analysis of differential gene expression in a myotonic dystrophy tissue cultue model

Analysis of Differential Gene Expression in a Myotonic Dystrophy Tissue Cultue Model Matthew Tanner Berglund Lab, Institute of Molecular Biology CIS 407 Dec. 2 nd , 2013

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Analysis of Differential Gene Expression in a Myotonic Dystrophy Tissue Cultue Model. Matthew Tanner Berglund Lab, Institute of Molecular Biology CIS 407 Dec. 2 nd , 2013. Myotonic Dystrophy 1 (DM1). Symptoms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Analysis of Differential Gene Expression in a  Myotonic  Dystrophy Tissue  Cultue  Model

Analysis of Differential Gene Expression in a Myotonic Dystrophy Tissue Cultue Model

Matthew TannerBerglund Lab, Institute of Molecular Biology

CIS 407Dec. 2nd, 2013

Page 2: Analysis of Differential Gene Expression in a  Myotonic  Dystrophy Tissue  Cultue  Model

Myotonic Dystrophy 1 (DM1)

Genetic PathologyDM1 caused by CTG trinucleotide repeat expansion in 3’ UTR of DMPK gene.

Unaffected: less than 34 repeatsDM1: 50 to >1000 repeats

Severity of disease increases and age of onset decreases with increasing repeat length.


Multisystemic – affects skeletal and smooth muscle (myotonia, atrophy), eyes (cataracts), heart, and endocrine system.

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Potential for small molecules to alleviate molecular symptoms of DM1

Coonrod, et al. (2013)

PentamidineAnti-fungal, anti-protozoan drug. Binds minor groove of DNA.

Wilson et al., 2008.

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Tissue Culture Model and ExperimentTransfect into HeLa cells. Drug 6 hours afterwards.

24 hours after transfection: harvest whole-cell RNA.

DMPK minigene containing 960 CTG

repeats. Induces DM1 disease state.


Illumina highthroughput sequencing library preparation (several steps)

Illumina Hi-Seq 2000 massively parallel sequencer

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RNA-Seq Library Preparation

Pease & Sooknanan, 2012.

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Illumina Raw Output

Four lines for each sequence:Coordinates of readSequence+ASCII quality score for each base call (Phred-33)

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Alignment and Analysis with Tuxedo Suite

Pass $SAMPLE variable in at command line: qsub –N align0A –V SAMPLE=“0A”

Tophat 2.0 – align FASTQ reads that were cleaned up with Stacks’ process_shortreads to human genome.

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Alignment and Analysis with Tuxedo SuiteTophat 2.0 – align FASTQ reads that were cleaned up with Stacks’ process_shortreads to human genome.

Cufflinks – take mapped reads (accepted_hits.bam) and generate transcript model of reads.

Cuffmerge – take individual transcript models (transcripts.gtf)and merge into master transcriptome.

Cuffdiff – take mapped reads from individual treatments (accepted_hits.bam) and, with aid of master transcriptome, compare each sample pair-wise.

Take various Cuffdiff output files (differential gene expression, splicing, promoter usage, isoforms, etc.) and analyze with original scripts or explore with existing programs.

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Integrative Genome Viewer

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Integrative Genome Viewer

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log10 (FPKM + 1) of genes at each dosage that are associated the p53 network.

FPKM: fragments per kilobase of exon model per million mapped fragments

Visualization of differential gene expression

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log10 (FPKM + 1) of genes at each dosage that are associated with the gene ontology “Regulation of RNA splicing” (GO:0043484)





Visualization of differential gene expression

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How about all the (significantly differentially expressed) genes?

log2(foldchange) of 1210 genes with q < 0.05 between none and low pentamidine dosage

What are these genes?

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A closer look





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Gene ontologies found in this subset

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Next steps?

• Analyze this and other clustered subsets by:– Sequence analysis (motifs)– GC/AT content– Gene ontology enrichment