analysis of pwc report

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  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of PwC Report


    By- Purvi KhandelwalMBA Tech(CS)

    Roll No-313

  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of PwC Report


    ABOUT THE COMPANY global professional services firm headquartered in

    London, United Kingdom

    firm was formed in 1998 by a merger between PriceWaterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand.

    one of the 'Big Four' accountancy firms.

    PricewaterhouseCoopers has three main service lines:

    Assurance Services Tax Advisory


  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of PwC Report


    Key Drivers for CSR

    People Global People Survey results

    Clients look for corporate responsibility


    Firm opportunity to be distinctive and

    supports and enhances the brand.

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    Four Quadrants of Corporate


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    environmental management system was certified to ISO


    established the Global Climate Change Response Group

    completed a carbon emissions inventory in the United States

    in 2008.

    PwC-specific personal carbon calculator

    main sponsor of the United Nations World Environment Day

    in 2008

    appointed as the global advisor and report writer for the

    Carbon Disclosure Project.

  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of PwC Report


    Analysis by taking Environment as a

    Impact Indicator

    People are rewarded for reducing their air travel, in others for

    improving their driving practices. So, it is a good way to

    encourage an individual to start giving his contribution. must also work collaboratively with their stakeholders to

    develop sustainable services and assist them to do the same.

    They must further develop and integrate a clear and focused

    environmental strategy to reduce their impact on theenvironment.

    Developing innovative services and service delivery processes

    to minimise environmental impact.

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    Comprehensive community engagement policy

    Many of regions have developed programs that focus on education for

    example, the Southwark Model in the UK

    PwC China provided approx 400 hours of pro bono assurance services

    to the 2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games.

    US$33m - monetary donations to not-for-profit and community


    Matched Giving Programme and Volunteering Awards Scheme-4,865staff members in the UK volunteered 42,480 hours to support

    community activities during the working day, and 1,187 also

    volunteered outside working hours

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    Analysis by taking Community as a

    Impact Indicator

    Works in partnership with and investing in community

    organisations by providing support, expertise, skills and cash. Gives employment to people in the workplace who reflect

    the make-up of the local community, including removing

    barriers to employment.

    Engaging with the community in robust dialogue on issues of

    social concern

    PwC has a long history of philanthropic support for local,

    national and international charitable organizations

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    Womens leadership programme

    sponsor and supporter of the annual WomensForum for the Economy and Society

    Global mobility program

    Ulysses Developing responsible leaders

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    Analysis by taking People as a

    Impact Indicator

    By all these programs, they are continuing to create a workplace

    environment in which

    they treat each other with dignity, fairness and respect, and where their people are encouraged and supported to

    develop to their fullest potential and perform to their best.

    The company also aims for their people to feel valued and

    rewarded as well as to be accountable for their work and to be

    proud that they work for PwC.

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    MARKETPLACE Global TaxMonitor- recognises PwC by reputation, as

    the leading firm in the UK for tax advice

    International Tax Reviews UK and European transferpricing firm of the year.

    key contributor each year to the Davos WorldEconomic Forum in Switzerland

    Sam DiPiazzas appointment in 2008 as Chair of theWorld Business Council for Sustainable Development

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    Analysis by taking Marketplace as a

    Impact Indicator

    PwC recognises the heavy responsibility that they bearas providers of assurance, tax and advisory services tothe business community.

    They adhere to the highest ethical standards as theydevelop these services, ensuring they help to meet theneeds of the broader community.

    Meeting the needs of vulnerable clients and ensuringthey are not exploited.

    They choose their clients carefully, treat them withrespect and advise them on a sustainable basis.

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    UN Global Compact

    PwC has joined the UN Global Compact as a global signatory

    Most relevant out of 10 principles according to the PwCs business modelare:

    Principle 6 Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and theeffective recognition of the right to the elimination of discrimination inrespect of employment and occupation.

    Principle 7 Businesses should support a precautionary approach toenvironmental challenges.

    Principle 8 Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greaterenvironmental responsibility.

    Principle 9 Businesses should encourage the development and diffusionof environmentally friendly technologies.

    Principle 10 Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms,including extortion and bribery.

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    GRI Initiatives

    PwC is a charter sponsor of the Global Reporting

    Initiative and actively participates in several working

    groups. has agreed to provide donations to sponsor GRIs

    new Focal Point USA for the first two years.

    PwC is committed to helping businesses develop

    sustainability strategies that create business


    GRI training sessions are held

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    By embracing sustainable development, companies can

    increase their competitiveness, performance, and improve

    their image.

    For many corporations, sustainability is becoming not just anice thing to do but a core requirement, enabling them to

    increase their value and sustain profitability in the long term.

    PwC territories around the world are undertaking a broad

    range of programs and activities that have a significantpositive impact on their environments, value chains and
