analar standard

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  • 8/15/2019 analar standard






    Incorporating improved standards

    for the Analj tical Ke a gen ts

    or i ginally designated as  'A.K.'

    F O U R T H E D I T I O N '

    {Revised and enlarge^

    F o r m u l a t e d a n d i s s u e d j o i n t l y b y

    T H E B R I T I S H D R U G H O U S E S L T D .


    H O P K I N & W I L L I A M S L T D .

    L O N D O N

    1 9 4 9

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    f\nx Edition Septemb er 1934


      E dition February 1937

    Third Edition  anuary 1944

    Reprinted June 1946

    Fourth Edition {revised and enlarged) 1949

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    C O N T E N T S

    A N A L A R



    P R EF A C E T O F O U R T H E D I T I O N

    F O R E W O R D TO F I R S T E D I T I O N

    P R EF A C E T O F I R S T E D I T I O N

    E X P L A N A T O R Y N O T E S .

    ' A N A L A R ' S T A N D A R D S

    AP PE ND IX I . . .

    (a) R eagents Us ed in Test in g

    (b)  Indicator Solu t ions .

    (c) Standard Solutions .


      2 . Prepa rat ion of Stand ard Com parison Solu t ion

    APPENDIX  3 . T h e L im i t Te s t for W ater

    APPENDIX  4 . T h e Lim i t Te st for Arsenic

    APPENDIX  5 . Elect rod eposi t ion of Me tals

    " A N A L O I D S "

    I N T E R N A T I O N A L A T O M I C W E I G H T S


      . . . . . .


    lut ion




    x i

    x i v -



    ' 288-


    -. 291-


    - X





    - 2 8 8

    - 2 8 9



    292 -293

    • 293-


    2 9 9

    - 2 9 4





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    N O T E

    ' AnalaR ' is a registered trade-mark and is the joint

    property of The British Drug Houses Ltd. and Hopkin

    & Williams Ltd . T he specifications published in this

    volume are the joint copyright of the two Companies.

    Eac^n Company, however, produces and markets

    ' A nala R' chemicals independently.

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    For the present edition the book of ' AnalaR ' standards has undergone

    the greatest enlargement and the most thorough revision since its first

    publication in 1934. Specifications for fifty-eig ht new ' AnalaR ' chemicals

    are include d. Some of these constitute simply an extension of the existing

    range while others have been selected in accordance with two definite

    objectives. In the first place it was considered desirable to' introduce a

    fairly liberal selection of organic chemical reagents which fall generally into

    two sub-classifications—(a) reagents for inorganic analysis, including the

    detection and determination by gravimetric, colorimetric or other means

    of both m etals and acid rad icals, and (&) reagents for the identification of

    organic substances by the formation of derivatives of definite melting-

    poi nts. It has been shown repeatedly that impu re reagents, particula rly in

    class {a), caii give rise to errors and difficulties altogether out of proportion

    to the actual amount of impurity present, and the need for a definite

    Standard of pu rity is well established.- In th e second place it was considered

    that a useful purpose would be served if the ' AnalaR ' range were made to

    include at least one compound of each of the more common elements, the

    range having been rather restricted, hithe rto, from this point of view. Th is

    policy has been put into effect so far as seems reasonable and so far as

    suitable compounds can be made available. The items that have served

    fpr the introduction of additional elements are marked with an asterisk

    in the list of additions that follows:

    Am monium bromide Digitonin

    Amm onium dichromate Dioxan

    Am monium formate 3:5-Dinitrobenzoyl chloride

    Benzaldehyde 2:4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine

    K-Benzoiii oxime Diphen ylbenzidine

    Benzyl-wo-thiourea . j^yw^-Diphenylcarbazide

    hydrochloride "Diphenylthiocarbazone

    *Beryllium sulphate aa'-D ipyridyl

    Bism uth nitrate Ethyl cyanoacetate

    w-Butyl alcohol Indigo carm ine

    iio-Butyl alcohol Iodine pentox ide

    Cadm ium acetate Iodine trichloride

    Cadmium chloride 7-Iodo-8 -hydrox yquinoline-5-

    *Caesium chloride sulpho nic acid

    Calcium sulphate Isatin

    *Ceric ammonium nitrate *Lithium sulphate

    i-C hloro-2:4- dinitrobenzene /)-Nitrobenzoyl chloride

    Chromium chloride Nitron

    Cupferron o-Phenanthroline

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    Phos phorus pentachloride * Strontium chloride

    Pyrogallol *Tellu ric acid

    Salicylaldo3|ime *Thal lium sulp hate

    *Selenium *Th orium nitrate

    Semicarbazide hydrochloride *Titany l potassium oxalate

    Silver sulphate o-T olidine

    Sodium arsenate /)-Toluidine

    Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate Triketohy drindene hydrate

    Sodium hydrogen tartrate Urea

    Sodium pyrophosphate Zinc acetate

    * Sodium selenate Zinc powder

    Only one ' AnalaR ' chemical has been disco ntinued in the present

    edition . T his is Fe rric Chloride, An hydrou s. T he difficulty of preparing

    a satisfactory product, the unstable nature of the substance, and the very

    small demand for such a high quality, have contributed to this decision.

    All the previously existing specifications have been critically reviewed

    and many have been materially revised both in the light of progress in

    analytical chemistry and under the guidance of our experience of users'

    requirem ents. A large num ber of additional tests will be found and many

    old tests are replaced by more modern technique s. Certain im proveme nts

    of more or less general nature appear worthy of specific mention.

    Specific solubility tests have been incorporated in almost every mono

    graph . Refractive index tolerances have been included for most of the

    organic liquids. Following the modern tre nd , specific gravities at

    ^5'5°l^5'5°  have been replaced by weights per m illilitre at 20°. Fo r the

    lower alcohols, however, the older expression has been retained because

    the whole system of determination and dilution in current use is based

    upon tables that employ it.

    Assays are now^ given for a greater number of chemicals and newer

    methods have been introduced wherever appropriate.

    The technique of electrolytic deposition has been adopted for two

    distinct purp ose s: for th e assay of certain metallic salts, and for the removal

    of the principal metal from such salts so that traces of alkalis and alkaline

    earths may be determined by the evaporation of the resulting solution.

    These impurities were previously isolated by precipitating the heavier

    metal as the hydroxide or sulphide and there can be no doubt that a

    considerable proportion of the impurity was carried down by the pre

    cipitate . W herev er possible, a single deposition has been made to serve

    both for the assay and for the test for alkaUs.

    In the iron salts alkalis are now determined after removal of the iron

    by an extraction m etho d. Certain impurities can be determined most

    expediently and accurately by the use of the polarograph and no better

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    P R E F A C E T O T H E F O U R T H E D I T I O N VU

    reason seems necessary for the in t roduct ion of that ins t rum en t ; i t has ,

    therefore, been applied to the determination of nickel in cobalt sal ts, of

    lead in copper, of copper, zinc and lead in ferrous sulphate and of zinc in

    potass ium and sodiu m hydrox ides . An ex tension of polarogra phic m ethod s

    is anticipated for the future.

    T h e K ar l F ische r techniq ue for the determ inat ion of wa ter i s the f irst

    real answer to a long-s tanding problem of the greates t importance, and

    the method is now adopted in the specifications for al l organic l iquids

    ame nable to th is tech niqu e. T h e li terature relat ing to the determ inat ion

    of mois ture in acetone by the.Kar l F ischer method is conf l ic t ing and in

    our own exper ience errat ic resu l t s are obtained . T h e procedu re has ,

    therefore, not been applied to this substance.

    We have found i t desirable to separate most of the phosphate and si l icate

    tes ts tha t were previously carr ied out by the one react ion wi th th e mo lyb-

    date reagent . Cer tain ions , unavoidably prese nt , were found to have d iverse

    effects upon the reactions of the two impurit ies and the relat ive sensit i

    vit ies did not always corresp ond w ith suitable l imits . In som e cases the

    sil icate figure appeared only incidentally and has been omitted in the

    new system. On the o ther hand phosp hate and s il icate tes ts have been

    added to the specifications for the alkali carbonates and bicarbonates and

    the caustic alkalis.

    The in t roduct ion of new methods of greater sensi t iv i ty and greater

    accuracy occasionally show s that the figure previously qu ote d as the ma x i

    m um l imi t of the im puri ty , thou gh the m ost accurate in it s t ime accord ing

    to the means then avai lab le for i t s determinat ion , was under -es t imated .

    Where these circumstances have been discovered i t has been possible in

    some cases to com pens ate b y an impr ove me nt in the .quality of the chemical

    and thu s make i t possible to retain the lower figure for the l im it . In othe r

    instances this has no t been imm ediate ly possible and an increased figure

    has been g iven , though i t must be emphasized that the mater ia l now

    supplied is at least equal in puri ty to that issued under the older standards.

    T hi s is the case wit h respect to the nickel con tent of cobalt sal ts. I t is

    fel t that these circumstances lend considerable support to the view,

    always held by the com pi lers of ' AnalaR ' S tan dards , tha t the qua nt i

    tat ive expression, of max im um limits or of ' actual batc h analyses ' can b e

    safely interpreted only with reference to a specified method of test ing.

    T H E B R I T I S H D R U G H O U S E S L T D .

    H O P K I N A N D W I L L I A M S L T D .

    January 1949

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    F O R E WO R D T O T H E F I R S T E D I T I O N

    By the late Professor Jocelyn F. Thorpe, C.B.E., Ph.D., D.Sc, F.R.S.,

    one time Professor of Organic Chemistry in the University of London

    (Imperial College)


    H ER E was a time , prior to I9 i4,.when those who worked in chemical

    laboratories found that the only means by which they could rely

    on the purity and homogeneity of their reagents and research materials

    depende d on the reputa tions of a few well-known firms. Even so, the

    consumer had in several instances to redistil or recrystallise the initial

    material he proposed to use before he could be certain that it -possessed

    the necessary degree of ' pu rity ' for his purp ose. Fo r the term ' purity '

    is merely felative and can never be absolute, hence the necessity for some

    criterion of ' p u ri ty ' which will give the user the information he

    requires. T he statement that unreliable material yields unreliable resu lts

    needs no emphasis. Ma ny research chemists have experienced the bitter

    disappointment caused by the discovery that the work of many months

    has been rende red useless by the presence of some ' alien' substance in the

    material used. T he w riter remembers that on one occasion the presence

    of phosphorus trichloride in a specimen of acetyl chloride obtained from a

    well-known continental firm led to results which took some two months

    to explain, and many research chemists must have had similar experiences.

    There are cily two ways in which the consumer can be protected

    against the unscrup ulous dealer or tra de r; either a specific standard mu st

    be enforced as is the case with foodstuffs, etc., or the ' pu rity ' of the

    materia} must carry with it the guarantee of some firm or combination

    of firms of high standing whose reputations are bound up in the guarantee,

    and who are prepared to inform the consumer exactly what is meant by

    the word ' purity '.

    The former method implies the policeman, and is one which Authority

    alone can apply effectively. It is, moreover, one which A uthority is not

    likely to apply unless the well-being of the public generally is concerned.

    In the latter method the need for the policeman is replaced by the

    reputation of the firm or firms supplying the materials, which acts as a

    safeguard against any lowering of the standard desired and required by the

    consum er. It was, therefore, und er the latter me thod that those who

    controlled laboratories and research schools worked in pre-war times.

    Th en came the war and everything was changed. It soon became

    apparent that the number of reagents and research chemicals actually

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    F O R E W O R D TO T H E F I R S T E D I T I O N

    manufactured in th is country was exceedingly meagre, and that most of

    them had been obtain ed f rom the con t inent . T h e cont ine ntal spr ing

    having ceased to flow, the accumulated stocks in this country gradually

    diminished or becam e local i sed unt i l a h ighly ser ious s i tuat ion arose. As

    a t emporary measu re we a t t he Imper i a l Co l l ege , Sou th Kens ing ton ,

    founded an Exchange Bureau through which Inst i tu t ions having large

    quant i t ies of cer ta in substances could bar ter them for o thers of which they

    mig ht s tand in urge nt nee d . At the same t im e the qua nt i ty of avai lab le

    mater ia ls was increased by the preparat ion , by laboratory methods, of

    those substanc es for wh ich there seemed to be the greates t dem and . Th is

    method enabled us to t ide over a difficult period, but i t was obviously

    to tal ly inade qua te to me et the requ irem ents of the s i tua t ion . For tu nate ly

    Bri t i sh manufacturers soon began to provide the required mater ia ls in

    the necessary quant i t ies and , as i s ment ioned in more detai l in the general

    h is tor ical in t roduct ion which fo l lows th is Foreword , the quest ion of

    pu r i ty was met by the adop t ion o f t he l e t t e r s ' A .R . ' ' A .R . ' mean t

    ' Ana ly ti ca l Re ag en t ' , bu t t o my min d i t a lso m e a n t ' Al l R ig h t ' . As a war

    measure the scheme served i t s purpose, bu t , af terwards , i t fa i led because

    it did  Jiot faJJ Jj:to either  of the categories mentioned above. It had neither

    the supp or t of Au thor i ty nor the backing of rep uta t ion . In consequ ence

    i t was ma de use of by al l and su ndr y to denote m ater ia ls of vary ing degrees

    of pur i t y , and the le t ters ' A .R . ' soon ceased to have any reals ign i f icance .

    I t i s , therefo re , w i th the greates t p leasu re, as wel l as p leasurable

    ant ic ipat ion , tha t I lea rn from the book of wh ich th is is the Fore wo rd that

    T he Bri t i sh D ru g Hou ses and Hopk in & W il l iams have agreed to i ssue

    Lab orato ry Che micals of guarantee d ' pur i ty ' bear in g th e reg is tered

    nam e ' A N A L A R ' wh ich wi l l serve as a guara ntee ba sed on the great

    reputat ion en joyed by these wel l -known f i rms.

    The book deals wi th some 200 substances , and in each case the physical

    and che mical p rop ert ies a re given, in ord er tha t the degr ee of ' pu ri ty '

    a t ta ined ma y be ind ic ated . In  itself,  apart from this, the book is a valuable

    record of the ch ief prop er t ies of the substance s wi th wh ich it deals . I t

    i s unde rs tood jthat fur ther com poun ds wi l l be added as c i rcumstanc es

    requ i re .

    Al l users wi l l wish the compi lers every success in thei r new enterpr ise .

    J O C E L Y N T H O R P E

    July  1934

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    E first handbook describing definite tests and standards of puri ty

    for chemical reagents would appear to have been  Die Priifung der

    chemischen Reagentien auf Reinheit

      by C . Kra uch , pub l i shed in Germ any

    in 188 8 . T h e publ icat ion of th is vo lum e was la ter taken .over by the f irm

    of E. M erck , the la tes t ed i t ion of whose work was i ssued in 19 31. An

    Engl ish t ranslat ion of Krauch ' s book was made by J . A. Wil l iamson ( then

    chief chem ist to Bai rd & Ta t lock [L ond on] Ltd . ) and L . W . Du pr e in

    1902 ,

      bu t the manufac ture of reagen ts conforming to these speci ficat ions

    o f pu r i ty r emained in Ge rm an han ds .

    In 1914, the supply of Ger m an labo ratory chemicals being c u t off, a

    jo in t com mit tee appoin ted b y the I nst i tu te of Chem ist ry and th e Society

    of Publ ic Analysts drew up speci f icat ions of pur i ty , to which they appl ied

    the le t ters ' A .R . ' signifying ' An alytical R eagen t ' , a designa tion w hic h

    has s ince become wel l known throughout the Bri t i sh Empire by al l users

    of pur e chemicals for scien t if ic purp ose s . T he n um be r of speci f icat ions

    or ig inal ly i ssued by the jo in t commit tee in 1915 was 88 .

    There was, however , a l ready avai lab le in th is country a book of speci

    fications entitled

      Analytical Reagents, Standards and Tests,

      compi led by

    Ed mu nd W hi te and pub l i shed in 1911 by Hopk in & W i l l i ams L td . , wh o

    had been for ma ny years ma nufac tur ing and m ar ke t in g chemicals

    comp lying wi th these tes ts . T hi s book contained mo nog rap hs relat ing to 137

    substa nces . I t was repr in ted in 1916; a second edi t ion was publ ished

    in 1925, and a th i rd ed i t ion in 1931.

    The war- t ime need for Br i t i sh laboratory chemicals ( including analy t ical

    reagents) was met by the strenuous efforts of the two firms most

    d i rec tly concerned . Ho pk in & Wi l l i ams L td . con t inued to manu fac tu re

    bot h to thei r own and to the ' A .R. ' specif icat ions; whi le T h e Bri t i sh

    D rug H ouses L td . opened u p a spec ia l depa r tmen t fo r t he manufac tu re

    of laboratory cherh icals . As a resu l t an adequate su pply of these chemica ls

    was soon ensured to workers in th is country .

    ' In 1925 the B .D .H . app roa che d the two official bodies res pon sible for

    the ' A.R. ' specifications with the suggestion that the specifications should

    be rev ised and ex ten de d; bu t thei r rep ly was tha t thei r act ion had been

    a war emergency measure and that they d id not wish to take any fur ther

    par t i n th i s work . T h e B .D .H . then p roposed tha t t hey shou ld themse lves

    carry out the wo rk; and th is they d id wi th the consent and a pprova l of

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    XU P R E F A C E T O T H E F I R S T E D I T I O N

    the Inst i tu te of Ch em ist ry and the Society of Pub l ic Ana lysts . T hi s

    resu l ted in the publ ic at ion , in January 1926, of  The  B.D.H.  Book of'A.R.'

    Standards  contain ing 158 specif icat ions wi th a prefatory no te wh ich had

    been submit ted to and approved by the Counci ls of the two bodies men

    t ione d . M eanw hi le Ho pki n & Wil l iams L td . had in 1925 issued a rev ised

    edit ion of their book containing 144 specifications.

    Subsequently the specifications of both firms have been further revised

    and extended in the l igh t of increased exper ience and greater knowledge,

    whi le the s tandar d of pu r i ty has been considerably raised . T hu s, in 19 31 ,

    Ho pkin & W il l iams publ ish ed th e th i rd ed i t ion of thei r book c ontain ing

    178 mo nog raph s, pre pa red and issued in co l laborat ion wi th Baird &

    Tat lock (London) L td . , who had been themse lves p roduc ing ana ly t i ca l

    reagents for some ten years . In 1932 the B.D .H . pub l ishe d the second

    edit ion of thei r book, w hic h contain ed, in add it ion to revised riionographs

    for the 158 chemicals in the first edit ion, new monographs for 50 other

    substances , making a to tal o f 208.

    The specifications published by the two firms, al though on similar l ines,

    were not ident ical , and th is occasional ly led to misunders tanding on the

    par t of users of labora tory chemicals . Of m uc h greater mo m en t , how ever ,

    was the increasing ev idence that the le t ters ' A .R . ' we re being brou ght

    into disrepute by the action of some firms in

      (a )

      app ly ing them ind i s

    cr iminately to substances in respect of which no speci f icat ion exis ted ;

    a n d  (b )  issu ing chem icals label led ' A.R . ' which d id not conform to the

    publ ished speci f icat ions . Profess ional chem ists , Un ivers i t ies , pub l ic ,

    bodies and in fact al l cri t ical users of laboratory chemicals, fel t that the

    designat ion ' A .R . ' was los ing the value wh ich at one t ime m ade th e te rm

    syno nym ous wi th pu r i ty and rel iab i l i ty ; so tha t in me rely specify ing

    ' A .R . ' they could no longer re ly upo n get t ing m ater ia l of the requis i te

    degree of pu r i ty . .

    Acco rd ing ly , i t seemed des i rab le tha t t he B .D.H. and Hopk in &

    Will iams should undertake the unification of their respective series of

    specifications, so th at a definite s tand ard of puri ty sho uld b e av ailable

    in th is cou ntry . T hi s pro ject has been carr ied out dur ing the past year by

    co-operation between the chemists of the two firms, in the course of which

    there has been conducted an extensive invest igat ion in to the technique of

    detect ing min ima l quant i t ie s of imp uri t ies . T h e outc om e of th is

    collaboration is the publication of the present book, the two firms being the

    jo in t owners of the copyr igh t there in . T he w ork contains 220 specif ica

    t i ons ,  and i s publ ished under the t i t le

    'AnalaR' Standards for Labora tory Chem icals.

    T hi s book provide s chem ists wi th a rev ised and up- to - da te ser ies of

    specifications for laboratory chemicals which are sold by, and carry the

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    P R E F A C E T O T H E F I R S T E D I T I O N XIU

    guarantee of, both firms und er the trade-mark ' A na laR '. In the

    preparation of the specifications full advantage has been taken of recent

    advances in analytical practice, and many new and delicate tests have

    been devised. Some of the former ' A .R.' specifications have been made

    more stringent, others have been more accurately defined.

    The vrord ' AnalaR' was chosen as a new designation to replace the

    letters ' A .R.', wh ich, for the reasons already indicated, it was considered

    desirable to discontinue. 'A na laR ' is a registered trade-m ark and is the

    joint p roperty of the two firms. Use rs of ' AnalaR ' chemicals can feel

    satisfaction and reassurance in the knowledge that the standards of purity

    are definite and precise, and that all chemicals issued under this

    designation are guaranteed by the two firms to conform to those sta nda rds.

    T H E B R I T I S H D R U G H O U S E S L T D

    H O P K I N & W I L L I A M S L T D .

    September  1934

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    E X P L A N A T O R Y N O T E S

    Condit ions of Testing

    The rout ine examinat ion of reagent chemicals over many years has

    dem onst rated th e necessi ty for s tandard is ing the co ndi t ion s und er wh ich

    limit tests for im pu rit ie s are carried ou t . I t has been recog nised th at tests

    which give sat isfactory results in one laboratory may fai l in another

    laboratory ow ing to sl ight differences in tec hn iqu e. In o rde r to avoid such

    differences, part icular at tention has been paid to the wording of the tests

    so that on ly , one in ter preta t ion can be p laced on the m .

    The detai l s of the tes ts which have been 'worked out for the detect ion

    of minute t races of cer ta in impuri t ies are descr ibed wi th par t icu lar care

    so that consis ten t resu l t s may be obtained by analysts working indepen

    dently in different labor atori es. T h e tests do not pro vid e against all

    possible impurit ies, but do al low for al l those that have been found

    significant in analytical practice.

    Types of Tests Employed

    Wherever possib le , methods have been used for determining the actual

    amount of impuri ty present , bu t in tes t ing chemicals for ex t remely minute

    amounts of impurit ies, i t is frequently impossible to specify the amount

    present as a definite qu an ti tat i ve figure. T he re is a l imit ing sensit ivi ty

    to al l tests, and where no reaction for an impurity is obtained, i t cannot

    be s ta ted wi th cer ta in ty that the par t icu lar im pur i ty is abse nt . T h e

    limiting values of such tests have been studied, and where no reaction is

    observed , the amount of impuri ty present i s recorded as being less than the

    minimum amount which under the condi t ions of the tes t g ives the fain tes t

    possible reaction.

    The tes ts for impuri t ies fa l l in to two groups:—

    (i) T es ts in whic h th e m eth od is sufficiently sensit ive to afford a

    true measure of the quanti ty of impurity present at , or even below, the

    limit al lowed.

    (2) Tests in which the amount of impurity sought is close to the

    detectable threshold l imit imposed by the sensit ivi ty of the best

    available method.

    In th e first gro up are tests, such as the G utze it determ ination of

    minute quanti t ies of arsenic, in which i t is easi ly possible to obtain

    quanti tat ive results by matching the result of the experiment with suitable

    stand ards. Fo r reaso ns given elsewhere in these notes, how ever, the


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    E X P L A N A T O R Y N O T E S XV

    individual monographs refer only to standards which represent the desired

    l imits .

    The second group embraces tes ts , typ i f ied by the su lphate and ch lor ide

    tests ,

      which do not lend themselves to quanti tat ive expression, and in these

    tes ts the smal les t quant i t ies that can be detected under the condi t ions pre

    scr ibed have, in most cases , been adopted as the maximum l imi ts of these

    impu ri t ies . In th is connec t ion , it is o f ex t reme imp ortan ce that the con

    dit ion s of the test be a dhe red t o, as, in ma ny ca ses, sl ight variat io ns in

    technique may make considerable d i f ferences in the amount of impuri ty

    which can be detected .

    M a x i m u m L i m i t s o f I m p u r i t i e s

    A statement of the maximum l imi ts of impuri t ies wi l l be found in each

    mo nog raph . T h e f igures tha t are g iven are in tend ed to represen t the

    am ount of im pur i ty that the tes t wi l l detec t . I t mu st be und ers to od , ho w

    ever , that many tes ts that depend upon the comparison of opalescences ,

    turb id i t ies and co lours are subject to cer ta in errors due to the d is turb ing

    effect of the othe r subs tanc es in the solution. Fo r this and sim ilar reason s

    the figures quoted cannot always be regarded as exact , and are subject to

    rev is ion as the technique for the es t imat ion of very smal l amounts of

    im puri t i es becomes mo re developed . Conse quent ly i t mu st be s ta ted that

    the s tandards to which the chemical conforms are those of the actual tes ts ,

    and the ' ma x imu m l imi ts of imp uri t ies ' are a ra t ional n iuner ical in ter

    pretat ion of those tes ts . T hi s , of course, does not imply that the am oun ts

    s tated are necessar i ly present in products conforming to the tes t , bu t the

    f igures represen t the m ax im um permiss ib le l im i ts . T h e am oun ts of im

    purit ies present in ' AnalaR ' chemicals are usually considerably less than

    the maximum permiss ib le l imi ts , bu t th is addi t ional ref inement i s no t

    regarded as being of much pract ical in teres t to the user .

    T h e com pilers wil l at al l t ime s be grateful for any inform ation from

    invest igators who have special i sed knowledge.

    Reagent Solutions

    T h e s t rengths of the reage nt so lu t ions employe d in the tes ts are ' g iven

    in the A pp en dix . As far as possible these are describe d in ter m s of

    norm al i ty or as molar so lu t ion s; th is makes for convenience and s impl ici ty .

    The d i lu te acids and d i lu te a lkal i s are a l l approximately 5N, which i s a

    convenient s t reng th for general us e; these are a lways referred to in t he

    test as ' di lute acetic acid ' , etc . W he n th e word ' di lute ' is om itte d, i t is

    in tended that the concentrated acid should be used .

    T i m e

    Where no length of t ime is s ta ted , a per iod of 5 minutes should be

    allowed before observing the result of a test .

  • 8/15/2019 analar standard


    XVI E X P L A N A T O R Y N O T E S

    Solubi l i ty Tests

    In a few cases quantitative limits have been laid down for th e am ount of

    insoluble m atter. In g eneral, it is required th at the substance shall give

    a ' clear solution ' wh en a specified quantity is dissolved in a specified

    volume of solvent. T hi s is to be interpreted as signifying a reasonably

    clear solution as observed in the ordinary manner without the aid of

    special instru m ents. No solid chemical substance prepa red com mercially

    dissolves in a solvent to yield a solution in which particles of dust cannot

    be detected, if sufficiently refined methods of observation be employed.

    Usually, the proportion of insoluble matter is so small that a quantitative

    determination by filtering off and weighing is quite unnecessary.

    Tests for C hlorid es

    The minimum opalescence which it is possible to perceive depends to

    a large extent on the quality of the light under which the observation

    is condu cted. In m any tests the expression ' no opalescence ' will be

    foun d; this is intende d to mean an opalescence less tha n that produc ed

    by the following procedure:—

    To 50 ml. of water add o-i ml. of standard chloride solution (i ml. =

    o-i mg. CI), I ml. of dilute nitric acid and i ml. of silver nitrate solution;

    mix and observe after 5 minutes.

    Tests for Residue

    Where large quantities of reagents are used in carrying out a test it may

    be necessary to apply a correction for the amount of impurity in the

    reagents. T his applies particularly to the tests for alkalis and o ther metals

    where the metallic radical of the salt is removed by precipitation and the

    residue obtaine d on evaporation of the filtrate is ignited and w eighed. In

    some cases it has been found that the residue from the reagents exceeds

    that from the substance under examination. Fu rthe r, it must be

    remembered that a filter paper may contribute to a filtrate soluble matter

    weighing one milligram or an even larger amo unt. In orde r to obviate

    inaccuracies due to such causes, it is essential that certain determinations

    should be accompanied by blank experime nts carried out on the reagents

    used so that the necessary corrections can be made.

    Vo lu me t r i c S ta n d a rd s

    Many substances have been proposed for the purpose of standardising

    volumetric solutions. As the result of long exp erience in the laboratories

    of the joint compilers, it is recommended that the following substances

    only should be used as primary standards in work of high accuracy.

    Potassium dichromate

    Potassium hydrogen phthakite

    Potassium iodate

    Sodium carbonate (anhydrous)

  • 8/15/2019 analar standard


    E X P L A N A f O R V N O f E S XVII

    Sodium chlor ide

    Sod ium oxa l a t e

    These are anhydrous sa l t s and they may be dr ied by heat wi thout change

    of composi t ion.

    T h e chemicals me nt ion ed below are of ten used for s tandard is ing

    purposes , but they should be looked upon as be ing secondary s tandards .

    Several contain water of crystal l isat ion and consequently are l iable to

    gain or lose mois ture in accordance wi th the humidi ty of the a tmosphere

    and the care wi th which they are s tored . Su ch sa lt s can not be dr ied

    immedia te ly before use and consequent ly must be s tored in wel l -c losed

    conta iners .

    Ant imony po t a s s ium t a r t r a t e

    Arsenious ox ide

    Benzoic acid

    Fe r rous ammonium su lpha t e

    Guan id ine ca rbona t e

    Hydraz ine su lpha t e

    Oxalic acid

    Po t as s ium hydrogen t a r t r a t e

    Silver ni t rate

    Sod ium bora t e

    Chemicals for BuiYer Solutions

    T h e fol lowing chem icals , specif icat ions for wh ich are inclu ded in th is

    boo k, are sui tab le for pre pa rin g buffer solu t ions for us e


      in the

    determinat ion of hydrogen ion concent ra t ion.

    Acet ic acid

    Aminoacet ic ac id

    Boric acid

    Citr ic acid

    Potass ium chlor ide

    Po tas s ium d ihydrogen phospha t e

    Po t as s ium hydrogen ph tha l a t e

    Potass ium te t roxala te

    Sodium chlor ide .

    Sod ium phospha t e ( anhydrous )

    A t o m i c W e i g h t s

    Intern at ion al Atomic We ights , 1947, have been used in ca lcula t ing the

    mo lecular weig hts , factors, etc. A table is given on page 29 7.

    T e m p e r a t u r e s

      are state d in Cen tigra de degrees and al l tests are con du cted

    at room tempera ture (15° to 25°) unless o therwise s ta ted .

    De t e rmina t i ons o f  W e i g h t p e r m l .  an d  S p e c i f i c G r a v i t y  de t e rmina t i ons

    are based on weighings in air .

  • 8/15/2019 analar standard


    Xvii i feXPLANAl-ORY NOTES

    B o i l i n g R a n g e T e s t s

      are car r ied out in the appara tus and by the method

    of the Br i t i sh Standard Speci f ica t ion No. 658—1936.

    M e l t i n g P o i n t s  are de termined on the f reshly dr ied mater ia l which,

    conta ined in a sui table tube , i s in t roduced in to the heated bath l iquid

    wh en the la t te r reaches a tem pera ture app rox imate ly 10° be low t he

    ant ic ipa ted me l t ing po int . T h e l iquid i s heated so as to pro duc e a

    temp era ture r i se of approx imate ly 2° per m inu te .

    F r e e z i n g P o i n t s  a r e de t e rmined by t he me thod desc r i bed i n t he Repor t

    o f t he E ssen t i a l O i l Sub -Commi t t ee t o t he S t and ing Commi t t ee on

    Uni fo rmi ty o f Ana ly t i ca l Me thods ,  Analyst,  5 4 , 335 (1929 ) .

    I t has not been cons idered poss ible to acknowledge the many sources

    of the tes t s descr ibed, d i s t r ibuted as they are through many sc ient i f ic

    pub l ica t ions . Al l have bee n the subjec t of ex tend ed exp er im ent in the

    B . D . H . and H . & W . Ana ly t ica l L abora to r i e s . M an y of the t e s ts a r e

    or iginal and others have be en modi f ied to sui t the par t icular re qui re m ents

    of the chemical for which they are used.

    T H E B R I T I S H D R U G H O U S E S L T D .

    H O P K I N & W I L L I A M S L T D .

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    A N A L A R



    CH3.COOH = 60-05

    Maximum Limits of Impurities

    iNon-volatile Matter . . . o-ooi per cent .

    Chloride (CI) . . . . . . 0-0002 per cent.

    Sulphate (SO4) . . . . 0-0004 Per cent.

    Heavy Metals (Pb) . . . . 0-0002 per cent.

    Iron (Fe) . . . . . o-oooi per cent.

    Bromine absorbed (Br) . . . o-oo6 per cent .

    Oxygen absorbed from Dichromate (O) 0-003 P^r cent .

    Arsenic (AsjOs) . . . . o-oooi per cent.

    (i part per million)

    1.  Description.—A clear colourless liquid with a characteristic odour.

    2 .  Solubility.—Miscible in all proportions with water, and with alcohol,

    forming clear colourless solutions.

    3 .  Freezing Point.—Not below 15-5°.

    4 .

      Non-volatile Matter.—Evaporate 50 ml. to dryness on a water-

    bath. Not more than 0-5 mg. of residue should be left.

    5 .


    —Dilute 5 ml. with 45 ml. of water and add i ml. of dilute

    nitric acid and i ml . of silver nitrate solution. No opalescence should

    be produced.



    —To 50 ml. add 0-2 ml. of N / i NagCOg and evaporate

    to dryness on a wa te r-bath ; dissolve the residue in 10 ml. of water and

    I ml. of N/i HCl, filter if necessary, and add i ml. of barium chloride

    solution. Any turbidity produced should not be greater than the

    " standard turbidity " defined in appendix 2.

    7 .

      Heavy Metals and Iron.

    —Dilute 10 ml. with 30 ml. of water

    and add 15 ml. of strong ammonia solut ion; cool and .pass hydrogen

    sulphide through the solution for a few seconds. Any colour pro duced

    should not be deeper than the " standard colours " defined in appendix 2.'




  • 8/15/2019 analar standard



    ACE TIC ACID {Glacial)—continued

    8 .  B r o m i n e A b s o r p t i o n .— Int roduce 20 ml . i n to a 50 ml . g radua ted

    stop pere d flask, add 25 ml. of wa ter and 5 m l. of an ap pro x im ate ly de ci-

    no rm al solution of bro m ine in glacial acetic acid . Shak e and adjust with

    wa ter to ex actly 50 m l. Pip ette off im me diate ly 10 m l. of thi s, add 20 ml.

    of water and 5 ml . o f po tass ium iodide so lu t ion and t i t ra te the l iberated

    iodine wi th N/ 50 NagSaO^ using s tarch as ind icato r . K ee p the rem ainde r

    in a dark place at 20° for i hour and then t i trate a second 10 mJ. in the

    same m an ner . T h e d if ference between the two t i t ra t io ns should not

    exceed 0-15 ml.

    9 .

      O x y g e n A b s o r p t i o n .

    — M ix 10 ml . wi th i m l . o f N / i o K aCrgO ,

    and 10 n i l . o f su lphur ic acid , cool .and al low to s tand for 30 minutes ;

    dilute with 50 ml. of water, again cool, add i ml. of potassium iodide

    solu t ion and t i t ra te the l iberated iodine wi th N / i o NagSgOg. N ot less

    than 0 -6 ml . o f N / i o NajSjOg sho uld be requir ed .


      A r s e n i c .

    —Dilute 10 ml . wi th 50 ml . o f water , add 10 ml . o f

    s tannate d hydroc hlor ic acid and tes t as descr ibed in appen dix 4 . Any

    stain produced should not be greater than a o -o i mg. s tandard s ta in .

    11.  A s s a y .— D ilu te 2 to 3 g . wi th 50 ml . o f wa ter and t i t ra te w i th

    N / i N aO H us ing pheno lph tha le in as ind ica to r .

    I m l . N / i N aO H = 0 -06005 g . CH 3 .C O OH

    Not less than 99-5 per cent , should be ind icated .


    A C E T I C A N H Y D R I D E

    (CH3.CO)_20 = 102-09

    Maximum Limits of Impuri t ies

    Non-volat i le Mat ter

    Ch loride (CI) .

    Sulphate (SO4)

    Hea vy Me tals (Pb) .

    Iron (Fe)

    Phosphorus Compounds (P)

    Organic Impu ri t ies .

    0-0025 per cent,

    o-ooi pe r cent .

    0-002 pe r cen t.

    0-002 pe r cen t,

    o-ooi per cent .

    0-0005 per cent,

    passes test

    1.  D e s c r i p t i o n .— A clear colourless l iqu id wi th a pu ng en t odo ur .


      S o l u b i l i t y . —

    Slowly soluble in water with formation of acetic acid.

    Readily soluble in alcohol and in ether. •

    3.  W e i g h t p e r m l . a t

      20°.—1-075 '^° ^•°^5 §•

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    F O R L A B O R A T O R Y C H E M I C A L S

    4.  Non-volati le Matter.

    — Evaporate 20 ml. to dryness on a sand -ba th.

    Not more than 0-5 mg. of residue should be left.



    —Dissolve 10 ml. in 40 ml. of water and add i ml. of

    dilute nitric acid and i m l. of silver nitrate solution. Any opalescence

    produced should not be greater than the " standard opalescence " defined

    in appendix 2.

    6.  Sulphate.—Dissolve 5 ml. in 50 ml. of water, add i ml. of barium

    chloride solution and allow to stand for 18 hou rs. No turbid ity or

    precipitate should be produced.

    7.  Heavy Metals and Iron.—Dissolve i ml. in 40 ml. of water, add

    10 ml. of dilute ammonia solution and pass hydrogen sulphide through

    the solution for a few seco nds. Any colour produced should no t be deeper

    than the " standard colours " defined in appendix 2.

    8 .  Phosphorus Compounds .—Boil 5 ml. with 10 ml. of water and

    5 ml. of nitric acid; to the hot solution add 10 ml. of amm onium nitro -

    molybda te solution and ma intain at about 40° for 2 hou rs. No yellow

    precipitate should be produced.

    9 .

      Organic Impurit ies .

    —(a) Dissolve 2 ml. in 20 ml. of water and

    add 38 ml. of N / i N aO H . Th e solution should have no foreign odou r.

    (b)  Boil gently 20 ml. with 5 ml. of glycerol under a reflux condenser

    for 1 ho ur ; evaporate off th e excess of anh ydride , cool, mix w ith 20 ml.

    of dilute nitric acid and 30 ml. of water and allow-to stand for 30 minutes.

    A clear solution free from flocculent matter should be obtained.

    10.  Assay.—Dissolve 2 g. in 50 ml. of N/i NaOH, allow to stand

    for I hour and titrate with N / i HC l using phenolphthalein as indicator.

    ml. of N/i NaOH used

    :—i— '-^—;—r-n— =  a

    weight ot anhydride

    Dissolve a further 2 g. in 20 ml. of dry benzene, cool in ice, and add

    a cold solution of 10 m l. of dry aniline in 20 ml. of dry ben zene . Allow

    to stand for i hou r, add 50 m l. of N / i N aO H , shake vigorously and titrate

    with N/i HCl using phenolphthalein as indicator.

    m l.

     of N /i NaO H used ^ ^

    weight of anhydride

    then 10-2 {a — b) =  per cent, of (CH3.CO)aO.

    Not less than 95 per cent, should be indicated.

  • 8/15/2019 analar standard



    A N A L A R


    (CHs)^CO  = s8-o8

    Maximum Limits of Impurities



    Non-volatile Matter

    Oxygen absorbed (O)

    Water .

    O'l ml.  N / I  per cent.

    O'l ml.  N / I  per cent.

    0-002S per cent.

    . 0-0005 per cent.

    l-o per cent .

    1.  Description.—^A dear colourless liquid with a characteristic odour.

    2.  Solubility.—Miscible in all proportions with water forming clear

    colourless solutions.

    3 .  Acidity.—Dilute 10 ml. with 10 ml. of carbon dioxide-free wate r,

    add o-i ml. of phenolph thalein solution and titra te with N/ i o Na OH .

    Not more than o-i ml. of N/io NaOH should be required to produce a

    pink tint.

    4 .


    —D ilute 10 ml. with 10 ml. of water, add o-2 ml. of

    methyl red solution and titrate with N / i o HCl . Not more than o-i ml.

    of'N/io HCl should be required to produce a red tint.


      Weight per ml. at 20°.—0790 to 0792 g.

    , 6.  Refractive Index.—nf


      to  1-3600.

    7 .  Boiling Range.—Not less than 95 per cent, should distil between

    56-0° and 56-5°.

    8.  Non-volatile Matter.—Evaporate 50 ml. to dryness on a water-

    bath. Not more than i mg. of residue should be left.


      Oxygen Absorption.

    —To 20 inl.  Md  o-i ml. of N / io KM n0 4

    and allow to stand for 15 min ute s. Th e pink colour should not entirely



      Water.—To 2 ml. add 10 ml. of carbon disulphide. A clear solution

    should be produced.

    A N A L A R


    CHs.COBr = 122-96

    Maximum Limits of Impurities

    Non-volatile Matter . . . o-oi per cent.

    Sulphate (SO4) . . . . 0-002 per cent.

    Phosphorus Compounds (P) . . 0-0025 P^r cent.

    I. De sc ri pt io n. —A clear colourless or slightly yellow liquid, Th e

  • 8/15/2019 analar standard



    product as issued contains small amounts of acetic and hydrobromie


    2 .


    —Decomposed by water with formation of acetic and

    hydrobromie acids.

    3 .  Non-volatile Matter.

    —Evaporate lo ml. to dryness on a water-

    bath. Not more than i mg. of residue should be left.

    4 .  Sulphate.—Disso lve 5 ml. in 50 ml. of water, add i ml. of bar ium

    chloride solution and allow to stand for i hour. No turb idi ty or precipitate

    should be produced.

    5.  Phosphorus Compounds.—Treat i ml. cautiously with i ml.

    of water, add i ml. of nit ric acid, boil, cool, add 20 ml. of water and

    10 ml. of ammonium nitro-molybdate solution and maintain at about

    40° for 2 hours. No yellow precipitate should be prod uced.



    —Dissolve i g. in 50 ml. of N / i Na OH and titrate with

    N / i H2SO4 using phenolphthalein as indicator.

    I ml. N / i Na OH  =  0-06148 g. CH^.CpBr

    Not less than 97-5 per cent, should be indicated.

    Dilute the neutralised liquid with water to produce 250 ml. and titrate

    50 ml. of this with N/io AgNOg, using potassium chromate as indicator.

    I ml. N/io AgNOs = 0-0123 g- CHg.COBr

    Not less than 97-5 per cent, should be indicated.

    A N A L A R


    CH3.COCI = 78-50

    Maximum Limits of Impurities

    Non-volatile Matter

    Sulphate (SO4)

    Phosphorus Compounds (P)

    Heavy Metals (Pb) .

    Iron (Fe)

    o-oi per cent .

    0-002 per cent.

    0-0025 per cent,

    o-ooi per cent .

    0-0005 per cent.

    1.  Description.—A clear liquid, colourless or not more than very

    slightly yellow. Th e product as issued contains small amounts of acetic

    and hydrochloric acids.

    2 .


    —Decomposed by water, with formation of acetic and

    hydrochloric acids and forming a clear colourless solution.

    3 .  Boiling Range.

    —Not less than 95 per cent, should distil between

    50° and 52°.

    4 .

      Non-volatile Matter.—

    Evaporate 10 ml. to dryness on a water-

    ba th . No t more than i mg . of residue should be left.

    {Continued   overleaf)

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    A N A L A R S T A N D A R D S

    ACETYL CHLORIDE—continued

    5 .  S u l p h a t e .— D isso lve 5 ml . in 50 ml . o f water , add i m l . o f bar iu m

    chlor ide so lu t ion and allow tp s tand for i ho ur . N o turb id i ty or precip i ta te

    shou ld be p roduced .

    6 .

      P h o s p h o r u s C o m p o u n d s .

    — T re at i ml . cau t iously wi th i ml . o f

    water, add i ml. of ni tr ic acid, boil , cool, add 20 ml. of water and 10 ml.

    of ammonium ni t ro -molybdate so lu t ion and main tain at about 40° for

    2 ho urs . N o yel low prec ip i ta te should be pro duc ed .

    7 .  H e a v y M e t a l s a n d I ro n .

    —Dissolve 2 ml . in 35 ml . o f water , add

    15 ml . o f d i lu te ammonia so lu t ion and pass hydrogen su lphide through

    the so lu t ion for a few sec ond s. An y colour prod uce d shou ld not be deep er

    than the " s tandard co lours " def ined in appendix 2 .

    8 .

      A s s a y .

    — Dis so lve i g. i n 50 ml . o f N / i N aO H and t i tr a t e wi th

    N / i H2SO4 us ing pheno lph th a le in as ind ica to r .

    I m l . N / i N a O H   =  0 -03925 g . CH3.COCI

    Not less than 98 per cent , should be ind icated .

    Di lu te the neut ral i sed l iqu id wi th water to produce 250 ml . and t i t ra te

    50 ml . o f t h i s wi th N / i o A gNOg us ing po tass ium ch rom ate as ind ica to r .

    I m l , N / i o A g N O s  =  0 -00785 g . CH3.COCI

    Not less than 98 per cent , should be ind icated .


    A L U M I N I U M A M M O N I U M S U LP HA TE

    (Ammonium Alum)

    AlNH4(S04)2 . i2H20 = 453-33

    Max imum Limi t s o f Impur i t i es

    C hloride (CI) . . . . . 0-004 Per cent .

    H eavy M eta ls (Pb) . . . . 0-004 p e r cent.

    I ro n (Fe) . . . . . o-ooi p e r cen t.

    Alkalis and Alkaline Ea rths (Na) . 0-03 pe r cent .


      D e s c r i p t i o n .

    — Co lou r les s crystals or a crystal l ine po w der .


      S o l u b i l i t y .

    — D iss olv e 5 g. in 50 ml . of wa ter. A clear colourless

    so lu t ion should be produced .

    3 .  C h l o r i d e .— D iss olv e 2-5 g. in 50 m l. of w ate r an d add i m l. of

    dilute nitr ic acid and i m l. of si lver nitra te solu tion. An y opalescence

    prod uce d should not be greater than the " s tan dar d opalescence " def ined

    in appendix 2 .

    4 .

      H e a v y M e t a l s .

    —Dissolve 0 -5 g . in 50 ml . o f water , add 2 ml .

    of sodium hydroxide so lu t ion and pass hydrogen su lphide through the

    solu t ion for a few sec ond s. Any colour prod uce d should not be deeper

    than the " s tandard co lours " def ined in appendix 2 .

  • 8/15/2019 analar standard



    5 .

      I r o n .— Dis solve i g . in 10 m l. of wa ter an d i m l. of di lute

    hydroch lor ic acid and ad d i d rop of N / i o K ]Vfn04; mix , add 5 ml . o f

    ammonium th iocyanate so lu t ion and 10 ml . o f a mixture of equal vo lumes

    of amyl alcohol and amyl acetate, shake vigorously and al low to separate.

    Any colour produced in the upper layer should not be greater than that

    prod uce d by t reat ing i ml . o f s tand ard i ron so lu t ion ( i m l . = o -o i m g.

    Fe) in the same manner .

    6 .  A l k a l i s a n d A l k a l i n e E a r t h s. —Dissolve 5 g. in 100 ml. of

    hot water , add 10 ml . o f d i lu te amm onia so lu t ion , bo i l gent ly for 2 mi nut es

    and fil ter. Ev apo rate 55 m l. of the fil trate to dryn ess and ignite the resid ue

    gent ly . No t more than 2 -5 m g. should be obta ined .

    7 .  A s s a y .

    —Dissolve 2 -5 g . in 250 ml . o f water , add 2 g . o f ammonium

    chlorid e and heat to boil ing. A dd a sl ight excess of dilut e am mo nia

    solution , boil gently for 3 m inu tes , allow to stand for 10 m inu te s, f il ter,

    wash with water, ignite at 1100° and weigh.

    W eig ht of AI2O3 X  8-894  = weigh t of AlN H4(S 04)2 . i2H 20

    Not less than 99-5 per cent , should be indicated.

    A N A

      LA R

    A L U M I N I U M O X I D E


    AI2O3 = 101-94

    Maximum Limits of Impufi t ies

    Ch loride (CI) 0-005 pe r cen t.

    Su lpha te (SO4) . . . . o-oi pe r cen t .

    Iro n (Fe) O'Oi pe r ce nt.

    Loss on Ignitio n . . . . i-o p er cen t.


      D e s c r i p t i o n .— A du l l wh i t e powder ,

    2 .  S o l u b i l i t y .

    — Inso lub le in wate r an d ' i P d i lu t e ac id s . Par ti a lly

    so luble in sodium hydroxide so lu t ion .

    • 3 .

      C h l o r i d e . —

    B oi l 2 g. w ith 50 m l. of Wiiter and i m l. of dil ute

    nitric acid, cool and filter and to the filtrate add i ml. of silver nitrate

    so lu t ion . Any opalescence prod uce d should not be greater than the

    " s tandard opalescence " def ined in appendix 2 -

    4 .  S u l p h a t e . —

    Bo il i g . wit h 50 ml . of wa ter a nd i ml . of di lu te

    hy dro ch loric acid , cool an d filter and to the filtrate ad d 1 m l. of b ar iu m

    chlor ide so lu t ion and al low to s tand for i h our . No turb id i ty or pre cip i ta te

    shou ld be p roduced .


      Iron.—Boil o-i g . w ith 10 m l. of wate r and] i m l. of di lute hy dr o

    chloric acid, cool and fil ter; to the fil trate add i dr op of N / i o K M n 0 4 ;

    mix , add 5 ml . o f am mo niu m th iocyanate so lu t ion and 10 ml . of a mix ture



  • 8/15/2019 analar standard





    of equal volumes of amyl alcohol and amyl acetate, shake vigorously and

    al low to sepa rate . Any colour prod uce d in the upper layer shou ld not

    be greater than tha t produc ed by t reat ing i ml . o f s tand ard i ron so lu t ion

    (i m l. = O'Oi m g. Fe) in the sam e m an ne r.

    6 .

      Loss on Igni t ion .

    — H ea t i g . to i io o° . T he loss in weight should

    not exceed lo mg.


    A L U N I N I U M P O T A S S I U M S U L P H A T E

    (Potassium Alum)

    AlK(S04)2 . i2H20 = 474-39

    Maximum Limits of Impuri t ies

    C hloride (CI) . . . . 0-002 p e r cent.

    He avy M etals (Pb) . . . 0-004 P^r cen t.

    Iro n (Fe ) . . . . . 0-001 pe r ce nt.

    A m m onia (NH3) . . . . 0-025 p er cent.


      D e s c r i p t i o n .

    —Colour less crystals or a crystal l ine powder .

    2.  S o l u b i l i t y .— D iss olv e 5 g. in 50 ml. of wa ter. A clear colourless

    so lu t ion should be produced .

    3 .  C h l o r i d e .— D iss olv e 5 g. in 50 ml . of wa ter and add i m l. of

    dilute nitr ic acid and i m l. of si lver nitra te solution . An y opalescen ce

    produced should not be greater than the " s tandard opalescence " def ined

    in appendix 2 .

    4 .  H ea vy Meta ls .—-Dissolve 0-5 g. in 50 ml. of water, add 2 ml.

    of sodium hydroxide so lu t ion and pass hydrogen su lphide through the

    solu t ion for a few second s. An y colour produ ced should not be deeper

    than the " s tand ard co lours " def ined in appendix 2 .

    5 .  Iron.—Dissolve i g . in 10 ml. of water and i ml. of di lute hydro

    ch lo ri c ac id and add i d rop o f N / i o K M n 0 4 ; m ix , add 5 ml . o f

    ammonium th iocyanate so lu t ion and 10 ml . o f a mixture of equal vo lumes

    of amyl alcohol and amyl acetate, shake vigorously and al low to separate.

    Any colour produced in the upper layer should not be greater than that

    pro duc ed by treatin g i m l. of sta nda rd iron solution (i ml . = o-oi m g. Fe )

    in the same manner .

    6 .

      A m m o n i a .

    —Dissolve 5 g . in 50 ml . o f water , add 20 ml . o f sodium

    hyd rox ide solution a nd d ist i l 25 m l. , collecting the dist i l late in 10 m l. of

    N / i o H2SO4 . T i t r a t e the excess o f ac id wi th N/ io N aO H us ing me thy l

    red as ind icator . No t less than 9 -2^ ml . o f N / i o N ^O H should be re

    qu i red .

  • 8/15/2019 analar standard


    F OR L A B O R A T O R Y C H E M I C A L S

    7 .  A s s a y .

    —Dissolve 2 -5 g . in 250 ml . o f water , add 2 g . o f ammonium

    chloride and heat to boil ing. A dd a sl ight ex cess of dilut e am mo nia

    solution , boil gently for 3 minu tes , al low to stand for 10 m inu tes , f il ter ,

    wash with water, ignite at 1100° and weigh.

    W eight of AI2O3 X 9-307 = weight of A lK (S 04) 2 . i2 H 20

    Not less than 99-5 per cent , should be indicated.

    A N A  LA R

    A L U M I N I U M S U L P H A T E

    Al2(S04)3.xH 20 (x = a pprox imate ly 18)

    Maximum Limits of Impuri t ies

    Chlo ride (CI) .

    Heavy Me tals (Pb) .

    Iron (Fe)

    Alkalis and other Metals (Na)

    Ammonia (NH3)

    o-ooi per cen t.

    0-004 per cen t.

    0-0025 per cent.

    0-2 pe r ce nt.

    0-02 pe r cen t.


      D e s c r i p t i o n .— Damp wh i t e c ry s t a l s o r powder .

    2.  S o l u b i l i t y .

    — Dis solv e 5 g . in 50 ml . o f water . T h e so lu t ion should

    not be more than s l igh t ly turb id .

    3 .  C h l o r i d e .— D iss olv e i g . in 50 ml. of wa ter and ad d i m l. of

    dilute nitr ic acid an d i ml. of si lver nitra te solution. N o opalesc ence

    shou ld be p roduced .

    4 .

      H e a v y M e t a l s .—Dissolve 0 -5 g . in 48 ml . o f water , add 2 ml .

    of sodium hydroxide so lu t ion and pass hydrogen su lphide through the

    solu t ion for a few seco nds. Any colour produ ced sho uld not be deep er

    than the " s tandard co lours " def ined in appendix 2 .

    5 .

      Iron .— Dis solve i g . in 10 ml. of wa ter an d i m l. of di lute hy dr o

    ch lo ri c ac id and add i d ro p of N / i o K M n 0 4 ; mix , add 5 ml . of

    am m oniu m th iocyanate so lu t ion a nd 10 ml . o f a mix ture of equa l vo lum es

    of amyl alcohol and am yl ac eta te; shake vigorously and al low to sepa rate .

    Any colour produced in the upper layer should not be greater than that

    produc ed by treat ing 2 -5 m l . o f s tand ard i ron so lu tion ( i m l . = o -o i m g.

    Fe) in the same manner .

    6 .

      A l k a l i s a n d o t h e r M e t a l s .

    — Di ssolv e 2 g . in 50 ml . o f ho t wa ter ,

    add 10 ml. of di lute ammonia solution, boil gently for 2 minutes and

    filter. Ev ap ora te 30 m l. of th e filtrate to dry nes s an d ignite th e res idue

    gent ly . N ot mo re than 10 m g. should be obtain ed .

    7 .

      A m m o n i a .—Dissolve 5 g . in 50 ml . o f water , add 20 ml . o f sodium

    hyd rox ide s olution a nd dist i l 25 ml. , collecting the dist i l late in 10 m l. of

    N / i o H2SO4. T i t r a t e the excess ac id wi th N / i o Na O H us ing methy l



  • 8/15/2019 analar standard


    1 0



    r ed as ind ica to r . No t less than 9 -4 m l . o f N / io N aO H shou ld be r e qu i re d .

    8 .  A s s a y .—Dissolve 1-5 g. in 250 ml. of water, add 2 g. of ammonium

    chloride an d hea t to boil ing. A dd a sl ight excess of dilute am mo nia

    solution, boil gently for 3 m inu tes , al low to stan d for 10 m inu tes , f il ter ,

    wash with water, ignite at 1100° and weigh.

    W eig ht of AI2O3 X 3-358 = we ight of Al2(S04)3

    Not less than 51-0 per cent , and not more than 54-5 per cent , should be

    indicated .

    A N A

      LA R

    A M I N O A C E T I C A C I D

    N H j . C H s . C O O H = 7 5 - 0 7

    Max imum Limi t s o f Impur i t i es

    Sulphated Ash

    Ch loride (CI) .

    Sulphate (SO4)

    Heavy Metals (Pb)

    Iron (Fe)

    Ammonia (NH3)

    0-05 pe r cent,

    o-ooi per cent .

    0-005 per cent.

    0-002 per cent.

    0-001 per cent.

    0-005 per cent .

    1.  Descr ip t ion .—^A whi te crystal l ine powder .

    2.  Solubi l i ty .

    —-Dissolve 5 g . in 50 ml . o f water .

    A clear colourless

    so lu t ion should be produced ,

    3 .  R e a c t i o n .— Dis solve i g , in 100 ml , o f carbo n d ioxide- f ree

    wate r . T o 50 ml . o f t he so lu t ion add o - i m l . o f N / i o N a O H ; the



    the resu l t ing so lu t ion should not be less tha n 6 -5 . T o th e o ther 50 m l . o f

    the so lu t ion add o - i ml . o f N / i o H C l; the ^ H of the resu l t ing so lu t ion

    should not be greater tha n 5 -5 . Us e brom ocresol pur p le as ind icator in

    bo th t es t s .

    4 .  S u l p h a t e d A s h .— M ois te n 2 g . wi th su lphu r ic acid and igni te

    gen t ly . N ot mo re tha n i m g. of res idue should be lef t .

    5 .  C h l o r i d e .

    — Dis solv e i g . in 50 ml . o f wa ter an d ad d i m l . o f

    dilute nitr i c acid an d i ml. of si lver nitra te so lut ion . N o opalescenc e

    shou ld be p roduced .

    6 .  S u l p h a t e .—Dissolve 2 g. in 50 ml. of water, add i ml. of di lute

    hydrochlor ic acid and i ml . o f bar ium chlor ide so lu t ion and al low to

    stand for i hou r . N o turb id i ty or precip i ta te should be prod uc ed .

    7 .  H e a v y M e t a l s a n d I r o n.

    — D i s s o l v e  1  g, in 45 ml. of water,

    add 5 m,l. of d i lu te am mo nia so lu t ion and pass hydrog en su lphid e throu gh

  • 8/15/2019 analar standard


    F O R L A B O R A T O R Y C H E M I C A L S

    I I

    the so lu t ion for a few seco nds. An y colour prod uce d should no t be deep er

    than the " s tand ard co lours " def ined in appe ndix 2 .

    8 .

      A m m o n i a .

    —Dissolve i g . in 45 ml . o f water , add 5 ml . o f sodium

    hydro x ide solution an d dist i l 15 m l. T o the dist i llate add 35 m l. of wate r

    and 2 ml . o f Ne ssler ' s reagent . An y colour prod uce d should not exceed

    that given by the addit ion of 2 ml. of Nessler 's reagent to 50 ml. of

    water contain ing 5 m l . o f s tan dar d am mo nia so lu t ion ( i m l . = o -o i m g .

    NH3) .

    9 .  A s s a y .— D ige st 0 -3 g . wi th 10 ml . of su lphu r ic acid in a K jeldahl

    flask unt i l colour less ; cool, add 150 ml . of wa ter and 100 m l. of sod ium

    hydroxide solution, dist i l the l iberated ammonia and collect i t in 50 ml.

    o f N / i o HC l . T i t r a t e the excess o f ac id wi th N / i o N a O H us ing me thy l

    red as ind icator .

    I m l . N / i o H C l = 0 -007507 g . NH 2 .CH 2 .CO OH

    Not less than 99 per cent , should be ind icated .

    A N A LA R

    A M M O N I A S O L U T I O N

    (about 35 per cent . NH3)

    N H 3 = 17-03

    Max imum Limi t s o f Impur i t i es

    Non-volat i le Mat ter

    Chloride (CI)

    Su lpha te (SOJ


    Phosphate (PO4)

    Silicate (SiO.j)

    Carbonate (CO3)

    Heavy Metals (Pb)

    Iron (Fe) .

    Tar ry Mat t e r

    Oxygen absorbed (O)

    Arsenic (AS2O3)

    0-002 pe r cen t,

    o-oooi pe r cent .

    0-0005 pe r ce nt,

    passes test

    0-O0O2 pe r ce nt ,

    o-ooi per cent .

    0-003 pe r ce nt.

    0-00002 pe r cent,

    o-ooooi pe r cent ,

    passes test

    o-ooo8 pe r cent .

    0-000005 per cent.

    (0-05 part per mill ion)

    colour less l iqu id wi th a s t rong pungent

    .  D e s c r i p t i o n .

    —A clear

    odour .

    2.  Spec i f i c Gravi ty .

    —^About 0 -880 .

    3 .

      N o n - v o l a t i l e M a t t e r .

    —Evaporate 100 ml . to dryness on a water -

    bath . N ot more than 2 m g. of res idue should be lef t .

    4 .

      C h l o r i d e .— Eva pora te 10 ml . on a wa te r -ba th un t i l r educed to

    I ml. , di lute w ith 50 m l. of wa ter and add i ml. of di lute nitr ic acid and

    I ml . o f s i lver n i t ra te so lu t ion . No opalescence should be pr odu ced .



  • 8/15/2019 analar standard



    fe l t the year 1932 'may safe ly be taken as the d iv id ing l ine o f p re -de -

    press ion f rom post depress ion deb ts .

    B ut th e pr incip le ado pted in the scal ing do w n of de bts is t he

    pr inc ip le o f 'damdupat ' which says tha t when a c red i to r rece ives tv . ' i ce

    the amount o f p r inc ipa l by way of p r inc ipa l o r in te res t towards deb ts

    con trac ted be fore 1st Oc tober , 1932, the w hole of the de bt wil l be

    deem ed to be d ischarged . Th us the p r inc ip le of 'dam dup at ' which i s

    intended to be applied in the case of usurious rates of in terest is wrongly

    app lied to slum p in pr ices . If scal ing dow n of debts is to be rela ted to

    fa l l in p r ices a lone a ra t io be tween pr ices and deb ts should be es tab l i sh

    ed and on this basis deb ts shou ld be scaled dow n. This ha s been th e

    pr inc ip le in some fore ign cou ntr ies . B ut in M adra s it has been prove d

    conclus ive ly tha t ances t ra l deb ts wi th usur ious ra tes o f in te res t a re the

    heav ies t bu rd en on the agr icu l tu r is t s . If th is bu rd en i s to be rem ove d

    the p r inc ip le o f 'damdupat ' shou ld be cor rec t ly app l ied .

    The second c lass o f deb ts—the post depress ion deb ts—are dea l t wi th

    differently . In th e case of thes e deb ts pa st pa ym en ts in exce ss of 5%

    interest shall go to cover only arrears of in terest and not pr incipal

    though the Se lec t Commit tee recommended tha t i t shou ld cover the

    principal a lso . Here again i t is d iff icult to relate the reduction of

    in te res t to any pr inc ip le . I t ha s no re la t ion e i ther to changes in th e

    pric e leve l or capac ity to pa y. M oreo ver , th e ra te of in t ere st for al l

    future debts is 6%% and as pr ices are gently r ising there is no just if ica

    t ion for a lower rate of in terest f ixed for post-depression debts.

    The scal ing down of debts on the basis of slump in pr ices can be

    just if ied if the scal ing down were to be fol lowed by immediate discharge

    of th e debts. B ut in th e abs enc e of any such facil i t ies de bto rs wil l be

    pu t to g rea t har dsh ip . Fo r c red i to rs may wai t fo r a r i se in p r ices o r

    they may press fo r immedia te se t t lement o f deb ts by tak ing over the

    lan ds of debto rs. Th is can, to a cer tain ex ten t , be "mit igated if provi

    s ions a re made to t ransfer lands to c red i to rs a t the p re -s lump pr ices and

    to exempt a min imum hold ing in the case o f agr icu l tu r is t s who cu l t iva te

    the i r own lands .

    But as there are many diff icult ies in the way of scal ing down debts

    in relat ion to fal l in pr ices, as condit ions in Madras are favourable mainly

    for the applicat ion of the pr in cipl e of 'dam du pat ' , i t wil l be r ig ht to re ve rt

    to th e pr incip le of scal ing dow n embod ied in th e or iginal bi l l . I t ma y

    be laid down that a l l debts contracted before 1st October , 1937, and

    which car ry more than 5% in te res t s imple o r compound sha l l be sca led

    dow n on ^ e bas is of the p r inc ip le of 'dam dup at ' . Fo r al l deb ts con t rac t

    ed af ter that date and for al l future debts the rate of in terest shall be

  • 8/15/2019 analar standard


    F O R L A B O R A T O R Y C H E M I C A L S


    A N A

      LA R

    A M M O N I U M A C E T A T E

    CH3.CO ONH 4 = 77-o8

    Maxinaum Limits of Impuri t ies


    Non-volat i le Mat ter

    Ch loride (CI) .

    Sulphate (SO4)

    Lead (Pb)

    Iron (Fe)

    pH   6-5 to 7-5

    O'Oi pe r ce nt.

    0-0005 per cent.

    0-005 pe r ce nt,

    o-oooi per cent .

    0-0003 per cent .


      D e s c r i p t i o n .— Co lou r les s hygrosco pic crystals w i th a fa in t odo ur .

    2.  S o l u b i l i t y .

    — R ea di ly soluble in alcohol. Dissolve 5 g. in 50 m l.

    of  water;  a c lear co lour less so lu t ion should be pro duc ed .

    3 .  R e a c t i o n .

    — T he reac tion of a solution of i g . in 20 m l. of car bon

    dioxide- f ree w ater shou ld l ie betwe en th e l imi ts of ^ H 6-5 and 7 -5 , us ing

    bromothymol b lue or phenol red as ind icator .

    4 .  N o n - v o l a t i l e M a t t e r .— T o 10 g . add 2 drops of su lphu r ic acid

    and ignite gently. N ot mo re th an i mg . of residu e sho uld be left.

    5 .

      C h l o r i d e .

    — D iss olv e 2 g. in 50 m l. of w ate r and ad d i ml. of

    dilute nitr ic acid an d i ml. of si lver nitra te solu tion . N o opalesc ence

    shou ld be p roduced .

    6 .

      S u l p h a t e .

    — D isso lve 10 g . in 50 m l . o f water , a dd 2 ml . o f

    dilute hydrochloric acid and i ml. of barium chloride solution and al low

    to s tand for 6 ho urs . No turb id i ty or precip i ta te shou ld be p rod uc ed .

    7 .  L e a d .— Dis solv e 12 g. in 30 m l. of hot w ate r, add 5 ml. of d i lute

    ammonia so lu t ion and i ml . o f po tass ium cyanide so lu t ion , d i lu te wi th

    water to 50 ml . and add 2 drop s of sodium sulph ide so lu t ion . An y bro w n

    colour produced should not be deeper than that produced by the addi t ion

    of 2 drops of sodium sulphide solution to 50 ml. of an aqueous solution

    contain ing 2 g . o f the sample, 5 ml . o f d i lu te ammonia so lu t ion , i ml .

    of pota ssium cy anide solution an d i ml. of stan dar d lead solution ( i ml. =

    o-o i mg. Pb) .

    8 .

      Iron .

    — Dis solve 5 g. in 45 m l. of w ater , add 5 ml. of d i lute

    ammonia so lu t ion and pass hydrogen su lphide through the so lu t ion for

    a few seconds. An y colour pro duc ed should not be deep er tha n the

    " s tandar d co lours " def ined in append ix 2 .

    9 .  A s s a y .— D iss olv e 3 g. in 50 m l. of wa ter, add 20 ml. , of ne utra l

    formaldehyde so lu t ion and t i t ra te wi th N / j N a O H using p heno lphthale in

    as indicator.

    I m l . N / i N a O H  =  0 -07708 g . CH3 .COONH4

    Not less than 96 per cent , should be indicated.

  • 8/15/2019 analar standard


    1 4

    A N A L A R S T A N D A R D S


    A M M O N I U M B I C A R B O N A T E

    NH 4HC O3 = 79-06

    Max imum Limi t s o f Impur i t i es

    Non-volat i le Mat ter

    Chloride (CI)

    Sulphate (SO4)

    Heavy Metals CPb)

    Iron (Fe)

    Tar ry Mat t e r

    Arsenic (AS2O3)

    per cent .

    per cent .

    per cent .

    per cent .

    per cent ,

    no reaction

    O-O0002 per cent.

    (o-2 part per mill ion)





    O OOOI

    1.  D e s c r i p t i o n .—Colour less crystals or a whi te powder wi th a s l igh t

    ammoniaca l odour .

    2.  S o l u b i l i t y .— D iss ol ve 5 g. in 50 ml . of wa ter. A clear colourless

    so lu t ion should  be'̂  p roduced .

    3 .  N o n - v o l a t i l e M a t t e r .— H ea t 10 g . gent ly unt i l the greater par t

    i s vo lat i li sed , add 2 dro ps of su lph ur ic acid and igni te gent ly . No t m ore

    ' than I mg . of resid ue shou ld be left .

    4 .

      C h l o r i d e .

    — Bo il 5 g . wi th 50 ml . o f water un t i l th e volume is

    reduced to 5 ml. , add 45 ml. of water, i ml. of di lute nitr ic acid and

    I ml . o f s i lver n i t ra te so lu t ion . No opalescence shou ld be prod uce d .

    5 .  S u l p h a t e .—Boil 5 g . wi th 50 ml . o f water un t i l the volume is

    reduced to 5 ml. , add 45 ml. of water, i ml. of di lute hydrochloric acid

    and I m l. of ba riu m chlorid e solution and al low to sta nd for i ho ur . No

    turb id i ty or precip i ta te should be produced .

    6 .

      H e a v y M e t a l s a n d I r o n .

    —Boil 10 g. with 50 ml. of water unti l

    the vo lume is reduc ed to 5 ml . , add 5 ml . o f d i lu te hydroch lor ic acid ,

    30 ml . o f water and 10 ml . o f d i lu te ammonia so lu t ion and pass hydrogen

    sulphide thro ug h the so lu t ion for a few seconds . A ny colour produce d

    should not be deeper than the " s tandard co lours " def ined in appendix 2 .

    7 .  T a r r y M a t t e r .

    — T re at 5 g. wit h 15 ml . of wa ter and 5 g. of c i tr ic

    acid and s t i r un t i l d isso lved . No tar ry odour should be perce pt ib le .

    8 .

      A r s e n i c .

    — B oil 10 g . wi th 50 ml . o f water un t i l the volum e is

    redu ced to 5 m l . ; ad d 45 ml . o f water and 10 ml . o f s tan nated hyd ro

    chlor ic acid and tes t as descr ibed in appendix 4 . An y s tain pro duce d

    should not be greater tha n a 0 -002 m g. s tandard s ta in .

    9 .  A s s a y .— D iss olv e 3 g . in 50 ml . o f N / i HC l . and 50 ml . o f

    water and t i t ra te the excess of acid wi th N / i N a O H u sing methyl red as

    indicator .

    I m l . N / i H C l  =  0 -07906 g . NH4HCO3

    N ot less tha n 99 per ce nt , and not more than lo i per cent , should be

    indicated .

  • 8/15/2019 analar standard


    F O R L A B O R A T O R Y C H E M I C A L S


    O ' O I






    per cent .

    per cent .

    per cent .

    per cent .

    per cent .

    per cent .

    0-00025 per cent .


    per cent .


    A M M O N I U M B R O M I D E

    N H iB r = 97 -96

    Max imum Limi t s o f Impur i t i es

    Reaction  . . . pH  not less than 4.5

    Non-volat i le Mat ter

    Chloride (CI)

    Brom ate (BrOa) .

    Iod ide (I) .

    Sul pha te (SO4) .

    Heavy Metals (Pb)

    Iron (Fe) .

    Mois ture


      D e s c r i p t i o n .

    — A whi t e c ry s t a l l i ne powder .


      S o l u b i l i t y .

    — D iss olv e 5 g. in 50 m l. of wa ter. A clear colourless

    so lu t ion should be produced .

    3.  R e a c t i o n .—The reaction of a solution of i g . in 10 ml. of carbon

    dioxide-free water should not be less than  pK  4 -5 , us ing brom ocresol

    green as indicator.

    4 .

      N o n - v o l a t i l e M a t t e r .— H ea t 10 g . very gent ly unt i l the greate r

    pa rt has volati l ised, add a few dro ps of sulp hur ic acid an d ignite gen tly.

    Not more than i mg. of residue should be left .


      Ci i lor ide .

    —Dissolve 4 g. in 75 ml. of water and 25 ml. of ni tr ic

    acid, boil gently and pass a current of halogen free air through the l iquid

    unt i l a l l th e l iberated brom ine i s rem ove d. Cool , add 10 m l . o f N / i o AgN Og,

    fil ter , was h with wate r and t i tra te the fil trate an d washing s with N / i o

    N H4 SC N using ferr ic am mo niu m sulphate as ind icator . N ot less tha n

    7-2 ml . o f N / i o N H 4SC N shou ld be r equ i red .


      B r o m a t e .

    — D iss olv e i g . in 10 m l. of wa ter and add i m l. of di lute

    su lphu r ic acid . N o yel low colour should be prod uce d .

    7.  Iodide .—Dissolve i g . in 10 ml. of water, add 0-05 ml. of ferric

    chloride solution and i ml. of starch solution and al low to stand for 10

    min utes . No b lue co lour shou ld be produ ced .

    8 .  Sulphate .—^Dissolve i g . in 50 ml. of water, add i ml. of di lute

    hydrochloric acid and i ml. of barium chloride solution and al low to stand

    for 6 hou rs . No turb id i ty or precip i ta te should be pr od uc ed .

    9 .  H e a v y M e t a l s a n d i r o n .—Dissolve 4 g . in 45 ml . o f water , add

    5 ml . o f d i lu te ammonia so lu t ion and pass hydrogen su lphide through

    the so lu t ion for a few seconds. An y colour prod uce d should no t be dee per

    than the " s tandard co lours " def ined in appendix 2 .


      M o i s t u r e .

    — D ry 5 g . a t 100° for one hou r . T h e loss in weigh t

    should not exceed 25 mg.

    (Continued overleaf)

  • 8/15/2019 analar standard



    AMALAR   SfANbAftDji

    AMMONIUM   BROMIDE—continued

    I I .


    —Dissolve 0-4 g. of the dried material from Test No. 9 in

    50 ml. of water, add 10 ml. of dilute nitric acid and 50 ml. of N/io AgNOg

    and titrate the excess of silver with N/io NH4SCN, using ferric ammonium

    sulphate as indicator. Correct the titration for the amount of chloride

    found in Test No. 4.

    I ml. of N/io AgNOg  = 0-009796 g. NH^Br

    Not less than 99-5 per cent, should be indicated.

    A N A L A R


    Maximum Limits of Impurities

    Non-volat i le  Matter



    Sulphate (SO4)

    P h o s p h a t e  (P OJ .



    Thiocyana te  (SCN)

    Heavy Metals (Pb)

    I ron  (Fe)

    T a r r y  Matter

    Arsenic  (AsjOs)


    O'Oi per cent.


      per cent.

    O'O02 per cent.

    o-ooi per cent.

    0-0005 Psr cent.

    0-001 per cent.

    0-0002 per cent.

    o-oooi per cent.

    no reaction


      per cent.

    )-2 part per million)

    •I .  Description.—White powder or translucent crystalline masses with

    a strong ammoniacal odour. Consists of an approximately equimolecular

    mixture of ammonium bicarbonate, NH4HC0g = 79-06, and ammonium

    carbamate, NH2COONH4 = 78-07.

    2.  Solubility.

    —Partially soluble in alcohol. Dissolve 5 g. in 50 m .

    of water; a clear colourless solution should be produced.

    3.  Non-volatile Matter.

    —Heat 10 g. gently until the greater

    part is volatilised, add 2 drops of sulphuric acid and ignite gently. Not

    more than i mg. of residue should be left.



    —Boil 5 g. with 50 ml. of water until the volume is

    reduced to 5 ml., add 45 ml. of water, i ml. of dilute nitric acid and

    I ml. of silver nitrate solution. No opalescence should be produced.

    5.  Sulphate.

    —Boil 5 g. with 50 ml. of water until the volume is

    reduced to 5 ml., add 45 ml. of water, i ml. of dilute hydrochloric acid

    and I ml. of barium chloride solution and allow to stand for 6 hours.

    No turbidity or precipitate should be produced.

    6.  Phosphate and Silicate.-—Dissolve i g. in 10 ml. of water and

    evaporate in a platinum dish until reduced to 1 ml., dilute with 20 ml.

  • 8/15/2019 analar standard


    F O R L A B O R A T O R Y C H E M I C A L S

    of water , add i ml . o f d i lu te su lphur ic acid , i ml . o f phosphate reagent

    N o .  I and i m l . o f pho sph ate rea gent N o . 2 and p lace in a w ate r - ba th at

    60° for 10 m inu tes . An y b lue co lour prod uce d shou ld not be deep er tha n

    the " standard colour " for si l icate defined in appendix 2.

    7 .  T h i o c y a n a t e .

    — D isso lve 5 g . in 50 ml . o f wa ter an d b oi l u n t i l

    the volum e is red uc ed to 10 m l. ; cool, add 10 m l. of di lu te nitr ic ac id,

    30 ml . of w ate r and 1 dro p of ferric chlo ride solutio n. N o red or yellow ish-

    b rown co lou r shou ld be p roduced .

    8 .

      H e a v y M e t a l s a n d I r on .

    —Boil 10 g. with 50 ml. of water

    unt i l the volume is reduced to 5 ml . , add 5 ml . o f d i lu te hydrochlor ic acid ,

    30 ml . o f water and 10 ml . o f d i lu te ammonia so lu t ion and pass hydrogen

    sulphide thro ugh the so lu t ion for a few secon ds. An y colour pro duc ed

    shou ld no t be deep er tha n th e " s t andard co lo u r s" defined in ap

    pend ix 2 .

    9 .  T a r r y M a t t e r .—Treat 5 g. with 15 ml. of water and 7 g. of ci tr ic

    acid and s t i r un t i l d isso lved . N o tar ry odo ur should be per cep t ib le .

    10 .  A r s e n i c .— B oil 10 g . wi th 50 ml . o f wa ter un t i l the volume is

    reduced to 5 m l . , add 45 ml . of wa ter , 10 ml . of s tann ated hydro chlor ic

    acid and tes t as descr ibed in app endix 4 . Any s tain pro duc ed shou ld

    not be greater than a 0 -002 mg. s tandard s ta in .

    11.  A s s a y .

    — D isso lve 2 g . in 50 m l . o f N / i H C l an d 50 m l . o f

    water and t i t ra te the excess of acid w i th N / i N a O H using meth yl red as

    indicator .

    I m l . N / i H C l  =  0-01703 g. NH3

    Not less than 31 per cent , o f NH3 should be ind icated , equivalen t to

    9 5 -3 p e r c e n t, o f N H 4 H C O 3 . N H 2 C O O N H 4 .

    A N A  LA R

    A M M O N I U M C H L O R I D E

    NH4CI = 53-50

    Maximum Limits of Impuri t ies


    Non-volati le Matte:

    Sulphate (SO4)

    Nitrate (NO3)

    Phosphate (PO4)

    Thiocyanate (SCN)

    Heavy Metals ' (Pb)

    Iron (Fe)

    Tar ry Mat t e r

    Arsenic (AsjOa)

    pn   not less than 4-5

    o-oi per cent .

    o-oi per cent .

    0-00005 psr cent.

    o-ooi per cent .

    o-ooi per cen t .

    0-0004 ps r cen t .

    o-oooa pe r ce nt.

    no reaction

    o-cooi per cent ,

    ( i part per mill ion)

    (Continued o verleaf )

  • 8/15/2019 analar standard







    —A white crystalline powder.



    — D issolv e 5 g. in 50 ml. of water. A clear colourless

    solution should be produced.


      Reaction.—The reaction of a solution of i g. in 10 ml. of carbon

    dioxide-free water should not be less than  pH  4-5, using bromocresol

    green as indicator.


      Non-volati le Matter.

    —Heat 10 g. gently until the greater part

    is volatilised, add 2 drops of sulp huric acid and ignite gently. No t more

    than I mg. of residue should be left.

    5.  Sulphate.—Dissolve 5 g. in 50 ml. of water, add


      ml. of dilute

    hydrochloric acid and i ml. of barium chloride solution and allow to stand

    for 6 hou rs. No turbidity or precipitate should be prod uced .

    6.  Nitrate.—Dissolve o-i g. in i ml. of N/io HCl and add 4 ml.

    of diphenylbenz idine reagent. Any blue colour produ ced should not be

    greater than that produced by adding 4 ml. of the reagent to r ml. of

    N/ io HCl .

    7.  Phosphate.—Dissolve i g. in 20 ml. of water, add 3 ml. of dilute

    sulphuric acid', i ml. of phosphate reagent No. i and i ml. of phosphate

    reagent N o. 2 and place in a wa ter- bath at 60° for 10 minute s. Any blue

    colour produced should not be deeper than the " standard colour " defined

    in appendix 2.

    8 .  Thiocyanate.— Dissolve 5 g. in 40 ml. of water and m ix with

    0-5 ml. of cupric sulpha te solution and o- i m l. of py ridi ne; then add

    5 ml. of chloroform, shake vigorously in a separating funnel and allow to

    separa te. D raw off the lower layer, shake it with 2 ml. of water and again

    allow to separate. T he chloroformic layer should not be coloured yellow

    or green.

    9 .  Heavy Metals and Iron.—Dissolve 5 g. in 45 ml. of water, add

    5 ml. of dilute ammonia solution and pass hydrogen sulphide through the

    solution for a few seconds. Any colour produced should not be deeper

    than the " standard colours " defined in appendix 2.


      Tarry Matter.—Moisten 2 g. with i ml. of nitric acid and dry in a

    porcelain dish on a wa ter-b ath. T he residue should be perfectly w hite.

    r i .  Arsenic.— Dis solve 5 g. in 5