anatomy of-a-term-sheet-for-startups


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Page 1: Anatomy of-a-term-sheet-for-startups


Silicon Valley Term Sheets

Brad Rock DLA Piper LLP (US) 650-833-2111 [email protected]

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Structure of Typical Start Up

• Founders: Partly vested common stock • Employees: Common stock options with vesting over

4 years •  Investors: Convertible preferred stock • C corporation: DE or CA •  In practice, no variation permitted

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Framework of Analysis

• Like a Prenuptial Agreement?

• Which terms matter • Which don’t matter

• Attributes of Ownership Rights •  Economic

•  Political

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Which Terms Don’t Matter - Economics

• Dividends (that are not automatic or cumulative) • Conversion rights (always starts 1:1)

•  IPO •  By choice

• Antidilution (if “broad based” not “ratchet”) • Registration rights

•  Demand •  S-3 •  “Piggy-back” •  Lock up (180 days)

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Which Terms Don’t Matter – Economics (cont.)

•  Information Rights •  Indemnification • D&O Insurance • Management Rights Letter • Proprietary Rights Agreements • Deal expenses (within range) • Right of Co-sale and First Refusal (as to founders and

their stock) • Redemption

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Terms that Matter - Economics

• Valuation (and which shares are “pre-money”) • Liquidation Preferences

•  Participating/Non-participating

•  “Deemed liquidation” – mergers

• Founder vesting •  Up-front vesting?

•  Acceleration if terminated without cause?

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Key Political Terms

• Raw Percentage Ownership • “Protective” provisions

•  Always part of deal – boundaries

•  Class versus Series rights – veto powers

• Board Composition •  Determines strategic direction; termination of management

• “Drag along” terms •  Who decides to sell company?

•  CA vs. Delaware

•  Contractual provisions

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Terms Mostly About the Investors

• Right of First Refusal on future financing • “Pay to Play”

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“Cap Table” for Valuation of High Tech, Inc.

Pre-Money % Post-Money % Outstanding Common Stock

3,000,000 shares 75.00% 3,000,000 shares 50.0%

Outstanding Preferred Stock

0 shares -- 2,000,000 shares 33.33%

Outstanding Stock Options

200,000 shares 5.00% 200,000 shares 3.33%

Reserved Options 800,000 shares 20.00% 800,000 shares 13.33% 100.00% 100.00%

4,000,000 shares 6,000,000 shares Valuation: (Series A Preferred Purchase Price = $2.00 per share)

$8.0 million $12.0 million

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Anti-Dilution Protection

• Antidilution •  Weighted Average: Most common

•  Ratchet: decreasing •  None: rare (generally, investor policy)

•  Exclusions •  Option pool •  Warrants for banks/leasing companies

• Pay to Play provisions •  Lose future investment rights and preferences

•  Harsher terms: Convert to common rather than a “shadow” series of preferred stock

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Basic Protective Provisions

• Authorize more of that series • Authorize series with more senior rights • Change rights of that series • Merger / sale of assets • Limits on changes to number of members of Board of

Directors • Many others possible

•  Limits on borrowing, exclusive licenses, dividends, redemption of shares

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Documents for Funding

• Stock Purchase Agreement •  Schedule of Exceptions

•  Due Diligence

• Articles (Certificate) of Incorporation •  Investor Rights Agreement • Registration Rights Agreement

(often combined with Investor Rights Agreement) • Voting Agreement (with “drag along”?) • Co-sale and rights of first refusal

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Due Diligence: Common Start-Up IP Problems

• Hidden founder • Missing IP assignments to company • Prior employer rights • Trademark issues • Exclusive licenses • Tradeshow display before the patent is filed • Unplanned use of Open Source software

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Effect of Liquidation Preference in Merger

Assumed Total Liquidation or Sale Amount (options expire or assumed): $9.0 million

Example A: Non-Participating Preferred

Preferred (per share): $0.80 Common (per share): $0.725

Example B: Fully Participating Preferred (assuming

1 times preferred)

Preferred (per share): $1.28 Common (per share): $0.48

Example C: Participating Preferred up to $2.00 per share

Preferred (per share): $1.28 Common (per share): $0.48

$15.0 million

$1.25 $1.25

$1.78 $0.98

$1.78 $0.98

$20.0 million

$1.67 $1.67



$2.00 $1.50

$25.0 million

$2.08 $2.08



$2.08 $2.08