anabolic - catabolic (two states of the body)

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  • 8/3/2019 Anabolic - Catabolic (Two states of the body)


    The rst state of our life is the cherished ANABOLIC STATE; when we're young, virile, vigorous,

    motivated, and everything we do is easy mentally and physically. It seems with each passing da

    when you're young you get stronger and stronger and, you can almost abuse your body. You c

    drink, smoke, stay out late, eat and digest horrible food etc., with little or no repercussions. But

    unfortunately, this state is extremely short lived, and when you advance to about 27 or 28 years

    old you nally start to realize your invincible years are rapidly coming to an end. All of a sudden

    your hormone levels, which once was magnicent in every way, your thyroid, your digestion,

    your heart, your virility, your memory, your strengthen and stamina which once were just phe-

    nomenal, now are diminishing.

    This brings to mind my Aunt Grace, who had been a sugar addict most of her life. Up unt

    the age of 30 she had little problems with her weight and always use to say, I can eat anything

    want and still look good. But low and behold she turned 31 and within 4 months gained 20 Lb

    and today she is extremely obese with diabetes and other health problems. A very rapid transf

    mation from ANABOLIC TO CATABOLIC!

    Also, I recall a friend of mine years ago when we were younger he was extremely blessed.

    As He drank, he smoked, womanized, stayed out late, got very little sleep and it never seemed t

    aect him. Then, one day when he was about 28 years old he said to me. You know Ron, I can

    do this anymore. The last few months, I've been feeling really really bad. I THINK (utterly repeat

    ing the precious words I Think) it's starting to catchup to me. Of course, he became a victim of

    abuse. Keep in mind that from 28 to about 30 years of age these are the best years you're ever

    going to see, then you descend into the dreaded CATABOLIC STATE where you literally start to

    wear out and now everything reverses itself. Your thyroid, pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenal,

    digestion, cardiovascular, kidneys, liver, spleen and immune system start to decline and diminis

    Depending upon how you take care of your self once you go into the CATABOLIC STATE, will

    determine whether or not you are going to enjoy your later years in good health or whetheryou're not. A Personal Note: As you age your Innate Senses will inform you of settle changes y

    must make. At the peak of my bodybuilding tenure I always carried a weight of about 240 Lbs.

    When I turned 40 years old my body was telling me that something was not right and at 40 pos

    bly 240 Lbs was not good. So, I made a Concentrated Chart to lose 10 Lbs down to 230 Lbs. My

    body was correct and 230 Lbs was the exact weight which I maintain to this day!

    I've always eaten a breakfast of a 4 egg omelette, but about 4 years ago, all of a sudden m

    body told me 4 eggs was a bit much, so I reduced it to 3 and my body was right again! Last yea

    had to increase my digestive enzymes from 2 to 3! Listen to your body!



  • 8/3/2019 Anabolic - Catabolic (Two states of the body)


    I created the Life Chart, which is on my website, and it documents graphically these stages

    nd if you abuse yourself you will descend into the rapid CATABOLIC STATE, if you take fairly good

    are of yourself the state won't be as dramatic. If you take good care of yourself, my goodness

    ou can ourish and be in good health in your 60, 70's and 80's and on. Unfortunately now, this

    ill be somewhat dicult simply because of the food we have been consuming since after the

    econd World War. But, with a little eort you can still obtain natural foods.

    After the Second World War, refrigeration became very prominent. Processed and rened

    ood like cookies, donuts, pretzels, pop tarts, sugar frosted akes started to replace traditional

    egetables, fruits, meats, eggs, sh, chicken, glands, and turkey. Unfortunately white our, white

    ugar, white rice, and then the introduction of the hydrogenated oils seem to really doom us.

    efore the 1920's, most of the accepted diseases today; Heart Disease, Colon Cancer, Diabetes

    ou name it) were unheard of. But sadly after the Second World War, we mostly consumed fake

    nd assembly line food.

    I've written an article called Looking Back to My Farm Days and I hope you read it. Every-

    ne on the farm lived to be in their 70's, 80's, 90's and 100's and in good health. The rst thing Iecall when I lived in the City is that people in their 30's and 40's started to get gray hair where on

    he farm gray really didn't set in prominently until they were 60's, 70's or 80's. Of course that

    eturns to this lack of trace minerals, which on the farm wasn't a factor as the soil was very rich in

    minerals, but today all our food is factory farmed and grown in mineral decient soil. Remember,

    rocessed and rened food products didn't exist on the farm. I personally am not going to tell

    ou that I was the healthiest person in the world because I had many deciencies growing up

    ut, I've concentrated on my diet eating the best foods I can and take excellent care of myself and

    think it's paid o. An example is a few months ago I encountered an old friend of mine I worked

    ith at GM and he said to me Gee you look the same as the day you took the early retirement,ou don't look much dierent. Of course, I wish I could have said the same thing about him

    ecause I hardly recognized him. He had a full head of gray hair, was obese, and then informed

    me he was a Diabetic (like so many people in America).

    In general, if you look at the health of Americans and all the sickness among our popula-

    on, including our children, you can say one thing that is concrete, Americans physically and

    mentally are a mess. Of course, one thing we do have today is drugs to keep us alive but not

    ecessarily healthy and you would be shock statistically the people today who are having cos-

    metic surgery. So, we are encountering many people who don't look how they should lookecause of cosmetic surgery to enhance the focal points of our body, the face, to have an age

    enewed look. Unfortunately, problems with the health of our population will get worse, thanks

    o Ex-President Bill Clinton signing into law food companies don't have to label genetically engi-

    eered food and he gave this to Monsanto Corporation the year before he left oce. At this time

    think probably 50% of the food we eat is genetically engineered and in another 10-15 years it

    ill all be genetically engineered thanks to Monsanto this in itself is going to cause more monu-

    mental health problems. As these so called food are in no way natural to human cells. Also, all of

    ur pesticides and all of our chemicals are related to this increase in estrogen levels in women

    nd men. One of my teachers Dr. Harry Eidenier Jr. often says We are swimming in a sea of estro-

  • 8/3/2019 Anabolic - Catabolic (Two states of the body)


    en, because all of these chemicals mimic estrogen and they are aecting men's reproduction

    nd women's also, plus causing various concerns.

    I wrote an article about Thyroid, because our Thyroid controls, at least a thousand body

    unctions so once the Thyroid reverses itself and your hormone (T-3 and T-4) level start to drop it

    arts to aect our body in many negative ways. Notes: In referenced, to the so called experts,

    hey say that exercise will help increase your metabolism (Thyroid) don't understand that when

    ou're in the ANABOLIC STATE exercise, will stimulate your endocrine glands, and your thyroid,

    ut when you cross that barrier into the CATABOLIC STATE exercise does little to stimulate your

    hyroid any longer. Now, your thyroid needs to be nurtured and nourished. If you read my article

    bout the thyroid, you will understand how we are abusing it with chemicals, petroleum chlorine

    nd the halogens so what worked when you were 22 doesn't work when you're 32 because of

    his particular reason.

    Vince once did a test, and I can't understand why he never revealed it, of course, there is a

    ot of things he never published. But it was a test that I mentioned one time about the group of

    ats who were fed, excellent food and he created what he called the super rat, then he stoppedhe test and he fed the rats a typical American diet of processed and rened foods. And when

    hey hit the CATABOLIC STATE they aged so fast it even surprised him! Of course, once we cross

    to the CATABOLIC STATE, if you'll take notice, that now all illnesses start to raise their ugly heads

    r become apparent when people turn 38 to 40. You've only got about 10 years from the incep-

    on of the CATABOLIC STATE until about 40 and then all of these deciencies start to come into

    ay and they are a byproduct of our horrendous diet. After that, you start to deteriorate physi-

    ally and mentally and of course we know Althimzers Disease is increasing in people younger

    han 50 or 60 year's old! I was at a friend's restaurant the other day and one waitress that works

    here is named Mira. She's Albanian, and we were talking the Black Plague in Europe in the500's when 25% of the people in Europe died because of it. Well, why didn't the other 75% die?

    ecause they lived on the farms and they ate good food and their immune systems were high

    ompared to the people in the cities who ate the processed and rened foods and the sugar, the

    weetened teas, the canned meat, etc. She made note of the fact that when she went into the

    rge cities the rst thing she noticed was the poor health and quality of skin of the people that

    ved there. On her farm where they drank the raw milk, ate eggs, bacon, butter, liver, kidneys,

    pleen and fresh vegetables everyone was healthy. Again, the rst thing she noticed is how pale

    nd white their skin was. Caucasians' should have pink skin and unfortunately when you eat

    xcess bad carbohydrates as the people in the city did yeast and parasites become a problem. Asugar displaces B-Complex you're going to also suer from an iron deciency and become

    nemic. Look around you and observe the people with this condition. So Mira was absolutely


    ote of Interest

    There are many married couples having a dicult time conceiving a child and one of the

    easons is that we have been on a low fat diet for the past 50 years. Of course, if you don't get

    ssential fatty acids and Vitamin E you won't conceive, and the medical professional doesn't

    nderstand that because they don't study nutrition. I recall one time during my seminar at a

  • 8/3/2019 Anabolic - Catabolic (Two states of the body)
