analysis on teacher responses 1-2

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Post on 01-Mar-2016




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In our study, effective teaching approach in a classroom, what is the effective teaching style for students and how the teacher assure that his/her students learn on her teaching. i have 2 respondents, the first is elementary teacher from Bulacan and the second one is a high school teacher (chemistry) from Caloocan. Both of them has a lot of experience on teaching. I prefer 5 questions for my respondents.

An effective teacher build a relativity that identify her primary role to the teacher-learning process. Using a questionnaire and conducting an interview in the respondents. Provide little understanding on the characteristic of an effective teacher, both the 4As (Activity, Abstraction, Analysis and Application) approach, while the second one respondent use two teaching technique that depend whether the lesson is provided with experimentation the teacher the POE approach (Predict, Observe and explain) but in the care of lesson that needs through discussion the teacher uses inductive and deductive approach.

Both answer reveal a good characteristics of an effective teachers. Each respondent promote clear presentation and explanation that tend to have students learn more clarify and organization provide their students a choice understand truly the lesson.

The second question, aims to identify whether different teaching style help their student catch every shift of the lesson from one topic to another topic. Both teachers give affirmation. They both agree giving or providing their students different teaching technique shows enthusiasm that effectively capture and hold student attention and interest. A smooth and effective teaching. Learn processes comes spontaneously.

The third question ask them to they encountered below average or student with difficulties in learning and how they handle them. Both response encountered such kind of student and not only once but a lot of times. The art of questioning and rich system of knowledge that could make their students catch the lesson on their own accord is one key to solve their issue. A differentiated instruction may also be used to lessen the feeling of such student to think that they different and weak.

The fourth question ask them how they assure or measure whether their students learn from their teaching. The responds has a same type of answer, the first one says that she is giving evaluation to measure whether her students learn from her teaching, the second one says she is giving oral or written exam so that she will know if her student learn from her teaching. Evaluation, written and oral exam are quiet effective in measuring whether your students learn from you.

The fifth questions is in choosing teaching techniques did they always consider their multiple intelligences. The first teacher says that she consider it because, as a teacher she know that every student has different kind of intelligence. Some are talented in arts some are talented in singing and some are good in classroom. The second teacher answer she consider their multiple intelligences thats why she gave them variety of learning activities. Their answers are both good but, for me as future educator I recommend giving homework to my student to answer so that they can answer questions at the same time to have student chance to answer question in their own intelligence.

Base on my analysis teachers has own techniques in teaching but, those techniques are not too different in terms of learning their lesson clearly. It both using social and cognitive constructivism type of learning thats all of their students are capable of learning.


Our topic is about effective teaching approach in a classroom, how teachers interact with students or how students interact with their teachers. So we conduct an interview in our respondents via question and answer paper.

First we asked them if they like how their teacher teach or approaches them, most of our respondents said yes they are satisfied how their teacher teach, and they learn from it because most of them said that their teacher engages students in the learning process and helps them develop critical ideas, some of our respondents they said yes but because of pressure. Its quite interesting that because of pressure they need to force themselves to study because they are afraid of failing in their subject.

In our 2nd question we asked them, which do you think is better student centered approach or teacher centered approach, but before they answer it, of course we discussed to them what student centered approach is and teacher centered approach. As a result most of them choose student centered approach where teachers and students play an equally active role in the learning process but some of our respondents choose teacher student approach because they are truly learning under teacher student approach where the main authority is on the teacher where direct instruction method are using by their teachers.

In our 3rd question we asked their opinion about which do they prefer better when a teacher is giving activities, group activities or do they prefer individual? As we read our respondents answers its 7 out of ten, seven of our respondents prefer group discussion so we conclude that they are comfortable and learning if there are help from others, and the remaining three students who prefer individual they said that they learn more if they do it by themselves, they just need to listen and write to learn and also they just need instructions to finish an activity or project.

Our 4th question is this; does their teacher expectation in the class affect you In the response that we get in all our respondents all of them said yes that teachers expectations in the class affect them, their reason is there are teachers who are strict and has a high expectation from each of their students so the tendency the student is being pressured to do well to reach the expectations of their teacher because their afraid of failing the subject. There are students who said that failing an exam lowered the expectations of a teacher.

Theres an expectation effect called sustaining expectations effect where student performance is sustained at a certain level because teachers dont recognize improvements (kuklinski & Weinstein, 2001). But there some students whos doing exceptional in the class thats already expected by the teacher this is a kind of expectations effects called Self-fulfilling prophecy this is the groundless expectations that is confirmed because it has been expected, there are also some students that because of high expectations of the teacher in their students they are doing exceptional in the class, this kind of effect in the students is called Pygmalion effect where the exceptional progress by a students as a result of the high expectations of the teacher for that student.

In our last question we asked them what kind of teaching approach is using by your teacher. As I see in our respondents answers I will just enumerate it 1st teachers giving quizzes every meeting in different forms graded seatworks homeworks, individual activities, recitation, reporting d also return demo and group discussions to sum up, this kind of approach is teacher centered approach and also most of our respondents is under the Cognitive area of teaching where activities and discussions promote higher-order thinking skills and cognition also the quality of feedback is consistency in providing specific, process-oriented feedback and back and forth exchanges to extend student learning (2005,2008; Crosnow et al., 2010; Jerome, Harme, & Pianta, 2009;Luckner & Pianta 2011).