analytichsfghal 2

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Post on 22-Feb-2018




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  • 7/24/2019 Analytichsfghal 2


    Analytical Test 2

    1.9548 + 7314 = 8362 + ?

    8230 8410 8500 8600

    2.88% of 370 + 24% of 210 - ? = 118.

    256 258 268 358


    What is the difference beteen the bi!!est and the s"a##est fraction a"on! 2$3 3$4 4$5 5$6?


    1$12 1$20 1$30

    4.&ind the n'"ber hich hen "'#ti(#ied b) 15 increased b) 196.

    14 20 26 28

    5.*hree ti"es the first of three consec'tie odd inte!ers is 3 "ore than tice the third. *he third inte!er is,

    9 11 13 15

    6.f / ) = + ) + ) the a#'e of 6 / 24 is ,

    41 42 43 44

    7. st'dent as ased to find the arith"etic "ean of the n'"bers 3 11 7 9 15 13 8 19 17 21 14 and . e fo'nd the "eanbe 12. What sho'#d be the n'"ber in the (#ace of ?

    3 7 17 31


    *he ratio beteen the (resent a!es of and is 6 , 7. f is 4 )ears o#d than hat i## be the ratio of the a!es of and a

    4 )ears?

    3 , 4 3 , 5 4 , 3 None of these

    9.What (ercent of s.2650 is s.1987.50 ?

    60% 75% 80% 90%


    sho(ee(er e(ects a !ain of 22 1$2% on his cost (rice. f in a ee his sa#e as of s.392 hat as his (rofit?

    s.18.20 s.70 Rs.72 s.88.25


    a"a# started a b'siness inestin! s.9000. fter 5 "onths a"eer oined ith a ca(ita# of s.8000. f at the end of )ear theearn a (rofit of s.6970 then hat i## be share of a"eer in the (rofit?

    s.1883.78 Rs.2380 s.3690 s.3864


    can #a) rai#a) trac beteen !ien stations in 16 da)s and can do the sa"e ob in 12 da)s. With the he#( of : the) did t

    ob in 4 da)s on#). *hen : a#one can do the ob in ,

    9 1$5 da)s 9 2$5 da)s 9 3/5 days 10 da)s

    13. car is f'nnin! at a s(eed of 108 "$hr. What distance i## it coer in 15 seconds?

    45 "etres 55 "etres 450 metres ;one of these

    14. train 360 " #on! is r'nnin! at a s(eed of 45 "$hr. n hat ti"e i## it (ass a brid!e 140 " #on!?

    40 sec 42 sec 45 sec 48 sec


    "an can ro 7 1$2 "$hr in sti## ater. f in a rier r'nnin! at 1.5 "$hr it taes hi" 50 "in'tes to ro to a (#ace and bac

    ho far off is the (#ace?

    4 " 3 km 5 " 4.5 "

    16.o "'ch ti"e i## it tae for an a"o'nt of s.450 to )ie#d s.81 as interest at 4.5% (.a. of si"(#e interest? 3.5

  • 7/24/2019 Analytichsfghal 2


    4 years 4.5 )ears 5 )ears


    "an saes s.200 at the end of each )ear and #ends the "one) at 5% co"(o'nd interest. o "'ch i## it beco"e at the e

    3 )ears?

    s.565.25 s.635 Rs.662.02 s.666.50


    rectan!#e of certain di"ensions is cho((ed off fro" one corner of a #ar!er rectan!#e as shon. = 8 c" and : = 4 c". *(eri"eter of the fi!'re :