an ohio woodland stewards program ohio woodland stewards program publication the...

An Ohio Woodland Stewards Program Publication The Ohio Woodlands, Water, and Wildlife Newsletter is published in part with funding from the Renewable Resource Extension Act (RREA). Spring Summer 2011 Kudzu…In Ohio? Stephanie Downs, Invasive Species Forester, ODNR, Division of Forestry When most people think about kudzu, Georgia comes to mind…or Alabama…or some other southern state…not Ohio. We can't have kudzu this far north, right? Unfortunately, kudzu is already here, we're just not sure how much. While known locations of kudzu throughout the state have been documented for the past few years, we still don't know the extent of this species here in Ohio. Knowing how to identify it, and knowing how much of it we have, is the first step to figuring out how to keep it under control. Kudzu is a vine that is native to Asia. It was introduced to the United States in the late 1800s for erosion control, feed for livestock, and landscaping. While it historically has been a major problem in the southern United States where the winters are warmer, kudzu is surviving in Ohio and seems to be doing quite well in some locations. This is a species that poses many threats to our Ohio woodlands. Kudzu has been shown to have very rapid growth rates, and can take over large areas relatively quickly. This vine will grow over anything it encounters, including trees, killing them over time. Once established in an area, it is very difficult to control. Early detection and removal is the best method for getting rid of it. This invasive plant contradicts the old saying “Leaves of three let it be”. It has tri-part leaves (like poison ivy), but unlike poison ivy, leaving it be is not a good option. Each of the three leaflets is three to seven inches long and will often have lobes. Flowers generally are present from June to September, and are two to 12 inch bright purple clusters similar to pea flowers. The fruit is present from September to January, and consists of flat, tan, hairy seed pods up to three inches long. You can help us control kudzu in Ohio before it becomes as big of a problem as it is in the South! If you have seen this plant in your yard, woods, neighborhood park, local hiking trail, or anywhere else in the state, please let us know. If you know of a location with kudzu, contact Stephanie Downs, Invasive Species Forester for the Ohio Division of Forestry by email at: [email protected] or by phone at: (740)774-1596. 1 Leaf and flower of Kudzu Photo: David J. Moorhead, University of Georgia, Seed pods of Kudzu Photo: Todd Bodner Southern Weed Science Society,

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Page 1: An Ohio Woodland Stewards Program Publication...An Ohio Woodland Stewards Program Publication The Ohio Woodlands, Water, and Wildlife Newsletter is published in part with funding from

An Ohio Woodland Stewards Program PublicationThe Ohio Woodlands, Water, and Wildlife Newsletter is published in part with funding from the Renewable Resource Extension Act (RREA).

Spring Summer 2011

Kudzu…In Ohio?Stephanie Downs, Invasive Species Forester, ODNR, Division ofForestry

When most people think about kudzu, Georgiacomes to mind…or Alabama…or some othersouthern state…not Ohio. We can't have kudzuthis far north, right? Unfortunately, kudzu is alreadyhere, we're just not sure how much. While knownlocations of kudzu throughout the state have beendocumented for the past few years, we still don'tknow the extent of this species here in Ohio.Knowing how to identify it, and knowing how muchof it we have, is the first step to figuring out how tokeep it under control.

Kudzu is a vine that is native to Asia. It wasintroduced to the United States in the late 1800s forerosion control, feed for livestock, and landscaping.While it historically has been a major problem in thesouthern United States where the winters arewarmer, kudzu is surviving in Ohio and seems to bedoing quite well in some locations. This is aspecies that poses many threats to our Ohiowoodlands. Kudzu has been shown to have veryrapid growth rates, and can take over large areasrelatively quickly. This vine will grow over anythingit encounters, including trees, killing them overtime. Once established in an area, it is very difficult

to control. Early detection and removal is the bestmethod for getting rid of it.

This invasive plant contradicts the old saying“Leaves of three let it be”. It has tri-part leaves (likepoison ivy), but unlike poison ivy, leaving it be is nota good option. Each of the three leaflets is three toseven inches long and will often have lobes.Flowers generally are present from June toSeptember, and are two to 12 inch bright purpleclusters similar to pea flowers. The fruit is presentfrom September to January, and consists of flat,tan, hairy seed pods up to three inches long.

You can help us control kudzu in Ohio before itbecomes as big of a problem as it is in the South!If you have seen this plant in your yard, woods,neighborhood park, local hiking trail, or anywhereelse in the state, please let us know. If you know ofa location with kudzu, contact Stephanie Downs,Invasive Species Forester for the Ohio Division ofForestry by email at:

[email protected] or by phone at:(740)774-1596.


Leaf and flower of KudzuPhoto: David J. Moorhead, University of Georgia,

Seed pods of KudzuPhoto: Todd BodnerSouthern Weed Science Society,

Page 2: An Ohio Woodland Stewards Program Publication...An Ohio Woodland Stewards Program Publication The Ohio Woodlands, Water, and Wildlife Newsletter is published in part with funding from

American Elm Restoration Project

American elm (Ulmus americana) trees used to bedominant in many areas now dominated by ashtrees before elm populations were reduced byDutch elm disease (DED). DED-tolerant Americanelm trees could be a good planting option for areaswhere ash is currently being impacted by emeraldash borer. Jim Slavicek and Kathleen Knight areresearchers with the USDA Forest Service workingon restoration of American elm. They have a smallplantation of elms in various stages of testing for

DED tolerance. Several genotypes have beenshown to tolerate DED, and large portions of theprogeny from crosses among these trees are DED-tolerant as well. They are currently testing thepotential of seedlings from DED-tolerant crosses tobe used for restoration plantings. It is their hopethat large, stately American elm trees will somedaygrace our floodplain and swamp forests onceagain.

They are in need for more DED-tolerant genotypesof American elm to use as parent trees for theirplantation in order to have enough genetic diversityto use it as a seed orchard for large-scaleplantings.

They are looking for healthy American elm treeslarger than 24 inches DBH (diameter at breastheight) that are growing in areas that have hadDED and that have not been treated with fungicidesto prevent DED. If you see a survivor elm that fitsthis description, please enter its location and DBHat our website: .

They will compile these entries into a database,prioritize the elms for sampling, contactlandowners, and then collect small branches fromthe trees to propagate and test them for DED-tolerance. Any help that you can provide thisproject would be greatly appreciated, so help us getthe word out!

Staying Ahead of Critter Conflict ThisSpring: Some Tips and Tools to UseMarne Titchenell, Wildlife Program Specialist, OSU Extension

The time of the year is nearing when we dig out ourgardening gloves, old pair of jeans, and work shirts,walk outside…and then spend the next severalminutes looking out over the flowerbeds andgardens trying to decide which area to tackle first.While you are considering what you want to plantthis year and where, also take some time to thinkabout what critters might also be wondering whatyou are going to plant and where. There is nothingworse than spending hours working in your gardenand flowerbeds, only to wake up the next day tofind them eaten. So, is something eating yourplants? Read on for some tips and tools to stayahead of the critters that want to make your hardwork their next meal.

Avoiding wildlife conflict is easiest when you areproactive. Now is the time of year when you shouldmap out where you sustained damage last year,and take steps to prevent it from happening again.There are many tools available to protect yourplants, such as repellents, fencing, individual plantprotection, and resistant plant varieties (resistantmeaning they don't taste very good). Before we getinto more detail on the tools available, the first stepto avoid critter conflict is to identify the crittersresponsible. Common critters that will stop by yourlandscape for a tasty meal are deer, rabbits, andgroundhogs. When deer browse your plants, theytend to leave very jagged edges. Deer lack upperincisors, and when eating, grip the plant with theirbottom teeth and upper gums, and then yank on


American Elm Leaf

Critter Corner

Page 3: An Ohio Woodland Stewards Program Publication...An Ohio Woodland Stewards Program Publication The Ohio Woodlands, Water, and Wildlife Newsletter is published in part with funding from

fur. This fence can be modified by removing the tinfoil and peanut butter and dropping the wires down

to 6” and 12”above theground. Theseheights willpreventgroundhogs aswell as raccoonsfrom entering anarea. Be sure tocheck cityordinance codes,as most cities donot allow electricfences.

One last tool toconsider using isresistance plants.By resistant, Imean plants thataren't asappealing taste-wise in the eyes

of deer, rabbits, and groundhogs. Keep in mind thatjust because you use a resistant plant, it doesn'tmean that said plant won't get munched on.Nothing will stop a hungry animal (even brusselssprouts look good to me if I'm really hungry)!

the plant until it rips. This leaves behind a jaggededge on the plant or twig (Fig. 1). Rabbits andgroundhogs, on the other hand, leave very neat,clipped edges on the plants they feed on. Rabbitsand groundhogs both have very sharp upper andlower incisors that clip the plant of their diningchoice in a very neat fashion (Fig. 1).

As mentioned earlier, there are many toolsavailable to help you prevent wildlife damage toyour plants. Repellents are chemicals designed tobe applied around the plant (repellents that repelanimals with a bad smell) or directly on the plant(repellents that repel animals with a bad taste).Keep in mind that the repellents applied directly tothe plants will often need to be tasted by theanimals before they work. When it comes to deer,repellents with egg solids as the active ingredientwork well. Be sure to look for concentrations of 30-40% egg solids for the best results. You can alsomix up your very own egg solid repellent – 4 partsegg to 1 part water. Egg solids also repel rabbits,but another repellent that works well against thoseever-hungry cottontails, as well as squirrels andchipmunks, is capsaicin. Capsaicin is essentiallywhat makes hot peppers hot and is used as anactive ingredient in repellents. Look for capsaicin inconcentrations of 5-6%, or make you own withcayenne pepper (sprinkling cayenne pepper in yourflowerbeds will deter squirrels from digging).Whenever repellents are used, be sure to read andcorrectly follow the label to ensure the repellentworks as it is designed to.

Sometimes, repellents aren't enough and it'snecessary to create a physical barrier between theplant you are trying to protect and the animal that istrying to eat it. Individual plant protection is easy toinstall and often works well. Tree shelters willprotect young trees against deer browsing andantler rubs. For rabbits and groundhogs, chickenwire (mesh Z 1”) wrapped around the base of thetree or plant will keep them out. Be sure to bury it atleast 6-8 inches, or securely stake the wire to theground to prevent digging. There are a couple oflow cost, electric fences that have high successrates at keeping deer and groundhogs out ofspecified areas. The 'peanut butter fence' consistsof two stands of wire strung at 7” and 18” above theground charged with an electric current. Fold littlesections of tin foil around the wire and place a dabof peanut butter on the tin foil (Fig. 2). The peanutbutter works to attract the deer's nose to the tin foil,where it receives an electric shock. The shockinflicts enough pain to cause the deer to think “wellthis just isn't worth it” and hopefully move on. If theshock were received anywhere else on the deer'sbody, it wouldn't feel a thing due to its thick coat of


Page 4: An Ohio Woodland Stewards Program Publication...An Ohio Woodland Stewards Program Publication The Ohio Woodlands, Water, and Wildlife Newsletter is published in part with funding from

However, choosing plants that aren't quite as tastycan be a good strategy to employ. Research hasshown that if you also use repellents on resistantplants, it decreases the appeal even more. Lists ofresistant plants for deer, rabbits, and groundhogscan be found online through a simple search (i.e.'deer resistant plants').

Remember; try to be proactive when it comes towildlife damage. There are more tools andstrategies that I did not cover, and of course otherwildlife species that can give you a headaches. Formore information on critter conflict, visit TheInternet Center for Wildlife Damage Management( This website is an excellentsource of information on a variety of wildlifespecies, the damage they can cause, and how tomanage it. Enjoy the spring and happy planting!

Deer and rabbit browsing (groundhog browsinglooks similar to rabbit browsing). (Photo courtesyof Terry S. Price, Georgia Forestry Commission,

'Peanut butter fence' with tin foil and peanut butter inplace. (Photos courtesy of Dave Apsley)

Update: White-Nose Syndrome in Ohio!Marne Titchenell, Wildlife Program Specialist, OSU Extension

I am sad to report that white-nose syndromewas confirmed in Ohio, Lawrence County, on March2011. A hibernating bat in an abandoned mine locatedwithin the Wayne National Forest showed suspicioussigns of the deadly fungus, and when sent in fortesting the results returned positive for white-nosesyndrome. Since its initial discovering in New York in2006, white-nose syndrome had been confirmed in 18states and 2 Canadian provinces. State and federalagencies have thankfully been collecting data onhibernating bats in Ohio pre-white-nose to obtainpopulations estimates, and will now continuemonitoring the bat population post-white-nose, whileconducting disease surveillance and implementingmanagement strategies to reduce the spread of thedisease.


Page 5: An Ohio Woodland Stewards Program Publication...An Ohio Woodland Stewards Program Publication The Ohio Woodlands, Water, and Wildlife Newsletter is published in part with funding from

Recently an article was published in the journalScience that details the economic importance ofbats in agriculture (Boyles et al. 2011). In Ohio,bats save producers costs ranging from $54,000(lowest in Cuyahoga County) to $22.8 million(highest in Darke County) by eating large amountsof the insects that destroy crops. For the UnitedStates as a whole, the value of bat's pest controlservices ranges from $3.7 – $53 billion! Check outthe entire article here:

Howdy! I am Eric McConnell

I am the newExtension Specialistin Forest Operations& Products in theSchool ofEnvironment &Natural Resources.My wife, Lynn, and Iare native Texansfrom the East TexasPineywoods. She isa Speech LanguagePathologist and isemployed as aNational Trainer byThe Center for AACand Autism within the

Prentke Romich Co. of Wooster, OH. We are veryhappy to be in Columbus, and I am looking forwardto contributing to the Woodland Stewards team.

We come to OSU from Mississippi State University

where I spent the previous 5 years obtaining mygraduate degrees in Forest Resources. Whilethere, I was very fortunate to work on clientele-driven projects. My Masters thesis studied theregional lumber industry's response to HurricaneKatrina following that landscape-altering event. Mydoctoral research investigated adding value tounder-utilized species by testing a biofuelconversion technology for the wood compositesindustry. I worked over 8 years in industrial QualityAssurance after obtaining my BS in Forestry fromLouisiana Tech University.

My current interests are in forest productsmarketing, wood utilization strategies, and naturalresources education. My goal is to contribute tothe Woodland Stewards mission of providing youwith pertinent materials and programs related toforest operations and products. Utilizing our forestresources in a sustainable manner will help to notonly promote our environmental responsibility, but itwill also maintain forest products manufacturing forgenerations to come.

I look forward to meeting and working witheveryone across Ohio's diverse forest industry.You can reach me at (614) 292-9838 [email protected]. Go Bucks!

PublicationsOne of our goals is to continually work on gettinginformation out to landowners in a variety offormats. One of the items we have been working


The fact sheets currently available include control options forAilanthus (Tree of Heaven), bush honeysuckle, garlic mustardand autumn olive.

WNS, Continued from page 4:

Page 6: An Ohio Woodland Stewards Program Publication...An Ohio Woodland Stewards Program Publication The Ohio Woodlands, Water, and Wildlife Newsletter is published in part with funding from

OSU Extension embraces human diversity and is committed to ensuring that all educational programs conducted by Ohio State University Extension are available to clienteleon a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, age, gender identity or expression, disability, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or veteran status.Keith L. Smith, Associate Vice President for Agricultural Administration and Director, OSU ExtensionTDD No. 800-589-8292 ( Ohio only) or 614-292-1868

Check Us Out On The Web!Look for newsletter articles, links to fact sheets and otherpublications by browsing our site. Registration for upcomingWoodland Stewards classes may also be done electronically.Go to:http://woodlandstewards.osu.eduKathy L. SmithProgram Director - ForestryOhio Woodland Stewards Program Coordinator

Contact Us!For program information contact Mary Slyby at 614-688-3421by email:[email protected] by mail at:Ohio Woodland Stewards Program

210 Kottman Hall2021 Coffey RoadColumbus, OH 43210

School of Environment & Natural Resources

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Ohio Woodland Stewards ProgramThe Ohio State University

210 Kottman Hall2021 Coffey RoadColumbus, OH 43210

School of Environment & Natural Resources

on is a series of fact sheets designed to helplandowners deal with a variety of invasive species.To date we have four posted with a list of others tocome.The fact sheet for minimizing the impact of EAB onyour woodland has also been updated and is nowposted on our website. Check out these and manyother publications at: .

Come find us at:

Ohio Woodland Stewards is now on Facebook.

2011 Calendar

While we have dates on the calendar for a number ofclasses, always check out our website for an up to datelisting of class opportunities.

May 13th Chain Saw Safety, Athens CountyMay 13th Invasive Species ID & Control, Cox

Arboretum, Dayton,OHJune 17th Name That Tree, Adams CountyJune 24th The Woods in Your Backyard, The

Holden Arboretum, Kirtland, OHJuly 15th Name That Tree, OSU Waterman

Farm, Columbus, OHJuly 22nd The Woods in Your Backyard, Lucas

CountyAugust 15th Mind Boggling Bats, Toledo Botanical

Gardens, Toledo, OHAugust 19th Grassland Management for Wildlife,

Gwynne Consrva Area, London, OH