an introduction to the spring framework

An Introduction to the Spring Framework - Wei Li, 11/17/2004 An Introduction to Spring Framework Wei Li Spring Framework Background An open source project founded by Rod Johnson in February 2003 Based on the infrastructure code for Rod's book "Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development" Stemmed from his several successful real world applications dated back to early 2000 Took experience and lessons of many other projects Good documentation (reference manual, books, white papers, presentations Current release version 1.1.2 (released on 11/14/2004) Being ported to .NET, thereby providing "one stone, two birds" solution Overview of Spring Framework One of the best lightweight Java IOC containers Many other high quality modules (sub-framework built upon its IOC) One-stop shop for many infrastructure needs Spring writes lots of plumbing code for you: the code which is not concerned with the real business operation Let developers focus on what really needs to be done and make it easier to do Overall, Spring makes J2EE easier to use - the mission of Spring Framework Overview of Spring Framework Does not reinvent the wheel, and provides good integration with existing solutions, while avoiding competition with these solutions Layered architectural design so that it is easy to use any part of the framework Less intrusive - your code does not reply on Spring API POJO based IOC container - simple but powerful Develop and configure application in a consistent way Promotes good OO programming practices Promotes testability What Does Spring Framework Offer Source: Spring's Official Reference Documentation Build a Full Fledged Application Using Spring 3/5/2011 An Introduction to the Spring Framewo… C:/home/M/…/spring_intro.html 1/17

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This is an introduction to the Spring framework


An Introduction to the Spring Framework - Wei Li, 11/17/2004

An Introduction to Spring FrameworkWei Li

Spring Framework Background

An open source project founded by Rod Johnson in February 2003

Based on the infrastructure code for Rod's book "Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development"

Stemmed from his several successful real world applications dated back to early 2000

Took experience and lessons of many other projects

Good documentation (reference manual, books, white papers, presentations

Current release version 1.1.2 (released on 11/14/2004)

Being ported to .NET, thereby providing "one stone, two birds" solution

Overview of Spring Framework

One of the best lightweight Java IOC containers

Many other high quality modules (sub-framework built upon its IOC)

One-stop shop for many infrastructure needs

Spring writes lots of plumbing code for you: the code which is not concerned with the real business operation

Let developers focus on what really needs to be done and make it easier to do

Overall, Spring makes J2EE easier to use - the mission of Spring Framework

Overview of Spring Framework

Does not reinvent the wheel, and provides good integration with existing solutions, while avoiding competition with these solutions

Layered architectural design so that it is easy to use any part of the framework

Less intrusive - your code does not reply on Spring API

POJO based IOC container - simple but powerful

Develop and configure application in a consistent way

Promotes good OO programming practices

Promotes testability

What Does Spring Framework Offer

Source: Spring's Official Reference Documentation

Build a Full Fledged Application Using Spring

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Source: Spring's Official Reference Documentation

Using Spring with Others

Source: Spring's Official Reference Documentation

Overview of Inversion of Control


What is IOC - What Do People Say?

Hollywood Principle: Do not call me, I call you

Martin Fowler: Dependency Injection

Unknown: Give without asking

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Yours truly: Push not pull

What Does IOC Do?

Create new objects

Configure/solve dependency among objects and assembly them

Allow objects to be retrieved by id/name

Manage objects' lifecycle

Allow external configuration


What Does IOC Do?

Silly Example - Hello, IndyJUG; Hello, World

Class B and C depend on D

Class A depends on B and C

D must be implemented as singleton

Main class only uses A and does not care about B, C and D

Code: net.weili.spring.ioc.whyioc

What Does IOC Do?

Old way - the end class has to take care of everything!

What Does IOC Do?

IOC way - the end class only concerns about A, nothing else

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What Does IOC Do?

Inversion of Control!

What Does IOC Do?

Now the questions:

1. What is the end class really concerned about?

2. Where is the coupling?

3. Which one is easier to code and maintain?

4. Which one is easier to test?

5. Does IOC help you?

Why Do We Use IOC?

Reduces the amount of code in your application

Does the plumbing work for you

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Makes your application more testable

No more reading and processing configuration file

No more creating and hooking them together

No more lookup...

Reference: HiveMind

So What - Do I Have to Use IOC?

No. There is nothing that you have to do with IOC. However, using IOC will:

Move dependency/coupling from code into configuration file

Move the object management into IOC container

Have the IOC container do the plumbing work for you

Your code will be clean

Be productive - less code, less chance to make mistake

Have fun - this is important

Your application is more maintainable and testable

Types of Inversion of Control

Source: Spring's Official Reference Documentation

Available Java IOC Containers

Spring IOC

HiveMind (Howard Lewis Ship, also in the fame of Tapestry)

PicoContainer (Martin Fowler and the ThoughtWorks folks)

Avalon (Apache project. Is it dying?)

Dependency Injection in Action

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Break 1: Software Development Bad Ideas

Order the T-Shirts for the development team

Announcement the availability date


Write the manual

Hire a product manager

Spec the software (writing the spec after the code helps to ensure that the software meets the spec.)

Ship it!

Test (The customers are a big help here)

Identify bugs as potential enhancements or features

Announce the upgraded program

Source: unknown

Spring's IOC

The core of the whole Spring framework

Foundation of other Spring framework's components - achieve internal consistence

POJO based, interface oriented

Setter and constructor dependency injection

Good support for external configuration: beans can be defined in XML or properties files

Spring's IOC - Java Bean

Spring IOC works with plain Java beans

POJO: constructors, getters and setters - could not be simpler

Does not rely on vendor API or application server

Very powerful: Spring configures/manages POJO; Hibernate maps POJO to relational database and Velocity presents POJO

The simple solution is usually the right solution

Spring's IOC - Bean Definition

Define beans

Define the relations among beans

Define the rules of how beans work

XML or properties file format

IOC's BeanFactory will parse it and make objects ready to be used

Spring's IOC - Bean Definition

Spring bean definition - simple but consistent

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" ""><beans>

<bean id="..." class="..."> ... </bean>

<bean id="..." class="..."> ... </bean>



Spring's IOC - Bean Definition

Spring bean definition contains:

id/name (required)

class (required)

singleton or prototype (default: singleton)


constructor arguments

Initialization method

Destruction method


Spring's IOC - Bean Definition

Bean Definition in XML format (most commonly used)

Define beans

Set bean properties: simple data type

Set bean properties: Properties, List, Set, Map

Configure dependency: set reference to other bean

Configure dependency: through constructor injection


Code: net.weili.spring.ioc.beandefinition

Spring's IOC - Bean Definition

Use external properties files

<bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer"> <property name="locations"> <list> <value></value> </list> </property></bean> <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close"> <property name="driverClassName"><value>${jdbc.driverClassName}</value></property> <property name="url"><value>${jdbc.url}</value></property> <property name="username"><value>${jdbc.username}</value></property> <property name="password"><value>${jdbc.password}</value></property></bean>

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Consolidate application's configuration files if you want

Bean Factory

The core of core

Does the required IOC work

Spring offers: XmlBeanFactory and ListableBeanFactoryImpl

Bean Factory - How Does It Work?

Let us see what has happened behind the scene

Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [whyioc.xml]Loading bean definitions

Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'd_id'Creating instance of bean 'd_id' with merged definition

Creating instance of bean 'a_id' with merged definitionFound property 'b' of type Found property 'c' of typeResolving reference from property 'b' in bean 'a_id' to bean 'b_id'

Creating instance of bean 'b_id'Found property 'd' of typeResolving reference from property 'd' in bean 'b_id' to bean 'd_id'Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'd_id'Invoked write method [public void B.setD(D)]

Resolving reference from property 'c' in bean 'a_id' to bean 'c_id'Creating instance of bean 'c_id' with merged definitionFound property 'd' of type Resolving reference from property 'd' in bean 'c_id' to bean 'd_id'Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'd_id'

Invoked write method [public void C.setD(D)]Invoked write method [public void A.setB(B)]Invoked write method [public void A.setC(C)]

Bean's Life Cycle

Bean is created

Autowiring executes

Dependency check performed

Set bean properties

setBeanFactory() called

afterPropertiesSet() called

init-method invoked

Bean is ready to be used

destroy() called

destroy-method invoked (when shutting down or reloading application?)

Source: Spring Live

Code: net.weili.spring.ioc.beanlifecycle

Spring's IOC - ApplicationContext

Extends Bean Factory

Adds more features:

Message lookup - supporting for i18n

Access to resource

Event publication/notification mechanism

Allow loading of multiple contexts

Spring's IOC - ApplicationContext

Three implementations out of box

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Spring's IOC - How to Use It?

Bean definitions are usually loaded by startup code in main method or init method or from a servlet


InputStream is = new FileInputStream("beans_definition.xml");XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(is);

ClassPathResource res = new ClassPathResource("beans_definition.xml");XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(res);

String[] configFiles = new String[] {"beans_definition.xml"};BeanFactory factory = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(configFiles);

Spring's IOC - Other Advanced Features

Auto wiring


Dependency checking


Break 2: Software Development Good Ideas

All killer, no filler

Release early, release often

Minor releases are still major releases

We are not our users

Under promise, over deliver

Good enough can be good enough

Development never stops


Spring's Support for JDBC and OR Mapping

Something Spring shines

Offers a good JDBC wrapper

Integrates well with existing OR mapping tools

Spring + Hibernate = Dream Team (= EJB3?)

Spring's Support for JDBC and OR Mapping

Case study: a trivial task

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Fine but here is the pain:

Verbose error handling to create and release resources (connections...)

Uninformative SQLException

Code: net.weili.posts.jdbc

Spring's JDBC Support

Provide APIs that move tedious and error-prone error handling from application code

Thus, free you from writing "try", "catch" and "finally" blocks - focus what you need to do

Takes away the vendor-specific exception handling error code by providing a meaningful exception hierarchy

Data access exceptions hierarchy is based on unchecked exception since they are usually not recoverable

Overall you write much less code and your code is more maintainable and testable

Spring's JDBC Abstraction 1 - JDBC Template

Uses callbacks to move control and error handling, etc from application code

Spring uses the similar callback approach for managing other resources

Spring classes that perform this callbacks are called templates

Spring JDBC templates support different scenarios including batch updates

JDBC Demo - Spring JDBC Template

Demo - Spring JDBC Template

Code: net.weili.posts.spring.jdbc1

Spring's JDBC Abstraction 2 - Spring JDBC SqlQuery/SqlUpdate Objects

Built on the core JDBC callback functionality

Inspired by JDO API

Model database operations such as query, update as java object

Proxy stored procedure as java class

JDBC demo - Spring JDBC SqlQuery/SqlUpdate Objects

Demo - Spring JDBC SqlQuery/SqlUpdate

Code: net.weili.posts.spring.jdbc2

JDBC and Spring JDBC Wrapper Comparison

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Raw JDBC Spring JDBC Wrapper

Connection Need to explicitly open and close connections Framework manages connections

Exception Must catch SQLException and interpret vendor-specific error codeFramework translate exceptions to a common hierarchy based

on configurable translation mappings

Testing Hard to do unit test if code uses JNDI lookup for connection poolCan be tested standalone since a DataSource is easily

configurable for a variety of environments

TransactionProgrammatic transaction management possible but makes code

less reusable. CMT is available for EJBs

Both programmatic and declarative transaction management


Source: Thomas Risberg's Presentation on Spring's DAO and JDBC support

What Does Spring JDBC Wrapper Do for You?

Task Spring JDBC Wrapper Developer

Connection Management X


Statement Management X

ResultSet Management X

Task Spring JDBC Wrapper Developer

Row Data Retrieval X

Parameter Declaration X

Parameter Setting X

Transaction Management X

Source: Thomas Risberg's Presentation on Spring's DAO and JDBC support

Spring's OR Mapping Support

Remember: Spring promises not to reinvent the wheel?

There is no OR mapping API provided by Spring

Spring supports and integrates well with existing tools in the arena

Hibernate Demo - without Spring

Demo - Hibernate without Spring

Code: net.weili.posts.hibernate

Spring's OR Mapping Support - Hibernate

Spring's integration with Hibernate offers:

Session management: efficient, easy and safe handling of Hibernate session

Resource management: Spring Context handles configuration

Transaction management

Exception wrapping

Ease of testing: Spring IOC allows swap the implementation and location of Hibernate session factories, etc.

Source: Introducing the Spring Framework

Hibernate Demo - with Spring

Demo - Hibernate with Spring

Code: net.weili.posts.spring.hibernate

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iBatis Demo - without Spring

Demo - iBatis without Spring

Code: net.weili.posts.ibatis

Spring's OR Mapping Support - iBatis

Spring's integration with iBatis offers:

Basically the similar benefits as mentioned in the Hibernate section

iBatis Demo - with Spring

Demo - iBatis with Spring

Code: net.weili.posts.spring.ibatis

Spring's OR Mapping Support - JDO

It is there

Spring's OR Mapping Support - OJB

It is there

Break 3: The Joel Test - 12 Steps to Better Code

Do you use source control?

Can you make a build in one step?

Do you make daily builds?

Do you have a bug database?

Do you fix bugs before writing new code?

Do you have an up-to-date schedule?

Do you have a spec?

Do programmers have quiet working conditions?

Do you use the best tools money can buy?

Do you have testers?

Do new candidates write code during their interview?

Do you do hallway usability testing?


Spring's MVC Framework

Powerful and solid MVC implementation

Flexible and configurable: built on interface

Clean separation between controllers, beans (models), and views

View agnostic - you can use JSP, Velocity, XSLT and others

Can be configured via Spring IOC and thus makes it easy to test

Source: Introducing the Spring Framework

Spring's MVC Framework

Demo - an example modified from this paper:

Simplify Your Web App Development Using the Spring MVC Framework

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Spring's Other Gems





Nice small utilities

Spring's Other Gems

Demo - Spring's Email and Velocity Support

Code: net.weili.spring.gems

Be Nice - Let's Work With Others

It is easy to use Spring with other existing frameworks


Code to interface

Example: Integration with Struts


<context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value> /WEB-INF/dataAccessContext-local.xml /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml </param-value></context-param>


<!-- - Loads the root application context of this web app at startup, - by default from "/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml". - Note that it is preferable to use ContextLoaderListener in a servlet container - that follows the Servlet 2.4 initialization order (most Servlet 2.3 containers do). - - Use WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(servletContext) - to access it anywhere in the web application, outside of the framework. - - The root context is the parent of all servlet-specific contexts. - This means that its beans are automatically available in these child contexts, - both for getBean(name) calls and (external) bean references.--><servlet> <servlet-name>context</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderServlet</servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup></servlet>

Source: Spring JPetStore

Example: Integration with Struts


<!-- ========================= DAO DEFINITIONS: IBATIS IMPLEMENTATIONS ========================= -->

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<bean id="accountDao" class="org.springframework.samples.jpetstore.dao.ibatis.SqlMapAccountDao"> <property name="dataSource"><ref local="dataSource"/></property> <property name="sqlMap"><ref local="sqlMap"/></property></bean>

<bean id="categoryDao" class="org.springframework.samples.jpetstore.dao.ibatis.SqlMapCategoryDao"> <property name="dataSource"><ref local="dataSource"/></property> <property name="sqlMap"><ref local="sqlMap"/></property></bean>

Source: Spring JPetStore

Example: Integration with Struts


<bean id="petStore" parent="baseTransactionProxy"> <property name="target"> <bean class="org.springframework.samples.jpetstore.domain.logic.PetStoreImpl"> <property name="accountDao"><ref bean="accountDao"/></property> <property name="categoryDao"><ref bean="categoryDao"/></property> <property name="productDao"><ref bean="productDao"/></property> <property name="itemDao"><ref bean="itemDao"/></property> <property name="orderDao"><ref bean="orderDao"/></property> </bean> </property></bean>

Source: Spring JPetStore

Example: Integration with Struts

public class PetStoreImpl implements PetStoreFacade, OrderService {

private AccountDao accountDao;


public void setAccountDao(AccountDao accountDao) { this.accountDao = accountDao; }


public Account getAccount(String username) { return this.accountDao.getAccount(username); }


public List getUsernameList() { return this.accountDao.getUsernameList(); }


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Source: Spring JPetStore

Example: Integration with Struts

public abstract class BaseAction extends Action {

private PetStoreFacade petStore;

public void setServlet(ActionServlet actionServlet) { super.setServlet(actionServlet); ServletContext servletContext = actionServlet.getServletContext(); WebApplicationContext wac = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(servletContext); this.petStore = (PetStoreFacade) wac.getBean("petStore"); }

protected PetStoreFacade getPetStore() { return petStore; }


Source: Spring JPetStore

Example: Integration with Struts

public class EditAccountAction extends SecureBaseAction {

protected ActionForward doExecute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ... getPetStore().updateAccount(account); acctForm.setAccount(getPetStore().getAccount(account.getUsername())); ... }


Source: Spring JPetStore

Easy Unit Test

Dependency/coupling is moved from code to configuration file

Code to interface - make swap of implementation easy and mock test easy

Topics Not Covered

Spring AOP

Transaction Management


Spring Roadmap - What Is Next?

JMS support

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Support for dynamic reconfiguration of bean factories

The ability to expose web services

IDE and other tool support

Source: Introduction to Spring Framework



Official Examples


Online Documentation


Resources - Tools

Eclipse Spring IDE - ease working bean factory configuration files

Spring Console - visually edit Spring configuration files

SpringViz - Configuration Visualization for Spring. See a sample here

BeanDoc - tool for getting a better view of a Spring application context.

Resources - Examples

Spring JPetStore: Struts or Spring MVC + Spring iBatis

Petlinks: Spring MVC + Spring Hibernate or OJB or JDBC

Countries: Spring MVC + Spring JDBC

Demo? - Depending on time and interests

Resources - Books

Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson

Expert One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB by Rod Johnson and Juergen

Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework by Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller, Alef Arendsen, Thomas Risberg, Dmitriy Kopylenko

Better, Faster, Lighter Java by Bruce A. Tate, Justin Gehtland

Spring in Action by Craig Walls and Ryan Breidenbach

Spring Live by Matt Raible

Pro Spring by Rob Harrop, Jan Machacek

Resources - Online White Papers and Documentation

See a relatively complete list of white papers here

The following should be singled out:

Introducing the Spring Framework - by Rod Johnson

Inversion of Control Containers - by Mike Spille

Official Spring Reference Documentation - by Spring Team

Resources - Presentations

See a incomplete list here


Reading, playing and trying Spring framework can be addictive!



Wrap Up: Matz's 10 Tips to Be a Good Programmer

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Learn more than one programming language, preferably one with a different style

Read good books, for example, "Pragmatic Programmers", "Refactoring"

Read the source code

Don't focus too much on tools. Tools change; algorithms and basic fundamentals don't

Don't focus too much on machines.

Be lazy. Machines should serve the human. Often, programmers serve machines unconsciously. Let machines serve you. Do everything you can to make yourself lazy.

Test early, test often. Write test suites before you code, if possible.

Be nice to others. Consider the interface first; man to man, man to machine, and machine to machine. Again, remember, human factor is important.

Be creative.

Enjoy programming and life. I believe that is one of the purposes of life.

Thank You

Thank You and Happy Thanksgiving!

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