an unquantified uncertainty visualization design space...

An Unquantified Uncertainty Visualization Design Space During the Opioid Crisis Jorin Weatherston University of Victoria Victoria, BC V8P 5C2, Canada [email protected] Bruce Wallace University of Victoria Victoria, BC V8P 5C2, Canada [email protected] Charles Perin University of Victoria Victoria, BC V8P 5C2, Canada [email protected] Margaret-Anne Storey University of Victoria Victoria, BC V8P 5C2, Canada [email protected] Dennis Hore University of Victoria Victoria, BC V8P 5C2, Canada [email protected] Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). CHI ’20 Extended Abstracts, April 25–30, 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA. © 2020 Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6819-3/20/04. DOI: Abstract We propose a visualization design space for representing unquantified uncertainty in percent composition drug check- ing test results using pie and cake charts during the opioid crisis. The design space generates alternatives for use in a visual drug report design study that may improve decision- making concerning illicit drug use. Currently, communica- tion of drug checking test results does not capture the un- certainty in drug checking tests, leading to poor and poten- tially harmful decisions. The design alternatives generated by the design space aim to empower people who use drugs with drug sample information and facilitate harm reduction efforts. Our visualizations may apply to other drug checking services and to scenarios where uncertainty visualization researchers wish to notify end users of the presence of unquantified uncertainty in safety-critical decision-making contexts like those found during the opioid crisis. Author Keywords uncertainty, drug-checking, confidence, visualization, decision- making CCS Concepts Human-centered computing Information visualiza- tion; CHI 2020 Late-Breaking Work CHI 2020, April 25–30, 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA LBW089, Page 1

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Page 1: An Unquantified Uncertainty Visualization Design Space · Despite the uncertainty in the data being unquantified, pro-viding uncertainty

An Unquantified UncertaintyVisualization Design Space During theOpioid Crisis

Jorin WeatherstonUniversity of VictoriaVictoria, BC V8P 5C2, [email protected]

Bruce WallaceUniversity of VictoriaVictoria, BC V8P 5C2, [email protected]

Charles PerinUniversity of VictoriaVictoria, BC V8P 5C2, [email protected]

Margaret-Anne StoreyUniversity of VictoriaVictoria, BC V8P 5C2, [email protected]

Dennis HoreUniversity of VictoriaVictoria, BC V8P 5C2, [email protected]

Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored.For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).CHI ’20 Extended Abstracts, April 25–30, 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA.© 2020 Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6819-3/20/04.DOI:

AbstractWe propose a visualization design space for representingunquantified uncertainty in percent composition drug check-ing test results using pie and cake charts during the opioidcrisis. The design space generates alternatives for use in avisual drug report design study that may improve decision-making concerning illicit drug use. Currently, communica-tion of drug checking test results does not capture the un-certainty in drug checking tests, leading to poor and poten-tially harmful decisions. The design alternatives generatedby the design space aim to empower people who use drugswith drug sample information and facilitate harm reductionefforts. Our visualizations may apply to other drug checkingservices and to scenarios where uncertainty visualizationresearchers wish to notify end users of the presence ofunquantified uncertainty in safety-critical decision-makingcontexts like those found during the opioid crisis.

Author Keywordsuncertainty, drug-checking, confidence, visualization, decision-making

CCS Concepts•Human-centered computing→ Information visualiza-tion;

CHI 2020 Late-Breaking Work CHI 2020, April 25–30, 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA

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Introduction and BackgroundWe present a design space for representing unquantifieduncertainty in percent composition drug checking test re-sults, where percent composition refers to the proportionalcontribution of a substance to a drug sample’s makeup.We are collaborating with a drug checking service teamin Victoria BC 1 to produce a visual drug checking test re-sults report (visual report) that supports decision-makingby people who access the services, notably people whouse drugs. We undertook this research because peoplewho use drugs cannot be certain of drug composition asthe illicit drug market is an unregulated market. Opioids—particularly fentanyl and its potent chemical analogs— havebeen linked to at least 2,142 deaths between January 2019and June 2019, of which 94% were ruled accidental2.

Figure 1: Our design studytimeline. The design space wasessential in preparing the designfeedback survey.

Currently, drug checking test results are presented to ser-vice users during in-person conversations with harm reduc-tion and chemical analysis staff in the service. However,misunderstanding percent composition data, especially fen-tanyl composition, could lead to overdose for drug users.

A global review of drug checking efforts [1] lists eight meth-ods of communicating drug checking test results. Of thereported methods, none we saw a) present uncertainty intheir reports, b) expose or resolve discrepancies betweentests, or c) provide fentanyl-specific indicators. These threeaspects are, however, critical to our collaborators who usefive distinct mobile chemical analysis systems to deliverdrug sample information.

The work we present in this paper is part of the larger de-sign study research project targeted at generating a com-prehensive visual test results report for the drug checking



service (see Figure 1). Here we focus on the visualizationdesign space that was crucial in the second iteration of ourdesign study methodology. First we describe the type andextent of the uncertainty being visualized and present asubset of relevant requirements from our design study. Wethen present the selected proportional charts, describe thedesign space, and the resulting uncertainty enhanced chartdesigns. Finally we discuss design space qualities, effec-tiveness and future research.

Context and Related WorkIn this section we describe contextual information we gath-ered during the design study and survey of literature.

Data Format and Uncertainty SourcesThe drug checking service uses five types of chemicalanalyses to generate drug sample data. Percent compo-sition drug sample data is generated by mixture analysisfrom infrared absorption measurements. Infrared absorp-tion spectra from a sample containing potentially multi-ple active ingredients and cutting agents are compared tospectra of pure components to determine the identity ofthe components, and their approximately percent composi-tion. Results of matches are stored as a pair: the name ofthe substance, and the percent composition (when deter-mined). There are multiple sources of unavoidable uncer-tainty present in this data type which we show in the side-bar. Despite the challenges faced in visualizing uncertainty,research in uncertainty visualization highlights the riskyexclusion, and beneficial inclusion, of uncertainty in data-driven decision making activities [13]. Correll declares that,as ethically responsible visualization design researchers,“We ought to visualize hidden uncertainty” [5, p.8].

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Characterizing UncertaintyWalker and Marchau describe four levels of uncertaintywithin decision support systems [17]. Level 1 and 2 areshallow uncertainty, and medium uncertainty, wherein un-certain alternatives are somewhat describe-able. Level3 and 4 are deep uncertainty, and recognized ignorance,where little to nothing is known of uncertain alternatives.

Sources of Uncertainty:• Measurement Error: The

software bundled withmobile IR absorptionsystems has limited errorreporting abilities, andservice turnaround isparamount.

• Manual Subtraction Pro-cess: The chemical an-alysts iteratively subtractcomponents from thoseidentified by the FTIRsystem. Each componentsubtraction producesanother list which cancause non-determinismin the subsequent com-ponents identified.

• Sensitivity: The limitof detection for IR ab-sorption depends on theabsorption coefficientof individual moleculesin the mixture but isgenerally around 3% ofweight. Opioids can bedangerous below 3%.

• Incomplete ComponentLibrary: The libraries theFTIR depends upon maynot possess importantchemical signatures ofnew opioid analoques,limiting the ability toidentify them.

Potter et al. [11] describe two categories of uncertainty;aleatoric uncertainty and epistemic uncertainty. Aleatoricuncertainties are unknowns that arise from statistical varia-tions in measurements. Epistemic uncertainties representsunmitigated unknowns that arise from practical knowledgeor measurement limitations. The IR absorption data fromour service contains both aleatoric and epistemic uncer-tainty sources, the combination of which produces level 4uncertainty, which we name unquantified uncertainty.Despite the uncertainty in the data being unquantified, pro-viding uncertainty information in drug checking test resultsis critical in satisfying our safety and ethical requirements.

Visualizing UncertaintyBeard and MacKaness’s [2, p.40] describe three levels of vi-sual data quality assessments for decision-makers: notifica-tion, identification, and quantification. Notification indicatesthe potential of data problems, identification categorizes thenature of the data quality issue, and quantification showsboth the nature and extent of the data problem. In this re-search we attempt to notify service users of a data problem,as opposed to quantifying a data problem.

During our design study we carefully selected charts topresent percent composition data to suit the context anddesign requirements. Of the charts explored, pie chartsdisplay percent composition data effectively and are famil-iar charts [7]. However, given the controversy of pie charts[15], we also included a complementary alternative chart for

stakeholders to choose from during design feedback ses-sions: the cake chart [3], which is essentially a linearizedpie chart. Figure 2 illustrates these two types of charts.

Olston and Mackinlay [10] introduce a technique called am-biguation we adapt to displaying unquantified uncertaintyin proportional charts. Combining ambiguation and the ap-plication of Bertin’s visual variables [4] (and extensions) touncertainty visualization [9] we conducted design iterationsto identify which visual variables we can manipulate to con-vey unquantified uncertainty to our stakeholders.

Requirements AnalysisWe used an iterative requirements gathering process togenerate and evaluate designs with stakeholders as shownin Figure 1. At each iteration we generated what Hevner [6]calls requirements and acceptance criteria: requirementscriteria are design cycle inputs used to generate design al-ternatives, whereas acceptance criteria are design cycle in-puts used to measure the effectiveness of the design withinthe application domain. We kept consolidating these criteriain subsequent design iterations.

The non-functional requirements related to our designgoal are a) accessibility to all demographics, b) empow-erment of service users with access to underlying data,c) readability of reports with and without service staff, d)transparency of result uncertainty, and, e) usability of thevisual report within the harm-reduction conversation and insafety-critical decision-making.

The functional requirements related to our design goal area) to use only black and white in report design to enablereliable paper copy printing of visual report, b) to show thepresence of proportional error despite lack of error quan-tification, and, c) not to add marks or legends in addition toproportional chart designs.

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These requirements describe desirable qualities of validdesigns for visualizing the unquantified uncertainty drugtesting results data.

An Unquantified Uncertainty Design Space

Figure 2: The proportional charts.

For clarity, our use of the design space term is to indicatea dimensionally described space of design possibilities. Tolay out the design space of unquantified uncertainty in piecharts and cake charts, we followed the four steps summa-rized in the sidebar and that we describe in this section.

The four steps for creating ourdesign space for unquantifieduncertainty:

1. Decomposition: Break-down baseline charts.

2. Dimensions: Outline de-sign space dimensions.

3. Exploration: Exploredesign space abilities.

4. Application: Apply de-sign space to problem.

5. Evaluation: Evaluateresulting designs.

1.0 Chart DecompositionTo visually encode uncertainty in pie and cake charts, wedecomposed the charts into six visual marks and their vi-sual variables. We identify six visual marks that both chartsshare which we show in Figure 3.

• Boundary Edge Marks: The edge between chartsegments perpendicular to the percent axis.

• Magnitude Edge Marks: The edge indicating seg-ment size parallel to the percent axis.

• Label Marks: The textual segment labels.• Areas Marks: The space contained within the bound-

ary and magnitude edge marks.• Axis Marks: The regularly spaced markings and text

parallel to magnitude edge marks used to make seg-ment size comparisons. Ignored in exploration andapplication stages as they don’t present data points.

• Chart Legend: The legend containing pairs of areamark colour and segment information. Also ignoredas visually redundant in our colorless application.

2.0 Design Space DimensionsTogether visual marks and their visual variables make upthe dimensions of the design space. The visual variablescontrol the visual appearance of visual marks, e.g., color,

Figure 3: Decomposition of pie and cake chart into visual marks.

width and texture [4]. Visual variables also possess meta-variables. A meta-variable we explore later is the extent ofmanipulation we are applying to the visual variable. Thenumber of dimensions in this design space is the multipli-cation: visual marks × visual variables = D. A point in thedesign space is therefore a D-length-tuple populated withdesign choices for each of the design dimensions. To nav-igate through the design space, one can do so by manipu-lating the visual variables of each of the visual marks by achosen degree.

3.0 Exploring Design ConceptsIn this step we freely explored and reflected on the designspace’s abilities without consideration to contextual require-ments using the five design sheets methodology [12]. Weused visual variables such as color, length, width and pat-tern to encode uncertainty on each of the visual marks tocharacterize the balance between encoding uncertainty onseparate visual marks and maintaining baseline chart func-tionality. We show example results of changing the extent ofmodifications to individual visual variables in Figure 4, withsome design concepts working better than others.

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Figure 4: A systematic exploration of the design space to identify which visual marks and visual variables are best suited to notifying serviceusers of the presence of a data problem in the proportional charts. We explore changes to one visual mark in small, medium, and large extentsat a time to understand the balance between baseline chart functionality and introducing unquantified uncertainty.

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4.0 ApplicationWe then applied the design space to solve our design chal-lenge of notifying service users of the presence of problemsin percent composition data proportions while satisfying ourcontextual requirements. Notably relevant requirements areusing only black and white, not depending on quantified un-certainty values, public accessibility, and readability withoutservice staff assistance.

Figure 5: We show examples ofproduced design alternatives. Agreen star shows the voted chart.

Though detailing the origin of these requirements is be-yond the scope of this paper, they are derived from ourstakeholders, context and literature. Unsurprisingly, ourcollaborators found visual marks well-suited to conveyingproportions more intuitive at indicating proportional uncer-tainty. This concept aligns closely with the “ambiguation"concept introduced by Olston and Mackinlay [10]. We usedSkau and Kosara’s work [7, 16, 8] indicating that central an-gles of pie charts are less important than arc lengths andareas in conveying proportion sizes to identify unquanti-fied variations to the line style and width visual variablesto the boundary edge visual mark as our best design con-cept as shown in Figure 5. We translated these pie chartideas to the cake chart dimensions and conducted a designfeedback survey with our service collaborators to finalizedesign decisions. Our ten collaborators range from 22 to 47years old and are equally split between men and women.The most popular design was the unquantified uncertaintyzig-zag cake chart highlighted with a green star in Figure 5based on design comments and vote count.

Discussion, Future Work and ConclusionSchulz et al. [14] propose to discuss design spaces interms of completeness and consistency. The completenessof a design space is described by its ability to sufficientlypopulate its problem space with design solutions [14]. Thecompleteness of our design space is satisfactory as it gen-

erates designs that fill all problem spaces we encounteredand are accepted as design solutions for our context byour stakeholders. The consistency of a design pace is de-termined by the frequency of design space points whichproduce invalid designs (i.e. design instances that violatea basic requirement of the design space) [14]. The con-sistency of our design space is also satisfactory as widelyvarying design manipulations along single and multiple si-multaneous dimensions generated numerous valid designconcepts for use in our design feedback survey.

We agree that pie chart angles are poor indications of seg-ment size [16] because of our stakeholders perceiving alimited reduction in baseline functionality of the pie chartwith modified boundary edges. However we would like toreinforce this perception with empirical explorations of effec-tive unquantified uncertainty visualizations. We also agreewith literature indicating some signification concepts moreclosely represent uncertainty within data than others [9].

As visualization researchers working within drug check-ing contexts, we must consider ethical and safety concernsif we are to empower people who use drugs to make in-formed decisions about their drug use. We hope effectiveunquantified uncertainty designs generated out of this de-sign space will transfer between drug checking services asparts of visual reports, and to non-drug checking decision-support scenarios dealing with unquantified uncertainty.

Our future work involves further iterations in our designstudy, implementing and deploying selected designs intothe visual drug checking test result reports software, andevaluating alternatives in lab and field settings. We wouldalso like to further explore the ethical ramifications of safety-critical decision-making uncertainty visualization.

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