewavering in the ranks owing to tbedoubt as to whether it was a go or not.They bandied the hose and nozzle well,and the time of 37 was given by thosewho took their time trom the start of theteam, while tbe timer, who reckonedfrom the pistol shot, made it 35. Therun was declared dead by the Judgos,and will not be run over. Bets betweenNos. 1 and 2 are therefore oil.


The Trinidad boy3 aro visitors today.

grazing purposes New Mexico cannotbe excelled, which is true in every sense

much money aud it was high time for of Vin FTnt Rrkvithe people to take a hand iu the tl1 llul OpilUft. WOOL AND PRODUCE.of tho word. Socorra bun.


reguiuuou oi railroad prolits. Suchdemonstrations to all intelligent menappeared as monstrous travesties offairness. Within tho legislature therewas probably not a singlo man whocould havo told, if asked, what is theamount of the capital stock of theAtchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and ofni h r f tipt.nru tf annul immi vtavxnri

Ike llloch is off for San Francisco to LiUday,328-38- 0 It. It. Ave.Don Trinidad Homero is again in the

Kinshuiil.amiP.uys goods only from first lian ils. Ajjent for Wood's Mowers, Advance Sulky lt:.kemetropolis. Order your livery rigs early in the - N. M.determinina the questions of legislative East LftS VCgftSPaul Laughammer. commissioner to day. ofFerguson & ('o.s Machinery, unsurpassed lacilities lor procuring heavy machinery and nil articles iin.-r- -

New Orleans, is íd the city. Hon. Eugenio Romero was at the

vestment. Easv terms guaran-teed

Very desirable business proper-ty, on Sixth street, two storieshigh, 25 feet front; rented toprompt paying tenants. Will besold cheap. Only part cash, bal-ance on time at 10 per cent in-

terest per annum.- -

Capt. lleddleson is again at bis post races yesterday. not usually kept in stock. Orders by mail carefully and promptly attended to.

"Woolen Goods and Overshoes at Cost.of duty at tbe Hut Springs hotel M. Romero rides a bicycle with the R. C. HEI8E,Mrs. Gonzalez, the Hot Springs druggist, is back from a visit to Uiiayruus

greatest of easo.Firemen all look like men who enjoy,

ed good appetites.Thos. Nickerson, tho great railroad On the Plaza.Las Vegas. N. M.THE LEADINU;Fred Hooper made a present of somefine English harness to Mr. Althoff

PALACE PARLOR BARBER SHOPSix young men in a business houseyesterday mado up the stupendous pool Liquor Dealeroi $ l.

rlly.MeoBt Tonmiriiil llarlx r Hhop In tholii-N- t placo tur '"' I work.

king, has gone with his family in aprivate coach to the City of Mexico.

Joe Sanders, of the liquor house ofSimon Sanders & Co., Trinidad, camein last night. He will leave today forLas Vega and take iu the races. Reg-ister. He's here.

Millard Browne, tho lending man ofBrowne, Manzanares & Co., Socorro,goos home today. Ho is grayer thanhe was before he was married, but thereis nothing relative hutween tho twofacts.

The weather clerk regards the LasVegas races with favor. Hopo ho won't

Come and Examine my New and Elegant Line of

GOODS!Ladies' Misses' and Childrens'

Dresses, in Silk, Satin, Cashmere and Brocades.


cnange nis mina.Wo'll bot you'll bet you'd have been

mierierence, iney wero also ignorant.Blind acts, in general, hostile to therailroad companies were discouraged,and at the samo timo a bill preventingdiscrimination against tho home pro-ducts of New Mexico, which can onlybe made profitable by fair local rates,should have been pa.-se-d. The A., T.& S. F. railroad does not need the ex-cess of prolits to be deriyed from dis-crimination to bring iheir percentageup to a very high point. Home in-dustries play a very small part in theregular business.

The report recently mado sets forthvery clearly that tho profits of railroad-ing are less as tbe distance from theMissouri riverincreasos. F'or example,tbo southern Kansas system paid aprofit of $887,394 on gross oaruings of$1,71)2,092, nearly fifty per cent, whilethe Sonora railroad was operated at aloss of $08.000 on gross earnings of$347,000. It is tborefore not just to es-timate upon tbe rales at which a rail-road can afl'ord to do business iu thiscountry by citing figures froia otherparts.

The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe isdivided into four parts.

First, tbo main line and auxilíanos of1,220 miles.

Second, tho southern Kansas system.399 miles.

bettor off if you hadn't bet between nowad tomorrow. Safo bot.

BridiM! Street, Near 1 0TONY CA JAL.

Ludios Klininnoo and Hair dregliifrby


mo uesi peopie oi me territory, in-cluding tbo clergy, were witnesses ofAt the St. ruchólas yesteruay were

KAST IiAS Vl'XJAM.KAlLKOAl AVKNUti,Sack Mull, Baton: J. Hopkins, H. C.Winters, Charles 1 androfl', C. L. l'ears-nia- n

and Mrs. Dolaney, Albuquerque;Matt Calhoun, W. W. Lyman, Watrnus;W. S. Spruce, Lincoln county, NewMexico, and S 1 Urn-Ian- , Denver.

Brick residence property, cor-

ner Main and Seventh streets,fine location, all modern improve-ments. For sale cheap, part ontime, easy payments.

Frame residence and barn, twolots, fenced, desirable part ofcitv. Will be sold on the install-ment plan-Tw-

houses, five rooms eachtwo fine lots, good location. Forsale on tho installment plan.

Two elegant residences, withintwo minutes' walk of the post-office,n- ve

rooms each, all modernimprovements, rented by first-cla- ss

tenants. A rare invest-ment. Will be sold for one-thir- d

cash, balance in monthly

TTOFMEEr and OTHERSthe hose contest yesterday.

F'un begins at 1 o'clock today at tbegrounds. This has been rendereduacossary because of the long program.

Tbo railroad company will run abr tuch up by tbe lair grounds wheu weg-i- t tho punitcn no, we lorget sonio-nin- g.

Santa Fo men declare that thoy feaii bo No. 1 more than No. 2 in today'srace. They suy tbe latter uses up allits wind on tho start, and that theycan't do in 700 feet what they can in 500.

Let tho Las Vegans who take an in-terest lh seeing our hoso boys run, alsobe caruful to take an interest in improv-ing the exchequer of the companies,Tke liremtn do something fer us; don'tforgot to do something for them.

ATTENDING THE RACES, CAN GETThird, thn Sonnrn iralam QVk miU lFourthly, the operation jointly with

the Union Pacific of 103 miles, one-ha- lf

of which is litty-on- e and a half milos.These divisions relate to the workings

Wholesale and Retail.




Imported and Domestic Cigars

II 1of the system. The oporations of the ElId L ill) I iiByil ITcompany cover a fifth division the At-lantic & Pacific which, however, is nointegral part of tho Atchison system,but which the Atchison company, byreason of its half ownership, finds it forits interost to protect.

The capital stock of tho corn n an v

Iliixl Kirke.A fair aud.eucu glinted llio Chicago

comedy company lucí night to witnet.-tb-

performance, of liuzoi Kirke'. Tlii.-i-s

the best pluy jet presented, althoughthe others were nil good. There issomething in the play that appeals tothe heart of everybody, a truo homepicture, blending fun and pathos in away that pluasus all. The stage settingsand costumes added much to the piece.Mr. Graves as Dunstan Kirke was ex-cellent, bis splendid acting at the endof tbo first and third act receivingrounds of well merited applause. Mr.Shaw as Arthur Carringford and Mr.Koso as Squiro Rodney were both wellroceived in their dillVrent parts.

Harry l'lunkett looked l'ittacus (roenlo the dot. Miss Douglass ns HazelKirke addod to her many friends. Herinterview with Lady Carringford in tbosecond act was tbe fiue.m pir-e- of notingwe have seen her do. Miss Gravesmade a lively Dolly Duiton and addedher Kbare to tbe fun of tho evening.The musio was excellent. Takenaltogether, llazol Kirke is the best perforuance we have had in Las Vegas fororne timo.


MENS' WEAR OF EVERY KINDstands at $M,913,250, its debt at $25,-887,0-

(including the land grant bonds)and its surplus at $7,190,478. It hascontingent liabilities of $11,7Ü9,000 onaccount of the Southern Kansas system,

Two residences, three roomseach, well located, three goodlots, fenced, all modern improve-ments. A good bargain.

Lot. 52 feet front on Bridgestreet. Coyeredwith buildings,best business street in the cityFor sal very cheap.


OPERA HOUSE$4,000.000 on account of tho Sonorasystem and $000,000 on account of thoUeaven worth, lopeka and Southernsystem. A total of direct and indirectindebtedness of $13,014,000.

Out of Sorts.'1 went over and looked at that houso

ou Inter-Ocea- n street yesterday, dear,"said Mr. Fullhand to his wife yesterdaymorning at breakfast after he'bad triedin vain to get some response to various

One week commencing

Monday April 21.Graves & Kempton's

Ciago Homero.

Vacant residence lots in themost desirable parts of the cityfor cash or on the installmentplan.

A few business lots for sale onmost excellent terms to partiesdesiring to build thereon.

remarks about the hoso races for theday, "I think the bouse is well located

Today's l'rognun.It is probable that the crowd of pleas-

ure seekers at tho grounds today willbo even larger than that of yesterday.It was there thoroughly proven that thopeople take more interest in swift-foote- d

men than in speedy horses.Yesterday the hoso races inciudod thework of making couplings and gettingready to turu on the water, operationsin which tho slightest accident maylose the race, and it never happens thateverybody is satisfied with theverdict. The speed made in tbe runenters to a small degree only in theresult. It is easy to lose and hard topick up a second in the run, while sev-eral seconds may be lost or gained inuuaccountablo ways when it comes tohandling the hoso. Such things reallybelong to tbe realm of art. Spectatorswho cannot seo everything in a contestof this kind are not satisfied with thesimple announcement of the judges. Arace such as is sot apart for todayis ono in which the ticklish businessof making thread meet thread on awater plug is left out. The contestantswill run their level boat and everybodycan sort the finish. It will be very ex-citing and tho wholo town will turu outto witness it.

This will bo a trial of spoed botweonterritorial hoso companies only astraight away, and the only rule will beto "got there' in the shortest time.

Santa Fe Hoso Co.,Las Vegas No. 1 Hoso Co.,And Las Vegas No. 2 Hose Co.

have been entered for tho contest, andas there is no other team in NewMexico that could beat anyone of themthe result of today's race will decide thechampionship of the territory.

Lato last niq;ht it was planned topick a team from the three other hosecompanies to run the Sopris boys, ofTrinidad, and it is probable this will bodone. Xboa there will be some fan,

and will suit us for all time to eome. Ihave decided actually to spend the restof my days there!" "Well, Mr. Full-hand- ."

replied his wife, her eyes flash-n- g,

"I don't care dos reales whereyou spend the rest of your days, what Iwant to know is where are you going tospend the reslef your nights."

Mr. Fullhand was crushed; he went tothe rasos and bought $5 worth of thatsurething soap, without tbe ten dollarbills in the package.

SILVER BAND AND ORCHESTRAIn a repertoire of the latent eaKtnrn sua-ca-

Entire change of bill each night. Ua

C'oinctly ami Terpsichore.The Chicago Comedy company will

tenight play Joshua Whiicomb, thefavorite, and having seen

them in the pieco we know that Gravesas Josh is a decided success. Tbe oc-casion Willi bo an extraordinary oneaad our people may fcet more for theiraerify in the way of enjoyment Ithanwas ever before offered. Iho visitingfiremen will be present as the guests ofUose company Ne. 1, and it is probablethat all tbe tirutnen in tbe city will bothere. After the play the prizes wonin hose company races will be awarded.Speeches will be made; and then, thofloor having been cloared everybodywill join in the dance to the superbmusic of tbe orchestra of tho ChicagoComedy company who has volunteeredto serve without any extra cost. Surelywe have never had a theatrical com-pany in our city that has treated usmore fairly or given us bettor art uponthe stage, and we should patronize themmore liberally than wo have heretoforedone. The races have claimed muchattention, but with tonight there willundoubtedly be a change. Everybodywill be there, anda grand goedttimewlU be had.

AT LESS THAN C08TBefore Removing to the Ward Block

Simon Lewis' Sons.312 Railroad Avenue,



JOSHUA WHITCOMBAn entertainment and ball comment-orativ- o

of the goodness ot AbrahamLincoln was given by the colored peo-ple at tbe home of Mrs. M. E. Pricelast evening.

We k ave a few desirable residences for rent. Business roomsare scarce.but we always endeav-or to accommodate my'wustom-ers- ,

either by leasing them suchpremises as they desire, or bybuilding for them. Money to loanon approyed real estate security,most of the time. Reliable fireInsurance companies represent-ed. Always hold ourselves personally responsible for all repre-sentations made. Don't fail tocome and consult us when luwant of anything in our line

It is said that a quoon bee lays fromtwo thousand to three thousand eggs intwenty-fou- r hours. Now the El Pasoman that will discover how to graft a

ADMI9310K TJ cents.floscrveil Beata 11.00

Now on sale at the Novelty Emporium, NewTown , aad OiisweU's Prui Swre, Old lews.

queen ote on a nen win make kit eteral íortiae.--- l Paso Times.