analytical and spectral information

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  • 7/24/2019 Analytical and Spectral Information


    Analytical and Spectral information:

    Characterization data:

    Hexane. GC 1.708 min, 2148404.48 V.s, 73.54 % pure

    Octane. GC 1.831 min, 2929389.06 V.s, 59.98 % pure

    Results and Discussion

    After distilling the ot!ne"he#!ne $i#ture !nd ot!ining ! s!$ple of distilled he#!ne !nd one of distilled ot!ne, the

    t&o s!$ples &ere p!ssed into g!s hro$!togr!ph' test in &hih !ur!te o$position &ere deter$ined. (he he#!ne

    distill!te &!s found to e 73.54 % pure !nd the ot!ne distill!te &!s found to e 77.86 % pure. (hese )!lues

    represent *uite pure distill!tes onsidering the f!t th!t onl' si$ple distill!tion &!s used in the sep!r!tion of the

    $i#ture. +ortun!tel', % purit' &!s deter$ined !ur!tel' ' the - $!hine !nd no !lul!tions &ere needed.

    (he purpose of the e#peri$ent &!s e)entu!ll' fulfilled. e#!ne !nd /t!ne &ere suessfull' distilledsep!r!ted.

    (hen the effiien' of the distill!tion proess &!s deri)ed through the !s -hro$!togr!ph'. n the first &ee, the

    si$ple distill!tion &!s run. (he h!nge in te$per!ture pro)ed th!t the sep!r!tion &!s h!ppening. (he te$per!ture&!s 49.2 - &hen the drops of he#!ne st!rted f!lling !nd it st!'ed !t this r!nge until !ll the he#!ne &!s distilled.

    (hen, the te$per!ture re!hed !nother pe! 64 - &hen drops of ot!ne &ere oser)ed. (he differene in

    $!#i$u$ te$per!ture proved that the substances are bein separated e!ective"#. $he

    t%o &supposed"# pure' compounds then, %ere distinuished and (ept into )

    di!erent va"ves. $he *rst compound that evaporated %as assumed to be hexane

    +%hich %as co""ected in a sma"" amount since it has a "o%er boi"in point and

    there-ore is more vo"ati"e. prob"em ho%ever %as -aced in the second %ee(. /hen

    the materia" %as (ept in the va"ves the hexane had evaporated and the va"ve dried

    out. $he GC -or octane and the mixture %as run norma""#. Ho%ever -or hexane a

    samp"e o- another c"assmate %as used ust -or the sa(e o- obtainin va"ues -or

    hexane and -or comp"etin the experiment. $he reason behind the evaporation o-

    hexane cou"d be"on to the -act that the amount co""ected in the *rst p"ace %as tin#and since hexane is a vo"ati"e compound, evaporation %asnt a hard process, the

    sma"" amount o- substance obtained %as because man# drops %ere essentia""# "ost

    %hen the *rst drops started -a""in +too man# drops intitia""# -e"" %hich "ed to the

    "oss o- pure hexane into %aste . another reason -or this evaporation miht have

    because the va"ve %asnt tiht"# c"osed. 2everthe"ess and reard"ess o- the -act

    that purit# o- hexane %as never determined -rom Gas Chromotapraph#, the

    percent purit# o- octane, conc"uded b# the percent are bein 4.48 5 sho%ed that

    the disti""ation process to some extent success-u". $he rest o- the components %as

    conc"uded to be remainin hexane, or impurities existin in the oriina" mixture.