analysis of cell wall proteins during xylem vessel secondary cell wall formation in cell culture

INTRODUCTION..............................................................2 MATERIALS AND METHODS.....................................................3 PLANT MATERIAL.............................................................3 CELL INDUCTION FOR TE DIFFERENTIATION.........................................4 CELL HOMOGENIZATION.........................................................4 CELL WALL FRACTIONATION.....................................................4 PROTEIN EXTRACTION......................................................... 4 PROTEIN MEASUREMENT BY BRADFORD..............................................5 SDS-PAGE AND WESTERN BLOTTING...............................................5 PROTEIN ANALYSIS BY MASS SPECTROMETRY.........................................5 ANALYSIS OF MS DATA........................................................6 RESULTS...................................................................6 CELL CULTURE AND TES HARVEST................................................6 DIFFERENT METHODS FOR GRINDING...............................................6 WESTERN BLOTTING...........................................................8 ANALYSIS OF SDS-PAGE......................................................9 BIOINFORMATICS ANALYSIS.................................................... 10 DISCUSSION...............................................................13 CONCLUSION...............................................................14 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.........................................................15 REFERENCES...............................................................15 APPENDIX.................................................................17 1

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Proteins constitute to about 10% of the cell wall mass; nevertheless they are essential for maintaining the physical and biological functions in a plant cell. Yet, unidentified functional proteins might still exist in the cell wall. The completion of Arabidopsis genome has allowed the identification of cell wall proteins by using mass spectrometry (MS) techniques. However, it should be noted that several constraints arises during the extraction of cell wall proteins (i) proteins may be embedded in the polysaccharide matrix of cellulose, hemi-cellulose and pectin (ii) some proteins are difficult to solubilise (iii) some proteins undergo post-translational modifications and (iv) lack of surrounding membrane may result in a loss of cell wall proteins. So, specific extraction procedure should be used. Our strategies involved cell wall preparation through mechanical grinding (ball miller, mortar and pestle, sonication) followed by purification with increasing concentration of sucrose and sequential extraction using different concentration of salts. In addition, SDS-PAGE followed by western blotting was done to check the purity of cell wall prepared. Finally, proteins from the cell wall fractions (resultant CW5-pellet and 0.1M CaCl2 extraction) were identified using MS analysis and Arabidopsis thaliana database search. Result: During the cell wall preparation, we observed that mechanical disruption of Arabidopsis cell was the most efficient with Freezer Mill method. In consistent to this, we purified the cell sample homogenized through this method. Upon SDS-PAGE and western blotting using anti-tubulin antibody as the primary antibody, we observed a 55kDa tubulin band only in the first washing point of both basal and induced sample. This implied that the purification strategy that we had adopted was efficient. Furthermore, the resultant CW5 pellet and 0.1M CaCl2 extraction were subjected for proteomic analysis. It revealed that 44.3% of the identified proteins were cell wall proteins in the resultant CW5-pellet (induced) compared to 39.3% in the basal sample. It was also found that some of the cell wall proteins were released during 0.1M CaCl2 extraction. Conclusion: This method of preparing cell wall through mechanical disruption, fractionation through increasing density cushions and extraction of proteins with different concentration of salts provides a good cell wall preparation technique. In fact, the principle of this technique can offer a stage for studying cell wall proteome.


Page 1: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 2

MATERIALS AND METHODS.................................................................................................................. 3

PLANT MATERIAL...............................................................................................................................................3CELL INDUCTION FOR TE DIFFERENTIATION.......................................................................................................4CELL HOMOGENIZATION.....................................................................................................................................4CELL WALL FRACTIONATION..............................................................................................................................4PROTEIN EXTRACTION........................................................................................................................................4PROTEIN MEASUREMENT BY BRADFORD............................................................................................................5SDS-PAGE AND WESTERN BLOTTING.................................................................................................................5PROTEIN ANALYSIS BY MASS SPECTROMETRY...................................................................................................5ANALYSIS OF MS DATA.....................................................................................................................................6

RESULTS..................................................................................................................................................... 6

CELL CULTURE AND TES HARVEST....................................................................................................................6DIFFERENT METHODS FOR GRINDING..................................................................................................................6WESTERN BLOTTING..........................................................................................................................................8ANALYSIS OF SDS-PAGE..................................................................................................................................9BIOINFORMATICS ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................................10

DISCUSSION............................................................................................................................................. 13

CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................................................... 14

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................................................................ 15

REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................... 15

APPENDIX................................................................................................................................................ 17


Page 2: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

Gurung Jyoti Mohan, Dwivedi Gaurav Dutta and Linlin Gao

Background: Proteins constitute to about 10% of the cell wall mass; nevertheless they are essential for maintaining the physical and biological functions in a plant cell. Yet, unidentified functional proteins might still exist in the cell wall. The completion of Arabidopsis genome has allowed the identification of cell wall proteins by using mass spectrometry (MS) techniques. However, it should be noted that several constraints arises during the extraction of cell wall proteins (i) proteins may be embedded in the polysaccharide matrix of cellulose, hemi-cellulose and pectin (ii) some proteins are difficult to solubilise (iii) some proteins undergo post-translational modifications and (iv) lack of surrounding membrane may result in a loss of cell wall proteins. So, specific extraction procedure should be used. Our strategies involved cell wall preparation through mechanical grinding (ball miller, mortar and pestle, sonication) followed by purification with increasing concentration of sucrose and sequential extraction using different concentration of salts. In addition, SDS-PAGE followed by western blotting was done to check the purity of cell wall prepared. Finally, proteins from the cell wall fractions (resultant CW5-pellet and 0.1M CaCl 2

extraction) were identified using MS analysis and Arabidopsis thaliana database search. Result: During the cell wall preparation, we observed that mechanical disruption of Arabidopsis cell was the most efficient with Freezer Mill method. In consistent to this, we purified the cell sample homogenized through this method. Upon SDS-PAGE and western blotting using anti-tubulin antibody as the primary antibody, we observed a 55kDa tubulin band only in the first washing point of both basal and induced sample. This implied that the purification strategy that we had adopted was efficient. Furthermore, the resultant CW5 pellet and 0.1M CaCl2 extraction were subjected for proteomic analysis. It revealed that 44.3% of the identified proteins were cell wall proteins in the resultant CW5-pellet (induced) compared to 39.3% in the basal sample. It was also found that some of the cell wall proteins were released during 0.1M CaCl2 extraction. Conclusion: This method of preparing cell wall through mechanical disruption, fractionation through increasing density cushions and extraction of proteins with different concentration of salts provides a good cell wall preparation technique. In fact, the principle of this technique can offer a stage for studying cell wall proteome.



The plant cell wall is a vital component of a plant cell which provides both structural integrity and functional role to a plant. There are two core types of cell walls that are found in plants: the primary cell wall that gets accumulated through cell division and growth, which is capable to elongate; and the

secondary cell wall formed after the elongation, providing mechanical sustenance to the entire plant (Borderies G, et al., 2003). The formation of a dense lignified secondary cell wall only occurs once cells have reached their final shape and size.

Xylem is formed by the combination of tracheary elements (TEs), parenchyma cells, and fibers. TEs are the characteristic cells of the xylem that are categorized by the formation of a secondary cell wall with annular, spiral, reticulate, or pitted wall thickenings. On


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maturity, TEs lose their nuclei and cell contents and leave a hollow tube that is part of a vessel or tracheid (Fukuda H, et al., 1996).The best instances of such cell-wall depositions are the even ring-like wall thickenings that are revealed in the TEs of the xylem, the wood-forming tissue of plants.

Plant cell wall proteins are made up of less than 10% of cell wall dry weight (Zhu S, et al., 2006), but play significant roles in cell wall structure, cell wall metabolism, cell enlargement, signal transduction, responses to abiotic and biotic stresses, and many other physiological events. Based on their interactions with cell wall components, Cell Wall Proteins (CWPs) can be categorized into three categories (Jamet E, et al., 2008). The first group is labile proteins, which have minute or no interaction with cell wall components and thus move freely in the extracellular space. Such proteins can be found in liquid culture media of cell suspensions and seedlings or can be extracted with low ionic strength buffers. The second group of CWPs is the weakly bound proteins that bind the matrix by Vander Waals interactions, hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic or ionic interactions; they can be extracted by salts. The final group is the strongly bound CWPs, and there is no efficient procedure to release these proteins from the extracellular matrix, (E. Jamet, H. Canut, et al., 2006).

Since the actual players of cell wall dynamics are proteins, all CWPs other than structural proteins are of importance. Therefore, to better comprehend the cell wall complexity, the challenge is to go further into the identification of the CWPs and their functional relationships. In this context, the last few years saw the rise in search for cell wall proteins at a given time in specific environmental conditions (Albenne C, et al., 2009).

We used Arabidopsis cell culture system, where cells are growing freely in medium. These cells can be induced to form secondary

cell wall with hormones to make them form TEs (Pesquet E, et al., 2010).

The objective of the present study is to perform fractionation of cell wall from normal cells and cells that has secondary cell wall to identify the different proteins involved in the growing of secondary cell wall and lignification. After the formation of the secondary cell walls, the identification of cell wall proteins and the quality of cell wall fractionation was achieved by using MS/MS.

We performed the cell wall preparation and extraction of the proteins bound to the cell wall. Proteins extracted within the cell wall preparation from the cell wall were identified with MS/MS and the results are compared between the Basal and Induced cell wall preparations and also from different extractions.

As the main component of wood and plant fibers, understanding the cell wall proteins during xylem TE secondary cell wall formation has important biological and economic implications.

Materials and methods

Plant material

Suspension cell cultures of Arabidopsis thaliana were generated by growing the cells at MSAR medium, pH 5.7. Cells were agitated on a shaker at 23℃ at 120 rpm maintained on dark. Cells were sub-cultured by transferring 5ml of one week old culture into 45ml of fresh MSAR medium as a safety backup.

Cell induction for TE differentiation

Cell induction was carried out in a sterile Erlenmeyer flask with one week old cell


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culture. Initially, the cell culture was centrifuged at 200 × g for 2 minutes and a known weight of pelleted cells was diluted with MSAR media to a concentration of 0.031g/ml. Then, cell induction was performed by adding 1µl 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP)/ml, 0.6µl 1-Napthaleneacetic acid (NAA)/ml and 0.8µl Epibras/ml (Pesquet E, 2010). A basal sample was prepared as reference without any addition of hormones. Finally, samples were placed on a shaker for 7-9 days growth time. The induced sample contain between 15-20% of TEs.

Ultimately, the cell culture was harvested with vacuum filtration (using a 100µm nylon filter) and washed with double distilled water and thereafter froze in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80℃ until used.

Cell homogenization

The cells were homogenized by either of the three methods; grinding, sonication or freezer miller. For grinding, the cell sample was placed in a mortar in liquid nitrogen and crushed with a pestle till it was broken into fine powder. Sonication which is the act of converting an electrical energy into physical vibration to rupture cells was performed by mixing the cells with buffer and agitating it with a sonicator. Sonication was conducted for 2 min, 3 min and 4 min at 10 pulses and 5 rests at amplitude of 70% on ice. Likewise, in case of freezer mill 6850, the cell sample was placed in plastic cylinder with metal cap and was grinded to fine powder using a medium sized metal bar. Moreover, the cells were checked intermittently under the microscope to ensure that they had been crushed sufficiently.

Cell wall fractionation

The powder of cell sample ground for 30 cycles by freezer mill was suspended in 40ml cell wall buffer (150mM NaCl and 10% glycerol in 100mM Acetate buffer, pH 4.6) and

centrifuged at 1 000 × g for 15 minutes with the temperature maintained at 4℃. The supernatant was collected and the resulting pellet was further purified with increasing concentration of sucrose. The pellet was purified by three successive centrifugations (1000 × g, 4℃, 15 minutes) with 0.4M sucrose, 0.6M sucrose and 1M sucrose in acetate buffer. All the supernatant of each time was concentrated by using 50mL centrifugal filter with 4 500 × g, until all supernatant was concentrated and change to cell wall buffer, for further protein analysis. Finally, the pellet was solubilized with 5mM MgCl2 in MES-KOH, pH 5.6 (MESbuffer) and centrifuged twice; the first one at 1 000 × g, 4℃, 3 acc for 15 minutes and the later one at 20 000 × g, 4℃, 3 acc for 10 minutes. Finally, the resulting pellet (CW4) was further grinded in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80℃.

Protein extraction

100mg of sample (CW4) was used for the extraction of protein which was performed using the detergent NP40 and different concentration of CaCl2. Initially, resultant pellet (CW4) was solubilised in 1ml of NP40 solution (0.05% NP40 + 10% DMSO in MESbuffer and centrifuged at 20 000 × g, 4℃ for 10 minutes, followed by 4 successive extraction using different concentration of CaCl2: 0.1M CaCl2, 0.5M CaCl2, 2M CaCl2

and 4M CaCl2 in MESbuffer. Between every step the cell wall pellet was vortexed and centrifuged down at 20 000 × g at 4℃ for 10 minutes. All the supernatants from each extraction were concentrated and desalted by using 0.5ml centrifugal filter collected for protein analysis. Finally, the resultant cell wall pellet (CW5) was washed twice with MESbuffer and stored at -20℃.

Protein measurement by Bradford

The protein content from each supernatant was measured using Bradford method. Firstly,


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standard of different concentration (0.1µg/ml to 0.6µg/ml) were prepared using Bovine Serum Albumin (A3294 by Sigma). Then reaction was carried out in an ELISA plate by mixing 5µl of protein extract or standard with 195µl of Bradford solution at room temperature. Finally, after measuring the absorbance at 595nm, the concentration of the protein in the extract was determined with respect to the curve plotted from the standard.

SDS-page and Western Blotting

After determining the protein concentration in the extract, 40µl of sample mixture was prepared using the protein extract, 5× SDS and water and maintaining the total concentration of protein not to exceed 20µg. It was then heated at 95°C for 5 minutes followed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blotting. Subsequently, hot Coomassie blue based SDS-PAGE without Western blotting was also performed.

For SDS-PAGE, 15µl of samples were loaded and electrophoresis was run at 75V. After completing the electrophoresis, the gel was loaded on blotting apparatus by stacking the gel between the filter paper, PVDF membrane and filter paper that were equilibrated with 1 × Towbin buffer. Finally, electroblotting was carried out on a semi-dry blot (BioRad) at 0.18A for 30 minutes.

For protein detection, the PVDF membrane was initially agitated in blocking solution (1 × PBST with 5% milk powder) overnight which was followed by treatment with primary Tubulin antibody at 1:8 000 (Abcam) for 3h at room temperature. Following successive washing with blocking solution for three times, the PVDF membrane was finally agitated for 1h with secondary antibody (anti-rabbit IgG-HRP conjugate) at 1:10 000 and detected using ECL detection solution (Amersham, ECL plus Western blotting detection system by GE Healthcare).

The different fractions after cell wall preparation were also isolated using Coomassie stained gel electrophoresis. Accordingly, with the completion of SDS-PAGE, the gel was drained in a solution of 0.02% Coomassie R-350 in 10% acetic acid and heated slightly and left the gels in the coomassie solution for 20min. Finally, after leaving the gels overnight in 10% acetic acid on the shaker, the gel was scanned with an ordinary scanner.

Protein analysis by Mass Spectrometry

The CW5 pellet and 0.1M CaCl2 extraction (supernatant) from basal and induced sample was chosen for MS analysis. To the CW5 pellet, 100µl of denaturating solution was added and the sample was vortexed to homogeneity. 45µl of sample was placed in 1.5ml eppendorf tube; not exceeding the concentration of 1mg/ml. To each tube, 5µl of 1M ammonium carbonate solution (pH11) and 50µl of reduction-alkylation cocktail (97.5% acetonitrile, 2% iodoethanol and 0.5% triethylphosphine) was added and incubated at 37℃ for one hour (Hale J.E, et al., 2004). After the samples were uncapped and evaporated in a speedvac, the digestion was performed in 300µl 20mM ammonium hydrogen carbonate solution containing trypsin with a concentration of 2ng/µl (Trypsin Gold mass spectrometry grade, V5280, Promega Biotech AB) overnight at 37℃. Then the trysinated solution was filtered in 10K centrifuge filter (WVR) and evaporated in speed vac. Finally, samples were dissolved with 10µl of 0.1% formic acid and subjected for MS analysis.

Analysis of MS data

Protein identification was performed using an in-house Mascot server (Version 2.3.01, www. with the following setting: Database: Arath-Tair9; Fixed modification: Ethanolyl (C); Variable modifications:


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methylation (DE), oxidation (M); Peptide mass tolerance: 100ppm; MS/MS fragment mass tolerance: 0.05Da; Missed cleavages: 1; Mass values: monoisotopic; Instrument type: ESI-QUAD-TOF.

Search for protein location was done in the database TAIR ( and SUBA (

Workflow used in this project:

Figure 1: Strategies of cell wall protein extraction and analysis. Prior to protein extraction, the cells of A. thaliana were grinded mechanically. Once extracted, proteins were analyzed by SDS-PAGE, Western blotting and LC-MS/MS.


Cell culture and TEs harvest

Arabidopsis thaliana cells cultured in the dark in MS media. After 7 days, 15-20% of the induced cells were TEs, which then was harvested by vacuum filtration.

Different methods for grinding

It is important to receive good quality of cell homogenization by grinding. Three ways of grinding were compared under the microscope. The effect could be seen in the following figures. Grinding by manpower could finally reach the same effect as other methods, but it was time-consuming and caused sample wasted (see Fig.2F-G and Fig.3F-G). Then sonication was used by different time (3 and 4min), the effect of different time can be seen in Fig.2D-E and Fig.3D-E. With the longer time, the comminution degree became better, but some of the TEs were still not completely destroyed. Freezer mill was the best method among these three, with lowest manual labor and highest sample gain. After 30 cycles grinding, we could received suitable cells comminution Fig.2B-C and Fig.3B-C.


Suspension cell culture of A. thaliana

Cell induction for TE differentiationBasal cells without any hormone induction

Harvesting of cell culture with vacuum filtration

Cell wall preperation by tissue grinding

Subsequent washes in increasing concentration of sucrose

Protein extraction by different concentration of salts(NP40 + CaCl2)

SDS-PAGE and Western BlottingProtein identification by LC-MS/MS

Page 7: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

Figure2: Basal sample with different homogenization methods. (A) basal cells before grinding observed under microscopy; (B) by using freezer mill for 15 cycles; (C) by using freezer mill for 30 cycles; (D) sonication for 3min; (E) sonication for 4min; (F) grinding by manpower for 20min; (G) grinding by manpower for another 20min.


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Figure 3: Induced sample with different homogenization methods. (A) TEs before grinding observed under microscopy; (B) by using freezer mill for 15 cycles, TEs were partly destroyed; (C) by using freezer mill for 30 cycles, almost all the cells became fragments; (D) sonication for 3min;(E) sonication for 4min; (F) grinding by manpower for 20min; (G) grinding by manpower for another 20min.

Western Blotting

Western Blotting was used to confirm the purity of the cell wall preparation. The results from Western Blotting show tubulin at 55kDa only in the sample of the first wash step with 150mM NaCl and 10% glycerol in 100mM Acetate buffer (pH 4.6) from both basal and induced sample(Fig.5 and Fig. 6).

After quantifying the amounts of proteins with Bradford reagent, SDS-PAGE was carried out with protein samples with total concentration of protein not exceeding 10µg. Following SDS-PAGE, western blotting was performed to confirm the purification of cell wall preparation by using anti-tubulin antibody as the primary antibody. The result from western blotting show tubulin at 55kDa only the sample of the first wash with 150mM NaCl and 10% Glycerol in 100mM Acetate buffer,


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pH 4.6, from both basal and induced sample (Fig.5 and Fig.6).

Figure 5: In basal sample. tubulin (55kDa) was found in supernatant of first wash before sucrose fractionation with 150mM NaCl and 10% glycerol in 100mM Acetate Buffer.

Figure 6: In induced sample, tubulin (55kDa) was found in supernatant of the first wash before

sucrose fractionation with 150mM NaCl and 10% glycerol in 100mM Acetate Buffer.

Analysis of SDS-PAGE

Subsequently, after SDS-PAGE, gels were also stained with Coomassie which allows the visualization of isolated proteins in the different samples. From Fig.7, it is evident that CW5-pellet (both basal and induced), 0.4M sucrose wash (basal), 0.6M sucrose wash (induced) and 2M CaCl2 extraction (induced) did not reveal the presence of any band. In fact, the absence of band in these samples could be attributed to two factors; (i) The samples either had negligible amount of proteins that is difficult to be visualized (ii) or all the proteins could have been blotted to the PVDF membrane during western blotting. In contrast to this, first washing and 0.1M CaCl2

extraction in both basal and induced sample showed maximum number of bands indicating that these samples contained more number of proteins compared to other (Fig.8). However, compared to basal sample, 0.4M sucrose wash (induced) showed considerable amount of bands during Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE. The remaining protein samples exhibited similar patterns of bands.


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Figure 7: SDS-PAGE analysis of protein expression in basal (on the left) and induced (on the right) sample.

Figure 8: Comparing the protein expression between basal and induced sample in first washing and 0.1M CaCl2 extraction.

Bioinformatics analysis

Identification of protein in the samples (CW5-pellet and 0.1M CaCl2 extraction) was performed using LC-MS/MS followed by

database searches through However, prior to MS analysis, protein samples were denatured, exposed to reduction-alkylation cocktail and digested with trypsin. During the database search, we mainly focused on the location and function of protein identified through MS with respect to Arabidopsis genome. We identified 79 proteins from CW5-pellet (induced) and 94 proteins from CW5-pellet (basal) out of which 44.3% were CWPs in the induced sample and 39.3% were CWPs in basal sample (Table 1 and 2; Appendix). Notably, both the induced and the basal CW5-pellet also revealed the presence of some proteins contaminants accounting from plasma membrane, nucleus, plastid and vacuole to name a few. Conversely, in case of 0.1M CaCl2 extract, we identified 47.1% of CWPs in basal supernatant compared to 31.1% of CWPs in induced supernatant. This implies that many of the CWPs in the basal sample could have been released during 0.1M CaCl2 extraction. In addition, we also identified the functional characterization of CWPs as listed in the Table 1 and Table 2.


Basal first washing

Induced first washing

Basal 0.1M


2 extraction

Induced 0.1MCaCl

2 extraction

Page 11: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

Table 1: List of Arabidopsis thalinana cell wall proteins in CW5Name of protein TAIR Accession Protein acc Functionhomolog of nucleolar protein NOP56 Locus:2205270 AT1G56110* NOP56-like protein

S-Adenosymethionine synthetase 1 Locus:2196160 AT1G02500* methionine adenosyltransferase activityRAS-Related nuclear protein Locus:2147700 AT5G20010* GTP binding, protein binding, GTPase activityHeat shock protein 70-15 Locus:2017859 AT1G79920* ATP bindingHeat shock protein 90.1 Locus:2149569 AT5G52640* ATP binding, unfolded protein bindingLuminal binding protein BIP Locus:2182783 AT5G28540# ATP binding Catalase 3 Locus:2034357 AT1G20620# cobalt ion binding, catalase activityS-adenosylmethionine synthetase Locus:2089070 AT3G17390# methionine adenosyltransferase activityCellulase 3 Locus:2825314 AT1G71380# catalytic activity, hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-

glycosyl compoundsSKU5 similar 4 Locus:2120648 AT4G22010# oxidoreductase activity, copper ion bindingCalnexin 1 Locus:2159223 AT5G61790# calcium ion binding, unfolded protein bindingGamma subunit of Mt ATP synthase Locus:2046485 AT2G33040# zinc ion bindingAscorbate peroxidase 1 Locus:2026616 AT1G07890 L-ascorbate peroxidase activityAnnexin 1 Locus:2011344 AT1G35720 ATP binding, calcium ion binding, calcium-dependent

phospholipid binding, copper ion binding, zinc ion binding, peroxidase activity, protein homodimerization activity

MPPBETA Locus:2078623 AT3G02090 zinc ion bindingHeat shock protein 70 Locus:2181833 AT5G02500 ATP bindingVoltage dependent anion channel 3 Locus:2147820 AT5G15090 aerobic respiration, anion transport, defense response

to bacterium, regulation of seed germination, response to bacterium, response to cold

Heat shock protein 70 Locus:2101222 AT3G12580 ATP bindingHeat shock protein 70-2 Locus:2181818 AT5G02490 protein bindingGlycereldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase C2

Locus:2010007 AT1G13440 copper ion binding, zinc ion binding

Heat shock protein 90 Locus:2161815 AT5G56030 ATP binding, protein bindingHeat Shock protein 70 Locus:2074984 AT3G09440 ATP bindingTubulin beta-2 Locus:2172254 AT5G62690 GTPase activity, structural molecule activity, GTP

bindingMitochondrial heat shock protein 70-1 Locus:2121022 AT4G37910 ATP binding, zinc ion bindingTubulin alpha-4 chain Locus:2010677 AT1G04820 structural constituent of cytoskeletonTubulin beta-5 chain Locus:2198661 AT1G20010 structural constituent of cytoskeletonADP/ATP carrier 1 Locus:2077778 AT3G08580 binding, copper ion binding, ATP:ADP antiporter

activityDefective glycolysation Locus:2173659 AT5G66680 dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide-protein

glycotransferase activityCullin-associated and neddylation dissociated 1

Locus:2065279 AT2G02560 Binding

Cell division cycle 48 Locus:2085064 AT3G09840 identical protein binding, ATPase activityF27F5.8 Locus:2028200 AT1G45000 ATP binding, nucleotide binding, ATPase activity,

hydrolase activity, nucleoside-triphosphatase activityT4I9.19 Locus:2139325 AT4G02930 ATP binding, cobalt ion binding, zinc ion binding,

translation elongation factor activityRIBOSOMAL PROTEIN 5B Locus:2049862 AT2G37270 structural constituent of ribosomeRIBOSOMAL PROTEIN 5A Locus:2081546 AT3G11940 structural constituent of ribosomeCYTOSOLIC NADP+-DEPENDENT ISOCITRATE DEHYDROGENASE

Locus:2009759 AT1G65930 copper ion binding, isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity

general regulatory factor 3 Locus:2177386 AT5G38480 ATP binding, protein phosphorylated amino acid binding

F17A17.37 Locus:2077467 AT3G08030 Molecular function unknownACONITASE 3 Locus:2063354 AT2G05710 ATP binding, copper ion bindingheat shock protein 70 Locus:2144801 AT5G09590 ATP bindingHEAT SHOCK PROTEIN 89.1 Locus:2077352 AT3G07770 ATP bindingPHOSPHOGLYCERATE KINASE Locus:2206410 AT1G79550 phosphoglycerate kinase activity40S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S18 Locus:2199670 AT1G22780 structural constituent of ribosome, RNA binding,

nucleic acid binding

Protein acc followed by *stands for this protein was found only in induced sample;Protein acc followed by # stands for this protein was found only in basal sample;Others stand for the protein both found in induced and basal sample.


Page 12: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

Table 2: List of Arabidopsis thaliana cell wall proteins in 0.1M CaCl2 extraction

Name of protein TAIR Accession Protein acc FunctionHISTONE DEACETYLASE 2 Locus:2162479 AT5G22650* DNA mediated transformation, negative

regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent, polarity specification of adaxial/abaxial axis.

F28K19.27 Locus:2029391 AT1G78060* Carbohydrate metabolic process, hydrolase activity.

BGLU15, BETA GLUCOSIDASE 15 Locus:2050605 AT2G44450* carbohydrate metabolic processGLP10, GERMIN-LIKE PROTEIN 10 Locus:2079582 AT3G62020* Biological process, manganese ion binding,

nutrient reservoir activity.MQJ2.5 Locus:2171228 AT5G58450* Binding.F18G18.200 Locus:2145457 AT5G25460* Response to karrikinEXPA4, ATEXP4, ATEXPA4, F17A14_7, EXPANSIN A4, ATHEXP ALPHA 1.6

Locus:2043240 AT2G39700* Plant-type cell wall loosening, plant-type cell wall modification involved in multidimensional cell growth, syncytium formation, unidimensional cell growth.

F11F8.22 Loucus:2074904 AT3G09630* Translation, structural constituent of ribosomeF3L24.33 Locus:2074984 AT3G09440* Protein folding, response to cadmium ion,

response to heat, response to karrikin, ATP binding.

ATTUDOR1, TUDOR-SN PROTEIN 1 Locus:2183359 AT5G07350* Protein secretion, response to cadmium ion, response to stress, RNA binding, nucleic acid binding, nuclease activity.

BIP1, T26D3.10 Locus:2182783 AT5G28540# ATP bindingT19D11.4 Locus:2098308 AT3G28200# peroxidase activityF3L24.33 Locus:2074984 AT3G09440# ATP bindingEXLA3,ATEXLA3, F16L2.170 Locus:2077167 AT3G45960# plant-type cell wall loosening, plant-type cell

wall organization,unidimensional cell growthMOJ9.4, ATPGIP2, POLYGALACTURONASE INHIBITING PROTEIN 2

Locus:2169404 AT5G06870# polygalacturonase inhibitor activity

MSJ1.10, EXORDIUM LIKE 2 Locus:2173428 AT5G64260# molecular function unknownMOJ9.20 Locus:2169369 AT5G07030# aspartic-type endopeptidase activityF17A17.37 Locus:2077467 AT3G08030 molecular function unknownF28K19.27 Locus:2029391 AT1G78060 Carbohydrate metabolic process, hydrolase

activity.T6P5.12 Locus:2064696 AT2G05920 Negative regulation of catalytic activity,

proteolysis, identical protein binding.K19M13.1 Locus:2154463 AT5G23400 Defense response, signal transduction,SKS17, MUD21.18, SKU5 SIMILAR 17 Locus:2174954 AT5G66920 copper ion bindingXTH4, T9F8.4, EXGT-A1, ENDOXYLOGLUCAN TRANSFERASE

Locus:2065821 AT2G06850 hydrolase activity, acting on glycosyl bonds, xyloglucan:xyloglucosyl transferase activity

CELLULASE 3, Locus:2825314 AT1G71380 Carbohydrate metabolic process, catalytic activity, hydrolase activity.

F21F14.7 Locus:2076745 AT3G61820 aspartic-type endopeptidase activityF28K19.27 Locus:2029391 AT1G78060 hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl

compoundsATCS, CSY4, F4I1.16, CITRATE SYNTHASE 4

Locus:2050554 AT2G44350 ATP binding, zinc ion binding

ACO3, T3P4.5, ACONITASE 3 Locus:2063354 AT2G05710 ATP binding, copper ion bindingT3H13.3, EXORDIUM Locus:2138753 AT4G08950 response to brassinosteroid stimulusF21F14.190, GERMIN-LIKE PROTEIN 10 Locus:2079582 AT3G62020 manganese ion bindingF8N16.8, Locus:2053215 AT2G28790 Molecular function unknownEXLA1, ATEXPL1, ATHEXP BETA 2.1, EXPANSIN-LIKE A1

Locus:2077177 AT3G45970 plant-type cell wall loosening, unidimensional cell growth


Locus:2159118 AT5G13870 hydrolase activity, acting on glycosyl bonds, hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds, xyloglucan:xyloglucosyl transferase activity

AIMP ALPHA, IMPORTIN ALPHA, Locus:2083313 AT3G06720 intracellular protein transport, protein import into nucleus

T11A7.10 Locus:2054336 AT2G41800 Molecular function unknown

Protein acc followed by *stands for this protein was found only in induced sample;Protein acc followed by # stands for this protein was found only in basal sample;Others stand for the protein both found in induced and basal sample.


Page 13: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture


Cell wall proteins which constitute to about 10% of the cell wall mass can be categorized into three main functional groups: structural proteins, defense proteins and cell wall modifying proteins. Moreover, it is believed that unidentified proteins with novel functional classes do still exist in the cell wall (Borderies G, et al., 2005). So, in this study: we intended to extract the cell wall protein from Arabidopsis cell culture as well as to analyze them. Even though it is evident that study of cell wall proteome is complex; (i) polysaccharide linkages of cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectin can retain intracellular proteins and contaminate CWPs (ii) some CWPs are difficult to solubilize, and (iii) some proteins undergoes post-translational modifications, (Borderies G, et al., 2005; Jamet E, et al., 2008), we adopt some specific strategies in this study to investigate the cell wall proteomics of Arabidopsis thaliana.

The principle steps of this Arabidopsis cell wall proteomic study involved induction of TE differentiation, cell wall preparation, protein extraction and finally protein analysis using SDS-PAGE and MS/MS. Several studies have shown that different phytohormones like auxin and cytokinin are known to promote the initiation of TE differentiation. (Fukuda H, et al., 1997; Oda Y, et al., 2005) Consistent with this, BAP, NAA and Epibras were implicated for the induction of TE differentiation which is parallel with the study carried out by Pesquet (Pesquet E, et al., 2010). In addition, similar study was carried out by Oda (Oda Y, et al., 2005) in which they used Brassinosteroid for TE differentiation in AC-GT13 cells of Arabidopsis. Similarly, Falconer (Falconer, et al., 1984) showed that Zinnia mesophyll cells could be induced for TE differentiation by the use of BAP and NAA (Faoconer M.M, et al., 1985; Feiz L, et al., 2006).

Likewise, the composition of washing buffer is critical for the extraction of proteins from the cell wall. The presence of NaCl in washing buffer during the early steps of cell wall preparation promotes the release of weakly-bound proteins interlinked by ionic interaction in the cell wall (Borderies G, et al., 2005; Feiz L, et al., 2006). Moreover, the washing buffer with low ionic intensity and an acidic pH was used for the purification of cell wall. This preserves the interaction between the proteins and polysaccharides and prevents the loss of CWPs. (Jamet E, et al., 2008; Feiz L, et al., 2006). Cell wall preparation also included purification by subsequent centrifugation in solution of increasing density. Since the cell wall polysaccharides are relatively dense in nature, this density gradient centrifugation facilitates in elimination of less-dense cell organelles (Feiz L, et al., 2006). Finally, CaCl2

which is considered as the most efficient salt for the extraction of proteins from higher plants is used to release CWPs from purified cell wall (Borderies G, et al., 2005; Jamet E, et al., 2008) However, it should be noted that CWPs that are tightly bound are still resistant to salt extraction (Jamet E, et al., 2008).

Proteins that were sequentially extracted from Arabidopsis cell wall were subjected for SDS-PAGE and western blotting to further confirm the purity of cell wall prepared. Consistent to this, we used anti-tubulin antibody that detects the presence of tubulin in the protein extract. Our result showed the appearance of a band characteristic to tubulin only in the extract from first washing step of both basal and induced sample. Conversely, other washing step did not reveal any tubulin bands. This implies that the tubulin proteins associated with the Arabidopsis cell wall were eliminated in the early washing step. However, upon MS analysis, tubulin proteins were evident in the resultant CW5 pellet which indicated that some of the proteins were not completely released from the cell wall. Accordingly, it can be inferred that the purification strategies that we adopted was not efficient enough to remove all


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the contaminants. Moreover, it should be noted that several constraints arise during CWP purification and analysis; the difficulty to solubilise many CWPs, the complex polysaccharide linkages by which intracellular proteins remain trapped, and post-translational modification of proteins. Likewise, some of the proteins are embedded strongly and interact differently with other cell wall component making the task more challenging. And when the general strategy of cell wall proteomics is purification of cell wall followed by protein extraction with salt, one of the major disadvantages is the contamination by intracellular proteins sticking non-specifically with the cell wall (Jamet E, et al., 2008). So, improvements can be made in the extraction of non-specifically bound intracellular proteins as well as the proteins that are strongly embedded in the cell wall components. The use of hydrolytic enzyme or chemicals to degrade the cell wall matrix yet maintaining the protein integrity could be of paramount importance in studying the CWPs more conveniently.

MS-based proteomics is indispensible technology to analyze and identify proteins. Generally, prior to peptide sequencing by LC-MS/MS, proteins are digested using proteolytic enzymes (Aebersold R, et al., 2003; Hale J.E, et al., 2004). In this context, digestion was performed using Trypsin. However, it should be considered that efficiency of digestion increases with the disruption of tertiary structure of protein. Studies have demonstrated that sulfhydryl group of cysteine residues can form disulfide bonds and highly stabilize the tertiary structure. So, in advance to digestion by trypsin, reduction and alkylation of cysteine residues were carried out using volatile reagent triethylphosphine and iodoethanol. This assists the blockage of sulfhydryl groups, destabilize the tertiary structure and ultimately lead to enhanced protein digestion (Aebersold R, et al., 2003). To disrupt the tertiary structure of proteins in the CW5 pellet sample we used denaturizing solution containing 6M guanidine

to make the reduction, alkylation and digestion possible more efficient.

From the MS analysis and database search, we identified 44.3% of cell wall proteins in induced CW5-pellet compared to 39.3% of cell wall proteins in basal. Contrastingly, the analysis of cell wall proteins in 0.1M CaCl2

extraction showed that 47.1% of cell wall proteins were present in the basal sample compared to 31.1% in the induced sample. This seems reasonable why the CW5-pellet (basal) had relatively fewer amount of proteins than the CW5-pellet (induced). Tentatively, this implies that majority of the cell wall proteins of basal sample were released during the extraction point; one of the reasons could be that cell wall proteins in basal sample, with no TEs were loosely bound to the cell wall. The other explanation could be that some cell wall proteins get tighter bound to the cell wall during secondary cell wall formation. Yet, we cannot be certain since we had no replicates of the sample and we did not perform MS/MS analysis with other extraction samples. As a result, we are unaware about the proteins that may have been released during the other point of extraction.


We prepared cell wall from Arabidopsis thaliana basal cells as well as cells that had been induced with hormones (NAA, BAP and Epibras) to make them form TEs. The cell wall preparation involved mechanical grinding with cells, density gradient cell-fractionation using different concentration of sucrose and sequential extraction of proteins using NP40 and different concentration of CaCl2. We then performed proteomic analysis of proteins in resultant CW5 pellet and proteins extracted with 0.1M CaCl2 using LC-MS/MS. Protein identification, location and functions were predicted using Arabidopsis database search. We were able to identify 44.3% of cell wall


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proteins in the resultant CW5-pellet (induced) compared to 39.3% of cell wall proteins in the resultant CW5-pellet (basal). Moreover, we observed that some of the cell wall proteins were released from cell wall during 0.1M CaCl2 extraction. Since there were some non-resident proteins in resultant CW5-pellet, we assume that some improvements can be made in the purification of cell wall. For instance, use of hydrolytic enzymes or chemicals with the potential to degrade polysaccharide matrix can possible prevent trapping of non-resident proteins and increase purification of cell wall preparation.


We are extremely grateful to Irene Granlund for supervising the project in Applied Functional genomics as well as reading the manuscript; she has given her valuable feedback throughout the project and necessary correction as and when needed. We are also deeply indebted to Edouard Pesquet and Jan Karlsson for their guidance and help during the project. The study was supported by the Umea Plant Science Centre (UPSC), Umea University.


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Chivasa S, Ndimba BK, Simon WJ, Robertson D, Yu XL, Knox JP, Bolwell P and Slabas AR. Electrophoresis. 2002(11):1754-65.

Cravatt BF, Simon GM and Yates III JR. Nature. 2007(450):991-1000

David MB, Leo AH. Zeef JE, Royston G and Simon R. Turn. The Plant Cell. 2005(17): 2281-2295.

Falconer M.M and Seagull R.W, Protoplasma. 1985(125): 190-198.

Feiz L, Irshad M, Pont-Lezica R, Canut H and Jamet E. Plant Methods. 2006(27): 2-10.

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Jamet E, Albenne C, Boudart G, Irshad M, Canut H and Pont-Lezica R. Proteomics. 2008 (8): 893–908.

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MSAR medium for cell suspension culture:

4.4g MS basal salt plus vitamins (Duchefa M0222.0225)

30g sucrose (3%)

pH 5.7 with 1M KOH (for 1 liter)

Buffers used in cell wall preparation:

Buffer 1;

150mM NaCl

10% Glycerol

100mM Acetate buffer (pH 4.6)

Buffer 2;

5mM MES-KOH (pH 5.6)

5mM MgCl2

Buffer 3;

10% DMSO

5mM MES-KOH (pH 5.6)

5mM MgCl2

Other chemicals in cell wall preparation:

0.4M, 0.6M and 1M sucrose

0.05% NP40

0.1M, 0.5M, 2M and 4M CaCl2

Chemicals and reagents used in protein measurement:

Bovine serum albumin (A3294 by Sigma)

Bradford solution

SDS-PAGE and Western blotting:

Resolving gel (12% gel):

30% acrylamide 29:1 - 4.8ml

1M tris-HCL pH8.8 – 4.5ml

10% SDS – 0.120ml

ddH2O – 2.5ml

10%APS – 0.075ml


Page 17: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

TEMED – 0.0075ml

Stack gel (6% gel)

30% acrylamide 29:1 – 0.8ml

1M tris-HCL pH8.8 – 0.5ml

10% SDS – 0.05ml

ddH2O – 2.615ml

10%APS – 0.03ml

TEMED – 0.005ml

Buffers used in western blotting:

10 × Towbin buffer

0.13M Tris – 15.7g

10% ethanol – 0.1L

1M glycine – 75g

10 × PBS, pH 7.4 (total amount 1L)

10mM Na2HPO4 – 13.8g

3mMKH2PO4 – 4.08g

140mM NaCl – 81.8g

1 × PBST (Tween 20 )- total amount 1L

10 × PBS – 100ml

0.05% Tween 20 – 0.5ml

10 × electrophoresis buffer, pH 8.3, 1L

Tris – 30.3g

Glycine – 144.1g

1%SDS – 10g

Transfer buffer

10 × electrophoresis buffer – 100ml

Isopropanol (99.8% purity) – 100ml

Coomassie staining

0.02% coomassie R-350 in 10% acetic acid

MS analysis:

Denaturating buffer:

6M guanidin, 0.1M Tris, 5mM EDTA, pH 8

57g Guanidin HCl

614mg Trizma-HCl

750mg Trizma base

58mg EDTA


Page 18: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

Dilute to 100ml

Protein solution (for reduction/alkylation)

97.5% acetonitrile (v/v)

2% iodoethanol (130mM)

0.5% triethylphospine (17mM) final pH 10.

Other chemicals:

2mg/µl trypsin

0.1% formic acid

Table 1: List of all proteins in CW5

Protein acc Protein score Protein cover Localization Function

AT1G75780* 190 12.5 vacuole GTPase activity, structural molecule activity, GTP binding

AT1G56110* 116 6.3 cell wall, nucleolus NOP56-like protein

AT5G22060* 101 9.8 plasma membrane ATP binding, heat shock protein binding, unfolded protein binding

AT1G02500* 88 3.2 cell wall, membrane, plasma membrane methionine adenosyltransferase activity

AT3G23990* 80 5.4 cytosol, cytosolic ribosome, mitochondrial matrix, mitochondrion,

vacuolar membrane

ATP binding, copper ion binding

AT1G14320* 72 6.3 chloroplast, cytosolic large ribosomal subunit, cytosolic ribosome,

large ribosomal subunit, nucleolus, vacuolar membrane, vacuole

structural constituent of ribosome

AT5G20010* 72 6.3 apoplast, cell wall, plasma membrane GTP binding, protein binding, GTPase activity

AT1G79920* 59 6.1 cell wall, plasma membrane ATP binding

AT4G05020* 50 2.9 mitochondrion, extrinsic to mitochondrial inner membrane calcium ion binding, flavin adenine dinucleotide binding, disulfide oxidoreductase

activity, oxidoreductase activity

AT1G79330* 50 28.4 chloroplast cysteine-type endopeptidase activity

AT5G60640* 47 5.6 chloroplast, vacuolar membrane protein disulfide isomerase activity

AT1G49240* 47 5.6 chloroplast, plasma membrane, vacuole structural constituent of cytoskeleton, copper ion binding


Page 19: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

AT1G163008* 47 4.3 Plastid glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+) (phosphorylating) activity,

glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity

AT5G52640* 45 3.7 cell wall, cytosol, plasma membrane ATP binding, unfolded protein binding

AT3G02090* 43 4.9 cell wall, chloroplast, membrane, mitochondrial inner membrane,

mitochondrial intermembrane space, mitochondrial matrix,

mitochondrial outer membrane, mitochondrial respiratory chain

complex III, mitochondrion, nucleolus, vacuolar membrane

zinc ion binding

AT5G07440* 39 6.7 mitochondrion, vacuolar membrane ATP binding, cobalt ion binding, copper ion binding, zinc ion binding , glutamate

dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity, glutamate dehydrogenase activity, oxidoreductase


AT5G13450* 39 5.3 chloroplast, membrane, mitochondrion, plasma membrane cobalt ion binding, zinc ion binding, hydrogen ion transporting ATP synthase activity,

rotational mechanism

AT4G26970* 37 2.7 chloroplast, cytosol, mitochondrion copper ion binding, aconitate hydratase activity

AT4G31700* 32 8.2 chloroplast, cytosolic ribosome, cytosolic small ribosomal subunit,

membrane, nucleolus, plasma membrane

structural constituent of ribosome

AT3G04230* 32 2.2 chloroplast, cytosolic ribosome, cytosolic small ribosomal subunit,

membrane, nucleolus

structural constituent of ribosome

AT1G07890* 30 5.7 cell wall, chloroplast, chloroplast stroma, cytosol, plasma


L-ascorbate peroxidase activity

AT2G36160* 26 2.3 chloroplast, cytosolic ribosome, cytosolic small ribosomal subunit,

membrane, plasma membrane, vacuolar membrane

structural constituent of ribosome

AT5G11170* 25 0.9 Nucleolus helicase activity, ATP-dependent helicase activity, nucleic acid binding, ATP binding

AT5G28540# 304 12.1 cell wall, chloroplast, endoplasmic reticulum lumen, plasma

membrane, vacuolar membrane, vacuole

ATP binding

AT3G12110# 161 13.3 cytoskeleton, mitochondrion, plasma membrane structural constituent of cytoskeleton


Page 20: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

AT2G07698# 106 6.4 membrane, nucleus, plasma membrane, vacuole hydrogen ion transporting ATP synthase activity, rotational mechanism, poly(U) RNA

binding, zinc ion binding

AT2G18960# 91 2.2 membrane, nucleus, plasma membrane, vacuole protein binding , ATPase activity, hydrogen-exporting ATPase activity, phosphorylative


AT1G17880# 88 16.4 Unknown sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity

AT1G20620# 78 9.3 apoplast, cell wall, chloroplast, chloroplast envelope, chloroplast

stroma, cytosolic ribosome, membrane, mitochondrion,

peroxisome, plasma

cobalt ion binding, catalase activity

AT2G33210# 76 4.1 chloroplast, mitochondrion, plasma membrane, vacuolar


ATP binding, copper ion binding

AT2G42910# 76 5.3 cytoplasm, plasma membrane magnesium ion binding, ribose phosphate diphosphokinase activity

AT4G24830# 75 6.7 chloroplast, chloroplast stroma ATP binding, argininosuccinate synthase activity

AT3G11130# 74 3.6 plasma membrane, vacuolar membrane, vacuole binding, structural molecule activity

AT3G17390# 69 6.4 cell wall, membrane, nucleolus, plasma membrane methionine adenosyltransferase activity

AT5G10840# 67 3.4 plasma membrane Binding

AT3G02090# 64 4 cell wall, chloroplast, membrane, mitochondrial inner membrane,

mitochondrial intermembrane space, mitochondrial matrix,

mitochondrial outer membrane, mitochondrial respiratory chain

complex III, mitochondrion, nucleolus, vacuolar membrane

metalloendopeptidase activity, zinc ion binding

AT1G07790# 60 10.1 chloroplast DNA binding

AT2G44060# 55 3.4 membrane, plasma membrane Molecular function unknown

AT1G71380# 54 6.2 cell wall, plant-type cell wall, plasma membrane catalytic activity, hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds

AT4G22010# 50 3.9 membrane, plant-type cell wall oxidoreductase activity, copper ion binding

AT1G12840# 48 4.3 chloroplast, plant-type vacuole,plasma membrane,vacuolar

membrane, vacuole

proton-transporting ATPase activity, rotational mechanism


Page 21: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

AT1G70710# 45 4.7 chloroplast cellulase activity, hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds

AT2G07560# 45 2.2 membrane, plasma membrane protein binding, ATPase activity

AT5G61790# 44 8.3 chloroplast, endoplasmic reticulum, membrane, microsome,

mitochondrion, plant-type cell wall, plasma membrane, vacuolar

membrane, vacuole

calcium ion binding, unfolded protein binding

AT1G73230# 43 16.4 No data Molecular function unknown

AT2G42210# 40 17 chloroplast, membrane, mitochondrial inner membrane

presequence translocase complex, mitochondrion, plastid outer


P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven protein transmembrane transporter activity, protein

transporter activity

AT1G15690# 39 1.4 chloroplast, chloroplast envelope, endosome membrane,

membrane, mitochondrion, plant-type vacuole, plant-type vacuole

membrane, plasma membrane, vacuolar membrane, vacuole

ATPase activity, hydrogen-translocating pyrophosphatase activity

AT3G57290# 39 2.9 cytoplasm, nucleus, plasma membrane, signalosome protein binding, translation initiation factor activity

AT1G09100# 36 3.8 membrane, plasma membrane calmodulin binding, ATPase activity

AT1G66110# 36 2.1 No data Molecular function unknown

AT2G36580# 36 4.7 plasma membrane magnesium ion binding, potassium ion binding, catalytic activity, pyruvate kinase activity

AT1G07890# 36 5.6 cell wall, chloroplast, chloroplast stroma, cytosol, plasma


L-ascorbate peroxidase activity

AT5G07640# 36 2.5 No data zinc ion binding

AT3G13870# 34 2.1 cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum, plasma membrane, vacuolar


GTP binding

AT1G07660# 33 7.8 chloroplast, plasma membrane, vacuolar membrane DNA binding

AT1G17710# 33 6.1 No data phosphatase activity

AT1G10630# 31 5.5 membrane, plasma membrane, vacuolar membrane GTP binding, copper ion binding, protein binding, phospholipase activator activity

AT5G07340# 25 2.1 chloroplast, endoplasmic reticulum, membrane, vacuolar calcium ion binding, unfolded protein binding


Page 22: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture


AT2G44120# 25 13.6 chloroplast, cytosolic large ribosomal subunit, cytosolic

ribosome, large ribosomal subunit, membrane, nucleolus, vacuole

transcription regulator activity, structural constituent of ribosome

AT2G33040# 23 6.8 cell wall, chloroplast, cytoplasm, membrane, mitochondrion,

nucleolus, nucleus

zinc ion binding

AT1G20260# 22 4.5 chloroplast, vacuolar membrane, vacuole ATP binding, hydrogen ion transporting ATP synthase activity, rotational mechanism,

hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of

substances, proton-transporting ATPase activity, rotational mechanism

AT5G02500 581 31.2 apoplast, cell wall, chloroplast, cytosol, cytosolic ribosome,

membrane, nucleolus, nucleus, plasma membrane, vacuolar


ATP binding

AT1G35720 49 3.2 apoplast, cell wall, chloroplast, chloroplast stroma, cytosol,

membrane, mitochondrion, plasma membrane, thylakoid, vacuolar

membrane, vacuole

ATP binding, calcium ion binding, calcium-dependent phospholipid binding, copper ion

binding, zinc ion binding, peroxidase activity, protein homodimerization activity

AT5G15090 563 43.8 cell wall, chloroplast, chloroplast envelope, membrane,

mitochondrial outer membrane, mitochondrion, nucleolus, plasma

membrane, plastid, vacuolar

aerobic respiration, anion transport, defense response to bacterium, regulation of seed

germination, response to bacterium, response to cold

AT3G12580 430 28 cell wall, cytosol, mitochondrion, plasma membrane, vacuolar


ATP binding

AT5G02490 426 20.7 cell wall, cytosol, nucleus, plasma membrane protein binding

AT1G13440 412 40.5 cell wall, chloroplast, cytosol, membrane, mitochondrion,

nucleolus, nucleus, plasma membrane

copper ion binding, zinc ion binding

AT5G56030 395 18.6 cell wall, cytosol, mitochondrion, nucleus ATP binding, protein binding

AT1G07920 394 36.7 chloroplast, membrane, mitochondrion, nucleolus, plasma

membrane, vacuolar membrane

calmodulin binding


Page 23: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

AT3G09440 334 21.9 apoplast, cell wall, chloroplast, cytosol, cytosolic ribosome,

plasma membrane, vacuolar membrane, vacuole

ATP binding

AT5G62690 332 16.7 cell wall, nucleolus, plasma membrane GTPase activity, structural molecule activity, GTP binding

AT1G56070 318 9.5 chloroplast, cytosol, membrane, nucleolus, plasma membrane,

vacuolar membrane

copper ion binding, translation factor activity, nucleic acid binding

AT4G37910 317 11.9 cell wall, mitochondrial matrix, mitochondrion, vacuolar


ATP binding, zinc ion binding

AT5G23860 315 16.7 membrane structural constituent of cytoskeleton, protein binding

AT4G20890 306 18 chloroplast, plasma membrane, vacuolar membrane GTP binding, GTPase activity, structural molecule activity

AT1G04820 266 15.6 cell wall, chloroplast, cytosol, plasma membrane, tubulin complex,

vacuolar membrane

structural constituent of cytoskeleton

AT5G08670 265 19.4 chloroplast, mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase

complex, catalytic core F(1), mitochondrion, plasma membrane,


ATP binding, cobalt ion binding, copper ion binding, zinc ion binding, hydrogen ion

transporting ATP synthase activity, rotational mechanism

AT1G20010 183 16.3 cell wall, chloroplast, membrane, plasma membrane, vacuolar


structural constituent of cytoskeleton

AT3G08580 175 7.3 cell wall, chloroplast, chloroplast envelope, membrane,

mitochondrial envelope, mitochondrial inner membrane,

mitochondrion, nucleolus, plasma membrane, vacuolar membrane,


binding, copper ion binding, ATP:ADP antiporter activity

AT4G13940 173 16.7 membrane, plasma membrane, vacuolar membrane, vacuole adenosylhomocysteinase activity, copper ion binding

AT5G66680 146 8.2 endoplasmic reticulum, endoplasmic reticulum membrane,

membrane, nucleolus, plant-type cell wall, vacuolar membrane,


dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide-protein glycotransferase activity

AT2G02560 122 3.9 cell wall, plasma membrane Binding


Page 24: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

AT3G09840 117 6.1 cell wall, cytoplasm, cytosolic ribosome, nuclear envelope,

nucleolus, nucleus, phragmoplast, plasma membrane, spindle

identical protein binding, ATPase activity

AT1G45000 90 7.3 cell wall, membrane, nucleolus, plasma membrane ATP binding, nucleotide binding, ATPase activity, hydrolase activity, nucleoside-

triphosphatase activity

AT4G02930 90 7.3 mitochondrion, cell wall ATP binding, cobalt ion binding, zinc ion binding, translation elongation factor activity

AT3G27280 88 5.2 chloroplast, mitochondrion, plant-type cell wall, plasma

membrane, vacuolar membrane, vacuole

Part of protein complexes that are necessary for proficient mitochondrial function or

biogenesis, thereby supporting cell division and differentiation in apical tissues

AT1G09080 88 5.2 endoplasmic reticulum lumen ATP binding

AT2G37270 80 13.5 cell wall, chloroplast, cytosolic ribosome, cytosolic small

ribosomal subunit, membrane, plasma membrane, ribosome,


structural constituent of ribosome

AT3G11940 80 13.5 cell wall, chloroplast, cytosolic ribosome, cytosolic small

ribosomal subunit, plasma membrane, ribosome, vacuole

structural constituent of ribosome

AT3G01280 78 13.4 chloroplast, chloroplast envelope, mitochondrial outer membrane,

mitochondrion, plasma membrane, plastid, vacuolar membrane,


voltage-gated anion channel activity

AT2G18450 77 3.8 mitochondrion succinate dehydrogenase activity

AT2G04030 77 3.8 chloroplast, chloroplast envelope, chloroplast stroma,

mitochondrion, vacuolar membrane

ATP binding

AT1G65930 73 5 apoplast, cytosol, plasma membrane copper ion binding, isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity

AT1G35160 70 11.4 cytoplasm, nuclear envelope, plasma membrane protein phosphorylated amino acid binding

AT5G38480 70 7.5 cell wall, chloroplast, mitochondrion, plasma membrane, vacuole ATP binding, protein phosphorylated amino acid binding

AT1G54270 70 7.5 cytosol, plasma membrane, vacuolar membrane ATP-dependent helicase activity, translation initiation factor activity

AT3G08030 68 6 cell wall Molecular function unknown

AT2G05710 68 6 cell wall, chloroplast, mitochondrion, vacuolar membrane ATP binding, copper ion binding


Page 25: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

AT4G24190 59 6.1 chloroplast, endoplasmic reticulum, membrane, mitochondrion,

nucleus, plasma membrane, vacuolar membrane, vacuole

ATP binding, unfolded protein binding

AT1G55490 55 4.5 chloroplast, endoplasmic reticulum, membrane, mitochondrion,


protein binding

AT5G09590 55 4.5 cell wall, chloroplast, mitochondrial matrix, mitochondrion,


ATP binding

AT3G09680 52 2.9 cytosolic ribosome, cytosolic small ribosomal subunit, nucleolus,


structural constituent of ribosome

AT4G20150 50 6.3 mitochondrion, vacuolar membrane Molecular function unknown

AT2G47650 48 3.4 Golgi apparatus, membrane, vacuolar membrane, vacuole UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase activity, catalytic activity

AT2G20140 48 3.7 plasma membrane ATP binding, nucleotide binding

AT2G41840 46 9.5 cytosolic ribosome, cytosolic small ribosomal subunit, membrane,


structural constituent of ribosome

AT3G07770 45 2.5 cell wall, mitochondrion ATP binding

AT1G79550 44 4 apoplast, cytosol, membrane, nucleus, plasma membrane, vacuolar


phosphoglycerate kinase activity

AT1G22780 38 7.6 cell wall, cytosolic small ribosomal subunit, plasma membrane,

small ribosomal subunit, vacuolar membrane

structural constituent of ribosome, RNA binding, nucleic acid binding

AT1G04690 37 2.7 membrane, plasma membrane oxidoreductase activity, potassium channel activity

AT5G13490 36 7.3 chloroplast, chloroplast envelope, membrane, mitochondrial

envelope, mitochondrial inner membrane, mitochondrion, vacuolar


binding, copper ion binding, protein binding, ATP:ADP antiporter activity

AT2G38940 32 5.6 membrane, nucleus, plasma membrane, vacuole carbohydrate transmembrane transporter activity, inorganic phosphate transmembrane

transporter activity, phosphate transmembrane transporter activity,

AT1G27400 27 7.3 chloroplast, cytosolic large ribosomal subunit, plasma membrane, structural constituent of ribosome


Page 26: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

ribosome, vacuolar membrane, vacuole

AT5G53460 25 1.8 chloroplast, chloroplast stroma, plastid glutamate synthase (NADH) activity

AT3G22310 21 1.6 plasma membrane DNA binding, RNA binding

AT1G18500 21 2.5 chloroplast 2-isopropylmalate synthase activity

AT5G42080 21 2.5 chloroplast thylakoid membrane, microtubule, plasma membrane,

vacuolar membrane, vacuole

GTP binding, clathrin binding, protein binding

AT3G61760 21 2.5 no data GTPase activity, GTP binding

Protein acc followed by *stands for this protein was found only in induced sample;

Protein acc followed by # stands for this protein was found only in basal sample;

Others stand for the protein both found in induced and basal sample.

Table 2: List of all proteins in 0.1M CaCl2 extraction

Protein acc Protein Score Protein cover Localization Function

AT5G22650* 410 28.4 cell wall, cytosol, nucleolus, vacuolar membrane DNA mediated transformation, negative regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent,

polarity specification of adaxial/abaxial axis.

AT1G68560* 347 24 apoplast, cell wall, chloroplast, plant-type cell wall Response to cadmium ion, xylan catabolic process, xyloglucan metabolic process

AT5G18170* 338 26.5 mitochondrion Nitrogen compound metabolic process, response to absence of light, response to

cadmium ion, response to salt stress

AT3G12390* 212 18.7 cytosolic ribosome Response to salt stress

AT1G32130* 211 5.6 no data Brassinosteroid mediated signaling pathway, regulation of transcription elongation,


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AT1G78060* 192 4.3 Apoplast, cell wall, chloroplast, plant-type cell wall Carbohydrate metabolic process, hydrolase activity.

AT2G43710* 165 16 chloroplast, chloroplast stroma, plastid Defense response, defense response to bacterium, defense response to insect, defense

response to virus, fatty acid metabolic process, jasmonic acid biosynthetic process,

lipid biosynthetic process, regulation of jasmonic acid mediated signaling pathway,

AT2G44450* 164 16.2 cell wall, plant-type cell wall carbohydrate metabolic process

AT3G44750* 144 25.7 nucleolus DNA mediated transformation, polarity specification of adaxial/abaxial axis), nucleic

acid binding, zinc ion binding, histone deacetylase activity.

AT5G16240* 139 15.7 No data Fatty acid biosynthetic process, fatty acid metabolic process, oxidation-reduction

process, transition metal ion binding, desaturase activity, oxidoreductase activity.

AT2G03870* 124 18.2 nucleus, small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complex small nuclear ribonucleoprotein, putative / snRNP, putative / Sm protein, putative


AT3G62020* 118 13.2 cell wall, plant-type cell wall Biological process, manganese ion binding, nutrient reservoir activity.

AT5G08670* 86 2.9 chloroplast, mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase

complex, catalytic coreF(1), mitochondrion, plasma membrane,

vacuolar membrane

Response to oxidative stress, ATP binding, cobalt ion binding, copper ion binding, zinc

ion binding, hydrogen ion transporting ATP synthase activity, rotational mechanism.

AT4G10480* 83 11.3 No data Nascent polypeptide associated complex alpha chain protein, putative / alpha-NAC,

putative Identical to Nascent polypeptide-associated complex subunit alpha-like protein

4 [Arabidopsis Thaliana] (GB:Q9SZY1;GB:Q9ZSA6)

AT5G58450* 82 2.7 Cellular component Binding.

AT5G25460* 81 11.1 plant-type cell wall Response to karrikin

AT2G13540* 73 3.1 nucleus RNA splicing, via endonucleolytic cleavage and ligation, long-day photoperiodism,

flowering, organ morphogenesis, primary microRNA processing, response to abscisic

acid stimulus, translation, RNA cap binding.

AT2G39700* 73 4.7 plant-type cell wall Plant-type cell wall loosening, plant-type cell wall modification involved in


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multidimensional cell growth, syncytium formation, unidimensional cell growth.

AT5G60340* 65 5.6 mitochondrion Metabolic process, ATP binding, oxidoreductase activity.

AT5G57120* 62 6.1 nucleolus Function unknown

AT1G08970* 62 5.6 cytoplasm, nucleus Regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent, DNA binding, sequence-specific DNA

binding transcription factor activity.

AT3G04500* 58 7.3 No data RNA binding, nucleic acid binding, nucleotide binding.

AT4G16210* 58 8.7 peroxisome Metabolic process, catalytic activity.

AT4G26630* 54 1.8 No data GTP binding / RNA binding similar to unknown protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]

AT3G09630* 51 5.9 Cell wall, chloroplast, cytosolic large ribosomal subunit, cytosolic

ribosome, membrane, nucleolus, plasma membrane, ribosome,

vacuole membrane, plastid, vacuole.

Translation, structural constituent of ribosome.

AT1G66070* 51 6.6 membrane Expressed in plant structures during growth stages;

AT5G03740* 51 4.1 nucleolus Response to abscisic acid stimulus, response to salt stress, response to water

deprivation, nucleic acid binding, zinc ion binding, histone deacetylase activity,

AT2G19480* 50 2.9 cytoplasm, nucleus, plasma membrane DNA mediated transformation, DNA repair, nucleosome assembly, response to

cadmium ion, DNA binding, binding.

AT1G61730* 49 3.7 chloroplast, cytosol, nucleolus Transcription regulator activity

AT1G30580* 48 4.3 intracellular Response to cadmium ion, GTP binding

AT4G17260* 47 9.9 plasma membrane Response to abscisic acid stimulus, response to salt stress,binding.

AT2G38880* 44 14.9 CCAAT-binding factor complex, nucleus Regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent, response to water deprivation, sequence-

specific DNA binding transcription factor activity.

AT4G24770* 44 8.5 Chloroplast, chloroplast envelope, chloroplast stroma, chloroplast

thylakoid membrane, thylakoid.

RNA modification, RNA processing, innate immune response, RNA binding, poly(U)

RNA binding.

AT3G09440* 43 1.7 Apoplast, cell wall, chloroplast, cytosol, cytosolic ribosome,

plasma membrane, vacuolar membrane, vacuole

Protein folding, response to cadmium ion, response to heat, response to karrikin, ATP



Page 29: Analysis of Cell Wall Proteins during Xylem Vessel Secondary Cell Wall Formation in Cell Culture

AT3G27400* 43 3.4 endomembrane system Pectate lyase activity.

AT1G74050* 42 5.2 cytosolic large ribosomal subunit, intracellular, membrane, plasma

membrane, ribosomeTranslation, structural constituent of ribosome.

AT1G55570* 40 1.6 No data Oxidoreductase activity, copper ion binding.

AT3G60130* 39 2.1 No data Carbohydrate metabolic process, cation binding, catalytic activity, hydrolase activity,

hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds.

AT1G29340* 37 1.1 No data Apoptosis, defense response to fungus, incompatible interaction, defense response,

incompatible interaction, protein ubiquitination, ubiquitin-protein ligase activity.

AT3G27460* 37 3 nucleus Response to salt stress.

AT2G38410* 37 2.1 Golgi stack, plasma membrane Intra-Golgi vesicle-mediated transport, intracellular protein transport, protein

transporter activity.

AT1G56170* 35 6.5cytoplasm, nucleus

Positive regulation of gene-specific transcription, regulation of transcription, DNA-

dependent, DNA binding.

AT4G38400* 33 7.2 endomembrane system, extracellular region Plant-type cell wall loosening, plant-type cell wall organization, unidimensional cell

growth, response to cyclopentenone.

AT5G55660* 29 1.8 mitochondrion GTP binding / RNA binding similar to unknown protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] (TAIR:

AT4G26630.2); similar to unknown protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] (TAIR:AT4G26630)

AT3G46750* 26 1.3 No data Function unknown

AT5G61290* 26 1.1 cellular component Oxidation-reduction process, NADP binding, flavin adenine dinucleotide binding,

flavin-containing monooxygenase activity, monooxygenase activity.

AT5G07350* 24 1.1 Cell wall, chloroplast, cytosol, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear

envelope, plasma membrane

Protein secretion, response to cadmium ion, response to stress, RNA binding, nucleic

acid binding, nuclease activity.

AT2G20450* 23 9 Cytosolic large ribosomal subunit, endoplasmic reticulum,

ribosome, vacuoleRibosome biogenesis, translation, structural constituent of ribosome.

AT1G13950* 21 5.1 No data Translational initiation, xylem development, RNA binding, ribosome binding,


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translation elongation factor activity, translation initiation factor activity.

AT3G62020* 118 13.2 cell wall, plant-type cell wall manganese ion binding

AT3G18070# 119 5.2 cellular component cation binding

AT4G02290# 116 4.5 endomembrane system catalytic activity, hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds

AT1G68560# 83 8.5 apoplast, cell wall, chloroplast, plant-type cell wall alpha-N-arabinofuranosidase activity, hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl

compounds, xylan 1,4-beta-xylosidase activity

AT5G28540# 70 4.8 cellwall, chloroplast, endoplasmic reticulum lumen, plasma

membrane, vacuolar membrane, vacuole ATP binding

AT3G28200# 60 5.4 plant-type cell wall peroxidase activity

AT3G09440# 57 1.7 apoplast, cellwall, chloroplast, cytosol, cytosolic ribosome, plasma

membrane,vacuolar membrane, vacuole ATP binding

AT3G14600# 55 10.1 cytosolic large ribosomal subunit, cytosolic

ribosome, membrane, ribosome structural constituent of ribosome


53 4.7 membrane, plant-type cell wall plant-type cell wall loosening, plant-type cell wall organization,unidimensional cell


AT5G06870# 48 4.5 cell wall, plant-type cell wall polygalacturonase inhibitor activity

AT5G64260# 45 4.3 cell wall, plant-type cell wall molecular function unknown

AT5G07030# 42 3.1 cell wall, plant-type cell wall aspartic-type endopeptidase activity

AT5G62340# 31 4.9 endomembrane system enzyme inhibitor activity,  pectinesterase inhibitor activity

AT2G48160# 26 1 no data no data

AT3G08030 1123 67.4 cell wall molecular function unknown

AT5G23400 767 35.1 cell wall Defense response, signal transduction,

AT1G71380 589 39.7 cell wall, plant-type cell wall, plasma membrane Carbohydrate metabolic process, catalytic activity, hydrolase activity.

AT2G05920 604 19.9 cell wall, plant-type cell wall Negative regulation of catalytic activity, proteolysis, identical protein binding.

AT1G17880 155 16.4 no data sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity, response to salt stress


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AT1G71380 589 39.7 cell wall, plant-type cell wall, plasma membrane Carbohydrate metabolic process, catalytic activity, hydrolase activity.

AT5G07440 228 18.5 mitochondrion, vacuolar membrane ATP binding, cobalt ion binding, copper ion binding, zinc ion binding

AT5G66920 234 17.9 cell wall, plant-type cell wall copper ion binding

AT2G06850 763 46.3 cellwall, chloroplast, cytoplasm, extracellular

region, membrane, plant-type cell wall

hydrolase activity, acting on glycosyl bonds, xyloglucan:xyloglucosyl transferase


AT2G42910 151 24.3 cytoplasm, plasma membrane magnesium ion binding

AT1G28290 327 19.8 plasma membrane Highly expressed in flowers and vascular tissue and is repressed by jasmonic acid.

AT1G73230 51 16.4 no data response to salt stress

AT1G56070 63 4.2 chloroplast, cytosol, membrane, nucleolus, plasma

membrane, vacuolar membrane

copper ion binding, translation factor activity, nucleic acid binding

AT3G61820 75 8.1 plant-type cell wall aspartic-type endopeptidase activity

AT2G44350 367 26.8 cell wall, chloroplast, mitochondrion ATP binding, zinc ion binding

AT2G05710 66 4 Cellwall , chloroplast, cytosol, mitochondrion, vacuolar membrane ATP binding, copper ion binding

AT3G02630 85 10.1 chloroplast, chloroplast stroma transition metal ion binding

AT3G15010 94 4 nucleolus, nucleus RNA binding, nucleic acid binding, nucleotide binding

AT4G16143 37 2.8 cytosol, nucleolus intracellular protein transport, protein import into nucleus

AT4G08950 150 9.6 cell wall, plant-type cell wall response to brassinosteroid stimulus

AT2G18740 57 37.5 nucleus, small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complex Molecular function unknown

AT2G28790 82 8 plant-type cell wall Molecular function unknown

AT3G45970 162 26 cell wall, plant-type cell wall plant-type cell wall loosening, unidimensional cell growth

AT3G51880 65 7.3 chromatin structural constituent of chromatin

AT1G74310 59 2.3 no data ATP binding, protein binding

AT1G70710 87 4.7 chloroplast cellulase activity, hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds

AT4G25210 34 5.7 chloroplast, nucleolus transcription regulator activity

AT5G13870 101 12.3 apoplast, cell wall, endomembrane system hydrolase activity, acting on glycosyl bonds, hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl


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compounds, xyloglucan:xyloglucosyl transferase activity

AT5G22010 96 1.3 DNA replication factor C complex, intracellular ATP binding, DNA binding, nucleotide binding

AT3G06720 51 2.8 cell wall, cytosol, nuclear envelope, nucleolus intracellular protein transport, protein import into nucleus

AT1G09760 28 6 Cajalbody, chloroplast, cytoplasm, nucleolus, nucleoplasm, nucleu


nuclear mRNA splicing, via spliceosome, response to cold

AT1G74210 52 3.8 vacuole glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase activity, phosphoric diester hydrolase activity

AT4G12420 65 2.7 anchored to membrane, anchored to plasma

membrane, apoplast, cell wall, membrane, plant-type cell

wall, plasma membrane, vacuolar membrane

copper ion binding

AT3G11400 45 3.4 plasma membrane RNA binding

AT4G37870 51 6.3 cytosol, membrane, nucleolus, nucleus ATP binding, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (ATP) activity

AT1G74210 52 3.8 vacuole glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase activity, phosphoric diester hydrolase activity

AT5G62530 34 2.2 chloroplast, mitochondrion cobalt ion binding, zinc ion binding

AT2G41800 247 26.8 cell wall, plant-type cell wall Molecular function

AT1G29965 86 14 cytosolic large ribosomal subunit, ribosome structural constituent of ribosome

AT4G22670 94 3.4 no data binding, response to cadmium ion

AT1G20580 38 6.9 nucleolus, nucleus, small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complex Molecular function unknown

Protein acc followed by *stands for this protein was found only in induced sample;

Protein acc followed by # stands for this protein was found only in basal sample;

Others stand for the protein both found in induced and basal sample.