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$1&,(17/(085,$1.12:/(’*( %\7KH$EERWWV zz z z [email protected] z A TEN PART COURSE FOR STUDENTS OF THE PARANORMAL LESSON ONE Introduction Welcome to The Abbotts Correspondence School of New Age Studies. We hope that you will find our special Ancient Lemurian Knowledge Course as interesting and inspiring as we have found designing and writing it! Everything that is thoroughly explained, within our Ten Part course, has been personally experienced by Robyn and Tony Abbott. This is not just esoteric theory, but factual experience! The course is designed to be practical, spiritually illuminating Page 1 of 70 ANCIENT LEMURIAN KNOWLEDGE 18/08/2004 file://C:\2004%20BIGPOND\ANCIENT%20LEMURIAN%20KNOWLEDGE%20html.htm

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Welcome to The Abbotts Correspondence School of New Age Studies. We hope that you will find our special Ancient Lemurian Knowledge Course as interesting and inspiring as we have found designing and writing it! Everything that is thoroughly explained, within our Ten Part course, has been personally experienced by Robyn and Tony Abbott. This is not just esoteric theory, but factual experience! The course is designed to be practical, spiritually illuminating



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and quickly enables you to have impressive results in your personal improvement, knowledge and healing work.

It is the ideal course for beginners, who have only a rudimentary understanding of Lemurian history and an invaluable healing tool for experienced healers, working with their own clients.

The knowledge contained within this course, has been personally channelled to us from the Masters, advanced loving Guides, such as Hermes, Mother Mary, Sananda, Kwan Yin, to name just a few! There are many practical and easy to follow exercises contained within this exciting ten part course, which will enable you to increase dramatically your own particular psychic and spiritual skills.

Each class will contain valuable advice, easy to follow exercises, psychic development tips, drawings and personalised teacher’s notes and questionnaire. You can advance in your course as quickly or slowly, as you desire. When you have finished a class lesson, we will ask you to continue practicing your exercises, while you can return a copy of the student’s questions to us by email, but this is an optional choice.

Tony and I are Spiritual Writers, Teachers and Hermetic Healers who have conducted Spiritual Development Groups, channelling and healing clinics for many years. Many people that we have met have been fascinated by the History of Lemuria. Spiritually hypnotically regressed many people return to lives in Lemuria. We felt there was a need for a practically written course that anyone could follow, over a short period of time, to encourage their psychic/spiritual Lemurian based paranormal gifts, teach them about Spiritual matters on an easily understandable level and also be lots of FUN!

The exercises in this course will not only assist you in your spiritual and psychic development, but many of them will help you to increase better health in mind, body and spirit.

It is recommended that the class lessons be followed in sequence, to gradually build up your knowledge and spiritual power. We suggest that each lesson be learnt and practiced for at least one week, before starting the next lesson.

This course is written for everyone interested in developing their latent gifts of spiritual and psychic powers. Our teachings are non-denominational, but are written from the understanding, that you have a belief in a Supreme Creator, are open to the idea of reincarnation and believe that you are made up of more than flesh and bone - that you do indeed have a soul and are here for a special purpose on Earth!

Rather than use the term God, we will use the word Spirit which also encompasses all energies - the God force, Archangels, Angels and the Ascended Healing Masters, such as Kwan Yin, Hermes, Mother Mary etc. Light Workers is the term we use, for you who are awakening to your spiritual possibilities and who are actively working with the Light or Divine Knowledge.



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The recommended lesson supplies are easily obtainable and inexpensive. The lessons are easy to understand and the exercises included are simple to follow. We do recommend if possible, that you pre-record on cassette tape the more involved meditations and replay them during the exercise or have someone read them slowly to you. This is because, if you have to read or memorize them, this may distract you from the exercise.

You may choose to work on these lessons alone or with a partner to act as your client or patient. Obviously hands on practice with a willing subject is preferable, as you can then easily gauge results.

We look forward to reading your Student notes and we will be happy to answer both your most simple and profound questions. Spelling in this document are primarily English based.

Most of all, we hope you will have lots of fun learning and performing these 10 Ancient Lemurian Knowledge Course lessons and exercises. Remember the key to success is practice, practice, practice!

Love and Light

The Abbotts.

Robyn and Tony Abbott.


We suggest that you create an atmosphere of calmness for each of your Class Lessons, by making sure you will not be disturbed by telephone calls or visitors, (put up a Do not Disturb sign on your front door and put on the answering machine); children and pets are catered for away from your meditation area. Candles, incense, subdued lighting, warm and pleasant surroundings, will all add to the relaxed, but attentive mood. When you are attempting these exercises, we ask you to reverse the usual maxim of "When I see it, I will believe it!" to "I believe it, now I see it!"


If you have purchased and are reading this course on Ancient Lemuria, we believe (almost 100%) that you have lived a previous incarnation there on that island continent and have sub conscious memories of that particular lifetime. You may have been a priest or priestess in that former life and the memories of that lifetime and the knowledge that you have previously learnt is still within your inner mind and being. This course has been written in the hope of resurrecting that old Lemurian wisdom and helping you on many levels to improve your own current life!




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History of Lemuria

Lemuria or Mu (Mother) as it was commonly called by it’s inhabitants, was an ancient civilization located in that area now known, as the South Pacific.

It flourished 50,000 - 26,000 years ago. Lemuria was approximately 5,000 miles long and 3,000 miles wide and was destroyed by violent volcanic eruptions. It’s remains are the Hawaiian chain of islands, parts of Fiji and outposts such as Easter island and other small deserted islands.

The original inhabitants of Lemuria arrived in a semi-physical/etheric form from higher dimensions on Orion, Pleiades and Sirius. They were a peace loving, community minded people, who spurned the advanced technology of the Atlanteans and instead built an agrarian culture, healing priesthood and instilled rituals that promoted unity and common progress. They were a tall, broad shouldered, golden skinned people with black hair and dark brown eyes. They used telepathy, telekinesis, advanced healing techniques and clairmergence with the animals and nature to achieve peaceful positive results.


The symbol of the new continent was the central sun in the centre of the universe, Maui. This was the source of all life, time, power and energy. The sun also represented the god energy or sun within each person. The flame that unified mankind with his/her creator. The people of Lemuria also believed that the third eye chakra located between the eyes represented the inner sun or soul and linked us into our true spiritual visions.

The Lemurians had long healthy lives often of hundreds of years. The climate was warm and tropical, disease was almost non existent and men and women both had equal say in the running of the continent's affairs.

Many families were of a matriarchal nature, with the eldest female guiding the younger members as a wise mother. They were able to travel and view events by thought projection, astral travel, far seeing and telekinesis. They tried to work in harmony with all peoples, animals, minerals and natural forces. They were able to converse with the nature kingdoms of devas, sprites, mermaids etc. as well as alien races.

Meditation was a valuable and much used tool for inner guidance, manifestation and problem solving as was the power of dream work. Their healing techniques incorporated acupressure, massage, stroking, sea baths, chakras, breathing exercises, chanting, gem therapy, certain



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foods and medicinal plants and balancing and creating a positive flow of mana within the body and surrounds. They believed that illness was caused by conflicts in thoughts and emotions. The priests and priestesses known as Kahunas held the respect and love of the people and healed, guided and performed rituals of marriage, funerals, baby namings and other blessings. Their secret rituals and knowledge were known as Huna. The chi or life force around them was called Mana.

 After the violent volcanic explosions which caused Lemuria to sink into the south pacific ocean, many of the surviving inhabitants reached Fiji, New Zealand, Hawaii, Marquises Islands and South America and for a time carried on their ancient traditions, incorporating them with the traditions of the locals. They were viewed by the more primitive native peoples as godlike beings and have eventually been relegated by history to mythological beings. The Hawaiians, Tahitians and Maori people of New Zealand have folklore which alludes to an ancient island homeland Mu or Ka Lu inhabited by powerful but peace loving people who lived in plenty and talked to the Gods.



The knowledge of Lemuria surfaced in the west during the nineteenth century when zoologists tried to find evidence of a physical land bridge that existed between India and Australia, to account for similar animals in each region.

One of the greatest tools that the Lemurians used to further their personal and spiritual development was that of daily meditation. We shall now explore this amazing technique of bringing inner peace, clear contemplation and spiritual connection into your life.

We recommend that you begin and end each Part with a short meditation of ten minutes duration, as your body and mind need to be calm and relaxed to achieve the best spiritual/psychic results.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a conscious state of relaxation in which the mind is disengaged from it's usual worries and thoughts, the physical body becomes relaxed and the emotions are uplifted. During this meditative state the person can experience thoughts and sensations beyond their



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normal range of being. Meditation can help your body regain natural good health by lowering your blood pressure and relieving your body of stress and tension. It’s powers have been used by doctors to fight cancer and relieve ulcers. It is a sedating agent and restorative for the mind, as problems can be put aside temporarily while meditating and often solutions to problems are obtained with greater insight while meditating.

Spiritual insights are often experienced while meditating. It is said, "That prayer is you talking to Spirit (God), while meditation is a chance for Spirit to speak back to you!"

For novice meditators, we suggest that you all sit quietly with eyes closed.

Begin with three deep breaths. Breathing out tension on the "out" breath and breathing in relaxation on the "in" breath.

Relax your entire body (imagine that you are floating in a bath of warm water).

Clear your mind of all thoughts. When a thought intrudes, merely push it to one side.

If this is difficult to do at first, visualise a scene of a calm lake with the water still and serene. If you see little choppy waves on the lake’s surface, this indicates your inner stress. Gaze gently on the water’s surface, relax and allow the water to become still and serene.

With practice, your ability to relax will deepen and meditation will become easier.

While in this relaxed state, surround yourself in golden white light and ask to be fully protected at all times.

Now mentally send a thought out to the Universe to allow you to bring synchronicity into your life concerning Lemuria. Synchronicity is a type of spiritual coincidence. Once you become interested in a particular subject, often Spirit will send further information to you through television, books, magazine articles, radio, word of mouth etc. You may find that information about Lemuria will come to you through these sources or through dreams and meditations. Allow the thoughts to come to you. Write them down and review them.

We suggest that you begin a Lemurian Journal (any exercise book will do. But why not decorate it in an attractive cover of the ocean or Polynesia!) Record your daily observances and results of exercises.

When you have finished meditating daily, allow yourself a few quiet minutes to think over whatever you have experienced. Record in your journal and reenter your normal life activities in a calm, relaxed manner. Do not rush about or drive a car before thoroughly centering yourself and grounding yourself.

If you feel overly energized and disorientated -



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To ground yourself thoroughly -

Wash hands.

Place feet on soil or grass and disperse excess energy into the ground.

Hug a tree and disperse excess energy into the trunk.

Note ** In your special Lemurian Journal write down your experiences and feelings.

1. Did you meditate easily? 2. Did you see or feel the lake and calm the waters? 3. Did you discover any information about Lemuria? 4. Do you feel that you have lived a previous incarnation there? Why? 5. Have any synchronistic occurrences (coincidences) happened recently concerning this

knowledge? 6. How did you feel about this?

If you would like to discuss these subjects with us, please email us at [email protected] Please identify yourself clearly as a student and specified course.








I am sure that many of you, have often felt, that you are somehow different to others around



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you. You’ve felt more special, more sensitive and more knowing. At times, things you thought about have come to fruition, in totally unexpected ways. You’ve had strange, vivid dreams which are prophetic or deeply significant in your life. Coincidences in your life happen regularly, with strange results. You are open to the thought of intelligent life in other Galaxies and would dearly love to meet an alien being. You feel that you’re more than just Joe or Josephine Average. That you are a vaster, more magical being, than others ever imagine!

Well, the first thing that you must realise is that - You are an intricate, multi dimensional being of vast intelligence and psychic abilities!

It’s just, that you have become so ‘conditioned’ by society, to think of yourself as a commonplace, cog in the wheel of suburbia, that you’ve fully accepted this definition of yourself and subsequently, forgotten who you truly are!

Many people believe that they have a ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’, somewhere deep inside them, part of their personality make up, just as they have a body and brain. This ‘soul’ stirs occasionally, when you hear beautiful music, listen to inspiring words, see a newborn baby smile or fall in love. But, otherwise it is fairly redundant.

Nothing could be further from the truth! You are the Soul. You are the spirit. Because you’ve chosen to experience life in the physical form of a human being, you’ve entered into this covering of flesh and bones, but that it all it is - a covering. When you go and buy a new overcoat, you don’t become the overcoat. You remain a person wearing an overcoat. When you incarnate into a new baby’s body at birth, you live your life within the growing human body to help you fulfil certain tasks, but you are not the body! Similarly, when the old coat is worn out, you discard it, but the human body still lives on. When the human body is worn out at death, you discard it, but, the soul, your true spirit, continues to live on.

Once you realise, that the human body is not all that you are, but instead a handy vehicle to get you around in, on the third dimension reality of Earth, your ideas about who you are, must begin to change. You may be proud of your new family sedan car or your healthy body, but you don’t make it the centre of your life.

Your brain is a wonderful tool, but that is all it is - a very intricate computer system, to help you cope with involved issues here on Earth. Your brain can decay, but you still retain your soul.

Once the human body is put into context, as a helpful aid, similar to the family car, that may give you some pleasure and pain, but is not the centre of your existence and that the brain is a useful computer tool, to help you deal with the complications of life - then you will begin to want to explore the far greater part of your true self - the soul.

Of course, then you will ask, what is the soul? What is the true me, if I’m not this physical body and mind? Where does the soul come from and what is it’s purpose?



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Most religions believe that you have a soul and that it is a divine spark of the Godforce, that exists in all of humanity. It comes into you at birth and departs at death. But, most theologians can’t explain to you, what it is, what it does and how you can harness it’s energy.

The soul is a vast spiritual energy field, which, at its highest point, is still attached to the Godforce. (Please note throughout this course, we will refer to the Godforce also as, the Universe and Spirit). The soul exists on many dimensions and layers. You can imagine it as an iceberg. Normally, we only see one tenth of the iceberg, just the tip above the waterline, while underneath is a huge expanse of ice. Well, the tip of the iceberg is you, in this third dimension on Earth. This is all most people see - your physical body. But, the true you, is immense and has the hidden abilities to link you to the higher dimensions (4th dimension through to the Godforce on the twelfth dimension).

It’s just, that you have forgotten about the other nine-tenths of yourself and have been conditioned by society, to believe that you are only the tip of the iceberg and not the whole iceberg! Your tip of the iceberg, only remembers this current life and readily accepts what happens to it on a daily basis, as ‘reality’. Yet, if you can learn to accept the other nine tenths, as your true self also, you can learn to tap into the real reason why you are here, what your life’s about, as well as gaining amazing psychic insights and gifts.

Amazingly, once you begin to speculate about this other true you, the soul part of you, coincidences will usually come forward to backup this theory. This is called synchronicity. The rest of the iceberg wants you to remember your true being. In dreams, meditations, through chance occurrences (such as reading about the soul, seeing spiritually inspired films), the idea will be reinforced, until hopefully you will soon say and believe, ‘ Yes, I am more than I am, I am Soul!’ Now what can I do with it? ............


Having realized now, that you have a soul or spirit, the real you which existed before this life and continues after death, when the old body is no longer useful, it is important to understand that the soul will choose many different bodies, in many different eras, to accomplish its task. This primary task is information gathering, that will help you to perfect yourself and the entire Godforce, that you are linked to, on the higher dimensions.

Many people, find the idea of reincarnation, difficult to accept. They feel, it is okay to be born once in a human body, but implausible to be born twice or a larger number of times. Why? The process is still the same - the soul enters a foetus, is born, grows, experiences life in a physical body and finally departs the body at death. If the process can be done once - it can be done many times. You don’t buy one overcoat in your life, you change them regularly, as you physically outgrow them or just want a change. The soul does exactly the same - when your body becomes old and difficult to use, it gently discards the body and seeks a new, healthy one to inhabit.



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When the soul is tired of being a white man, it may choose, next time, to be a black female, so that the experience does not become repetitive. Can you imagine only buying plain, gray coats all your life, when you can have any hue or design you fancy?

It would be wonderful, if the soul could experience enough situations, experiences and human entanglements in one lifetime, so that the trip to this third dimension, was only a one off. But, unfortunately, there is such a wide diversity of human experience to investigate, that it usually becomes necessary for the soul to return many times, in many forms. For instance, think of all the possible combinations that you could experience, from this list.

white man

white woman

black man

black woman

Asian man

Asian woman

rich man

poor woman

healthy man

sick woman








The list is endless and diversified. Each lifetime is unique and rewarding. To return time and



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time again, as a healthy, wealthy king with no troubles and vices, would make for a very boring series of lives and after the first few experiences, very little new information would be gathered. But, to be a lame beggar in Baghdad in one life and a glamorous movie star in Hollywood, in another, helps to show you the true diversity of the human experience. A lifetime as an Lemurian Priest or Priestess, Kahuna, royalty or warrior is not beyond the realms of possibility. This we have found from our own research, has been a very popular era for enlightened souls to incarnate into for life experiences.


Surprisingly, the early Christian churches believed in reincarnation and the philosophy was fully accepted up until the 4th century, when it was outvoted by only one vote, at a meeting of senior clergy at Constantinople.

Shakespeare wrote that ‘all the world’s a stage and that men and woman are only players’. This is an excellent description of the roles in each life, that we willingly take on. We choose the stage set - our birthplace, the other actors - our parents and the role that we will take on - rich, white girl or poor African boy etc. But, we wouldn’t like to replay the same scenes over and over again, as it would soon become boring, so each life we choose a new stage set and new roles to play out.

Many human beings, have short lives of perhaps only a few weeks or years, in which they experience very little, while others have lives of one hundred years plus. You may choose to have several short lives, ( to just dip your toe into the cold water), than to have one long life (where you fully take the plunge). The choice ultimately is yours. We have met people, who have incarnated to Earth over 200 times and others who have only incarnated several times.

Under hypnosis, many people can tap into these past lives and are often astonished at the details they remember, from lives experienced thousands of years ago. Some people, through hypnotic regression, can be brought mentally, to the time before each incarnation, when they plan the life they will experience. Always, they have choice as to parents, place, social conditions, colour, race or sex. Different choices for different lessons. So, I’m afraid if you don’t like the circumstances of your birth, you have only yourself to blame, you chose it!



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Many people, are also unconsciously drawn to certain eras or cultures, due to the strong influences of a former lifetime. If you’re a keen viewer of gladiator movies set in ancient Rome and feel instinctively, that you could easily live there, as it seems so familiar, there is a good chance that you have had an important lifetime in that era. If you love collecting Egyptian jewellery and artifacts, it is highly probable that you’ve had one or several lives in that country. If you are attracted to reading books on Lemuria and the name and culture seems to resonate within you, then it is highly likely that you have lived a lifetime there on that island continent.

Having hypnotised many people and performed numerous, past lifetime regressions, I have found, that the most commonest lives remembered, are those in Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, Rome, Israel, North America, South America, Greece, England and Europe. So many people, have remembered lifetimes in Lemuria and Atlantis, (both lost continents), that it seems to us that these once fabled lands truly existed!

 Very rarely, do my clients remember lives as animals or other unusual living entities. We believe, that occasionally, we may choose to experience a lifetime as an animal, just for the novelty of the sensation, but that, it is not a usual occurrence. Through channellings, our Guides have confirmed, that we do not progress from animal to human or if we misuse a life, we do not regress to an animal state, in our next incarnation.

One charming woman, remembered her life as a Devic spirit who oversaw the flower kingdom. Her vivid recollections were a joy to us both and explained her great attraction to gardening in this lifetime.

Often, past life memories will surface in your dreams repeatedly, to nudge you to look at your earlier incarnations. Many present day phobias are formed from earlier experiences, in past incarnations. For example, a young man, Terry came to me with a phobia concerning cats. He was not able to touch them, as the feel of their fur caused him great fear and brought him, literally, out in a cold sweat. He had no conscious memory of negative experiences with cats, in this lifetime and felt that possibly, under hypnosis, he would remember some hidden memory, as a small child, that would explain this irrational fear.

The command that I gave him, under hypnosis was, ‘To go back to where the fear of cats originated’. Instead, of remembering, a suppressed childhood memory, Terry began speaking of his earlier life, as a woman in India. There, she was injured by a tiger and left to die in a lonely field. In his last terrible minutes of life, he was viciously attacked by the tiger and his last memories, were of the feel of it's fur and claws against his skin. Now, whenever he felt the fur of even a friendly kitten, the fear in him, caused by the tiger and his impending death in that Indian lifetime, arose in him and caused him to panic.

Remembering, this past life memory caused him to understand where his phobia originated and after a series of desensitization sessions, he was able to completely overcome his fear of cats.



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I have worked with two clients who had a fear of flying and under hypnosis, it was discovered that they were air force pilots who had been shot down, during air battles in the second world war. Often, when a person can understand where the phobia originated, then at least half the fear can be dissolved. After all, we would be sympathetic towards someone who had a fear of flying, after a recent plane crash, in this life, then why not be sympathetic towards someone who had died in a similar incident, in a past life!


Each time we incarnate, we normally do so with large groups of souls. They are called our soul group and are usually at the same rate of spiritual development as ourselves, on the higher dimensions. Usually, they consist of around one thousand individuals, of all ages, sexes and nationalities.


These group members play out the various roles in our lives, as family, lovers, work mates and even enemies. Over the many lifetimes, that you have spent on Earth, you have developed karma with these various individuals. This karma can be either good or bad.

Karma can be best described as, a debt owing or reaction to an action.

Those people who owe you positive or good karma, will normally treat you well, in this lifetime. A natural urge within them, will inspire them to help you and balance up the karma between you both. For instance, the friendly mechanic who stops and helps you, when your car has broken down on a lonely road and refuses payment, may be someone who you helped in a past life with a kind deed, perhaps you gave him a donkey ride. He has a chance to repay the positive karma and instinctively, does so.

On the other hand, have you ever felt an irrational, but instinctive dislike of someone, that you’ve just met? This may be someone, who hurt you in some way, in a past life. They have come into your life, this time, hopefully, to repay the karma. However, many people become trapped in patterning behaviour and it is possible, that they will attempt to hurt you again, if their own better nature does not come to the fore.

 My husband Tony, has been a husband to me in a previous lifetime in England in Cromwellian times, but also, he has been a friend and a sister in two other lives. We have lived in Lemuria and Atlantis as priests.



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We all have the chance to be men and women, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives and parents. Wise to remember, when your next punishing your child - next time around, he could be your father!

Lovers, can be very special members of our soul group who come into our lives, for a short or long period of time, in order to love, care and comfort us. In this current lifetime, many people are meeting numerous past loves, who have incarnated to repay positive karma.

This is why divorce and multiple relationships, are so prevalent, at this time, in our society. It is a chance to balance old scores and hopefully end all relationships, with love and forgiveness. When you hold on to bitterness, after a relationship has ended painfully, you are continuing the karmic pattern. Inevitably, you will draw that person to you, in a future life, where you will have to replay the scenario, until this time, you forgive and release them fully!

Patterning or repeating the same behaviour over and over, is a key ingredient to the karmic process. The same beings are often involved, though they will often change sex and roles.

While, friends can be helpful and supportive in our lives, it is often the enemy who tests us and shows us our true natures. Are we really as forgiving, patient and loving as we imagine? Our enemies, often show us that there is definitely room for improvement! Sometimes, members of our soul group, will purposefully take on this role, to help our emotional and spiritual growth. The greatest enemies on Earth, can be the greatest of friends on the higher dimensions! A good reason to always forgive your enemies - why carry the negative karma on to the next lifetime?


Before incarnating, the scenario goes something like this - You meet with your Guides and higher beings and review your previous lives, particularly the most recent past life. This is all done in an amicable, helpful way. There are no great trials or condemnation of your former activities on Earth. No one judges you. But, wishing to better yourself spiritually, you may be a little harsh on your own faults and misdemeanors! Knowing that you have sown negative karma, you normally decide to come back and repay any individual person you have hurt in the past, by giving them positive, helpful actions.

You scrutinize your character and may decide to work on aspects which seem unloving, in your next life. You may also, have a particular interest which you wish to continue following. For instance, if you incarnated in Lemurian times, to bring in new healing techniques there, you may decide to come back today in the West, to try to achieve the same aim, ten thousand



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years later!

With the help of your Guides, you will draw up a major Life plan for yourself. This plan will consist of who you will be born to and where, what will be the major events in your life, who you will interact with and what qualities you wish to develop. These may be qualities of compassion, unconditional love, patience, contentment, appreciation etc. Our friends, family, peers and even enemies, will help play out scenarios to reinforce these important lessons. This is for your own personal growth.

Our World Plan, works in many ways similarly to our Life Plan, but it is oriented more towards how we can help humanity, as a whole. Although, it may mean some karmic repayments, it is more likely to be an unselfish offering of our talents and gifts to the betterment of society. For instance, you may decide to donate your healing services to an organisation such as the Peace Corps or World Vision, for a period of time, in order to help those people suffering, in medically under serviced lands.

Others may choose to work as amateur counsellors, healers or spiritual teachers, as part of their World Plan. Often, our chosen professions may complement the activities in our World Plan, but sometimes they are completely at random. The local postman may be a wonderful healer in his spare time or the pensioner down the road, may be an excellent spiritual counsellor. Our World Plan draws upon our interests and special talents and unselfishly, funnels them towards where they are most needed. Through meditation and prayer, we can ask the Divine to direct us towards understanding our World Plan.

Freewill is the most important aspect of all incarnations. No matter what our higher intentions may be, before incarnating - we are allowed to make our own mistakes, while we are here. Because, we incarnate in an amnesiac state, forgetting all our higher aspirations, we often fail to take the opportunities to repay karma or create positive karma for the future.

Once we have some understanding of our Life Plan, we realise everything is meant to happen, as it does. This is what we asked for! We learn not to resent any supposedly negative situations and not to try to manipulate people and events. By treating everyone as a potential opportunity to repay karma, positively, we do not create any further negative karma or create enemies in this life or the next!

To understand our World Plan, we look at our gifts and talents that we have developed over our many lives, and examine them carefully. What fields are we drawn to, in order to fully express them as a loving gift to humanity? Often, we are given little nudges by life, to use our talents in this way. Don’t let these nudges go unnoticed! We may not all be able to fully



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commit our lives to the service of others, like the late Mother Theresa of India, but we can join local charities or work groups, to help others in need. We can learn healing techniques and attempt to heal our families and pets and we can lend a sympathetic ear, to friends in trouble. The choices are endless, just follow your natural loving inclinations!

The early Lemurian lives were special, as the first human beings were in a much higher spiritual state than we are today. They still had great psychic powers and were able to easily converse with beings on other spiritual levels. Their powers included telepathy, telekinesis (moving objects with the mind), special healing powers, manifestation, clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience (seeing, sensing and hearing spirits). They also had frequent contact with beings that we would now call aliens, that came from many constellations such as the Pleiades, Sirius and Orion. We shall explore many of these special powers in future lessons.


Now we shall look at an exercise to help you begin to psychically see and remember one of your past lives. We hope that you have been practicing your relaxation exercise and standing at the pool and relaxing as an exercise daily. As in all activities - practice makes perfect!

Note** Not everyone is psychically visual - clairvoyant. You may excel at clairsentience - sensing a situation without pictures or clairaudient - hearing incidents around you. Some people also smell odors strongly - this is called clairolfactory. Practice will improve all senses.

It is always wise to use a protection exercise when working with unknown spiritual dimensions and beings. After all you would not walk across a busy road blindfolded or refuse to have a tetanus needle, if you cut yourself on a rusty nail. We recommend the following ways of protecting yourself from any negative energies.

 Protection Techniques include:

Placing your self in a golden auric egg of light.

Cleansing your auras and chakras regularly.

Calling on your Spirit Guides or Higher self for protection.

Call in Archangel Michael and Sananda (Higher self name of Jesus) if needed or your own particular higher Beings.

Protecting yourself with a symbol of power, such as a Cross, Star of David, Egyptian ankh or any religious symbol that you are drawn to for protection.



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By raising your own spiritual light and vibrations you are increasing your own protection light.




Begin this exercise with a short meditation of ten minutes.

When you are nicely relaxed begin this exercise.

We suggest that you practice the following exercise once a day, until you can do it easily. This should take 20 minutes at first. You may like to record it on a cassette tape and replay it, to aid you. (Reading the text is distracting.)


Imagine surrounding yourself in a golden/white light shaped like an auric egg with you in the centre. This is your aura of protection. You are safe while you are in this auric egg of divine light.

Close your eyes and breathe three deep breaths. Relax.

Begin to slowly relax your head. If a muscle feels tight, tighten it further, then relax it.

Begin to slowly relax your neck.

Begin to slowly relax your shoulders.

Begin to slowly relax your chest. Breathe slower and lighter.

Begin to slowly relax your back. If a muscle feels tight, tighten it further, then relax it.



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Begin to slowly relax your upper arms.

Begin to slowly relax your elbows.

Begin to slowly relax your hands and fingers.

Begin to slowly relax your stomach and lower back. If a muscle feels tight, tighten it further, then relax it.

Begin to slowly relax your thighs and pelvis.

Begin to slowly relax your upper legs.

Begin to slowly relax your knees and lower legs.

Begin to slowly relax your feet and toes.

Now allow all the stored energy in your body to drain out from your fingers and toes into space. Visualize it as a green energized light.


Still your mind.

Imagine that you are standing before a large pool of crystal clear water in a beautiful garden of colourful flowers and tall, graceful palm trees,. This is a special sacred pool that allows you to see your past lives. The surface may seem cloudy at the moment, but in time you will see images and hear sounds.

A beautiful angelic guide comes and stands beside you. You tell this special friend that you are trying to recall your past lives and see how they influence your current life. Today, you ask the guide for his/her help in remembering a very positive experience from a past incarnation in Lemuria. You ask the guide to help you remember this positive experience. The angelic guide agrees with a smile.

Now Relax. Look deeply into the pool of still water. You ask that you remember a joyful, positive experience from a former lifetime in Lemuria, perhaps a festival, party or happy family moment. Relax. Look into the pool, images will begin to appear. Take time to view them. Do not try to analyze them now, just remember them for later. Try to get a sense of who you are, where you are and who is involved with you in this happy moment. Ask for a date and remember what pops into your mind. Maintain this calmness for ten minutes.

Then -

Begin to slowly tighten your head.



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Begin to slowly tighten your neck.

Begin to slowly tighten your shoulders.

Begin to slowly tighten your chest.

Begin to slowly tighten your back.

Begin to slowly tighten your upper arms.

Begin to slowly tighten your elbows.

Begin to slowly tighten your hands and fingers.

Begin to slowly tighten your stomach and lower back.

Begin to slowly tighten your thighs and pelvis.

Begin to slowly tighten your upper legs.

Begin to tighten your knees and lower legs.

Begin to tighten your feet and toes.

Take three deep breaths and open your eyes.

Do not get up quickly! Or you may feel dizzy.

Practice this exercise until you begin to see the scene more clearly, if possible once a day for one week.

Note ** In your special Lemurian notebook write down -

a)What was happening?

b) Who you were?

c) What you were feeling?

d) Who you were with?

e) Any dates you got?

f) Clothing, houses, people descriptions?



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g) Did anyone seem familiar? Record feelings

Remember we are happy to answer any queries you may have. Please identify yourself clearly as a student in any emails that you direct to us. Robyn and Tony.



Lesson Three



The Ancient Lemurians used special healing skills and techniques to heal the populace. The priests and priestesses, Kahunas, studied the effects of gems, herbs, natural forces and mind techniques on their patients. They knew of the existence of the human/angelic light body and worked on it to heal the human frame of the ill person.

We shall now study the chakras of the human body and learn a basic Kahuna technique for healing them of blocks and illnesses. If you have a quartz crystal or collection of chakra stones, you may like to use them for this exercise, to increase the healing vibration.




The chakras are the amazing metaphysical power houses of the human body. You can learn to locate them, heal them and use them for psychic power, better health and happiness. The mystical powers of the Third Eye can help you with ESP, telepathy and astral travelling. The Base chakra fills the human body with immense physical energy and the Solar plexus chakra with manifesting to you, desired objects.

The chakras are the energy centres of the body. You can imagine them as small rotating vortices of energy which can be observed as circles or cones. These cones draw in Mana or



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Chi energy from air around you and send this, as light energy, to the body centres. The frequency or speed of the vibration of these chakras, can be observed as various colours. This has been proven by scientific means, using Radionics equipment.

The ancient Lemurians had unique esoteric knowledge about mana and would find the mana paths in the human body and make sure that they were not blocked, damaged or underused. The Kahunas worked on ill people balancing and strengthening the mana in the chakric centres and physical body for better health.

Each of your seven chakras within the body is indicated by a different colour. It also represents an area of the body and an auric field beyond the body. The chakras respond to and react to your emotions, mental attitudes, physical and spiritual well being.

Those of you who have been to an Acupuncturist will know that the human body is made-up of many energy lines. Where energy lines in the body cross each other 21 times, a major chakra is formed. The chakric system is normally divided into three sections the Upper - crown, third eye, throat, the Mid - heart, the Lower - solar plexus, pelvic and base. All chakras need to be working equally efficiently for you to have true spiritual, mental, emotional and physical good health.

There are seven basic chakras or major chakras within the physical body these are:-


7th. Base chakra at perineum (felt at spine base). Colour red. Affects the adrenal system, the spine, the kidneys and represents your individual life force and energy.

6th. Pelvic chakra at pelvis area. Colour orange. Affects the gonads, reproductive system, influences your sexuality, artistry and creativity.

5th. Solar Plexus chakra at stomach area. Colour yellow. Affects the nervous system, emotions, influences your will power issues, ( this out of alignment can make you overly submissive or overly dominant).

4th. Heart chakra at chest area. Colours green and pink. Affects heart, lungs, circulation, thymus gland, influences your personal love and unconditional love issues.

3rd. Throat chakra at throat area. Colour Blue. Affects thyroid gland, vocal and bronchial areas, influences your communication issues.

2nd. Third eye chakra at brow area, colour purple, affects pituitary gland, eyes, ears, brain, influences your psychic abilities.

1st. Crown chakra at top of head. Colour white. Affects pineal gland, upper brain, influences your connection with Higher Spiritual aspects and God.



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Most of these chakras have a front and rear entrance and exit. The front opening of the chakra represents your intent to fulfil an action eg. at the front of the throat - a wish to communicate lovingly to others. While the rear chakra entrance / exit at the back of the neck, represents your will to do this action. eg. To actually have the courage to speak openly about your feelings for others.

Often the front chakra is open and warm while the rear chakra may be closed and cool, through under use. The crown and base chakras have only one opening/exit, but these may be semi closed or damaged, resulting in low life energy at the Base Chakra or limited communication with the God force at the Crown Chakra.

Your chakras are normally felt with the minor chakras in the hands (the fingertips and the secondary chakras in the centre of the palms of your hands), as being hot, warm or cold. A comfortably hot/warm chakra usually indicates an opened or relatively unblocked chakra. A cold or cool chakra usually indicates an underused chakra or blocked chakra. An over heated chakra, may indicate an unhealthy overuse of the chakra. Some people do not feel either heat or cold, but instead feel the chakra as being weak, average or overly strong in vibration.

When a chakra is blocked or damaged from emotional, mental or physical interference, sickness can develop over a period of time, in that corresponding part of the body. This is sometimes observed in meditation as a grey area around the chakra or a deformed chakra outline eg. a coldness and deformity in the heart chakra (located at the centre of your chest area) may represent Emotional loss, such as divorce from a partner, which may result in physical heart disease in middle or old age, if not dealt with appropriately, when younger.

When someone injures you, whether it is done physically (by striking you), emotionally (by hurting your feelings) or mentally (by frightening you) cracks, breaks, shrinkage or deformity can occur in the chakras.



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Some of this damage may even be carried over from past life incidents, such as being speared by an enemy through the solar plexus chakra, in battle and result in stomach ulcers in this current life!




We suggest that you pre record this exercise and then replay it when relaxed.

Meditate for ten minutes.

1. Mentally ask your Spiritual Guides to help you in this exercise. Protect yourself in a golden auric egg.

2. Ask for your palm chakras and fingertip chakras to become activated and feel a corresponding warmth in the centre of the palms of your hands and tingling in your fingertips.

3. Place your palms close together, without actually touching them and feel the magnetic pull of the palm chakras and the warmth of the chakras.

4. Draw your palms slowly away a few centimetres and feel the energy from your hands, like a light glue-like membrane being stretched. Now bring your palms in again and feel the membrane contracting. (Some people describe it as being similar to pulling toffee).

5. Now concentrate on your right hand fingertips and again without actually touching your left hand, feel the chakric energy from your palms, as warmth, coolness or tingling.

6. Draw circles in the air with your right index finger, close to your left palm and fingertips and see if you can feel the movement, with your eyes closed. Now change hands and see if your right palm is more sensitive than your left. Practise this exercise with other people, if you have the chance to do so. Some will feel the energies, some will not.

7. Thank Spirit for helping you.



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Note* Some students will have a stronger energy in these chakras than others.

By practicing this exercise regularly, your hands will become more energized and more sensitive to other’s vibrations.

We suggest that you record the effects of this exercise.


Meditate and relax for several minutes. Put on some pleasant background music to create a calm atmosphere.

You may like to record this exercise and replay it as you meditate.

Say aloud : "I ask my Angelic Guides to help me with this exercise to locate, cleanse and heal my chakras and surround me with Divine protection, as I do so."

1. Begin to feel and visualise a warm red light at the base of your spine. This is your Base Chakra which contains your life energy and your will to live.

Feel the Chakra expanding and glowing with a radiant, healthy, red glow. If you see or feel any darkness or negativity around this chakra, release it now to the sun to be destroyed. Fill the hole created with healthy red light. Visualise or place a red gemstone or quartz crystal on this area and feel the vibration of the gem increasing the cleansing and healing process.

2. Now move up to your Pelvic Chakric region. Remember this chakra has two openings, one front and one rear. Begin to feel and visualise a warm orange light at the front and back of your pelvis. This is your Pelvic Chakra, your creative and artistic centre, as well as your sexual centre.

Feel the Chakra expanding and glowing with a radiant, healthy, orange glow. If you see any darkness, negativity around this chakra, release it now to the sun to be destroyed. Fill the hole created with healthy, orange light. Visualise or place orange gemstones or crystal on this area and feel the vibration of the gem increasing the healing process.

3. Next move up to the Solar Plexus area. Remember this chakra has two openings one front and one rear. Begin to feel and visualise a warm yellow light at the front and back of your stomach. This is your Solar Plexus Chakra, the centre of all your willpower, emotions, strengths, weaknesses and fears.

Feel the Chakra expanding and glowing with a radiant, healthy, yellow glow. If you see any darkness, negativity around this chakra, release it now to the sun to be destroyed. Fill the hole created with healthy yellow light. Visualise or place yellow gemstones or crystal on this area and feel the vibration of the gem increasing the healing process.



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4. Next move up to the Heart Area. Remember this chakra has two openings, one front and one rear. Begin to feel and visualise a warm green and pink light at the front and back of your heart region. This is your Heart Chakra the centre of all your feelings of conditional and unconditional love.

Feel the Chakra expanding and glowing with a radiant, healthy, green/pink glow. If you see any darkness, negativity around this chakra, release it now to the sun to be destroyed. Fill the hole created with healthy green/pink light. Visualise or place green or pink gemstones or crystal on this area and feel the vibration of the gem increasing the healing process.

5. Gently move up to the Throat region. Remember this chakra has two openings, one front and one rear. Begin to feel and visualise a warm, sky blue light at the front and back of your neck region. This is your Throat Chakra which helps you with communication on all levels, verbal, written and ESP.

Feel the Chakra expanding and glowing with a radiant, healthy, blue glow. If you see any darkness, negativity around this chakra, release it now to the sun to be destroyed. Fill the hole created with healthy, blue light. Visualise or place blue gemstones or crystal on this area and feel the vibration of the gem increasing the healing process.

6. Now move up to the area between your eyebrows. Remember this chakra has two openings, one front and one rear. Begin to feel and visualise a warm, purple light at the front and back of your head region. This is your Third Eye Chakra which helps you with your psychic and spiritual powers.

Feel the Chakra expanding and glowing with a radiant, healthy, purple glow. If you see any darkness, negativity around this chakra, release it now to the sun to be destroyed. Fill the hole created with healthy, purple light. Visualise or place purple gemstones or crystals on this area and feel the vibration of the gem increasing the healing process.

7. Finally move up to the Crown Chakra at the top of your head. This chakra has only one opening. Visualise and feel a warm, pure, white light in this region opening and expanding and connecting you with the Godforce more strongly.

If you see any darkness, negativity around this chakra, release it now to the sun to be destroyed. Fill the hole created with pure, white light. Visualise or place a clear quartz crystal gemstone on this area and feel the vibration of the gem increasing the healing process.

8. Now repeat this affirmation:

"My chakras are all healed, opened and functioning well. I am well physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually!"

9. Now it is time to begin to close the chakras down, (so that you can return to normal



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activities without feeling disoriented). Slowly-

Visualise the Crown Chakra contracting its white light.

Visualise the Third Eye Chakra contracting its purple light.

Visualise the Throat Chakra contracting its blue light.

Visualise the Heart Chakra contracting its green/pink lights.

Visualise the Solar Plexus Chakra contracting its yellow light

Visualise the Pelvic Chakra contracting it orange light.

Visualise the Base Chakra contracting its red light.

10. Now allow all excess energy, your body may have absorbed during these exercises, to be released out through the soles of your feet, into the ground below. Thank your Guides for their help.

11. Take a deep breath and come back consciously into the room.

Record the effects of the meditation and any open, closed and damaged chakras you have located in your journal. How do you feel now?

1. How was your crown chakra?

2. How was your third eye chakra?

3. How was your throat chakra?

4. How was your heart chakra?

5. How was your solar plexus chakra?

6. How was your pelvic chakra?

7. How was your base/root chakra?

 As you work on your chakric system and gradually improve your health and mental well being, using the Lemurian techniques in this course, note the change in your chakras over time. They should all become warm, open and full of clear light.

Remember we are happy to answer any queries you may have. Please identify yourself clearly as a student in any emails that you direct to us. Robyn and Tony.



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Lesson Four


The Ancient Lemurians particularly focussed on the third eye or brow chakra that is usually observed as purple in colour. They used this and the crown chakra at the top of the head to contact spirit, see clairvoyantly, hear clairaudiently, clairmergence spiritual union, use clairolfactory senses, heal, teleport, astral travel, manifest and for telekinesis. Each child was taught to safely open their third eye with gentle exercises and everyone was encouraged to use these special psychic gifts regularly.

In the gentle climate of Lemuria and with food and water in abundance, their physical needs were simple. However, they liked to use their higher psychic skills for knowledge, play and even sport! Games were devised where young people mentally raised large light copra balls into the air and played a type of mental volley ball.

We shall explore some of their special skills in this and following lessons. Why not try these techniques and see if you also can perform these psychic exercises!


Astral travelling was often used by the Early Lemurians to travel to distant countries, other planets and higher levels of spirituality. As with their Dreamwork, they always used it for higher reasons and not for spying or evil intent.


We recommend that you begin and end each lesson with a short meditation of ten minutes duration, as your body and mind need to be calm and relaxed to achieve the best spiritual/psychic results.




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The Astral Body has been described as the "starry body", as it is made up of a shimmering, gold essence. Most people astral travel in their dream state and some spontaneously "far see" during meditation. The Astral Body can voluntarily or involuntarily leave the body.

Most people astral travel at night when they are asleep. You may have felt the "jerk" as you re-enter your body in the morning or just as you are about to fall asleep. Often people can feel ‘out of sorts’ when the astral body does not properly align with the physical body, after astral travelling.



 The Astral body is always attached to the physical body by a long Silver Chord, which separates and breaks away at death. With practice you can learn to consciously separate the astral body from the physical body, while still being linked by the silver chord and travel to the Higher Dimensions and anywhere on Earth, or in space, that you desire to visit.



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Pre sleep commands can also be given to travel to various people and places.

Trying too hard or being "keyed up", makes it difficult to astral travel. Meditation is the simplest way to relax yourself, to prepare for astral travelling. It is important that thorough protection techniques be performed (see protection notes), as you will need to travel through the fourth dimension of Illusion, to reach the Higher dimensions. The fourth dimension is a level in which both positive and negative spirits reside. If you follow a protection routine, you cannot be harmed while travelling through this level. You will travel quickly through the 4th dimension and access the higher 5th with safety.

The gemstones Kyanite and Red Jasper can be effective in aiding you to Astral Travel. Hold a piece in your hand while attempting the exercises. Or place beside your bed at night, for added effect.

The Akashic Records can be accessed by astral travelling to levels of awareness. This is the region of Collective Knowledge of the Universe, known also as the Hall of Records, where all events, life records and information are stored from all individuals, from the beginning of time and into the future. Every incarnation you have experienced is recorded here in special archives.

Here you will find the Halls of Learning, covering such subjects as Music, Mathematics, Art, Philosophy etc. All Earth knowledge, plus knowledge from other dimensions and galaxies are taught and contained within these halls. Ask your guides to take you there in your protected meditations and dream state.



*Remember to always use astral travelling for the highest possible spiritual purposes. Never use this technique for spying or base motives.



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Far Seeing is a special way of projecting your psychic vision to an area for observation and does not involve the astral body leaving the body. Again it should only be used for the highest motives possible. Those who use it for negative reasons, spying or illicit information etc. such as the espionage agencies, find that they cannot access the Higher Spiritual Levels.

Some people prefer to Far See, using their psychic vision rather than fully astral travel, by separating the astral body from the physical body. It is possible to Far See to distant planets in space or see the depths of the oceans.



You might like to pre-record this exercise and play it back while doing this exercise.

Play relaxing music in the background

Hold your Kyanite, Quartz crystals or red Jasper.

1. Psychically protect yourself in a golden auric egg.

2. State to your Guides that you would like to learn to consciously Astral Travel.

3. Relax and try to project your Inner Being out of your physical body and up to the ceiling. Begin to feel a "build up" of energy in your body, as your astral body attempts to leave your physical body.

The astral body may exit out of the Solar plexus, Third eye, Crown or Heart chakras or just emerge wholly out of your entire body. Allow five to ten minutes, at least, for this to happen. If you have difficulty doing this after ten minutes, instead project a beam of light, your Inner Consciousness, out from your Third Eye Chakra to the ceiling and continue to Far See the exercise.

4. From your advantage point at the ceiling, look down at yourself and the room.



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5. Now project yourself out of the roof and high above the house. Notice that you have a long silver chord that is attached to your physical body. This can extend to anywhere you wish to go.

6. Now think of somewhere that you would like to visit eg. a beach in Hawaii, and project yourself or will yourself there. It takes only a few seconds to reach your destination. Remember you are invisible to others. Experience the beach, sea, weather etc. and take notice of the time, if you see a clock. Allow yourself at least ten minutes.

  7. Now, think of someone you would like to visit and project yourself to their home or workplace.

8. Observe your location, feelings etc. Look at your friend and try to mentally send them a message to telephone or email you soon. Do they have any reaction to you being there? Take notice of the time, if you see a clock. Allow yourself at least ten minutes.

 9. Now ‘will’ yourself (focus all your energies) to go up the Higher dimensions, to the Akashic records. Ask to go to the Hall of Records. See a beautiful ancient building and go inside. Be guided to an old book that holds your own personal records of this present incarnation and former past lives. Ask to be allowed to see one of the reasons, why you have incarnated at this time. The book may open to words or pictures. Allow ten minutes for this. Remember the message. Now close the book and leave the room and building.

10. Now think of returning to your physical body and "will" yourself back into the room. Return to your body gently, aligning your astral body up to your physical body. Don’t jerk back into your body. If you do so, and feel unwell, exit again and reenter the body, slowly aligning all the chakras and body parts together, perfectly.

11. Ground yourself thoroughly. (Move around, wash hands, hug a tree).

Write down your many experiences. Did you Far See or Astral travel?

As you have now experienced Astral travelling or Far Seeing, you can see that this can be a wonderful tool for you to use, to gain higher knowledge, visit unusual places and visit friends and relatives. A very cheap and convenient way to travel, with no airline or hotel reservations needed!


Think of possible future uses of astral travelling. For example, before visiting a new building or area, astral travel to it and explore it thoroughly. Then when you later visit this place physically, you will find it quite familiar and easily find your way around it. (This could be



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one explanation of De je vu phenomena, when people feel familiar with a place that they have never physically visited before). Any others ?


 Exercise 2.


You might like to arrange to meet up with a friend tonight at 2 am. in your Astral bodies and visit the Great Pyramid at Giza or ancient Lemuria. Just ask to do this before you fall asleep tonight. Fully protect yourself before going to sleep. Ask to consciously remember it in the morning.

Record your memories first thing in the morning. Later compare your individual notes with your friend.


As with all these exercises we give you, practice is paramount. The more often you practice astral travelling, the easier it will become. Just remember to always use it for the Highest Intent and always fully psychically protect yourself, just as the Lemurians would have done.

 Remember we are happy to answer any queries you may have. Please identify yourself clearly as a student in any emails that you direct to us. Robyn and Tony.








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The ancient Lemurians were very interested in dreams and how they influenced their lives. They often discussed their dreams in the morning with family members and looked for patterns and prophecy. They believed that the Gods and their deceased relatives and loved ones spoke to them through the medium of dreams.

Scientists today would explain away dreams as merely insignificant tools of the subconscious. The spiritual explanation of dreams, however, is very different to the scientific explanation!

When you fall asleep, your astral body, free of the mind restrictions of the 3rd dimension, emerges out of your physical body and travels in an unlimited way around the Earth, into space, back or forward in time or up to the higher dimensions.

This astral or starry body, is still attached to the physical sleeping body by a long silver chord, that can expand to infinity and retract when needed. Many clairvoyants have observed both the astral body and the silver chord, emerge from a person’s physical body, while they are sleeping or meditating. Often when the astral body returns to the physical body (especially if the person is in a hurry to wake up) the body jerks violently, on waking. You may have felt this thud, as your astral body returns to your awakening body, in the morning or after a light nap.

Often, if the astral body returns too quickly, (perhaps you have been unexpectedly awaken by a strange noise or an alarm clock), it does not perfectly line up with the physical body and you may feel "out of sorts" all day. This may continue until you fall asleep the next night and the astral body realigns itself! If this happens to you, try to have a little nap and realign the astral and physical bodies, as soon as possible. In deep meditation, some people can learn to realign the bodies, by visualising them, slowly lining up.

Most people tend to think of the third dimension, as the only "real" life state, and the dream world as one of illusion, but this is incorrect. All humans began their first Earthly incarnations, hundreds of thousands of years ago, as ethereal beings who could exist in many different dimensions, the Lemurians included! They could inhabit the bodies of humans or animals in the 3rd dimension, float around the fourth dimension without the limitations of a physical body, travel to fifth or higher dimensional planets for guidance and information, then return to the third dimension, when they so desired.

However, as humankind became more grounded, they lost the ability to travel out of their



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physical 3D bodies, at will. Their only escape was while they slept at night. Soon even this became muddled and confusing and people began to dismiss this dream-state, as merely fantasy and illusion. This invaluable route to the higher dimensions was effectively cut off and dismissed as insignificant!

Thankfully, some small pockets of people realised the great significance of the dream world and the many opportunities for mental and spiritual growth that it offered to humanity. These were usually the kahunas, shamans, high priests, clairvoyants and soothsayers who used this astral travelling for prophecies, predictions, communicating with the Gods and speaking to the dead. They were revered within their societies, as being special and gifted. The ordinary person no longer believed that they were capable of tuning into their own dream-states for higher reasons.

Yet many people still deny the higher uses of their dream-state, considering it as being insignificant and pure illusion. They are simply not aware of the wonderful things that can be achieved in this unique reality. Here is a brief channelling from the Master Joachim, explaining to us, some of the wonders of the dream world.

" The dream world is a marvellous place that you can visit each night or when you take a little nap, in the daytime. You think it is a trivial fantasy world of little merit, but this is not so, dear friends!

Long ago, you inhabited this world of utter freedom. Without your heavy physical bodies, you were all able to astral travel, wherever you wished, in the blink of an eye! By believing that you are merely a Being with a heavy physical body, you are denying your angelic roots. Yes, enjoy your third dimensional physical body, but also do begin to realise, the wondrous possibilities that your astral body can display to you.

Learn to send your Spirit self out of your restrictive human body and soar wherever you like - to the stars, around your Earth, visit friends that have passed over to the heavenly realms, go see a Master or Archangel, visit the Akashic records, (where so much knowledge is stored), and use your amazing psychic energies, to help others on your planet and help old Gaia (Earth) as well!

There are so many remarkable experiences awaiting you, in your dream-state. Don’t let the opportunities pass, for acquiring greater knowledge and higher spiritual growth!"

Inspiring words aren’t they! Spirit has also explained to us, that as you begin to explore and develop a new psychic skill, such as Dream work, the Universe begins to send you many synchronistic messages, hints and even directs Angel Teachers to help you develop the new ability. So don’t think that you are doing this alone, because you are not!

It is important that as you begin to explore this new phenomenon, that you state to the Universe, Spirit, God etc your Highest Intent in doing so. Dreamers who try to use this gift for evil, such as spying, espionage etc. are usually limited in this ability and rarely attain any



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useful information or powerful psychic effects.

We would suggest that you state your personal Intent, something like this -

" I ask the Universe for help in developing my Dreaming abilities, so that I can develop myself spiritually and help others. I ask that I always use this ability from the Highest Intent and with Unconditional Love. Should I abuse this power, I ask that it be taken away from me!"

We also suggest that as you begin this Dream Work that you purchase a book, to act as your Dream Journal. Leave the book and a pen by your bedside, each night and when you awaken in the night or in the morning, immediately write down your dreams. If you don’t write down the dreams at once, they usually disappear within a few minutes after waking.

By keeping a Dream Journal, you can look back at your dreams over a number of days or weeks and observe if any of them have been prophetic or have a discernible pattern within them. Prophetic dreams are predictions of things to come, minor and major events in the future. Patterns are the repetition of certain dreams or similar themes. Your Dream Journal can become a valuable resource for your paranormal study of Dream Work!



Lucid dreaming is the spiritual ability of being consciously aware that you are dreaming and involved in a dream. Very few people when asleep, are aware that they are dreaming. Instead, they experience the dream as reality. You can learn to become aware of your dream-state, recognise that you are asleep and dreaming and learn to direct your dreams in the way you want them to go! Then you can direct your astral body to achieve greater things, than reliving sad episodes in your life or floating around aimlessly in the lower dimensions.

How do you do this? By programming your consciousness, before you go to sleep at night, telling it what you want to do while dreaming, not allowing it merely to do, what it wants. This will normally take a little practice, but if you persevere, the results will be invaluable!

Here is a short exercise for increasing your abilities to Lucid dream.

1. Before going to sleep, meditate for fifteen minutes and ask your Personal guides or a particular spiritual Master or Teacher, to help you develop your Lucid dreaming skills, while you are sleeping.

2. You may like to speak these words aloud, "I ask my Guides and Angels to help me to Lucid dream, in the future, for my Highest Good, from Highest Intent and Unconditional Love. I ask that I meet up with Teacher Guides in my dreams tonight and discuss the matter fully. I will listen to their conversation and advice. In the morning, I will remember the dream and conversation."



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3. Protect yourself spiritually, in a golden/white light, shaped like an auric egg around yourself and go to sleep.

4. In the morning when you awake, immediately write down any conversations you have had or thoughts that come to you, into your dream journal.

5. Now, ask that your lucid dreaming skills increase nightly and believe that you will achieve your goal, if it is for your higher good.

Good luck, with Lucid dreaming!

Another way to realise that you are lucid dreaming, is to arrange for a special symbol to be incorporated into the dream which you will consciously recognise as a dream-state marker. It must be something unusual enough, to get your attention.

Here are some unique ideas that different friends have used.

Mary’s dream people all wear a fluorescent green, heart shaped brooch on their chests. When she sees this distinctive dream marker, she realises that she is dreaming and begins to direct the dream, the way she wishes it to go. Tom’s dream marker is a blue sun that shines down on him and others, in the dream-state. When he recognises this dream marker, his consciousness returns and he uses the dream-time more productively.

Fred who has a strong comic streak in his nature, has programmed a frog with a drum, to dance into his dreams, at regular intervals, to remind him that he is dreaming!



As you can see, the distinctive dream marker can be anything that you like. Why not choose one now and then say this affirmation aloud to the Universe. Repeat it at night before sleeping.

"I ask that in future, when I am sleeping and in the dream-state, that I be reminded of this



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change in reality, by seeing my special dream marker …………(your choice).

This will immediately alert me to the fact that I am dreaming and I will then be able to direct the dream, in a more appropriate manner for spiritual growth, highest intent and unconditional love!"

Note * Change the dream marker symbol, if you begin to disregard it in your sleep state.



Thousands of dream interpretation books have been written, over the many centuries. They usually list traditional symbols, such as doves meaning peace and water meaning emotions. If you see these symbols in your dreams, then these dream books interpret that you want peace in your life or are having emotional difficulties. However, we believe that everyone has their own particular and very individual reactions to certain symbols. The Lemurians recognised this fact, long ago.

One person may see all birds as threatening and therefore, see a dove as representing fear, while another may love the water and see it as freedom from daily activities, such as swimming at the beach. So just one set of universal symbols, do not work for everyone.


1. Protect yourself in an auric egg and relax in meditation for ten minutes.

2. Ask the Universe, Spirit or your Spirit Guides to help you choose symbols, for you to easily interpret in your dreams.

3. Meditate for ten minutes. Allow the symbols to flow into your mind. Write down the symbol and the corresponding emotional word, one at a time. Around thirty symbols to begin with.

4. Gently return your consciousness to the room.

5. Study the list and learn the many symbols and interpretations.

6. That night before you go to sleep ask Spirit to help you incorporate the new symbols into your dreams, so that you can easily interpret your dreams in the morning. You may need to do this several times before the new symbols become implanted in your subconscious.


 Here are some symbols that we have personally chosen, yours may differ considerably!



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I'm sure, that by now, you understand the idea! Other suggestions are pain, fear, hurt, father, mother, sister, brother, work, change, opportunities, new ideas, obstacles, jealousy, hate, your partner, your Guides, heaven etc.



Spirit has in several channellings, given us four particular gems to use in our dream work, these are clear quartz crystal, kyanite, pearl and red jasper.

The ancient Lemurians used pearls often in their healing and dreamwork, as it helps to focus the attention of the user. Place one beside your bed at night and ask to remember your dreams in the morning.

Kyanite which may be grey, black, blue/white, green or pink, has the unique property of never needing cleansing. It does not accumulate negativity. A small piece will work effectively. It will help you to dream more lucidly.

Red jasper stores memories in the dream-state and then can replay them later in your mind, during meditation. Cleanse in sea salt or table salt regularly.



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Clear quartz crystal is a general all-purpose stone which generates a spiritual energy and amplifies all that you do. Cleanse it regularly in sea or table salt for two days, as it accumulates negativity easily.

Note * We suggest that you place these gems beside your bed at night to help clarify your dreams and aid memory recall in the morning.

The ancient Lemurians knew the value of their dreams and how they could use them for guidance, exploration and contact with others. We suggest that you practice these exercises regularly and discuss your dreams with others. Hopefully they will enrich your life with their hidden power!

Remember we are happy to answer any queries you may have. Please identify yourself clearly as a student in any emails that you direct to us. Robyn and Tony.






The ancient Lemurian Priests and Priestesses or Kahunas used the local flowers, herbs, roots and bark to heal the afflictions of their people. At first they were able to heal by merely directing the body to self heal, but over time as they slipped from the higher 5th dimension down to third dimensional existence, they had to turn to nature to provide the remedies.

Many of their remedies came from local vegetation, animal by products and sea life. Many of their ancient remedies, medicines and natural cures are still used today by the natives of these regions and medical scientists have found that they do contain elements that will help cure diseases and lift the spirit of the sufferer.

We shall examine a variety of them in this lesson. If you wish to purchase products containing these herbs etc. we recommend that you try your local health food store first, then the internet for suppliers.



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Coconut known by the Ancients as kalpa-vriksla

The coconut is seen as a valuable source of energy. The ancients believed that it promoted strength, longevity and peace within the person who regularly ate it or drank the milk. Legend has it that "breaking the coconut represents man’s attempt to break the hard nut of ego before God" It’s flesh prevents worms, is kind to ulcers, corrects diarrhea, prevents urinary problems and bowel problems and the oil is wonderful for skin conditions.

Noni juice is a well known tonic and is excellent for high blood pressure, skin problems, coughs and colds and many minor ailments. It is still commonly used within the south pacific region.

Taro also known as kalo is invaluable for indigestion, stops asthma and is known to stop bleeding.

Sugar cane or Ko was used not only as a sweetener and energy boost, but also to aid in the healing of lacerations.

Awapuki a type of ginger was used for ringworm, sprains, cuts, motion sickness and stomach aches.

Ohi’alehua - a type of myrtle was given to the women to aid in childbirth.

Kava or Awa was used for headaches, problems with sleep, colds and lung problems.

A’alii or the hopbush leaves were used for skin diseases.

Seaweed was used extensively for revitalising the body in natural baths, as an anti bacterial for dandruff and for numerous skin conditions.

Pearls mashed in a bowl and made into a fine powder and added to water as an elixir was believed to cure ulcers, headaches, leprosy, indigestion and hemorrhages.

The Lemurians of course, had contact with other races on the Earth at that time, such as the Atlanteans. They traded gemstones and soon incorporated the gemstones of citrine, amethyst, ruby, sapphire, diamond etc into their culture and healing techniques.

Sunlight and sea water however, was used primarily by the Lemurians as a healing aid. Each person saluted the sun daily, regarding it as a prime source of life, warmth and energy, Then each person would bathe and swim in the ocean or natural fresh water pools daily, as a means of not only cleaning themselves, but invigorating their tired bodies with mana. Kai or Moana was the ocean spirit that healed mankind.

Here is an exercise that we recommend for cleansing your chakras and promoting good mental and emotional health.



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Pool Meditation

Imagine surrounding yourself in a golden/white light shaped like an auric egg with you in the centre. This is your aura of protection.

Close your eyes and breathe three deep breaths. Relax.

Begin to slowly relax your head. If a muscle feels tight, tighten it further, then relax it.

Begin to slowly relax your neck.

Begin to slowly relax your shoulders.

Begin to slowly relax your chest. Breathe slower and lighter.

Begin to slowly relax your back. If a muscle feels tight, tighten it further, then relax it.

Begin to slowly relax your upper arms.

Begin to slowly relax your elbows.

Begin to slowly relax your hands and fingers.

Begin to slowly relax your stomach and lower back. If a muscle feels tight, tighten it further, then relax it.

Begin to slowly relax your thighs and pelvis.

Begin to slowly relax your upper legs.



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Begin to slowly relax your knees and lower legs.

Begin to slowly relax your feet and toes.

Now allow all the stored energy in your body to drain out from your fingers and toes into space. Visualize it as a green energized light.


Still your mind.

Now imagine yourself in a secluded tropical glade. In front of you is a blue pond of sparkling water and a small, free flowing waterfall falls from the rock cliff above into the tranquil pool. You take off your clothes and step into the pool. It is cool, but not too cold and very pleasant to wade in. You walk out to the miniature waterfall and stand under the gently streaming water. The water cascades down upon your head, shoulders, chest and back, buttocks, stomach and pelvis, legs, arms, feet and hands. It is cleansing, healing and revigorating. You feel all your problems being washed away in the crystal clear water. You feel at peace with the world, calm, relaxed and safe. Enjoy this experience for several minutes.

Then - Begin to slowly tighten your head.

Begin to slowly tighten your neck.

Begin to slowly tighten your shoulders.

Begin to slowly tighten your chest.

Begin to slowly tighten your back.

Begin to slowly tighten your upper arms.

Begin to slowly tighten your elbows.

Begin to slowly tighten your hands and fingers.

Begin to slowly tighten your stomach and lower back.

Begin to slowly tighten your thighs and pelvis.

Begin to slowly tighten your upper legs.

Begin to tighten your knees and lower legs.



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Begin to tighten your feet and toes.

Come back gently into the room.

You should now feel refreshed and invigorated. Do this exercise when you feel sluggish and tired. Also if you can ever do this physically under a real waterfall in a quiet pool, you will find that the results are indeed amazing!

Birthing pools were created in sheltered areas for young women to birth their babies and surrounded by loving family members and a trusted midwife, the child would be born in the seawater under the sunlight. A true spiritual boon!

The kahunas or wise men and women developed a healing massage technique which involved stroking the skin of the patient in wide, gentle strokes. Pushing the negativity or illness out of the body and aura. The illness was then sent to the Sun god Maui to be destroyed.

Here is a healing exercise for you to try in the Lemurian style. If you can find inexpensive pearls, a small palm frond, a bowl of salt water and a willing client, it will be more effective. If not use your imagination!



1. Have your client lie in the sunlight (if too hot, in semi shade) and relax. 2. Gently bathe their skin with warm sea water or if unavailable, sea salt mixed with water. 3. Place a pearl on the third eye region between the eyebrows, one on the throat one on the

heart, one on the stomach and one on the pelvic region. 4. Instruct the client to begin to relax by -

Imagine surrounding yourself in a golden/white light shaped like an auric egg with you in the centre. This is your aura of protection.

Close your eyes and breathe three deep breaths. Relax.



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Begin to slowly relax your head. If a muscle feels tight, tighten it further, then relax it.

Begin to slowly relax your neck.

Begin to slowly relax your shoulders.

Begin to slowly relax your chest. Breathe slower and lighter.

Begin to slowly relax your back. If a muscle feels tight, tighten it further, then relax it.

Begin to slowly relax your upper arms.

Begin to slowly relax your elbows.

Begin to slowly relax your hands and fingers.

Begin to slowly relax your stomach and lower back. If a muscle feels tight, tighten it further, then relax it.

Begin to slowly relax your thighs and pelvis.

Begin to slowly relax your upper legs.

Begin to slowly relax your knees and lower legs.

Begin to slowly relax your feet and toes.

Now allow all the stored energy in your body to drain out from your fingers and toes into space. Visualize it as a green energized light.


Still your mind.

Now gently ask the sun energy Mana from the Sun God Maui to enter into the body of your client and invigorate and heal the body.

Then begin to slowly sweep your palm frond across the top of the body directing negative energy or sickness from it. Always brush the energy away from the heart region, not towards it. It is best to direct the negative energy down the arms or legs and into the air beyond. Mentally send it to the sun to be destroyed.

Then gently massage the body (with your clients permission) in gentle sweeps using your hands and directing the negative energy away from the heart and head and out through the arms and legs.



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Then ask your client to -

Begin to slowly tighten your head.

Begin to slowly tighten your neck.

Begin to slowly tighten your shoulders.

Begin to slowly tighten your chest.

Begin to slowly tighten your back.

Begin to slowly tighten your upper arms.

Begin to slowly tighten your elbows.

Begin to slowly tighten your hands and fingers.

Begin to slowly tighten your stomach and lower back.

Begin to slowly tighten your thighs and pelvis.

Begin to slowly tighten your upper legs.

Begin to tighten your knees and lower legs.

Begin to tighten your feet and toes.

Take three deep breaths and open your eyes.

Do not get up quickly! Or you may feel dizzy.

5. Wash your own hands in salt water and wave them in the sunlight. 6. Thank Spirit for their help.

You may like to have a friend perform the same healing technique on you to give you more energy and better health. Use when needed!

You may like to answer these questions and record them in your Lemurian journal.

1. How did the healing exercise feel to you? 2. How did your client react? 3. What did they experience? 4. Were they invigorated after the exercise? 5. Did their health improve?



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6. Did you try the healing exercise also? 7. What were your findings?


The Ancient Lemurians also liked to make floral wreaths and necklaces similar to leis. They chose fresh tropical flowers such as hibiscus which symbolized their moods. Red for passion, pink for femininity, white for innocence and purity, purple for spirituality and blue for contemplation. The flowers uplifted their spirits and the sweet perfumes enhanced their bodies. Many flowers were used in healing concoctions and even cooking, to add flavour!   Why not begin to surround yourself with sweet smelling flowers and herbs to increase your own vitality and perfume your self and home?   If you have any questions regarding this lesson, please email us at [email protected] Please include your name and refer to the course and lesson that you are currently studying.   Love and Light The Abbotts Robyn & Tony





The highly spiritually advanced people of Lemuria had constant contact with the higher spiritual realms. They were able to easily converse with the beings such as their Higher Self, angelic guides, teacher guides, Devic nature spirits and wise Masters. In time these skills became the prerogative of the priests and priestesses, Kahunas who performed rituals and healed the populace. As the populous became more "grounded" and 3rd dimensional in nature, they gave these aspects over to the Kahunas, but when needed visited them for higher information and advice on their daily troubles and life direction.



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Spirit contact was one of the first skills taught to the young initiate Kahunas, as it helped them with personal higher information, advice, guidance and comfort. We shall now look at this aspect of higher communication in more detail.

*Note. Never try to contact spirits after drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana, taking drugs, while emotionally upset or after a heavy meal, especially meat. These elements will make you very sick and increase your chances of drawing in negative spirits! Remember the old maxim - Don’t mix Spirit with spirits!

We would also recommend purchasing a small, clear quartz crystal for several dollars, to help you with the following lesson exercises. It will help you to magnify your energies. Choose an appropriate stone, by relaxing and running your finger tips over a selection of gemstones. The stone that feels the strongest or psychically "calls" to you, is the one to purchase.


Clairvoyance is the ability to see spirits using your psychic abilities. Often when viewed with the eyes open, they appear very indistinct, ethereal or merely as coloured light. With the eyes closed and using your mental powers, you can easily see their features, outline etc. very clearly. The more you practice "seeing" spirits, the clearer they will become to you.


Clairsentience is the ability to feel spirits using your psychic abilities. Often you will feel or sense them around you as cool breezes or warmth. With the eyes closed and using your mental powers, you can soon learn to easily locate their presence. The more you practice "feeling" spirits, the more distinct they will become to you.


Clairaudience is the ability to hear spirits using your psychic abilities. Often they will whisper to you a phrase or call your name. With the eyes closed and using your mental powers, you can easily learn to hear them very clearly. The more you practice "hearing" spirits, the clearer they will become to you. If their voices are too indistinct or too loud, ask them to moderate or turn up the volume!


Clairolfactory is the ability to smell spirits using your psychic abilities. Often they give off beautiful aromas. With the eyes closed and using your mental powers, you can easily learn to smell who has arrived to speak to you. Kwan Yin for instance gives off wonderful whiffs of ylang ylang and Mother Mary, roses. The more you



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practice "smelling" spirits, the clearer they will become to you. Negative spirits such as lower astrals, often smell very bad, like rotten eggs!




1. Hold a cleansed quartz crystal in your hand. Relax and meditate for twenty minutes.

2. Protect yourself by imagining a white/gold protective light completely around yourself in a circle, like an auric egg. Place a symbol of purity in the circle with you, such as a cross, ankh, six pointed star or other that signifies spirituality to you. Mentally ask your personal Spirit contact Guide to help you to channel him/her safely.

3. Ask your Guide to help you make stronger contact with him/her today and in the future.

4. Imagine yourself in a beautiful garden with bright, sparkling, golden lights in the air. In the garden is a bubbling stream and wonderfully, coloured bushes, flowers and trees. A great feeling of serenity and calmness surrounds you. You find a comfortable bench in the garden and sit down to relax and meditate for five minutes.

5. Now send out a message to your Guide, to become clearly visible and to walk in the garden towards you. Relax and wait patiently.

6. Visualise or feel them walking slowly towards you. Feel the love and serenity that they emanate. If you are not comfortable with their vibration - send them away! Some of you may smell a wonderful perfume coming from them. Allow them to come and stand before you.



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7. Look into the face of your Guide and mentally welcome him/her. Listen clairaudiently, with your inner ears, for a reply. Take your time.

8. Ask your Guide for his/her name and listen for a mental reply. If the reply is too soft or unclear, ask the Guide to speak louder and more clearly.

9. Ask to hold your Guide’s hands and feel their embrace. Do not hurry the experience. Enjoy it!

10. Talk to your Guide about your desire to learn to spiritually progress. Tell him/her your goals and aims and ask for gentle and loving counselling and advice. Listen for his/her reply. Take time, there is no need to hurry.

11. Ask your Guide to make its presence known more often to you and for further contact to occur more quickly and clearly.

12. Thank your Guide for coming and slowly let him/her depart.

13. Leave the garden and return to your physical consciousness and body.

14. After a short rest, ground yourself by washing your hands or placing your feet on the bare earth.

You may have to repeat this exercise several times, until you get a definite response. You may feel them at first, later see them and then later still, hear them. At first your contact may be brief or indefinite, practice will improve this contact.


This is an important procedure, after you have meditated or contacted a spirit. Because you raise your personal vibration to the 4th or 5th dimension or psychically reach up to communicate with the Higher Spirits and angels; (they by the way have to reach down to you); when you have finished the exercise, you will often feel spacey, dizzy etc and take a few minutes to "ground" yourself, to come back to 3D reality. Do not jump up, try to do involved tasks or drive or operate machinery for at least fifteen to thirty minutes. You may feel excessively tired after the first spirit contact, so make sure that you have adequate rest periods after the experience.

Added Protection

Ask Archangel Michael for full protection and advice and always work from the highest motives, in all that you do. Remember, that Guides and Masters give their advice with loving guidance, the Higher Beings never command you to do something, nor ever ask you to do anything that you feel is morally wrong and will



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never frighten you or be angry with you.

If you feel the connection with the spirit is wrong, immediately break it and ask for protection from Archangel Michael. Often new initiates will have at least one negative experience in the early stages, a not quite right spirit, strange smell around them or peculiar message, just to show you how communicating with the other side (negative aspects), feels like. Learn from it and never call in this type of spirit again.

Let your spirit contact experiences be uplifting and inspirational to yourself and others, not frightening to you! The Spirit world is waiting to be explored. Enjoy the adventure!

Practice this exercise until you begin to see the scene more clearly, if possible once a day for one week.

Note * In your special Lemurian notebook write down-

a)What was happening

b) Who you were talking to

c) What you were feeling

d) What the spirit said

e) Any special information that you got

f) How did you feel generally about the spirit?

g) Did you smell, see, hear or sense them particularly? Record feelings

Remember we are happy to answer any queries you may have.

If you have any questions regarding this lesson, please email us at [email protected] Please include your name and refer to the course and lesson that you are currently studying.

Love and Light

The Abbotts

Robyn & Tony




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The Lemurians lived in a society of plenty. They had a wonderful climate, an abundance of fresh, wholesome food, fresh water and great natural beauty around them. Yet even they occasionally desired objects to make their life more interesting, beautiful or healthy. The early Lemurians could manifest these objects easily, but in time, the populace became more third dimensional or grounded in nature and left such things up to the Kahunas.

Well, it may surprise you to know that you already do it to some extent, in your life. For instance, you may want to go on a holiday to New Zealand. You think about it a lot and imagine yourself there, enjoying the hot springs and scenery. You do not have enough money or free time, to just go on the holiday now. A strange set of incidents then begin to occur. Your boss tells you to take your holidays earlier this year, as he will need you to work later in the year. A work mate tells you that she is originally from New Zealand and is going there for a year. She invites you to come and stay with her family, if you are ever over there. You walk past a travel agency and see a special price on New Zealand airfares for the next few months.

Do you see, how you have effectively manifested your cheap accommodation, free time and cheap airfares? All this you have done subconsciously. Now you need to learn how to consciously manifest what you want.



A. No, but the Starseeds born since the late 1960’s have been born with their third eye chakras, pelvic chakras and crown chakras, very open. This aids them with their psychic skills. They are easily able to develop telepathy, ESP and Spirit contact. Unfortunately, most of them are not aware of their potentiality and many of them are confused, drug addicted and disillusioned with life on Earth. This is the reverse side of being sensitive to spiritual and psychic energies.

However, everyone can develop their abilities. These are natural, inherent psychic talents that we all have. But, as with most things in life, you have to learn about them, study and practise them often, if you want to be good at them!




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A. You will be karmically responsible for all negative deeds that you do. You will either have to repay them in this life or in future lives. Perhaps, you are already living a difficult life that is a repayment of earlier abused psychic powers in past lives? Think about it!

You will have endless chances, in many lives, to break free of the pattern of abusing your psychic gifts. The thing is - aren’t you a little tired of endless lives of getting it wrong, by misusing your powers? Why not develop them in this lifetime and use them for something positively constructive, such as healing others, teaching and guiding others?

Give yourself and others joy! The choice is yours.

 Here is a simple technique to help you manifest to you things you need. Remember need is not necessarily the same as desire. Some things that you desire may not be good for you, so Spirit will block these. If a child were to have all the toys and sweets it desired, it soon would be a very tired, sick child! But many small or positive things will be granted to us, if they do not impinge on the rights and freedoms of others.

This is how you do it.


Sit and relax in a quiet place. 1. You need to think of the object you want and ask that it comes to you ,'For your highest good’. (Being prepared to not have it manifest, if it will do you harm instead of good and never interfering with another person's freewill). 2. Put an emotional feeling behind your image of what you want. Emotion helps to get it to you quicker. For instance - satisfaction, joy, happiness, contentment, love. 3. Imagine that you already have the object. Feel it is already part of your life. 4. Put a visual reminder of what you want in a prominent place. Such as an advertisement or drawing, on your bedside table. 5. Have faith that it is coming to you. 6. Detach from details being absolute. For instance if you want to manifest a red Toyota, don’t knock back the offer of a green Toyota car. You can always paint it red! 7. Be prepared to put some effort into attaining the object - save half the money, enter competitions or ask and negotiate for it. Be patient. The Universe will bring the object to you in it’s time not at your deadline.

Another way of manifesting an object or better health to yourself is to use the merkabah or light body vehicle which is the spiritual energy of yourself to attain your goal.




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The Amazing Merkabah

The merkabah is an incredible spiritual vehicle that is composed of your own auric energies and field. It is the shape of a solid, 3 dimensional six pointed star. The top half of the star - a pyramid ^ represents humankind raising up to God. While the lower part of the star v represents God reaching down to humankind. It is also the shape of the human cells and all matter at a minute level - quarks.

This is why this symbol has been used by so many religions and cults throughout countless milleniums. It can be constructed by thought and with the highest spiritual intent it can be used to time travel, astral travel, inter-dimensional travel and link into the cosmic grid for manifestation and increased healing and psychic abilities.



The Christ Consciousness Grid or Cosmic Grid is an energy field (mesh-like) which surrounds Earth. It contains Universal energies, which if "tapped into", can assist healing, knowledge and manifestation for the Highest Intent.

Exercise 1

We suggest that you pre record this exercise and then replay it when relaxed. Begin by surrounding yourself in a white protective light and ask your angelic guides to help you with this exercise.

1. Visualise yourself in your merkabah vehicle (a three dimensional six pointed star). You are



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in the centre of two giant pyramids. One pointing down to earth, one pointing up to the heavens. Your merkabah is similar to a space ship or time capsule, that can take you through space and the higher dimensions safely.

2. Now visualise yourself rising up from this place and out into space.

3. Float up to the Cosmic Grid. It has a silver mesh-like appearance and consists of intertwined strands of cosmic energy.

4. Lock the topmost point of your Merkabah vehicle into one of the holes in the cosmic grid.

5. Feel yourself merging with the Grid and it’s powerful and loving energies flowing through you. Enjoy this for a few minutes.

6. Now think of someone who needs healing and send healing light and love to that person. Your energy will be magnified due to the interaction of the Grid. Pause for a few minutes.

7. Now think of something that you wish to have or manifest, for your highest good. It may be something abstract, such as world peace or a solid object, such as a new home or car. Visualise the combined energies of the Cosmic Grid bringing this object to you and positive results coming from its manifestation. Never think of negative results or situations while linked to the Grid, as these may be amplified. Concentrate for a few minutes.

8. Now ask the Grid to send you Higher Knowledge that may help you with your spiritual path and everyday life situations. Listen for a few minutes.

9. Now thank the Grid for its energies and gently release the point of your merkabah from the grid hole and slowly float down to the room. Now Ground yourself, before resuming normal activities. Say aloud, "All of my chakras are closed down to a safe level and any surplus energy I may have, within me, is sent out of my feet into the ground."

 10. You may like to record your experiences in your Lemurian book, for further reference.



While the ancient Lemurians had little interest in wealth, as their island continent provided for them so abundantly, they could have chosen to manifest money, if they so wished. Here is how they would have done it.

Money is only an energy. It can be used positively or negatively. It is a tool in our learning process. Great wealth can bring many problems, just as great poverty can have its valuable lessons as well. Many very wealthy people, are so caught up in the struggle to preserve their wealth, that they give little thought to the Spiritual aspects of life. While in the endless grind



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of poverty, the fight for survival, can be so overwhelming for many people, that again, very little thought is given to spiritual progress. Most people in the Western nations, fortunately, live in neither extreme and have sufficient funds and time to devote to their spiritual quests.

The Master Archimedes has channelled to us, the thoughts that, "Spirit wishes to see intent as much as action. Therefore, for a poor person to give a percentage to a worthy cause, shows a higher intent, than that of a millionaire, who can give much and not really notice it. "

Money however, can be a useful tool in creating circumstances around you, for spiritual progress. You may wish to buy premises to set up a healing practice, travel to sacred sites or other worthy ventures. There are special, esoteric techniques that you can use to bring the energy of money to you, to aid in these endeavours.

In the centre of your palms and on the tips of your fingers are energy points which when activated and programmed properly, can bring more wealth to you, to use for Higher Intent. Firstly locate these energy centres by feel and inner sight. These chakras are pink in colour. These are the chakras that you have already used for healing! Many chakras have multiple functions.

Remember the hands are traditionally the first point of contact for money. You hold your hand out to take money. You grasp it in your hands. You count it with your fingers.

To program your hand chakras for increased wealth -

Cleanse a large denomination note $50 or $100, by placing it in dry salt for 1 hour.

Hold a quartz crystal for several minutes.

Place it in your receiving hand (usually right hand).

Ask Spirit to take away any blocks you have, concerning increased wealth.

Feel the membranes in your hands becoming activated towards increasing the energy of money in your life.

Visualise your hand full of $50 or $100 notes.

Thank Spirit for their help.



Most people have mental blocks to wealth. Many of these blocks have been handed down from your parents or other family members. These include statements such as:



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People like us, will never have money.

You have to work hard in this life, to feed your family.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Money is the root of all evil.

The best things in life are free.

Money can’t make you happy.

Write down six other common, negative statements about money.

Parents unspoken feelings around money can also be conveyed and instilled as part of your belief system.

Think about your own family’s beliefs towards money.

Write down six other common, negative statements about money, made by your family.

Once you can identify your own blocks around money, you can begin to change your attitude to wealth. Always, ask Spirit to help you with this work. The following exercises can be practised regularly to help you overcome your negative blocks and bring greater prosperity to you.

Pre-record this exercise and play when required.




1. Meditate and protect yourself in golden light and activate your chakras by imagining them opening and rotating with light.

2. Take a notepad and pen and consciously think over the different times that money has flowed to you and when it has not, from birth to present day



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3. Write down your thoughts on money.

4. Write down your parents and authority figures, thoughts and expressions of money.

5. Write down and think about the times in your life when you were the most happy and how these situations were related to money.

6. You may observe a pattern emerging. Think about how you have drawn money to you in the past and how you can repeat this more often.

7. Finish meditation. Begin to gently close down the chakras by imagining them slowly closing.



1. Meditate, protect yourself in golden light and activate your chakras, as above.

2. Ask for a Master such as Archimedes, to come into the room and help you with lifting any restrictions or limits that you may have, emotionally or mentally, towards money flowing to you. Ask that "Wealth will now flow to me, for my highest good!"

3. Create your merkabah around yourself and visualise yourself drifting up through the atmosphere.

(You are still attached to your physical body by a long silver chord). Allow yourself to drift up to the Earth Christ Consciousness Grid, which surrounds the Earth.

4. Allow the upper-most point of your Merkabah to lock into the Grid

5. Ask the Masters to allow your merkabah to be filled with the positive energies of the Grid.

6. Ask that all your restrictions and blocks to money be finally removed, so that you can use any future wealth for the Highest Good of All.

7. Visualise what you would like to do with increased wealth. Feel the emotion attached. (positive only).

8. Send your compassion and love out into the Grid.

9. Separate from the Grid and slowly return to your body on Earth.

10. Thank the Masters for their Help.



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11. Affirm " Money flows to me freely!"

12. Visualise money flowing to and remaining with you.

13. Burn your original notes on your blockages to money.

14. Be positive and have faith that money will flow to you NOW!

Repeat this exercise a number of times.


*Note. When you give out money as a payment or a donation, give it out with Unconditional Love and positive feeling, so that others, may also have an increase in monetary wealth.

*It is also helpful to maintain a positive attitude to money, even if it is in short supply. Make sure that you don't live in scarcity, as you are then showing to the Universe, that you accept this role of poverty

*It is wise also to note, that certain individuals may ask in their Life Plan for a period of poverty, either to make up karmically for misused wealth or just as a temporary learning tool.

The attachment to money is a very third dimensional trait, because of this, it can hold you in the third dimension and prevent spiritual growth into the higher dimensions. Remember, to see money as only an energy and do not attach to it, for it may greatly hinder your spiritual development.


If you have any questions regarding this lesson, please email us at [email protected] Please include your name and refer to the course and lesson that you are currently studying.

Love and Light

The Abbotts

Robyn & Tony






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The early Lemurians were extraordinary people, as these early human beings were in a much higher spiritual state than we are today. They still had great psychic powers and were able to easily converse with beings on other spiritual levels. Their powers included telepathy, telekinesis (moving objects with the mind), special healing powers and they used psychic tools such as scryeing bowls, psychometry etc to see the future and the past. We shall explore some of these special powers in this lesson.


Psychometry is the paranormal ability to read the vibrations of an object and it’s owner. This ability can be used to connect with artifacts from the past (antiques, relics etc) for past life recall. For instance if you are particularly drawn to the Ancient Roman culture.


1) Purchase an object from that time (Roman coins are often only a few dollars).

2) Protect, relax and meditate for ten minutes. Hold the object in your hands while meditating and ask to "See visions from that era."

3) It is possible that you have had a lifetime in that particular era and the vibrations of the object may stimulate your past life memory recall.

4) Record your impressions.

This same technique may be used with antiques or relics from any era. You may like to invest in Polynesian artifacts, similar to those of Lemuria. Unfortunately, there are no confirmed Lemurian artifacts at this time.


 Deja vu can be described as the paranormal experience of feeling that you are currently reliving an experience from the past. Often it is accompanied by cold shivers and a strange feeling of awareness. You may visit a new area and feel strongly that you know what lies beyond the next road or hill. A strong feeling of replaying the same incident, actions or emotions may occur to you unexpectedly.



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Sometimes this is related to you having astral travelled in the dream state to the area the night before to psychically "check out" the region. You vaguely remember it next day as a déjà vu feeling. But it can also relate to Past Life experiences. You may have walked these roads in a past life in a different century. The cathedral you visit in the twenty first century may have been built by you in the fourteenth! No wonder it feels familiar.

 Sometimes an illustration in a book or a scene from a movie may make your skin tingle. Movies such as Rapa Nui concerning the people of Easter island or Polynesian photographs may make you feel as if you've seen the view before or experienced the incident pre life. This deja vu feeling is a nudge from the Universe to make you more aware of your past lives. Do not ignore these tweaks from the past, but instead explore them in your next past life recall exercise.



This is the paranormal ability to gaze into a reflective object such as water in a shallow bowl, shell or coconut half and in a meditative state view scenes from the past or future. A dark, non reflective bowl is best. You may find this a valuable aid to past life recall. Try this exercise.



1. Protect yourself, relax and meditate for ten minutes. 2. Fill a shallow bowl with clear water. 3. Ask Spirit to help you begin to activate your scryeing abilities to aid in seeing future

events. 4. Look deeply into the bowl of water and ask mentally "That you see images from the

future!" 5. Relax and allow the images to be seen psychically with or without opening your eyes. 6. Record what you have seen always remembering that the future is influenced by our

actions today, and is not static or unchangeable!





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Telekinesis is the psychic ability to move objects with the mind.

The ancient Lemurians used telekinesis to move large stone blocks to construct their statues and idols, such as the Easter Island long eared idols, built by many generations of survivors after Lemuria disappeared into the ocean. They silently watch the seas for the return of the Lemurians.



Russian clairvoyants have been filmed moving small objects through mental power. Yuri Geller has been an advocate of this para-science for several decades with his "psychic fixing" of watches and "spoon bending". So it is possible to revive this ancient psychic art.

The Lemurian children also used telekinesis as a playful sport and moved shells, feathers and copra balls with their mind power.

Here is an exercise to help you revive these ancient powers.

1. Meditate for fifteen minutes.

2. Ask your guides or Higher Self to help you in this exercise.

3. Place a feather in front of you on a table.

4. Imagine the feather moving a few inches to the right.

5. Concentrate on moving the feather.

6. "See" it in it's new location.

Keep practicing daily, until you get results.



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Note results in your notebook.

You will find that you are probably more competent at some particular psychic powers than others. Yet all can be learnt with dedication and practice. Ask your guides and Higher Self for ideas on how to improve these abilities and keep detailed notes on your progress.



The Ancient Lemurians were trained to use telepathy in order to increase community knowledge, keep in touch with voyaging friends and gain higher insights. This created Unity within their nation. This ability was later lost when people began to act basely and wanted to hide their thoughts and actions. Privacy not Unity became the norm and only the priesthood carried on training young initiates to perfect this art.

Telepathy can be revived, but does take much practice and commitment. All of us experience it at different times. The telephone may ring and we know who it is instinctively. We are humming a tune and turn on the radio and it is playing. Mothers may know when their children are in danger and couples can often read the other's mind.

Here is an exercise to help you revive this ancient psychic ability.

Zener cards can be bought from spiritual shops. Try testing your partner by having them tune into and guess what each unseen card displays. This works better after meditating. Keep score and over time see if your score improves! Or make up your own cards from pictures in magazines eg. scene of water, scene of land, scene of clouds, animals, people etc. Now test each other after meditating, by having one person stare at the card and try to send the image to the other (without them seeing the card of course). Now try another card.

Try sending mental messages to your partner when they are at a distance. eg. "Ring me now!" or "Bring home mushrooms!"

Then note accuracy and how often they respond to your thoughts.

Again these special psychic and spiritual arts, must always be used to aid and promote growth in people, never used for evil intent or self gain. The Lemurians were always aware of their responsibility to others and treated everyone as their brothers and sisters. They regarded



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many of these advanced psychic arts as mere "child’s play". They attempted to live in harmony with the world around them, not abuse it. We will explore more of their philosophy in our next lesson.


If you have any questions regarding this lesson, please email us at [email protected] Please include your name and refer to the course and lesson that you are currently studying.

Love and Light

The Abbotts

Robyn & Tony.







As we mentioned formerly, the Lemurians attempted to live in harmony with the world around them, not abuse it. Many conservationists today hold the same views and may be early Lemurians incarnates. They viewed the oceans as the source of all life. From the seas came fish, prawns, oysters and crabs to feed them. Many herbal remedies came from the ocean - seaweed cures and salt bath immersions for better health. Their Gods lived in the sea, the sky and the stars.

Fresh water fell from the skies for drinking and for the abundant crops that they grew. The



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sun shone down daily and lit their way and promoted better health. They considered themselves very favored by the Gods!

There was no pollution, no cars, no greed, no wars or major conflicts. Disharmony when it occurred, was settled amicably between the two people or mediated on by experienced, wise elders.

The family was at the centre of Lemurian life, but not the nuclear family we experience today (2 adults, two children), but a vastly extended family which included all Lemurian villagers, large town dwellers and homeland people.

The father and mother ruled their families with equality, wise judgement and love. Just as the elders ruled the island homeland with similar virtues. Women were honoured for their wisdom and spirituality and men for their own higher traits of responsibility and courage.

The young were encouraged to experience love and life generously, before they settled down into marriage. The kahunas knew ways of contraception which they imparted to the young females to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The young girls were skilled in handicrafts such as clothes - making from natural grasses and vines, basket making and intricate tapestries. They learnt the traditional dances to entertain themselves, seduce the young men, celebrate events and also as acts of ritual dance to the Gods. This has come down to us as a type of Hawaiian hula dance. The young women enjoyed making colourful flower garlands or leis for body adornment.

The young men learnt the skills of hunting, fishing, boating and competitive skills such as running, wrestling and modern day equivalents such as bungee jumping.

However, they jumped from the top of coconuts trees with a vine tied to their ankles to show their courage!

Swimming and water sports were enjoyed by both sexes and their outrigger canoes were often decorated at festival times with garlands or leis of flowers and shells. Prizes at such events were spectacular shells and carved wooden or stone ornaments.

The Lemurians felt their Gods around them and daily gave them homage. There were no conventional churches or religious buildings. They worshipped their Gods in open air ceremonies. Their Gods were closely connected to the seasons, crops, life and events such as birth, death and marriage. Their religious teachings were known as Huna.

A Lemurian marriage was a tribal celebration as much as a sacred betrothal of two people. The young people would court for some time, decide if they were emotionally suited, then consult a kahuna for his/her input. He/she would look at their astrological profile, and mental, emotional, physical and spiritual compatibility. If their families also agreed, the wedding was then decided upon.



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The women prepared for a wedding feast with often a pig or large beast cooked in the ground on hot coals wrapped in fragrant leaves. Many vegetables and fresh fruits would join the barbecued meal and homemade spirits concocted from vegetables and coconuts would be an alcoholic accompaniment. Flowers would decorate the wedding area and tables and the people would dress in their best robes for the ceremony. The priest or kahuna dressed in a colourful feather cloak, would perform the wedding ceremony before the bride arrayed in her finest gown with flowered leis and headdress. The groom would be similarly attired.

After the formal blessing when both declared their intention to live together as man and wife, each would throw their flowered leis into the ocean Kai as a tribute to the sea god for protection and fertility. Choirs of harmonious singers would delight the guests at the wedding ceremony and jugglers, fire eaters and dance displays would entertain them also. A new grass hut would have been built for the young couple and they would be escorted to it by the whole village at the end of the night's entertainment with singing and ribald jokes. The young couple would then spend several days together on honeymoon.


The birth of a baby was regarded as a great blessing to the tribe. The mother was praised and father congratulated. The women helped with the birth and the child was often born in a special sea bath. The baby was honoured as an old spirit or member of the tribe returned. Girls and boys were both considered great blessings.

The Kahuna would name the child and dip it gently into the sea as a blessing from the sea god.



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The death of any Lemurian was deeply lamented by the tribe. Their life would be honoured and people would speak openly of the deceased’s special abilities and personality traits. The body was usually burnt on a funeral pyre, while the relatives and friends sang sad songs of sadness and lament. They knew that the persons soul had returned to the Gods and great spiritual splendour, but regretted their physical absence. They fully expected the soul to return in a few years time, in the body of a small Lemurian baby.


The early Lemurians believed that everyone on the earth was part of the One and were surprised and saddened when some nations such as Atlantis, became territorial and militarily offensive. Because of their distant location and lack of technology and precious minerals, they were fortunately left mainly at peace by more aggressive civilizations. Any minor incursions were dealt with by the Kahunas who could conjure up strange mists which disorientated mariners or wild winds which blew them off course. They did this with a type of clairmergence. The kahunas merged with the element they wanted to work with, in this case the wind and asked it to help them blow strong enough to push the enemy's sea craft away from Lemuria. They would also call upon the sea god to protect their island continent from invaders.

Here is a short exercise for you to begin to develop this ability within yourself.




Sit somewhere quiet, preferably amongst nature. Protect yourself in a golden auric egg of light.

1. Feel your auric energy around yourself beginning to expand outwards, downwards and upwards.

2. As it begins to touch other objects feel their particular vibration and ask to gently merge with it.

3. Feel what it is like to be a tree, flower, cloud or object. Experience this for several



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minutes. 4. Now gently pull your energy back towards your body and fit your aura around your

body in a natural shape. 5. Thank the tree etc for sharing it’s energy signature with you. 6. Ground yourself by washing your hands or walking bare footed in soil.

Record your findings in your journal.

In time you may like to merge with animals, storms, wind, ocean, sun etc. but do this gradually and with your guides help and protection. Remember some elements are very strong in vibration and may overwhelm you.

It is possible to merge with groups of willing people to do large scale tasks to help a community. This must always be done with their approval and permission. Otherwise it is a type of astral stalking! Also do remember that the Ancient Lemurians were very pure in intent and people today are a mixture of positive and negative. If you merge with them, you may accidentally pick up their negative feelings and thoughts. These are not always easy to shed. However if you have friends who would like to do this, here is a method that you can do together.

Group Clairmergence

Sit somewhere quiet in a circle, preferably amongst nature. Protect your group in a golden auric egg of light.

1. Feel your auric energy around yourself beginning to expand outwards to the person on your right. Connect at the heart chakra level. Then have them connect to the person on their right and so forth around the circle, until the person on your left connects with your heart chakra.

2. As it begins to touch other people feel their particular vibration and if it feels good, ask to gently merge with it.

3. Feel what it is like to be them. Experience this for several minutes. 4. Now send your combined synergetic energy out from your group to a specific

project, perhaps healing someone special or to a trouble spot on the Earth to be repaired. Concentrate on positive thoughts about this person or area for five minutes. Never visualize sickness or strife.

5. Now gently pull your energy back towards your body, as everyone does the same and fit your aura around your body in a natural shape.

6. Thank everyone for sharing their energy signature with you. 7. It is important to ground yourself very carefully after this exercise. A bath in light

salted water would be appropriate.




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Discuss your group findings.

Clairmergence in the Dream State

Unconsciously many of us merge with other people in our dream state at night or in short naps in the day time. Again with their permission, you may like to meet up with them on the astral level at night and merge energies to do a specific task to help others or explore each other’s psyche. Always surround yourself in a protective bubble of golden light.

Clairmergence With Animals

The same exercises can be performed with animals to experience their emotions etc. but do be warned that many of their feelings are at a very primitive level - killing, foraging, mating etc. Always protect yourself and ask permission of that animals Clan angel before merging. Animals too have divine beings who look after them, so make sure that you always perform these exercises with pure intent. This may be useful for healing an animal or discovering where it’s physical problem is located. Always surround yourself in a protective bubble of golden light.

Clairmergence with Spirit

The kahunas often merged with Spirit of all levels. This is a more involved experienced but not beyond your capabilities. However, we would direct you to our channelling course for this very in depth information. It takes time and dedication, but is an enthralling experience.

You may like to ask a Kahuna Guide to come and help you with these exercises. Always use protection or you may unwittingly pick up any negative energies in the area.

 Each Lemurian spent time discovering their special talents and what work they wanted to do to help the community. Some were healers, others teachers, many artists and dancers. Others used their administrative gifts to help run the society with clarity and honesty. They enjoyed play, meditation and sport but they were not a lazy, unfocussed people. Each person had a respected place in society.

There lives seem quite idyllic from our perspective. A friendly, family minded people of peace and contentment. The Lemurians can act as an example to show us that this lifestyle is possible, but we don't have to move to a south sea atoll to achieve it!

We can begin with creating harmony within our own family group, no matter how small. Finding a life style we desire that contains good morals, fulfilling spiritual philosophy, workable family dynamics, personal equality, good health practices, lack of stress and a feel good environment. Why not try to emulate the ancient Lemurians? Become one with your environment, create happy family get-togethers, dance, sing and pray together. Also, do work that enriches your soul and promotes a feeling of fulfillment. Help others in your community



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and spread unconditional love! Doesn’t that sound like the ideal life?

Now that you have completed our Lemurian Course you may like to list below the attributes of the Lemurians that you most admire -

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Which virtues can you merge into your own life?

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ..

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ..

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ...

How can you do this?

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

You can do it! Create a New Age Lemurian existence and reap the joy that they also discovered!

Congratulations on finishing this course!

If you have any questions regarding this lesson, please email us at [email protected] Please include your name and refer to the course and lesson that you are currently studying.

Love and Light

The Abbotts

Robyn & Tony

Copyright The Abbotts 2004



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