analysis of deadly combination of xss ... - owasp foundationanalysis of deadly combination of xss...

Analysis of Deadly Combination of XSS and CSRF OWASP Top 10 - Session 1 Modified for OWASP Tampa Day 2011 Sherif Koussa [email protected]

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Page 1: Analysis of Deadly Combination of XSS ... - OWASP FoundationAnalysis of Deadly Combination of XSS and CSRF OWASP Top 10 - Session 1 Modified for OWASP Tampa Day 2011 Sherif Koussa

Analysis of Deadly Combination of XSS and CSRF

OWASP Top 10 - Session 1 Modified for OWASP Tampa Day 2011

Sherif Koussa

[email protected]

Page 2: Analysis of Deadly Combination of XSS ... - OWASP FoundationAnalysis of Deadly Combination of XSS and CSRF OWASP Top 10 - Session 1 Modified for OWASP Tampa Day 2011 Sherif Koussa

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it


George Santayana

Page 3: Analysis of Deadly Combination of XSS ... - OWASP FoundationAnalysis of Deadly Combination of XSS and CSRF OWASP Top 10 - Session 1 Modified for OWASP Tampa Day 2011 Sherif Koussa

• Mikeyy Twitter Attack

• Understanding of XSS

• XSS Mitigation

• Understanding of CSRF

• CSRF Mitigation

• Questions


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• OWASP Ottawa, Canada Chapter Leader

• SANS Steering Committee Member for GSSP-Java and GSSP-NET exams

• Exam Development Consultant for GIAC

• Principal Security Consultant at Software Secured

• Application Security Assessments

About Your Speaker

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• Designed for Busy Organizations

• Focuses on OWASP Top 10

• No Travel

• No Developer’s Downtime

• No Evenings or Weekends

• 7.5 Hours

OWASP TOP 10 – Java Developer Training

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Who is a Tweeter?

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“Twitter is a social networking

and microblogging service

that enables its users to send

and read messages that are called

Tweets” - Wikipedia

What is Twitter?

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• Twitter Worm on April 11th, 2009

• 4 Versions in 48 hours

• 1 version alone infected 18,000 accounts

• Combination of XSS and CSRF

Mikeyy Twitter Worm

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• Mikeyy owned a Twitter replica called StalkDaily

• Mikeyy’s aim was to drive traffic from Twitter to his website.

Mikeyy Twitter Worm

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• Twitter used an Anti-CSRF Mechanism

• However, the page was vulnerable to XSS

• XSS deems any Anti-CSRF solution useless

• The combination was used to spread the worm

Mikeyy Twitter Worm

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• URL Field was vulnerable to XSS

• The attacker was able to inject:

Mikeyy Twitter Worm

<script src=>

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• The source code of the attacker’s own profile page looked like this:

• Visitors’ browser will load x.js file once they visit his profile page.

Mikeyy Twitter Worm

Info: <a> <script


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Mikeyy Twitter Worm

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Cross-Site Scripting

Sherif Koussa

[email protected]

Page 15: Analysis of Deadly Combination of XSS ... - OWASP FoundationAnalysis of Deadly Combination of XSS and CSRF OWASP Top 10 - Session 1 Modified for OWASP Tampa Day 2011 Sherif Koussa

Cross-Site Scripting The Definition

Cross-Site Scripting is the execution of

unintended code, usually JavaScript, injected by

an attacker in the victim’s browser.

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XSS Example

• A normal usage of the parameter email would consist of characters, integers and the letters ‘. - _ @’

• Provided that email contains the value [email protected], the rendered HTML will be

<% String email = request.getParameter("email"); %>


Email Address: <%= email %>

Email Address: [email protected]

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XSS Example

• An attacker can inject the request with a malicious value for the parameter email

• Assume that email contains the value

• The rendered HTML will actually take an executable form.

<% String email = request.getParameter("email"); %>


Email Address: <%= email %>


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<% String email =

request.getParameter("email"); %>

Email Address: <%= email %>





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The Rendered HTML




Email Address: [email protected]




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The Malicious HTML









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How to Spot XSS?

• Anything retrieved from the request request.getParameter()




. . . .etc

• Anything retrieved from the database

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• Encode output data using libraries like ESAPI from OWASP.

• Sanitize input data using strong white lists.

• Properly quote around your data

• Understand the data context

• Use HTTPOnly

• Leverage framework’s built-in controls

XSS: How to Fix It

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• HTML Context

• HTML Attribute Context

• JavaScript Context

• URL Context

• CSS Context

Different HTML Contexts

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• Where: Inside any HTML Tag

• Dangerous Characters: < > ‘ “ &

• Mitigation: Using ESAPI:

Mitigation in HTML Context Java Example

<td><%=request.getParameter( "input" )%> </td>


request.getParameter( "input" ))%> </td>

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• Where: For any non-event handler HTML attribute. For example:

• Dangerous Characters: [space] % * + , - / ; < = > ^ |

• Mitigation: Using ESAPI:

Mitigation in HTML Attribute Context - Java Example

<div name=<%= request.getParameter( "input" )%> </div>

<div name=‘<%=ESAPI.encoder().encodeForHTMLAttribute(

request.getParameter( "input" ))%>’ </div>

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• Where: Inside <script> tags and any HTML event-handler attribute

• Dangerous Characters: [space] % * + , - / ; < = > ^ |

• Mitigation: Using ESAPI:

Mitigation in JavaScript Context Java Example

<script>var safe= <%= request.getParameter("input")%>; </script>

<script>var safe= ‘<%=ESAPI.encoder().encodeForJavascript(

request.getParameter("input"))%>’; </script>

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• Where: For any non-event handler and non-style HTML attribute

• Dangerous Characters: [space] % * + , - / ; < = > ^ |

• Mitigation: Using ESAPI:

Mitigation in URL Context Java Example

<img src=<%= request.getParameter( "input" )%> </img>

<img src=‘<%=ESAPI.encoder().encodeForURL(

request.getParameter( "input" ))%>’ </img>

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• Where: For any non-event handler and non-style HTML attribute

• Dangerous Characters: [space] % * + , - / ; < = > ^ and |

• Mitigation: Using ESAPI:

Mitigation in CSS Context Java Example

<span style=‚color:<%=request.getParameter(‚color‛)%>‛>…</span>




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‚ < ‚ -> ‚&gt;‛ ‚\u003c‛

‚ > ‚ -> ‚&lt;‛ ‚\u003e‛

‚ & ‚ -> ‚&amp;‛ ‚\u0027‛

‚ ’ ‚ -> ‚&quot;‛ ‚\u0022‛

‚ ‛ ‚ -> ‚&apos;‛ ‚\u0026‛


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Hello my name is Sherif

<script>alert("You are just

XSSed");</script> This is an

Innocent message box


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Hello my name is Sherif

&lt;script&gt;alert(&quot;You are

just XSSed&quot;);&lt;/script&gt;

This is an innocent message box


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Cross-Site Requst Forgery

Sherif Koussa

[email protected]

Page 34: Analysis of Deadly Combination of XSS ... - OWASP FoundationAnalysis of Deadly Combination of XSS and CSRF OWASP Top 10 - Session 1 Modified for OWASP Tampa Day 2011 Sherif Koussa

Cross-Site Request Forgery is an attack

where an adversary tricks an

authenticated victim into performing

an action unknowingly.

CSRF: The Definition

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CSRF: Example

Example scenario:

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• Using Post Only Requests

• Implementing Referrer Checks

• Using a Secret Cookie

CSRF: What Does Not Work

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• Use Anti-CSRF solutions:

– CSRF Guard

– ASP.NET: ViewStateUserKey + EnableViewStateMac

• Un-predictable ID that is tied to the user session on every request

CSRF: What Works

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• ING Direct: Additional accounts were created on behalf on an arbitrary user. Funds were also transferred out of user’s account.

• YouTube: Every single action was vulnerable to CSRF. Videos can be added, marked as inappropriate, subscribe to channels…etc

• MetaFilter: An attacker can take control of a user’s account

• The New York Times: Subscribers’ emails can be easily forged.

• Twitter: Seen earlier

• ….Probably Many Others?

CSRF: Vulnerable Sites

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• CSRF Guard

• Install and forget

• Hashed PRNG

CSRF: CSRF Mitigation Example – CSRF Guard

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CSRF: CSRF Mitigation Example – CSRF Guard

Add Token to HTML

User (Browser)

Business Processing


Verify Token

1. Add token with regex

2. Add token with HTML parser

3. Add token in browser with


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Mikeyy Twitter Worm

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• The source code of the attacker’s own profile page looked like this:

• Visitors’ browser will load x.js file once they visit his profile page.

Mikeyy Twitter Worm

Info: <a> <script


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• The XSS part of the attack is complete

• X.js is a JavaScript file that launched the CSRF part of the attack

Twitter Worm

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Twitter Worm

The worm now infected the viewer’s page and anyone who viewed an infected page

var xss = urlencode('"></a><script

src=""></script><a ');

var ajaxConn = new XHConn();

ajaxConn1.connect("/account/settings", "POST",


Part of X.js that shows CSRF attack

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• The list of tweets in an Array

• Finally, code to send random automated tweets

Twitter Worm

var randomUpdate=new Array(); randomUpdate[0]="Dude, is awesome. What's the fuss?"; randomUpdate[1]="Join everyone!"; randomUpdate[2]="Woooo, :)"; randomUpdate[3]="Virus!? What? is legit!"; randomUpdate[4]=""; randomUpdate[5]="@twitter";

var ajaxConn = new XHConn(); ajaxConn.connect("/status/update", "POST", "authenticity_token="+authtoken+"&status="+updateEncode+"&tab=home&update=update");

Part of X.js that shows CSRF attack

Part of X.js that shows the list of automated updates\tweets

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Mikeyy Twitter Worm

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