ancient indian education system

1 NPower Charlotte Region | Proprietary and Confidential | Not for Distribution 1 NPower Charlotte Region | Proprietary and Confidential | Not for Distribution Ancient Indian Education System NAGARJUNA-Wizard Of Chemical Science ACHARYA KANAD- Wizard of Cosmology ACHARYA KANAD- Wizard of Atomic Theory

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Page 1: Ancient Indian Education System

1NPower Charlotte Region | Proprietary and Confidential | Not for Distribution 1NPower Charlotte Region | Proprietary and Confidential | Not for Distribution

Ancient Indian Education System

NAGARJUNA-Wizard Of Chemical Science

ACHARYA KANAD- Wizard of Cosmology

ACHARYA KANAD- Wizard of Atomic Theory

Page 2: Ancient Indian Education System

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Education and Ancient Hindu Civilization

• Direct product of religion• Education was part of

religion• Means of salvation and self-

realisation• To open new avenues of

knowledge• To educate the mind• It was individual in nature

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Different Classes of Students





Upanayana (‘New Birth’) –thereby a new model of life

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Principle Duties of a Brahmachari

● Vedic Study● Services to the teacher● Purity of body and mind● The system gave emphasis on

TruthfulnessObservance of dutyDevotion to teacherDevotion to parentsHospitality Faith generosity

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Gautam Buddha

●Siddhartha Gautama Buddha – Indian Prince of Sakya Dynasty ( Kapilavastu – Birth Place)

●“Was the greatest ,wisest and the best of Hindus”-R.Davis

●“He did not devise a plot to overthrow the Brahman priesthood.”-Dr.Radhakrishnan

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Buddhist System of Education

● Was based on the Buddhist “philosophy of sorrow”● Not intended for the promotion of learning or

development of intellect.● Education was an agency for achieving Nirvana● Conditions for admission into a Buddhist Sangha

Admission for all castes

Candidate lived as a novice under the guidance of a preceptor for at least 12 years

After 12 year he could apply for full monkhood

Pupil has to consider his preceptor as his father

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Merits of Buddhist System of Education

●Contributed a lot to the cause of education in ancient India.

●Democratised education ●Through Buddhist

Universities India was able to establish relations with distant countries like KOREA, CHINA ,TIBET and JAVA.

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Merits of Buddhist System of Education

● Opened doors of schools and colleges to all, irrespective of castes , creed or community.

● Helped the development of Hindu logic and philosophy by encouraging comparative study of these subjects.

The ruins of NALANDA, the 2,000-year-old Buddhist University near RAJGIR in the northern part of India

10,000 students 2,000 staff

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Demerits of Buddhist System of Education

● Was dominated by religion to a great degree.

● Engaged pupils mainly in metaphysical speculations

● Ignored the art of war, thereby killing the martial spirit in a large section of men.

● The baneful effects of this type of education was left when the country was invaded by foreigners.

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Aims of Ancient Indian Education System

● Ancient Indian Education System refers to the ARYAN or BRAHMANICAL System of Education developed from RIGVEDIC(2500 - 600 BC) to the SUTRA(200 AD) period

● Infusion of piety and religiousness● Formation of character● Development of personality● Inculcation of the civic and social duties● Promotion of social efficiency and

happiness● Preservation and spread of national

heritage and culture