an introduction to frankincense

1 Frankincense Disclaimer: Please remember that anything discussed here does not constitute medical advice and cannot substitute for appropriate medical care. Frankincense is one of the oldest essential oils and is used primarily in meditation to improve inner balance. Considered the “holy anointing oil” in the Middle East, frankincense has been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years. It was well known during the time of Christ and was one of the gifts given to Christ at his birth. Anciently, the Chinese used frankincense to support overall health. Today, frankincense is still used worldwide for both its ceremonial and dietary use. More recently, it has been used in European and American hospitals and is the subject of substantial research. Frankincense has a sweet, warm, balsamic aroma that is stimulating and elevating to the mind. Useful for visualizing, improving one’s spiritual connection, and centering, it has comforting properties that help focus the mind and overcome stress and despair. Frankincense is also a valuable ingredient in skin care products for aging and dry skin. The ancient Egyptians used it in rejuvenation face masks. History of Frankincense Frankincense dates back thousands of years. Archaeological digs in the Tigris-Euphrates date it back to 5000 BC. The Ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, Greeks and Romans used it extensively. It was also used in Ancient India and China as well. The oil comes from a resin in a tree that is almost exclusively grows in the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Somalia and Eritrea) and the Southern Arabian Peninsula. (Yemen, Oman and Saudi Arabia). The resin from the tree is still harvested the way it has been for thousands of years – by cutting into the side of the tree and releasing the sap.

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An introductory workshop on how to use Frankincense essential oil.


Page 1: An Introduction to Frankincense



Disclaimer: Please remember that anything discussed

here does not constitute medical advice and cannot

substitute for appropriate medical care.

Frankincense is one of the oldest essential oils and is

used primarily in meditation to improve inner

balance. Considered the “holy anointing oil” in the

Middle East, frankincense has been used in religious

ceremonies for thousands of years. It was well known during the time of Christ and was one of

the gifts given to Christ at his birth. Anciently, the Chinese used frankincense to support overall


Today, frankincense is still used worldwide for both its ceremonial and dietary use. More

recently, it has been used in European and American hospitals and is the subject of substantial


Frankincense has a sweet, warm, balsamic aroma that is stimulating and elevating to the mind.

Useful for visualizing, improving one’s spiritual connection, and centering, it has comforting

properties that help focus the mind and overcome stress and despair.

Frankincense is also a valuable ingredient in skin care products for aging and dry skin. The

ancient Egyptians used it in rejuvenation face masks.

History of Frankincense

Frankincense dates back thousands of years. Archaeological digs in the Tigris-Euphrates date it

back to 5000 BC. The Ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, Greeks and Romans used it extensively. It

was also used in Ancient India and China as well. The oil comes from a resin in a tree that is

almost exclusively grows in the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Somalia and Eritrea) and the Southern

Arabian Peninsula. (Yemen, Oman and Saudi Arabia). The resin from the tree is still harvested

the way it has been for thousands of years – by cutting into the side of the tree and releasing

the sap.

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Most people remember it as one of the gifts brought to the Christ child by the Balthasar, one of

the Three Wise Men and as the substance that is burned in churches and temples to this day.

It’s also used as a fixative in perfumes.

There have been a number of studies showing Frankincense’s efficacy in treating a variety of


A team of scientists from the University of Oklahoma, along with immunologist Dr. Mahmoud

Suhail have discovered that Frankincense appears to be able to stop cancer cells from

reproducing and to correct a cell’s DNS code.

Studies at Cairo’s King Faisal University show Frankincense to exhibit a strong immune-

stimulant capability.

Studies at Weber State University in the U.S. claim that Frankincense is effective in

dissolving petrochemicals in the blood and preventing DNA breakdown.

A joint study by 3 Indian universities found that patients with osteoarthritis experienced

reduced pain and stiffness and less difficulty in performing daily activities.

Types of Frankincense

There are several species of Frankincense, but the ones which have the most therapeutic value

are Boswellia Carterii and Boswellia Sacra. Carterii is found in east Africa, while Sacra is only

found in Yemen and Oman. Another variety, Frereana is highly sought after for its fragrance,

but has little therapeutic benefit. Frereana is found in Somalia. Sacra or Sacred Frankincense

has the highest amount of boswellic acid, the constituent that accounts for much of the oil’s

healing properties. It is now thought, that it was this variety that would have been brought to

the Christ child.

Only one producer of essential oils (Young Living) has secured the rights to distill, produce and

export Sacred Frankincense from Oman. Much of what sells as Boswellia Sacra is in fact

Boswellia Frereana or worst still paraffin or some synthetic.

About the Frankincense Tree

Frankincense trees love limestone and they will often

be found growing in rock. When near water, it will

grow like a tree, but when the area is dry it will grow

more like a bush.

Frankincense trees do not like too much water as the

tree is susceptible to mildew. The trees must be at

least 6 years old before they can be harvested for their

resin. The tree flowers in May (which is the best time

to travel to this region to see the trees) and harvesting takes place in the following months.

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Harvesting Video

Only Omanis are allowed to harvest the resin, with rights to the respective trees being owned

by tribes or families. About 99% of all frankincense resin will be used by Omanis to burn in clay

burners. To obtain the essential oil of frankincense we need to steam distill the resin. It takes

about 16 hours to process each batch of resin.

Healing Properties of Frankincense

Frankincense has been used as an anti-depressant. Frankincense contains molecules known as

sesquiterpenes. This in essence means that Frankincense oil is able to penetrate the blood-

brain barrier and reach the limbic system of the brain, the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary

glands. The limbic part of the brain is the center for memory and emotions.

It has anti-tumoral properties. A number of studies have now been carried out indicating that

frankincense can be effective against cancer cells. In Oman, where the local people drink water

infused with or chew the frankincense resin, there is very little incidence of cancer in the

hospitals. There is also very little incidence of periodontal disease, so this is another promising

area for research.

Anti-inflammatory and

immune stimulating properties.

DNA repair

Promotes meditation and

spiritual awareness.

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Spiritual Oil

We have learned that Frankincense can be used for both physical and mental ailments. Let’s

take a look at the spiritual aspect of using this oil. We know that Frankincense helps to

oxygenate the brain and stimulate the pineal gland. The pineal gland is located in the brain just

behind the forehead, and is sometimes referred to as the Spiritual Eye.

For thousands of years, humans have prayed and meditated through this center, as well as the

other transmitting and receiving organ – the Heart. These two energy centers in the human

being are a vital means of communication between us and the divine source as well as our

fellow human beings. I find it quite interesting that women have a pineal gland that is twice the

size of men’s. Perhaps this explains why women have a stronger intuitive capacity?

There is a good reason that churches and temples have diffused and burned incense for

thousands of years. We know that when the pineal gland is stimulated it helps us to focus on

the spiritual world. Frankincense, along with oils such as Myrrh, Cedarwood and Sandalwood

have the capacity to stimulate the pineal, putting us in the frame of mind to pray and meditate.

Young Living has developed a number of oil blends that can help enhance our prayer and

meditation, as well as develop our intuition. These are “3 Wise Men”, Inspiration, Gathering

and Exodus II. All of these contain Frankincense.

When using these oils for prayer and meditation you can either rub them on your forehead, the

crown of your head, over your heart or on the soles of your feet. You may also want to have

the oils diffusing in the room as you pray or meditate. When applying try rubbing the oils 3

times clockwise, either when placing directly on the body or on your hand. Three is a sacred

number, while clockwise the direction our DNA spins when it is healthy. Studies by Bruce Tainio

have shown that rubbing essential oils 3 times clockwise actually doubles their frequency.

Suggested Uses

Try diffusing Frankincense in a room before

you meditate or do your yoga practice or even

just rub a few drops in your hand, rub 3 times

clockwise and inhale.

You can also try applying a few drops to your

chakra points.

If you wish to try using it internally you might

wish to dilute 1 drop of Frankincense per 4

parts of olive or coconut oil and use a

vegetable capsule. Take before a meal or

before bed.

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Frankincense: Could it be a cure for cancer?

In May 2010 the BBC published an article about whether Frankincense could be reborn as a

treatment for cancer. I’d like to share with you the comments from Vicki Opfer, one of our top

ranking distributors with Young Living.

“Frankincense is about 12% limonene, and you can find the information

on the limonene research abstracts in Greater Joy's archives. Limonene

is a plant molecule that has been observed to not only inhibit cancer,

but also to regress it...

This miraculous molecule, and others within the plants that work with

it synergistically, may be giving us this fabulous healing effect.

Scientists often look to nature for healing effects in plants. They

isolate the molecule that seems to be producing a certain effect.

Next they synthetically create a similar molecule which becomes a

drug, and which they can get a patent on. (You cannot get a patent on

natural plant molecules.)

Unfortunately, when a molecule is isolated from the plant, it becomes

somewhat toxic to us. When it is synthesized (created in a lab

synthetically), in order to create pharmaceutical drugs for the

specific result, it becomes even more toxic and often comes with a

legal sized sheet of side effects. (You can ask your pharmacist for

the insert, which lists side effects, for any drugs you are taking.)

So it is much more preferable to use the whole plant, or the whole

essential oil of the plant, rather than an isolated molecule.

Therapeutic grade essential oils (as opposed to industrial grade oils

or synthetically produced fragrances) contain a balanced and complete

molecular profile. That's why we get such amazing results. And they

are safe and non-toxic to us.

Frankincense has been observed throughout history to help the body's

immune system alleviate cancer. Its limonene content may be a crucial

factor. The citrus oils, like orange, grapefruit, lemon, etc., are

mostly limonene (often 90-95%), with a few other supporting molecules.

In order to replicate the amount of limonene used in the research

studies that show regression of cancer, one would have to take 10 ml

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of orange oil a day, internally. This is about 12-14 "00" capsules.

If someone is in a cancer treatment program, they need to speak with

their oncologist about adding citrus oils or frankincense to what they

are already doing. They may want to share the limonene information

with the doctor, as many physicians are not aware of this research.

We are definitely in the pioneering phase of this work, and it's

exciting to be a part of it!”

Frankincense Essential Oil – 25 Ways to Use It

1. Calming and uplifting: you can simply

wear Frankincense essential oil as a

perfume throughout the day. Its soothing

and calming effect will help you fight stress

more efficiently.

2. Pain relief: Frankincense essential oil has

powerful pain relief properties. If you

suffer from arthritis or you have a painful

injury, you can simply rub a few drops of

the oil into the affected area. The results

will be almost immediate.

3. Respiratory infections treatment: Frankincense is effective in terms of combating shortness

of breath and coughing related to respiratory infections. Put a few drops in a diffuser and


4. Asthma Relief: Alternatively, you can rub frankincense essential oil on your chest or throat,

depending on the type of infection. Rubbing the essential oil on your chest is a good asthma


5. Oily skin treatment: the essential oil regulates sebum production. Place a few drops on a wet

cotton ball and dab on the problematic areas – the forehead, nose and chin.

6. Anti-septic: applied directly to wounds, frankincense has powerful anti-septic qualities. The

fumes of the oil can also be used to disinfect a room.

7. Stronger immune system: massage a few drops into your feet every day. Diffusing the

essential oil throughout your home will also help you strengthen your immune response,

especially during flu season.

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8. Stronger memory and attention: frankincense can help you concentrate and improve your

mental performance at work or school. Apply to the bottom of the feet, inhale by placing a

couple drops in your hand and inhaling deeply. You can also apply a few drops to the base of

the neck (top of spine) This also will help you focus.

9. Healthy and young skin: the oil helps skin regeneration, making the appearance of skin more

youthful. Use a few drops on a cotton ball to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

10. Treat skin allergies: skin allergies can be really irritating because of the itchiness and the

swollen, red patches. Apply a few drops of the oil to the area that is most itchy. You will soon

feel the soothing effect.

11. Scar tissue treatment: do you have old scars from acne or stretch mark that you want to get

rid of? Rubbing frankincense oil into the skin area will result in the quicker fading of the scars.

12. Warts removal: apply a few drops to the wart at least two times per day. Repeat until it


13. Better digestion: taking a few drops of frankincense in a gelatin capsule will help you

combat indigestion and acid reflux by speeding up the secretion of digestive juices.

14. Control inflammations: to control inflammatory responses, apply frankincense oil topically

or take a few drops in a gelatin capsule.

15. To treat poor circulation, ask somebody to perform a whole body massage on you

with frankincense oil. You can also dilute the oil in your bath to achieve the same result.

16. For heavy periods: ladies that suffer from heavy and painful periods can dilute a few drops

of frankincense oil in their bath. Frankincense diminishes the heavy blood flow and decreases

the severity of PMS symptoms.

17. Keep gums healthy: rubbing a few drops of frankincense oil into your gums will keep them

healthy. The essential oil has astringent qualities.

18. Sun spots: Apply daily to sun spots, and freckling caused from sun exposure on skin. The

spots will fade very quickly.

19. Better vision: rubbed on the temples and around the eyes, frankincense results in better

eyesight. Repeat daily for a couple of months.

20. Fight brittle nails: to fight nail brittleness, place a drop of the oil on the nail itself and rub

gently. The nail will absorb the frankincense, which will result in strengthening and better nail


21. Anti-cancer qualities: Some studies confirm the fact that frankincense oil has powerful anti-

cancer qualities. Use topically on the reflex points on the feet. Adding a drop of frankincense to

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your beverage would also deliver results. You can also apply frankincense down the spine and

base of neck.

22. Treat ulcers: to treat ulcers, take a few drops of frankincense oil in a gelatin capsule on a

daily basis.

23. Improve your overall health: to improve your health, prepare a mix of one tablespoon of

honey, one drop of frankincense oil and one glass of freshly made apple juice. Take daily.

24. Speed up insect bite healing: to deal with the unpleasant consequences of insect bites,

apply a few drops topically to the swollen spot. Frankincense will provide relief from the itching

and the pain.

25. Diuretic: frankincense oil is a diuretic that promotes better kidney and liver function for

hepatitis as it speeds up the removal of toxins from the body. Take a few drops in a gelatin

capsule daily. There have also been reports of liver levels improving by adding a few drops of

frankincense oil to a glass of water each day

Frankincense can be used for immune support, spiritual grounding and skin health. Here are a

few more examples of how you can use frankincense:

Inhale frankincense essential oil after lunch to spiritually refocus.

Rub frankincense essential oil on the bottom of your feet to help alleviate nervous


Frankincense has been used topically over the liver to help with discomfort after taking

prescription drugs to manage migraines.

Frankincense along with Immupower has been used to shrink a lipoma (fatty tissue) so

that surgery was not needed.

Frankincense along with Lavender has been used to heal conjunctivitis. The Lavender oil

can be applied around the eye (cheekbones and on top of the brows) and the

Frankincense can be applied by placing a few drops of oil in the palm of the hand and

then cup the hand over the eye with the eye open to absorb the fumes from the

Frankincense oil. Be careful not to get the oil in the eye and yes, it will sting a bit but it

will clear the conjunctivitis in just a few days without having to use an antibiotic.

Frankincense has been used to relieve depression and allowed one young woman to

discontinue her prescriptions for Lexapro, Adderol, etc. She uses Frankincense on the

bottoms of her feet daily and is now feeling happier and healthier than ever.

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Frankincense along with Joy have been used by people suffering with bi-polar disorder.

Joy is used on the ears and back of the head and over the heart for the depression and

the Frankincense is inhaled along with a drop on the top of the head (crown chakra) for

the manic episodes.

Jen Roszelle, Independent Distributor # 1298818

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540-974-3417 or 540-465-5981