an overview on target tracking using multiple model methods · an overview on target tracking using...

An Overview on Target Tracking Using Multiple Model Methods Joana Barbosa Bastos Gomes Dissertation submitted for obtaining the degree of Master in Electrical and Computer Engineering Jury Supervisor: Paulo Jorge Coelho Ramalho Oliveira President: Carlos Jorge Ferreira Silvestre Members: José Bioucas Dias September 2008

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Page 1: An Overview on Target Tracking Using Multiple Model Methods · An Overview on Target Tracking Using Multiple Model Methods Joana Barbosa Bastos Gomes Dissertation submitted for obtaining

An Overview on Target Tracking Using Multiple Model Methods

Joana Barbosa Bastos Gomes

Dissertation submitted for obtaining the degree of Master in

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Supervisor: Paulo Jorge Coelho Ramalho Oliveira

President: Carlos Jorge Ferreira Silvestre

Members: José Bioucas Dias

September 2008

Page 2: An Overview on Target Tracking Using Multiple Model Methods · An Overview on Target Tracking Using Multiple Model Methods Joana Barbosa Bastos Gomes Dissertation submitted for obtaining
Page 3: An Overview on Target Tracking Using Multiple Model Methods · An Overview on Target Tracking Using Multiple Model Methods Joana Barbosa Bastos Gomes Dissertation submitted for obtaining


First, I would like to thank Professor Paulo Oliveira and Professor Carlos Silvestre for their guidance,support and motivation throughout this work.

To all my friends from Instituto Superior Tecnico, for all the moments spent during the academic life,especially Clarita, Beta and Jeronimo for all the help and encouragement during the last five years andto the Algarve group for making my summers even better.

To my girlfriends from Mira Rio, for all their unconditional friendship and ever-presence in my life.

To my boyfriend Joao Pedro who was always there, helping me not to stress myself, and for choosingthe best spots for us to go.

To my big brother Alexandre whose path I have followed and whose advice I’ve always sought.

And, finally, to my mother and father for their unconditional love and their believe that I can accomplishanything I purpose myself to do.


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Esta dissertacao tem como objectivo apresentar uma coleccao de algoritmos multi-modelo (MM) ca-pazes de efectuar o seguimento de um ou multiplos objectos na presenca de incertezas no movimentodo objecto e na origem das observacoes. Ademais, esta dissertacao apresenta um novo algoritmoMM para seguimento de multiplos objectos.

A estimativa da posicao de um objecto e baseada em estimadores MM (formados por bancos defiltros de Kalman) com a ajuda de observacoes de um sensor. Sao apresentadas as tres geracoesde estimadores MM juntamente com a descricao e simulacao de um algoritmo representativo. Estasgeracoes sao i) Autonomos, ii) Cooperativos e iii) Estrutura Variavel. Os correspondentes algoritmosrepresentativos descritos sao o Minimum Mean Square Error Autonomous Multiple Model (MMSE-AMM), o Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) e o Likely Model-Set (LMS). Relativamente ao seguimentode multiplos objectos, dois algoritmos sao descritos e simulados. O primeiro combina o algoritmo IMMcom o Joint Probabilistic Data Association Filter (JPDAF); o segundo e um algoritmo novo baseadonos algoritmos LMS e JPDAF.

O MMSE-AMM e o mais simples e fraco dos algoritmos para seguimento de um objecto; a complexi-dade e desempenho do IMM e LMS sao semelhantes, mas o LMS tem mais espaco para melhorar eprovavelmente ira suplantar o IMM (e o MMSE-AMM). No exemplo simulado na presenca de multiplosobjectos, o algoritmo proposto LMS-JPDAF suplanta o desempenho do IMM-JPDAF na presenca deincerteza na origem das observacoes, apesar de mostrar um pior seguimento dos objectos quandoestes estao afastados.

Palavras-chave: Seguimento de Objectos, Estimacao multi-modelo, Data Association


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The aim of this thesis is to present a collection of multiple model (MM) algorithms capable of singleor multiple target tracking by solving one or both target motion and measurement origin uncertainties.Furthermore, this thesis introduces a new MM algorithm for multiple target tracking.

A single target position estimation is based on MM estimators (composed of Kalman filters banks) withthe help of sensor measurements. The three MM generations are presented along with a descriptionand simulation of a representative algorithm. These generations are: i) the Autonomous, ii) the Co-operative and iii) the Variable Structure. The correspondent representative algorithms described arethe Minimum Mean Square Error Autonomous Multiple Model (MMSE-AMM), the Interacting MultipleModel (IMM) and the Likely Model-Set (LMS). Regarding the tracking in the presence of the multipletargets two algortihms are described and simulated. The first combines the IMM and Joint ProbabilisticData Association Filter (JPDAF) algorithm, the second is a new algorithm based on the LMS and onthe JPDAF.

The MMSE-AMM is the simplest and poorer single target tracker; the IMM and LMS complexity andresponses are similar but the LMS has further room for improvement and will probabilly surpass theIMM (and the MMSE-AMM) performance. On the multiple target example simulated, the proposedLMS-JPDAF surpassed the IMM-JPDAF tracking performance under measurement origin uncertainty,although provided a worse overall single target tracking when the targets are far apart.

Keywords: Target Tracking, Multiple Model Estimation, Data Association


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2D Two DimensionsATC Air Traffic ControlAMM Autonomous Multiple ModelCMM Cooperating Multiple ModelCV (nearly) Constant VelocityCT (nearly) Constant TurnDA Data AssociationFSMM Fixed Structure Multiple ModelIMM Interacting Multiple ModelIMM-JPDAF Interacting Multiple Model Joint Probabilistic Data Association FilterJPDAF Joint Probabilistic Data Association FilterKF Kalman FilterLMS Likely Model-SetLMS-JPDAF Likely Model-Set Joint Probabilistic Data Association FilterMGS Model-Group SwitchingMJLS Markov Jump-Linear SystemMMSE Minimum Mean Squared ErrorMMSE-AMM Minimum Mean Square Error Autonomous Multiple ModelMSE Mean Squared ErrorMTT Multiple Target TrackingRADAR RAdio Detection And RangingRAMS Recursive Adaptive Model-SetSM Single ModelSONAR SOund Navigation and RangingSTT Single Target TrackingVSIMM Variable Structure Interacting Multiple ModelVSIMM-JPDAF Variable Structure Interacting Multiple Model Joint Probabilistic Data Association FilterVSMM Variable Structure Multiple Model


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Acknowledgements i

Resumo iii

Abstract v

Acronyms vii

Contents xi

List of Tables xiii

List of Figures xvii

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 State-of-the-Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.4 Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 The Target and Sensor Models 7

2.1 The State Space Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.2 Mathematical Model for the Maneuvering Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2.1 Constant Velocity Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


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2.2.2 Constant Turn Model with Known Turn Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2.3 The Target as a Discrete-Time Hybrid System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.3 Mathematical Model for Sensory System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.3.1 Tracking in Cartesian Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.3.2 Sensor Measurements for Multiple Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.4 Mode versus Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3 The Elemental Filter 19

3.1 The Elemental Filter Concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.2 The Discrete Kalman Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.3 Simulation Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.3.1 Example 1 - Constant Velocity Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.3.2 Example 2 - Constant Turn Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.3.3 Example 3 - Mode and Model mismatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4 Single Target Tracking 31

4.1 Introduction to Multiple Model algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4.2 Autonomous Multiple Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.2.1 The Minimum Mean-Square Error Autonomous Multiple Model algorithm . . . . . 33

4.2.2 Simulation Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4.3 Cooperating Multiple Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.3.1 The Interacting Multiple Model algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.3.2 Simulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.4 Variable Structure Multiple Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

4.4.1 The Likely Model-Set algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

4.4.2 Simulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

4.5 Comparison of the MM algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

5 Multiple Target Tracking 61

5.1 Tracking Multiple Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62


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5.2 Interacting Multiple Model Joint Probabilistic Data Association Filter . . . . . . . . . . . 62

5.2.1 Simulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

5.3 Likely Model-Set Joint Probabilistic Data Association Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

5.3.1 Simulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

5.4 Comparison of the MTT algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

6 Conclusion 79

6.1 Additional Research Proposed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Bibliography 83


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List of Tables

3.1 One Cycle of Discrete KF Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4.1 One Cycle of MMSE-AMM Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4.2 Angular velocity of the seven models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4.3 One Cycle of IMM Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.4 One Cycle of VSIMM [Mk,Mk−1] Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

4.5 One Cycle of LMS Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

4.6 Angular velocity of the thirteen models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

4.7 Mean state MSE for 30 simulations throughout the time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

5.1 One Cycle of IMM-JPDAF Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

5.2 Angular velocity of the seven models equal in both banks of filters. . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

5.3 One Cycle of VSIMM-JPDAF and VSIMM-JPDAF* Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

5.4 One Cycle of LMS-JPDAF Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73


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List of Figures

1.1 Market size 2002 in billions revenue passenger kilometers and yearly expected growthrates 2003-2022. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 Expected market growth rates 2007-2027 (source: Boeing Market Outlook). . . . . . . . 2

1.3 Plan position indicator screen of an ATC-radar with targets and clutter. . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1 Geometry of 2D target motion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.2 Sensor coordinate system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.3 Measurement probability density function for polar and Cartesian coordinates with rangeand bearing uncertainties of 1 m and 0.0349 rad, respectively; and for a target at a rangeof 7 m and a bearing of π/4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.4 Validation area for the linearized sensor model for a range and bearing uncertainties of1 m and 0.0349 rad, respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.1 KF position and velocity error in CV model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.2 Target trajectory and KF estimate and error ellipsoid propagation in CV model. . . . . . 27

3.3 KF position and velocity error in CT model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3.4 Target trajectory and KF estimate and error ellipsoid propagation in CT model. . . . . . 28

3.5 Target trajectory and KF estimate and error ellipsoid propagation with mode and modelmismatch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.6 KF position and velocity error with mode and model mismatch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.1 General structure of MM estimation algorithms with two model based filters. . . . . . . . 33

4.2 General structure of MMSE-AMM estimation algorithm with two model based filters. . . 34

4.3 MMSE-AMM model probabilities under optimal operating conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.4 MMSE-AMM position and velocity error under optimal operating conditions. . . . . . . . 38


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4.5 Target trajectory and MMSE-AMM with and without lower bound position estimate anderror ellipsoid propagation under under optimal operating conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4.6 Non constant angular velocity of the target. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

4.7 MMSE-AMM with and without lower bound model probabilities under non optimal oper-ating conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.8 Target trajectory and MMSE-AMM with and without lower bound position estimate anderror ellipsoid propagation under non optimal operating conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.9 MMSE-AMM with and without lower bound position and velocity error under non optimaloperating conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.10 General structure of IMM estimation algorithm with two model based filters. . . . . . . . 44

4.11 IMM model probabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.12 IMM position and velocity error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.13 Target trajectory and IMM estimate and error ellipsoid propagation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.14 Flowchart of LMS estimation algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4.15 Digraph associated with the total the model-set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4.16 LMS active models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

4.17 LMS position and velocity error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

4.18 Non-constant and smoothed angular velocity of the target. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4.19 Target trajectory and the three generations of MM algorithms mean position estimate for30 simulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4.20 The three generations of MM algorithms’ mean of the state MSE for 30 simulations. . . 59

5.1 Angular velocity of target 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

5.2 IMM-JPDAF targets trajectory three dimensional representation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

5.3 IMM-JPDAF targets trajectory and measurement association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

5.4 IMM-JPDAF measurement and target association regarding the value of β. . . . . . . . 69

5.5 IMM-JPDAF root squared error for the position and velocity of each target . . . . . . . . 70

5.6 Trajectory of the two targets and correspondent IMM-JPDAF estimate and error ellipsoidpropagation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

5.7 IMM-JPDAF model probabilities of the two filter bank associated with each target. . . . 71

5.8 LMS-JPDAF active models for each target. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75


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5.9 LMS-JPDAF root squared error for the position and velocity of each target. . . . . . . . 75

5.10 IMM-JPDAF and LMS-JPDAF measurement and target association regarding the valueof β. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

5.11 MTT algorithms mean of the root squared error for the position and velocity of eachtarget for 30 simulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77


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Chapter 1


This chapter gives a brief overview of the work developed in this thesis, beginning by describing themotivations behind it, section 1.1.

The subject of target tracking is not new but current advances in technology, namely the evolution onthe sensory systems, as provided new means that allow the development of better and more robustalgorithms. The current State-of-the-Art in relation to target tracking is presented in section 1.2, be-ginning by the ever-present single tracker Kalman Filter and ending with the recent proposed multipletarget trackers.

An overview of this work scope is also presented in section 1.2. At the end of the chapter, in section1.4, the thesis structure is provided.


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1.1 Motivation

The problem of target tracking dates back as far as the eighteenth century, with the first attempts todetermine the orbits of visible planets. More recent work, early 1960s, was mostly developed target-ing military applications, such as ballistic missile defense, battlefield situational awareness and orbitalvehicle tracking. Nowadays, the target tracking problem has an ever-growing number of civilian ap-plications, ranging from traditional applications such as air traffic control and building surveillance toemerging applications such as supply chain management and wildlife tracking. Certain applications oftarget tracking have become relatively more important in the last few years. Mainly air traffic control(ATC), which has and will experience a large grow due to the increase of civilian aviation (see figures1.1 and 1.2) and highway vehicle surveillance, driven by current interest in intelligent transportationsystems and by the proliferation of surveillance systems and their increased sophistication.

Figure 1.1: Market size 2002 in billions revenue passenger kilometers and yearly expected growthrates 2003-2022.

Figure 1.2: Expected market growth rates 2007-2027 (source: Boeing Market Outlook).

What these applications have in common, is that they intent to accurately and timely know the state ofone or more moving targets based on a combination of the sensed data and the target history.


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A major issue in target tracking design is thus the solving of two discrete-valued uncertainties, thetarget motion uncertainty and the measurement origin uncertainty.

The target motion uncertainty is present when a target undergoes a known or unknown maneuverduring an unknown time period. In general, it is only possible to account target motion uncertainty byhaving different motion models. Note that the target motion uncertainty can also reveal itself by targetnonlinearity, which will not be addressed in this thesis.

The measurement origin uncertainty is present when the measurements from the sensory system canhave been originated by an external source, such as clutter, false alarms or neighboring targets, forexample. In many situations the measurement origin uncertainty has far more impact in the trackingperformance than the noise associated with the measurements or the target motion uncertainty.

Solving the measurement origin uncertainty has gain specially attention in current years, due to the ris-ing of more complex and complete sensory systems such as RAdio Detection And Ranging (RADAR),infrared, laser RADAR and SOund Navigation and Ranging (SONAR), capable of observing diversesources, including the targets of interested and background noise (see figure 1.3).

ground clutter

weather clutter


Figure 1.3: Plan position indicator screen of an ATC-radar with targets and clutter.

1.2 State-of-the-Art

The ubiquitous Kalman Filter [14] is the most widely used filtering technique and is the basis for mostof the more complex target tracking estimators. The Kalman Filter is an optimal single target tracker ifthere is not target motion uncertainty nor measurement origin uncertainty.


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The Multiple Model methods are the main stream approach in single target tracking under motionuncertainty and in the absence of measurement origin uncertainty. Basically, these methods resolvethe target motion uncertainty by using multiple models at a time for a maneuvering target, being able toexplain a larger number of target motions at each time. Numerous techniques have been developed toresolve the target motion uncertainty, amongst the more popular, there are the Minimum Mean-SquareError Autonomous Multiple Model [22] and the Interacting Multiple Model algorithm [11].

Furthermore, there are two main Multiple Model algorithm approaches, the Fixed Structure and theVariable Structure. The first has received a lot of attention from the scientific community, and littlemore there is to be improved, on the other hand, the latter is relatively new and has appeared has analternative to upgrade the Fixed Structure Multiple Model algorithms. In the survey set [4], [7], [5], [6], [8]and [10], an interesting and almost complete study of all the main Variable Structure Multiple Modelalgorithms is made.

The Multiple Target Tracking problem extends the single target tracking scenario to a situation wherethe number of targets may not be known and varies with time, leading to the presence of measurementorigin uncertainty in addition to the target motion uncertainty. Besides the need to estimate the targetscurrent state, the identities of the targets may need to be known. The usual method to solve thisproblem is to assign a single target tracker to each target and use a data association technique toassign the correct measurement to each target. Numerous techniques have been developed to resolvethe measurement origin uncertainty, such as the Nearest Neighbour Standard Filter [23], the JointProbabilistic Data Association Filter [1], and the Multiple Hypothesis Tracking Filter [1].

1.3 Objectives

The aim of this thesis is to present a collection of tools that are capable of target tracking by solving oneor both target motion and measurement origin uncertainties. This thesis represents an evolution fromthe more accepted and more documented tracking algorithms to the more recent ones, from the moresimple to the more complex concepts in target tracking. Furthermore, during the thesis development, anew algorithm for Multiple Target Tracking arose naturally, by combining two of the studied approaches:the Likely Model-Set and the Joint Probabilistic Data Filter.

1.4 Contents

The outline of this thesis is as follows. The modeling of the target and sensory system is made inchapter 2. The Kalman Filter, viewed as the elemental filter or block of the Multiple Model estimators,is described in chapter 3. The three generations of Multiple Model methods are surveyed in chapter4. This generations are: the autonomous, the cooperative and the variable structure multiple mod-els. For all the three generations a representative algorithm is simulated. Furthermore, at the end ofthe chapter all three algorithms performances are discussed and compared. The tracking of multipletargets is addressed in chapter 5, where two alternative algorithms are presented. The first, is a well


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documented algorithm whereas the second one was developed in the thesis context. Both this algo-rithms performances are compared. The final chapter, chapter 6, summarizes the work presented inthis thesis and outlines future research based on the work developed.


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Chapter 2

The Target and Sensor Models

This chapter addresses the importance of a correct modeling of the target and sensor in the problem oftarget tracking. In the first section (section 2.1), the system composed of target and sensor is describedas a general state-space system.

In section 2.2, two possible models to explain the target motion are described. The target can have twotypes of motions: non-maneuvering motion (described in subsection 2.2.1) and maneuvering motion(described in subsection 2.2.2). In subsection 2.2.3 these two models are incorporated in a hybridtarget model able to describe the multiple motions of the target.

In section 2.3, the sensor model is described along with the necessary coordinate transformation andlinearization (subsection 2.3.1). In subsection 2.3.2, the sensor model is extended to the the multipletarget tracking problem.

Finally in section 2.4 the difference between the terms Mode and Model are discussed.


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2.1 The State Space Model

For the successful tracking of a moving target it is essential to extract the maximum useful informationabout the target state from the available observations. Both good models to describe the target dy-namics and sensor will certainly help this information extraction. As the knowledge of information onthe target’s kinematics and sensor characteristics are generally known, most of the tracking algorithmsbase their performance on the a priori defined mathematical model of the target which are assumed tobe sufficiently accurately. This section, addresses the problem of describing the target motion modeland establishes a good compromise between accuracy and complexity.

The target is treated as a pontual mass and is described by a linear state-space model in the form

xk+1 = Fkxk +Gkuk + Ekwk (2.1)

and the measurement function has the form

zk = Hkxk + vk (2.2)

where xk ∈ Rn, zk ∈ Rm and uk ∈ Rp the target state,observation, and control input vectors, respec-tively, at the discrete time tk; wk ∈ Rq and vk ∈ Rm are the process and measurement noise sequenceswith covariances Q(t) ∈ Rq×q and R(t) ∈ Rm×m, respectively; and Fk ∈ Rn×n, Ek ∈ Rn×p, GK ∈ Rn×q

and Hk ∈ Rm×n are the possible time-varying discrete-time transition matrix, input gain, noise gainand measurement matrix, respectively.

The discrete-time model presented above is often obtained by discretizing the continuous-time model

x(t) = A(t)x(t) +D(t)u(t) +B(t)w(t) x(t0) = x0 (2.3)

z(t) = C(t)x(t) + v(t) (2.4)

where A(t), D(t), B(t) and C(t) are the continuos-time equivalent to the Fk, EK , Gk and Hk ma-trixes, respectively and w(t) and v(t) are the continuous-time process and measurement noise withcovariances Q(t) and R(t), respectively.

Since the observations are usually only available at discrete time instants and the target motion ismore accurately modeled by the continuous time equation, it is more appropriate to use the followingcontinuous-discrete time form

x(t) = A(t)x(t) +D(t)u(t) +B(t)w(t), x(t0) = x0 (2.5)

zk = Hkxk + vk. (2.6)


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2.2 Mathematical Model for the Maneuvering Target

After addressing the importance of correct modeling the target and sensor, and introducing generalequations for the continuous-time target system, in this section, the concrete model chosen to explainthe target’s motion is described.

Before presenting the model, the expressions for discretizing (sampling) of the continuous-time linearsystem (2.3), for a time-invariant continuous-time system with sampling rate ∆t, using Euler discretiza-tion or Zero-Order Hold (ZOH) [12], [9], are

Fk4= F (tk+1, tk) = F (tk+1 − tk) = F (∆t) = eA∆t (2.7)

Gk4= G(tk+1, tk) =

∫ ∆t


eA(∆t−τ)Ddτ. (2.8)

The process noise w(t) is considered to be zero-mean and white Gaussian. The discretized processnoise wk retains the same characteristics

E[wk] = 0, E[wkw′j ] = Qkδkj (2.9)

with covariance Qk given by

Qk =∫ ∆t


eA(∆t−τ)BQB′eA′(∆t−τ)dτ. (2.10)

The target is assumed to have a 2D horizontal motion model has a state described by

x =[x x y y


where (x, y) is the target position in Cartesian coordinates and x and y are the linear velocity of thetarget along the x-axis and the y-axis, respectively.

The target dynamics is described by

x(t) = v(t) cosφ(t)

y(t) = v(t) sinφ(t)

v(t) = at(t)

φ(t) = an(t)/v(t)


where v and φ are the linear velocity and (velocity) heading angle, respectively. The variable at and anare the target tangential and normal accelerations in the horizontal plane, respectively. See figure 2.1for visual representation of this variables.

This model can explain several target motions including the special cases

• rectilinear, constant velocity motion (an = 0, at = 0);


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Figure 2.1: Geometry of 2D target motion.

• rectilinear, accelerated motion (an = 0, at 6= 0);

• circular, constant speed motion (an 6= 0, at = 0).

The two motions addressed in this thesis for modeling the target’s dynamics are the first and last casesof the above list.

The first case represents the target in non-maneuver, its motion is (nearly) uniform with (nearly) con-stant linear velocity v. This model is commonly called Constant Velocity (CV) Model [20].

The last case above, with a constant and known an, is referred to as a Constant Turn (CT) Model withKnown Turn Rate [20]. This model assume that the target moves with (nearly) constant speed v and(nearly) constant angular velocity (or turn rate) ω. The constant value is assumed to be known leadingto a four-dimensional state vector.

2.2.1 Constant Velocity Model

From (2.12) for an = 0 and at = 0; and using the form of (2.3), the target state vector is given by

x(t) = ACV x(t) +BCV w(t) (2.13)


0 1 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 10 0 0 0

, BCV =

0 01 00 00 1


where w(t) is white gaussian noise with covariance E[w(t)w(τ)′] = Q(t)δ(t− τ)

Q(t) = diag(σ2x, σ

2y). (2.15)

The discrete-time equivalent of the above model is described by

xk+1 = FCV xk + wk (2.16)


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where, using the equation (2.7), the discrete-time transition matrix is given by


1 ∆t 0 00 1 0 00 0 1 ∆t0 0 0 1

. (2.17)

The covariance matrix of the discrete-time process noise sequence wk, calculated using the expression(2.10), is

Qk =


x 1/2(∆t)2σ2x 0 0

1/2(∆t)2σ2x ∆tσ2

x 0 00 0 1/3(∆t)3σ2

y 1/2(∆t)2σ2y

0 0 1/2(∆t)2σ2y ∆tσ2


. (2.18)

2.2.2 Constant Turn Model with Known Turn Rate

From (2.12) for an 6= 0 and at = 0; and using the form of (2.3), the target state vector is given by

x(t) = ACT (ω)x(t) +BCTw(t) (2.19)

ACT (ω) =

0 1 0 00 0 0 −ω0 0 0 10 ω 0 0

, BCT =

0 01 00 00 1


where w(t) is white gaussian noise with covariance given by (2.15). If ω is known this model is linear.

The discrete-time equivalent of the above model can be obtained by

xk+1 = FCT (ω)xk + wk (2.21)

where, using once again the equation (2.7), the discrete-time transition matrix is given by

FCT (ω) =

1 sinω∆t

ω 0 − 1−cosω∆tω

0 cosω∆t 0 − sinω∆t0 1−cosω∆t

ω 1 sinω∆tω

0 sinω∆t 0 cosω∆t

. (2.22)

Note that the discretization of this continuos model has an issue, since it can be time-variant, regardingwhich of the discrete-time value of the angular velocity ω should be used. The most popular way, andthe one here applied, is to use ωk. Other ways include the more stable method propose in [16], whichuses ωk+1, or adopt the mean value 1

2 (ωk + ωk+1) instead.

The variable wk remains a white gaussian noise sequence with covariance given by (2.10), resulting in


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the matrix defined by Qk =[Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

], where

Q1 =

(3ω∆t−4 sin(ω∆t)+1/2 sin(2ω∆t))σy2

2ω3 + (ω∆t−1/2 sin(2ω∆t))σx2


− (2 cos(ω∆t)−1−cos(ω∆t)2)σy2

2ω2 + sin(ω∆t)2σx2


(2 cos(ω∆t)−1−cos(ω∆t)2)σy2

2ω3 + (cos(ω∆t)2−2 cos(ω∆t)+1)σx2


(ω∆t−2 sin(ω∆t)+1/2 sin(2ω∆t))σy2

2ω2 + (ω∆t−1/2 sin(2ω∆t))σx2



Q2 =


(ω∆t−1/2 sin(2ω∆t))σy2

2ω + (1/2 sin(2ω∆t)+ω∆t)σx2

− (ω∆t−1/2 sin(2ω∆t))σy2

2ω2 − (ω∆t−2 sin(ω∆t)+1/2 sin(2ω∆t))σx2



2ω − sin(ω∆t)2σy2


Q3 =



(ω∆t−1/2 sin(2ω∆t))σy2

2ω3 + (3ω∆t−4 sin(ω∆t)+1/2 sin(2ω∆t))σx2



2ω2 + (cos(ω∆t)2−2 cos(ω∆t)+1)σx2



Q4 =




(1/2 sin(2ω∆t)+ω∆t)σy2

2ω + (ω∆t−1/2 sin(2ω∆t))σx2

. (2.26)

Unfortunately, this model requires the exact value of the angular velocity ω to be known a priori thusmaking it not usable in practical applications. A intuitive idea is to replace the above ω by its esti-mate however, this adds up to the already existing uncertainty of the target’s state and may lead tounacceptably large errors into the system.

2.2.3 The Target as a Discrete-Time Hybrid System

In general, a target non-maneuvering and different maneuvering motions can only be explained bydifferent motion models.

A natural solution to take advantage of the simpleness of the models described in sections 2.2.1 and2.2.2, and still achieve good tracking results, is based on the use of multiple models with different fixedturn rates. The turn rate, or system behavior, at a time instant k is modeled by a discrete variable namemode state sk.

The target system is hybrid, since it has both continuous and discrete components. Those that varycontinuously are the base state x(t) and those that may only jump are the mode state sk.


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In this approach, at each given time k the target can assume a mode state s(i)k , associated with an

angular velocity ωi. The mode sk is considered to be in effect during the sampling period ending at k.The set of possible modes is the finite mode space S. Note that the value of ω can be equal to zero,leading to the CV model.

The sequence of modes, and consequently the sequence of turn rates, is modeled as a Markov chain,which means that at each time step k its value may either jump or stay unchanged with transitionprobability, for a homogeneous Markov chain, defined by


(i)k = Pωk+1 = ωj |ωk = ωi = πij,k = πij ∀i, j, k. (2.27)

The target model can be casted as a Markov Jump-Linear System (MJLS), i.e., a linear system whoseparameters evolve with time according to a finite state Markov chain. The measurement equation willbe omitted since the sensor has only discrete-time parameters and does not depend on the mode state.The discrete-time general representation of a hybrid system, where the discrete system componentshave a first order sk-dependance, can be described by

xk+1 = Fk(sk)xk + wk(sk). (2.28)

The above equations can be simplified in this context, where the system mode sk is considered tobe associated with an angular velocity ωk, meaning that Fk is the only sk-dependent factor of thesystem. Also the time-dependence of the transition matrix Fk can be dropped resulting in the followingexpressions

xk+1 = F (ωk)xk + wk (2.29)


F (ωk) =


FCT (ωk) = FCV if ωk = 0

FCT (ωk) otherwise.(2.30)

2.3 Mathematical Model for Sensory System

As was introduced in section 2.1 in the problem of target tracking it is essential to extract the mostinformation about the target state from the observations, thus besides modeling the target it also isnecessary to model the sensor.

The sensor described is a RADAR and is considered to be placed at the origin of the Cartesian axis,i.e., is placed in the coordinates (x, y) = (0, 0), and the sensor coordinate system is polar providing ineach measurement the range r and the bearing θ of the target (see figure 2.2).

The sensor measurements are modeled with the following additive noise

r = r + vr (2.31)

θ = θ + vθ (2.32)


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Figure 2.2: Sensor coordinate system.

where xpk = (r, θ) are the nominal target position, in the sensor polar coordinates, and vpk = (vr, vθ) arethe respective measurement errors, assumed to be zero-mean, Gaussian distributed and uncorrelated.Considering vpk the measurement error vector in polar coordinates at the time step k

vpk ∼ N (0, Rpk) (2.33)

withRpk = cov(vpk) = diag(σ2

r , σ2θ) = Rp ∀k. (2.34)

The sensor measurements in the sensor coordinate system is given by

zpk =



]= h(xk) + vpk (2.35)

where the error-free position of the target in polar coordinates is given by

xck = h(xk) =




[√x2k + y2


f(yk, xk)


where f(yk, xk) is a four-quadrant inverse tangent.

At this point, there are two distinct coordinate systems, the Cartesian coordinate system of the targetand the polar coordinate system of the sensor. Although there are several techniques to addressthe tracking problem in a multiple coordinate systems [19], the choice taken in this thesis is to trackin Cartesian coordinates, therefore, there is the need to perform the conversion between the sensorcoordinates to Cartesian coordinates.

2.3.1 Tracking in Cartesian Coordinates

The nominal position of the target in Cartesian coordinates corespondent to the pair xpk = [r θ]′ isdefined by xck = [x y]′, which is a subvector of the actual state vector x. The correspondence polar-to-


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Cartesian coordinates of the target position is exact and given by

xck =



]= Φ(xpk) = Φ(r, θ) =

[r cos(θ)r sin(θ)


where Φ = h−1 is the polar-to-Cartesian transformation.

After the conversion above, the sensor model in Cartesian coordinates, can be modeled as

zk = Hxk + vck =

[1 0 0 00 0 1 0

]xk + vk (2.38)

where xck = Hxk = [x y]′ is the nominal position of the target in Cartesian coordinates (a subvector ofthe actual state vector x) and vk is the converted measurement noise into Cartesian coordinates. Themeasurement matrix is now time invariant, i.e., Hk = H ∀k.

The major advantage of the above expression is that the linear Kalman Filter (see chapter 3) can beapplied for tracking, as the target dynamics are also linear.

The main challenge of the equation above is to obtain a linearized conversion of the measurementnoise, since vck in general is coupled across coordinates, is non-Gaussian and state dependent. Dueto state dependency of vck the model in equation (2.38) is actually non-linear which means that theKalman Filter fails to deliver optimal results.

The alternative is also not perfect, as the techniques to track nonlinearity present only in the mea-surement noise and not in the measurement function are scarce and not deeply researched. Thepresence of this nonlinearity in vck is actually much less significant then the presence of nonlinearity inthe measurement function.

One of the approaches is to linearize the measurement noise is to perform a Taylor series expansionof Φ(xpk) around the noisy measurement zpk [19], omitting the time index k

xc = Φ(xp) = Φ(zp − vp) = Φ(zp)− J(zp)vp + ξ(vp) (2.39)

where ξ(vp) stands for higher order (≤ 2) terms and J(zp) is the Jacobian given by

J(zp) =∂Φ∂xp



[cos θ −r sin θsin θ r cos θ

]. (2.40)

Then the equation (2.38) can be written as

zk = Φ(zpk) = Φ(xpk + vpk) = Hxk + J(zpk)vpk + ξ(vpk)︸ ︷︷ ︸vc



The most commonly applied approach is to treat vck as a zero-mean sequence with covariance

Rk = J(zpk)RpkJ(zpk)′ (2.42)


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this is achieved by ignoring the higher order terms of the Taylor series expansion ξ(vpk), i.e.,

zk = Φ(zpk) ≈ Hxk + J(zpk)vpk︸ ︷︷ ︸vk


where vck is approximated by the linearized version vk. As stated in [17], the linearization describedabove is considered valid, i.e., the linearized vk roughly retains the zero-mean and white sequencecharacteristic of vck only if the following conditions are met


σr< 0.4, σθ < 0.4 rad. (2.44)

Outside this conditions the noise sequence vk reveals its state dependency, non zero-mean and non-white characteristics. Below in figure 2.3, is an example of coordinate conversion and what happens tothe measurement probability density function from polar to Cartesian coordinates.

The distribution of the measurement data zk (in polar or Cartesian coordinates) given the target positionxk (in polar or Cartesian coordinates) is calculated using

zk ∼ N (xk, Rk) −→ N (zk;xk, Rk) =1



12 (zk−xk)′R−1

k (zk−xk) (2.45)

where Rk is measurement noise covariance in polar or Cartesian coordinates, depending on whichcoordinate system are the other variables.

(a) Polar coordinates. (b) Cartesian coordinates.

Figure 2.3: Measurement probability density function for polar and Cartesian coordinates with rangeand bearing uncertainties of 1 m and 0.0349 rad, respectively; and for a target at a range of 7 m and a

bearing of π/4.


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To ensure that the linearization is valid the target should have its range r conditioned to

r < 0.4σrσ2θ

. (2.46)

For the same range and bearing uncertainties of figure 2.3, i.e., for

σr = 1 m, σθ = 0.0349 rad = 2 (2.47)

the area in which the sensor is considered valid is represented in figure 2.4. In the same figure is alsorepresented a target trajectory when in CV mode and the correspondent measurements. It is clearlyseen the dependence of the measurement noise covariance on the target’s range r, the largest therange the more disperse are the measurements.

Figure 2.4: Validation area for the linearized sensor model for a range and bearing uncertainties of 1m and 0.0349 rad, respectively.

2.3.2 Sensor Measurements for Multiple Targets

In the problem of multiple target tracking of two distinct targets, at each time step k, the sensor canhave up to two measurements. It is assumed that at each time step k the tracking algorithm has accessto a measurement vector zk containing two measurements which are the Cartesian conversion of thepolar measurements z(1)pk and z(2)pk, associated with target 1 and target 2, respectively. The order inwhich this measurements are received is determined by their distance/range, the closest target beingreceived first.


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The multiple target sensor measurement equation is given by

zk =





[Φ(minz(1)pk, z(2)pk)Φ(maxz(1)pk, z(2)pk)


where z(r)pk indicates the noisy measurement originated from target r in polar coordinates, and z(j)kindicates the jth measurement of the sensor.

The same linearization discussed in subsection 2.3.1 can be performed for the above measurementsto be able to use a linear model in the multiple target tracking algorithm analyzed in chapter 5.

2.4 Mode versus Model

Along the lines of [21], in this thesis the terms target mode and target model will be used to address twodifferent realities. The target mode refers to the true target behavior or target motion. The target modelis a mathematical usually simplified description of the of the target motion with a certain accuracy level.The tracking estimators are based on the target models, which are the known mathematical descriptionof the target motion, and not on the true target modes.

Regarding the sensory system, it is assumed that a different characterization for its mode and a modelcan also be made. Its model is an approximation of the true mode since the model described insubsection 2.3.1 is a Cartesian transformation and linearized version of the sensor true mode describedin section 2.3. On all the results presented in this thesis, the linear approximation of the sensor modeis always valid, i.e., conditions in (2.46) are met, so it is considered that the sensor mode and modelare the same.

The system mode at a given time k is represented by

sk (2.49)

while the event that model j is in effect at time k is expressed by


4= sk = m(j). (2.50)

Here it is considered that the models in target tracking algorithm are a subset of the total mode set Sk,i.e., the models have perfect accuracy but cannot explain all the target modes/motion behaviors.

Since the sensor mode and model are equal and constant during each simulation, for simplicity thesystem mode and model can be addressed as target mode and model, respectively.


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Chapter 3

The Elemental Filter

In this chapter, the ubiquitous Kalman Filter algorithm is studied. Under the scope of this thesis, theKalman Filter is presented as the most widely used building block, or elemental filter, of the MultipleModel tracking algorithms. Thus, this chapter begins by introducing the concept of the elemental filterand in section 3.2 the recursive Kalman Filter algorithm is described.

Even though the Kalman Filter, in this work, is used as a Multiple Model building block, it is also capableof tracking a single target based on a single model. Simulations regarding the Kalman Filter behavioras a single target tracker are discussed in section 3.3.


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3.1 The Elemental Filter Concept

In the problem of single target tracking there are two main approaches: 1) Single Model (SM) basedtracking and 2) Multiple Model (MM) based tracking.

The first approach is quite simplistic and it is only applicable if the target mode is time invariant andknown, which for most of the true life applications is unfeasible due to motion uncertainty. The secondapproach addresses this issue by using more than one model to describe the target motion.

In the SM based tracking approach there is one single filter based on a unique model. The functionof this elemental filter is to reduce the effect of the various disturbances (system and measurementnoises) on the state estimate, based on the known target mode and measurements data.

On the other hand the MM algorithms use a set of models as possible candidates to describe the targetmode at each time step k. This means that at each time the MM algorithms run a bank of elementalfilters each based on a unique model in the set, and then compute the overall estimate based on allthe estimates of each model. The MM algorithms will be discussed in depth in chapter 4.

In this chapter the algorithm of the elemental filter is described. The elemental filter is a discreteKalman Filter (KF) which estimates the state in a way that minimizes the mean of the squared error(MSE).

3.2 The Discrete Kalman Filter

In 1960, R. E. Kalman published his famous paper [14] describing a recursive state estimator thatminimized the mean of the squared error. This has become known as the Kalman Filter. The discreteKF consists of a recursive state estimation which, iteratively, computes the state vector from the priorknowledge of the discretized process dynamics, the discrete measurement model, and the measureddata.

Let xi|j , i ≥ j, be the estimate of the state xi using all the measurements information up to andincluding time j, zj = z0, . . . , zk. Thus, each cycle of the KF will output the current state estimatewhich is defined by

xk|k∆= E[xk|zk] (3.1)

and the correspondent state covariance matrix defined by

Pk|k∆= E[(xk − xk|k)(xk − xk|k)′|zk]. (3.2)

For the algorithm validity the following statistical assumptions have to be met

• The initial state has known mean and covariance

E[x(0)|z0] = x0|0, cov[x(0)|z0] = P0|0; (3.3)


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• The process and measurement noise are zero-mean and white with known covariance matrices

E[wk] = 0, E[wkw′j ] = Qkδkj (3.4)

E[vk] = 0, E[vkv′j ] = Rkδkj ; (3.5)

• All the above are mutually uncorrelated

E[x0w′k] = 0, E[x0v

′k] = 0, E[wkv′j ] = 0. (3.6)

Most of the simplifications performed below relay on these assumptions.

It is possible to define the predicted state, which for the target model considered is ideally given bystate equation (2.29), with F (ωk) = Fk

xk|k−1∆= E[Fk−1xk−1 + wk−1|zk−1]. (3.7)

In the KF this variable is called a priori estimate of the state xk and is computed from the estimatexk−1|k−1 using a noise free version of (2.29)

xk|k−1 = Fk−1xk−1|k−1. (3.8)

Similarly, it is possible to compute the a priori estimate of the sensor measurement zk using the a prioriestimate and noise free version of the measurement equation (2.38)

zk|k−1 = Hkxk|k (3.9)

which is derived fromzk|k−1

∆= E[Hkxk|k + vk]. (3.10)

Since the value of the sensor measurement zk is available, it is possible to compute the measurementprediction error, commonly called measurement residual

zk∆= zk − zk|k−1. (3.11)

The measurement residual zk is a zero-mean white sequence which is used to correct the a posterioristate estimate by calculating

xk|k = xk|k−1 +Kkzk (3.12)

where Kk is a gain matrix generally called Kalman Filter Gain.

The KF gain derivation takes into account the stochastic nature of the process and the measurementdynamics, in order to produce an optimal linear estimator that minimizes the mean squared error onthe state estimate xk|k. To compute the gain K it is necessary to define some more variables.


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The state prediction error is given by

xk|k−1 = xk − xk|k−1 = Fk−1xk|k−1 + wk−1 (3.13)

and the state prediction covariance by

Pk|k−1∆= E[xk|k−1(xk|k−1)′|zk]= Fk−1E[xk−1|k−1(xk−1|k−1)′|zk](Fk−1)′ + E[wk−1w



which can be rewritten asPk|k−1 = Fk−1Pk−1|k−1(Fk−1)′ +Qk−1. (3.15)

The residual in (3.11) can be rewritten to

zk = Hkxk|k−1 + vk. (3.16)

Thus the predicted measurement covariance, or residual covariance, is given by

Sk∆= E[zkz′k] = HkE[xk|k−1(xk|k−1)′|zk]H ′k + E[vkv′k] (3.17)

which can be rewritten asSk = HkPk|k−1H

′k +Rk. (3.18)

The a posterior state estimate error is defined by

xk|k∆= xk − xk|k = xk|k−1 −Kkzk (3.19)

so the state covariance matrix can be rewritten as

Pk|k∆= E[xk|kx′k|k|z


= E[(xk|k−1 −Kk(Hkxk|k−1vk))(xk|k−1 −Kk(Hkxk|k−1vk))′]= Pk|k−1 −KkHkPk|k−1 − Pk|k−1H

′kK′k +KkSkK



The KF gain is calculated by minimizing the trace of the state estimate covariance. Deriving the stateestimate covariance trace in order of the KF gain results in


= −2(HkPk|k−1)′ + 2KkSk. (3.21)

Equating the above equation to zero, leads to the optimal filter gain equation, defined by

Kk = Pk|k−1Hk(Sk)−1. (3.22)


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Finally, by replacing the gain K on (3.20), the posteriori state estimate covariance is defined by

Pk|k = Pk|k−1 −KkSk(Kk)′. (3.23)

The KF state estimation cycle structure is divided in two main steps

1. Time update or Predict step: projects the current state estimate ahead in time computing the apriori variables;

2. Measurement update or Update step: adjusts the projected estimate by an actual measurementat that time computing the a posteriori variables.

A complete description of the KF algorithm is presented in table 3.1.

Table 3.1: One Cycle of Discrete KF Algorithm.

1. Time update:Predicted state: xk|k−1 = Fk−1xk−1|k−1

Predicted covariance: Pk|k−1 = Fk−1Pk−1|k−1(Fk−1)′ +Qk−1

2. Measurement update:Measurement residual: zk = zk −Hkxk|k−1

Residual covariance: Sk = HkPk|k−1(Hk)′ +RkFilter gain: Kk = Pk|k−1(Hk)′(Sk)−1

Update state: xk|k = xk|k−1 +KkzkUpdate covariance: Pk|k = Pk|k−1 −KkSk(Kk)′

The KF design parameters necessary to run the KF algorithm are

• The model m;

• The system and measurement noises covariances (Q and R respectively);

• The initial state x0|0 and state covariance P0|0.

The covariance calculations in the Minimum Mean Squared Error (MMSE) estimation problem areindependent of the state and measurements and can, therefore, be performed offline. Combiningtogether the predicted covariance and update covariance from 3.1 results in the Riccatti equation givenby

Pk+1|k = FkPk|k−1 − Pk|k−1H′k[HkPk|k−1H

′k +Rk]−1HkPk|k−1F ′k +Qk. (3.24)

For a time-invariant system, if it is observable, The prediction covariance matrix P(k|k−1) converges toa constant matrix P ( lim

k→∞= P ) and the Riccatti equation will converge to the steady state solution

P = FP − PH ′[HPH ′ +R]−1HPF ′ +Q. (3.25)


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Note that this is not the case of the system studied since the measurement noise covariance Rk istime-dependent.

The optimal operating conditions of the KF rely on the following fundamental assumptions

A1. The true mode s is time invariant (i.e., sk = s, ∀k);

A2. The true mode s at any time has a mode space S that is time invariant and identical to the time-invariant model m used (i.e., Sk = m, ∀k).

3.3 Simulation Examples

In this section three examples are analyzed, beginning by showing the KF ability in target trackingunder optimal conditions (subsections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2). The other example shows the performanceof the KF algorithm under non-optimal conditions as mode and model mismatch occurs (subsection3.3.3).

One important implementation detail is how to compute the converted measurement covariance Rk

in (2.42) which is a function of the target range and bearing (in the term J(zpk)) as well as their un-certainties (in the term Rpk). Therefore, the value of Rk should be computed using the best estimateavailable ate the time instant k. The most obvious way is to use the predicted state converted to polarcoordinates using the transformation (2.36), except when in a first period after initialization when theuncertainty in the predicted state can be large. During this period the value of the measurement shouldbe used to compute Rk. The threshold that determines which estimate should be used is given by [17]

det[HkPk|k−1H′k] ≥ det(Rk). (3.26)

If the predicted measurement covariance based on the state predicted covariance HkPk|k−1Hk isgreater that the measurement error covariance Rk, then HkPk|k−1Hk should be used.

3.3.1 Example 1 - Constant Velocity Model

In this example the target motion is described by the CV model described in subsection 2.2.1, with aninitial state given by

x(0) =[x(0) x(0) y(0) y(0)

]′=[x(0) v cosφ(0) y(0) v sinφ(0)


withx(0) = −170 m, y(0) = −150 m, v = 5 m.s−1 and φ(0) = 45. (3.28)

The system noise covariance Q(t) is given by equation (2.15) with

σx = 0.001 and σy = 0.001. (3.29)


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The measurement noise covariance Rpk is given by equation (2.34) with

σr = 2 m, σθ = 1. (3.30)

In this example, the KF based model is equal to the target and sensor mode with equal measurementand process noise characteristics.

In the actual implementation of the filter, the measurement noise covariance Rk (here, Rk denotes thetime-invariant covariance in the sensor coordinates Rpk) is usually easy to obtain by determining thecovariance of the easy-to-obtain offline samples of the measurement noise. In regard to the processnoise covariance Q determination, it is not as straightforward to obtain since the process usually is notdirectly observable. In most of the cases, the KF has acceptable results if the covariance Q accountsenough uncertainty.

In most cases, even if the values of noises covariances were known the dimensioning may still chooseto tune these parameters to achieve better performance, as will be discussed in subsection 3.3.3. Thistuning is frequently achieved offline and with the help of another distinct KF. For instances, if the Q andR are constant, both the state estimate covariance Pk|k and the Kalman gain Kk will converge quicklyto the constant value, see equation (3.25), thus these parameters can be calculated a priori by runningthe filter offline.

Note that the KF uses the discretized equations of the target mode, addressed in the correspondent tar-get mode description section, in this case in subsection 2.2.1. The sampling time used in all simulationexamples in this thesis is

∆t = 1 s. (3.31)

Plus, the initial position of the target and of the filter are different from each other, which creates a morerealistic scenario. The initial state of the target is thus considered not to be known, only its distributionis known and given by

x0|0 ∼ N (x(0), P0|0) (3.32)

where x(0) is the initial true target state and P0|0 is the considered variance which has the value givenby

P0|0 =

102 0 0 00 0.22 0 00 0 102 00 0 0 0.22

. (3.33)

For the parameters defined above, the KF is in optimal conditions.

In this same figure it is also clear the initial filter linear velocity of the filter in contrast with the true targetlinear velocity.

In this situation, the state estimate has small error has can be seen in figure 3.1. In both variables, theerror has its higher values at the first part of the simulation due to the initial estimate error.

Besides the influence of the initial state error, which is only present at the beginning of the simulation,there is also the influence of the system disturbances, the process and the measurement noises.


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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000







time [s]




or [m


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000





time [s]




or [m


Figure 3.1: KF position and velocity error in CV model.

The influence of the process noise is constant throughout the whole simulation, more interesting isthe influence of the measurement noise that, as shown in section 2.3.1, depends on the target state,specifically on the target range, thus it is expected an increase of the overall estimate error with thetarget range due to the increase of the measurement noise.

Even though the initial state estimate error, the filter is quick to adapt itself and converges to the trueposition and linear velocity value (see figure 3.1, once again). The quickness of the KF responsedepends mainly on the initial value of the state estimate, its covariance and the covariance of thedisturbances (process and measurement noises).

Obviously, the closer the initial estimate is to the target state, the more quickly will the filter converge.Under optimal conditions, the KF will always converge for all values of the state estimate covariance,except the null value, but if its value is too small the filter will take longer to compensate the differencein the initial value. Regarding the disturbances covariance influence, they represent the belief of thefilter in the data it receives, be the measurements data or the model description.

In figure 3.2 the KF position estimate is compared to the true target state and some state estimate errorellipsoids with a confidence level of 95 percent. The true target position, as expected, is always insidethe ellipsoid centered at the state estimate and with shape defined by the state estimate covariance.As expected, with time the state estimate is more precise and the state estimate covariance decreasesleading to the decrease of the ellipsoids contour.


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−200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200−150








x [m]

y [m


targetestimateerror ellipsoid 95%


Figure 3.2: Target trajectory and KF estimate and error ellipsoid propagation in CV model.

3.3.2 Example 2 - Constant Turn Model

In this second example, the optimal conditions of operation for the KF are maintained but the targetmode and KF based model are now the CT model described in subsection 2.2.2, with an angularvelocity ω equal to 3 rads−1.

The initial state of the target in this simulation is given by the equation (3.27) with

x(0) = −150 m, y(0) = 50 m, v = 5 m.s−1 and φ(0) = −75. (3.34)

The KF initial state estimate has the same distribution from the previous example (3.32) with covari-ance given by (3.33). The target and filter process and measurement noises characteristics are alsomaintained from the previous example.

The algorithm maintains its tracking capability, its state estimate error, regarding the position and thevelocity, as in the previous example, is high at the beginning of the simulation due to the initial stateestimate error but steadily is reduced, see figure 3.3.

The target trajectory in the CT mode, KF position estimate and some state estimate error ellipsoids witha confidence level of 95 percent are shown in figure 3.4. Once again, due to the initial state uncertainty,the ellipsoids contour is larger at beginning of the simulations but it steadily decreases with time.


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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 900






time [s]




or [m


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 900








time [s]




or [m


Figure 3.3: KF position and velocity error in CT model.

−150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150






x [m]

y [m


targetestimateerror ellipsoid 95%


Figure 3.4: Target trajectory and KF estimate and error ellipsoid propagation in CT model.


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3.3.3 Example 3 - Mode and Model mismatch

In this example, the model used to describe the target is different from the target’s mode, thus a modelmismatch occurs.

The target mode and KF based model are the CT model described in subsection 2.2.2, with an angularvelocity equal to 3.1 rads−1 and 3 rads−1, respectively. Every other target behavior and KF parametersare maintained from the previous simulation with the exception of the KF process noise covariance.

As mentioned before, the tune of the disturbances covariances can help the KF to deliver better esti-mates. The process noise covariance Q contributes to the overall uncertainty, it relates to the trust theKF has on the model used to describe the target motion. When Q is large, the Kalman Filter trackslarge changes in the measured data more closely than for smaller Q. Regarding the measurementnoise covariance R, it relates to the trust the KF has in measured data. If R is high, the Kalman Filterconsiders the measurements as not very accurate.

The covariance R is unchanged and defined by equation (2.34), whereas the process noise covarianceQ is different from the true target process noise covariance to account the uncertainty of the KF modelto describe the target mode. The covariance Q(t) chosen is then higher and given by the equation(2.15) with

σx = 0.01 and σy = 0.01. (3.35)

For the parameters defined, the target position, correspondent estimate in the 2D space and somestate estimate error ellipsoids with a confidence level of 95 percent are in figure 3.5. It can be seenclearly the initial position difference between the KF estimation and the target and the correspondentinitial large contour of the error ellipsoid due to the initial state estimate uncertainty, directly related withthe initial state estimate covariance P0|0. Note also how, throughout the whole simulation, the errorellipsoids contour is overall larger in this experiment than in the previous where there was not a modeand model mismatch.

The estimate error (figure 3.6) is much higher then the previous simulations. Initially the high valueof the error is clearly due to the uncertainty on the initial state, but the KF steadily reduces this error,indeed, after the 30th second, which seems to be the stabilization time in this example, the filter wouldbe able to deliver as good estimates as in the previous examples if there was no mode and model mis-match. The error present after stabilization which is considerably higher than that of the KF estimationin optimal conditions is solely due to the mode and model mismatch.

As seen in this simulation, even in non-optimal conditions, the KF delivers a good estimate thus the KFoperating conditions can be relaxed. Note that the track can indeed be lost if the KF is too far awayfrom its optimal operating conditions, for example.


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−150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200







x [m]

y [m


targetestimateerror ellipsoid 95%


Figure 3.5: Target trajectory and KF estimate and error ellipsoid propagation with mode and modelmismatch.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1400








time [s]




or [m


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1400






time [s]




or [m


Figure 3.6: KF position and velocity error with mode and model mismatch.


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Chapter 4

Single Target Tracking

This chapter addresses the problem of tracking a single target using a Multiple Model (MM) approach.In section 4.1, the MM tracking concept is presented.

This chapter introduces the three generations of MM algorithms, following the classification first intro-duced in [18]: the autonomous (section 4.2), the cooperating (section 4.3), and the variable structure(section 4.4). Each of the above sections is composed of an introduction to the peculiarity of eachgeneration, a description of a representative algorithm of that generation and a simulation example ofthe algorithm. The algorithm chosen for the first, second and third generations are the Minimum Mean-Square Error Autonomous Multiple Model (subsection 4.2.1), the Interacting Multiple Model (subsection4.3.1) and the Likely Model Set (subsection 4.4.1).

In the last section, section 4.5, the three algorithms studied earlier are simulated in the equal conditionsand their performances are compared.


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4.1 Introduction to Multiple Model algorithms

In chapter 3, the tracking of the single target is based on the choice of a (best) model to describe themaneuvering target. The chosen model is assumed as the true mode and a single filter runs based onit. This approach has several obvious flaws. First, the estimation does not take into account a possiblemismatch between the target mode and the filter model. Second, the choice of the model is madeoffline and the estimation errors are not taken into account, even though they are the best indicator ofthe correctness of the chosen model.

The MM algorithms allow that more than one model can be used at a time to match the current targetmode. Besides diminishing the probability of mode and model mismatch and using the estimationerrors to output a better overall estimate, the MM algorithms greatest benefit comes when used tosolve target motion uncertainty.

By using more than one model the MM algorithms are more capable to track targets with motionuncertainty. The basic idea is: i) to assume a set of models as possible candidates of the true modein effect at the time; ii) run a bank of elemental filters, each based on a unique model in the set; andiii) generate the overall estimates by a process based on the results of these elemental filters. Themodel-set is designated by M and is composed of N models, i.e., M = m1, . . . ,mN.

In general, four key components of MM estimation algorithms can be identified as follows (as statedin [21]):

1. Model-set determination: This includes both offline design and possibly online adaptation of themodel set. A MM estimation algorithm distinguishes itself from non-MM estimators by the use ofa set of models, instead of a single model. The performance of a MM estimator depends largelyon the set of models used. The major task in the application of MM estimation is the design (andpossibly adaptation) of the set of multiple models.

2. Cooperation strategy: This refers to all measures taken to deal with the discrete-valued uncer-tainties within the model set, particularly those for hypotheses about the model sequences. Itincludes not only pruning of unlikely model sequences, merging of ’similar’ model sequences,and selection of (most) likely model sequences, but also iterative strategies, such as those basedon the expectation-maximization algorithm.

3. Conditional filtering: This is the recursive (or batch) estimation of the continuous-valued compo-nents of the hybrid process conditioned on some assumed mode sequence. It is conceptually thesame as state estimation of a conventional system with only continuous-valued state.

4. Output processing: This is the process that generates overall estimates using results of all filtersas well as measurements. It includes fusing/combining estimates from all filters and selecting thebest ones.

In figure 4.1 the above defined components of the MM algorithms is presented in a diagram.

This chapter introduces the three generations of MM algorithms: the autonomous (subsection 4.2), thecooperating (subsection 4.3), and the variable structure (subsection 4.4).


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Model-set Determination

Filter 1

Filter 2


Sensor Data

Cooperating Strategy

Algorithm Cycle

Figure 4.1: General structure of MM estimation algorithms with two model based filters.

4.2 Autonomous Multiple Model

The first generation is characterized by the fact that each of its elemental filters operates individuallyand independently of all the other elemental filters. Its advantage over many non-MM approaches isdue to its superior output processing of results from elemental filters to generate the overall estimate.

The first generation of MM algorithms has two main assumptions

A1. The true mode s is time invariant (i.e., sk = s, ∀k);

A2’. The true mode s at any time has a mode space S that is time invariant and identical to the time-invariant finite model set M used (i.e., Sk = M, ∀k).

Comparing with the KF assumptions in 3.2, the second assumption A2 has been relaxed introducingthe MM algorithms novelty, i.e., the simultaneous presence at each time step k of multiple differentmode-matched filters.

Assumption A1 is a defining assumption of the Autonomous Multiple Model (AMM) algorithms. UnderA1, each elemental filter does conditional filtering based on a constant model sequence. In other words,each filter works individually and independently of other filters. As such, each conditional filteringoperation is autonomous, hence the name AMM.

In section 4.2.1 an example AMM algorithm is discussed.

4.2.1 The Minimum Mean-Square Error Autonomous Multiple Model al-


The AMM estimator considered in this section is the Minimum Mean-Square Error Autonomous MultipleModel (MMSE-AMM) algorithm, first introduced in [22].


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Using Baye’s formula, the probability of model i is correct given measurement data up to time step k,is given by the recursion


4= Pm(i)|zk = Pm(i)|zk, zk−1 = p[zk|zk−1,m(i)]PMi|zk−1






where p[zk|zk−1,m(i)] is the likelihood function of model m(i), which under Gaussian assumption isgiven by


4= p[zk|m(i), zk−1] assume= N (z(i)

k ; 0, S(i)k ) (4.2)

where z(i)k and S(i)

k are the residual and its covariance from the elemental filter matched to model m(i).

Thus each discrete KF based in one of the modelsm(i) ∈M, processes the model-conditioned filtering,delivering the model-conditioned state estimates x(i)

k|k and the model-conditioned covariances P (i)k|k. The

probability of a model mi being correct is given by 4.1. After initialization, at each time step k the filtersrun recursively on their own estimations from the previous cycle. Combining the model probability withthe conditioned-model estimates the overall state estimate is given by

xk|k =∑i


(i)k (4.3)

which under assumptions A1 and A2’ is unbiased with an overall state covariance given by

Pk|k =∑i

P(i)k|k[(xk|k − x

(i)k|k)(xk|k − x


k . (4.4)

In table 4.1 the complete cycle of the MMSE-AMM algorithm is described, and a diagram of the algo-rithm steps is presented in figure 4.2.

Filter 1

Filter 2

Estimate Fusion

Algorithm Cycle

Model Probability Update




Model-set Determination

xk |k(1) ,Pk |k


xk |k(2),Pk |k



(2) xk |k ,Pk |k

Sensor Data

Figure 4.2: General structure of MMSE-AMM estimation algorithm with two model based filters.


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Table 4.1: One Cycle of MMSE-AMM Algorithm.

1. Model-conditioned filtering (∀mi ∈M) :Predicted state: x

(i)k|k−1 = F



Predicted covariance: P(i)k|k−1 = F


(i)k−1|k−1(F (i)

k−1)′ +Q(i)k−1

Measurement residual: z(i)k = zk −H(i)

k x(i)k|k−1

Residual covariance: S(i)k = H

(i)k P


k )′ +R(i)k

Filter gain: K(i)k = P


k )′(S(i)k )−1

Update state: x(i)k|k = x

(i)k|k−1 +K

(i)k z


Update covariance: P(i)k|k = P

(i)k|k−1 −K

(i)k S

(i)k (K(i)

k )′

2. Model probability update (∀mi ∈M) :Model likelihood: L


assume= N (z(i)k ; 0, S(i)

k )

Model probability: µ(i)k =



j µ(j)k−1L


3. Estimate fusion:Overall estimate: xk|k =




Overall covariance: Pk|k =∑i

[P (i)k|k + (xk|k − x

(i)k|k)(xk|k − x



The design parameters of the MMSE-AMM and of the KF parameters are alike, except for the modelset definition in contrast to a single model definition. The MMSE-AMM design parameters are:

• The model set M structure;

• The system and measurement noises covariances (Q and R respectively);

• The initial state x0|0 and state covariance P0|0.

Under the assumptions A1 and A2’, i.e., if the model set includes the target mode and no mode jumpoccurs, the true model probability will converge to unity and the MMSE-AMM will work as an isolatedKF in sync with the true model.

If assumption A1 verifies but A2’ doesn’t, the probability of the model ”nearest” to the target mode willbe the highest (how close the probability is to one depends on how ”near” is the model to the truemode) and the overall state estimate will be a weighted mean of all the KF (local) state estimates.

On the other hand, if assumption A2’ doesn’t verifies, the AMM fails to deliver good estimates. Its abilityto handle mode jumps is very limited. This is due to the autonomous characteristics of the algorithm:the filters estimates have only access to their own previous estimates, there is not any cooperationstrategy between the them. The KF, when based in models different from the target mode, takes a longtime to correct its estimate, if mode jumps keep occurring there is a chance of a track loss.

In order to overcome these two limitations it is usual to apply a lower bound in the model probability, tofacilitate the algorithm model switches. This way the MMSE-AMM can provide very reasonable position


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estimates when the target is in slow maneuver. In order to improve this behavior and include it in amore structured way, the second generation MM algorithms was developed.

4.2.2 Simulation Examples

In this section two examples are analyzed, on the first example the MMSE-AMM target tracking is underoptimal conditions (subsections 4.2.2) on the second example the MMSE-AMM is under non-optimalconditions and its performance with and without lower bounding is presented (subsection 4.2.2).

Example 1 - MMSE-AMM under optimal target tracking conditions

In this example the target motion is described by the CT model described in subsection 2.2.2, with aninitial state given by (3.27) with

x(0) = −50 m, y(0) = −100 m, v = 3 m.s−1 and φ(0) = 0. (4.5)

The process noise covariance Q(t), given by the equation (2.15) is equal to the one defined in sub-section 3.3.1, i.e., with uncertainties given by (3.35). The measurement noise covariance Rpk is givenby the equation (2.34) with uncertainties given by (3.30). To account the multiple model structure, bothprocess and measurement covariances definitions should be rewritten, respectively, by

Q(i)k = Qk ∀i, k with σ2

x = σ2y = 0.001 (4.6)

Rp,(i)k = diag(σ2

r , σ2θ) ∀i, k with σr = 2 m, σθ = 1 (4.7)

where, Qk is the discretized continuous process covariance (2.15) using equation (2.10).

The model set M is composed of seven models (N = 7). The models differ from each other on thevalue of the angular velocity ω. Each model mi corresponds to an angular velocity ωi. The values ofthe angular velocity of the models in M are listed in the table 4.2, shown below

Table 4.2: Angular velocity of the seven models.

Angular velocityω [rad.s−1]




Each elemental filter has the initial state equal given by the distribution 3.32, i.e.,

x(i)0|0 ∼ N (x(0), P (i)

0|0) ∀mi ∈M (4.8)


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with initial state covariance estimate P (i)0|0 given by

P(i)0|0 =

102 0 0 00 0.22 0 00 0 102 00 0 0 0.22

∀mi ∈M. (4.9)

In this first example, the target’s angular velocity is constant and equal to the angular velocity of onethe models in the model-set. The angular velocity of the target chosen was ω = 0.03 rad.s−1.

In this example the algorithm does not have a lower bound in the probability. The initial probability of amodel being correct is equal to all models, i.e.,

µ(i)0 =

1N, ∀mi ∈M. (4.10)

The model probability of the model with angular velocity equal to the target’s angular velocity clearlyconverges to unity as was expected. The convergence time is determined by the a priori modelsprobability, the certainty in the a priori state estimate and the covariance Q of the models in the modelset. In figure 4.3 is the graphic of the evolution of the models probability with time.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 800











time [s]




0.030 rad/s0.025 rad/s0.020 rad/s0.015 rad/s0.010 rad/s0.005 rad/s0.000 rad/s

Figure 4.3: MMSE-AMM model probabilities under optimal operating conditions.

The error under these circumstances is quite low as presented in figure 4.4. The error is higher atthe beginning when the algorithm is searching for the suitable model to match the target mode andcompensate the initial state error. The error decreases steadily, as in the case of the isolated KF, asthe probability of the correct model gets closer to unity, at that point the algorithm behaves almost likean isolated KF matched to the true target mode.


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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 800






time [s]




or [m


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 800








time [s]




or [m


Figure 4.4: MMSE-AMM position and velocity error under optimal operating conditions.

The position estimate compared with the target’s position state and the estimate error ellipsoids arerepresented in figure 4.5, as would be expected, due to the optimal nature of the MMSE-AMM algo-rithm, the contour of the error ellipsoids monotonously decrease with time.

−100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100










x [m]

y [m


targetAMM estimateAMM error ellipsoid 95%


Figure 4.5: Target trajectory and MMSE-AMM with and without lower bound position estimate anderror ellipsoid propagation under under optimal operating conditions.


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Example 2 - Influence of the model probability lower bounding

In a second example, the probability lower bound is introduced and the target has a variable angularvelocity. The target is in CT mode described in subsection 2.2.2 , with an initial state given by (3.27)with

x(0) = 100 m, y(0) = 100 m, v = 3 m.s−1 and φ(0) = 100. (4.11)

The angular velocity of the target at each time step is equal to the angular velocities of one the modelsin the model-set. The angular velocity ω of the target is given by the equation below and representedin figure 4.6,

ωk =

0.03 1 ≤ k ≤ 40

0.025 41 ≤ k ≤ 80

0.02 81 ≤ k ≤ 120

0.015 121 ≤ k ≤ 160

0.01 161 ≤ k ≤ 200

0.005 201 ≤ k ≤ 240

0 241 ≤ k ≤ 280

, in rad.s−1. (4.12)

0 50 100 150 200 250 3000







time [s]







Figure 4.6: Non constant angular velocity of the target.

Also, to include the uncertainty in how the elemental filters explain the moving target the models mi

have a higher process noise covariance than the target given by

Q(i)k = Qk ∀i, k with σ2

x = σ2y = 0.01. (4.13)

where, Qk is the discretized continuous process covariance (2.15) using equation (2.10). The same


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principles discussed in subsection 3.3.3, regarding the influence of the noises covariances are main-tained here, in the MM approach, since they consist of multiple KF.

The value chosen for the lower bound in the model probability was 10−3. All the other parametersnot specified here are identical to the ones used in the first example, including the filters initial statedistribution and its covariance.

First, observe what happens to the model probability when the lower bounding is introduced in figure4.7. The model probability takes the same time in both algorithms to rise to (near) unity (see thebeginning of the algorithms), but the lower bounding approach is much more quickly to do the modelswitch. By the end of the simulation the classic MMSE-AMM algorithm realized three model switchesagainst the almost six model switches of the lower bounded MMSE-AMM algorithm which are the samenumber of mode switches realized by the target.

0 50 100 150 200 250 3000





1Without Lower Bound

time [s]




0 50 100 150 200 250 3000





1With Lower Bound

time [s]




0 50 100 150 200 250 3000











0.030 rad/s0.025 rad/s0.020 rad/s0.015 rad/s0.010 rad/s0.005 rad/s0.000 rad/s

Figure 4.7: MMSE-AMM with and without lower bound model probabilities under non optimaloperating conditions.

In figure 4.8 it is obvious the improvement of the MMSE-AMM algorithm tracking performance whenthe lower bound in model probability is introduced. The classic approach the MMSE-AMM is too slowto track the maneuvering target resulting in high errors (see figure 4.9). Regarding the error ellipsoids,the classic MMSE-AMM at some point looses track, since the real target position fails to be insideits estimate error ellipsoid. The lower bounded MMSE-AMM algorithm accounts for possible modeand model mismatch thus the error ellipsoids always contain the true target position, but they do notmonotonously decrease with time revealing the non-optimality of this approach.

As the target keeps switching to different modes, without giving the classic MMSE-AMM the necessary(large) stabilization time, the error increases with time. The lower bounded model probability MMSE-AMM is a much faster tracker and more sensitive to the mode changes of the target.


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−200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350−250










x [m]

y [m


targetAMM estimateAMM−LB estimateAMM error ellipsoid 95%AMM−LB error ellipsoid 95%


Figure 4.8: Target trajectory and MMSE-AMM with and without lower bound position estimate anderror ellipsoid propagation under non optimal operating conditions.

0 50 100 150 200 250 3000







time [s]




or [m



0 50 100 150 200 250 3000





time [s]




or [m



Figure 4.9: MMSE-AMM with and without lower bound position and velocity error under non optimaloperating conditions.


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4.3 Cooperating Multiple Model

The second generation of MM algorithms inherits the first generation superior output processing andintroduces the internal cooperation between elemental filters. Rather then keeping the filters workingindependently, this generation brings in the filter reinitialization, where all the outputs of the filters fromthe previous cycle are used in the current cycle to achieve a better performance.

This generation relaxes the first generation assumptions (see section 4.2):

A1’. The true mode sequence sk is Markov, i.e., the mode evolves accordingly to the memorylessrandom process described by Ps(j)

k+1|s(i)k = πij,k ∀i, j;

A2’. The true mode s at any time has a mode space S that is time invariant and identical to the time-invariant finite model set M used (i.e., Sk = M, ∀k).

A new variable is introduced to account the model history or model sequence

mk,l = m(i1,l), . . . ,m(ik,l), l = 1, . . . , (N)k (4.14)

where ik,l is the model index at time k from history l and 1 ≤ ik,l ≤ N ∀k.

As the size of model sequence increases exponential with time ((N)k), a exponentially increasingnumber of filters are needed to optimally estimate the state thus making the optimal solution not viable.Suboptimal approaches are commonly and successfully adopted, generally consisting in only keepinga limited number of model sequences associated with the largest probabilities, discard the rest, andnormalize the model probability to ensure it sum is equal to unity.

In section 4.3.1, one of the most representative algorithms of the Cooperating Multiple Model (CMM),the Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) algorithm, is analyzed.

4.3.1 The Interacting Multiple Model algorithm

The IMM estimator was originally proposed by Bloom in [11]. It is one of the most cost-effective classof estimators for a single maneuvering target. The IMM has been receiving special attention in the lastfew years, due to its capability of being combined with other algorithms to resolve the multiple targettracking problem.

The sequence of events consisting of the true target mode sequence, sk = s1, . . . , sk, and thecorrespondent matching models sequence, m(ik) = m(i1), . . . ,m(ik), m(in) ∈ M, through time k, isdenoted as

sk = m(ik) = mk(ik) = mk

i1,...,ik= mi1

1 , . . . ,mikk = mk−1


k (4.15)

where mk−1(ik−1)

is a parent sequence and mikk is the last element. For simplicity the notation mk

(ik) ∈ Mwill be replaced by ik = 1, . . . , Nk.


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Also of interest, is the definition of the mode transition probability, which given the Markov property, canbe written as

Pmk−1(i) ,m

(j)k = Pmi

k−1,mjk4= πji (4.16)

under the assumptions A1’ and A2’ the above equation is equal to (2.27).

The base state estimator under the same assumptions at time k is given by

xk|k = E[xk|zk] =(N)k∑ik=1

E[xk|mk(ik), z


k =(N)k∑j=1

x(ik)k|k µ

k(ik) (4.17)

which has an exponential increasing number of terms reveling the impracticability of the CMM optimalapproach.

The IMM simplifies the optimal approach by keeping only N filters, i.e., only N hypotheses, resulting in

xk|k =N∑j=1

E[xk|m(j)k , zk]Pm(j)

k |zk =



k(j) (4.18)

where the posterior mode-sequence probability is defined by

µk(ik) = Pmk(ik)|z

k (4.19)

and the posterior mode probability under assumptions A1’ and A2’ by

µ(j)k = Pm(j)

k |zk. (4.20)

Like in the previous generation, under the assumptions A1’ and A2’, the base state estimate is unbiasedwith covariance given by

Pk|k = E[(xk − xk|k)(xk − xk|k)′|zk]


[E[(xk − x(j)k|k)(xk − x(j)

k|k)′|zk] + (xk|k − x(j)k|k)(xk|k − x

(j)k|k)′]P (m(j)

k |zk)


[P (j)k|k + (xk|k − x

(j)k|k)(xk|k − x


k . (4.21)

The simplification from equation (4.17) to equation (4.18) and from the first to the second line in theabove equation, reflects the approximation that the past zk−1 can be explained entirely by a model-setof size N .

The input of each filter matched to model i consists in a mixture of the estimates x(i)k−1|k−1 with the

mixing probabilities µj|ik−1, i.e.,

x(i)k|k = E[xk−1|zk−1,m

(i)k ] = EE[xk−1|m(i)

k−1,m(j)k zk−1]|zk−1,m





k−1,m(i)k =



j|ik−1 (4.22)


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where the estimate x(i)k−1|k−1 is computed by the KF based on model mi and mixing probabilities µj|ik−1

are given by

µj|ik−1 = Pm(j)


(i)k =


i πjiµ(j)k−1

. (4.23)

Thus at time step k−1 there are only N estimates x(i)k−1|k−1 (∀mi ∈M) and the associated covariances

P(i)k|k which approximately summarize the past zk−1. This is one of the key features of the IMM algorithm

resulting in a low computational complexity and still providing excellent state estimates.

The complete description of IMM algorithm cycle is in table 4.3. The model probability update step isinherited from the previous generation and the final combination step (step 4) is not part of the recursivealgorithm but a final mixture for output purposes. A diagram of the IMM algorithm steps is presented infigure 4.10.

Filter 1

Filter 2

Estimate Fusion

Model Conditioned Reinitialization

Algorithm Cycle

Model Probability Update




xk−1|k−1(2) ,Pk−1|k−1


xk−1|k−1(1) ,Pk−1|k−1


Model-set Determination

xk |k(1) ,Pk |k


xk |k(2),Pk |k



(2) xk |k ,Pk |kµk(1),µk


Sensor Data

Figure 4.10: General structure of IMM estimation algorithm with two model based filters.

The IMM design parameters, which are once again the key to the algorithm performance, are

• The model set M structure;

• The system and measurement noises covariances (Q and R respectively);

• The initial state x0|0 and state covariance P0|0;

• The jump structure (usually Markov) and the transition probability πji between the models fromthe selected set.

As mention in 4.2.1, one of the main drawbacks of the first generation MM algorithms is its inabilityto handle mode jumps because each elemental filters are not aware of the overall estimate. The IMMenables mode jumps in two ways: 1) by reinitialization of the filters, each elemental filter computesestimates based on the overall estimate making the residuals smaller and facilitating mode jumps; 2)by introducing a transition probability πji, which facilitates specific mode jumps, a priori considered tobe more likely.


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Table 4.3: One Cycle of IMM Algorithm.

1. Model-conditioned reinitialization (∀mi ∈M) :Predicted model probability: µ

(i)k|k−1 =

∑j πjiµ


Mixing probabilities: µj|ik−1 = πjiµ



Mixing estimate: x(i)k−1|k−1 =

∑j x



Mixing covariance: P(i)k−1|k−1 =

∑j [P

(j)k−1|k−1 + (x(i)

k−1|k−1 − x(j)k−1|k−1)(x(i)

k−1|k−1 −x


2. Model-conditioned filtering (∀mi ∈M) :Predicted state: x

(i)k|k−1 = F



Predicted covariance: P(i)k|k−1 = F


(i)k−1|k−1(F (i)

k−1)′ +Q(i)k−1

Measurement residual: z(i)k = zk −H(i)

k x(i)k|k−1

Residual covariance: S(i)k = H

(i)k P


k )′ +R(i)k

Filter gain: K(i)k = P


k )′(S(i)k )−1

Update state: x(i)k|k = x

(i)k|k−1 +K

(i)k z


Update covariance: P(i)k|k = P

(i)k|k−1 −K

(i)k S

(i)k (K(i)

k )′

3. Model probability update (∀mimi ∈M) :Model likelihood: L


assume= N (z(i)k ; 0, S(i)

k )

Model probability: µ(i)k =



j µ(j)k|k−1L


4. Estimate fusion:Overall estimate: xk|k =

∑i x



Overall covariance: Pk|k =∑i[P

(i)k|k + (xk|k − x

(i)k|k)(xk|k − x



The IMM degenerates in the MMSE-AMM (without probability lower bounding) when the IMM’s transi-tion probability matrix πij is the identity matrix.

Other well studied CMM algorithms include the first order Generalized Pseudo-Bayesian (GPB1) andthe second order Generalized Pseudo-Bayesian (GPB2) that, along with the IMM, are extensively dis-cussed in [9].

4.3.2 Simulation Example

In this example the target and the model-set have exactly the same configuration as in the example insubsection 4.2.2. The only extra parameter not defined in the example mentioned and that is specificto the IMM algorithm is the transition probability matrix which has the value


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πji =

0.99 0.01 0 0 0 0 00.01 0.98 0.01 0 0 0 0

0 0.01 0.98 0.01 0 0 00 0 0.01 0.98 0.01 0 00 0 0 0.01 0.98 0.01 00 0 0 0 0.01 0.98 0.010 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.99

. (4.24)

Note that the algorithm is only allowed to switch from a model to ”neighbor” model, i.e., models withclosest angular velocity. This is taken from the target characteristics which is believed to have softmaneuvers. The target is also assumed to have a higher probability in keeping its current angularvelocity than switching to another.

An interesting function to observe is the model probability µ(i)k , see figure 4.11. Note that the maximum

model probability saturates in a lower value than in the classic MMSE-AMM and that the probabilitiesof the models associated to the extreme angular velocities reach higher values, this is due to the formatof the transition probability matrix (4.24).

0 50 100 150 200 250 3000











time [s]




0.030 rad/s0.025 rad/s0.020 rad/s0.015 rad/s0.010 rad/s0.005 rad/s0.000 rad/s

Figure 4.11: IMM model probabilities.

The error for the position and the velocity of the target is in figure 4.12, which is relatively small. TheIMM tracker is fast to recognize mode changes, specially if the mode transition probability matrix is welldefined, delivering a much smoother estimate and monotonously decreasing estimate error ellipsoidsas can be observed in figure 4.13.


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0 50 100 150 200 250 3000






time [s]




or [m


0 50 100 150 200 250 3000








time [s]




or [m


Figure 4.12: IMM position and velocity error.

−200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350−250










x [m]

y [m

] targetIMM estimateIMM error ellipsoid 95%


Figure 4.13: Target trajectory and IMM estimate and error ellipsoid propagation.


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4.4 Variable Structure Multiple Model

Most existing MM algorithms have a fixed structure (FSMM), i.e., they have a fixed model set at alltimes. The first two generations of MM algorithms regard this type of model set structure and theyhave been shown to be quite capable of tracking targets in the presence of structural or parametricuncertainty. However these FSMM algorithms have little more room for improvement, since they havebeen exhaustively studied and improved for the last decades. In an attempt to break away from theFSMM a new force has been applied into the development of MM estimation with variable structure(VSMM), i. e, with a variable set of models. This approach intends to overcome the FSMM algorithmsespecially for problems involving many structural modes.

The VSMM algorithm aimed to tackle the estimation problems when the set of all true system modelsS is too large and when there is uncertainty in the models of the model set. To add more models toa FSMM may result in a huge computational burden and more, the excessive competition of ”unnec-essary” models can degrade the overall estimate, as was shown in [4]. The solution is to improve themodel set and use a FSMM or, on the other hand, accept the fact that a perfect model set is hard toachieve and use an appropriate VSMM algorithm.

Still under active development, this generation is potentially much more advanced and has an openarchitecture. The VSMM algorithms’ most interesting feature is its ability to adapt to the target maneu-vering by creating new elemental filters if the existing ones are not good enough and by eliminatingfilters with poor performances. A filter with poor performances has its estimate so far away from thecorrect one that the overall estimate would be improved if that model was not present at all in the modelset.

A VSMM should be applied to a tracking problem if the mode space is too large causing an unbearablecomputational burden for the available resources (possibly by being highly time invariant) or if the modespace is not known (possibly by scarce or highly complex a priori available information).

The third generation abandons the constant mode space, and consequently the fixed model-set ,as-sumption. Thus the second fundamental assumption of the second generation, which related to a fixedstructure of the model set, is eliminated. The only fundamental assumption valid is:

A1”. The true mode s is Markov.

The above assumption is maintained because most of the VSMM algorithms incorporate blocks of MMalgorithms of the second generation.

A key innovative concept of this generation is the state dependency of a model set, i.e., given a currentmode (and base state), the set of possible modes at the next time is a subset of the mode space,determined by the mode transition law.

To describe state dependency, it is usual to resort to graph theory, where each node is a mode andeach directed edge a dependency determined by the mode transition law. The state dependency ofthe model set is the basis of the VSMM algorithms.

As in the previous generation, the optimal VSMM estimator, as described in [3] and [4], is computa-tionally unfeasible. At each time k, there is a new possible mode set Sk which is the union of the state


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dependent mode set at time k, i.e., Sk = S(1)k , . . . ,S(n)

k that can be variable sized depending on theprevious possible mode set Sk−1 and the target’s maneuvering restrictions. Thus the set of possiblemode sequences through time k, defined as Sk = S1, . . . ,Sk, grows exponentially.

Most of the applicable VSMM algorithms replace the set of possible mode sequences at time k by one,and hopefully the best, model-set sequence Mk. Note that the size of each state dependent modelset may be variable trough time, when this happens a variable size model-set is clearly preferable to afixed model-set.

This results in the two main tasks of the VSMM algorithm that are

1. Model-set adaptation;

2. MM estimation given a model-set.

To guarantee that no track loss occurs a perfect match between the modes and models at all the timeshould be assured by the model-set adaptation, i.e., sk ∈Mk ∀k.

Perhaps, the most important task is the development of a good model-set adaptation. The modelset adaptation consists of i) Model-set candidation and ii) Model-set decision given candidate sets.As for the model-set decision given candidate sets which mainly includes the termination of models,there exists general solutions with acceptable results based mainly on the models likelihood. The realongoing not yet concluded study regards the model-set candidation, or model activation, where thereare two main streams/classes of VSMM algorithms.

1. The active model-set family has a finite and defined a priori total model set. At each given time,a subset of the total model-set, called active or working model-set, is determined adaptively;

2. The model-set generation family generates the models in real time so it is not possible to definea total model-set in advance.

The MM estimation given the model-set addresses the question on how to initialize new activated mod-els: i) assign initial probabilities to new models, and ii) obtain initial estimates and error covariances forthe filters based on new models. The key to the optimal initialization is based on the state dependencyof the model set concept, meaning that the new model probability is computed using only the probabil-ities of the models that may jump to this new model and the initial state estimate and covariance of afilter is computed using only the state estimate and covariance (and probabilities) of the filter based onthose models that may jump to that model.

Defining En as a set of the models in Mk−1 that are allowed to switch to the new model m(n), i.e.,

En = ml : ml ∈Mk−1, πln 6= 0. (4.25)

The initial state of the filter based on mn can be obtained by

x(n)k−1|k−1 = E[xk|m(n)

k ,Mk−1, zk−1]


E[xk−1|m(l)k−1,Mk−2, zk−1]Pm(l)

k−1|m(n)k ,Mk−1






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where the sequence at time k of sets of the total model-set is Mk = M1, . . . ,Mk and

µl|nk−1 = Pm(l)

k−1|m(n)k ,Mk−1 =




. (4.27)

The assignment of initial model probabilities for new models follows the same logic


k−1, zk−1 =∑


Pm(n)k |m



k−1, zk−1. (4.28)

Analyzing the equations (4.26), (4.27) and (4.28) it is clear the similarity with the second generationIMM algorithm. This conclusion leads to the recursive variable structure version of the IMM algorithmcalled Variable Structure Interacting Multiple Model (VSIMM). The general cycle of the VSIMM algo-rithm based on time-varying model-set is presented in table 4.4.

Table 4.4: One Cycle of VSIMM [Mk,Mk−1] Algorithm.

1. Model-conditioned (re)initialization (∀mi ∈Mk):Predicted model probability: µ

(i)k|k−1 =



Mixing weight: µj|ik−1 = πjiµ



Mixing estimate: x(i)k−1|k−1 =




Mixing covariance: P(i)k−1|k−1 =


[P (j)k−1|k−1 + (x(i)

k−1|k−1 −x


k−1|k−1 − x(j)k−1|k−1)′]µj|ik−1

2. Model-conditioned filtering (∀mi ∈Mk) :Predicted state: x

(i)k|k−1 = F



Predicted covariance: P(i)k|k−1 = F


(i)k−1|k−1(F (i)

k−1)′ +Q(i)k−1

Measurement residual: z(i)k = zk −H(i)

k x(i)k|k−1 − v


Residual covariance: S(i)k = H

(i)k P


k )′ +R(i)k

Filter gain: K(i)k = P


k )′(S(i)k )−1

Update state: x(i)k|k = x

(i)k|k−1 +K

(i)k z


Update covariance: P(i)k|k = P

(i)k|k−1 −K

(i)k S

(i)k (K(i)

k )′

3. Model probability update (∀mi ∈Mk):Model likelihood: L


assume= N (z(i)k ; 0, S(i)

k )

Model probability: µ(i)k =






4. Estimate fusion:Overall estimate: xk|k =




Overall covariance: Pk|k =∑mi∈Mk

[P (i)k|k + (xk|k − x

(i)k|k)(xk|k − x



Note that the model transition probability πij regards the total model-set and not only the current activemodel-set.

Also included in the VSMM task of MM estimation given a model-set is the fusion of two MM estimation.


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This situation arises when after obtaining the MM estimation for a model-set M1 the model-set adapta-tion algorithm decides to add to it a new set of models M2. The efficient solution is to add the new set inthe current cycle avoiding repeating the already performed computation, this is achieved by having twodistinct MM estimators and a fusion algorithm. Both MM estimators have the same model-set historyMk−1 but a different active model sets M1 and M2 characterized by

x(i)k|k, P

(i)k|k, L

(i)k , µ

(i)k mi∈Ml

l = 1, 2 (4.29)

which can be computed, for instance, by a cycle of the VSIMM [Ml,Mk−1] l = 1, 2 algorithm (table4.4).

The optimal MM estimator base on the model set Mk = M1 ∪M2 and the common model-set historyMk−1 is given by

xk|k =∑



(i)k (4.30)

Pk|k =∑


P(i)k|k[(xk|k − x

(i)k|k)(xk|k − x


k (4.31)



4= Pm(i)

k |Mk = M1 ∪M2,Mk−1, zk =






. (4.32)

If there are common models in M1 and M2, i.e., M1 ∩M2 6= ∅,extra computation is needed to calculatethe value of the model probability µ(i)

k .

The section 4.4.1 describes the Likely Model Set (LMS) algorithm.

4.4.1 The Likely Model-Set algorithm

The LMS algorithm, described in [8], belongs to the family of active model set of the VSMM algorithms.When compared to other VSMM algorithms like Recursive Adaptive Model-Set (RAMS) [7] and theModel-Group Switching (MGS) [5], the LMS algorithm can be applied to a larger class of hybrid esti-mation problems, it is simpler with fewer design parameters, it is more cost effective. Its basis is to usea subset of the total model set as the active set for any given time. The total model set is finite andcan be determined offline, prior to any measurements. The active or working model-set is determinedadaptively. On the LMS algorithm this is achieved by implementing a simple rule of: 1) discardingthe unlikely models; 2) keeping the significant models; and 3) activating the models adjacent to theprincipal models.

The adjacency of models is determined by wether one model is allowed to switch to another, if so, thefirst model is adjacent to the second one. By an appropriated setting of parameters, the number ofprincipal models at any given time can be small and the number of unlikely models as large as needed.


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This means that the number of active models at time step k can be much smaller than the total modelset leading to a computational complexity saving and possibly to an improvement in estimation.

The LMS algorithm, regarding the VSMM tasks, can be decomposed in

1. Model-set adaptation

(a) Model classification: Identify each model in Mk−1 to be unlikely (if its probability is belowthe threshold t1) , principal (if its probability exceeds the threshold t2) or significant (if itsprobability is between t1 and t2);

(b) Model-set adaptation: Obtain Mk by deleting all the unlikely models in Mk−1 and by activat-ing all the models adjacent from any principal models in Mk−1.

2. MM estimation given a model-set

(a) Model-set sequence conditioned estimator: Obtain at least one MM estimative using VSIMMalgorithm based on the previous model-set Mk−1 and a new model-set. The new and re-quired model-set has all the models in Mk−1 minus the unlikely ones. The optional newmodel-set contains all the models adjacent from the principal models if they did not belongto the new and required model-set;

(b) Fusion of two MM estimators (if existing): Obtain the optimal estimation by fusing two MMestimators applying equations (4.30), (4.31) and (4.32).

The LMS algorithm has two variants regarding the logic of models deletion: 1) AND logic: A model isdeleted only if its probability is both below the threshold t1 and not among the K largest. This meansthat the model-set has at least K models; 2) OR logic: A model is deleted if its probability is below thethreshold t1 or it is not among the K largest. This means that the model-set has always K models.

The AND logic guarantees performance and relaxes computation while the OR logic guarantees com-putation but relaxes performance; the AND logic is more interesting. In table 4.5 is a description of thesteps in a cycle of the LMS algorithm with AND logic. The flowchart diagram representing the LMSalgorithm’s process and decision steps is in figure 4.14.

As mentioned before, and confirmed in the algorithm description, one of the advantages of the LMSalgorithm is the reduced number of design parameters. These are the same as for the IMM algorithm(since it previous uses a variation of the latter) with the addiction of the following parameters

• The unlikely and principal models probability thresholds, t1 and t2 respectively.

4.4.2 Simulation Example

In this example the target and the model-set have exactly the same configuration as in the example insubsection 4.3.2.

The total model-set is a priori defined, but at each time step only a subset of the total model-set isused. This subset has a minimum of K = 3 active models and can contain models with a value for theangular velocity from table 4.2.


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Model Classification

k := k +1

Mu =∅∧ Mp =∅ Mk+1 = MkY

Mp =∅Ma =∅ Y




Ma , Mn ,Mk = Mn Mk

VSIMM Mn ,Mk−1[ ]

VSIMM Mk ,Mk−1[ ]


Mu =∅



Model TerminationMk+1 = Ml



Model Activation Decision

Determine Md , Ml

Figure 4.14: Flowchart of LMS estimation algorithm.


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Table 4.5: One Cycle of LMS Algorithm.

1. Increase the time counter k by 1. Run the VSIMM [Mk,Mk−1] cycle.2. Classify all the models mi’s in Mk to be principal (i.e., µik > t2), unlikely (i.e., µik < t1) or

significant (i.e., t1 ≥ µik ≤ t1). Let the set of unlikely models be Mu. If there is neither unlikelynor principal model, output xk|k, Pk|k and µ(i)

k m(i)∈Mk, let Mk+1 = Mk and go to step 1.

3. If there is no principal model, then let Ma = ∅ and got to step 4. Otherwise, identify the setMa of all models adjacent to any principal model. Find the set of new models Mn = Ma


(where Mk is the complement of Mk and the union set Mk := Mn



• Run VSIMM [Mn,Mk−1] cycle, where Mn is the set of new and only new models.

• Fusion: Calculate the estimates, error covariances, and mode probabilities for the unionset Mk:

µ(i)k =






,∀mi ∈Mk

xk|k =∑




Pk|k =∑


P(i)k|k[(xk|k − x

(i)k|k)(xk|k − x



where the estimates x(i)k|k, error covariances P (i)

k|k, likelihoods L(i)k , and pre-

dicted probabilities µ(j)k|k−1 were obtained in the above VSIMM [Mk,Mk−1] and VSIMM

[Mn,Mk−1] cycles.

4. Output xk|k, Pk|k and µ(i)k m(i)∈Mk

.5. If there is no unlikely model, go to step 1; otherwise, identify the discardable set Md = Mu


that is, the set of unlikely models that are not adjacent from any principal model.6. Eliminate the models in Md from Mk that have the smallest probability such that Mk has at least

K models, that is, let the likely model-set be Ml = Mk −Mm, where Mm is the set of models inMd with smallest probabilities such that Ml has at least K models.

7. Let Mk+1 = Ml and go to step 1.

For more clarity, the initial state estimate is redefined, based on equations (4.8) and (4.9),

x(i)0|0 ∼ N (x(0), P (i)

0|0) ∀mi ∈MO (4.33)

with initial state covariance estimate P (i)0|0 given by

P(i)0|0 =

102 0 0 00 0.22 0 00 0 102 00 0 0 0.22

∀mi ∈MO. (4.34)


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where MO is the initial active model-set, which for this simulation, is considered to be the total model-set.

The transition probability matrix is the same as the one defined by the equation (4.24) and all the mod-els are considered to have equal a priori probability of being correct, i.e., the a priori model probabilityis given by (4.10), which can also be redefined by

µ(i)0 =


, ∀mi ∈MO (4.35)

where N0 is the size of the initial active model set MO, in this case, is equal to the total model-set size,i.e., N0 = N .

The digraph associated with the total the model-set is quite linear and represented in figure 4.15, alongwith the correspondent transition probabilities.

m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7


0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

Figure 4.15: Digraph associated with the total the model-set.

By maintaing the size of the total model-set the main advantage will be the reduction of computercomplexity. As mention before, the VSMM algorithms capability of providing a better estimates thanthe previous generations MM algorithms is most notorious when large models sets are needed.

In figure 4.16, it is possible to identify the models active at each time step. Note that there are timeswhen the active model-set has more than three models. The number of active models is influence bythe model probability thresholds. In this example, has the model-set is relatively small this thresholdscan be relaxed, if they were more limitative the model-set would always be of size three.

The chosen thresholds, which are the only extra parameters needed to be define, were

t1 = 0.1, t2 = 0.4. (4.36)

Although, these thresholds, guarantee a that the correct model is active during almost all the simulation,at the beginning, when the uncertainty is high and an incorrect model can have the highest probability,the correct model is discarded. A solution, to compensate this flaw, could be the definition of pre andafter stabilization thresholds, specially if there is a considerable uncertainty in the target initial state.The pre stabilization thresholds should be more conservative, and not discard the models so soon, i.e.,t1 << 0.1.

The position and velocity error in this circumstances is represented in figure 4.17, which besides theinitial state estimate uncertainty, is quite small. The representation of the target trajectory and LMSposition estimate and error ellipsoid propagation in the state space with time will be omitted since it issimilar to the IMM response in figure 4.13


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0 50 100 150 200 250 3000







time [s]





target modeactive models

Figure 4.16: LMS active models.

0 50 100 150 200 250 3000






time [s]




or [m


0 50 100 150 200 250 3000






time [s]




or [m


Figure 4.17: LMS position and velocity error.


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4.5 Comparison of the MM algorithms

In this section a total of 30 simulations were made and the mean value of them was used to computethe results shown below.

Regarding the target trajectory the initial position of the target is given by (3.27) with

x(0) = 100 m, y(0) = −100 m, v = 1 m.s−1 and φ(0) = 45. (4.37)

It is in CT mode described in subsection 2.2.2 with an angular velocity represented in figure 4.18 andgiven by

ωk =

0.03 1 ≤ k ≤ 40

−0.06k−401000 k 41 ≤ k ≤ 1040

−0.03 1041 ≤ k ≤ 1080

, in rad.s−1. (4.38)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200−0.03







time [s]







Figure 4.18: Non-constant and smoothed angular velocity of the target.

Note that the target’s motion is smoothed and the current target mode may or may not be present inthe mode-set. Under this motion non of the three generations of the MM algorithms are in optimalconditions. Tough, as will be observes later, the MM algorithms are still capable of tracking the targetwith satisfactory results.

Regarding the model-set, all the MM algorithms have the same model-set composed of thirteen models(N = 13) each associated with one of the angular velocities in table 4.6, where the positive sign meansa anti-clockwise turn and the negative sign means clockwise turn.

The option to alter the values of the angular velocity was to allow a larger range of trajectories for targetand better test the algorithms capability.

All the models are considered to have equal a priori probability of being correct, i.e., the a priori model


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Table 4.6: Angular velocity of the thirteen models.

Angular velocityω [rad.s−1]





-0.015- 0.02-0.025-0.03

probability for the FSMM and the VSMM algorithms is given by (4.10) and (4.35), respectively. Theinitial active model-set in the LMS algorithm is the total model-set.

The measurement noise covariance of the models is equal to the target’s, while the process noisecovariance is little higher and given by equation (3.35) like in previous simulations where there weretarget motion had mode switches.

Once again, for a realistic scenario, the filters do not know the initial state, only its distribution; thuseach of the filters for each of the simulations has an initial state given by 4.8 and with variance givenby 4.9. For the LMS algorithm, the equations are redefined to (4.33) and (4.34), respectively.

Regarding specific parameters of the MM algorithms, the values chosen are

• the MMSE-AMM model probability lower bound is of 10−3;

• the IMM and LMS transition probability matrix, of size (13× 13), is given by

πji =

0.98 0.02 0 . . . 00.01 0.98 0.01 . . . 0

.... . . . . . . . .

...0 . . . 0.01 0.98 0.010 . . . 0 0.02 0.98

; (4.39)

• the LMS thresholds were t1 = 0.01 and t2 = 0.4 and the minimum number of active models isK = 3.

The target trajectory and the mean of all simulations of the position estimate delivered from the threeMM algorithms is represented in figure 4.19.

In this experiments, the mean of the MSE of the state vector in all simulations throughout the time ofthe estimate error was also calculated. Those values are represented in figure 4.20, and their meanvalues in table 4.7.


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−250 −200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150−150








x [m]

y [m


targetMMSE−AMM estimateIMM estimateLMS estimate


Figure 4.19: Target trajectory and the three generations of MM algorithms mean position estimate for30 simulations.

0 500 1000 15000





time [s]


E x


0 500 1000 15000







time [s]


E y


0 500 1000 15000





time [s]


E v

x [m


0 500 1000 15000







time [s]


E v

y [m



Figure 4.20: The three generations of MM algorithms’ mean of the state MSE for 30 simulations.


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Table 4.7: Mean state MSE for 30 simulations throughout the time.

Algorithm MSE x [m] MSE y [m] MSE vx [m/s] MSE vy [m/s]MMSE-AMM 1.0729 1.9382 0.0044 0.0056

IMM 0.7424 1.2809 0.0025 0.0029LMS 0.7425 1.2686 0.0023 0.0030

The superiority of the second and third generations over the first generation is obvious.

Regarding the second generation algorithm, the IMM, it is specially interesting since the implementingcomplexity doesn’t suffer a tremendous increase and its specific parameters are of easy definition,delivering good estimates even when a fair dimensioning is made.

On the other had the third generation, the LMS, even when using a limited number of active models isable to deliver good estimates with a very low computer complexity. Its ability to overcome the secondgeneration results isn’t as obvious as the difference between the first two generations, and it highlydepends on the choice of the simulation parameters. There is still a big need for improvement but thisalgorithm, but as it is now, it presents as a very good alternative to the IMM algorithm when dealingwith large model-sets.


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Chapter 5

Multiple Target Tracking

This chapter extends the previous studied target tracking problem to the scenario where multiple targetsare detected by the sensory system. This chapter includes the main contribution of this thesis, sincethe new developed algorithm is here described.

In section 5.1, the problem of multiple target tracking and the main differences from the single targettracking problem are presented. Also some of the most common algorithms to solve the data associa-tion issue are mentioned.

In sections 5.2 and 5.3, two algorithms are presented and studied in depth. The first algorithm consistsof a combination of the Interacting Multiple Model and the Joint Probabilistic Data Association Filter.The second algorithm is the new proposed algorithm that combines the Likely Model-Set with theJoint Probabilistic Data Association Filter. The tracking abilities of both algorithms are discussed andsimulated separately in subsections 5.2.1 and 5.3.1. The section 5.4 contains a comparison of the twoalgorithms, regarding their simulated results under the same scenario.


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5.1 Tracking Multiple Targets

The Multiple Target Tracking (MTT) problem extends the single target tracking to a situation wherethe number of targets may not be known and can also be variable variable with time. Moreover, themeasurements obtained are also not known, since they can be originated from any of the targets.False alarms or measurements originated from clutter are an extra source of complexity in realisticapplications. Thus, tracking multiple maneuvering targets is much more difficult than tracking a singlemaneuvering target since there is a challenge in correctly associating the measurements with thetargets.

The MTT problem is composed of the following subproblems

• Single Target Tracking (STT): addresses the problem of tracking a single target. In the previouschapter, tracking a maneuvering target using MM has been shown to be highly effective. Asstudied earlier the STT estimates the positions of a target based on noisy observations of thetarget and with some prior regarding the target and sensor characteristics;

• Data association (DA): usually consists in ensuring that the correct measurement is given to eachSTT tracker so that the trajectories of each target can be accurately estimated.

The strategies to tackle the STT tracking problem resorting to MM were discussed in chapter 4. TheDA problem has three classical approaches: the Nearest Neighbour Standard Filter [23], the JointProbabilistic Data Association Filter [1], and the Multiple Hypothesis Tracking Filter [1].

In the following section 5.2.1, the STT algorithm IMM is combined with the DA filter Joint ProbabilisticData Association (JPDAF). In section 5.3 a new algorithm is described combining the LMS with theJPDAF algorithm.

5.2 Interacting Multiple Model Joint Probabilistic Data Associ-

ation Filter

The algorithm presented in this section combines two well known approaches in target tracking: theIMM algorithm, discussed in 4.3.1 shown to be quite effective in estimating the state of highly maneu-vering targets, and the JPDAF for resolving the MTT problem of data association. The IMM-JPDAFcombination was introduced in literature in [2].

Assume that there are a total T targets r (r = 1, . . . , T). At each time step k there are total of nmeasurements z

(j)k (z(j)

k ∈ Zk = z1k, . . . , z


k ), only nk ≤ n of this measurements are consideredvalid.

A measurement z(j)k is valid if at least one target r lies inside the validation gate Gk(r). The validation

gate of a target r is taken to be same for all models in M and chosen as the largest of them. Thevalidation gate for each target r is given by

Gk(r) = y(j)k = z

(lj)k : [z(lj)

k − z(ir),(r)k|k−1 ]′(S(ir),(r)

k )−1[z(lj)k − z(ir),(r)

k|k−1 ] ≤ γ (5.1)


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where ir is the index of the model in the model set corresponding to the largest residual covariance

ir := argmaxi∈M det(S(i)k ). (5.2)

Also, γ is an appropriated threshold, S(ir),(r)k = H

(ir)k P

(ir),(r)k|k−1 (H(ir)

k )′ + R(ir)k is the largest model-

conditioned residual covariance for the target r and z(ir),(r)k|k−1 = H

(ir)k x

(ir),(r)k|k−1 is the correspondent pre-

dicted measurement.

Note that setting of the validation gate threshold value too low may make cause the algorithm to notassociate any measurement with a target, and setting the value too high increases the computationalburden as the algorithm is always trying to resolve target-measurement association. Ideally γ shouldallow the IMM-JPDAF to work as T isolated IMM algorithms when targets are far apart.

The set of validated measurements is denominated Yk = y1k, . . . , y


k with nk ≤ n.

The key to the JPDAF algorithm is the definition of the marginal events θjr and the evaluation of theirconditional joint probabilities. A marginal association event θjr is said to be effective at time k when avalidated measurement y(j)

k is associated with a target r, i.e., y(j)k ∈ Gk(r). A joint association event Θ

happens when a set of marginal events holds true simultaneously, i.e.,

Θ =nk⋂j=1


where rj is the index of the target to which the measurement y(j)k is associated with.

The validation matrix is given by

Ω = [ωjr], j ∈ 1 . . . nk and r ∈ 1 . . . T (5.4)

where ωjr is a binary variable indicating whether measurement j lies in the validation gate of target rin event Θ.

Based on the validation matrix Ω, an association event Θ may be represented by the matrix

Ω = [ωjr], j ∈ 1 . . . nk and r ∈ 1 . . . T (5.5)


ωjr =

1 if θjr ⊂ Θ

0 otherwise. (5.6)

A feasible association event is one where each measurement has only one source, i.e.,∑Nr=0 ωjr =

1 ∀j (where r = 0 indicates the measurement is a false alarm, originated from clutter for instances) andwhere at most one measurement is originate from each target δr :=


j=0 ωjr ≤ 1 (∀r ∈ 1, . . . , T)also called target indicator.

Other important indicators using the permutation matrix information are the binary measurement asso-ciation indicator, given by τj :=

∑Nr=1 ωjr, with j = 1, . . . , nk which indicates whether the validated


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measurement y(j)k is associated with a target in event Θ; and the number of false alarms (unassociated

measurements) given by φ =∑nk

j=1[1− τj ].

The marginal association probability is the sum of the probabilities of the joint association events giventhat measurement j belongs to target r

βjr =∑Θ

PΘ|zkωjr[Θ], j = 1, . . . , nk; r = 1, . . . , T (5.7)

with, assuming Gaussian distribution for the residual,

PΘ|zk =1c

φ!V φ


N (y(j)k ; zrj , Srj )τj


(P rD)δr (1− P rD)1−δr (5.8)

where c is a normalization factor, V is the volume limited by the validation gate, rj is the index of thetarget that measurement j is associated with and P rD is the probability of detection of target r.

In table 5.1, the full description of the IMM-JPDAF algorithm is presented. The novelty regarding theclassic IMM in table 4.3 appears in the filtering step (step 2), where the marginal association probabilityis introduced in the computation of the weighted measurement residual and on each local estimativeoff the state covariance. Regarding the state covariance update P

(i),(r)k|k , its last term is a positive

semidifinite matrix which increases the update covariance and the uncertainty of the state estimationdue to incorrect measurements.

The IMM-JPDAF design parameters are

• The number of targets T ;

• The model set M structure of each target r = 1, . . . , T ;

• The system and measurement noises covariances (Q and R respectively) of each target r =1, . . . , T ;

• The initial state x0|0 and state covariance P0|0 of each target r = 1, . . . , T ;

• The jump structure (usually Markov) and the transition probability πji between the models fromthe selected set of each target r = 1, . . . , T ;

• The probability of detection P rD of each target r = 1, . . . , T ;

• The validation gate threshold γ.


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Table 5.1: One Cycle of IMM-JPDAF Algorithm.

For all targets r, (r ∈ 1 . . . T):

1. Model-conditioned reinitialization (∀mi ∈M) :Predicted model probability: µ

(i),(r)k|k−1 =

∑j π

(r)ji µ


Mixing probabilities: µj|i,(r)k−1 = π

(r)ji µ

(j),(r)k−1 /µ


Mixing estimate: x(i),(r)k−1|k−1 =

∑j x



Mixing covariance: P(i),(r)k−1|k−1 =

∑j [P





2. Model-conditioned joint probabilistic data association filtering (∀mi ∈M and j = 1, . . . , nk) :Predicted state: x

(i),(r)k|k−1 = F



Predicted covariance: P(i),(r)k|k−1 = F


(i),(r)k−1|k−1(F (i)

k−1)′ +Q(i)k−1

Measurement validation: Find y(j)k ∈ Gk(r)

Association probability: βjr =∑

Θ PΘ|zkωjr[Θ]Measurement residual: z

(ji),(r)k = y

(j)k −H

(i)k x


Weighted measurement residual: z(i),(r)k =


j=1 βjr z(ji)k (r)

Residual covariance: S(i),(r)k = H

(i)k P

(i),(r)k|k−1 (H(i)

k )′ +R(i)k

Filter gain: K(i),(r)k = P


k )′(S(i),(r)k )−1

Update state: x(i),(r)k|k = x

(i),(r)k|k−1 +K

(i),(r)k z


Update covariance: P(i),(r)k|k = P

(i),(r)k|k−1 − (


j=1 βjr)K(i),(r)k S

(i),(r)k (K(i),(r)

k )′ +

K(i),(r)k [


j=1 βjr z(ji),(r)k (z(ji),(r)

k )′ −z

(i),(r)k (z(i),(r)

k )′](K(i),(r)k )′

3. Model probability update (∀mi ∈M) :Model likelihood: L


assume= N (z(i),(r)k ; 0, S(i),(r)

k )

Model probability: µ(i),(r)k =



j µ(j),(r)k|k−1L


4. Estimate fusion:Overall estimate: x

(r)k|k =

∑i x

(i),(r)k|k µ


Overall covariance: P(r)k|k =


(i),(r)k|k + (x(r)

k|k − x(i),(r)k|k )(x(r)

k|k − x(i),(r)k|k )′]µ(i),(r)


5.2.1 Simulation Example

In this section, the simulation results of the IMM-JPDAF algorithm will be shown and discussed. Oneexample will be exhibited with the objective to demonstrate the algorithm’s capability of tracking twotargets undergoing different trajectories. There will be some assumptions made regarding the dataassociation problem. First, begin to assume that

• All events are feasible, thus δr = 1, ∀Θ;

• There is no clutter so a validated measurement is always associated with a target τj = 1 (j =1, . . . , nk and ∀Θ);


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• There are no unassociated measurements thus φ = 0 ∀Θ;

• The target probability of detection is equal to all targets and equal to unity, i.e., P rD = PD = 1 r ∈1, . . . , T.

This means that at each time step k there are T targets and T measurements (nk = n = T ). Thisresults in a simplified combined version of 5.7 and 5.8

βjr =∑Θ


N (z(j)k ; zrj , Srj )ωjr[Θ] (5.9)

The targets obey the models described in section 2.1 and they differ from each other in their initial stateand angular velocity. The process and measurement noises covariances are equal to both targets andgiven by the equation (2.15) and (2.34) with uncertainties given by (3.35) and (3.30), respectively.

The target 1 angular velocity is constant equal to 0.01 rad.s−1, while the angular velocity ω of the target2 (with graphical interpretation in figure 5.1) is defined by

ωk =

−0.01 1 ≤ k ≤ 40

0 41 ≤ k ≤ 50

0.01 51 ≤ k ≤ 60

0.02 61 ≤ k ≤ 150

, in rad.s−1. (5.10)

0 50 100 150−0.015








time [s]







Figure 5.1: Angular velocity of target 2.

The initial state of target 1 is given by (3.27) with

x(0) = −200 m, y(0) = −50 m, v = 3 m.s−1 and φ(0) = 0 (5.11)


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while initial state of target 2 is given by (3.27) with

x(0) = −100 m, y(0) = −150 m, v = 3 m.s−1 and φ(0) = 90. (5.12)

Firstly, observe the representation of the targets trajectory in figure 5.2. In this circumstances thetargets cross each others paths once, and for that single time a target-measurement association switchoccurs.





200 −200










y [m]

x [m]



target 1target 2

Figure 5.2: IMM-JPDAF targets trajectory three dimensional representation.

The two banks of filters in the IMM-JPDAF algorithm are equal to both targets and have a structureequivalent to the one studied in the previous simulations but with different values for the angular velocityωi which are listed in table 5.2, where the positive sign means an anti-clockwise turn and the negativesign means clockwise turn. The values chosen for ω guarantee that the multiple target tracker is able toidentify a relatively wide range of maneuvers, similar to the simulation in subsection 4.5, while keepinga small model-set, similar to the other simulations in chapter 4.

The models have equal process and measurement noises covariances defined by the equation (4.13)and (4.7), respectively. To account the multiple target scenario, the process and measurement noisescovariances should be rewritten to

Q(i),(r)k = Qk ∀i, k, r with σ2

x = σ2y = 0.01 (5.13)

Rp,(i),(r)k = diag(σ2

r , σ2θ) ∀i, k, r with σr = 2 m, σθ = 1 (5.14)

where, Qk is the discretized continuous process covariance (2.15) using equation (2.10).


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Table 5.2: Angular velocity of the seven models equal in both banks of filters.

Angular velocityω [rad.s−1]


The initial state estimate of the bank of filters associated with target r is given by

x(i),(r)0|0 ∼ N (x(0), P (i),(r)

0|0 ) ∀mi ∈M (5.15)

with initial state covariance estimate P (i),(r)0|0 given by

P(i),(r)0|0 =

102 0 0 00 0.22 0 00 0 102 00 0 0 0.22

∀mi ∈M (5.16)

with r = 1, . . . , T.

The transition probability matrix is the same as the one defined by the equation (4.24) and all the mod-els are considered to have equal a priori probability of being correct, i.e., the a priori model probabilityis given by (4.10). Finally the validation threshold γ is equal to 30 m.

In figure 5.3 it is clearly presented which measurement is associated with each target at the targetposition. In this example, at the same time, the targets cross each other and the measurement asso-ciated with each target changes. Note that at the beginning of the simulation, the measurement-targetassociation is believed to be known, since the targets initial position is approximately known.

The innovation of the IMM-JPDAF algorithm is the introduction of the target-measurement associationprobability β, calculated using (5.9). The evolution of the probability β for each target with time for theexample here studied, is shown figure 5.4. It is observable that the algorithm is very quick to switch thetarget-measurement association.

The root squared error for the position and the velocity of the target is represented in figure 5.5. As inthe previous simulations, the error is higher at the beginning of the simulation, due to the initial stateestimate error, which in this case is higher for target 1. During the course of the simulation, the erroris overall larger for target 2, as excepted due to the nature of its switching motion. When the target’scross each other, right before the measurement associate with each target changes, there is a peakon the position and velocity error, which, in fact, is what helps the JPDAF detect that a measurementand target association has occur.

It is also interesting to observer the estimate error ellipsoid propagation of each target in figure 5.6 andhow they do not suffer an increase on the targets cross, the same happens to the model probabilities of


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−250 −200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150−200










x [m]

y [m


target 1target 2measurement 1measurement 2



Figure 5.3: IMM-JPDAF targets trajectory and measurement association.

0 50 100 1500






time [s]




target 1


0 50 100 1500






time [s]




target 2


Figure 5.4: IMM-JPDAF measurement and target association regarding the value of β.


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0 50 100 1500








time [s]




or [m


0 50 100 1500








time [s]




or [m


(a) target 1

0 50 100 1500








time [s]




or [m


0 50 100 1500








time [s]




or [m


(b) target 2

Figure 5.5: IMM-JPDAF root squared error for the position and velocity of each target

both filter banks (figure 5.7). Since the JPDAF is quick to resolve the DA problem, the two filter banksare almost ”blind” to the targets cross thus behave like two almost isolated IMM trackers.

−250 −200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200−200










x [m]

y [m


target 1target 2estimate target 1estimate target 2error ellipsoid 95% target 1error ellipsoid 95% target 2



Figure 5.6: Trajectory of the two targets and correspondent IMM-JPDAF estimate and error ellipsoidpropagation.

On another note, if the targets did not cross each other but there was a change in the measurementassociated with each target, the error would have a similar form, since the novelty of the MTT is the DAproblem, which has a much higher associated error than the caused by the STT problem.


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0 50 100 1500





1target 1

time [s]




0 50 100 1500





1target 2

time [s]




0 50 100 1500










+0.030 rad/s+0.020 rad/s+0.010 rad/s+0.000 rad/s−0.010 rad/s−0.020 rad/s−0.030 rad/s

Figure 5.7: IMM-JPDAF model probabilities of the two filter bank associated with each target.

All the above results are quite astonishing, the algorithm performance in the presence of two targets isalmost equivalent to the best performance of the MM algorithms studied earlier. Even when the targetscross each other the state estimate error increase is quite acceptable. This extraordinary performanceis helped by the characteristics of the targets’ motions which are very distinguishable, making the DAeasier. Thus the algorithm is quick to find which measurement belongs to whom when they are movingclose to each other or even when crossing each other.

5.3 Likely Model-Set Joint Probabilistic Data Association Filter

The algorithm presented in this section was elaborated with the belief that the evolution of the MTTalgorithms will necessary pass by the VSMM. The improvement that these algorithms can bring to theMTT algorithms performance are the a direct consequence of the improvement on they have alreadybrought to STT problem. Furthermore, by having different model-sets associated with each target, thedata association performance can be improved.

The new algorithm that combines two previous studied approaches in this thesis: the LMS algorithm,the STT discussed in 4.4.2, and JPDAF algorithm, the DA solver discussed in the previous section.Analogously, to the IMM-JPDAF, this algorithm will be named LMS-JPDAF. This algorithm appears as anatural evolution in this thesis, after the IMM-JPDAF it seems logic to try the combination LMS-JPDAF.

The first step in the description of this new algorithm is the redefinition of the VSIMM algorithm, de-scribed in section 4.4, into a VSIMM-JPDAF, i.e., an algorithm that combines the JPDAF with thevariable structure IMM algorithm. This algorithm appears as an empirical variable structure adaptationof the IMM-JPDAF, and is described in table 5.3.


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In relation to the DA problem, in this algorithm at each time step, it is solved regarding only the activemodel-set, reducing the computational burden and making it easier to determine which measurementis associated with each target. For each cycle of the LMS-JPDAF, the DA association problem shouldonly be solved once, thus there is the need to define an adapted VSIMM-JPDAF, which will be namedVSIMM-JPDAF*. The VSIMM-JPDAF* will be run whenever there are newly activated models and usesthe association probability β previously calculated. This algorithm is also described in table 5.3.

Table 5.3: One Cycle of VSIMM-JPDAF and VSIMM-JPDAF* Algorithm.

For all targets r, (r ∈ 1 . . . T):

1. Model-conditioned reinitialization (∀mi ∈Mk) :Predicted model probability: µ

(i),(r)k|k−1 =


π(r)ji µ


Mixing probabilities: µj|i,(r)k−1 = π

(r)ji µ

(j),(r)k−1 /µ


Mixing estimate: x(i),(r)k−1|k−1 =

∑j x



Mixing covariance: P(i),(r)k−1|k−1 = mj ∈Mk−1[P (j),(r)

k−1|k−1 + (x(i),(r)k−1|k−1 −


k−1|k−1 − x(j),(r)k−1|k−1)′]µj|i,(r)k−1

2. Model-conditioned joint probabilistic data association filtering (∀mi ∈Mk and j = 1, . . . , nk) :Predicted state: x

(i),(r)k|k−1 = F



Predicted covariance: P(i),(r)k|k−1 = F


(i),(r)k−1|k−1(F (i)

k−1)′ +Q(i)k−1

* Measurement validation: Find y(j)k ∈ Gk(r)

* Association probability: βjr =∑

Θ PΘ|zkwjr[Θ]Measurement residual: z

(ji),(r)k = y

(j)k −H

(i)k x


Weighted measurement residual: z(i),(r)k =


j=1 βjr z(ji)k (r)

Residual covariance: S(i),(r)k = H

(i)k P

(i),(r)k|k−1 (H(i)

k )′ +R(i)k

Filter gain: K(i),(r)k = P


k )′(S(i),(r)k )−1

Update state: x(i),(r)k|k = x

(i),(r)k|k−1 +K

(i),(r)k z


Update covariance: P(i),(r)k|k = P

(i),(r)k|k−1 − (


j=1 βjr)K(i),(r)k S

(i),(r)k (K(i),(r)

k )′ +

K(i),(r)k [


j=1 βjr z(ji),(r)k (z(ji),(r)

k )′ −z

(i),(r)k (z(i),(r)

k )′](K(i),(r)k )′

3. Model probability update (∀mi ∈Mk) :Model likelihood: L


assume= N (z(i),(r)k ; 0, S(i),(r)

k )

Model probability: µ(i),(r)k =



j µ(j),(r)k|k−1L


4. Estimate fusion:Overall estimate: x

(r)k|k =


x(i),(r)k|k µ


Overall covariance: P(r)k|k =


[P (i),(r)k|k + (x(r)

k|k − x(i),(r)k|k )(x(r)

k|k −x

(i),(r)k|k )′]µ(i),(r)


* These two steps are omitted on the VSIMM-JPDAF* algorithm.

In table 5.4, the full description of the LMS-JPDAF algorithm is presented. It has exactly the same


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structure as the LMS algorithm described in table 4.5, only the steps regarding the VSIMM algorithmare replace by the VSIMM-JPDAF (and VSIMM-JPDAF*) cycle.

Table 5.4: One Cycle of LMS-JPDAF Algorithm.

1. Increase the time counter k by 1. Run the VSIMM-JPDAF [Mk,Mk−1] cycle.2. Classify all the models mi’s in Mk to be principal (i.e., µik > t2), unlikely (i.e., µik < t1) or

significant (i.e., t1 ≥ µik ≤ t1). Let the set of unlikely models be Mu. If there is neither unlikelynor principal model, output xk|k, Pk|k and µ(i)

k m(i)∈Mk, let Mk+1 = Mk and go to step 1.

3. If there is no principal model, then let Ma = ∅ and got to step 4. Otherwise, identify the setMa of all models adjacent to any principal model. Find the set of new models Mn = Ma


(where Mk is the complement of Mk and the union set Mk := Mn



• Run VSIMM-JPDAF* [Mn,Mk−1] cycle, where Mn is the set of new and only new models.

• Fusion: Calculate the estimates, error covariances, and mode probabilities for the unionset Mk:

µ(i)k =






,∀mi ∈Mk

xk|k =∑




Pk|k =∑


P(i)k|k[(xk|k − x

(i)k|k)(xk|k − x



where the estimates x(i)k|k, error covariances P (i)

k|k, likelihoods L(i)k , and predicted

probabilities µ(j)k|k−1 were obtained in the above VSIMM-JPDAF [Mk,Mk−1] and VSIMM-

JPDAF* [Mn,Mk−1] cycles.

4. Output xk|k, Pk|k and µ(i)k m(i)∈Mk

.5. If there is no unlikely model, go to step 1; otherwise, identify the discardable set Md = Mu


that is, the set of unlikely models that are not adjacent from any principal model.6. Eliminate the models in Md from Mk that have the smallest probability such that Mk has at least

K models, that is, let the likely model-set be Ml = Mk −Mm, where Mm is the set of models inMd with smallest probabilities such that Ml has at least K models.

7. Let Mk+1 = Ml and go to step 1.

The LMS-JPDAF design parameters are

• The number of targets T ;

• The model set M structure of each target r = 1, . . . , T ;

• The system and measurement noises covariances (Q and R respectively) of each target r =1, . . . , T ;

• The initial state x0|0 and state covariance P0|0 of each target r = 1, . . . , T ;


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• The jump structure (usually Markov) and the transition probability πji between the models fromthe selected set of each target r = 1, . . . , T ;

• The unlikely and principal models probability thresholds, t1 and t2, respectively, of each targetr = 1, . . . , T , as where defined in the LMS section 4.4.1;

• The probability of detection P rD of each target r = 1, . . . , T ;

• The validation gate threshold γ.

5.3.1 Simulation Example

In this section, simulation results of the LMS-JPDAF algorithm will be shown and discussed. Theexample from the previous section will be maintained with all its assumptions, the only difference is inthe MTT algorithm used. The only new parameters needed to be defined are the unlikely and principalmodels probability thresholds, t1 and t2. They are chosen differently for each target since they havedifferent maneuver motions, which are considered to be known superficially, i.e., there is the knowledgeif a target is in high or slow maneuver. These thresholds are given by

t1 = 0.01, t2 = 0.4 and t1 = 0.01, t2 = 0.2 (5.17)

for target 1 and target 2, respectively.

Using these thresholds the active models at each time step, by each of the LMS algorithms associatedwith each target, are represented in figure 5.8. By maintaing different active models for each target, thealgorithm eases the DA problem, besides reducing the computer complexity. Also this figure illustratesthe novelty of this algorithm by revealing its variable structure.

The evolution of the probability β for each target with time for the example here studied is quite similarto the IMM-JPDAF response in figure 5.4, this algorithms maintains the same speed of solving the DAproblem present in the IMM-JPDAF algorithm.

The root squared error for the position and the velocity of the target is represented in figure 5.9, whichare of the same range of values than the root squared error of the IMM-JPDAF, represented in fig-ure 5.5. The LMS-JPDAF state estimate and error ellipsoid propagation is similar to the IMM-JPDAFresponse in figure 5.6.

Since the performance of a MTT algorithm is closely related to the DA algorithm performance, the LMS-JPDAF can achieve better results than the IMM-JPDAF by differentiating the targets active model-sets.Note that the IMM-JPDAF can also have different model-sets for each target, but this would only happenif the targets did not share the same motion. The LMS-JPDAF allows the targets to have the same totalmodel-set, but can have different active models for each target at each time.


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0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200−0.03







time [s]





target 1 modeactive models

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200−0.03







time [s]





target 2 modeactive models

Figure 5.8: LMS-JPDAF active models for each target.

0 50 100 1500







time [s]




or [m


0 50 100 1500








time [s]




or [m


(a) target 1

0 50 100 1500








time [s]




or [m


0 50 100 1500






time [s]




or [m


(b) target 2

Figure 5.9: LMS-JPDAF root squared error for the position and velocity of each target.

5.4 Comparison of the MTT algorithms

In this section, a resume comparison of the two studied algorithms to solve the MTT problem is pre-sented. Only an analysis of the root squared error of the position and velocity will be made. Similarlyto section 4.5, a total of 30 simulations were made and the mean value of them was used to computethe results shown below.

Once again, the simulation parameters are the same used in sections 5.2 and 5.3. The only difference


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is on the choice of the following parameters

• The validation threshold given by γ = 70;

• The initial state covariance estimate P (i),(r)0|0 given by equation

P(i),(r)0|0 =

102 0 0 00 0.22 0 00 0 102 00 0 0 0.22


with r = 1, . . . , T, ∀mi ∈M and ∀mi ∈MO, for the IMM-JPDAF and LMS-JPDAF, respectively.

The mean value of β for each of the algorithms is shown in figure 5.10. From this example, its possibleto observe that the LMS-JPDAF provides a softer, though longer, measurement and target associationswitch. This provides a softer error as will be seen below, but also increases this algorithm’s inertia tochange.

0 50 100 1500






time [s]




target 1


0 50 100 1500






time [s]




target 2


(a) IMM-JPDAF algorithm.

0 50 100 1500






time [s]




target 1


0 50 100 1500






time [s]




target 2


(b) LMS-JPDAF algorithm.

Figure 5.10: IMM-JPDAF and LMS-JPDAF measurement and target association regarding the valueof β.

The mean of the root squared error for the position and velocity of each target for the 30 simulations isshown in figure 5.11. Although the overall error is larger for the LMS-JPDAF, specially at the beginningof the simulation, the peak during the targets crossover and data association switch is much smaller,since this is the highest value of the error, the LMS-JPDAF can be useful for some applications wherethe error maximum needs to be smaller.


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0 50 100 1500






time [s]




or [m



0 50 100 1500






time [s]




or [m


(a) target 1

0 50 100 1500





time [s]




or [m



0 50 100 1500






time [s]




or [m


(b) target 2

Figure 5.11: MTT algorithms mean of the root squared error for the position and velocity of eachtarget for 30 simulations.


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Chapter 6


In this chapter the main conclusions of this thesis are presented. It does not intent to prove which ofthe algorithms studied is the best nor does it compare the algorithms performances, since they wereanalyzed based on the results of specific simulated scenarios and not based on theoretical deductions.This conclusion intents to resume the work on this thesis and presents the overall behavior of thestudied algorithms behavior has it can be drawn from the simulated results.

To finalize, in section 6.1 some additional research regarding the scope of this thesis is purposed inorder to make this overview on target tracking using multiple models even more complete.


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The aim of this thesis was to present an overview of a collection of tools used in the problem of targettracking. Under this thesis scope, a new algorithm for target tracking was developed. This chapter willthus emphasize the main results drawn from the algorithms studied, bearing in mind that the validity ofthese conclusions may be limited to the scenarios simulated.

The MM algorithms all revealed capable trackers under target motion uncertainty. The first generationof MM algorithms is the most limitative, since it assumes the target is in constant maneuver, i. e, thetarget has one (unknown) constant mode. The other two generations have more complex concepts,even though they are not computationally more complex. Their tracking capability is much better, sincethey assume the target can have multiple maneuver motions. The CMM generation has little more roomfor improvement, leading to the general belief in the tracking community, that the VSMM algorithms willbe the future of target tracking, since they allow lower computational complexity with larger model-sets.The VSMM algorithms are relatively new and need more research to be well established as a robustalternative algorithm to STT.

Regarding the MM comparison realized in section 4.5, this results represent only an example sincethe algorithms may have different responses for different target motions. In the simulations performedin this thesis, the MMSE-AMM clearly stands out negatively, since it is the poorer tracker. The IMMand LMS responses are similar, but the LMS is quite sensitive to its design parameters, specificallyto the probability thresholds which lack a mathematical dimensioning and are not easy to choose intu-itively. With further development, the VSMM algorithms have it all to surpass their previous generationsperformance.

The MTT algorithms, besides solving the target motion uncertainty also deal with measurement originuncertainty. The JPDAF algorithm revealed to be a successful DA algorithm, but the assumptionsmade, regarding the false alarms, presence of clutter and the number of detected targets, reduceddrastically the measurement origin uncertainty. Nevertheless, the results were quite satisfactory.

The IMM-JPDAF combines the superior tracking capabilities of the CMM algorithm with a classic DAalgorithm. The LMS-JPDAF arises as a natural evolution from the CMM multiple target trackers tothe VSMM multiple target trackers. There is still the need and the capability for improvement underthe group of CMM multiple target trackers, but the study of the VSMM multiple target trackers seemspertinent.

For the example analyzed the LMS-JPDAF surpassed the IMM-JPDAF performance under measure-ment origin uncertainty, although provided a worse STT when the targets were far apart. The bettersolving of the target measurement association can be explained by the accentuating of the targetsdifferent motions by the LMS-JPDAF, i.e., by making the active model-sets for each target different itbecomes easier to identify which measurement belongs to each target. Also for the example analyzed,the LMS-JPDAF provided a softer, though longer, measurement and target association switch. Toughthis leads to a softer error it also can cause an increases on this algorithm’s inertia to change.

6.1 Additional Research Proposed

The additional research that can be realized in this area is vast. There are several additional topicsto extend this thesis work, they are: i) Test further and study even more in depth the algorithms in


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simulation environment, ii) Analyze the algorithms performance in a real life implementation and iii)Study alternative algorithms.

Regarding the test of the already studied algorithms, more simulations could be realized, specially forthe IMM-JPDAF algorithm, where some simplifying assumptions were made regarding the number oftargets detected by the sensor which was time-invariant. Also further algorithm development couldbe done in order to study its performance in the presence of clutter, a subject which has also a greatcoverage in literature.

The LMS-JPDAF algorithm needs also further study and performance improvement to make it a com-petitor of the available MTT algorithms. Regarding this performance improvement, it it would be inter-esting to analyze possible mathematical designs of the model probability thresholds, characteristic ofthe LMS algorithm, and study whether they should be static or adaptive, for instances, if there is a highuncertainty on the state estimate, the thresholds can be relaxed.

More theoretical work could be done to fundament the algorithms results, namely the study of theCramer Rao lower bounds.

Since all the discussed algorithms, are studied in environments that try simulate a real life situation,it would be valuable to analyze their performances in a real life application. It would be interesting toimplement the algorithms using real sensor measurements and real targets, and test their capabilityand robustness. Of course, the more interesting algorithms would be the second and third generationsof MM and LMS, since they represent more recent algorithms with real implementations not studyprofoundly.

Regarding the study of alternative algorithms, there are a lot to choose from, more or less documentedand more or less studied. With special interest, there are the VSMM and MTT algorithms, which arerelatively new areas with constant development, in contrast with the first two MM generations, whichhave already been deeply studied.

An interesting subject with plenty room for exploration is the MTT problem, with the study of morealternative algorithms, such as the Monte Carlo techniques known as Particle Filtering [15], whichhave drawn the attention of the tracking community.


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