analysing attrition

Analysing Attrition Date: 18/Oct/2012 Author: K. S. Alok Ranjan About: Employee Turnover is one of the most volatile aspects of an Organization. It consists of Attrition and Hiring. This document talks about the Attrition part of Turnover and Methodology to handle the same.

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Page 1: Analysing Attrition

Analysing Attrition

Date: 18/Oct/2012

Author: K. S. Alok Ranjan

About: Employee Turnover is one of the most volatile

aspects of an Organization. It consists of Attrition and

Hiring. This document talks about the Attrition part of

Turnover and Methodology to handle the same.

Page 2: Analysing Attrition

Analysing Attrition

2 [email protected] | | +91 9810 77 5457

I. Attrition – Meaning and Perspective:

Attrition by definition means the exit of an employee from an organization, department or team. The perspective

has to be a team at least because the relative significance of attrition is understood in perspective of the Group;

the employee was working in/with. In our discussion below, we will use the term ‘Group’ as the collection of

employees from which Attrition has occurred. It may be a Team, Process, Unit, LOB, geographical location,

centre, complete organization or any combination thereof.

Treatment of individual attrition is also important, but only in qualitative sense. We will focus on the quantitative

sense of attrition below.

There are basically four different categories Attrition can be divided into, namely:

1. Resignation: Employee on her/his own accord decides to leave the Group, intimates and confirms the

intention of exit to the concerned authority and exits the system as per guidelines.

2. Absconding: Employee does not show up in scheduled or regular day/time without prior intimation or

permission and does not inform the cause for sufficient delay.

3. Termination: Employee is asked to leave the organization as per decision taken by authorities for

suitable reason.

4. Transfer: Employee leaves the current Group within the organization to join another Group. In this case

the Attrition is for the Group the employee is leaving.

II. Timeline driven Calculation:

Timeline driven analysis of Attrition is important to know the turnover of employee by factor of time. Here a unit

of time should be minimum a week and can be a year also. However, generally it is taken as a month. We can

term each unit of time as a Period.

Timeline driven analysis can fairly forecast the forthcoming attrition for subsequent years, if trended properly. It

also gives a scope of extrapolating the present trend to look at the possible future, within a year. Primarily, it

facilitates the Comparative Analysis of different Groups (Teams, LOBs or Departments) to have the

performance of Group Managers matched against each other. This comparison can be done Period on Period

to arrive at incremental performance of each Manager and one against the other.

Attrition can be calculated with a very simple formula. However, there are variants of attrition formulas that solve

different purposes or they also ensure the correctness in large data sets. They are outlined below:

1. Periodic Attrition:

Attrition calculated for each Period that can be a week, fortnight, month, quarter or a year. The result is

expressed in Per cent. The formula for a Periodic Attrition calculation is:


{( )

⁄ }⁄


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Analysing Attrition

3 [email protected] | | +91 9810 77 5457

This formula, translated to plain English states that Attrition for a Period is a Per cent calculation of exits

from its average headcount.

If calculated for a month, for more accurate results, headcount at beginning of each week can be taken.

This will increase accuracy if the turnover (Joining and Exits) is more than 5-7 each month.







If Attrition calculation Period is a month:

A. Comparison can be done Month vs. Month to see increment/decrement

B. Comparison can be done Group vs. Group to see Manager Proportional Performance

C. Comparison of A and B can be mixed to see trend of Manager Proportional Performance

D. Stacked performance of each similar month of last year/s can be done for general forecasting

2. Annualized Attrition:

When the Periodic Attrition is visualized with a view of a year, or rather inflated to a year, it is called

Annualized Attrition. It is simply annualizing the Periodic attrition by multiplying it by a number.

For example, a Monthly attrition can be multiplied by 12 to know its Annualized effect. The result would

be a Per cent only, but inflated to an year from the data of a month. The formula is:

Where the Att% is what we calculated above. If the Att% is calculated every week, multiply the result

with 52.

3. Year to Date (YTD) Attrition:

Sometimes it is necessary to figure out the turnover from the beginning of the year until now. This would

entail the calculation to start from the beginning of the year. This depends on the year beginning as

defined by the Organization (April or January).

In this case the Opening HC would be the number at the beginning of the year (1st April or 1

st January).

Closing would be the last HC taken, of last month, week or day. The Number of Exits would be for the

complete Period, starting from beginning of the year.

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4 [email protected] | | +91 9810 77 5457


{( )

⁄ }


For more accurate results, HC at beginning of each month can be taken to be averaged. This will give a

more accurate result of YTD Attrition.







Here, n is the number of months until now from beginning of the year. It has to be divided by n + 1

because total variables in numerator become n + 1 after taking all opening and last closing headcount.

Apparently, n can go up to 13 maximum.

III. Market driven Analysis:

Attrition lies between the cause and effect of Market Dynamism with respect to the Organization. Market

changes makes it happens and it makes changes in Market also. What we would attempt at here is, to

understand the Quantitative Analysis clarifying the Attrition and its cause and effect on the Organization from

Market point of view.

To understand the same, let’s list down the different kind of attritions first. Please keep in mind that the above

Timeline driven Calculation are applied to each Market driven Analysis to arrive at Calculable Results.

1. Infant Mortality:

Infant Mortality refers to exit of individuals who are otherwise tenured in Market, but exit the

Organization within a year. This happens primarily due to adaptability issue in the Organization.

If the YTD Att% of Infant Mortality is steady under 10%, we can consider the reason to be external to

the Organization. It can be safely attributed to the individual exiting or market condition. However, there

is a need to investigate if YTD Att% crosses 10% at any time.

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5 [email protected] | | +91 9810 77 5457

The sooner the YTD Att% crosses 10% in a Financial Year, the worse the situation is. Definition of

being worse is that the Group from which Infant Mortality is occurring needs investigation for its

Adaptability, Induction Approach and Behavioural pattern of existing members.

The situation in such cases is highly subjective and typical to the Organization. However, going by

trend, such situations can be handled by a methodical approach as outlined below. The decision of

steps taken or analysis done should solely depend on the Management, however, cue from the below

steps can be taken effectively.

In Infant Mortality, YTD Att% always would give the correct result. Periodic Attrition and annualizing the

same would not give proper result.

Infant Mortality Treatment

2. Launch Pad:

Launch Pad refers to a situation where Fresh individuals without experience in market exit the

organization within a year. These are the individuals who are using the organization to launch their

career without commitment to the current role. At any Period, the Launch Pad Periodic Att% should not

exceed 10 - 20%. This adds up to the Cost of Attrition to an extent that affects the Operating Margin

negatively and skews the Profitability in the negative direction very soon in a Financial Year.

Considering YTD Att% is not necessary as Periodic Att% gives accurate result and can propel action

from Management. Although, calculating such YTD Att% always gives insight. However, the below

methodology would definitely help to contain situation.

10%+ in 1st & 2nd Quarter

•Supervisor/Team under radar

•Team interaction monitoring

•HR Policies for the Group revisit

•Stud of Group's stability in Organization

10%+ in 3rd Quarter

•HR Policies for the Group revisit

•Stud of Group's stability in Organization

10%+ in 4th Quarter

•Warning for non-repeat in next FY.

•Supervisor Analysis on situation demand

Severity of Infant Mortality decreases as it occurs towards to end of the year

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6 [email protected] | | +91 9810 77 5457

Launch Pad Treatment

3. Critical Exit:

The situation of Critical Exit refers to attrition of resources that are critical to the business of the

Organization. Usually these are the employees of higher cadre and are at Management or Leadership


Cost of losing such an employee is very high, especially when s/he is efficient, reliable and has been a

part of system for a considerable time. These are kind of attritions that are to be investigated without

calculating Att% of any kind. And if at all Att% is calculated, should not exceed 1% as YTD Att%

occurring once every 3 year or more. The most an Organization can do to investigate the same are as


Critical Exit Treatment

Since this is a critical attrition study, the out of box thinking would help to analyse situation. It requires

much deeper study and holistic approach and should not be limited to above Treatment.




Recruitment scrutiny

Training scrutiny

Supervisor under radar

> 1






Recruitment scrutiny

Moderate Training scrutiny

Supervisor Warning




Recruitment scrutiny

Training Overview

Supervisor consultation

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Analysing Attrition

7 [email protected] | | +91 9810 77 5457

4. Weak Link:

The exits occurring due to poor performance of individuals are not a bad situation, not always. Not until

the exits are occurring within 1-2 months of tenure post training, if applicable.

Since the individual had not been performing on expected level, means s/he was not contributing to

earn revenue for the Organization. Also, s/he was adding to the cost by being in the system. In case like

this, Periodic Att% calculations would not help, rather they should be treated as outliers while

calculating the Periodic Att%.

They should be calculated by the average period of stay of the individual in the system, where a longer

period causing alarm.

Weak Link Treatment

IV. Standardization:

Standardizing the approach to Attrition throughout the Organization should almost definitely involve a vote from

all stakeholders who are into People Management. However, there can be a generic view to how to go about it,

giving the nature of how Absconding or Poor Performance would lead to Attrition or how the Attrition Cost is

treated in the Organization.

Giving due credit to all that we discussed until now, and keeping in view of the pointers that are significant,

although out of scope of this document, we can outline the Attrition Standard as below.

Under Performance during Training

•Alert Future Manager

•Mark as Possible Att.

Under Performance during Nesting

Treat as Outlier

Under Performance during Live Ops

•Treat as Outlier

•Ignore in Att Calc.


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Analysing Attrition

8 [email protected] | | +91 9810 77 5457






Date of






and re-















Termination and Transfer case:

The Termination and Transfer cases

are also important. However, due to

limited scope and coverage of this

document, would be difficult to

showcase the same here. This is also

typical to each organization that

requires specialized approach.

Timeline and Approach:

It is very important that there

should be a Timeline attached to the

complete process. The time allowed

between Unscheduled Leave and

Absconding or between Resignation

and Attrition.

However, these are specific to the

Organization the Approach being

implemented on.

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9 [email protected] | | +91 9810 77 5457

V. Foot Note:

Approaching the Attrition Data Maintenance and Analysis is of Primary importance as this deals with the most

valuable resource being deployed and utilized by an Organization, People.

Even if I am driven by, however generalizing certain aspects of Attrition, its Analysis and Interpretation is nearly

impossible, until looked at from specific angle of the Organization it is being analysed for.

There are pointers which are of Prime importance, for example Cost of Attrition. Since People involve cost and

what they earn for the Organization remains to be only a small Per cent to get into the Profit, assessing the cost

of attrition is Significant. However, this is one of the very specific goals of Attrition Management that can be

looked at from Organizational point of view.

Apart from the four types of Market Driven Analysis we discussed above, there are other types also, for

example Pre-meditated Exits, Clandestine Exits, etc. that I have experienced in my career and have noted and

analysed. Attrition is a fascinating concept to study, research and arrive at conclusions that can change the

course of Organization. I would be glad to assist interested individuals and Organizations in Analysing Attrition.

Please do not hesitate to contact me whenever you need.

K. S. Alok Ranjan | +91 9810 77 5457 | [email protected]