analysis of scott pilgrim vs the world

Mise-en-scene The Mise-en-scene in the establishing shot from inside the house shows a normal kitchen area and with three causal wearing people sitting down on a table and one standing up. This brings up many enigma codes like: who owns this house?, who are the three people sitting down and what relation do they all have? Cinematography The production starts by the audience seeing these four people together with one of them not being in the centre of the frame which sparks the enigma code how is he different from the other people in the shot? After this there are a series of over the shoulder shot reverse shots between two characters showing that they’re having a conversation but the shot towards one of the character is high angle and the reverse shot towards another character is of low angle showing that one character has more power over the other. Editing The editing in the opening sequence makes the film seem like a video game for example the 8 bit version of the Universal Studios theme and the 8 bit universal title makes the film look very digital, the character profiles on the side of the character in shot and the matching words popping up to the parallel sound of a door bell ringing shows the heavy influence of video games this production has.

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Post on 02-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Analysis of Scott Pilgrim vs the World

• Mise-en-sceneThe Mise-en-scene in the establishing shot from inside the house shows a normal kitchen area and with three causal

wearing people sitting down on a table and one standing up. This brings up many enigma codes like: who owns this house?, who are the three people sitting down and what relation do they all have?

Cinematography The production starts by the audience seeing these four people together with one of them not being in the centre of the

frame which sparks the enigma code how is he different from the other people in the shot? After this there are a series of over the shoulder shot reverse shots between two characters showing that they’re having a conversation but the

shot towards one of the character is high angle and the reverse shot towards another character is of low angle showing that one character has more power over the other.


The editing in the opening sequence makes the film seem like a video game for example the 8 bit version of the Universal Studios theme and the 8 bit universal title makes the film look very digital, the character profiles on the side of the character in shot and the matching words popping up to the parallel sound of a door bell ringing shows the heavy influence of video games this production has.

Page 2: Analysis of Scott Pilgrim vs the World

SettingThe setting is established within the first 5 seconds when a blank white screen is then filled with black San Serif text with the non-diegetic narration of the text in the background, then the camera tilts down to reveal trees with no leaves and with snow in the branches. The camera tilt down further to reveal the roof and chimney of a house covered in snow which tells us that the story is set in the season of winter and in a normal house.

Page 3: Analysis of Scott Pilgrim vs the World

Exposition of characterIn this opening scene the girl questions Scott on why he’s dating a ‘high schooler’ and mentioned the age gap between them making Scott very intimidated and annoyed even though in the shot, it seems that Scott is more powerful.

ThemesA very common theme throughout this film opening is the heavy influence of video game references and editing.