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Post on 14-Mar-2016




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Q: Who are the best young animators now?

Right now in Jamaica the best young animators are Right now in Jamaica the best young animators are without a doubt Corretta Singer, Ricardo "Mental" Chung and the Latchman's of Cabbie Chronicle fame. These three are definitely at the forefront. We can look out for a studios like GSW Animations "ReelRock" who I would love to collaborate with, Ideal Studios and when I get my animation studio off the ground there will surely be enough work to off the ground there will surely be enough work to go around and several collaborations.

Q: And what about scriptwriters?

KJ: All stories begin with a script and in the majority of cases must have voice actors. So there are opportunities for not only animators, but writers, actors, story board artists, illustrators, stunt men for 3D motion capture work, Costume design-ers, Sculptors, Graphic artists. It is a very all encompassing and lucrative field ready for growth.

Jamaica is headed towards development of a unique animation style grounded in our culture. Several productions are currently underway and there is already a popular half-hour film circulating on the social media underground. Disney and Pixar, watch out! Here comes JAMAICA!!!

(TOP) Corretta Singer; (l) Cabbie Chronicles (R) Bad Influence