and a€¦ · her toresume the name ofmichael, which she bore during widowhood. mrs. weinberg is a...

ONLY A SLIP OF TUE TEN. Dll I write thit I loved yon ? Ah, never I It was only a slip of the pen; lor lovingiii-a- girt ii.. forever, And asking for nothing again; Means souls that life cannot dissever. And -rati)blends In harmony. When Did 1 say that 1 loved you? Ah, never I It wis only a slip of the pen. 1could give yon life's *— «at endeavor, Myself ana my fral ties—lint then Lore moans co much mora! You arc clever, llut you're often mistaken, you men. Did t writ . that I loved you T Ah, never! It was Oft I J a slip of the pen. WHY HANNAH DIDN'T GO. [CO_CC-.1T_.E1..] Miss Brown, the dressmaker, dropped in a little later. "I beerd only just now that you're goin' to York." she said, as if to apologize for not com sooner, "and that you 'rejoin' to get some thing*- for Mis' Downing." ''Ye.-, a dress," Hannah returned, while her mother gave a tremendous " Ahem." "Solheerd. I don't get to York very often myself, and I'm afraid I'm getting a leetle behind the fashions. 1: don't pay, you know, for me to get behind," she simpered. Miss Brow was more noted for her simpers than for the correctness of her styles. "Of course not." "So I made bold to step 'round and ask yon, as you're going to the city anyway, an' will be lookin' at the fashions, to just give a look fur MP." "I shall certain!* study the fashions well for mv own benefit." ••J "can't say exactly how many pattern* *P d like you to buy me." "Ob. you want me to buy patterns do you?" Hannah asked, quickly. She was one of the most obliging girl' in. the world, but this sort of thins was becoming monot- onous. , ... "As long as you re In the city, an goin richt by the. fashion stores, i .'pose it wont be no trouble for you to step in and buy a pattern or so? Yon can net whatever you think i*. pretty—some Racquet, bodies and skirt?, and so on. You can tell better 1 can when you see 'em. You nitwit get about fire dollars* worth. 1 think it'll pay inc. I'lllet you have the money when you know bow much It is, or I'll sew it out." While Hannah was silently making a note of this, Mis. Dobbs, their next neigh- bor, came in. "Pretty neighbor., yon are,' was her greeting. "Pretty neighbors! 'Melie she inst come up from the store. *_._,' sez she, •What do ver think* Hannah Goodrich Is goln_ to the city a-Thursday, a-shoppin', an' i-i going to net Mis' Downing a dress. I wonder if site wouldn't buy me a felt hat? I'm sick an' tin do" Mis' Miller's hats" __ course she would.' _ _ I. 'A pretty neighbor she'd be ef she would:/:. "Whs, certainly," said Hannah, trying to call up a smile. It was only the ghost of mm that responded, however. "What kind of a bat will Amelia want?" ••She. goin' to leave that to your judg- ment, -ometliin' pretty and dressy ami stylish and that'll be becoming to yon." Hannah was dark, with delicate features and very pretty: Amelia was light, with roarse features and homely. •'She _ willing to go as high as *"*-." Mrs. Dobbs went on, ___-, ef you don't have to spend so much she'll lie tickled. Look- ii _ around "a leetle and not taking the fust thine that's offered, you kin sometimes save is much as 50 cents." The school where Hannah vainly strove pa oh day to make the Witham youth learned was some distance from her home and she took her _ incleon with her. She bad just settled down to it the next noon when a delicate, withered-looking, long-ago-comely woman entered the room. Hannah greeted her with her unfailing politeness .against hope, that she had not heard of the intended trip. Mrs. Guion would not sit down. She had ran over only for a moment. Site had just heard that morning that .Miss Goodrich was going m Thursday to the city and warred to km if she -.aid be willing to do the I ast litofan errand there. Would she be so kind? Of ceurse Hannah could not say no. and Mrs. Gui d chose to consider her embar- rassed silence an assent, and to-k from a bag three pieces of silk—blue, yellow and .reen, all peculiar shades. Would Miss Goodrich be so kind as to match them in jenhyrs? She had vainly tried here and in adjacent towns to do so; but then, yon never could get anything outside of the city, _nd you could get everything there. Would Miss Goodrich be so kind as to get a half a pound of each. The very small item of matching three peculiar shades of silk was added to Han- nah* list. She was sewing that evening when Mrs. Clark, the physician's wife, came in. This lady was well off. dressy, but economical and very fussy. All Witham knew that she was hard to please. She would not burden Miss Goodrich for anything, she began, if she could possibly fin time to go herself to the i.y. or if she could gel what she wanted in W'tiHin. She had a piece of brawn plaid which she would like to get matched ; would Miss Goodrich be so kind, as to get the same quality exactly and the same pattern? See? - There* was that fine stripe; did she notice that? It was night three years ago— Mrs. Clark did not remember now whether it was in New York or Philadelphia; she had paid $1 a yard for it and she would like six yard, more. Mrs. Green from the Corners, Mrs. Drake from the .iter. Mr?. Williams from North Witham, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Cole, one aft. r the other, were ushered into the sitting-room and begged to have a piece of goods matched or something big or little bought In the city. Th always knew it would be no trouble for her as lons as she wa<» buying for herself, and not one offered to advance the money for the purchas . After supper on Wednesday evening Han- nah wrote out her list In full. She was studying it, a little amused ani very much vexed, when her mother entered. "Ma, I've been counting up," she said. " Waal?" "The things I am requestod by the neigh- bors to boy amount at a rough guess to SIBO, They would easily fill three trunks, and the work of hunting for them would occupy me at least four days. Not one has offered a cent in advance or the mon**y to pay ex- pressaee. I have just $80 and two days to spend in t— a city." "I told you so—l told you so." "What could I do? I should have offended every one of them if I had put the case to them as it is." "Waal, what air you going to do? You're in for It, you see." "I'm not going— that's what I'll do about it. We'll bay our winter dresses at Blake's, as the rest of Witham will, lor all me. The next time I make up mv mind to go to New York, not a soul in Witham will know It till I am gone. If you please, ma." Mr?. Goodrich did please. When Hannah went, early the next spring, even Mrs. Downing was not told till the last moment, and then it was because Hannah changed ber name to Downing the day she went, and was as pleased as before, of course, to un- dertake any commissions for Jerry's mother. . A. D. S. A VERITABLE SPONGE. Mm. I-.-iclia-l .V. IKi X Even Had to Pay for Her License to Marry. Judge Levy severed the matrimonial re- lations between Itachael Weinberg and I. a- dore Weinberg on the grounds of his deser- tion aud failure to provide, and permitted her toresume the name of Michael, which she bore during widowhood. Mrs. Weinberg is a very young woman, whose second matri- monial venture was a disastrous failure. She was married on March 2, 1891, and her complaint was hied almost to a day one year after. Weinberg, who was stated to be a barber and an expressman, has never con- tributed a nickel to her support. She has had to do this her. elf, with some little help from her mother. She paid for the marriage license, and spent the £40 which she had in bank to pay the rent of ihe rooms in which they spent the honeymoon, and for their living for Swo weeks. Admitted to llie Bar. On presentations of licenses from courts ofMinnesota, New York, New Jersey, lowa, Kentucky and Colorado, Sylvester Kip, L. Barber, M. C. Cleveland, T. B. rierson, W. Rodman and Richard Chittenden have been admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of this State, also the class composed of the following named: Ban F. Smith, J. V. Hannon, Roger _. "Williams, E. M. Hnnnn, E-Carß. Lefebre, F. \V. Wood, Andrew W. Francisco Jr.. J. Z. Tucker. Walter 1.. Koethen, W. 11. Davis, C. K. Holloway, G. A. Williams, Russell W. Heady, Lafayette Gill. William J. Murphy, Henry K. Hfffl. man, Samuel Peterson, John G. Kossiter, W. C. Uatchelier, Lewis J;. Wcrks, J. W. Kemp. THE STOCK MARKET. There was a trifling change for the better .ester- day all along the line. No news beyond the weekly reports or the Bold Hill mines was received timet tho front, and these show nothing of particular Interest On Mm early call the market was steady but Inac- tive, and sales were made in (iphir at f.65. Mexi- can .1 75, Curry $1 35. I .st £ Belcher ,_ 40, Sierra Nevada .1 55 and Coo, Cal. and Va. .1 65. to sal. of 300 shares. In tie middle -lock*! million sold at 70c,*Sorcros« $1 40. i'otosi f 1 15 and Savage $1 40. The south-cud stocks showed no change, and Alt* \u25a0old at 80c, Caledonia 30c, Crown Point 70.-, Ken- tuck 10c. Overman Sj c. Seg. Belcher 30c, and Jacket .1 05. The balance of the list remained stealy but Inac- tive. After the call tliere was ga te a demand for Con. Cal. and Va.,and the price advanced to $1 70 under sales of 1)50 shares. A like ranee occurred In the balance of the north-end _\u25a0*»__ l, and the market closed steady but Inactive at the noon recess. On the 2:30 r. m. call prices ___-—•— unchanged Ml very little trading wa3 done. After the call ther* arts a funher advance In prices, and the board cl •*— at an early hour with the market strong but inactive. NOTES. Silver certificates Mid yesterday at 87 _c and bars BS .fee in New York, and .'l9'._d in Loud »a . An assessment of Sc per share has bt*cu levl.don tin*. Locomotive. i ba Belcher, -tali Con. ami Andoi assessments tali delinquent In '..turd to-day. Three or four men are at work on the I'rlnco claim, about a mile west of Kou;h ami Keaily. which i. owned by Richard l'aii—an of Grass Valley. There 1- a shaft on the claim ah... it '.0 fe In depth, showing a 10-inch ledge, irom which Henry Schroeder extracted ore a few years ago that yielded $27 per ton.—N'evad » Transcript. ihe Virginia Cbroßlele says: Work la the Sntro tunnel is belli? actively prosecuted uuder the super- vision of James Meeban, foreman. Ten men ad- ditional were added to the working force last week. owing to work being resumed last Friday in tho Occidental .in::. which Is now la about 550 feet. Operations -in lie drift were suspended nearly two wee:* ago, until a blower to furnish a free circulation of air to the miners In the .'.rift was put In. The work Is now com- pleted. The blower is run by a wheel 90 feet in diameter, which has been placed In the tunnel 100 feet east of the Occidental drift, which is run by water-power supplied from the dynamos 01 the 1900 level of the ('hollar. It is thought asufttclent circulation of free air can now be supplied; and work in the drift will be actively prosecuted. Two trains of 15 cars each, run by five mules, now mike separately two trips dally in transporting waste rock through the tunnel tioiu the c. .v C. Savage aad Hale _ Korcrosa One night train <f the same Capacity also makes two trips nightly i i the same work. New closed boxes are being laid through the tunnel to carry off the water overflow trom the Yellow Jacket mine. The water is very bot. tiavr.i. a temperature of 130 d. res. .ne following ofl—ia] letters were placed on file yesterday: -avaok—During the week we have boated 620 cars of or, fro ;i the 7.0, 950. 1100 and 1 100levels, and shipped to the Nev: <_ mill 5.5 tons »nd milled 553 ions; averaae battery assay $20. Bullion yield for the week if 7**69. On the 1500 level tie upr.-lse started from the mala north drtt ata pol'tt SO feet north <mr south boundary is advanced feet; top is lv quarts carrying somo fair-grade ore, on the Sutro tunnel level '.tie joint north drift with the (Jon id a Curry company was extended 25 feet, r.i tains its total 3"4 feet: face 15 In porptiry. We are doing the usual amount of prospectin. and repairs on several levels. Beg. 1 :: :<•n- _ J lie raise from the south drift on the lisUO level . eon extended 17 feet an.l is now up 60 ft1 \u25a0:. We exp»ct to connect with tho sev s nth-floor drift Ina .lay or two. .11-,— c—The west drift on the 4—J level was ad- vanced 18 feet during the past week, ssaktaa its total length 759 feet. The face Is still in hard rock. We have finished ta.i ngout the pump column and are boo ma'-iug tome necessary airs to tbo shaft. Cr.o— Point— The south drift from wen cross- cut 1 on lhe 100 level lias been extended 20 feet since last report an. l Is now out li 4 tee*. The face is in a mixture o" porphyry ahd ci.iv. Have stopped this driftaud at a point 30 feet south of the west crosscut started a raise, which i* up 14 feet. The top is in porphyry, with a streak ot quartz tarongli it giving iir assays. .11 HER— The north drift on th. SOO lev— h is been extended 34 feet and is now la 225 feet north of rabe *_, ihe face ls tn a mixture of porphyry and clay. The lortb drift on the seventh floor of the 1300 level .tope is out 34 feet, having sen run 22 feet since last report. The face Is all inquarts of lew gra-i-. Conmilii— Tro Ikpfrui- are still takln_ out some ore from old fillings and small streaks found on the upper levels, wnich is being shipped to tbe Brunswick mill for retlu-tlon. Con. idenc- ami Cham i- v.,i: C'ON-sot.(PATnr>— The joint Confidence and Chal i**n. e west crosscut from the north dr. ft on the 200 level Is out 200 feet, 32 feet tiaviue been mane during the «rook. The face shows porphyry. The joint Confidence aad Challenge raise from tho north drift ci! thn same leval ii ip -_ feet. 18 fe i.ay: .._ been added during tiie wee*.. The top shams quartz, having no value. Are i<till taking out some ore from old fill- ings and small strea.s fi-und on the upper levels, which l. being .hipped to the Brunswick millfor reduction. Kkntccx Cos.— ln th" _•-: crossed on the 160 level have sun* one set i.i the pay i r__ and raised two sets, and connected with the old (topee on this level, which affords us a gnotl circulation of air and will enable us to better prosecute work on this level. * *V HOARD SALES. (Tin; v(re the _ la ttio San Francisco IttccL aril j (Mt-:(i_; : _--—?___ SESSION 9*30 A. V. 100 Alpha 30 100 CPoint....7o'__oPO .1...1.15 350 Alta -" .00 Exehea....3_ 100 »ava_e .. 1.1-16 100 11 A 8...-..U -(ii* <\u25a0 _-<—__-_ 60 -L.O .00 Hodle 45,-50 11 _ N...1.4-. 100 SB* M..HO '.-0 11u1110i1... 70 500 Kent.—.. 10 JOO _Ne. ...1.50 ...i.-na....100 Mexican I. To -OCi.'-V. 4. : ',i;iiu I*. .50 L'niou ..1.43 60 Coufid.,,l'4 100U0b1r....'-.-5 1400 Utah ill) 150 1.70,100 Overran.. .Bsl *__ VJac_ei. 1.05 AITKKXOOX SESSION 2:10. 100 Alpha 30 100,0 A 0...1 .500.._tr 2*4 150 Andes 40 101) II A N..1.4U SOOPotoal. ..1.00 60 Belcbr 85 200 J untie... no 100 ,_va_e..l.4o 500 P * 8..2.4! K. ntUCK..IO 100 Scorploa.. 15 100 8uiw.r...40 300 I.adv _.„l*_ 100 s __: M....35 100 liar. 10.. .00 Mexican, 1.80 100 S Nev.... 100 CP018_....7Ui100 1 _ 300 Otaß 15 850 ( C * V..4.65 500 Nev (J 45 100 .J_._l .1.05 8000 Imp Oo AJO Oocia 20,170 1.10 100 Ci.nfil...l.tO, , _ I Follow Ing were the sales in the Pacific Stock Boari 7ec day: nrr.ri.Aß SESSION'— lOdML 100 Alnha 30 50Ctioilar..l.05 100 Occld 24 200 Ait* 80 100 CCA V....4 ._ .11 )0pnir....'.'.05 150 Andes 40*250 4.5_ 100 . W. 350 IS A H...2.H SOU 4. '10 160 V.7 0 150 '_' _ 10 4*. 100 overin..... 5 200 Hoille 4.1,350 \u0084 4.11 ...'J P0_0_t...1.15 100 8UH10U....70 100 8xcae.....-- io ' Savage.. .l 3/* 100 731100 (* * 0....1 ' - 150 1.40 150 8u1wer. ...44 _00 HA >\u0084 .1. ,100884 M...3'_ 100 Caiedaa....O MO 1.40 100 Nev.... 1175 C 1mp. ...0S SO Julia lc'loo Cni0a...1.45 1000 061*00 500 Ctan 17 300 C Point. ..12. .00 Mexican. 1. TO 100 V._C__l.l.lo 100 71, 50 _l**ii ATTERXOON- SE? —OX - _ :3_. 250 Alpha 100 Caietlna...*_S 200 _le_l.a_l.Bs 100 '_ -Of* ( d011ar.. .1" .00 1—.1.n.. .'_'_ 100 Alia _. 160 J linn .0. 100 20 260 «_ ion. P0int.... 72 ISO (Jpbir ...2"-. 200 Andes 40 100 K-Ctio, 35 lUUO.rmn *-5 300 41 60-. AC. 1.35 ISO 00 -50 42,100 11 _: 2. ... 1 ."\u25a0,, 100 P0t0it... .1.15 •200 8e1cner...... .00 1.45 i 60.... 1.20 150 I'- Jr. C....2.45 250 1.40.200 . . liA 100 8u11i0n. ...7-i iOO-iilla .10 .100 Savage.. .1: . 100 li 100 Kennies.. 11 160SNev . 1.55 300 Jl luoLaUy W. . It iOOSHUI 06 61) CO* V.. 4 ti 50 Mexican. l Hi 400 Utah J. 350 4**. 100 60- _aC«..1.05 30 4.61 | C-.Ol_l_._f QUOTATIONS. Thuksoat, Apr.l 7— 4 P. v. _.(_. -1.-.-! Hid. _!__._ Alpha. on. 30 35 Julia _ e_ j 0 Alt* _ 80 86 •*_*__ so 35 Andes 40 45 Kentucs _. 10 15 I tltner...-. S3 VO Lady Warnings, 16 ao I— Isle IB 20 locomotive .... _ 05 Pen C0n.... 2.00 Mexican 1.80 .85 lest A Ueicuer. 2.46 2 __ oMono «_ *;_ l.odle \u0084 40 45 Navajo _, _o _____ 70 75 Nev .aeon _ so _ l*«n*-er -40 4.'. \u25a0> lielie Ilia _ .6 laledODia 25 SO *\u2666 ( oniiiionwiia __ 30 1 etr.rai o.*- Occidental 15 20 (.halieaje Coo.. 74 80 1 .'.ir .2.76 2.50 ( hollar 1.10 1.16 overman. .3 _ v lommriweaita.. 20 Peer _ 10 * 15 ___. _____ Vir.. 4.70 4.75 ! ..r._i ........ OS 10 1 canoe.... 1.75 jPotosl _.l.__ 1.25 .onImperial... 05 lOfcavago 1.40 1.45 lon>ewVor__ 15 20;_corplon 15 20 (rocKer 00 10M5 a midei i;.. 30 35 Crown Toiat... 70 75 Merrii Nevada.. 1..& l._o Dai -lonto 16 ao SllverKlng co tjist Sierra Nev 05 Sliver Inn 05 10 l-.xeii_._er 35 40 Summit 10 15 Eureka. 2.25 Union Con 1.45 1.50 (iould a Curry. 1.40 1.46 1.-D... 20 25 .rind Prize 10 lb .v.i.iou _. 05 10 hale _._> 1.40 1.45 V ____\u25a0_ 1.05 1.10 MIBCE_.LAM.OU!- _.E<:__ITIE.. Tnnis_.v, April 7—2 p. •_. _?'_. ______ _._. ______ 0. __-__...lISV_ 'Oakland Qai.. 371/, p*t.. (al-st 'oliiltlO:. 4 Pac _____\u25a0 __ 80 81 CntaCoWßda. 98 ..101 _ l_.i_c_,l-___. 80 liunnt-st lids. 145 ISO *0 r daaiiatit.. __*_ (--9 hu. ex-coup 91 .{* :_tu ton a. _. 30 _ACil_el.rU.loo' .llo _____ R It..__ll« 11. _l_PKKi— a... eO'ttlOOV* P* C llie Ky 36. 40 MM— Hay. _ ______\u25a0 K. 11. 105 M- Coaßtitlt. lO.''/. NI'AMKK. 60 78 _>P Hl', ___\u0084 110.4112.4 Ouii*.lt*i_. Kit. _ _i MtyolCalßdillO iPrecl.!. X I__ 2. •_» (.niniOUECrSd. 11 3 An_!o>evAA 1.8 l'_OKß_«i4..n;i^ __ California lot 98 1 -ACliKyltiij. .5 Conimere* Una 92_ lowl-KyUd. ilO'/_ Firemaa'i td. 170 _l_tKArl_K_iO'_i/_ Home Mutual. 187 _ fcl'KltCalßds.ll3 113 State InvMtra 83 86 .lKr.-al-.__. 97 100 Atlantic Pow. 45 40 *-.l_rlt_ali'i__!os cal lewder.. l<*b Water o'§„ 11 .i^iao (ilattt Powdar 49"4 64 bVWator4'a.. - 91 t-aftyMtPow. Hi/* 9 _ AnsloCalßn— 75 Vi»om Pow.. 'i _v_ Dank of Cat.. 370 Vnieaa Pow.. 12 tal Safe _»• 46 lidkinaCMO 10 30 I lr_.Nat___l.l76 18- V_ ( 'uiionM(3 42 40 LPAAmlianx.l l9 (_jEleo _____ 15*/_ 15._ LABPBaaz. 36 Vi 38 |Cai Eiec waa 3 4*,. Paclflc Hank.. 170 iiaw'n (-.,.. 4 4 */« Mercti i.i One 15 21 E_M_- ._•___ 4'A 0 _ Contra... W. 99*.i101 > . . udi'nM'lcU. 17 21 MannCoW.. 48 60 Oceanic » 8.. BttVa 63 _ >*"**•«..- »» l 4 99 .'a'pac Bii *U.» 94 - -Bluei_ak_M W. 20 IpaclnANalL .:'._ CatiUaiUai. .. 00 100 ii*acWooaa<r« no M'llMNtl MUM Boarl-50 S V Water, 99_; SO Ha*naltnn Com. merclal. 37- *. 80 S P Uasllgtit, 68U; 26 Cal Elec- tric Light. !,.*:. -treet-»800. SV 6% P,ontl_i. 118'/j. -IlKHSllllVN-1.--V Board-100 \u25a0 V Water, 991/3. I Polyphonic Club. The first concert by the Poly phonl_ Club will be given on the Gth of next May, and the programme will contain a concerto by J. S. Bach for three pianofortes and strings, some choral work by Arcadelt and Wagner, besides other selections by Scarlatti, Mo- zart, Schumann, Chopin, Verdi, Bat and Moszkowski. A I Iff, III! Held. Timothy Shea, who was arrested at Mer- ced a few days since, was ordered held yes- terday by Commissioner Sawyer to answer before the Giaud Jury. ALONG SEA AND SHORE. Tiie Cruiser .more Crowded With Visitors. Another Lively Fcrap on the Water Front. The St. Paul Departs for O.nalaaka. The Champlaia Due. A fisticuff match "for money and blood," not billed by the local athletic clubs, was interrupted by tho police yesterday just as tho contestants had fairly warmed up to their work. The affair was arranged be- tween two firemen on the Australia, who had a little question of honor that could be settled in no other way. In tho ordinary run of fistic combats the affair would have been declared a five-round go. but the com- batants did not want even the 10- second in- tervals. It was give and take, bang, smash, knock down and get up again until the police appeared. Then the principals and seconds took to their heels, and honor was declared satisfied. The puncipais would not have been recognized by their own mothers, and looked as if they had been put through the rai_!earer of a paper-mill. The steamer St. Paul, one of the supply vessels of the Alaska Commercial Company, left for Oonolaska and Bering Sea points yesterday, with 54 passengers on board, chiefly employes of the company and their wives. The vessel will return in about GO day-. The tug Fearless is due back from the Columbia River to-day. The cruiser Baltimore was fairly besieged by visitors yesterday. Three tugs, the Mil- lie, Ethel and Marion and Annie, made fre- quent trips from Clay-street wharf. Trio tugs were not allowed alongside the cruiser, but transferred their passengers to small boats. It i-> understood that to accommo- date those desiring to inspect the vessel the departure for Sau Diego will be delayed till Sunday. In tne meantime the lialtiniore will remain off Folsom- street wharf, being the first time that a warship has been lo- cated in this position. A IU All IKK LOOSK. Among the odd incidents of yesterday was the breaking loose of a tame bear which a local politician had caused to be paraded on Washington-street wharf with a basketful of political dodgers. The beat espied a pen of porker?, and, preferring pork to politics, essayed to seek admission to the pen. Three of the pig* jumped in the bay and were picked out by the boatmen. The steamer Corona arrived yesterday from San Diego and way ports. Captain ll— denies that McLaren, the shipping agent of tiie Sailors' Union, was put in irons. The only precaution taken was to lock up the non-union crew at every port touched by the steamer and to give the union men the slip at RedoadO. Just be- fore reaching San Pedro the pas-senders were confined to their cabins. Chief Jus- tices Ueatty, Patterson and Garoutte were of the number and approved the captain's actions. S. A. Smith, the freight clerk of the Santa Ilosa, who became suddenly insane a few days ago, is rapidly recovering. It 1- be- lieved the brain trouble was purely a tem- porary affair due to rupture of a small blood vessel. John B. Griffith, who tried to get away from tho whaler Northern Light by avow- ing himself one of the Pixley train-robber., Is out, with 0 letter admitting his fraud and declaring that he will be back hero on Juno 15. He will be lucky if be arrives here be- fore Cliristmas. The steamer Lucy Low has been burned at Anacortes and will prove a total loss. Among the arrivals yesterday were the steamers Point Arena from Mendocino. State of California from Portland, Gipsy from Santa Cruz, Cosmopolls from llu-*ii- eme. Greenwood from Point Arena. Alca- zar from Greenwood and _las_ie 1.0--i from Coos Pay. 'I!.*- departures were the steamer Colum- bia for Astoria, the schooner Nettie Low for Point Reyes, tho bark Gatherer for Ta- coma, the steamer Eureka for Wilmington and ttie steamer Caspar for Caspar. REMOVALS. Among the removals were the hark Fair- chiid from Howard street to sea, the bark Uundaleer from Alameda to Howard street, the ship Slieve IJawne Iron Spear street to Washington, the ship Fort George from stream to sea, the lark Seattle* from Oak- land creek to Beah_ street, the barkentitie Discovery from the sugar refinery to Mis- sion street, and the Corona from the sea- wall to Broadway. The French frigate Champlaln, which left San Diego on Wednesday, is expected here to-day. The weather at Point Lobos was calm and hazy; wind eia'it mile- an hour. The Gill, ran effigy was still lying on the street at Davis and Washington yesterday, but a load of paving-stones has" been laid along both sides and local residents regard their work as accomplished. Many complaints were made by visitors to the Baltimore yesterday that they were not allowed below the spar-deck. A sentry was placed at every hatch and the rule was rigidly enforced. There was a strong feel- ing that as the vessel belongs to the uatiou and the taxpayers the restriction savored entirely too much of quarter-deck aud red tape. . AMATEUR TROTTERS. How I). 11. Sevrell Lost 930 on a Mv- ni«l pal Home. An interesting little case was up before Justice of the Peace Low yesterday and re- suited in a judgment for the defendant on the theory that tho court couid not enter into the details of a thing forbidden by law. The case was that of Daniel It. Sowell against J. J. Lyons to recover _—» deposited In his care on February 13. The litigants are employes In the School Department, nnd some one having made the remark that the horse which Newell drove was a "_kat(i" he wagered .3. against $20 of a fellow-employe named Carr that hit hone "Jim" could bent a certain ether horse of the department named "Bob." The race was to be for one mile, trotting, on the sn.-dttack at the park. Lyons was the stakeholder. The race took place on the following day and "'Jim" was heat .1. Sewell had his douhts at the time the race was run that the other horse was "Boh," the horse in the race having been mo use- col and "Hob" being a bay. He so insisted on the trial, but the stakeholder and his witnesses claim—l that It Was tint intended to have been a race between "Jim" and "Bob." but between "Jim" and a horse, and that such race was run, and bewell's "dim, with a a record of _*27, and his "dough," were "not in it." A _____>*•_—___! Society. The Hellenic Mutual Benevolent Society, which has lain dormant for many years, v. us reorganized last night through the efforts of the newly appointed Consul of Greece for California, the Hon. D. G. Camailnos. At 8 o'clock, the leading Greek merchants and the clergy of the Greek-Russian Church met at the office of tho Consul, and pro- ceeded to the election of a board of trustees for the year 1 .»_. Consul Camarinos first stated the object of the meeting, and explained the necessity for coming to the support of the society. Rev. Father Kallinlkoa, Rev. Father Am- bros'.os and A. D. Splivalo mad. patriotic addresses, at the conclusion of which the members proceeded to the election of trus- tees. The election resulted In the selection of the following Gentlemen i I). G. Camarinoj, if. Vast-Ufa, Pftotis Vrelto«, N. D_miana- kis, A. Kosta, C. Cosmas, Dionisius Bast as, John Martin, John Catechl, George Nic- olaus, C. I'.mitracopulos, to hold office until the fir . YVedne. day in April, 1693. The board then organized by electing Consul I). G. Camarinos president, P. Vrcitog vice-president, N. Damianakis treasurer and Mitchell .unvalis secretary. The Right Key. Dr. Nicolaus, Bishop of Alaska and California, was unanimously elected honorary president and member of the society. Consul Camarinos afterward entertained all present. ___*__ Licensed to Marry. Licenses to marry were Issued to: Frank M. Casey and Reta I). Vasquez. 22-19. Kaflaello I'.ilj a_. and Maria t'anar. . 30—21. Charles W. l'lckatd and May «'. Crum, 21—-it). 1...17.1 A. Hawaii i..l Maty A.H..z.11,_l iy. Herman Jacob and Uuisle Kciiueel>cr_.r. 37-22. ** ' Andrew McDonald and Julia Kane. 23—17. Joel 1.. Black aud 0clavu Crlglcr, 23—31. William U. Au_u_tluy auo Annie Lynch, 22-24. * Jean I*. Couallliardon and Fiaucai_e Luquet. 27-18. A .1 itiu-i. -i- in A nil. Thomas I'aquiu, a Canadian Postmaster, under arrest in this city at the instance of the Canadian Government for irregularities In office, obtained an order for a writ of habeas corpus yesterday, which will bo Heard before .Judge Troutt to-morrow. '•**•. _...r- ' \u0084..t In. the Finger. "While under the influence of liquor, Mrs. Minnie Clark, a woman of bad character who lives on Second street, went to the Re- ceiving Hospital yesterday to be treated for a bullet wound in the third tin. er of tho left hand. After relieving heiseil uf con- shlerable vulgar language, she declared that She li .(J been shot by one David Maroney. The toman lias served a ten. in the House of Correction, and is known as "Scissor ." owing to her chant for u>iug that house- hold implement ns a deadly weapon. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Thomas 11. (luff and wire to David WooS-ST, lot on line of Pulton -reel. 115 AY of Webster, Vf 22:0 by M 80; f 10. J. (I. Owlcs ami wire to J. and M. K. Kountree. lot on X line of lievisatiero street, 32:6 S of Waller. *. _*> by X 110:3: 110. (' \u25a0 melius D. o'ilara and wife to Charles S. Har- ney, lot on B Hue of Page street, (JO *_ or Lyon. \u25a0 23 by _ 100: .10. Mtlo Hoadley to Charles 11. Hoadley. lot com- mencing 137:6 N* of Bush street an.l 100 W of Lyon. N 87by W •_-: gift. C. D. Salfielil and wife to James Plsher. lot on N line of Fell street, 178:15 E of Ashburv, E £»_ by N 137:«: $10. T. P. Woodward and wire to John (*.. Barker and Jeremiah a. Deneen, lot on N* line of Clay street 110:7V. Vf of Walnut, W _6:lui.. by N 1 •_> 7- - 1 . .3500. John A. Whelan and wife to Addle L, liglls, lot on E line of Ma ionic avenue, 215 8 of Waller street. S*_4 by E 150; . .<». William V. Co— lol to Elizabeth Han ncr in an, lot onE line of Twentieth street, 163 W of Howard. Vf .2 by M 100; $10. B. D, Hues and wife to Louis Landler, lot on S lino or Twenty-seventh street, 160 W of Sanchez. Vf 85 by 8 114; $K». Estate of John Dundon to John I.eanan, lot on N W line of atom a sties!, 175 Nfcl of beveuth, NE 23 by NW 7.: $5000. John, El'en ami Catherine Dundon, same, same: $10. Hannah Keeslng to (',. T. Knopf, lot on E line of Hampshire street, 91:6 n a. Twentieth, N 100 by E 100; $10 Joseph, Edward and Robert V. Heaney and Mary M. Schradcr to John and Mary l_ Ueaney, lot on E line of Twenty avenue, 150 > of I'oint Lobos. N 25 by X 120*. $1110. Alfred J. Rich to Citric. Heslln, lot on Kline of 1 « ii i , second avenue, 200 Nof C street NSO by E 120: $10. Jacob Heyiaas ami wife to Joseph Y. lot on Vf line ol Twenty-eighth avenue, 27- s or J street, ** SS by W 120; if 10. Jacob Hey11 an and wife to Solomon J. Levy, lot on X 111 of I'ourieenth avenue, 1.15 Sof J street, s 100 by X I*2o,quitclaim deed; $10. yii'a .May no to Lizzie .1 Coifaa. lot on W line of Thirty-seventh avenue, 273 N of Q street N 25 by W 120; $10. Wendell E.iston an.l wife to til Nola. lot on E line of Forty-seventh avenue, 175 N _ U street. N 50 by 1- 120; $10. Wendell Eaatoo and Wife to Mary D. Martin, lot on B line of Fort v-siv '•;1 1 avenue, 123 N of L street, N 00 by E 1V0; $10. Mary LeweUla to Martha H. Smith, lots 437. 139. 441. wirt .Map 1: $200. B. E. Arnold (by Sheriff ; to Rather Banking Com- pany. tots 1764 to 1787. Gift Map 4; also lot 28. block 07, lot 40, black S2, Tide Lands granted to Duuphy et al.: tOW I O. Mel. arty and wife to Louts Lander, lot on E line or S'.ani an street, 60 _. or ltivoll avenue, N 25 by I 100: $10. . . C. Carlsen to A. M Speck, all Interest In lot 2, fractional block 30. Paul Tract Homestead: .10. Oliver 11. Mai tin to Conrad (trees, lot on SW line of IT' let nth avenue. Mouth Sau Francisco, 75 \of 1. street. SiW 50 in OS) 100. block 308. BooSb San rancUCO Homestead and llallr-al Association: Si". Robert Morrison ami wife to Oliver B. Martin, same; $100. John \\. Koon to San Francisco Collateral L _ n Bank. lot 30, block 45. City Land Association; $10. Mr*.A. I', aii'l Albert P. Mordannt to a. J. and Ellen A. Fish, lots 14 and 15. block 6.1, City La 1 Association; $10. Ai.ts EDA sty. William _, Law ami wire to c. B. rnnkiln fwlfa of 11. L),1. 1 on N fine of Kleventh street. 100 Vf from Want, a 35 by _. 100, Oakland: 10. B.Jordan i.Frederick 1. Jordan, lot .m X side of Weal street, 10S s of Twenty-sixtn, _,' \u25a0_; \u0084 *_ 00. quitclaim deed, Oakland*. $1. Itobort li. Lapp to Nellie Y. Tapn, by decree ot court hereof awards to *•— Hie F. T.pp, lot on W Hue of Ma_nolia street, 126 n of twenty .second, w 133:4 i.v V 60; also undivided one-half Interest c. lot on.NW corner of Twenty-second ami Onion street', N 100 by W 1"0 Oakland; . A. It. Fitch to (ieorge L. Fltcn. lots 19 to '22. ri---.ili.ii— skin block 73, North Addition ol Brook- -1 a, Raai Oakland; $5. : _. . i-iniit-l A. Moore to Patr'ck Cahill, lot 25, block «, .lanes Tract, Berkeley; $10 Ida Haass (wife ot Charles) to Victor J. Hoff- mann, lot on S. line of Kiutual avenue. 200 W of Walnut street. "»v safe] B 140. Alameda: $10. I'.ertraud limine to I't-ter Bartbe. undivided half iiit-r-.i In lot I,block A, map block A. N' addition to I ivermore. Murray Township: $150. Jonathan It. Talcott and wife *.\u25a0\u25a0 Newton M. Fay, lot on BK line of High street. A 1.10 NE from S b vi—t plot 7la partition of Boswoll vs. Stevens. NX 100. SK 153.6. SW 97.-5, SW 167. Brooklyn Township; .10.- QeorxeJ. ('...->• to Arthur lakeraler, lot on N' line of Kigiub street, 100 E of Filbert. ESO by N 95, Oakland; also lot on Nline of Kigbth street. 95 a of Myrtle, W 30 I.v N 100. Oaklaml; also property In San Fran* isco; 77*.. William Mastlaand wife to —me. .me; $775. w. i_ liaraard anil wife to Jean .1. liaurlac, lot on N line of Seventeenth street, 210 ***> or >>.-.-. Vf 50 by **• 10.1:'— also all Interest la strip 5x10.', adjoin- ing.Oakland: $.0. James T.Hill and wire to Edward Krl-bie. lot on N corner of Nin entb avenue and Kast Twenty- second street, M l 200 by ME 140, East Oakland; -.4(100. K. A.' n and wife to .1. 11. Mi-rrn-iiiey. lot 16, block A. Teachers' Tract, quitclaim tie— l, Oak- land I owusblp: . .1. 1. T.11 Pal»or and wife t.i Timothy J. Donelln, lots 3 and 4. Woe* A, .*» el) urban Tract, Berkeley ; *10. 1. S. Sherman to Mr. S.iraUllWal 1 , lot 12, block 11, _\u25a0 rll tvale Tract, Brooklyn Township: *?5. William N. Holway and wife t.i William Vf. Mr Kee. lots 12 and 13, 1'ortlaud i'ark, Brooklyn Town- -blp; 3:00. Patrick Y. siv-jnetn David Boss, undivided hall interest In lots 11 to 14. com— map Electric Heights Tract, BrooklynTownship; $10. K. a. Itautllett and wife to Joseph A. Leonard Company, lot on SE corner of Ballroad avenue and Che.tnut street. s 50 by _ 150. Alameda; $10. Vf. Van 81 klen and wile to A C. Anderson, lot on v line of Cement avenue, 189 v. of Stan- ford street, a 18 *< by N 127:0. ilsmsdi. $10. .1. 11 BtrobrMgo to Daniel (.'hrlshi lvi ami James 11. lair. t. undivided bail Interest In lot on mv corner A and . Irst sta., Bl : _•.». 1 by SW 100. liay- Wards, llden township: grunt. Bask of Livermore to Horentln.. Teres, lots 10 and 11, Mock 31, addition No. 3to Llveriiiere. -i: lots 1 1... 1 15. block 71, south addition to Liver- more. Murray Township; $650. Plorentlua Peres to 11. (ioi_ ales, same; $5. HOTEL ARRIVALS. PALACE HOTEL- DG Dim.M 4 w. N V iKParuck.NT F Gilbert A w. \. Is II Anderson. 80. ton It M Doyle, U S N C Sweeney, Idaho Mrs It M Doyle. N V Mr Cadwalader A w. Red t. 11 Thoinss, Reno 1 B'.ufT Mrs S It Gates, Oakland 111 White. Ohio Mrs A T lleulck, Oakland iTC rem is. unlo J B Wattles A w. Mill I"B Terrls, Roston Brook Farm JW II lilxon A w. St Paul C II < i"»i'il leandro W E Wilson _ w.Los Aug .1 Rot -en. Sacramento iD M__iaa a». (ii B W Rollins ._ *», Deuver.w it I' ... Sonoma M Rutin N V Mr*. D Walter. Boston Miss \u25a0 Du— ad. England C II Mc Kenny, h A dt, J Goodman, Mont I 1 tott W T Howard. UM JJ Rmerv. N V J II Lover, Sacramento IMrPendleton A w, Ohio Miss VI tell.Newiirleans _ I' Rogers, Portland i— —"ii, Ky Mrs - »_ Spring, Maine Miss Alrzauder, n y r Wheeler ._ » -ilea r B Harvey, Baltimore Mrs F B Rice, II Paul Tl. Moon *w. . . Raul 1 Turnkuli, st Paul Miss c Bishop. Chicago wll (.ray. Mala 1 II C Jii'l'l _ «. Conn Mrs D Preston. Michigan L F Graham, San .lose I LNewell A w. (i.bkosh W D Take] I _, .Nevada ' Godfrey, England O II I.Gray, . resno 111 W'ottan, England BO Parker. Boston . J Barney, Batte D Br _ ;i,Chlcsgo M -- C '.agen. Cat .1 A Moore, Huff.lo [LNesrali * ar, Mass M a* E Lane. Sacramento vii- . J Iveson. Lynn 11 I.Stone, Chicago Ml.s X C Ives. m Lynn Mrs .1 S Battlef, Mass Mrs English. Denver Miss M D Bartiett, Mass J D Beat A wf, Denver .1 W Alloa, Roston I A II p..rt»-rAwr. Brooklyn Mrs C 8 Da Tit,Mass Miss Porter. Rrooxlyn A Calderon, Ml Vl-w Miss G Porter. Brooklyn Mde VrnsA wf. Stocktn Mrs R A Wood. Brooklyn 1* R ir. it. Stockton ! Mrs.)B*-heppartl, Chicago Mrs W.J I'eall. California . II i'atri.-k. Los Angeles C A ilolTtieimer, Ohio M B Wells. Washington I* Moiey 0 wf.l'ortland 11 Oris. WA*hlu_tou D L Molt, New York i.M Bum. Calif(M 11 Mrs E II Molt. New York H L Be:.- St Paul Miss Meet, New York PI >A heeler dt wf, NT MrsJWßurnbain.StsCrnz .11 McKlnnle. Ohio E E lilrcbman A wf. Cai'R A YValm.slj. Liverpool X W English, Denver INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. T Gils-nan. San Diego C E Roundey, Otic.— J Ilioinst. St Louts J Williams. U S *. a Swansea. c s n J D Davidson, Monterey I**.*.. llt-laml. 0 \u25a0 \ W Maytleld. Denver 11 J Vlekarsaa, San Jose C R taaitineyer, Denver 11 Seeukutf, DS N >i Bal-trr. Salt . .... J ..ins. Dayton N Noyle, Imi Rafael J ItKiiiii'tt a w, lowa R Vtttmy. Astoria A E Westcrbeml. Cal A Wi>sei. Portland A S Allrlght. Watsonvllie MC Reynolds. f.odt M ItMiller. Menlo I'ark iW Watson _ w, Detroit D s Hackle.-, Hatrran J Robinson, Watsonvllie J B Miller, Stockton D Kowland, Ho. ton Miss Stiuinan, Fresno S Barton, Stockton A(' i.rl 'i, Providence P J Lucas. I'S S II Han, in**'. Petaluma O Baker. Portland LM Gliihain, Merrod J N Menmy. Astoria o II Simpson. Merced B J Map-tun & w, 111 (' Quliit.tne. Merced <" 0 McCray. Miss N Even, Modesto' O MSimpson. Merced A l.ukeraaker. Tex N Evens, Merced A Lawseu, M V L li Quigi.y. Centervllle NEW WESTERN HOTEL, .1 Daaforrtfe, Marysvlllo J duff. Merced .1 II Wheeler, Tennessee 0 Deiahunty, Merced v. II Haitian, Barbara, B Randall *wr Ogden It D Hind * wf, Cal II Oldenburg, California _ Klein, California I. Foster. load WV i bonus.. n, Lo. Ang B lUrri_a.i, California VT Wilson, Tennessee T .1Ryan. San Jose Ml«s L Silvia, Fresno LRoscoe, San .lose V Kreal. California I Maltlatid, Seattle J Harris. California X Potter. California C Cochran, Sausailto (I W Dolan. California It Jones. California J T Erwln, Cortland LWheeler. Grass Valley B Foreman, California S Martin. Calirornla _ Lewis, California Slt Mitchell. California F Samueltoo Fresno J Smith, California OClarke, California Clark* 11.*- It. covered. George Clarke, the young English carpen- ter, who fell a distance of 50 feet from a building on Fourth street on February 10 and fractured his skull, has entirely recov- ered from the effects of his injuil. s. After lie fell from the building he did not remem- ber anything until he became convalescent. A 111 111 m I',. \u0084,,,.,1 . Torso-is residing In the vicinity of nafght and Devisadero streets have been annoyed by some one who seems to take special de- light in poisoning dog., monkeys and pet cats. A reward lias mm offered for the arrest and conviction of the poisoner COMMERCIAL RECORD. Thursday Evf.m.vo. April 7. il' .00 Or THE MARKET*. Wheat dull. Another rally la Barley. Oats steady. Corn firmlyheld. Bye —nil. Ilay and Beans unchanged. New Potatoes lower. Onions dull. Butter and Chcrs. weak. hi,.. firm but dull. Poultry st. ll scarce. Hare decline. l. Mr.iwbeiries lower, Citrus Fruits unchanged. Eastern l.lnseetl OU higher. ><•» York Exchange lower. _ liver weaker. _-ii_-»- Market. LivKHroo u April 7.—Tho spot market Is dull at 7s sd. Cargoes are steady at 35s 6d for off coast, 35s 6d fur just shipped and 35s (idfor nearly due. nrrnm The TrDdnce Exchange cable gives the following Liverpool quotations: April.. 7s d; M.v. 7s Ml June, 7s l.d; July, 7s Id; August, 7s 1__d; September, 7s Id. BF—CBITIB— London. April 7.—Consols. *.'s: Silver, 3.".. 1: Hcnles, 9tff 87. Ac; Bullion Into Bank of England. 131,000. Now York .Market*. NEW Yokk. April 7.—Activity in the general list increased In the at— market to-day, and while further progress was mad.- toward higher prices there was also a belter distribution of busi- _«_, Realizations late in the afternoon, however, wiped out the morning gains, whilo there we*_ some losses at the close. Northern Pacific Pre- ferred ls down li. Cordage ls up the same. Petroleum, May, closed at s(Jt. c. Government*, dull aud firm. New Yokk, April 7.— l'nited States Bunds. 4's lv.i. do. •_'- 100: Northern I'acitic. 21%: Caua- dian Facile. I— >: Ceutral lat il:c. Sl *»: mmi I_- cltic. 40: Alcbisun and Santa he. 38: wells- largo, 143: Western lulon. be. _; Silver, *_.-0 > ; Sterling. .4 bltfit oS" Wheat April. __\u25a0«*. Flour, steady. Coffee. 12 00. sugar. 2 •\u25a0_*/•.. >*;,_. Hops— Pacinc Coast. 25_) '_.__. Tildes. I—. Copper— Lake.. -1175. Tin- Spot, a*.*. .5 Lead— Domestic. .4 2'_»/_. iron— Petroleum, May, __•'•„_. jiors. Hops are active, higher and strong a: an advance. A moderate-sized lot el medium Pacifies MM at __ ._<\u25a0; Faclfics, '91. choice. -*\u25a0(*-. c. Germany and Loudon are stronger. CANNED mriT. In California Canned Frnits Standard Apricots sell at 91 45; second . do, fl30; mm. Cling Peaches, .ISO; Yellow Crawtords, .1 70; White Cherries, .220; Pears. 6- (JO lor spot and to ar- rive. SCGAH an TOFFEE. Sugar— Haw Is fairly active and unchanged; re- fined, firm and uncb.i_g.tL Cotfeee— Unactive at a decline of 10.2."i points; sales, 1 .00 bag*.; April, fl2 60; May, ft. _ . , June, f 12. Cliic.i{_o .Market Chicago, April 7. .Wheat was active and stronger and opened _.*s*. -\u25a0 higher, advanced l.i (_jl''.'uC on speculative buying, light offerings and «hort . covering. eased it -'_'. '»c a:. finally closed firm at l".s_)iV.c hlgner than yesterday. Bye. 75f. Barley, 55_)56c. .-eipts of Wheat, 29.000 ii els; talpments, US. OOO bushels. (hi. a..... April 7.—Wheat— Cash. SO.y.c. Corn— 40*._«\ _Bffk— f!o 07',. Lard-$. 17_. Ribs— «\u25a0_ 22 _. WM..)- .1 13. Portland*! Business. Portlanp. Or., April 7.—Clearances. \u2666327.000; lalacce., .31,009. Exchange ami Itulllon. Sterling Exchange. 60 days ... 487 __ Sterling Exchange, sight 4 90 tleriiag Exchange, cable 4 90 14 New York Exchange, fight 20 New York Kxchange. telegraphic... 25 Floe Silver ~f\ ounce 85*.*. Ss_ ! Mexican Dollars - 69. _ 70 Sliippins: Note*. Steamers to sail to-day are tbe Eureka for i Sau Pedro and the Gipsy for the Salinas River. The schooner American Girt, 211 to- . loads Cannery Supplies for Ala.*. i; brig Sea Waif, _t_u tons. Merchandise for Central America; sh'p Waenu.rit, 1519 tuns. Coal at Nanaluio for this port or San l'edro.' Produce Market. FLOUR—Net cash prices are: Family extras. »*»_! 6 15*. bl.l : Bakers' extras, ft . 1 .... : city superfine, fit *_o_l3 4... i:. '.trior brands. ft75415 15 tor ex. tras. f 3 20_i_ 45 V bill for superfine. WHEAT—The market coot naes in the same con- dition, being neglected, weak and nominal. No. 1, 91 50 * Ctl; choice, 91 51 _)t s_' _ : lower grade . 91 47V.'-. 1 4.**_: extra choice Tor milling, fl 55@ \u25a0_.! .0 V ctl. CM. nOABD SALES . IsroRU(L Session- 10 o'clock— Buyer season— 1300. 5.0. : 1000.91 53V.. Kitiri.AtiMornino si s— Buyer season— 400. 81 52..: 200. *1 83: 100. *. 1 53 ... Seller ' 92— 100. .1 .(*.\u25a0_: 500, f 1 38i _. A>Tr.RN(>oN S_i— iok - Buyer season 200, 91 6-'_: 300. fl 5'C _; 400. fl KM. Seller *92— 8_ _.: '-00. 91 K. : 6.0. fl -'.• ' 4 . BABi.EV— There were no sales on the Informal session yesterday in'rnl ... and this apathy in futures gave tbe sample market a weak appearance. Dealers were moro disposed to let go ami only asked fl 05 for t lie finest samples of Feed. But there was a sudden rally in the regular session, however. The bulls again to<k charge and ran buyer season up to f110. a clean advance qt 4 I ._. \u25a0 from the opening figure, under large sales. This of course gave renewed siren, to ti.e*sample mar- ket. >_. 1 Peed is quotable at f l 05 _. ctl; choice, bright do. fl07 _ f ctl; dark (oast, fl.tal 02i._; Brewing, fl 10@l 1. Vi: Chevalier n.niliiai. T.i I, BOARD *••.!.r-t No sales on tbe Informal session. Keoi- i ah Morn im.Si amtom—ttmymt season— too. tlO.Vj. i_o.tiu.--_. 100. tlo_-*i: 200. floe, 00. fl (l«_.. 100, tl 061*,; 100. fl o*.< 4 . 1100. tl 07: 100, tl 07' 4; 100. fl07** 100. .1 07*«: 400, flOS. 100, .1 OH,*: 3.0, OS'-. : *_00, tl MH: i"' $1 *.. »00, .1 09: 100, tl oiu_: 1300. »1 10. 100, .10... Heller ' 9.-100. BS'._.; 100, 88. _c. Akthhnoon SriMi on Buyer season 200, fl lOH: *_00. $1 10.4; -00. tl 10; 100, tl OO.i; 400. fl00... Seller <*-'- 100. S3._c; 100, 8.s 4 e; 100. tsO.Vic: 600. 8»' 4 c. OATS—Prlcei show no further change. White are at . 1 ttmft 4.0 4* ctl for good to choice, fl ___ lor extra choice and .1 25(^1 30 lor com- mon to fairs Surprise, fI SO® I 80: Cray, f 1 2.4*. 1 30 V ctl. CORN— Firmly held at Sl 27V. . 1 M for both Large in Small Round Yellow, with sales of both at ti SO _• .tl: White. .1 __\u25a0 . ft] 17' _ _". ctl. It*! l_ Dull _t .1 &o£l s*> ft ctl. BRAN—Firm at fl.-.'. 7 50 V ton for the best and flO 60 for outside brands. MIUDL.INiiS-t_-int.-tlat fltl50-20 0} ton. CHOPPED Pht-.ligu.if_ at t.i* .o_.'_'_ 60 f. ton. HAY-Stesdy. Quotable at tl2<_ 15 for "Wheat, til £19 for Oat, f 11 60 _) 1350 for Wheat and Oat, » I i-,_ 13 for Wild Oat. . _._._. 60 tor Barley. ..<_. 11 lor Alfaira, fHt-'.O for slock. SI RAW -Quoted at ._..—. ? bale. MILI.-TC- f*->— Oroumt and Roiled Rarley quoted at *_'_-_—:* V ton. The mills sell oilcake Meal at $.3 *<. ton net: Bye Plour. M V If'; Rye Meal. 3_c; Graham Plour. BVhOi Oatmeal. 4 ,_c; Oat Croat*. Be; Cracked Wheat, 4c: Ruckwncat Plour, sc; Pearl Barley. 4./^4'*_c "9, I*o. SEEDS— Yellow Mustard are quotable st $3 18 93 75 V* til;Brown Mustard. ..i'«- 25; Flax, fl 70tf'2 10; import... l Canary. $'_ __>( l_V_: Al- falfa. 12 _c: Rape, '_ _>'_._(*: Hemp, 3 .*c: Timothy, .1-cV lb. BR I I'EaS— NHos. tl 30..1 40 .* ctl; Green, $1 _0 _i'_: eastern Green, .'_ 76: Blatkeye. tl 40 _. 1 50 V cO: Split Peas. 4 i.t..) 1 .o "ft ir>. BCCKWHEAT- Nominal, a*, tl75 * Ctl. CORNMKAL. ETC.— Table Meal quoted at 3. \u25a0 Ib; Peed Corn, $27 NftlSi Cracked Cora, $28 60 _>29 fl ton; Hominy, 4\_#M_f %. tb. BEANS— Business is quiet and prices show no I change. Rave . fl N_@_ 03*. Pea. .'_ -'.-._ 76; ! Large White, $_ '___._ 40; Small White, »'_ _s_) I CO: Pine. $1 *\u25a0:\u25a0_-• 10: Reds, tl tin _>_ 10: Llmas, tl 7" •__'— Butters. $_ 60_._ 76 . ctl. POTATOES— Receipts of New were 1332 sacks ana they sold at 00...nor V ctl. Oregon Rnrbanks are quotable at _oc@sl V ctl; California Burbauk Seedling*. _..(gt_ot ft sack for Rivers: Early Hose, _6 _*..'s.' . sack; River Reds, 16 _..<O. _( sack. ONlONS—Nothing new. Picked-over Callfornlas are quotable at tl 25 fl ctl. Tbe general market Is quoted at 90c6... 110 for good and 6._.._ c + ctl for common to fair. .— lS____B»_te BUTTER-No change to report. Fancy roll, 19c. withsales at 20c 01 lb; good to choice. lH_>l_. a c; common to fair, l.Vfctj Eastern. 15c >B It.. CHEESE— Weak and In ample supply. Good to choice mild new 11>,_(_. 13c fl lb; old, nominal ; Young Americas. 12(ij>l.(',_t*: cased Cheese, Vie ad- ditional: Eastern. 1. ...1 4c 9 tb. POULTRY -Hens and Turkeys were easier yes- terday. Ducks. Geese an.l young Roosters were firm. Dressed Turkeys are quotable at 17—22 c; LiveTurkeys, 1. . . :So Tor Gobblers and l>___(*e for Hens*. Geese, 4* pair. •'_<.'_ 76: .lings. t-_-( 50; Ducks, ll_>l.. . dot; Hens. f7(__ ttoa; Roost- ers, young. .. (__ll %*> dozen; tin old, td .—(B7 60- Pryers. f**(_S 60; Brol.ers, .__? 60 for large and t3 50ii.-. 60 ft dozen for small. GAME—Hare are lower, being In poor request. Gray Geese, $3: White Geese, .1 1 50; Brant, t-75<_,_: Hare. 76c_.$l .6. Rabbits, 0 1 60 for Cot- tontail* and tl 25 tor small. EGGS— The majority of dealers quote a firmmar- ket tmt fan- y good., but the market is a dragging one. stern. 181* l.c; California, l_<_i2oc tor store and 216. 22c ** doz for ranch. HONRY— Extracted s<_> tic lb for amber and C .'. 14,1, \u0084 for bright. Comb is quoted at 10.-. _. tor white InIf frames and Sc'<sloe In 2-tb frames. REESWAX-Qiiote.l at 26 ...He fl tb. * fR--.1l UlUlT—Receipts of strawberries were 20 > ... rbests. selling at 7.".j,.nic _l drawer tor Long- ' worths and f>(__'soc for Sharp! ess. Apples. $1 sl'l#J forgnodto fancy and bOc@sl for common to lair. CITRUS PRUlTS—Prices unchanged. San Rer- nardlno Seed Unas are quotable at tl .'> 192 60 p box: san Bernardlao Navels, .3 7__U ; Riverside Seedlings, unfrozen, tl 7.'>'..': Riverside Navel., uutr._c_. 63 504.1 . bos; Lot Aug. lea Seedlings. $I@l 60: Los Angeles Navels. $1 25@2 50; Sicily Lemons, $5 s'l_*i6 60; California Lemons. $K_l 50 .. box for common and $*_'.l for good to choice: Mexican Limes, f4<_4 50 box; Bananas, $1 s<_) 2 10 Vbunch: Pineapples. $6@_ "ir* dozen. DRIED FRUIT—Sun-dried Peaches quotable at 2' '\u25a0. (_;:'..<- _> lb; Bleached Peaches, 4.__>'- f* lb; tuu-dri-'J Apricots. S (.©le:Bleached Apricots, '.(_> 7c; Apples. 4 -<_sV_c "mr evaporated in boxe3, 3<3> :*' for sliced and 2\.,/t:>e for quartered*. Pitted Plums, 4_.4i._e; pitted Plums, *__}_V_c: Grapes. "1-@lV_(* _.; Prunes, 4@7c tor BO'S to 120's: (it rm— l Prunes. 4_> sc; Bed Nectar, M lie; White Nectarines, J @.c: Figs, uuprcsseJ. 301 c; Figs, pressed, _v»*B9c; Evaporated Pears, 7'aiSc; Sliced Pears. 3@sc: Quartered Pears, _@4c 4*. lb. RAISINS— Layers, tancy, are quotable at .1 *_»(. mi 35 '_\u25a0 box: good to choice, .Oc<s#l 10. with the usual advance for fractional boxes; loos. Muscatels, .0 _75c 'ft box and .-...-.He _i 11. In sacks NUTS Walnuts aro quotable at 4@Sc _l tt> papershell do. 7<i_Bc »l lb; softsbeil Almonds. m V.©IIV..C: hardshell do. ;papersbeii. r_'**i mc _. lb; Culle Walnuts, s_.'c; I'eanuts, -**__*_$3c fl tt> for _•_\u25a0___—\u25a0 Hickory NU-L.O -><*: pecans, 11 - _<_>! lor small and 15_>16c lor largo; Filberts. ll_> He: Brazil Nuts, _ \u0084.-_8 . Cocoanuts, $1 V 100. VEGETABLES—Asparagus held up well yesterday despite large receipts. Small Rhubarb continued slow of sal.*. Receipts wero 1028 boxes Asparagus. 611 boxes Rhubarb and 362 sacks Pens. Cucumbers are quotable at 65e_}.l 25 4* dozen: String Bean . l*-i_<ailse ID-. Los Angeles Summer Squash, $1 V box; Mushrooms, l(i*_).3.f; Asparagus, $1 •-'-•_>I 60 "_>. box tor common to good ami $1 7a#_ 28 foe choice; Rhubarb, SOe . fl '.'5 f*-box: Los Angeles Tomatoes, o'2bO((sA: Green Peas. .1 _ll '.5 V sack for common and _*\u25a0_(—3 Vic _> ft. for sweet; Marrowfat Squash, O'MiiiO 'ft ton; Dry Peppers, 10012' •\u25a0•• : Cabbage. 4(«_soc ft ctl; Feed Carrots. sue: Turnips, 6H_) 75c: Beets $1; Parsnips. $1 .5: Garlic,* .1 lb. PROVISIONS— I— stem Covered Breakrast Bacon 12'« / 4 _>i''«-' V- It.:California Smoked Bacon, 9_#l—l for 1 heavy and medium, l'J-oll'c for light, and ]3.._>l3V_e for extra light: Paeon Sides. 10_> lOV.c: Easter. Sugar-cured Hams for city trade, l_(-.l'_V_<— California Hams,salt,loc •? Ib:rerrlgera- t.i -cored, lli^l 1 1 \u0084<• f* tr.; Lard, tierces. Eastern, \u25a011 kinds. _*«•__.—•; eases, 10(.(-ionic: California, tierces. .*_>-* _c; half-blils. 9 .<_.-\u25a0_.; tins 10c; pails. 10--., 10V.C: do. 5-tr,. 10' 4 ,-; .eg?. «»,_<!. 10. \u0084 lb: Me— Beer. $7 60© 3: extra mess do. $8 M_Kt; family do, $11 ftllttl'.; clear Fork, $1 ' 50<__0; extra prime. $ls_l*i 50: extra clear. ._o'<__ > 0 50; mess. $17 50_>18 9 lb; Pig Pork, %*, keg, $S_)3 •_\u25a0>: Pigs' Feet. $12_>1_ '.5 _\u25a0 bbl: Smoked Beer, 11 .__> 12c ¥1 lb. HOI'S- Fro m second bands they are quoted at 20 @25c 9 tb HIDES ANDPELTS— Heavy salted steers. 7 _*,7_c _> lb: medium. 6c: light, 4__> Cowhides. 4©1'..i.; suited Kip,3*!i@lc: salted Calf, 6c; dry Hides. usual selection. 10.*: dry Kips, ye; prime Goat- skins. HO*. 50c each: Kids. 6@loc: Deersktns, good summer, 37 1....C; medium. 30 _}'_'_V_c; winter, 20. *_sc; Sheepskins, shearlings. 10ai^5c; short wool, 40_.70c; medium, 7-#3oc; long wool, !(_, 40 V lb. Culls of all kinds about l i >ess. TALLOW—No. 1 rendered, 4-___c; No. 2, 3.__> 3JAc; refined. s'»i@s' 1 /.c '<& tb. WOOL— Nominal. No quotations established yet. General Merchandise. BAGS—Calcnttas, for June-July delivery, 7 .a® 7%-C; Wool Bags. 36<_»38c. oil. Eastern Linseed is still higher. California Castor Oil, in cases, No. 1, is quotable at $1 25 ( No. '_. cases, Sl 20, bbls. Me (manufacturers' rates): Eastern do, $1 '-(•: California Linseed, hbls, boiled, 60c; raw, 4sc: cases, U'-^c more. Cocoa, 60_i60c V gall: China Nut. 47V_ fe60c _( gal: Eastern Lin- seed oil, in bbls. 62c: do raw, _9c V gal, cases, •2t'«c more: Lard OH. bbls, 72V-C: cases, teOc .1 gal. PETROLEUM -Starlight. IHC f* gallon; Et ceue, •2'2c; Downer's. 27 ' -c; Astral. l'Jc; 150* Elaine, 2 1c: Peart. 10i- Water White, refined, .bulk. 13c; Headlight 175 ',c*ses,2lic; Mineral Illuminating, 300 , '-.*>e m ; Standard, 110 ' Are test. 17c li* gallonincase* leaps). 17 J /_c faucets and l'Jclu bulk. GASOLINE. ETC.-63? Benzine, bulk, 13' ' .gal; cases, in.-; 74° Gasoline .bulk, 14*_>C; cases, 20c:3a-- Gasoline, bulk, 25c; cases. 2;(e f4 gal. WHITE LEAH— Quotable at 7@7_.efl _>. T.RI'ENTINE- Quoted at 63c V gal. SUGAR— The local refinery has ..lured a new brand between Confectioners' A and Extra ('.called Magnolia. The WesNrn Refining Compauy quotes, terms nee cash; Cube, Crushed. Powdered ami Flue Crushed, all S.">BC « it.; Dry Granulated. 5 Vi e '*} lb; Confectioners' A. &V'gC; Magnolia. 4^_C; Extra (', . .!\u25a0; Golden C. 4" 8 c; D. 4U' - fl It;half- bbls, Vie more than bbls. and boxes Vi e more. San Francisco .11 eat Market. Wholesale rates from slaughterers to dealers are as follows: BEEF—First quality. 7c; second quality, 6s 6'/_c: tlilni do, 4' . .-..5' ..<: VEAL— t _>7c; small Calves. 7 _.... MUTTON Welhers, luc: Ewes. ..-\u25a0©IOC. LAMP- Ing. l*-'V_@l6c fl m. PORK— Live Hogs. __>4'-„e _" lb for heavy hard grain-fed: 6*.5' lor light average do; stock Hogs, 4 _,4( 1 c t 1 lb; dressed do. **__Bi_<: f* lb. i.l-.( Ifl I- OF PRODUCE. TiiißsnAY. April 7. nonr. or sr* 7,338 Bran, sis 1,745 do, Orocoa. d 0.... 624 Middlings, sks 405 Wheat,.--.... 8.452 Hay. toas. „*; 453 do. Oregon, d 0... 12,73. .raw. tons .- 3d 1 eriev. ctis 6,6_« Flaxseed, Or. sks... 813 Cats, ctls 938 Wool, bis 168 Cora, ctls 22-! .uIC-Sllver.tls_s... Hi Potatoes, •-» 1.139 lil.l— .no -33 do Oregon, d0.... 1,611 Wine. pals 38,930 Onions, «ss _ 98 Brandy, gals 4. "20 do. Oregon. do. ... 414' OCEAN yiT,A.UI*H.. Dates of nurture From """.-in «"r_no! Sis A i> TIDE TABLE. Computed by Thomas Tkn-.nk.nt. Chroio *nstsr and Instrument Maker. 4 California strs.S, Sign of the Wooden Sailer. Mill' i'l*-. INTELLIGENCE. Arrive.!. TnrRSDAV, April 7. Stmr Cosmopolls. Dettmers, 25 hours from Port Harford; produce, to Field Stone. Stmr dreeimood. F_gariund, 14 hour, from Point Arena; lumber, to LE White. Bt_M Alcazar, Gunderson. 15 hours from Green- wood, bountl fcr San Pedro; put in to laud pass. stti.r Corona, Hall, li.i 1 * hours from Baa Diego and way ports; pass and mdso, to Goodall. Per- kins A Co. Htear State of California. Ackley, 54 hours from Cortland, vii Astoria 44 _ hours; pass and mUse, to Goodall, Perkins A Co. Stmr Point Arena. Hansen, 14 hours from Men- docino; pass ami unite, to Mendocino Lu_luer Co. Stmr Gipsy. Jepson. 10 ours from Santa Cruz: produce, to i.o.i tail, I'erklns * Co. Stmr Protection, Levisou, 10 hours from Port llr1;. ; lumber, to Fort Bragg Redwood Co. Stmr Para ion. lugglns, 53 hours from ll.ieiienne, via l'ort Harford 24 hours: produce, to Ilrlat. Rer .v (laliDger. Stinr Maggie Ross, Marshall. 52 hours from Coos Ray; lumber, to i.olden Gate Lumber Co. S. Lr Eclipse. Duerrbeck, 2 day. Irom Eureka; lumber, to Chas Nelson. Bear Mary Etta, Hammond, 24 hours from Bow- ens Lauding; lumber, to Render Bros. Schr Rtil the Butcher. Johnson. 24 hours from B-.wei.s Landing; lumber, to Hey woo.l _ liacklev. Berkeley direct. Schr Abble, W*llllg. 56 hours from Eureka; 185 Mft lumber, to*T A Hooper A Co. Schr Alice Kimball, Asptund, 30 hours from Na- varro; 110 MIt lumber, to Friend A Perry Lumber Co. Schr Mary Hldwelt, Hansen. 26 hours from lver- sons Lauuing; I'O eds wood, to N I vcr.ou. Thch—day. April7. Stmr Eureka, Wilmington ;Goodall, Perkins A Co. Br ship Crown ofDenmark, Victoria; J D Sprock- els & Pros. Br schr Maria, Lowell, Victoria; ME Lowell. Hallo 1. TnritsuAT, April7. Stmr Caspar, Anfindsen, Caspar. Stmr Ronit i, l.ei.ui.l. Port Harford. Stmr Columbia, Holies, Astoria. Br ship Rurman. Newcomber. Mootlyvllle. Hark Gatherer, Nervlck, Tacoma. Park Gen Palrchlld, Mackie. Nanaimo. Schr Viking, _\u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0_ g. Salluas Cruz. Schr Nettie Low, Low, Point Reyes. Schr Nettle Suudbor^, Johnson. r01e,.,, .hi.. POINT loros - April 7-1. m Weather foggy; wlndW; velocity Smiles. Siioiton.* Mar 4. on the enuator. 27 W. Pr bark Anne, from (ar.ltt for Sauta Rosalia. Mar 3, 14 30 w, P.r bark Royal Alice,from Puget Sound for Dunkirk. Mar tf, V N. 113 Vf; Br ship Maiiydowu, hence Feb 16 for Queenstown. Mar 21, 31 N, 124 w, Br ship Irby, from Port Blakeley for Valparaiso. Apr 6. IS N. l'_ W. Br bark Paroda, before re- ported dismasted, declined assistance, hence Nov 23 for (.tie.usluwii. Domestic Ports. TACOMA Sailed Apr 7—SweO ship Ilawkcsbury, for Port Plrte. SHOALWATER BAY*— Sailed Apr 7-Brlg Court- ney Ford, Tor San Francisco. FORT BRAG.— Arrived Apr 7—Stmr Rival, hne Apr 0. COOS RAY—Arrived Apr Stmr Emily, hence Apr 4. FISH ROCK—Sailed Apr 7—Schr Therese. for Fort Harford. NAVAKKO-Arrlved Apr 7-Stuir South Coast, hence Apr (5. SEATTLE-Sallod Apr 7—Ship Spartan, for San Francisco. MENDOCINO—Arrived Apr 7-Sc_x Bobolink, hence Apr 3. AS.TORI A - Sailed Apr 7-Br ship North, for U X; bark Harry Morse. TATOOSII—Passed Apr 7—Q«* ship Fanny, from Port Blakeloy fof Valparaiso. _K.W__N_ I AMMNO- Salle. l Apr 7—Schr Rio Key. for San Francisco. » Arrived Apr 7 Schr Newark, hence Apr 5. CLKONE—Arrived Apr 7—Stmr Alcatraz, hence Apr 6. - POINT ARENA—Arrived Apr 7— Stmr Sunol, hne Apr 6. Eastern Ports. '.*: - C HAMPTON ROAD**— Sailed Apr ft-Shlp George Stetson. tor San Francisco. Foreiirn Ports. LIVE-TOOL-— .lied Apr G-Brstmr Bushmills, for Victoria. Arrived Apr 6—ltal ihtpMa.ala.mid. hne Nov 23. FALMOUTH— Arrived Apr o—Br bark Senegal, hence Nov 9. ' VI'EFNsiiiWN- Arrived Apr 6-Brbark Adder- ly, hence Dee 18. l (_; lOt'K-Arrlved Jail V4-Chll bark Emlle Ra- mi la. from Bell Ingham Pay. LlZAßD—Passed Apr 6— Br ship Cambrian Mon- arch, nence Nov 7 for Antwerp. (i O AYM AS- Arrived Apr 6—Schr Nora Harklns, -from Manzanlllo. Movements of Trans- Atlantic Steamers. MOYll.l.t:—Arrived Apr 6-Stmr Devonla, from New York. LIVERPOOL—Arrived Apr 6-Stmr Majestic, fin New __.*. BOULOGNE—ArrivedApr 6— Stmr Veendam. tin New York. , NEYV YORK-Arrlved Apr 6— Stmr Lahn, rrom Bremen. Import .—lnn.. 11-.NI.MK -l'er Farallon-7*_o3 sks barley, 1100 _ks lima beans, '.'OO tons bituminous rock. 11 1 *__.____\u25a0 -Per los.uopoils— 933l sks beans, 63 CS in. it.-.-. "173 «t barley aud corn. 02 "> .*..— corn. POINT AKI-'.NA-IVrPoint Arena- . pkgs mdse, 1 firkin 73' bis butter, 11 ta «\u25a0«_.. 90 sks charcoal. 4 drees rd bogs. A ski MM. 1 is cigars. 1 Sk skins. 1 coop fowls. 4 pk.« 2 tot bides. Mendocino— loo M ft lumber. PORTLAND- Per State of Calirornla— l horse. 97 pkgs type. 9553 sks wheat. 1I_s sks flour, _ bales oil clothing, 103 bdls -30 rolls stravfboard, 7 cs blankets, 1 cs socks, 164 dry hides, 43 bdls 1170 green hides, l bill ___._-__-. 1 bill dry pelt.. 7 bdls d-erskt!,s. 26 cs shoes, 12 bxs stationary, 420 bells staves. 1617 sks potatoes, 7 bxs register. 110 bdls heads. 1 bx nidse, 8 bxs smoked fish. 3 cs books, _ bxs castings. 493 sis lons. 8 bbls lamps, 1bbl al- cohol. 1 bx brushe-. 28 cs tobacco. 1 cs beer, ._ sks horse-radish. 2 cs rugs. 83 cs clothing. 10 cs cl gars. 2 rs woolens. 2. bbls 6 hf-bbls 8 kegs liquor, lb mats coal. 1pkg wire, 2 bales rubber goods. 1 cs dry goods, 172 cs curios, 2 bxs press. 34 crts molds. 2 bxs typewriters. 1 pkg glassware. 535 bdls pulp. 2 pkgs leather, 75 reels newspapers, 1 bdl hides, 1 coop eti ckens, 3 pkgs express. Astoria— 9 cs dress goons. 2 bills oil clothing, 4 bis fish, 1888 bdls shoo-.. 101) sks oysters. 1 bbl wine, 15 fulls 'oo ther, 3 cs can-fillers, 1 chinery. Miss LANDING— Per Gipsy—281 sks wheat, 2 CS eggs, \:> bx butter. . Watson vi lie—939 sks oats, 3 bxs butter. Salinas— l2 bxs butter. Soquel— l3ll rms paper, 12 sks wooden plugs. Santa Cruz—s bxs butter, 31 cs cheese. 1500 bbls lime. 2 bxs fish. SAN DIEGO— Per Corona— 26 hf-bbls pickled fish, 11 bills 6 sks old copper. 1bx Ics dry goods, I bx drugs, 1 bx cond milk, 57 bxs lemons, 44 bdls 2 bxs dried fish, 23 pk^s household goods, 256 bxs orange*. 3 bdls dry skins. 20 b lis —it skins. 107 salt hides, 1bx tebacco. 16 pkgs beehive stock, 17 bdls steel. 137 bars steel, 3 bdls eikskins. 3 bbls salt fish, 91 bdls green h des. Newport -31 sks peanuts, 30 bbls sweets. 21 sks nuts, 187 bis oranges. 20 bxs lemons. 1ox glass- ware. Port Harford— 4 kegs 237 bxs butter. 15 cs cheese. _ bills dry hides. 13 lulls dry pelts, 4 sks wool, 3 sks Ati bdls green hides, 5 CS whisky. 1 sk rock. 1 bx ex- tracts. _ pkgs household goods, hf-bbl whisky, 1 ox fish. 25 dressed calves, 3 sks meat, 6 coops poultry, 1 bJI trees, 2 sks clams. 33 cs e__s. 7 cs tallow, 1 bg treasure. . \u25a0:_••-\u25a0 :-..-_-. Mpoiiio 49 sks beans. Arroyo Grande— 327 sks beans. Block Station 5 cars rock. Itedondo— l4 oranges, 59 bxs lemons, 23 sks peas. 4 bis tomatoes, -1 drums cheese, 4 cs tobacco, _2 sks Chill, 1 cs lard, 1 sk .ugar, 1 sk beans, 1 bx hardware, 1 cs millinery, 3 oris marble, 2 pcs gran- ite. 11 carwtieeis, 2000 sks barley. Baa Pedro— lß. bxs oranges. 1 bx hardware. 2 bxs mate-heads. 8 steot rails. 107 salt hides. 1145 sk^ barter, 173 sks corn; 605 sks rolled barley. Santa Barbara— l9s sks raisins, 105 bis oranges, l'_ sks boms, 97 bxs lemons. 2 horses. 2 Dili quilts, 1 cs dry goods, 1sk peas, 6 trunks samples. Co isisrnnes. Per Farallon— A Gallnger; 11 Dutard; J A Falrchild A Co; Southern Mill Co. Per Cosmopolls— Porter Bros A- Co; Chas Pike; Field * Stone; Ballon Bros; Eilanger A Galinger; 11 Dutard; Thomas * Kahu. Per Gipsy— Bassett A Bunker: MT Freitas ACo: Russ, Sanders A Co: It Dotard: Wbeaton A Luhrs: Hrlgbam. Hopp. ._ Co: C E Whitney A Co: O'Neill Bros A Co; Hills Bros; B M Atchlnson A Co; Her- man Joost: 8 Mi -lit -rirvA Co: Hairy men's Union: J C Peiinie; Wltzel A Baker; Glustl AAntoni; H Cow- ell A Co. Per Point Arena-C F O'Callaghan A Bros: A Yell: Do Bernard! _ Westphal; BO Bell; C Kiamer: D Winded: D Dcvota: Hod..*, Sweeney 4 Co; M Hel- ler Son; Dairymen's Union; Bowen & Co; E T Allen: Martin, _*•_*_. A Co; O B Smith A Co: S c Evans; Bus., Sanders ACo; Ross A Hewlett; Vf N McNeil; Smith's (ash Store; Wilson A Irvine; Whit tier. Fuller A Co; Winthcr Bros; Paul Fried- man; Mendocino Lumber Co. Per State of California-Allen A Lewis; A I. Whit- ing: Amer Press Assu: Brown Bros A Co; C 11 Wil- cox: Kissinger A Co- Buckingham. Hectit ACo; a Flelahhacker; Ames A De:ritk: Cain A Co: Clark Hr. y; Dairymen's Colon Cal Barrel Co; Davis Bros: Y. R Stevens A Co; Duff A Co: DMOs'iourne: J A Robeling A Son; J I. Girvin: J Hewing Co; J MRowland a Co*. Pliers on A Backer; MAGunst A Co: Metten _ Gebhardt: Meyer, Field A Mitchell; Murphy, Grant A Co; Palmer A Re J; Pac Vinegar A Pickle Work.; Order; Buss. Sanders A Co; Bosen- thai Bros: 11 Morgan: L Feitluiau: 8 N Wood; T W Armstrong; Thos Lou .bran: stand ir1 Box 1 actor. ; Examiner; Harry Cnna Co; W R I.arzelere A Co: A II Johnson: Willamette Pulp A Paper Co; Watson A Marx: Wolf A Son; Wells, Fargo Co; W II Miner: APaladini: Glustl A Antoni; Vf 1! Brad- ford; Clatsop Mill Co; Morgan Oyster Co; Edison Electric Co; M B S II Frank A Co; .11 Johnson; Esberg, Bachman A Co; Eisner Vineyard Co; FKoshland; Fiber Packing Co; 9 Vf Clan; Goldstein A Co; II Dutard; G H Davis; 8 E Wer- ner; HP, -HUMS; Hyman. l'aulsen A Co: Hoffman A Alexander: IIIn ton A Co: J Everdlng A Co; 1 S Rosenbauin A CO; John Zlegenbelu; John P Uisen; J W Grace A Co. Per Corona— ll Outard; Dodge, Sweeney A Co; Vt EDennison: Verv.illn A Howe*. Kowalsky A Co; J X Arm .by A Co: Shattuck. Howard A Co- J C Mar- tin; Smith's Cash Store: Wilson A Irvine; O Gep- hardt: A Levy A Co; D Tledeman A Co: Man, Sad- ler A Co: Wolf -Son; Robert Halght A Co; II G Harks; Sherry, Lawrence ACo; Vf It Sumner A Co; Bisslnger A Co: Sawyer Tanning Co; Haas Bros; S J Armstrong; Murphy. Grant 4 Co; APaladini; F F Tllley: H Heckman A- Co; MKaiish 4 Co: J Wag- ner A Co; Wells. Fargo 4 Co; Norton, Teller A Co; Dairy—en's Union; Getz Bros A Co : Hills Bros; S Brunswick; Wbeaton A- Luhrs; C E Whitney A Co; \u25a0rich-SB, Hoppe A Co: H N -Tides A Co: T RMooro A Co: De Bernard! 4 Westpbal: MWaterman A Co; Phillips Bros: Leva .gi A Harbleri: J II Cain 4 Co: KittleA Co; C LDingier ACo; Neville 4 Co; JJ Melius; L G Sresovlch A Co; Allison. Gray A Co: L Scatena A Co; J Ivancovtch 4 Co; CTetzen; F V sleuth A Co; V. A J Sloane A Co; Judson Fruit Co; McDonoiigh A Johnson; A Chiesa; Amer Tob Co; (Joodall. Perkins A Co; Root A Sanderson; Bach, Melse A Co; Goodyear Robber Co; Vermont Marble Co: Baker AHamilton Bisstager A Co; Gonzales A Co; WW McChesney A Co: Alexander Bros; S Seiever; Langley A Michaels; Wetaiore Bros: Nor- ton Tanning C<>; ACalll Fruit Co: Wellman. Peck A Co; Maccnrtray A Co; M T Freitas A Co; IS Van Winkle; J1) Spreckels A Bros D G ('..m..rliios; H Jacques: Holbrook. Merrill A stetson; Perriu .ton A Co; AJ B Immel 4 Co; J R Montgomery A Co: MS Slnuas. ...'•- : \u25a0 for Late Shtnnim ..-•\u25a0' -- __ Hbthlfi Pats. 6 THE MORNING CALL,, SAX FRANCISCO, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1892 EIGHT PAGES. cteiveri | Destination, j Sails. j WK«r Eureka Niii Pedro (Apr 8. Bam Bivvy2 Umatilla. ...1 Vie * Fjt Sound Apr 9. !'iAM.Udw*yl Humboldt . IHiunboldC Bar- Apr 9. 9AMJCIay Corona .... Baa Diem j AprlO.llam ' Bd^v'y 2 (late of cm. (Portland Apr l I.loam >p-»vr Australia., illouoiuiu | Apr 12, i Oceanic Slrlus Central America Aprl2. 3pm jLombrd Los Alice. Sal Pedro [Apr 13, B«M|Bdtry2 lomona.. . Humboldt Bay.. Apr 13. 9asf|BoW« 1 City Puebix Vie* P/t soau-1 April. 9m Blir'y 1 Santa ltosa..|San D.e^o | Apr 15. 11am [Itdw'r 3 San Juan i Panama Aprlii.l2 M'P MSS Oregon. | Portland ... |Aprls,loAM|»pstr Departure or AusuralUa steamer depoidi n tin English all! -'\u25a0\u25a0"• \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0- > ILW. 11.W. IL, W. L. W. ?c J* ? Small. Larga I Large. Small. » a <* 3 I. ...I 9.23 am 14 m 3.27 - PM| 3.35 am 5.34:6.30 >. ... 10.13 am 10.41 pm 4.13 pm 4.14 am J.32 6.31 0... 10 58 am 11.08 rs 4.46 pm; 4.60 am 5.31 6.32 ,1.. 11.37 AMiII.SO pm 6.18 pm 6.33 *v5.30 6.33 .2.. 12.16 pm|11.54 PM 5.45 pm 5.43 AM5 2816.34 13.... 1.02 pm! "ii am 6.13 i-m 6.17 am ,'..27 636 A SLUGGISH STREAM. It Gets Foal and Poisonous Unless it Is Kept Constantly Flowing. At this season of the year people reel more or less weak, run down, wearied and depressed. It has been commonly supposed that It Is due to impuri- ties of the blood, and that only by purifying the blood caa good health be secured. Is this true ? Let us see. The blood gets Impure became it is sluggish. How docs a stream get impure, with green scum and poisons on the top? Simply be- doesn't run. A running stream Is not Im- pure, but a .tagnant or sluggish stroam always Is. If. therefore, you would keep your blood pure, keep It moving, keep it throbbing. The moment i: bo- gins to be sluggish. It will begin to be Impure, and you will feci the effects In tire I, weak feelings, depressed emotions, and a thousand and one trou- bles, which always follow. The proper way to keep the blood stirring Is by the use of a pure stim- ulant In moderation. Mlniulate it gently, and It will keep hi constant healthy motion, and good health will follow. There Is but one way In which this can ;• i done, and that Is by the use of the purest and Dost stimulant you ran find, preferably whisky, and there is but one absolutely pure medicinal whisky known to the world, and that is Duffy's Pure Malt. Scientists admit this, the doctors all confirm It. It Is more generally used to-day than any other whisky which the woriu has ever .seen, and it Is popular only through Its n#ri_ Do not let any grocer or druggist deceive you by saying they have something "just as good," "something they can recommend," etc. When any dealer says this be has an interested motive, which usually is to sell you something cheap and inferior on which he can make more money. Do not be so deceived. inrlS tf Fr \u25a0 \u25a0 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. THROCGH LINE TO NEW YORK. VIAPANAMA Steamers will sail at soon* on the sth. ____! 15th and Vsth of each month calling at *^____£ various ports of Mexico and Central America Through line sailings— April 15, __. __ Juan: April25, SS. City of New York; May5, SS. San Bias WAY LINE TO MEXICAN AND CENTRAL AMERICAN TORI'S AND PANAMA. BTEAMER SAILS AT NOON 18TH OP EACH MONTH, calling at M;.z..tt_n. San Bias. .Mauzautllo, Acapulco, Port An. el, Salma Cruz, Tonata, Saa Benito, Ocos, Champertco, San Jose de Guatemala, Acajutla, La Lit— rtad. La Union. Aiuapala, CorlalJ, Sail Juan del Sur and Punta Arenas. v_yline sailing— April 18, SS. Geo. W. Elder. Wh n the regular sa ling date falls on Sunday, -teamers will be dispatched the preceding Saturday. JAPAN AND CHINA LINE FOR YOKOHAMA AND HONG-KOMI I Connecting at Yokohama with steamers for Shanghai, at.d at Hong-Kong fur East lul.j _, Straits, etc.: China tvla Honolulu), Thursday. April 23, at 3 p. st City of Peking Saturday. May 21. at 3 p. ie. Cliy of Rio de Janeiro.. .Tuesday-, June 14, at 3 p. U. Bound-trip tickets to Yokohama and return at _- ti need rates. For Freight or Passage apply at the office, corasr First and Brannan streets. Branch Offlce -'.'O'J Front street, ALEXANDER CENTER. General Agent. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. D ISPATC STEAMERS FROM SAX ,_._«_ Francisco lor ports la Alaska i a. ut. _____j| April antl May 9. •_*,. lor British Columbia and Puget Soon Iports. April anil May 4, _, 14, 19, _l. *_9; June and July 3, X. 13, 18, 83, '-8. It r Eureka. Humboldt Bar, Wednesdays. 9 a. St. lorSanta Ana, Los Angeles and all way portsevery fcurth and fifth d iy,. a. m. tor Salt Hit-go, stopping only at Los Angeles, .n Barbara and San Luis Obispo, every fourth ami fifth day nt 11 m. I or ports InMexico, first or each mouth. Ticket Offlce—Palace Hotel, 4 New Montcomerys:. GOODALL, PERKINS * CO . General Agents, 1 tf 10 Market st.. San Francisco. FOR PORTLAND ». ASTORIA, OREQOIT THE CNION PACIFIC RAILWAY- _____ Ocean Division—and PACIFIC COAST __£____ STEAMSHIP COMPANY willdispatch Irini S"__?T moft Wharf, at 10 a. tt., tor the above ports one their AlIron steamships, viz: COLUMBIA— Air 7. 19. May 1. 13. '25. HATE OF CALIFORNIA—ApriI 11. 23, May 5. 17. '-"' OREGON— ApriI 3, 15. '27. May 9, 21. Connecting .la Portland witu the Northern Pad. j railroad, Oregon Short Line and other dlverglig lines for ail points in Oregon, Washington, Brttl _ Columbia. Alaska, Idaho. Montana, Dakota, Utah. Wyoming. Yellowstone Park and all Points East _•__ _ uth ami to Europe. lure to Portland-Cabin. .10; steerage, $3; rou_l trip, cabin. $30. Ticket offices— l Montgomery St.. and Palace Ho- tel. 4 New Montcomery St. GOODALL, PERKINS A CO., Supt. Ocean Una ltf 10 Market St.. San Francisco. , OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. TBESFLKNDIO 3.0.-TON STEAMERS _**__a of this line, carrying United States. JaSSS-C Hawaiian and Colonial mails, sail from _ olsom-.i _ hart __ under. 801- Il(»* "MM ',_*•*-*_. B.S. ACS-RALIA.. .TUESDAY, April I P. _ .OR HONOLULU, Al KLASD AND SYDNEY I'tKi . r. S.S. ALAMEDA FBIDAY, April29, .it 3 P. m Per Height and passage apply at mil— 3_ 7 Maris: Street. -. D. STRECKELS A BROS., fcb tf General Agents. CCMPAGNIE GENER..LE _ Ii A SIVTLANTIQIIB Fr«»n»*li Linn to tinrre. COMPANY'S PIER (NEW). 42 NORTH __\u25a0•-_ ' ' River, fcot of Morton st. Travelers by <*—_____ His line avoid both transit by English railway _ud the discomfort of crvsstng the channM lva small boat. AA GASCOGNE. Capt. Santelll. .....Saturday. April ltf__. - vi __\u25a0 LA EBETAGNE, Capt. O i er Saturday, April *___.__% am LA TO. RAIN E. C:Uit. _-.aiti.eui * Saturday, April ioth,"*.••_'_.* st LACHAMPAGNE, Capt. Boy * ••••\u25a0 Saturday, May 7ti. -':'_. a* AW tor turther particulars apply to A. FORGET. Agent, No. 3 Bowling Green. New Yorfc J. F. FCGAZI _: CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery are. Ean Fiancisca * Branch offlce, 10 Montgomery street, mr'_o tt WHITE STAR LINE. United Slates and R.yal Mail Steamer. v » BKTWKK-f New York. Queenstown &Liverpool, SAIL! NO EVJKIIY WEEK. CABIN $60 AND UPWARD. ACCORD- ***** lug to steamer and accommodations sa- _____\u25a0 Beted: second cabin; $35: Majestic and TeutoriiT .4l'aii-l .45. Stoerago tickets rro_a England, ire. laud, Scotland, -wedea, Norway ami Denmark, through to ftt.ii Francisco at lowest rates. Tickets, sailing dates and cabin 3 s may be procured from W. H. AVERY".Pa -ttie Mall Dock, or at the General Office of the Compaay, Ul'J Market st., under Grand Hotel. G. W. FLETCHER. _p*_. TuWeFrSu tf Gen. Agt, tor Pacitic Coast. ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO. STEAMERS LEAVE A**JFINWAI_, ______ k* fortnightly for the West Indies and #_T_-». e.-thampton, calling en route at Cher- _______ tourg, ranee, and mouth to laud passenzera Through Milts of Ladlug, la connection w_.i_.__ Pacific Mall _. _. Ca, issued tor freight aad iro_sar_ to direct ports lv England and Germany. Through tickets irom Sau Francisco to _________ Cherbourg. Southampton. First class. ami- i_.tr1 c__m, 001 00. tot turther particular, apply i . _tl..f BAUBOT T .pp.. Agents. ,_m,,r, Uo. THE WEEKLY CALL contains 8 largo 8-column pages, and every \ number, in addition to its liter ary and local articles, is an epi- tome of the events of the world forthe week. $1 p_,r year. AUCTION' SALES. _ CHAS. LEVY & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSIONMERCHANTS Salesroom— ll3s Market—., bet. 7th ami Bth. Regular 9—Tuesday and Friday. _>__ THIS DAY. Friday April 8, 1891., At 10 o'clock a. m., at salesroom, 1135 Market street. Bet. Seventh and Eighth, ;- .-.':,WB WlLti RKLIi..,', An ' "e-ra'il (_>uai;..iui. ut of Rich Parlor Upholstery, Bedroom and Office Furni- ture, In Oak, Ash and Walnut. Bedding. Sheets. Blanket . Feather I .Mows, Comforters. Spreads; 10J0 yards Carpets, Mantel Mirrors, Bsr Mirror. Sideboards, Extension Table., 2 Iron-door Safes. Desks. Chairs. 0 Ranges, a Stoves, Crockery, Glassware, Etc.; also. -Clears. Tobacco, showcases. Card Tables, Bar and Fixtures of a Saloon. ap. It CHAS. LEVY A- CO.. Anctloncers. M. J. SIMMONS AUCTIONEER, -ILL SELL THIS WAV, I Friday ...April8. 183*2, At 11 o'clock a. v.. at the resilience, 262G FOLSO3- ST., NEAR TWENTY- SECOND, All of the Nearly New anil Elegant Parlor Fed and I .niu_r: Fine Upholstery; Body B___-_ Carpet.-; Fine Portieres and Curtain*.; Costly Pictures; Fine China, (.In.. and silver Ware; Etc. •;>. v ... coNanrrrao IN" part 0F.... Elegant Parlor Set in Satin Brocade; Odd Parlor Chairs, Divans aid Bockers. In rancy covers: Ele- gant French Chenille Portieres: Walnut and Cherry I Center and Side Tables: Bronze ClocK and Orna- ments; Body Ifru-t.eis Carpets, etc. : Walnut anIJPSJ Oak Bedroom Sets. Cliittotitercs and Wardrobes. 1 White hair Mattresses, Fine Pillows, et:. : Turfclsa and Bed Lounges; Oak Sideboard, Extension-tables . and Chairs: Elegant and Costly Pictures: C'lliia and Class Ware: Hallstaud; Hall nnd Stair Carpets; Pine Medallion Range; and other very d.slrable goods. fit] M.J.SIMMON'S. Auctioneer. GEO. F. LAMSO.. AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 425 Kearny St.. bet. California and -la* THIS DAY. ! Friday April 8. 183., At 10:30 'doc X. on the premises, CI O TAYLOR STKKI.T, ... .1 WILL SELL The Balance or I_leg-ant Furniture, Carpers and Complete Kitchen isl!s. Th» stock com- prises some of the l-aiiintr articles of the sale. It (lE \u25a0\u25a0. F. I.AMSQN. Auctioneer. _ RAILROAD TRAVEL- SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY (PACIFIC SYSTEM). Trains Leave and aro Due to Arrive at * SAX FRANCISCO. l___v_ FROM MARCH 18, 1892 ab__V_ 7:00 a Benleia. Ramsey, Sacramento.... 7_-P 7;l'oa Ilayvvard., Mies and _'i Jose •12:15_> 8:U0a Martin San Bamon * Call.toga 6:ls** •8:00 a El Verano and Santa Rosa *6:15. 8:..a Sacramento A Bedding, viaDavis 7:15p "*" 8:00 a Second-class for Ofrdeu and East, and first-class locally 10:15.. 8:30 a Miles, San Jose, Stockton, lone, Sacramento, Marysvli.e, Oro- vllleand Bed Bluff _:45_* 6:00a Sunset Route, Atlantic Express, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Doming, El Paso, New Orleans and East 8:45» 13:00*. Haywards, Kilts anti Livermore.. 7:15 p •1:00 p Sacramento Hi ver Steamers •9:00p 3:00*. Haywards. Miles and San Jose.... 9:45 a 4:00. Martinez. San Ramon A Stockton 9:43 a 4 :00p Vallejo, Calistoga, El Verano and Santa Boss 9:43 a 4:30p B—ilcla. Vacavllle A Sacramento 10:15*. 4:.0p Woodland ana Provide 11-4"* •4:30p Miles and Livermore . »3 :45a 6:00p Los Angeles Express. Fresno. l._- ker.fluid, Santa Barbara and Los Anjjel-*s 12:13- -6:00r Santa Fe Route, Atlantic Express for Mojave and East 12:13* 8:00p, Mies and San Josa.... 7:45 a Mies and San Jos* JS-.ta? 6:00p Ogden Route, Atlantic Express, Oedeu and East 11:45* |7:00p Vallejo .8:45* 7 :o0p Shasta Route Express. Sacra- mento, Marvsvllie, Redding. Portland. Fuget Sound and East 8:13 a *•> -NT A Ctj I Z __________ 8:13* Newark. Centervllle. Sin Jose, Feiton, Boulder Creek and Santa Cruz 6:20» •2:15r Centervllle. Sun Jose, Atmaden. Feiton, Boulder Creek and Santa Cruz _0:50 a 4:15p Centervllle. Baa Jose, Los Gatos. 9:50 a t11:45p Hunters' Train to Newark, Alvi3o, .—.'\u25a0\u25a0 San Jose and Los Uatos 18:05.. to . HTJX l vis ' Third antt Toiviiscnd Sta 7:00 a San Jose. Almaden and Way Sta- * tions 2:30* 8:30* San Jose, (.iiroy. Tree Pinos, Pa- . jaro, Santa Cruz, Monterey. Pa- cific (.rove. Sal Baa Miguel, Paso Boblesaad santa Margarita (San Luis Obispo) snd Principal Way Stations 0:10. 10:87aSan Jose and Way Stations 6:10p 12:15p Cemetery, Menlo Park and Wav Stations .'. 4 :OQa •2:30p San Jose. Tres Pinos, Sant^i Cruz, Salinas, Monterey, Pacific Grovo and Principal Way Stations..... •10:48* •3:30p Menlo Park, San Jose and Princi- pal Wav Stations.... .0:0:.* •4 :15p Menlo Par* and Way Stations •8:08* . 6:15r San Jose and Way Stations 9:03* _:_op Menlo Park and Way Stations. .. 6:. 5* til :45. Menlo Park ami Principal "Way . Stations t7:3OP a forMurui.t.. _ for Afternoon. •Sundays excepted. t3_turdayso_l_. ISundivs only. T-tF r \CTFTC THAN . **-*T_- CO-PAN". .-_. Will call for and bas,s*a-je from hotels .-it restdenccs. Inquire of ticket agents tor time curl, and otber information. BATJSALITO-SAN EAFAEL-SA3J QTJENTIH NORTH PACIFIC"' COAST RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Commenrinrc Tuesday. Dec. 1, 1891, aa* until further notice, boats and trains will rua as follows: From SAM FRANCISCO for SAUSALITO. ROSS VALLEY and SAM RAFAEL (week days)— 7:3s. 8:30, 11:00 a. a.; 1:45. 3:25. 4:55. 0:10 P. a. (Suudays)-8:00. 10:00. 11:30 a. M. ; 1:30. 3:00, 6:00. 6:30 p. m. From .SAN IRAN CISCO for MILL VALLEY(west days;-7:35. 9:30. 11:00 a. it; 3:25. 4:55. 0:l.» P. M. _-_i,days)-S:00. 10:00. 11:30 *. tt.; 1:30, 3:00. 6:00 p. m. Extra trip on Saturdays at 5:45 p. a. From SAN RAFAEL for SAN FRANCISCO (we. _ days)- 7:45, 9:30, 11:10*. a.; 1:45,3:3-. 4 :55 p. _ (Sundays)— B:oo. 9:50 a _.; 12:00 a; 1:30. 3:33, 6:00 p. m. Extra trip on Saturdays at 0:25 p. a. _*ar c. to cents, roun J trip. . From MILL VALLEY for SAM FRANCISCO (weik days}—6:4o, 7:55. 9:40, li:00 a. m.; 3:.3. 5:19 (Sundays)-8:10. 10:10. 11:40 *. a.; 1:45, 3:55, 6:15 p. m. Fare, 50 cents, round trip. ' From SACSALIIO Tor SAN FRANCISCO {WOOk days)-7:00. S:l5. 10:05,11:55 a. a. 2:30, 4:05. 6 :30 p. v. (Sundays)— B:ls. 10:10 a. a.; 12:15. 2:15,4:15, 6:45 p. m. Extra trip on Saturdays at7:oa p. _ Fare, 25 cents, round trip. THRO U i. II TRAIN- ~~ ~" LKAVK ARRtVB »*N PBANCISCO. _>__.T-XATIO__ SAM __A_.Ct._<_, Week Days. Week Days. , . * i rr»i. Camp \u0084.„„, _. Taylor, Tocalo ,„ „_ 11:00 .*_ a. m;t . point Reyes ia«2*.p.__ a Way Stations. , ' i ; Tomales, How- 1 ards. Duncan 11:00*. Mill, Cazadero 12:25 P. it and Way sta- •-"-.: I tions, \u25a0 ________________ Sundays. j Sundays. "" ' 7 m F.-itriax. Camp \u25a0 *-__.!_ Taylor, Tocalo-| _\u25a0\u0084,_ _. - ,0Ua. __. m _ 1>0 ,_ .-, eyes * 6i15 p. a_ m A Way Stations. _ > FLXCI R. lON RATES: """ ' Thirty-Day Excursion-Round-trlp Tickets, to aa* from all stations, at 23 per cent reduction fro single tariff rate. Friday to Monday Excursion— Round-Trip Tick. at* •old on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, good C . return following Monday: Camp Taylor, 6150; Tocaloma and Point Reyes, #1 75; Tomales. 02 00- Howards. 82 50: Cazadero. 1 1 00. Sunday Excursion— Round-Trip Tickets good day sold only: Camo Taylor, $1 25: Tocalaiaa and Point Reyes, .1 60. STAGE CONNECTIONS, j ~~ Btapes leare^ Cazadero dally (except Mondays*, for Stewarts Point. Cnalala, Point Arena. Cuffeya Core, Navarro. Mendocino City, Fort Bra__ and __B points oa the North Coast. _____ ___>. W. COLEMAN. F. B. LATHAM. * General Manager, Gen. Pass. * Tkt. An _ •»-ner_.lo___-». 14 Sausotao atr_tt. »\u25ba- -SAN FRANCISCO AND N. P. RAILWAY. "'The Donahue ltrt>ad-*t.aii_« ltoute." rOMMKM'IM) BOHna- NOVEMBER 20. lv% . ___£*-__. _____ \u25a0_*_" boats -•** trains w_i leave from and arrive __ s * a PrancUoo !*_,___: grr Depot, M.i -Street 1-arf. a. follow.; r ** ,S9 *- from Ban Francisco tor Point Tibviron, !*»_-,•_ l' _ .'"_ X *_'•!?\u25a0 I we,,k ,l "* : 7:40 *. M. 9 :_o A. •__ Jl^ 0 *\u25a0 J*j 3 : 30 P- a., 5: .p. st.. 8-t. P. £ £&h ____?'_ a _l . ___*_. for San Francisco- Week I**-** _ n-' A. m, '. 6 *** M, J - 30 A -** l - l *; * ' *a_ 5:40 _ •*_ 6:05 P. m. s^uir.*..its r, ... :n extr* trio tt «•__ _\u25a0 vr |]ffi_^ ,8 ;™.^*V : A *M - *«»»^ si4op.-»_: From Point Tlbiirl . for San Francisco— Week dares «:_*)*. a.. B:_o*.a.. .:55 *a..1:10 p. r__ 4 03 -^ _____• m. 'Saturdays . '_ Mextra trip at **:5.p. mT fe!_____^_________^ r _. l 0:0^ A * M - l - :^ -«** **65-*-.. _ Leav 1 Dastiva. j Arrive In " San Kranclsco. I tio.n. I San Franenco. Ff__F I _ ___ I I Sun- f WaiTT" j. T> -. T8 - s n A Ta - \u25a0_______\u25a0•' I -n'T-t. 2 .'\u25a0•*-' M S' 1-**-" 11 Betaliima 10:40 _____ _? 13. '-fl 9-30*.*. and «:05p.__ i&- _._**s __.9-_i___Ai__.___ Sta Rosa. 7:25 p. m 6:lQl^**_* I Fulton I " ' " ~~ : \u25a0-* _ Windsor, I _-_- _ B=OoA.a fSSfga 7-ttsv m »8:*»*-5 ! Clovrda- tt.loP._t , j^ .. Way SH ] _. _- .._- Hopland | : " —* I*40A. M B.*ooA._ x) and h J 7;23p. M j 600P.< S^M ,BiWA -*N U_.__.T_* \ iia p. M , _;*ft A -ja 7:4<» a. m i(; OOa.m ! Sonom . I in-— * _\u25a0 I .*_. .'3 i : _ _* m I «_>____ ! a_nj__n I _:*6_ pk is w p 5_ *•\u25a0*<> ._.._ »:__? -*__(_-n-ii'n I \u25a0-._*.:_{ | g:{B _• 2 7:40 ..m |B.i>. a.m I _obastoD l lI 10- * A . m iii*v----' »•*"_..*« I »*-_**._| PM I 6:10 P -I Stai. es connect at Suntii Rosa for Mark W__^__— atGeygervdlefor__a__s' K___l^t-W___f?___ Otiut-.a tn.. .. in a.. -,, \u0084 , at Clo.-r.l_U '— V °. ln \u25a0ers; at P.eLi for Highland Sprlu_ J !T 1 %.'..Vie '___ ' bn_s.K..^-S.ri^ . i Cki-_ »„, e *.,'^* \u25a0\u25a0teKft T»_sJt% ?»__»_£«»?^B^S •fes_ r rt _S S??. Me '"rr-- r^y fe'B l^* Si^tSlTti !h -Si -' .• . lv i. •* «^ to'_yg_i_i •*..,'*"•roufciaa. tu ,5; toS«b:i _oooi.#-j 7n-tn ii.,_—_• Till- S3 75; to Sonoru .. »l 50; t.i Wi_.ii._V*" EXCURSION TU -E TS. (too. for S,_* y^a?y ??_ Fetaluma^ «l; to Sauta Koma, «1 80; t<> i_«»l_i_i£? •*-'_ si toClovordalo. »J; tj tkiat $4 50- _rTH_ivl«__r «:'. so; to so.a .opol. » l -W; 7. UniH __h_* m_ . n onoma. »l; to 01-.m Ellen, »t IX uoraoTU *-*•***'• •* PBTEU. J. _«____-? l r ?'_^*i l _Xl\»_?* i » ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC RAll__o_Dr SANTA FE KOUTK. TRAINS LEAVE AND ARRIVE AT B ANFRA Y. A clsco (Market-street Ferry)* FRA!.. Daily./ -\u25a0"-*.' .• lbS,l> TAiFt-T . _**__*_ tS r- ''*"' "' ' - lD*i_y. ... _*.«_ T-**_.?' "bress via Mo-h-ye....:. _*____; %______ c Ec,,r '' B,rl * \u25a0 « A»_ii__:: i;.! I tea. _. F. C *~'--* 0 Market »treeL7Chro-iSel_uTn_ tAU _«aer_l "p_____«»r A«t_____. ««a_.e._i tMiootot Aattk__ The Flo . of JOB—l|f Cannot bo urged In extenuation of the conduct of hosts of people who cotistsutly Inflict injury upon themselves, and lay the foundation for serious and disastrous bodily trouble by tbe use. in season and out of season, upon slight necessity and without discrimination, of drastic vegetable cathartics and poisonous mineral cholagogues— notably the vari- ous forms of mercury— to relieve simply constipa- tion, a complaint remediable at any stage by the persistent use of Bos tetter's Stomach Bitters. This fain, us remedy never gripes, evacuates too copi- ously or weakens the bowels. If there Is any other tonic aperient in or out or the pharmacopeia of which this can truthfully tie said, we are unaware of It. Abandon the fatuous habit of doting nnd use this benign regulator, which also sets right weak- ened stomachs and disordered livers. Rheumatism, i-iira'gi... sleeplessness, loss of appetite, malaria, debilityand kidney complaint- are troubles all con- queralilc by tbe bitters. 15 NOTICE! We are now settled In our new store, and invite everybody to inspect our stock of PICTURES, FRAMES, MIR- RORS, MOULDINGS, ARTISTS' MATERIALS,STA- TIONERY, LEATHER ana ARCHITECTS' SUPPLIES We have the largest and best lighted store devoted to our line of business m the world. Visits from our friends, customers and tho general publio will be ap- preciated. SANBORN, Y_L~_ CO., 741, 743, 748 _rtet Street _orll tf __ Mo Op _*

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Page 1: AND A€¦ · her toresume the name ofMichael, which she bore during widowhood. Mrs. Weinberg is a very young woman, whose second matri-monial venture was a disastrous failure. She


DllIwrite thitIloved yon ? Ah,never IIt was only a slip of the pen;

lor lovingiii-a- girtii..forever,And asking for nothingagain;

Means souls that life cannot dissever.And -rati)blends In harmony. When

Did1say that 1 loved you? Ah,never IItwis only a slip of the pen.

1could giveyon life's —*—«at endeavor,Myself ana my fral ties—lint then

Lore moans co much mora! You arc clever,llut you're often mistaken, you men.

Did t writ. thatIloved you T Ah,never!Itwas OftIJ a slip of the pen.


Miss Brown, the dressmaker, dropped ina little later."Ibeerd only just now that you're goin'

to York."she said, as if to apologize fornot com sooner, "and that you'rejoin' toget some thing*- for Mis' Downing."

''Ye.-, a dress," Hannah returned, while

her mother gave a tremendous"

Ahem.""Solheerd. Idon't get to York very

often myself, and I'm afraid I'm getting a

leetle behind the fashions. 1: don't pay, you

know, for me to get behind," she simpered.

Miss Brow was more noted for her simpers

than for the correctness of her styles.

"Of course not.""So Imade bold to step 'round and ask

yon, as you're going to the city anyway,an' will be lookin' at the fashions, to justgive a look fur MP.""Ishall certain!* study the fashions well

for mv own benefit."••J "can't say exactly how many pattern*

*Pd like you to buy me.""Ob. you want me to buy patterns do

you?" Hannah asked, quickly. She wasone of the most obliging girl' in. the world,

but this sort of thins was becoming monot-onous. , ...

"As long as you re In the city, an goinricht by the. fashion stores, i.'pose it wontbe no trouble for you to step in and buy apattern or so? Yon can net whatever you

think i*. pretty—some Racquet, bodies andskirt?, and so on. You can tell better 1can when you see 'em. You nitwit get

about fire dollars* worth. 1 think it'llpay

inc. I'lllet you have the money when youknow bow much It is,or I'llsew it out."

While Hannah was silently making anote of this, Mis. Dobbs, their next neigh-bor, came in.

"Pretty neighbor., yon are,' was hergreeting. "Pretty neighbors! 'Melie sheinst come up from the store. *_._,' sez she,•What do ver think* Hannah Goodrich Isgoln_ to the city a-Thursday, a-shoppin', an'i-i going to net Mis' Downing a dress. Iwonder ifsite wouldn't buy me a felt hat?I'm sick an' tin do" Mis' Miller's hats" __course she would.' _ _ I. 'A pretty neighborshe'd be ef she would:/:.

"Whs, certainly," said Hannah, trying tocall up a smile. It was only the ghost ofmm that responded, however. "What kindof a bat will Amelia want?"

••She. goin' to leave that to your judg-ment, -ometliin' pretty and dressy amistylish and that'll be becoming to yon."

Hannah was dark, with delicate featuresand very pretty: Amelia was light, withroarse features and homely.

•'She _ willing to go as high as *"*-." Mrs.Dobbs went on, ___-, ef you don't haveto spend so much she'll lie tickled. Look-ii _ around "a leetle and not taking the fustthine that's offered, you kinsometimes saveis much as 50 cents."

The school where Hannah vainly strovepa oh day to make the Witham youth learnedwas some distance from her home and shetook her _incleon with her. She bad justsettled down to it the next noon when adelicate, withered-looking, long-ago-comelywoman entered the room.

Hannah greeted her with her unfailingpoliteness .against hope, thatshe hadnot heard of the intended trip.

Mrs. Guion would not sit down. She hadran over only for a moment. Site had justheard that morning that .Miss Goodrich wasgoing m Thursday to the city and warredto km ifshe -.aid be willing to do theIast litofan errand there. Would she beso kind?

Of ceurse Hannah could not say no. andMrs. Gui d chose to consider her embar-rassed silence an assent, and to-k from abag three pieces of silk—blue, yellow and.reen, all peculiar shades. Would MissGoodrich be so kind as to match them injenhyrs? She had vainly tried here and inadjacent towns to do so; but then, yonnever could get anything outside of the city,_nd you could get everything there. WouldMiss Goodrich be so kind as to get a half apound of each.

The very small item of matching threepeculiar shades of silk was added to Han-nah* list.

She was sewing that evening when Mrs.Clark, the physician's wife, came in. Thislady was well off. dressy, but economicaland very fussy. All Witham knew that shewas hard to please. She would not burdenMiss Goodrich for anything, she began, ifshe could possibly fin time to go herself tothe i.y.or ifshe could gel what she wantedin W'tiHin. She had a piece of brawn plaidwhich she would like to get matched ;wouldMiss Goodrich be so kind, as to get the samequality exactly and the same pattern? See?-There* was that fine stripe; did she noticethat? Itwas night three years ago— Mrs.Clark did not remember now whether itwasin New York or Philadelphia; she had paid

• $1 a yard for it and she would like six yard,more.

Mrs. Green from the Corners, Mrs. Drakefrom the .iter. Mr?. Williams from NorthWitham, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Jones, Mrs.Cole, one aft.r the other, were ushered intothe sitting-room and begged to have a pieceof goods matched or something big or littlebought In the city. Th always knew itwould be no trouble for her as lons as shewa<»buying for herself, and not one offeredto advance the money for the purchas .

After supper on Wednesday evening Han-nah wrote out her list In full. She wasstudying it, a little amused ani very muchvexed, when her mother entered.

"Ma, I've been counting up," she said."Waal?"

"The things Iam requestod by the neigh-bors to boy amount at a rough guess to SIBO,They would easily fillthree trunks, and thework of hunting for them would occupy meat least four days. Not one has offered acent in advance or the mon**y to pay ex-pressaee. Ihave just $80 and two days tospend in t—a city.""Itold you so—ltold you so.""What could Ido? Ishould have offendedevery one of them ifIhad put the case to

them as itis.""Waal, what air you going to do? You're

in for It, you see.""I'mnot going— that's what I'lldo about

it. We'll bay our winter dresses at Blake's,as the rest of Witham will, lor all me. Thenext time Imake up mv mind to go to NewYork,not a soul in Witham willknow IttillIam gone. Ifyou please, ma."

Mr?. Goodrich did please. When Hannahwent, early the next spring, even Mrs.Downing was not told till the last moment,and then it was because Hannah changedber name to Downing the day she went, andwas as pleased as before, of course, to un-dertake any commissions for Jerry's mother.

. A. D. S.

A VERITABLE SPONGE.Mm. I-.-iclia-l .V. X Even Had to Pay

for Her License to Marry.Judge Levy severed the matrimonial re-

lations between Itachael Weinberg and I.a-dore Weinberg on the grounds of his deser-tion aud failure to provide, and permittedher toresume the name of Michael, which shebore during widowhood. Mrs. Weinberg isa very young woman, whose second matri-monial venture was a disastrous failure.She was married on March 2, 1891, and hercomplaint was hied almost to a day one yearafter. Weinberg, who was stated to be abarber and an expressman, has never con-tributed a nickel to her support. She hashad to do this her. elf, with some little helpfrom her mother. She paid for the marriagelicense, and spent the £40 which she had inbank to pay the rent of ihe rooms in whichthey spent the honeymoon, and for theirliving for Swo weeks.

Admitted to llie Bar.On presentations of licenses from courts

ofMinnesota, New York,New Jersey, lowa,Kentucky and Colorado, Sylvester Kip, L.Barber, M. C. Cleveland, T. B.rierson, W.Rodman and Richard Chittenden have been

admitted to practice in the Supreme Courtof this State, also the class composed of thefollowing named: Ban F. Smith, J. V.Hannon, Roger _. "Williams, E. M.Hnnnn,

E-Carß. Lefebre, F. \V. Wood, Andrew W.Francisco Jr.. J. Z. Tucker. Walter 1..Koethen, W. 11. Davis, C. K. Holloway, G.A. Williams, Russell W. Heady, Lafayette

Gill.William J. Murphy, Henry K., Samuel Peterson, John G. Kossiter,W. C. Uatchelier, Lewis J;. Wcrks, J. W.Kemp.

THE STOCK MARKET.There was a trifling change for the better .ester-

day allalong the line. No news beyond the weeklyreports or the Bold Hillmines was received timettho front, and these show nothing of particularInterest

On Mm early call the market was steady but Inac-tive, and sales were made in (iphirat f.65. Mexi-can .1 75, Curry $1 35. £ Belcher ,_ 40,Sierra Nevada .1 55 and Coo, Cal. and Va. .1 sal. of 300 shares.Intie middle -lock*!million sold at 70c,*Sorcros«

$1 40. i'otosi f1 15 and Savage $140.The south-cud stocks showed no change, and Alt*

\u25a0old at 80c, Caledonia 30c, Crown Point 70.-, Ken-tuck 10c. Overman Sjc. Seg. Belcher 30c, andJacket .1 05.

The balance of the list remained stealy but Inac-

tive.After the call tliere was ga te a demand for Con.

Cal. and Va.,and the price advanced to $170 undersales of 1)50 shares. A like ranee occurred Inthe

balance of the north-end _\u25a0*»__l,and the marketclosed steady but Inactive at the noon recess.

On the 2:30 r.m. call prices ___-—•— unchangedMlvery little trading wa3 done. After the callther* arts a funher advance In prices, and theboard cl •*— at an early hour with the marketstrong but inactive.

NOTES.Silver certificates Mid yesterday at 87 _c and

bars BS .fee in New York, and .'l9'._d inLoud »a.An assessment of Sc per share has bt*cu levl.don

tin*.Locomotive.iba Belcher, -tali Con. ami Andoi assessments

tali delinquent In '..turd to-day.Three or four men are at work on the I'rlnco

claim, about a mile west of Kou;h ami Keaily.which i.owned by Richard l'aii—an of Grass Valley.There 1- a shaft on the claim ah... it '.0 fe— Indepth, showing a 10-inch ledge, irom which HenrySchroeder extracted ore a few years ago thatyielded $27 per ton.—N'evad » Transcript.

ihe VirginiaCbroßlele says: Work la the Sntrotunnel is belli? actively prosecuted uuder the super-vision of James Meeban, foreman. Ten men ad-ditional were added to the working force last week.owing to work being resumed last Friday in thoOccidental .in::. which Is now la about 550 feet.Operations -in lie drift were suspended nearlytwo wee:* ago, until a blower to furnish afree circulation of air to the miners In the.'.rift was put In. The work Is now com-pleted. The blower is run by a wheel 90 feetin diameter, which has been placed In thetunnel 100 feet east of the Occidentaldrift, which is run by water-power supplied fromthe dynamos 01 the 1900 levelof the ('hollar. Itis thought asufttclent circulation of free air cannow be supplied; and work in the drift willbeactively prosecuted. Two trains of 15 cars each,run by five mules, now mike separately two tripsdally in transporting waste rock through the tunneltioiu the c. .v C.Savage aad Hale _ KorcrosaOne night train <f the same Capacity also makestwo trips nightly iithe same work. New closedboxes are being laid through the tunnel to carry offthe water overflow trom the Yellow Jacket mine.The water is very bot. tiavr.i.a temperature of 130d. res.

.ne followingofl—ia] letters were placed on fileyesterday:

-avaok—During the week we have boated 620cars of or, fro ;i the 7.0, 950. 1100 and 1 100levels,and shipped to the Nev: <_mill5.5 tons »nd milled553 ions; averaae battery assay $20. Bullionyieldfor the week if7**69.

On the 1500 level tie upr.-lse started from themala north drtt ata pol'tt SO feet north <mrsouth boundary is advanced sß feet; top is lv quartscarrying somo fair-grade ore, on the Sutro tunnellevel '.tie jointnorth drift with the (Jon ida Currycompany was extended 25 feet, r.i tains its total3"4feet: face 15 Inporptiry. We are doing the usualamount of prospectin. and repairs on several levels.

Beg. 1:: :<•n- _ —J lie raise from the south drift

on the lisUO level . eon extended 17 feet an.l isnow up 60 ft1\u25a0:. We exp»ct to connect with thosev s nth-floor drift Ina .lay or two.

.11-,— c—The west drift on the 4—J level was ad-vanced 18 feet during the past week, ssaktaa itstotal length 759 feet. The face Is still in hardrock. We have finished ta.ingout the pump columnand are boo ma'-iug tome necessary airs to tboshaft.

Cr.o— Point— The south drift from wen cross-cut 1 on lhe 100 level lias been extended 20 feetsince last report an.lIs now out li4tee*. The faceis ina mixture o" porphyry ahd ci.iv. Have stoppedthis driftaud at a point 30 feet south of the westcrosscut started a raise, which i*up 14 feet.The top is in porphyry, with a streak ot quartztarongli itgiving iirassays.

.11 HER— The north drift on th. SOO lev— hisbeen extended 34 feet and is now la 225 feet northof rabe *_, ihe face ls tn a mixture of porphyryand clay. The lortb drift on the seventh floor ofthe 1300 level .tope is out 34 feet, having sen run22 feet since last report. The face Is all inquarts oflew gra-i-.

Conmilii—Tro Ikpfrui-W« are still takln_out some ore from old fillings and small streaksfound on the upper levels, wnich is being shippedto tbe Brunswick mill for retlu-tlon.

Con. idenc- ami Cham i- v.,i:C'ON-sot.(PATnr>—The joint Confidence and Chali**n.e west crosscutfrom the north dr.ft on the 200 level Isout 200feet, 32 feet tiaviue been mane during the «rook.The face shows porphyry. The joint Confidenceaad Challenge raise from tho north drift ci! thnsame leval ii ip -_ feet. 18 fe i.ay:.._ been addedduring tiie wee*.. The top shams quartz, having novalue. Are i<till taking out some ore from old fill-ings and small strea.s fi-und on the upper levels,which l.being .hipped to the Brunswick millforreduction.

Kkntccx Cos.— ln th" _•-: crossed on the 160level have sun* one set i.i the pay ir__ andraised two sets, and connected withthe old (topeeon this level, which affords us a gnotl circulation ofairand will enable us to better prosecute work onthis level.


HOARD SALES.(Tin; v(re the

_la ttio San Francisco

IttccL aril j(Mt-:(i_;: •_--—?___ SESSION

—9*30 A.V.

100 Alpha 30 100 CPoint....7o'__oPO —.1...1.15350 Alta -".00 Exehea....3_ 100 »ava_e .. 1.1-16100 11 A 8...-..U -(ii* <\u25a0 _-<—__-_ 60 -L.O.00 Hodle 45,-50 11

_N...1.4-. 100 SB* M..HO

'.-0 11u1110i1... 70 500 Kent.—.. 10 JOO _Ne. ...1.50...i.-na....— 100 Mexican I.To

-OCi.'-V. 4.:',i;iiu I*..50 L'niou ..1.4360 Coufid.,,l'4 100U0b1r....'-.-5 1400 Utah ill)

150 1.70,100 Overran...Bsl *__ VJac_ei. 1.05AITKKXOOX SESSION


100 Alpha 30 100,0 A 0...1 .500.._tr 2*4150 Andes 40 101) IIA N..1.4U SOOPotoal. ..1.0060 Belcbr 85 200 Juntie... no 100 ,_va_e..l.4o

500 P *8..2.4! K.ntUCK..IO100 Scorploa.. 15100 8uiw.r...40 300 I.adv _.„l*_ 100 s __: M....35100 liar.10.. .00 Mexican, 1.80 100 SNev....100 CP018_....7Ui100 1 _ 300 Otaß 15850 ( C *V..4.65 500 Nev (J 45 100 .J_._l .1.058000 Imp Oo AJO Oocia 20,170 1.10100 Ci.nfil...l.tO, , _ I

Follow Ingwere the sales in the Pacific Stock Boari7ec day:

nrr.ri.Aß SESSION'— lOdML100 Alnha 30 50Ctioilar..l.05 100 Occld 24200 Ait* 80 100 CCA V....4 ._ .11 )0pnir....'.'.05150 Andes 40*250 4.5_ 100 . W.350 IS A H...2.H SOU 4. '10 160 V.70150 '_' _ 10 4*. 100 overin..... 5200 Hoille 4.1,350 \u0084 4.11 ...'J P0_0_t...1.15100 8UH10U....70 100 8xcae.....-- io

'Savage.. .l3/*100 731100 (* *0....1

' -150 1.40

150 8u1wer. ...44 _00 HA >\u0084 .1. ,100884 M...3'_100 Caiedaa....O MO 1.40 100 Nev....1175 C 1mp....0S SO Julia lc'loo Cni0a...1.451000 061*00 500 Ctan 17300 C Point. ..12. .00 Mexican. 1.TO 100 V._C__l.l.lo100 „ 71, 50 _l**ii


:3_.250 Alpha 3» 100 Caietlna...*_S 200 _le_l.a_l.Bs100 '_ -Of*( d011ar.. .1" „.00 1— .1.n.. .'_'_100 Alia _. 160J linn .0. 100 20260 «_ ion. P0int.... 72 ISO (Jpbir ...2"-.200 Andes 40 100 K-Ctio, 35 lUUO.rmn *-5300 41 60-. AC.1.35 ISO 00-50 42,100 11 _: 2.... 1."\u25a0,, 100 P0t0it... .1.15•200 8e1cner...... .00 1.45i60.... 1.20150 I'-Jr. C....2.45 250 1.40.200 . . liA100 8u11i0n. ...7-iiOO-iilla .10 .100 Savage.. .1:.100 li100 Kennies.. 11 160SNev . 1.55300 Jl luoLaUy W. . It iOOSHUI 0661) CO* V..4 ti 50 Mexican. lHi 400 Utah J.

350 4**. 100 60- _aC«..1.0530 4.61 |

C-.Ol_l_._f QUOTATIONS.Thuksoat, Apr.l 7— 4 P. v.

_.(_. -1.-.-! Hid. _!__._Alpha.on. 30 35 Julia _

e_ j0Alt* _ 80 86 •*_*__ so 35Andes 40 45 Kentucs _. 10 15Itltner...-. S3 VO Lady Warnings, 16 aoI— Isle „ IB 20 locomotive .... _

05Pen C0n....—

2.00 Mexican 1.80 .85lest A Ueicuer. 2.46 2 __ oMono «_ *;_l.odle \u0084 40 45 Navajo _, _o_____

70 75 Nev .aeon _ so_

l*«n*-er -40 4.'. \u25a0> lielieIlia_

.6laledODia 25 SO *\u2666 (oniiiionwiia

__301 etr.rai

—o.*- Occidental 15 20

(.halieaje Coo.. 74 80 1 .'.ir .2.76 2.50(hollar 1.10 1.16 overman. „ .3 _ vlommriweaita..

—20 Peer




Vir..4.70 4.75 !..r._i........ OS 101canoe.... 1.75—

jPotosl _.l.__ 1.25.onImperial... 05 lOfcavago 1.40 1.45lon>ewVor__ 15 20;_corplon 15 20(rocKer 00 10M5a midei i;.. 30 35Crown Toiat... 70 75 MerriiNevada.. 1..& l._oDai -lonto 16 ao SllverKlng

—cotjist Sierra Nev

—05 Sliver Inn 05 10l-.xeii_._er 35 40 Summit 10 15


2.25 Union Con 1.45 1.50(iould a Curry.1.40 1.46 1.-D... 20 25.rind Prize 10 lb .v.i.iou _. 05 10hale _._> 1.40 1.45 V ____\u25a0_ 1.05 1.10


Tnnis_.v, April 7—2 p. •_._?'_.

_______._. ______

0. __-__...lISV_—

'Oakland Qai.. 371/, p*t..(al-st 'oliiltlO:. 4

—Pac _____\u25a0

__80 81

CntaCoWßda. 98 ..101_


80liunnt-st lids. 145 ISO *0 r daaiiatit.. __*_ (--9

hu. ex-coup 91 .{* :_tu ton a. _. 30_ACil_el.rU.loo' .llo _____ R It..__ll« 11._l_PKKi— a... eO'ttlOOV* P* C llie Ky 36. 40MM— Hay.

_______\u25a0 K. 11. 105

M-Coaßtitlt. lO.''/.—

NI'AMKK.60 78_>P Hl', ___\u0084 110.4112.4 Ouii*.lt*i_.Kit._


—iPrecl.!. X I__ 2. •_»

(.niniOUECrSd. 11 3—


1.8l'_OKß_«i4..n;i^ __California lot 98

—1-ACliKyltiij. .5

—Conimere* Una



Firemaa'i td. 170—


Home Mutual. 187 _ —fcl'KltCalßds.ll3 113 State InvMtra 83 86.lKr.-al-.__. 97 100 Atlantic Pow. 45 40*-.l_rlt_ali'i__!os

—cal lewder.. l<*b

Water o'§„ 11.i^iao (ilattt Powdar 49"4 64bVWator4'a..

-91 t-aftyMtPow. Hi/* 9 _


75 Vi»omPow.. 'i _v_Dank of Cat.. 370 Vnieaa Pow..


talSafe _»• 46—

lidkinaCMO 10 30Ilr_.Nat___l.l76 18- V_ ( 'uiionM (3 42 40LPAAmlianx.l l9

—(_jEleo _____ 15*/_ 15._

LABPBaaz. 36 Vi 38 |Cai Eiec waa 3 4*,.Paclflc Hank..

—170 iiaw'n (-.,.. 4 4*/«Mercti i.iOne 15 21 E_M_- ._•___ 4'A 0 _

Contra... W. 99*.i101> ..udi'nM'lcU. 17 21MannCoW.. 48 60 Oceanic » 8.. BttVa 63 _>*"**•«..-»»l4 99 .'a'pac Bii *U.» 94

--Bluei_ak_M W. 20



CatiUaiUai. .. 00 100 ii*acWooaa<r«—


Boarl-50 S V Water, 99_; SO Ha*naltnn Com.merclal. 37- *. 80 S P Uasllgtit, 68U; 26 Cal Elec-tric Light.!,.*:.

-treet-»800. S V 6% P,ontl_i. 118'/j.-IlKHSllllVN-1.--V

Board-100 \u25a0 V Water, 991/3.I Polyphonic Club.

The first concert by the Poly phonl_ Clubwillbe given on the Gth ofnext May, and theprogramme will contain a concerto by J. S.Bach for three pianofortes and strings,some choral work by Arcadelt and Wagner,besides other selections by Scarlatti, Mo-zart, Schumann, Chopin, Verdi, Bat andMoszkowski.

A I Iff,III!Held.Timothy Shea, who was arrested at Mer-

ced a few days since, was ordered held yes-terday by Commissioner Sawyer to answerbefore the Giaud Jury.


Tiie Cruiser .more CrowdedWith Visitors.

Another Lively Fcrap on the Water Front.

The St. Paul Departs for O.nalaaka.

The Champlaia Due.

A fisticuff match "formoney and blood,"not billed by the local athletic clubs, wasinterrupted by tho police yesterday just astho contestants had fairly warmed up totheir work. The affair was arranged be-tween two firemen on the Australia, whohad a little question of honor that could besettled in no other way. In tho ordinary

run of fistic combats the affair would havebeen declared a five-round go. but the com-batants did not want even the 10- second in-tervals. Itwas give and take, bang, smash,knock down and get up again until thepolice appeared. Then the principals andseconds took to their heels, and honor wasdeclared satisfied. The puncipais would nothave been recognized by their own mothers,and looked as if they had been put throughthe rai_!earer of a paper-mill.

The steamer St. Paul, one of the supplyvessels of the Alaska Commercial Company,left for Oonolaska and Bering Sea pointsyesterday, with 54 passengers on board,chiefly employes of the company and theirwives. The vessel will return in about GOday-.

The tug Fearless is due back from theColumbia River to-day.

The cruiser Baltimore was fairly besiegedby visitors yesterday. Three tugs, the Mil-lie, Ethel and Marion and Annie, made fre-quent trips from Clay-street wharf. Triotugs were not allowed alongside the cruiser,but transferred their passengers to smallboats. It i-> understood that to accommo-date those desiring to inspect the vessel thedeparture for Sau Diego willbe delayed tillSunday. In tne meantime the lialtiniorewillremain off Folsom- street wharf, beingthe first time that a warship has been lo-cated in this position.

A IUAll IKK LOOSK.Among the odd incidents of yesterday was

the breaking loose of a tame bear which alocal politician had caused to be paraded onWashington-street wharf with a basketfulof political dodgers. The beat espied a penof porker?, and, preferring pork to politics,essayed to seek admission to the pen. Threeof the pig* jumped in the bay and werepicked out by the boatmen.

The steamer Corona arrived yesterdayfrom San Diego and way ports. Captainll— denies that McLaren, the shippingagent of tiie Sailors' Union, was put inirons. The only precaution taken was tolock up the non-union crew at every porttouched by the steamer and to give theunion men the slip at RedoadO. Just be-fore reaching San Pedro the pas-senders

were confined to their cabins. Chief Jus-tices Ueatty, Patterson and Garoutte wereof the number and approved the captain'sactions.

S. A. Smith, the freight clerk of the SantaIlosa, who became suddenly insane a fewdays ago, is rapidly recovering. It 1- be-lieved the brain trouble was purely a tem-porary affair due to rupture of a small bloodvessel.

John B. Griffith, who tried to get awayfrom tho whaler Northern Light by avow-ing himself one of the Pixley train-robber.,Is out, with 0 letter admitting his fraud anddeclaring that he willbe back hero on Juno15. He will be lucky ifbe arrives here be-fore Cliristmas.

The steamer Lucy Low has been burnedat Anacortes and willprove a total loss.

Among the arrivals yesterday were thesteamers Point Arena from Mendocino.State of California from Portland, Gipsyfrom Santa Cruz, Cosmopolls from llu-*ii-eme. Greenwood from Point Arena. Alca-zar from Greenwood and _las_ie 1.0--i fromCoos Pay.

'I!.*-departures were the steamer Colum-bia for Astoria, the schooner Nettie Lowfor Point Reyes, tho bark Gatherer for Ta-coma, the steamer Eureka for Wilmingtonand ttie steamer Caspar for Caspar.

REMOVALS.Among the removals were the hark Fair-

chiid from Howard street to sea, the barkUundaleer from Alameda to Howard street,the ship Slieve IJawne Iron Spear street toWashington, the ship Fort George fromstream to sea, the lark Seattle* from Oak-land creek to Beah_ street, the barkentitieDiscovery from the sugar refinery to Mis-sion street, and the Corona from the sea-wall to Broadway.

The French frigate Champlaln, which leftSan Diego on Wednesday, is expected hereto-day.

The weather at Point Lobos was calm andhazy; wind eia'it mile- an hour.

The Gill,ran effigy was still lying on thestreet at Davis and Washington yesterday,but a load of paving-stones has" been laidalong both sides and local residents regardtheir work as accomplished.

Many complaints were made by visitorsto the Baltimore yesterday that they werenot allowed below the spar-deck. A sentrywas placed at every hatch and the rule wasrigidlyenforced. There was a strong feel-ing that as the vessel belongs to the uatiouand the taxpayers the restriction savoredentirely too much of quarter-deck aud redtape.

. AMATEUR TROTTERS.How I). 11. Sevrell Lost 930 on a Mv-

ni«lpal Home.An interesting little case was up before

Justice of the Peace Low yesterday and re-suited in a judgment for the defendant onthe theory that tho court couid not enterinto the details of a thing forbidden by law.The case was that of Daniel It. Sowellagainst J. J. Lyons to recover _—»depositedInhis care on February 13.

The litigants are employes In the SchoolDepartment, nnd some one having made theremark that the horse which Newell drovewas a "_kat(i" he wagered .3. against $20of a fellow-employe named Carr that hithone "Jim" could bent a certain etherhorse of the department named "Bob."The race was to be for one mile, trotting,on the sn.-dttack at the park. Lyons wasthe stakeholder.

The race took place on the followingdayand "'Jim" was heat .1. Sewell had hisdouhts at the time the race was run that theother horse was "Boh," the horse in therace having been mouse- col and "Hob"being a bay. He so insisted on the trial,but the stakeholder and his witnessesclaim—l that It Was tint intended to havebeen a race between "Jim" and "Bob." butbetween "Jim" and a horse, and that suchrace was run, and bewell's "dim, withaa record of _*27, and his "dough," were "notinit."

A _____>*•_—___! Society.

The Hellenic Mutual Benevolent Society,which has lain dormant for many years, v. usreorganized last night through the efforts ofthe newly appointed Consul of Greece forCalifornia, the Hon. D. G. Camailnos.

At8 o'clock, the leading Greek merchantsand the clergy of the Greek-Russian Churchmet at the office of tho Consul, and pro-ceeded to the election of a board of trusteesfor the year 1 .»_.

Consul Camarinos first stated the objectof the meeting, and explained the necessityfor coming to the support of the society.

Rev. Father Kallinlkoa, Rev. Father Am-bros'.os and A. D. Splivalo mad. patrioticaddresses, at the conclusion of which themembers proceeded to the election of trus-tees.

The election resulted In the selection ofthe followingGentlemen i I).G. Camarinoj,if.Vast-Ufa, Pftotis Vrelto«, N. D_miana-kis, A. Kosta, C. Cosmas, Dionisius Bast as,John Martin, John Catechl, George Nic-olaus, C. I'.mitracopulos, to hold officeuntil the fir. YVedne. day inApril,1693.

The board then organized by electingConsul I). G. Camarinos president, P.Vrcitog vice-president, N. Damianakistreasurer and Mitchell .unvalis secretary.The Right Key. Dr. Nicolaus, Bishop ofAlaska and California, was unanimouslyelected honorary president and member ofthe society.

Consul Camarinos afterward entertainedall present. ___*__

Licensed to Marry.Licenses to marry were Issued to:Frank M.Casey and Reta I). Vasquez. 22-19.Kaflaello I'.ilja_. and Maria t'anar. . 30—21.Charles W. l'lckatd and May«'. Crum, 21—-it).1...17.1 A. Hawaii —i..l Maty A.H..z.11,_l


Herman Jacob and Uuisle Kciiueel>cr_.r.37-22.

** 'Andrew McDonald and Julia Kane. 23—17.Joel 1.. Black aud 0clavu Crlglcr, 23—31.William U. Au_u_tluy auo Annie Lynch,


Jean I*.Couallliardon and Fiaucai_e Luquet.27-18.

A .1itiu-i.-i- in Anil.Thomas I'aquiu, a Canadian Postmaster,

under arrest in this city at the instance ofthe Canadian Government for irregularities

In office, obtained an order for a writ ofhabeas corpus yesterday, which will boHeard before .Judge Troutt to-morrow.

'•**•. _...r-'

\u0084..t In.the Finger.

"While under the influence of liquor, Mrs.Minnie Clark, a woman of bad characterwho lives on Second street, went to the Re-ceiving Hospital yesterday to be treated fora bullet wound in the third of tholefthand. After relieving heiseil uf con-

shlerable vulgar language, she declared thatShe li .(J been shot by one David Maroney.The toman lias served a ten. in the Houseof Correction, and is known as "Scissor ."owing to her chant for u>iug that house-hold implement ns a deadly weapon.

REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS.Thomas 11. (luffand wire to David WooS-ST, lot

on line of Pulton -reel. 115 AY ofWebster, Vf22:0 by M 80; f10.

J. (I.Owlcs ami wire to J. and M. K.Kountree.loton X line of lievisatiero street, 32:6 S of Waller.*. _*> by X 110:3: 110.

(' \u25a0 melius D. o'ilara and wife to Charles S. Har-ney, lot on B Hue of Page street, (JO *_or Lyon. \u25a0 23by _

100: .10.Mtlo Hoadley to Charles 11. Hoadley. lot com-

mencing 137:6 N* of Bush street an.l 100 W of Lyon.N 87:« by W •_-: gift.

C. D.Salfielil and wife to James Plsher. lot on Nline of Fell street, 178:15 E of Ashburv, E£»_ by N137:«: $10.

T. P. Woodward and wire to John (*.. Barker andJeremiah a. Deneen, lot on N* line of Clay street110:7V. Vf of Walnut, W _6:lui.. by N 1•_> 7-


.3500.John A. Whelan and wife to Addle L, liglls,lot

on E line of Maionic avenue, 215 8of Waller street.S*_4 by E 150; . .<».William V. Co—lol to Elizabeth Han ncrinan, lot

onE line of Twentieth street, 163 W of Howard. Vf.2 by M 100; $10.

B. D, Hues and wife to Louis Landler, lot on Slinoor Twenty-seventh street, 160 W of Sanchez. Vf85 by 8 114; $K».

Estate of John Dundon to John I.eanan, lot onN W line of atom a sties!, 175 Nfcl of beveuth, NE23 by NW 7.: $5000.

John, El'en ami Catherine Dundon, same, same:$10.Hannah Keeslng to (',. T.Knopf, lot on E line ofHampshire street, 91:6 n a. Twentieth, N 100 by

E 100; $10Joseph, Edward and Robert V.Heaney and Mary

M. Schradcr to John and Mary l_ Ueaney, lot on Eline of Twenty avenue, 150 > of I'ointLobos. N 25 by X 120*. $1110.Alfred J. Rich to Citric.Heslln, lot on Kline of

1« iii, second avenue, 200 Nof C street NSO byE 120: $10.

Jacob Heyiaas ami wife to Joseph Y. Vf line ol Twenty-eighth avenue, 27- s or Jstreet, **SS by W 120; if10.

Jacob Hey11 an and wife to Solomon J. Levy, loton X 111 of I'ourieenth avenue, 1.15 Sof J street,s 100 by X I*2o,quitclaim deed; $10.

yii'a .May no to Lizzie .1 Coifaa. lot on W line ofThirty-seventh avenue, 273 N of Q street N 25 byW 120; $10.

Wendell E.iston an.l wife to tilNola. loton E line of Forty-seventh avenue, 175 N

_ Ustreet. N 50 by 1- 120; $10.

Wendell Eaatoo and Wife to Mary D. Martin, loton B line of Fortv-siv '•;1 1 avenue, 123 N of Lstreet, N 00 by E 1V0; $10.

Mary LeweUla to Martha H.Smith, lots 437. 139.441. wirt .Map 1: $200.

B. E. Arnold (by Sheriff ;to Rather Banking Com-pany. tots 1764 to 1787. Gift Map 4; also lot 28.block 07, lot 40, black S2, Tide Lands granted toDuuphy et al.: —tOWI

O.Mel.arty and wife to Louts Lander, lot on Eline or S'.ani an street, 60 _. or ltivollavenue, N 25byI100: $10...C. Carlsen to A. M Speck, all Interest Inlot 2,fractional block 30. Paul Tract Homestead: .10.

Oliver 11. Mai tin to Conrad (trees, lot on SW lineof IT'let nth avenue. Mouth Sau Francisco, 75 \of1. street. SiW 50 in OS) 100. block 308. BooSb San—

rancUCO Homestead and llallr-al Association:Si".

Robert Morrison ami wife to Oliver B.Martin,same; $100.

John \\. Koon to San Francisco Collateral L_ nBank. lot30, block 45. City Land Association; $10.

Mr*.A. I',aii'l Albert P. Mordannt to a. J. andEllen A. Fish, lots 14 and 15. block 6.1, City La 1Association; $10.

Ai.ts EDA sty.

William _, Law ami wire to c. B.rnnkiln fwlfaof 11. L),1. 1 on N fine of Kleventh street. 100 Vffrom Want, a 35 by _. 100, Oakland: 10.

B.Jordan i.Frederick 1. Jordan, lot .m X side ofWeal street, 10S s of Twenty-sixtn, _,' \u25a0_;


00.quitclaim deed, Oakland*. $1.Itobort li. Lapp to Nellie Y. Tapn, by decree ot

court hereof awards to *•—Hie F. T.pp, lot on WHue of Ma_nolia street, 126 n of twenty.second,w 133:4 i.v V 60; also undivided one-half Interestc. lot on.NW corner of Twenty-second ami Onionstreet', N 100 by W 1"0 Oakland; *» .

A. It. Fitch to (ieorge L. Fltcn. lots 19 to '22.ri---.ili.ii—skin block 73, North Addition ol Brook--1 a, Raai Oakland; $5. :_. —.

i-iniit-lA. Moore to Patr'ck Cahill, lot 25, block«, .lanes Tract, Berkeley; $10Ida Haass (wife ot Charles) to Victor J. Hoff-

mann, lot on S. line of Kiutual avenue. 200 W ofWalnut street. "»v safe] B 140. Alameda: $10.

I'.ertraud limine to I't-ter Bartbe. undivided halfiiit-r-.iIn lot I,block A, map block A. N' additionto Iivermore. Murray Township: $150.

Jonathan It.Talcott and wife *.\u25a0\u25a0 Newton M. Fay,lot on BK line of High street. A 1.10 NE from Sb vi—t plot 7la partition of Boswoll vs. Stevens.NX 100. SK 153.6. SW 97.-5, SW 167. BrooklynTownship; .10.-

QeorxeJ. ('...->• to Arthur lakeraler, lot on N' lineof Kigiub street, 100 E of Filbert. ESO by N 95,Oakland; also lot on Nline of Kigbthstreet. 95 aof Myrtle, W 30 I.v N 100. Oaklaml; also propertyInSan Fran* isco; 77*..

WilliamMastlaand wife to —me. .me; $775.w. i_ liaraard anil wife to Jean .1. liaurlac, lotonN line of Seventeenth street, 210 ***> or >>.-.-. Vf 50by **• 10.1:'— also all Interest lastrip 5x10.', adjoin-ing.Oakland: $.0.

James T.Hilland wire to Edward Krl-bie. lot onN corner of Nin entb avenue and Kast Twenty-second street, Ml200 by ME 140, East Oakland;-.4(100.

K. A.'n and wife to .1. 11. Mi-rrn-iiiey. lot16, block A. Teachers' Tract, quitclaim tie—l,Oak-land Iowusblp: . .1.

1. T.11 Pal»or and wife t.i Timothy J. Donelln,lots 3 and 4. Woe* A, .*»el)urban Tract, Berkeley ;*10.

1. S. Sherman to Mr.S.iraUllWal 1, lot 12, block 11,_\u25a0 rll tvale Tract, Brooklyn Township: *?5.

William N. Holway and wife t.i William Vf. MrKee. lots 12 and 13, 1'ortlaud i'ark, Brooklyn Town--blp; 3:00.

Patrick Y.siv-jnetn David Boss, undivided hallinterest In lots 11 to— map ElectricHeights Tract, BrooklynTownship; $10.

K. a. Itautllett and wife to Joseph A. LeonardCompany, lot on SE corner of Ballroad avenue andChe.tnut street. s 50 by _ 150. Alameda; $10.— Vf. Van 81 klen and wile to A C. Anderson,loton v line of Cement avenue, 189 v. of Stan-ford street, a 18 *< by N 127:0. ilsmsdi. $10.

.1. 11 BtrobrMgo to Daniel (.'hrlshi lviami James11. lair. t. undivided bail Interest In lot on mvcorner A and .Irst sta., Bl:_•.».1 by SW 100. liay-Wards, llden township: grunt.

Bask of Livermore to Horentln.. Teres, lots 10and 11, Mock 31, addition No. 3to Llveriiiere.-i:lots 11... 1 15. block 71, south addition to Liver-more. Murray Township; $650.

Plorentlua Peres to 11. (ioi_ales, same; $5.


DGDim.M 4 w. N V iKParuck.NTF Gilbert A w. \.Is IIAnderson. 80. tonItM Doyle, U S N C Sweeney, IdahoMrs It M Doyle. N V MrCadwalader A w. Redt. 11 Thoinss, Reno 1 B'.ufTMrs S It Gates, Oakland 111 White. OhioMrs A T lleulck,Oakland iTC rem is. unloJ B Wattles A w. Mill I"B Terrls, Roston

Brook Farm JW IIlilxonA w. St PaulC II< i"»i'il leandro W E Wilson _ w.Los Aug.1 Rot -en. Sacramento iD M__iaa a». (iiB W Rollins ._ *», Deuver.w it I'... SonomaM Rutin N V Mr*.D Walter. BostonMiss \u25a0 Du—ad. England C II Mc Kenny, h A dt,J Goodman, Mont I 1 tottW THoward. UM J J Rmerv. N VJ IILover, Sacramento IMrPendleton A w,OhioMiss VI tell.Newiirleans

_I'Rogers, Portland

i——"ii, Ky Mrs-

»_ Spring, MaineMiss Alrzauder, n y r Wheeler ._ » -ilearB Harvey, Baltimore Mrs F B Rice, IIPaulTl.Moon *w... Raul 1 Turnkuli, st PaulMiss c Bishop. Chicago wll(.ray. Mala 1IIC Jii'l'l _ «.Conn Mrs D Preston. MichiganL F Graham, San .lose ILNewell A w.(i.bkoshW D Take] I_, .Nevada ' Godfrey, EnglandO II I.Gray, .resno 111 W'ottan, EnglandBO Parker. Boston . J Barney, BatteD Br _

;i,Chlcsgo M -- C '.agen. Cat.1 A Moore, Huff.lo [LNesrali * ar, MassM a*E Lane. Sacramento vii-.J Iveson. Lynn11 I.Stone, Chicago Ml.s X C Ives. m LynnMrs .1 S Battlef, Mass Mrs English. DenverMiss M DBartiett, Mass J D Beat A wf, Denver.1 W Alloa, Roston IA IIp..rt»-rAwr. BrooklynMrs C 8 DaTit,Mass Miss Porter. RrooxlynA Calderon, Ml Vl-w Miss G Porter. BrooklynMde VrnsA wf.Stocktn Mrs R A Wood. Brooklyn1* R !Mrs.)B*-heppartl, ChicagoMrs W.J I'eall. California . II i'atri.-k. Los AngelesC A ilolTtieimer, Ohio M B Wells. WashingtonI* Moiey 0 wf.l'ortland 11 Oris. WA*hlu_touDL Molt,New York i.M Bum. Calif(M 11Mrs E IIMolt. New York H L Be:.- St PaulMiss Meet, New York PI >Aheeler dt wf, NTMrsJWßurnbain.StsCrnz .11McKlnnle. OhioE E lilrcbman A wf. Cai'R A YValm.slj.LiverpoolX W English, Denver

INTERNATIONALHOTEL.T Gils-nan. San Diego C E Roundey, Otic.—J Ilioinst. St Louts J Williams. U S *.a Swansea. c s n J DDavidson, MontereyI**.*.. llt-laml. 0 \u25a0 \ W Maytleld.Denver11 J Vlekarsaa, San Jose C R taaitineyer, Denver11 Seeukutf, D S N >i Bal-trr. Salt .....J ..ins. Dayton N Noyle, Imi RafaelJ ItKiiiii'tta w, lowa R Vtttmy. AstoriaA E Westcrbeml. Cal A Wi>sei. Portland

A S Allrlght.Watsonvllie MC Reynolds. f.odtMItMiller. Menlo I'ark iW Watson _ w, DetroitD s Hackle.-, Hatrran J Robinson, WatsonvllieJ BMiller,Stockton D Kowland, Ho. tonMiss Stiuinan, Fresno S Barton, StocktonA(' i.rl 'i, Providence P J Lucas. I'S SIIHan, in**'.Petaluma O Baker. PortlandLM Gliihain,Merrod J N Menmy. Astoriao IISimpson. Merced B J Map-tun & w,111(' Quliit.tne.Merced <" 0 McCray. MissN Even, Modesto' O MSimpson. MercedA l.ukeraaker. Tex N Evens, MercedA Lawseu, M V LliQuigi.y. Centervllle

NEW WESTERN HOTEL,.1Daaforrtfe, Marysvlllo J duff. Merced.1 IIWheeler, Tennessee 0 Deiahunty, Mercedv. IIHaitian, Barbara, BRandall *wr OgdenItDHind *wf, Cal IIOldenburg, California_ Klein,California I.Foster. loadWV ibonus.. n, Lo. Ang B lUrri_a.i, CaliforniaVT Wilson, Tennessee T .1Ryan. San JoseMl«s LSilvia, Fresno LRoscoe, San .loseV Kreal. California IMaltlatid, SeattleJ Harris. California X Potter. CaliforniaC Cochran, Sausailto (I W Dolan. CaliforniaItJones. California J T Erwln, CortlandLWheeler. Grass Valley B Foreman, CaliforniaS Martin. Calirornla _ Lewis,CaliforniaSlt Mitchell. California F Samueltoo FresnoJ Smith, California OClarke, California

Clark* 11.*- It.covered.George Clarke, the young English carpen-

ter, who fell a distance of 50 feet from abuilding on Fourth street on February 10and fractured his skull, has entirely recov-ered from the effects of his injuil.s. Afterlie fell from the building he did not remem-ber anything until he became convalescent.

A 111 111—

m I',. \u0084,,,.,1.Torso-is residing In the vicinity of nafght

and Devisadero streets have been annoyedby some one who seems to take special de-light in poisoning dog., monkeys and petcats. A reward lias mm offered for thearrest and conviction ofthe poisoner

COMMERCIAL RECORD.Thursday Evf.m.vo. April 7.



Wheat dull.Another rallyla Barley.Oats steady.Corn firmlyheld.Bye —nil.Ilay and Beans unchanged.New Potatoes lower.Onions dull.Butter and Chcrs. weak.hi,.. firm but dull.Poultry st. llscarce.Hare decline. l.Mr.iwbeiries lower,

Citrus Fruits unchanged.Eastern l.lnseetl OU higher.><•» York Exchange lower._liver weaker.

_-ii_-»- Market.LivKHroou April 7.—Tho spot market Is dull

at 7s sd. Cargoes are steady at 35s 6d for offcoast, 35s 6d fur just shipped and 35s (idfor nearlydue.

nrrnmThe TrDdnce Exchange cable gives the following

Liverpool quotations: April.. 7s—

d; M.v. 7sMl June, 7s l.d; July, 7s Id; August, 7s 1__d;September, 7s Id.

BF—CBITIB—London. April 7.—Consols. *.'s: Silver,

3."..1: Hcnles, 9tff 87. Ac; Bullion Into Bank ofEngland. 131,000.

Now York .Market*.NEW Yokk. April 7.—Activity in the general

list increased In the at— market to-day, andwhile further progress was mad.- toward higherprices there was also a belter distribution of busi-_«_, Realizations late in the afternoon, however,wiped out the morning gains, whilo there we*_

some losses at the close. Northern Pacific Pre-ferred ls down li. Cordage ls up the same.Petroleum, May, closed at s(Jt. c. Government*,dull aud firm.

New Yokk, April 7.— l'nited States Bunds. 4'slv.i. do. •_'- 100: Northern I'acitic. 21%: Caua-dian Facile. —I—>: Ceutral latil:c. Sl *»: mmi I_-

cltic. 40: Alcbisun and Santa he. 38: wells-largo, 143: Western lulon. be. _; Silver, *_.-0

> ;Sterling. .4 bltfitoS"


April. __\u25a0«*. Flour, steady. Coffee.12 00. sugar. 2 •\u25a0_*/•..>*;,_. Hops— Pacinc Coast. 25_)

'_.__. Tildes. I—. Copper— Lake.. -1175. Tin-Spot, a*.*. .5 Lead— Domestic. .4 2'_»/_. iron—Petroleum, May, __•'•„_.


Hops are active, higher and strong a: an advance.A moderate-sized lot el medium Pacifies MM at__

._<\u25a0; Faclfics, '91. choice. -*\u25a0(*-. c. Germany andLoudon are stronger.


In California Canned Frnits Standard Apricotssell at 91 45; second . do, fl30; mm. ClingPeaches, .ISO; Yellow Crawtords, .170; WhiteCherries, .220; Pears. 6- (JO lor spot and to ar-rive.


Sugar— Haw Is fairly active and unchanged; re-fined, firm and uncb.i_g.tL

Cotfeee— Unactive at a decline of 10.2."i points;sales, 1 .00 bag*.; April, fl2 60; May, ft.

_.,June, f12.

Cliic.i{_o .Market

Chicago, April 7. .Wheat was active andstronger and opened _.*s*. -\u25a0 higher, advancedl.i(_jl''.'uC on speculative buying, lightofferingsand «hort . covering. eased it -'_'. '»c a:. finallyclosed firm at l".s_)iV.c hlgner than yesterday.Bye. 75f. Barley, 55_)56c. .-eipts of Wheat,29.000 ii

—els; talpments, US. OOO bushels.(hi. a..... April7.—Wheat— Cash. SO.y.c. Corn—

40*._«\ _Bffk—f!o 07',. Lard-$. 17_. Ribs—«\u25a0_ 22 _. WM..)-.113.

Portland*! Business.Portlanp. Or., April 7.—Clearances. \u2666327.000;

lalacce., .31,009.

Exchange ami Itulllon.Sterling Exchange. 60 days ... —

487 __Sterling Exchange, sight


tleriiag Exchange, cable—

4 9014New York Exchange, fight


New York Kxchange. telegraphic...—

25Floe Silver ~f\ ounce 85*.*. Ss_

! Mexican Dollars -69. _ 70

Sliippins: Note*.Steamers to sail to-day are tbe Eureka for

iSau Pedro and the Gipsy for the Salinas River.The schooner American Girt, 211 to- . loads

Cannery Supplies for Ala.*.i;brig Sea Waif, _t_u

tons. Merchandise for Central America; sh'pWaenu.rit, 1519 tuns. Coal at Nanaluio for thisport or San l'edro.'

Produce Market.FLOUR— Net cash prices are: Family extras. »*»_!

6 15*. bl.l:Bakers' extras, ft.1 .... :city superfine,

fit*_o_l3 4... i:.'.trior brands. ft75415 15 tor ex.tras. f3 20_i_ 45 V bill forsuperfine.

WHEAT—The market coot naes in the same con-dition,being neglected, weak and nominal. No. 1,91 50 *Ctl; choice, 91 51 '« _)t s_' _:lower grade .91 47V.'-. 1 4.**_: extra choice Tor milling,fl 55@\u25a0_.! .0 Vctl.

CM. nOABD SALES.IsroRU(L Session- 10 o'clock— Buyer season—

1300. 5.0.:1000.91 53V..Kitiri.AtiMornino si s—Buyer season—

400. 81 52..: 200. *183: 100. *.153... Seller'

92—100. .1 .(*.\u25a0_: 500, f1 38i _.

A>Tr.RN(>oN S_i— iok-

Buyer season—

200,91 6-'_: 300. fl 5'C _;400. flKM. Seller *92— 8_ _.: '-00. 91 K. :6.0. fl-'.•


BABi.EV—There were no sales on the Informalsession yesterday in'rnl... and this apathy infutures gave tbe sample market a weak appearance.Dealers were moro disposed to let go ami onlyasked fl05 for t lie finest samples of Feed. Butthere was a sudden rally in the regular session,however. The bulls again to<k charge and ranbuyer season up to f110. a clean advance qt 4 I._. \u25a0

from the opening figure, under large sales. This ofcourse gave renewed siren, to ti.e*sample mar-ket. >_. 1 Peed is quotable at fl05 _. ctl; choice,bright do. fl07 _ fctl; dark (oast, fl.tal 02i._;Brewing, fl10@l 1. Vi: Chevalier n.niliiai.

T.iI,BOARD *••.!.r-tNo sales on tbe Informal session.Keoi- iah Mornim.Si amtom—ttmymt season— too.

tlO.Vj. i_o.tiu.--_. 100. tlo_-*i: 200. floe,00. fl(l«_.. 100, tl061*,; 100. fl o*.<4. 1100.tl07: 100, tl 07' 4; 100. fl07** 100. .1 07*«:400, flOS. 100, .1 OH,*: 3.0, —

OS'-. : *_00,tlMH: i"' $1 *..

»00, .1 09: 100, tloiu_:1300. »1 10. 100, .10... Heller

'9.-100. BS'._.;

100, 88. _c.Akthhnoon SriMion

—Buyer season


fllOH: *_00. $1 10.4; -00. tl 10; 100, tlOO.i;400. fl00... Seller <*-'-100. S3._c; 100, 8.s 4e;100. tsO.Vic: 600. 8»' 4 c.

OATS—Prlcei show no further change. White are at . 1 ttmft 4.0 4* ctl for good to choice,fl

___lor extra choice and .1 25(^1 30 lor com-

mon to fairs Surprise, fISO®I80: Cray, f1 2.4*.130 V ctl.

CORN— Firmly held at Sl 27V..1 M for bothLarge in Small Round Yellow, with sales of bothat tiSO _• .tl: White. .1 __\u25a0.ft] 17' _ _". ctl.


Dull_t .1&o£l s*> ftctl.BRAN—Firm at fl.-.'.7 50 V ton for the best

and flO 60 for outside brands.MIUDL.INiiS-t_-int.-tlat fltl50-20 0} ton.CHOPPED Pht-.ligu.if_ at t.i* .o_.'_'_ 60 f.

ton.HAY-Stesdy. Quotable at tl2<_ 15 for "Wheat, til

£19 for Oat, f11 60 _)1350 for Wheat and Oat,»I i-,_

13 for Wild Oat. ._._._. 60 tor Barley. ..<_.11 lorAlfaira, fHt-'.O for slock.

SI RAW -Quoted at ._..—.? bale.MILI.-TC-f*->—Oroumt and Roiled Rarley quoted

at *_'_-_—:* V ton. The mills sell oilcake Meal at $.3*<. ton net: Bye Plour. M V If'; Rye Meal. 3_c;Graham Plour. BVhOi Oatmeal. 4 ,_c; Oat Croat*.Be; Cracked Wheat, 4c: Ruckwncat Plour, sc;Pearl Barley. 4./^4'*_c "9, I*o.

SEEDS— Yellow Mustard are quotable st $3 1893 75 V* til;Brown Mustard. ..i'«- 25; Flax,fl70tf'2 10; import... lCanary. $'_ __>( l_V_: Al-falfa. 12 _c: Rape, '_ _>'_._(*: Hemp, 3 .*c:Timothy,.1-cV lb.

BRI I'EaS— NHos. tl 30..1 40 .*ctl; Green,$1 _0 _i'_: eastern Green, .'_ 76: Blatkeye. tl40 _.150 V cO: Split Peas. 4i.t..)1.o "ft ir>.

BCCKWHEAT- Nominal, a*, tl75 *Ctl.CORNMKAL.ETC.—Table Meal quoted at 3. \u25a0

Ib; Peed Corn, $27 NftlSi Cracked Cora, $28 60_>29 flton; Hominy, 4\_#M_f %. tb.

BEANS— Business is quiet and prices show no Ichange. Rave . flN_@_ 03*. Pea. .'_ -'.-._ 76; !Large White, $_ '___._ 40; Small White, »'_ _s_)ICO: Pine. $1 *\u25a0:\u25a0_-• 10: Reds, tl tin _>_ 10: Llmas,tl7"•__'— Butters. $_ 60_._ 76 . ctl.

POTATOES— Receipts of New were 1332 sacksana they sold at 00...nor V ctl. Oregon Rnrbanksare quotable at _oc@sl V ctl; California BurbaukSeedling*. _..(gt_ot ft sack for Rivers: Early Hose,_6 _*..'s.' . sack; River Reds, 16 _..<O. _( sack.

ONlONS—Nothing new. Picked-over Callfornlasare quotable at tl 25 flctl. Tbe general marketIs quoted at 90c6... 110 for good and 6._.._c+ ctlfor common to fair. .—lS____B»_te

BUTTER-No change to report. Fancy roll, 19c.withsales at 20c 01 lb; good to choice. lH_>l_.a c;common to fair,l.Vfctj Eastern. 15c >B It..

CHEESE— Weak and In ample supply. Good tochoice mild new 11>,_(_. 13c fllb; old, nominal;Young Americas. 12(ij>l.(',_t*: cased Cheese, Viead-ditional: Eastern. 1. ...14c 9 tb. •

POULTRY -Hens and Turkeys were easier yes-terday. Ducks. Geese an.l young Roosters werefirm. Dressed Turkeys are quotable at 17—22c;LiveTurkeys, 1. .. :So Tor Gobblers and l>___(*e forHens*. Geese, 4* pair. •'_<.'_ 76: —

.lings. t-_-(50;Ducks, ll_>l... dot; Hens. f7(__ _» ttoa; Roost-ers, young. .. (__ll %*> dozen; tin old, td .—(B7 60-Pryers. f**(_S 60; Brol.ers, .__? 60 for large andt3 50ii.-. 60 ftdozen forsmall.

GAME—Hare are lower, being In poor request.Gray Geese, $3: White Geese, .1— 1 50; Brant,t-75<_,_: Hare. 76c_.$l .6. Rabbits, 01 60 for Cot-tontail* and tl25 tor small.

EGGS— The majority of dealers quote a firmmar-ket tmt fan- y good., but the market is a draggingone. stern. 181*l.c;California, l_<_i2oc tor storeand 216. 22c **doz forranch.

HONRY—Extracted s<_> tic _» lb for amber and C.'.14,1, \u0084 for bright. Comb is quoted at 10.-. _. torwhite InIf frames and Sc'<sloe In2-tb frames.

REESWAX-Qiiote.l at 26 ...He fl tb. *

fR--.1l UlUlT—Receipts of strawberries were20 >... rbests. selling at 7.".j,.nic _l drawer tor Long-'worths and f>(__'soc for Sharp! ess. Apples. $1 sl'l#Jforgnodto fancy and bOc@sl for common to lair.

CITRUS PRUlTS—Prices unchanged. San Rer-nardlno Seed Unas are quotable at tl .'> 192 60 pbox: san Bernardlao Navels, .3 7__U;RiversideSeedlings, unfrozen, tl 7.'>'..': Riverside Navel.,uutr._c_. 63 504.1 . bos; Lot Aug.lea Seedlings.

$I@l 60: Los Angeles Navels. $1 25@2 50; SicilyLemons, $5 s'l_*i6 60; California Lemons. $K_l 50.. box for common and $*_'.l for good to choice:Mexican Limes, f4<_4 50 box; Bananas, $1 s<_)2 10 Vbunch: Pineapples. $6@_ "ir* dozen.

DRIEDFRUIT—Sun-dried Peaches quotable at 2' '\u25a0.(_;:'..<- _> lb; Bleached Peaches, 4.__>'- f* lb;tuu-dri-'J Apricots. S (.©le:Bleached Apricots, '.(_>7c; Apples. 4 -<_sV_c "mr evaporated in boxe3, 3<3>:*' — for sliced and 2\.,/t:>e forquartered*. Pitted

Plums, 4_.4i._e; pitted Plums, *__}_V_c: Grapes."1-@lV_(* t« _.; Prunes, 4@7c tor BO'S to 120's:(itrm—lPrunes. 4_>sc; Bed Nectar, Mlie;White Nectarines, [email protected]: Figs, uuprcsseJ. 301c;Figs, pressed, _v»*B9c; Evaporated Pears, 7'aiSc;Sliced Pears. 3@sc: Quartered Pears, _@4c 4*. lb.

RAISINS— Layers, tancy, are quotable at .1 *_»(.mi 35 '_\u25a0 box: good to choice, .Oc<s#l 10. with theusual advance for fractional boxes; loos. Muscatels,.0_75c 'ftbox and .-...-.He _i 11.Insacks


Walnuts aro quotable at 4@Sc _l tt>papershell do. 7<i_Bc »l lb; softsbeil Almonds.mV.©IIV..C:hardshell do.

—;papersbeii. r_'**imc _.

lb; Culle Walnuts, s_.'c; I'eanuts, -**__*_$3c fltt> for_•_\u25a0___—\u25a0 Hickory NU-L.O -><*: pecans, 11


lor small and 15_>16c lor largo; Filberts. ll_>He: Brazil Nuts, _

\u0084.-_8 . Cocoanuts, $1 V100.VEGETABLES—Asparagus held up well yesterday

despite large receipts. Small Rhubarb continuedslow of sal.*. Receipts wero 1028 boxes Asparagus.611 boxes Rhubarb and 362 sacks Pens. Cucumbersare quotable at 65e_}.l 25 4* dozen: String Bean .l*-i_<ailse "£ ID-. Los Angeles Summer Squash, $1Vbox; Mushrooms, l(i*_).3.f;Asparagus, $1 •-'-•_>I60 "_>.box tor common to good ami$1 7a#_ 28 foe choice;Rhubarb, SOe . fl '.'5 f*-box: Los Angeles Tomatoes,o'2bO((sA: Green Peas. .1 _ll '.5 V sack for commonand _*\u25a0_(—3 Vic _> ft. for sweet; Marrowfat Squash,O'MiiiO 'ft ton; Dry Peppers, 10012' •\u25a0•• : Cabbage.4(«_soc ft ctl; Feed Carrots. sue: Turnips, 6H_)75c: Beets $1; Parsnips. $1 .5: Garlic,* .1 lb.

PROVISIONS— I—stem Covered Breakrast Bacon12'«/4 _>i''«-' V- It.:California Smoked Bacon, 9_#l—lfor 1heavy and medium, l'J-oll'c for light, and]3.._>l3V_e for extra light: Paeon Sides. 10_>lOV.c: Easter. Sugar-cured Hams for city trade,l_(-.l'_V_<— California Hams,salt,loc •? Ib:rerrlgera-t.i-cored, lli^l11\u0084<• f* tr.; Lard, tierces. Eastern,\u25a011 kinds. _*«•__.—•; eases, 10(.(-ionic: California,tierces. .*_>-*_c; half-blils. 9 .<_.-\u25a0_.; tins 10c;pails. 10--., 10V.C: do. 5-tr,. 10' 4,-; .eg?. «»,_<!. 10.

\u0084 lb: Me— Beer. $7 60©3: extra mess do. $8 M_Kt;family do, $11 ftllttl'.; clear Fork, $1

' 50<__0;extra prime. $ls_l*i 50: extra clear. ._o'<__>0 50;mess. $17 50_>18 9 lb; Pig Pork, %*, keg, $S_)3 •_\u25a0>:

Pigs' Feet. $12_>1_ '.5 _\u25a0 bbl: Smoked Beer, 11 .__>12c ¥1 lb.

HOI'S-From second bands they are quoted at 20@25c 9 tb

HIDES ANDPELTS— Heavy salted steers. 7 _*,7_c_> lb:medium. 6c: light,4__> Cowhides. 4©1'..i.;suited Kip,3*!i@lc: salted Calf, 6c; dry Hides.usual selection. 10.*: dry Kips, ye; prime Goat-skins. HO*.50c each: Kids. 6@loc: Deersktns, goodsummer, 37 1....C; medium. 30 _}'_'_V_c; winter, 20.*_sc; Sheepskins, shearlings. 10ai^5c; short wool,40_.70c; medium, 7-#3oc; long wool, !(_, 40V lb. Culls of all kinds about li>ess.

TALLOW—No. 1 rendered, 4-___c; No. 2,3.__>3JAc; refined. s'»i@s'1/.c '<& tb.

WOOL— Nominal. No quotations established yet.

General Merchandise.BAGS—Calcnttas, for June-July delivery, 7 .a®

7%-C; Wool Bags. 36<_»38c.oil. Eastern Linseed is stillhigher. California

Castor Oil, in cases, No. 1, is quotable at $1 25 (

No. '_.cases, Sl 20, bbls. Me (manufacturers' rates):Eastern do, $1 '-(•: California Linseed, hbls, boiled,60c; raw, 4sc: cases, U'-^c more. Cocoa, 60_i60cVgall: China Nut. 47V_ fe60c _( gal: Eastern Lin-seed oil, in bbls. 62c: do raw, _9c V gal, cases,

•2t'«c more: Lard OH. bbls, 72V-C: cases, teOc .1 gal.PETROLEUM -Starlight. IHC f*gallon; Et ceue,

•2'2c; Downer's. 27 '-c; Astral. l'Jc; 150* Elaine,

21c: Peart. 10i- Water White, refined, .bulk.13c; Headlight 175 ',c*ses,2lic; Mineral Illuminating,300 , '-.*>e m ;Standard, 110

'Are test. 17c li*

gallonincase* leaps). 17 J/_c faucets and l'Jclu bulk.GASOLINE. ETC.-63? Benzine, bulk, 13' ' .gal;

cases, in.-; 74° Gasoline .bulk, 14*_>C; cases, 20c:3a--Gasoline, bulk,25c; cases. 2;(e f4 gal.

WHITE LEAH—Quotable at 7@7_.efl _>.

T.RI'ENTINE-Quoted at 63c V gal.

SUGAR— The local refinery has ..lured a newbrand between Confectioners' A and Extra ('.calledMagnolia. The WesNrn Refining Compauyquotes, terms nee cash; Cube, Crushed. Powderedami Flue Crushed, all S.">BC « it.; Dry Granulated.5Vie '*}lb; Confectioners' A.&V'gC; Magnolia. 4^_C;Extra (', . .!\u25a0; Golden C. 4" 8c; D.4U'


bbls, Vie more than bbls. and boxes Vie more.

San Francisco .11eat Market.

Wholesale rates from slaughterers to dealers areas follows:

BEEF—First quality.7c; second quality, 6s 6'/_c:tlilnido, 4' ..-..5' ..<:

VEAL— t _>7c; small Calves. 7 _....MUTTON

—Welhers, luc: Ewes. ..-\u25a0©IOC.LAMP- Ing.l*-'V_@l6cflm.

PORK— Live Hogs. __>4'-„e _" lb for heavyhard grain-fed: 6*.5' lor lightaverage do; stockHogs, 4 _,4( 1c t1 lb; dressed do. **__Bi_<: f*lb.

i.l-.( Ifl I- OF PRODUCE.

TiiißsnAY. April7.nonr. or sr* 7,338 Bran, sis 1,745

do, Orocoa. d0.... 624 Middlings,sks 405Wheat,.--.... 8.452 Hay. toas. „*; 453

do. Oregon, d0... 12,73. .raw. tons .- 3d1eriev. ctis 6,6_« Flaxseed, Or. sks... 813Cats, ctls 938 Wool, bis 168Cora, ctls 22-! .uIC-Sllver.tls_s... HiPotatoes, •-» 1.139 lil.l—.no -33

do Oregon, d0.... 1,611 Wine. pals 38,930Onions, «ss _ 98 Brandy, gals 4."20

do. Oregon. do.... 414'


Dates of nurture From """.-in «"r_no!


Computed by Thomas Tkn-.nk.nt. Chroio *nstsr andInstrument Maker. 4 California strs.S,

Sign of the Wooden Sailer.


Arrive.!.TnrRSDAV, April 7.

Stmr Cosmopolls. Dettmers, 25 hours fromPort Harford; produce, to Field —

Stone.Stmr dreeimood. F_gariund, 14 hour, from Point

Arena; lumber, to LE White.Bt_M Alcazar, Gunderson. 15 hours from Green-

wood, bountl fcr San Pedro; put in to laud pass.stti.r Corona, Hall, li.i1* hours from Baa Diego

and way ports; pass and mdso, to Goodall. Per-kins A Co.

Htear State of California. Ackley, 54 hours fromCortland, viiAstoria 44 _ hours; pass and mUse,to Goodall, Perkins A Co.

Stmr Point Arena. Hansen, 14 hours from Men-docino; pass ami unite, to Mendocino Lu_luer Co.

Stmr Gipsy. Jepson. 10 ours from Santa Cruz:produce, to i.o.itail, I'erklns *Co.

Stmr Protection, Levisou, 10 hours from Portllr1;.;lumber, to Fort Bragg Redwood Co.

Stmr Para ion. lugglns, 53 hours from ll.ieiienne,via l'ort Harford 24 hours: produce, to Ilrlat.Rer .v(laliDger.

Stinr Maggie Ross, Marshall. 52 hours from CoosRay; lumber, to i.olden Gate Lumber Co.

S. Lr Eclipse. Duerrbeck, 2 day. Irom Eureka;lumber, to Chas Nelson.

Bear Mary Etta, Hammond, 24 hours from Bow-ens Lauding; lumber, to Render Bros.

Schr Rtil the Butcher. Johnson. 24 hours fromB-.wei.s Landing; lumber, to Hey woo.l

_ liacklev.Berkeley direct.

Schr Abble, W*llllg. 56 hours from Eureka; 185Mft lumber, to*T A Hooper A Co.

Schr Alice Kimball, Asptund, 30 hours from Na-varro; 110 MItlumber, to Friend A Perry LumberCo.

Schr Mary Hldwelt, Hansen. 26 hours from lver-sons Lauuing; I'O eds wood, toNIvcr.ou.—day. April7.

Stmr Eureka, Wilmington;Goodall, PerkinsACo.

Brship Crown ofDenmark, Victoria;J D Sprock-els & Pros.

Br schr Maria,Lowell, Victoria; ME Lowell.Hallo1.

TnritsuAT, April7.Stmr Caspar, Anfindsen, Caspar.Stmr Roniti,l.ei.ui.l. Port Harford.Stmr Columbia, Holies, Astoria.Br ship Rurman. Newcomber. Mootlyvllle.Hark Gatherer, Nervlck, Tacoma.Park Gen Palrchlld, Mackie. Nanaimo.Schr Viking, _\u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0_ g. Salluas Cruz.Schr Nettie Low,Low,Point Reyes.Schr Nettle Suudbor^, Johnson.

r01e,.,, .hi..POINT loros - April 7-1. m


foggy; wlndW; velocity Smiles.Siioiton.*

Mar4. on the enuator. 27 W. Pr bark Duche.seAnne, from (ar.ltt for Sauta Rosalia.

Mar 3, 14 30 w, P.r bark Royal Alice,from PugetSound for Dunkirk.

Mar tf, V N. 113 Vf;Br ship Maiiydowu, henceFeb 16 for Queenstown.

Mar 21, 31 N, 124 w, Br ship Irby, from PortBlakeley for Valparaiso.

Apr 6. IS N. l'_ W. Br bark Paroda, before re-ported dismasted, declined assistance, hence Nov23 for (.tie.usluwii.

Domestic Ports.TACOMA

—Sailed Apr 7—SweO ship Ilawkcsbury,

forPort Plrte.SHOALWATER BAY*—Sailed Apr7-Brlg Court-

ney Ford, Tor San Francisco.FORT BRAG.— Arrived Apr 7—Stmr Rival, hne

Apr 0.COOS RAY—Arrived Apr

—Stmr Emily, hence

Apr 4.FISH ROCK—Sailed Apr 7—Schr Therese. for

Fort Harford.NAVAKKO-ArrlvedApr 7-Stuir South Coast,

hence Apr (5.SEATTLE-Sallod Apr 7—Ship Spartan, for San

Francisco.MENDOCINO—Arrived Apr 7-Sc_x Bobolink,

hence Apr 3.AS.TORI A

-Sailed Apr 7-Br ship North, for UX;bark Harry Morse.

TATOOSII—Passed Apr 7—Q«* ship Fanny, fromPort Blakeloy fof Valparaiso.

_K.W__N_ IAMMNO-Salle.l Apr 7—Schr RioKey. for San Francisco. »

Arrived Apr 7—

Schr Newark, hence Apr5.CLKONE—Arrived Apr 7—Stmr Alcatraz, hence

Apr 6.-POINT ARENA—Arrived Apr7— Stmr Sunol, hne

Apr 6.Eastern Ports. '.*:


HAMPTON ROAD**—Sailed Apr ft-Shlp GeorgeStetson. tor San Francisco.

Foreiirn Ports.LIVE-TOOL-—.lied Apr G-Brstmr Bushmills,

for Victoria.Arrived Apr 6—ltal ihtpMa.ala.mid. hne Nov 23.FALMOUTH—Arrived Apr o—Br bark Senegal,

hence Nov 9. 'VI'EFNsiiiWN- Arrived Apr 6-Brbark Adder-

ly,hence Dee 18.l(_; lOt'K-Arrlved Jail V4-Chll bark Emlle Ra-

mila. from BellIngham Pay.LlZAßD—Passed Apr 6—Br ship Cambrian Mon-

arch, nence Nov 7 for Antwerp.(iOAYMAS-Arrived Apr 6—Schr Nora Harklns,

-from Manzanlllo.Movements of Trans- Atlantic Steamers.

MOYll.l.t:—Arrived Apr6-Stmr Devonla, fromNew York.

LIVERPOOL—Arrived Apr 6-Stmr Majestic, finNew __.*.

BOULOGNE—ArrivedApr 6— Stmr Veendam. tinNew York. ,

NEYV YORK-Arrlved Apr 6—Stmr Lahn, rromBremen.

Import.—lnn..11-.NI.MK-l'er Farallon-7*_o3 sks barley, 1100

_ks limabeans, '.'OO tons bituminous rock.111 *__.____\u25a0 -Per los.uopoils— 933l sks beans, 63

CS in. it.-.-."173 «t— barley aud corn. 02 "> .*..— corn.

POINT AKI-'.NA-IVrPoint Arena- . pkgs mdse,1firkin 73' bis butter, 11 ta «\u25a0«_.. 90 sks charcoal.4 drees rd bogs. A ski MM.1 is cigars. 1Sk skins. 1coop fowls. 4 pk.« 2 tot bides.

Mendocino— loo M ft lumber.PORTLAND-Per State of Calirornla—lhorse. 97

pkgs type. 9553 sks wheat. 1I_s sks flour, _bales

oil clothing, 103 bdls -30 rolls stravfboard, 7 cs

blankets, 1cs socks, 164 dry hides, 43 bdls 1170green hides, lbill___._-__-. 1 bill dry pelt.. 7 bdlsd-erskt!,s. 26 cs shoes, 12 bxs stationary, 420 bellsstaves. 1617 sks potatoes, 7 bxs register. 110 bdlsheads. 1bx nidse, 8 bxs smoked fish. 3 cs books, _bxs castings. 493 sis lons. 8 bbls lamps, 1bbl al-

cohol. 1bx brushe-. 28 cs tobacco. 1cs beer, ._ skshorse-radish. 2 cs rugs. 83 cs clothing.10 cs cl gars.2 rs woolens. 2. bbls 6 hf-bbls 8 kegs liquor, lbmats coal. 1pkg wire, 2 bales rubber goods. 1 csdry goods, 172 cs curios, 2 bxs press. 34 crts molds.2 bxs typewriters. 1pkg glassware. 535 bdls pulp. 2pkgs leather, 75 reels newspapers, 1 bdl hides, 1coop eti ckens, 3pkgs express.

Astoria— 9 cs dress goons. 2 bills oil clothing, 4bis fish, 1888 bdls shoo-.. 101) sks oysters. 1 bblwine, 15 fulls 'oo ther, 3 cs can-fillers, 1

Miss LANDING—Per Gipsy—281 sks wheat, 2CS eggs, \:> bx butter. .

Watson vilie—939 sks oats, 3 bxs butter.Salinas— l2 bxs butter.Soquel— l3llrms paper, 12 sks wooden plugs.Santa Cruz—s bxs butter, 31 cs cheese. 1500 bbls

lime. 2 bxs fish.SAN DIEGO—Per Corona— 26 hf-bbls pickled fish,

11 bills 6sks old copper. 1bx Ics dry goods, Ibxdrugs, 1bx cond milk,57 bxs lemons, 44 bdls 2 bxsdried fish, 23 pk^s household goods, 256 bxsorange*. 3 bdls dryskins. 20 b lis —itskins. 107 salthides, 1bx tebacco. 16 pkgs beehive stock, 17 bdlssteel. 137 bars steel, 3 bdls eikskins. 3 bbls salt fish,91bdls green h des.

Newport -31 sks peanuts, 30 bbls sweets. 21 sksnuts, 187 bis oranges. 20 bxs lemons. 1ox glass-ware.

Port Harford— 4 kegs 237 bxs butter. 15 cs cheese._bills dry hides. 13 lullsdrypelts, 4 sks wool, 3 sks

Atibdls green hides, 5 CS whisky. 1 sk rock. 1 bx ex-tracts. _ pkgs household goods, hf-bbl whisky, 1oxfish. 25 dressed calves, 3sks meat, 6 coops poultry,1bJI trees, 2 sks clams. 33 cs e__s. 7 cs tallow, 1bgtreasure. . \u25a0:_••-\u25a0 :-..-_-.


49 sks beans.Arroyo Grande— 327 sks beans.Block Station

—5 cars rock.

Itedondo— l4 oranges, 59 bxs lemons, 23 skspeas. 4 bis tomatoes, -1drums cheese, 4 cs tobacco,_2 sks Chill,1 cs lard, 1sk .ugar, 1sk beans, 1 bxhardware, 1cs millinery,3 oris marble, 2 pcs gran-ite. 11carwtieeis, 2000 sks barley.

Baa Pedro— lß. bxs oranges. 1 bx hardware. 2bxs mate-heads. 8 steot rails. 107 salt hides. 1145sk^ barter, 173 sks corn; 605 sks rolled barley.

Santa Barbara— l9s sks raisins, 105 bis oranges,l'_ sks boms, 97 bxs lemons. 2 horses. 2 Dili quilts,1cs dry goods, 1sk peas, 6 trunks samples.

Co isisrnnes.Per Farallon— A Gallnger; 11 Dutard; J

A Falrchild A Co; Southern MillCo.Per Cosmopolls— Porter Bros A- Co; Chas Pike;

Field *Stone; Ballon Bros; Eilanger A Galinger;11 Dutard; Thomas * Kahu.

Per Gipsy— Bassett A Bunker: MT Freitas ACo:Russ, Sanders A Co: ItDotard: Wbeaton A Luhrs:Hrlgbam. Hopp. ._ Co: C E Whitney A Co: O'NeillBros A Co; Hills Bros; B M Atchlnson A Co; Her-man Joost: 8 Mi-lit-rirvA Co: Hairy men's Union: JC Peiinie; Wltzel A Baker; Glustl AAntoni; H Cow-ell ACo.

Per Point Arena-C FO'Callaghan ABros: A Yell:Do Bernard!

_ Westphal; BO Bell; C Kiamer: DWinded: DDcvota: Hod..*, Sweeney 4 Co; M Hel-ler Son; Dairymen's Union; Bowen &Co; ET Allen: Martin, _*•_*_. A Co; O B Smith A Co: Sc Evans; Bus., Sanders ACo; Ross A Hewlett; VfN McNeil; Smith's (ash Store; Wilson A Irvine;Whittier. Fuller A Co; Winthcr Bros; Paul Fried-man; Mendocino Lumber Co.

Per State of California-Allen A Lewis; A I. Whit-ing: Amer Press Assu: Brown Bros A Co; C 11 Wil-cox: Kissinger ACo- Buckingham. Hectit ACo; aFlelahhacker; Ames A De:ritk: Cain A Co: ClarkHr. y; Dairymen's Colon Cal Barrel Co; DavisBros: Y.R Stevens A Co; Duff A Co: DMOs'iourne:J A Robeling A Son; J I.Girvin: J Hewing Co; JMRowland a Co*. Pliers on A Backer; MAGunstA Co: Metten _ Gebhardt: Meyer, FieldAMitchell;Murphy,Grant A Co; Palmer A ReJ; Pac Vinegar APickle Work.; Order; Buss. Sanders A Co; Bosen-thai Bros: 11 Morgan: L Feitluiau: 8 N Wood; T WArmstrong; Thos Lou .bran: stand ir1Box 1actor. ;Examiner; Harry Cnna Co; W R I.arzelere A Co: AII Johnson: Willamette Pulp A Paper Co; WatsonA Marx: Wolf A Son; Wells, Fargo Co; W IIMiner: APaladini: Glustl A Antoni; Vf 1! Brad-ford; Clatsop MillCo; Morgan Oyster Co; EdisonElectric Co; M B S II Frank A Co; .11Johnson; Esberg, Bachman A Co; Eisner VineyardCo; FKoshland; Fiber Packing Co; 9 Vf Clan;Goldstein A Co; IIDutard; G H Davis; 8 E Wer-ner; HP, -HUMS; Hyman. l'aulsen ACo: HoffmanA Alexander: IIInton A Co: J Everdlng A Co; 1 SRosenbauin A CO; John Zlegenbelu; John P Uisen;J W Grace A Co.

Per Corona— llOutard; Dodge, Sweeney A Co; VtEDennison: Verv.illn A Howe*. Kowalsky A Co; JX Arm .by A Co: Shattuck. Howard A Co- J C Mar-tin; Smith's Cash Store: Wilson A Irvine; O Gep-

hardt: A Levy A Co; D Tledeman A Co: Man, Sad-ler ACo: Wolf -Son; Robert Halght A Co; IIGHarks; Sherry, Lawrence ACo; VfIt Sumner A Co;Bisslnger A Co: Sawyer Tanning Co; Haas Bros; SJ Armstrong; Murphy. Grant 4 Co; APaladini; FF Tllley:H Heckman A- Co; MKaiish 4 Co: J Wag-ner A Co; Wells. Fargo 4 Co; Norton, Teller ACo;Dairy—en's Union;Getz Bros A Co : Hills Bros; SBrunswick; Wbeaton A- Luhrs; C E Whitney ACo;\u25a0rich-SB, Hoppe A Co: HN -Tides A Co: T RMooroA Co: De Bernard! 4 Westpbal: MWaterman A Co;PhillipsBros: Leva .gi A Harbleri: J IICain 4 Co:KittleA Co; C LDingier ACo; Neville 4 Co; J JMelius; LG Sresovlch A Co; Allison.Gray A Co: LScatena A Co; J Ivancovtch 4 Co; CTetzen; F Vsleuth A Co; V. A J Sloane A Co; Judson Fruit Co;McDonoiigh A Johnson; AChiesa; Amer Tob Co;(Joodall. Perkins A Co; Root A Sanderson; Bach,Melse A Co; Goodyear Robber Co; Vermont MarbleCo: Baker AHamilton Bisstager ACo; GonzalesA Co; W W McChesney A Co: Alexander Bros; SSeiever; Langley A Michaels; Wetaiore Bros: Nor-ton Tanning C<>; ACalll Fruit Co: Wellman. PeckA Co; Maccnrtray A Co; M T Freitas A Co; IS VanWinkle; J1) Spreckels A Bros DG ('..m..rliios; H

Jacques: Holbrook. MerrillA stetson; Perriu .tonA Co; AJ BImmel 4 Co; J R Montgomery A Co:MS Slnuas. ...'•-:\u25a0

for Late Shtnnim ..-•\u25a0'-- __ Hbthlfi Pats.


cteiveri |Destination, j Sails. jWK«r

Eureka NiiiPedro (Apr 8. Bam Bivvy2Umatilla. ...1 Vie*Fjt Sound Apr 9. !'iAM.Udw*ylHumboldt . IHiunboldC Bar- Apr 9. 9AMJCIayCorona .... Baa Diem jAprlO.llam 'Bd^v'y 2(late of cm. (Portland Apr lI.loam >p-»vrAustralia., illouoiuiu |Apr12, iOceanicSlrlus Central America Aprl2. 3pm jLombrdLos Alice. Sal Pedro [Apr13, B«M|Bdtry2lomona.. . Humboldt Bay.. Apr13. 9asf|BoW« 1City Puebix Vie*P/t soau-1 April. 9m Blir'y1Santa ltosa..|San D.e^o |Apr15.11am [Itdw'r3San Juan iPanama Aprlii.l2 M'P MSSOregon. |Portland ... |Aprls,loAM|»pstr

Departure or AusuralUa steamer depoidi n tinEnglish all! -'\u25a0\u25a0"• \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-

> ILW. 11.W. IL,W. L.W. ?c J*? Small. Larga I Large. Small. »a <* 3

I....I 9.23 am 14 m 3.27-PM| 3.35 am 5.34:6.30

>.... 10.13 am 10.41 pm 4.13 pm 4.14 am J.32 6.310... 10 58 am 11.08 rs 4.46 pm; 4.60 am 5.31 6.32

,1.. 11.37 AMiII.SO pm 6.18 pm 6.33 *v5.30 6.33.2.. 12.16 pm|11.54 PM 5.45 pm 5.43 AM5 2816.3413.... 1.02 pm! "iiam 6.13 i-m 6.17 am ,'..27 636

A SLUGGISH STREAM.ItGets Foal and Poisonous Unless it Is

Kept Constantly Flowing.

Atthis season of the year people reel more or lessweak, run down, wearied and depressed. It hasbeen commonly supposed that It Is due to impuri-

ties of the blood, and that only by purifying the

blood caa good health be secured. Is this true ?

Let us see. The blood gets Impure became it issluggish. How docs a stream get impure, with

green scum and poisons on the top? Simply doesn't run. A running stream Is not Im-pure, but a .tagnant or sluggish stroam always Is.If.therefore, you would keep your blood pure, keepItmoving, keep it throbbing. The moment i: bo-gins to be sluggish. It will begin to be Impure, andyou will feci the effects In tire I, weak feelings,depressed emotions, and a thousand and one trou-bles, which always follow. The proper way tokeep the blood stirring Is by the use of a pure stim-ulant In moderation. Mlniulate it gently, and Itwill keep hi constant healthy motion, and goodhealth willfollow.There Is but one way In which thiscan ;•idone, and that Is by the use of the purest andDost stimulant you ran find, preferably whisky, andthere is but one absolutely pure medicinal whiskyknown to the world, and that is Duffy's Pure Malt.Scientists admit this, the doctors allconfirm It. It

Is more generally used to-day than any otherwhisky which the woriu has ever .seen, and it Ispopular only through Its n#ri_ Do not let anygrocer or druggist deceive you by saying they have

something "just as good," "something they canrecommend," etc. When any dealer says this be hasan interested motive, which usually isto sell yousomething cheap and inferior on which he canmake more money. Do not be so deceived.

inrlS tf Fr\u25a0 \u25a0



Steamers willsail at soon* on the sth. ____!15th and Vsth of each month calling at *^____£various ports of Mexico and Central America

Through line sailings— April 15, __. __ Juan:April25, SS. City of New York;May5, SS. San Bias


BTEAMER SAILS AT NOON 18TH OP EACHMONTH,calling at M;.z..tt_n. San Bias. .Mauzautllo,Acapulco, Port An.el, Salma Cruz, Tonata, SaaBenito, Ocos, Champertco, San Jose de Guatemala,Acajutla, La Lit—rtad. La Union. Aiuapala, CorlalJ,Sail Juan del Sur and Punta Arenas.

v_yline sailing—April18,SS. Geo. W. Elder.Wh n the regular sa ling date falls on Sunday,

-teamers willbe dispatched the preceding Saturday.JAPAN AND CHINA LINE

FOR YOKOHAMA AND HONG-KOMIIConnecting at Yokohama with steamers for

Shanghai, at.d at Hong-Kong fur East lul.j_,Straits, etc.:

China tvla Honolulu),Thursday. April23, at 3 p. st•City of Peking Saturday. May 21. at 3 p. ie.Cliyof Rio de Janeiro.. .Tuesday-, June 14, at 3 p. U.

Bound-trip tickets to Yokohama and return at _-

tineed rates.For Freight or Passage apply at the office, corasr

First and Brannan streets.Branch Offlce -'.'O'J Front street,



DISPATC •STEAMERS FROM SAX ,_._«_Francisco lor ports la Alaskaia. ut. _____j|

April antl May 9. •_*,.lor British Columbia and Puget Soon Iports.

AprilanilMay 4, _,14,19, _l.*_9; June and July 3,X. 13, 18, 83, '-8.ItrEureka. Humboldt Bar, Wednesdays. 9 a. St.lorSanta Ana, Los Angeles and all way portsevery

fcurth and fifthdiy,.a. m.tor Salt Hit-go, stopping only atLos Angeles, .n

Barbara and San Luis Obispo, every fourth ami fifthday nt 11

— m.Ior ports InMexico, first or each mouth.Ticket Offlce—Palace Hotel, 4 New Montcomerys:.GOODALL, PERKINS *CO. General Agents,1 tf 10 Market st.. San Francisco.


_____Ocean Division—and PACIFIC COAST __£____

STEAMSHIP COMPANY willdispatch IriniS"__?Tmoft Wharf, at 10 a. tt., tor the above ports onetheir AlIron steamships, viz:

COLUMBIA—Air 7. 19. May 1.13. '25.HATE OF CALIFORNIA—ApriI11. 23, May 5.

17. '-"'OREGON— ApriI 3,15. '27. May 9,21.Connecting .la Portland witu the Northern Pad. j

railroad, Oregon Short Line and other dlvergliglines for ail points in Oregon, Washington, Brttl _Columbia. Alaska, Idaho. Montana, Dakota, Utah.Wyoming. Yellowstone Park and all Points East _•___ uth ami to Europe.

lure to Portland-Cabin. .10; steerage, $3; rou_ltrip,cabin. $30.

Ticket offices—lMontgomery St.. and Palace Ho-tel. 4New Montcomery St.

GOODALL, PERKINS A CO., Supt. Ocean Unaltf 10 Market St.. San Francisco. ,


of this line, carrying United States. JaSSS-CHawaiian and Colonial mails, sail from



under.801- Il(»*"MM ',_*•*-*_.


I'tKi. •r.S.S. ALAMEDA FBIDAY, April29, .it3 P. m

Per Height and passage apply at mil— 3_7Maris:Street. -. D. STRECKELS A BROS.,

fcb tf General Agents.


COMPANY'S PIER (NEW). 42 NORTH __\u25a0•-_'

'River, fcot of Morton st. Travelers by <*—_____His line avoid both transit by English railway _udthe discomfort of crvsstng the channM lva smallboat.AAGASCOGNE. Capt. Santelll.

.....Saturday. Aprilltf__. - vi __\u25a0LA EBETAGNE, Capt. O ier

Saturday, April*___.__% amLATO.RAINE. C:Uit. _-.aiti.eui

*Saturday, April ioth,"*.••_'_.* stLACHAMPAGNE, Capt. Boy

*••••\u25a0 Saturday, May 7ti. -':'_. a*AW tor turther particulars apply to

A. FORGET. Agent,No. 3 Bowling Green. New Yorfc

J. F.FCGAZI _: CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery are.Ean Fiancisca

* •Branch offlce, 10 Montgomery street, mr'_o tt

WHITE STAR LINE.United Slates and R.yal Mail Steamer.


New York. Queenstown &Liverpool,SAIL!NO EVJKIIY WEEK.

CABIN $60 AND UPWARD. ACCORD- *****lug to steamer and accommodations sa- _____\u25a0

Beted: second cabin; $35: Majestic and TeutoriiT.4l'aii-l .45. Stoerago tickets rro_a England, ire.laud, Scotland, -wedea, Norway ami Denmark,through to ftt.iiFrancisco at lowest rates. Tickets,sailing dates and cabin 3 s may be procured fromW. H. AVERY".Pa -ttie Mall Dock, or at the GeneralOffice of the Compaay, Ul'J Market st., under GrandHotel. G. W.FLETCHER._p*_. TuWeFrSu tf Gen. Agt, tor Pacitic Coast.

ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO.STEAMERS LEAVE A**JFINWAI_, ______k* fortnightly for the West Indies and #_T_-».e.-thampton, calling en route at Cher-

_______tourg, ranee, and mouth to laud passenzera

Through Miltsof Ladlug, la connection w_.i_.__Pacific Mall _. _. Ca, issued tor freightaad iro_sar_to direct ports lv England and Germany.

Through tickets irom Sau Francisco to_________

Cherbourg. Southampton. First class. ami- i_.tr1c__m, 001 00. tot turther particular, applyi._tl..f BAUBOTT .pp.. Agents. ,_m,,r, Uo.

THE WEEKLY CALL contains 8 largo8-column pages, and every \number, inaddition to its literary and local articles, is an epi-tome of the events of the worldforthe week. $1p_,r year.


AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSIONMERCHANTSSalesroom— ll3s Market—., bet. 7th ami Bth.

Regular 9—Tuesday and Friday. _>__THIS DAY.

Friday April8, 1891.,At 10 o'clock a. m., at salesroom,

1135 Market street. Bet. Seventh and Eighth,;- .-.':,WB WlLti RKLIi..,',


"e-ra'il (_>uai;..iui. ut of Rich ParlorUpholstery, Bedroom and Office Furni-ture,

InOak, Ash and Walnut. Bedding. Sheets. Blanket .Feather I.Mows, Comforters. Spreads; 10J0 yardsCarpets, Mantel Mirrors, Bsr Mirror. Sideboards,Extension Table., 2 Iron-door Safes. Desks. Chairs.0 Ranges, a Stoves, Crockery, Glassware, Etc.; also.

-Clears. Tobacco, showcases. Card Tables, Bar andFixtures of a Saloon.

ap. It CHAS. LEVY A- CO..Anctloncers.


I Friday ...April8. 183*2,At 11 o'clock a. v.. at the resilience,

262G FOLSO3- ST., NEAR TWENTY-SECOND,Allof the Nearly New anil Elegant

Parlor Fed and I.niu_r: Fine Upholstery;Body B___-_ Carpet.-; Fine Portieres andCurtain*.; Costly Pictures; Fine China, (.In..

and silver Ware; Etc.•;>. v ... coNanrrrao IN" part 0F....

Elegant Parlor Set in Satin Brocade; Odd ParlorChairs, Divans aid Bockers. In rancy covers: Ele-

gant French Chenille Portieres: Walnut and CherryICenter and Side Tables: Bronze ClocK and Orna-

ments; Body Ifru-t.eis Carpets, etc.:Walnut anIJPSJOak Bedroom Sets. Cliittotitercs and Wardrobes. 1

White hair Mattresses, Fine Pillows, et:.:Turfclsaand Bed Lounges; Oak Sideboard, Extension-tables .and Chairs: Elegant and Costly Pictures: C'lliiaand Class Ware: Hallstaud; Hall nnd Stair Carpets;Pine Medallion Range; and other very d.slrablegoods. fit] M.J.SIMMON'S. Auctioneer.


425 Kearny St.. bet. California and -la*

THIS DAY.! Friday April 8. 183.,

At 10:30 'doc X.on the premises,CIO TAYLOR STKKI.T,

... .1 WILL SELLThe Balance or I_leg-ant Furniture, Carpersand Complete Kitchen isl!s. Th» stock com-prises some of the l-aiiintr articles of the sale.It (lE\u25a0\u25a0. F. I.AMSQN. Auctioneer._ RAILROAD TRAVEL-


Trains Leave and aro Due to Arriveat*

SAX FRANCISCO.l___v_ FROM MARCH 18, 1892 ab__V_

7:00aBenleia. Ramsey, Sacramento.... 7_-P7;l'oa Ilayvvard., Mies and _'i Jose •12:15_>8:U0a Martin San Bamon * Call.toga 6:ls**

•8:00 aElVerano and Santa Rosa *6:15.8:..a Sacramento A Bedding, viaDavis 7:15p

"*"8:00aSecond-class for Ofrdeu and East,

and first-class locally 10:15..8:30aMiles, San Jose, Stockton, lone,

Sacramento, Marysvli.e, Oro-vllleand Bed Bluff _:45_*

6:00aSunset Route, Atlantic Express,Santa Barbara, Los Angeles,Doming, ElPaso, New Orleansand East 8:45»

13:00*. Haywards, Kiltsanti Livermore.. 7:15 p•1:00p Sacramento Hiver Steamers •9:00p•3:00*. Haywards. Miles and San Jose.... 9:45 a4:00. Martinez. San Ramon A Stockton 9:43 a4:00p Vallejo, Calistoga, ElVerano and

Santa Boss 9:43 a4:30p B—ilcla. Vacavllle A Sacramento 10:15*.4:.0p Woodland ana Provide 11-4"*

•4:30p Miles and Livermore. »3 :45a6:00p Los Angeles Express. Fresno. l._-

ker.fluid, Santa Barbara and LosAnjjel-*s 12:13-

-6:00r Santa Fe Route, Atlantic Expressfor Mojave and East 12:13*

8:00p, Mies and San Josa.... 7:45 aMies and San Jos* JS-.ta?

6:00p Ogden Route, Atlantic Express,Oedeu and East 11:45*

|7:00p Vallejo .8:45*7:o0p Shasta Route Express. Sacra-

mento, Marvsvllie, Redding.Portland. Fuget Sound and East 8:13 a

*•> -NTA CtjIZ __________8:13* Newark. Centervllle. Sin Jose,

Feiton, Boulder Creek and SantaCruz 6:20»

•2:15r Centervllle. Sun Jose, Atmaden.Feiton, Boulder Creek and SantaCruz _0:50 a

4:15p Centervllle. Baa Jose, Los Gatos. 9:50 at11:45p Hunters' Train toNewark, Alvi3o,

.—.'\u25a0\u25a0 San Jose and Los Uatos

' —Third antt Toiviiscnd Sta

7:00aSan Jose. Almaden and Way Sta-*

tions 2:30*8:30* San Jose, (.iiroy. Tree Pinos, Pa- .

jaro, Santa Cruz, Monterey. Pa-cific(.rove. Sal Baa Miguel,Paso Boblesaad santa Margarita(San Luis Obispo) snd PrincipalWay Stations 0:10.

10:87aSan Jose and Way Stations 6:10p12:15p Cemetery, Menlo Park and Wav

Stations .'. 4 :OQa•2:30p San Jose. Tres Pinos, Sant^i Cruz,

Salinas, Monterey, Pacific Grovoand Principal Way Stations..... •10:48*

•3:30p Menlo Park, San Jose and Princi-pal Wav Stations.... .0:0:.*

•4:15p Menlo Par* and Way Stations •8:08* .6:15r San Jose and Way Stations 9:03*_:_op Menlo Park and Way Stations. .. 6:.5*

til:45. Menlo Park ami Principal "Way. Stations t7:3OPa forMurui.t.. _

for Afternoon.•Sundays excepted. t3_turdayso_l_.ISundivs only.

T-tF r \CTFTC THAN. **-*T_- CO-PAN". .-_.Will call for and bas,s*a-je from hotels .-itrestdenccs. Inquireof ticket agents tor time curl,and otber information.



Commenrinrc Tuesday. Dec. 1, 1891, aa*until further notice, boats and trains willrua asfollows:From SAM FRANCISCO for SAUSALITO. ROSS

VALLEY and SAM RAFAEL (week days)—7:3s.8:30, 11:00 a. a.; 1:45. 3:25. 4:55. 0:10 P. a.(Suudays)-8:00. 10:00. 11:30 a. M.;1:30. 3:00,

6:00. 6:30 p. m.From .SAN IRANCISCO for MILLVALLEY(west

days;-7:35. 9:30. 11:00 a. it; 3:25. 4:55. 0:l.»P. M.

_-_i,days)-S:00. 10:00. 11:30 *. tt.; 1:30, 3:00.6:00 p. m. Extra tripon Saturdays at 5:45 p. a.From SAN RAFAEL forSAN FRANCISCO (we. _

days)- 7:45, 9:30, 11:10*. a.; 1:45,3:3-.4 :55 p.

_(Sundays)— B:oo. 9:50 a _.; 12:00 a; 1:30. 3:33,

6:00 p. m. Extra trip on Saturdays at 0:25 p. a._*ar c. to cents, roun J trip. .From MILLVALLEY for SAM FRANCISCO (weik

days}—6:4o, 7:55. 9:40, li:00 a. m.; 3:.3. 5:19(Sundays)-8:10. 10:10. 11:40 *. a.; 1:45, 3:55,

6:15 p. m. Fare, 50 cents, round trip.'

From SACSALIIO Tor SAN FRANCISCO {WOOkdays)-7:00. S:l5. 10:05,11:55 a. a. 2:30, 4:05.6 :30 p. v.

(Sundays)— B:ls. 10:10 a. a.; 12:15. 2:15,4:15,6:45 p. m. Extra tripon Saturdays at7:oa p. _Fare, 25 cents, round trip.



Week Days. Week Days. ,.*irr»i. Camp

\u0084.„„, _. Taylor, Tocalo ,„„_11:00 .*_ a. m;t.point Reyes ia«2*.p.__

a Way Stations. ,' i ;Tomales, How-

————•1 ards. Duncan

11:00*. Mill, Cazadero 12:25 P. itand Way sta-

•-"-.: I tions,\u25a0

________________Sundays. j Sundays.


7 „ mF.-itriax. Camp

\u25a0 *-__.!_ Taylor, Tocalo-| _\u25a0\u0084,_ _.- ,0Ua. __. m_

1>0,_ .-,eyes

*6i15 p. a_

mA Way Stations. _



Thirty-Day Excursion-Round-trlp Tickets, to aa*from all stations, at 23 per cent reduction fro •single tariffrate.

Friday to Monday Excursion— Round-Trip*•old on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, good C .return following Monday: Camp Taylor, 6150;Tocaloma and Point Reyes, #1 75; Tomales. 02 00-Howards. 82 50: Cazadero. 1100.

Sunday Excursion— Round-Trip Tickets good o«day sold only: Camo Taylor, $1 25: Tocalaiaaand Point Reyes, .1 60.


Btapes leare^ Cazadero dally (except Mondays*, forStewarts Point. Cnalala, Point Arena. CuffeyaCore, Navarro. Mendocino City, Fort Bra__ and

__B points oa the North Coast. ________>. W. COLEMAN. F. B. LATHAM.


General Manager, Gen. Pass. *Tkt.An_ •»-ner_.lo___-». 14 Sausotao atr_tt.


-SAN FRANCISCO AND N. P. RAILWAY."'The Donahue ltrt>ad-*t.aii_« ltoute."

rOMMKM'IM) BOHna- NOVEMBER 20. lv%.___£*-__. _____ \u25a0_*_" boats -•** trains w_ileave from and arrive __ s *a PrancUoo !*_,___:grr Depot, M.i -Street 1-arf. a. follow.; r**,S9*-

from Ban Francisco tor Point Tibviron, !*»_-,•_l'_ .'"_X*_'•!?\u25a0Iwe,,k ,l"*: 7:40 *.M. 9:_o A.•__

Jl^0 *\u25a0 J*j3 :30 P- a., 5: .p. st.. 8-t. P. £ £&h

____?'_ a _l. ___*_. for San Francisco- Week I**-**_ n-' A. m,'. 6 ***M,J

-30 A -**l

-l*;* '*a_ 5:40 _

•*_6:05 P. m. s^uir.*..its r,... :n extr*trio tt «•__ _\u25a0 vr|]ffi_ ,̂8;™.^*V:*°A*M

- *«»»^ si4op.-»_:From Point Tlbiirl .for San Francisco— Week dares«:_*)*.a.. B:_o*.a.. .:55 *a..1:10 p. r__ 4 03 -^

_____• m. 'Saturdays . '_ • Mextra trip at **:5.p.mTfe!_____^_________^ r _.l0:0^A* M

-l-:^ -«****65-*-.._

Leav 1Dastiva. j Arrive In"

San Kranclsco. I tio.n. I San Franenco.Ff__F I _ ___ I I Sun- fWaiTT"

j.T>-. T8


-\u25a0_______\u25a0•' I-n'T-t.

2 .'\u25a0•*-' M S'1-**-"11 Betaliima 10:40 _____ _?13. '-fl 9-30*.*. and «:05p.__ i&-_._**s__.9-_i___Ai__.___ Sta Rosa. 7:25 p. m 6:lQl^**_*I Fulton I

"' " ~~—: \u25a0-*_ Windsor, I

_-_-_ B=OoA.a fSSfga 7-ttsv m »8:*»*-5 !

Clovrda- tt.loP._t, j^ .. Way SH ]_. _- .._- Hopland | : " —*

I*40A. M B.*ooA._x)and

h J 7;23p. M j 600P.<

S^M,BiWA-*NU_.__.T_*\iia p. M

,_;*ft A-ja

7:4<» a. m i(;OOa.m!

Sonom .Iin-— * _\u25a0I.*_..'3i: _

_* mI«_>____ !a_nj__n I_:*6_ pkis w

p 5_*•\u25a0*<> ._.._ »:__? -*__(_-n-ii'nI\u25a0-._*.:_{ |g:{B _• 27:40 ..m |B.i>. a.m I_obastoD llI10-*A. m iii*v----'»•*"_..*«I»*-_**._| PM I 6:10 P -IStai. es connect at Suntii Rosa forMark W__^__—

atGeygervdlefor__a__s' K___l^t-W___f?___Otiut-.a tn.. .. in a.. -,,

\u0084,at Clo.-r.l_U '—V °.ln*»

\u25a0ers; at P.eLi for Highland Sprlu_J!T1%.'..Vie '___ 'bn_s.K..^-S.ri^ . iCki-_ »„,e*.,'^*

\u25a0\u25a0teKft T»_sJt% ?»__»_£«»?^B^S•fes_ rrt _S S??. Me '"rr--r^yfe'Bl^*

Si^tSlTti!h -Si -'.•.lvi. •*«^to'_yg_i_i

•*..,'*"•roufciaa. tu ,5; toS«b:i _oooi.#-j 7n-tn ii.,_—_•Till-S3 75; to Sonoru .. »l 50; t.i Wi_.ii._V*"

EXCURSION TU -ETS.(too. for S,_* y^a?y ??_Fetaluma^ «l; to Sauta Koma, «1 80; t<> i_«»l_i_i£?•*-'_si toClovordalo. »J; tj tkiat $4 50- _rTH_ivl«__r«:'. so; to so.a .opol. »l -W; 7. UniH__h_* m_.n

onoma. »l;to 01-.m Ellen, »t IXuoraoTU *-*•***'••*

PBTEU. J. _«____-? lr ?'_^*i l_Xl\»_?*i



Daily./ -\u25a0"-*.'.• lbS,l> TAiFt-T. _**__*_—

tS r-''*"' "' ' - lD*i_y....

_*.«_ T-**_.?' "bress via Mo-h-ye....:. _*____;%______ c Ec,,r ''B,rl*\u25a0 « A»_ii__:: i;.!I

tea. _. F.C*~'--*0Market »treeL7Chro-iSel_uTn_

tAU _«aer_l "p_____«»r A«t_____.««a_.e._i tMiootot Aattk__

The Flo. of JOB—l|fCannot bo urged Inextenuation of the conduct ofhosts of people who cotistsutly Inflict injury uponthemselves, and lay the foundation for serious anddisastrous bodily trouble by tbe use. in season andout of season, upon slight necessity and withoutdiscrimination, of drastic vegetable cathartics andpoisonous mineral cholagogues— notably the vari-ous forms of mercury— to relieve simply constipa-tion, a complaint remediable at any stage by thepersistent use of Bos tetter's Stomach Bitters. Thisfain, us remedy never gripes, evacuates too copi-ously or weakens the bowels. Ifthere Is any othertonic aperient in or out or the pharmacopeia ofwhich this can truthfully tie said, we are unawareof It. Abandon the fatuous habit of doting nnd usethis benign regulator, which also sets right weak-ened stomachs and disordered livers. Rheumatism,i-iira'gi... sleeplessness, loss of appetite, malaria,debilityand kidney complaint- are troubles all con-queralilc by tbe bitters. 15

NOTICE!We are now settled Inour newstore, and invite everybody toinspect our stock of


We have the largest and bestlighted store devoted to our lineof business m the world. Visitsfrom our friends, customers andtho general publio willbe ap-preciated.

SANBORN, Y_L~_ CO.,741, 743, 748 _rtet Street

_orlltf__Mo Op _*