an glass 200307 en

Pyrometric Temperature Measurement in the Glass Industry MESSEN·STEUERN·REGELN

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Temperature is one of the most significant variables in glass manufacture and processing. It has become imperative to not only monitor temperatures during the energy-intensive melting process to optimise efficiency. Temperaturedetection and control is vital tothe forming process as well. Glassmanufacturers have come to rely onthe accuracy of non-contact pyrometry as the measuring technique of choice.


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Pyrometric Temperature Measurement

in the Glass Industry

M E S S E N · S T E U E R N · R E G E L N

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In the glass industry, the locations for

pyrometer temperature measurements

can be categorized according to

thermal radiation characteristics:

– Black bodies are measured by

pyrometers which “see’’ through a

small eyehole into a uniformly

heated cavity (such as the tank

furnace). A thermocouple with a

protection tube can be installed at

the crown or bridge wall of the tank

furnace. Alternatively, a pyrometer

can detect the temperature at the

bottom of a closed ceramic sighting


– Opaque emitter or grey body.

In this case, the pyrometer is aimed

at metallic surfaces, i. e. the open

inside surface of a mould. The

thermal energy is only emitted from

the mould.

– Transparent volume emitter.

The pyrometer not only detects the

thermal radiation at the surface, but

the energy from depths below the

surface as well.

The depth at which the pyrometer can

detect the radiation depends on the

spectral absorption coefficient of the

hot glass and the pyrometer’s spectral


Ultimately, one must distinguish

between temperature measurements

performed at continuous or

discontinuous production processes.




Typical locations for measuring


Glass as a transparent volume


Glass as a grey body

Temperature measurement of glass,

whatever the thickness

Choice of pyrometer type dependent

on glass thickness

KELLER HCW pyrometers for various

applications within the glass produc-

tion process

– Stationary pyrometers

– Portable pyrometers

Complete KELLER HCW systems for

the glass industry

Overview of all pyrometers with

technical data


Temperature is one of the most signi-

ficant variables in glass manufacture

and processing. It has become impera-

tive to not only monitor temperatures

during the energy-intensive melting

process to optimise efficiency. Tempe-

rature detection and control is vital to

the forming process as well. Glass

manufacturers have come to rely on

the accuracy of non-contact pyrometry

as the measuring technique of choice.

Thermocouples, protected by ceramic

sheathing, are sometimes still used to

monitor arch temperatures during the

melting process. However, because of

their rapid deterioration and limited

service life, accuracy checks must be

performed periodically using portable

pyrometers. More and more, thermo-

couples are being replaced by wear-

free pyrometers.

During the glass forming process, only

a non-contact and thus nonwearing

measuring method can be employed.

Whether hand-held or stationary, the

use of pyrometers helps streamline

various processes within glassmaking.

Especially the following processes will

benefit from pyrometer usage:

– when starting up or running a

production line

– when changing over to a different

line of products

– for quality control of manufactured


– when manufacturing glass

laboratory equipment such as test

tubes and beakers

– when conducting industrial research

for the flat glass, container glass or

household glass sectors

– for subsequent finishing and

processing of glass products, such

as ampoules or in metallic glass


Typical measuring points

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Glass as a transparent volume radiator

When measuring black or grey bodies,

the primary criteria for selecting a

pyrometer are temperature range,

target spot diameter, measuring

distance and response time. For

transparent glass applications, the

thickness of the glass and the

pyrometer’s sighting depth must also

be considered. This depends on the

pyrometer’s spectral range and the

spectral absorption coefficient of the

particular type of glass.

Glass as a grey body

In general, the relationship between

reflectance, emittance and transmit-

tance can be expressed in the following


ρ (λ, T) + α (λ, T) + T (λ, T) = 1. (1)

If a glass medium, due to its thickness,

is opaque for certain parts of the spec-

trum, in other words, if the transmissi-

vity is negligibly low (T < 0.01), then

the following equation based on Kirch-

hoff’s law of thermal radiation will be


ε (λ, T) = 1 - ρ (λ, T). (2)

In this case, the measured glass object

is a grey body. Equation (2) shows that

the sum of emissivity and reflectivity is

equal to one and that emissivity is a

function of wavelength λ.

Fig. 1: Reflectivity ρ (λ) and emissivity ε (λ) for borosilicate glass, as well as the wavelength

ranges of KELLER HCW pyrometers and the corresponding emissivity correction values to be set.






00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14




∆λ1 = 0.8 ... 1.1 µm ; ε(∆λ1) = 0.95

∆λ1 = 1.1 ... 1.7 µm ; ε(∆λ2) = 0.95

∆λ1 = 4.8 ... 5.2 µm ; ε(∆λ3) = 0.96

∆λ1 = 8.0 ... 14 µm ; ε(∆λ4) = 0.91



In addition, the chart shows various

KELLER HCW pyrometers, each

sensitive to a different band of wave-

lengths in the spectrum, with the

appropriate emissivity setting ε (∆λ)

for borosilicate glass.

One can see that wavelengths between

0.5 and 7.8 mm exhibit a nearly

constant emissivity between 0.95 and


For the spectral range 8–14 µm an

average emissivity value ε = 0.91

should be selected.

Glass surfaces with negligible trans-

missivity can be considered as grey

body emitters in the spectral range

between 0.5 and 7.8 µm. Unlike metal

surfaces which might undergo oxi-

dation, a glass surface is not subject

to variations.

The necessary product thickness,

for which the transmissivity will be

< 0.01, can be calculated.

The depth of temperature measure-

ment X99 represents the glass thick-

ness at which – from the surface on

down to the depth X99 – a pyrometer

can detect 99 % of the total emitted

thermal energy. This thickness as well

as the absorption coefficient are

dependent on wavelength λ and the

object temperature T.

Fig. 1 shows the measured reflectivity

ρ (λ) of borosilicate glass and the

emissivity ε (λ) as calculated using

equation (2) and as a function of

wavelength at T (λ) < 0.01.

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Fig. 2 demonstrates the spectral

measuring depth X99 for borosilicate

glass at product temperatures of 600,

1000 and 1200 °C. The chart also

illustrates the maximum measuring

depth for borosilicate glass at some

typical wavelengths.

For the calculation of the spectral

measuring depth X99, glass with

homogenous temperature distribution

was assumed. In the spectral region

0.5 to 2.0 µm (which is the range of

free transmission for uncoloured glass)

the measuring depth X99 will be

between 90 and 400 mm, depending

on temperature.

At wavelengths > 2.0 µm, these

temperature gradients will decrease at

longer wavelengths.

When a pyrometer with a Si sensor

(0.8–1.1 µm) is employed, 99 % of the

radiance (X99) will be transmitted to

the glass surface at the following

temperatures and depths:

– at 600 °C merely 90 mm deep; the

glass will appear dark red,

– at 1000 °C to a depth of 170 mm,


– at 1200 °C approx. 300 mm deep.

Fig. 3 shows variations for the X99

depth of spectral transmittance for

sheet glass and green glass at

wavelengths from 0.5 to 3 µm and at

temperatures of 20 °C, 1250 °C and

1300 °C.

Whereas the X99 depth of measure-

ment for sheet glass at 1300 °C is

approximately that of borosilicate

glass, X99 for green glass will only be

6 mm below the surface at 20 °C or

12 mm at 1250 °C due to the higher

absorption coefficient for green glass.

This means that even pyrometers

which measure at short wavelengths

and have a Si or an InGaAs sensor

cannot “see’’ very deep into a coloured

glass object.

As a rule, glass objects are non-

transparent (opaque) at wavelengths

> 4 µm, thus at this spectral region,

the shallow measuring depth X99 for

borosilicate glass (as shown in Fig. 2)

will also apply to sheet glass and

coloured glass.


Fig. 2: Measuring

depth X99 for borosili-

cate glass as a function

of wavelength and glass

product temperature.


0.8 ... 1.1 µm

1.1 ... 1.7 µm

4.46 ... 5.82 µm

8.0 ... 14 µm

















0,7 mm

In Ga As

400 mm

300 mm


0,04 mm

1200 C° 1000 C°600 C°


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Pyrometers with a InGaAs-sensor

(1.1 to 1.7 µm) will measure at a

somewhat greater depth than

pyrometers with Si-sensor.

The measurement depth X99 for

pyrometers with a spectral range from

4.46 to 4.82 µm is a maximum of

0.7 mm.

Pyrometers with a wavelength

sensitivity >8 µm will only reach X99

at a depth of 0.04 mm.






0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

1300 C°20 C°

1250 C°20 C°

Sheet glass

Green glass

In Ga As





Fig. 3 Measurement depth X99 of sheet glass at 20 and 1300 °C

and X99 of green glass at 20 and 1250 °C subject to wavelength λ

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Fig. 4 Standardised radiant energy E(D/X99)/ E100 % received by a spectral pyrometer with a

Si-sensor as a function of the standardised glass depth D/X99 for various types of glass at

homogeneous and inhomogeneous temperature gradients within the glass object.










0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

0 1.8 3.0 4.0 5.9 7.1 8.8 9.8 12 mm

0 28 47 64 93 112 139 156 190 mm

0 45 75 99 147 177 219 246 300 mm



E (D/X99)/E 100 %

borosilicate glass at 1200 C°

sheet glass at 1300 C°

sheet glass at 1300 C°





97 98 99 %


Fig. 4 illustrates the standardised

radiant energy E(D/X99)/ E100 % received

by a spectral pyrometer with a

Si-sensor as a function of the

standardised glass depth D/X99 for

coloured glass, for sheet glass and for

borosilicate glass at homogeneous and

inhomogeneous temperature gradients

within the glass object.

The pyrometer detects 50 % of the

energy from the glass surface and

from layers below the surface down to

a depth which is commensurate to one

sixth of the measuring depth X99.

When the temperature distribution is

inhomogeneous (i. e. surface is hotter

than layers below the surface), this

50 % will be will even shallower

(indicated by the dot-dash line.

Miniature pyrometer PS 41 with its spectral

sensitivity from 4.46 to 4.82 µm, measures

temperatures just below the glass surface.

Selecting a pyrometeraccording to glass thickness

Spectral pyrometer

In order to obtain a representative

temperature for a glass product, one

must employ a spectral pyrometer

which can measure or “see’’ at least

halfway to all the way down into the

glass thickness at the targeted location.

If the object thickness is less than the

instrument’s measuring depth, the

pyrometer will “see through’’ the glass

object and pick up radiant energy from

the background. Variations in object

thickness will distort the signal and thus

the temperature reading, for example

when a spectral pyrometer with a

Si-sensor is aimed horizontally through

a gob.

Because a gob of colourless glass with

a diameter between 20 and 80 mm

will constitute a measuring depth of

300 mm for Si-sensor pyrometers, the

temperature reading will depend on the

object thickness.

Nonetheless, an accurate temperature

reading can be obtained if the

pyrometer is aimed diagonally at the

gob of molten glass as it is dispensed

from the gob feeder, measuring into

the orifice where there is sufficient

depth. Alternatively, a two-colour

pyrometer with a Si-sensor can be


If, however, the measured glass object

is substantially thicker than the

measuring depth, the pyrometer will

predominantly pick up thermal energy

at the uppermost layers just below the

surface. This near-surface radiation

might be subject to irregular

convection currents which will greatly

influence the temperature reading.

Therefore, a pyrometer which

measures close to the surface at a

depth of 0.7 mm and at wavelengths

between 4.46 and 4.82 µm is not

recommendable for detecting the

temperature of molten glass at lower


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Fig. 5 demonstrates how considerable

convection interference at the glass

surface can occur due to the large size

of the extraction opening. Glass

extracted from lower depths will not be

affected by convection.

The automatic temperature control

system of the overhead heater is

extremely sensitive to this convection

interference to the extent that the

heater will shut off when the ball

gatherer, coated with molten glass,

enters the gathering bay, and turn on

again when the ball gatherer is with-

drawn. This will produce misleading

temperature data.

This source of error can be effectively

eliminated by employing a pyrometer

which, due to the wavelength at which

it operates, will measure the

temperature from below the glass

surface. A pyrometer with a Si sensor,

for instance, has a measuring depth of

approx. 300 mm. Even when tilted at

an angle of 30°, this pyrometer will

“see’’ 150 mm into the glass target.

When measuring glass temperature,

always make sure to select a

pyrometer whose measuring depth

X99 is less than the glass thickness.

This will prevent the sensor from

“looking through’’ the glass und thus

picking up energy from beyond the

target which would otherwise result in

an error.


Fig. 5 Arrangement for measuring

temperature at the ball gatherer within a

glass melting tank furnace. (1 glass-coated

ball gatherer is plunged into the tank of

molten glass, 2 measured target spot,

3 Pyrometer).

ca. 60°

ca. 100 mm




ca. 70 mm

Spectral Type of glass Meas. Locations/applications for

range depth pyrometer usage

in µm X99

Temperature in mm D > X99 1/6 Xpp<D< X99


in °C Spectral Two-colour

pyrometer pyrometer

0.8 to 1.1 Green glass 12 Gob

Si Sheet glass 190 Furnace

500 to 3000 Borosilicate glass 300 FeederGob

1.1 to 1.7 Green glass 24 Gob

InGaAs Sheet glass 290 Mould

250 to 2500 Borosilicate glass 400 Melting tank

4.46 to 5.82 Green glass Flat glass

300 to 2500 Sheet glass 0.7 Cooling zone

Borosilicate glass Thin-walled glass

8.0 to 14.0 Green glass

-30 to 1000 Sheet glass 0.04 Cooling zone

Borosilicate glass

Two-colour pyrometers

Pyrometers which measure at two

channels, or two wavelengths, should

be employed when the thickness of the

measured glass product is less than

the depth X99, but greater than one

sixth of that value. At that thickness,

both channels will still receive 50 %

of the thermal radiation (Fig. 4).

The two-colour pyrometer will

determine the true temperature value,

because signal attenuation will be the

same at both wavelengths (numerator

and denominator). Thus the quotient

or ratio will remain constant.

Table 1 on page 8 lists various

KELLER HCW pyrometers with their

respective spectral and temperature

ranges. The table shows the depth

X99 for different kinds of glass and

some typical measuring

locations/applications for spectral and

two-colour pyrometers.

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Typical applications forKELLER pyrometersin the glass industry

The scope of KELLER HCW stationary

and portable pyrometers covers the

entire range of temperatures relevant

to the glass industry, from 0 to

3000 °C.

CellaTemp PS 36 with fibre optic sensor head

ø 16 mm.

Stationary pyrometers

Spectral pyrometers with Si or

InGaAs sensors are especially suitable

for measuring glass temperatures

at the melting tank and feeder,

due to their favourable measuring

depth for colourless glass and their

broad temperature ranges, from

250 °C to 3000 °C.

The PZ 20/30 with through-

the-lens sighting is preferable for

measuring temperatures at the

ball gatherer. From a safe distance,

this pyrometer “sees’’ through the

orifice into the glass melt (Fig. 5).

This pyrometer features a peak

picker function to smooth any

sporadic signal fluctuations caused

by the movement of the ball

gatherer in the pyrometer’s optical


Ceramic sighting tubes and air purging

devices serve to keep the pyrometer

optics clean and help extend

maintenance intervals. For inspection

purposes, the sensor head can be

easily disconnected in seconds without

the use of tools.

With green glass, spectral pyro-

meters with a Si sensor can measure

at a maximum depth of 12 mm. Thus

the PZ 30 with through-the-lens

sighting can be employed for

measuring gob temperature when

the gob diameter is ≥ 15 mm. The

instrument’s peak picker function can

compensate for signal interruptions

which occur during gob cutting

operations (when the gob has fallen).

The PZ 20/21 spectral pyrometers

which have InGaAs sensors can

measure deeper into the glass than

pyrometers with Si sensors, when

used for green and colourless glass.

Due to its spectral range (1.1–1.7 µm),

the PZ 20/21 can even detect tempe-

ratures as low as 250 °C.

Therefore, these pyrometers are also

suitable for measuring temperatures

of cast iron glass pressing moulds.

However, since the surface characteris-

tics of the mould will vary over time

– the cast iron mould is extremely

shiny when new and dulls with

age – and because these moulds are

periodically lubricated, their surface

emissivity will fluctuate greatly. To

eliminate inaccuracies due to such

fluctuations, the outside of the mould

should have a cavity, drilled at a

Of course the temperature of the

mould’s inner surface will be different

than the temperature measured in the

drilled cavity; this difference will

remain a constant value. The closer

the proximity of the bottom of the

drilled cavity (down to a remaining

thickness of 4 mm), the smaller the

difference between these tempera-


The PZ 21 with a fibre optic cable

and a laser spot light is also ideal

for measuring the temperature of

moulds. The small sensing head can

be mounted to a convenient location

near the press or press-and-blow

machine and aimed into the drilled

cavity. The spot light feature, when

switched on, illuminates the target

location and indicates the exact spot

diameter in true size.

The PS 36 with fibre optic cable is

particularly suitable for temperature

measurement at the feeder. The very

small sensor head (ø 16 mm or

ø 30 mm) is connected to the electro-

nics by means of a fibre optic cable.

This pyrometer can be used in ambient

temperatures as high as 250 °C

without cooling.

suitable location, into which the

pyrometer can be aimed. When the

cavity’s drill depth is at least six times

the diameter, the pyrometer will “see’’

into what can be considered a grey

body with an emissivity of 0.95.

In this way, regardless of the cast iron

mould's inner surface condition, a

stationary pyrometer can obtain a

reproducible and representative

temperature value for the mould.

Cellatemp PZ 21/41 with fibre optic sensor

head ø 30 mm.

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Fig. 6: Example of a pyrometer mounting assembly at a feeder comprising:

PS 36 spectral pyrometer with 1 fibre optics head, 2 air purge and 3 sighting tube.

air purge

3 2 1

The PZ 40/50 with through-the-

lens sighting is suitable for measuring

the temperature of colourless gobs

which have a diameter of > 40 mm

and are aimed at horizontally. In case

the gob diameter is between 30 and

40 mm, then the pyrometer should be

aimed toward the gob at an angle of

30 ° from the horizontal position. This

will provide more depth for the measu-


During gob cutting, the transmitted

radiation will be periodically inter-

rupted. This instrument’s peak picker

and smoothing function mode,

however, can compensate for this sig-

nal attenuation.

The PZ 41 with fibre optics and

spotlight can be used to measure the

temperature of metals by detecting

their radiation through thick, tinted

glass. Fluctuations in glass thickness

will not affect the measurement.

With the instrument’s emissivity

adjustment, possible signal

attenuation at both wavelengths can

be corrected.

The pyrometer series CellaTemp

PZ 10 (with through-the-lens sighting),

PS 1x and PS 4x all measure at long

wavelengths and feature state-of-the-

art microprocessor-based electronics.

The PS 4x features a wavelength

range of 4.46–4.82 µm and a tempe-

rature range of 300–1300 °C or

1000–2500 °C. Due to its relatively

shallow measuring depth

X99 < 0.7 mm, the PS 54x is ideal for

measuring temperatures at the surface

or just below the surface of the glass.

This pyrometer is suitable for

temperature monitoring of thin glass

products (thickness ≥ 1mm) such as

flat glass, containers, pressed or blown

decorative glass, and laboratory ware

during forming, finishing and cooling


The PS Series Infrared Temperature

Switch, PS 122, can detect glass

residue in the moulds within

milliseconds, thereby eliminating

production downtimes and expensive

equipment repair caused by glass

which has stuck to the mould. Within

the measuring range 300–1300 °C,

the switching point can be configured.

The two-colour pyrometers

PZ 40/41 and PZ 50 can be employed

for temperatures ranging from

450–3000 °C in the following


– when the glass thickness D at the

measured spot is less than the

pyrometer's measuring depth for

glass (X99) but more than one sixth

of that value, in other words:

1/6 X99 < D < X99

– when measuring the temperature of

inductively heated metal parts by

“seeing’’ through thick (and often

coloured) glass.

The PZ 10 and PS 1x Series, with

their wavelength range of 8–14 µm

and temperature ranges of 0–1000 °C

or 0–800 °C measure at a depth of

X99 < 0.04 and are thus appropriate

for measuring only the surface

temperature of glass. These

pyrometers should be selected for

measuring very thin glass products

(thickness ≥ 0.1 mm).

Because of the PZ 10’s focusable,

interchangeable optics, this instrument

is especially suitable for use with very

small target objects such as household

and table glassware. The PZ 10 is

commonly used to monitor

temperatures of glass products after

the cooling zone as well as before and

after subsequent processing.

Pyrometer CellaTemp PS with accessories

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Fig. 7 Temperature measurement at a mould: a pyrometer with fibre optics and

a spot light is aimed into a drilled cavity.

The PZ Pyrometer

Series features

focusable optics,


sighting and target

marking to facilitate


The stationary pyrometers of the PZ

Series are characterized by their

focusable, through-the-lens sighting

systems. The marked target, as seen

through the viewfinder, indicates the

true size of the spot measured. This

feature plays a significant role in

facilitating pyrometer alignment,

particularly when measuring small

objects or when “looking’’ through

narrow sight openings.

In addition, the desired measuring

range of the PZ pyrometer can be

adjusted both at the instrument itself

as well as via a standard RS 232

interface for maximum application

flexibility. The temperature data can

be transferred to a PC for further

processing by means of a serial

interface such as RS 232, RS 422 or

RS 485 or to a PLC with the Profibus


The instruments of the CellaTemp

PS Series are merely 30 mm in

diameter and are thus ideal when

working in cramped quarters. Housed

in a rugged, IP 65 stainless steel

enclosure, the PS can be employed in

the extremely harsh industrial


Portable pyrometers

KELLER’s HCW portable pyrometers

correspond to the stationary

instruments in terms of temperature

and wavelength range. These handheld

instruments are suitable for spot

checking and can be employed for any

temperature measuring tasks which

previously called for comparable

stationary pyrometers.

Another application for portable

pyrometers is temperature verification

of thermocouples in the port arch or

tank furnace. The thermoelectric

voltage generated in a thermocouple

will cause aging. Depending on the

particular operating conditions, this can

result in a temperature drift up to 30 K

within four weeks at 1550 °C.

The function of such thermocouples,

for instance, can be spot-checked

weekly by aiming the spectral

pyrometer through a sight window or

inspection hole and then comparing

the pyrometer’s temperature reading

to that of the thermocouple. The

thermocouple and its protection tube

should be replaced regularly, subject

to the degree of temperature deviation


All KELLER HCW pyrometers operate

without mechanical moving parts.

These instruments are therefore

maintenance-free and have a long


The range of stationary pyrometers is

enhanced by a comprehensive

selection of mounting fittings and


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The present-day family of Optix

pyrometers, which includes the G, S

and Q Series, stems from the original

Optix instrument which was based on

intensity comparison and was

successfully used for decades in the

glass industry.

These pyrometers are characterised by

the following features:

– microprocessor-controlled signal


– through-the-lens sighting is true-

to-side; temperature reading is

displayed in the field of view

– memory function to save up to

200 temperature readings, whether

instantaneous, maximum or

minimum values

– interchangeable, screw-on lenses

(standard and telephoto) with

continuously adjustable focus

– serial interface RS 232.

Temperature values are stored as

an ASCII data file to enable further

processing, spreadsheet analysis

etc. with common software such as


– housed in a rugged aluminium

dustproof and waterproof enclosure

Optix portable

pyrometer series

Keller’s HCW Portix Series encompas-

ses various models of a small-sized,

handy instrument which can measure

temperatures between 0–1999 °C.

Portix B (0–600 °C) with a target spot

of 5 mm is suitable for quick tempera-

ture checks of moulds and small glass

products before and after the cooling

process. A spot light indicates the true

size of the measured spot.

Portix D (0–600 °C), when positioned

at a distance of 1 m to the target, will

have a spot diameter of 10 cm and is

thus ideal for measurements of larger

glass products, or at conveyor belts.

Both models are available as combined

instruments: for contact measure-

ments using either a PT 1000 or a

NiCr-Ni probe, as well as for non-

contact infrared temperature detec-


The Portix H, with its measuring

range from 300 °C to 1999 °C, rounds

off the Portix series. Applications

include temperature measurements in

the furnace tank and feeder, of gobs

with a diameter > 25 mm and moulds.

All Portix pyrometers feature as a

standard an integrated data storage

for up to 64 temperature readings. The

infrared interface module Adaptix C

enables measurement data to be

transferred to a PC for further analysis

or graphical display.

Optix G and Optix S, which can

measure temperatures ranging from

250–2000 °C or 700–2500 °C, are

ideal for spot-checks in the furnace,

melting tank or feeders as well as for

verifying thermocouples in the port


The Optix Q is a portable two-colour

pyrometer. It is able to produce relia-

ble measurement data, even when

there is a great amount of steam or

dust in the atmosphere, or when the

gob is very small.

Portable pyrometer series Portix

with interface adapter.

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Summary of pyrometers and technical specifications

1) Also available as a combined instrument for contact and non-contact temperature detection

2) Standard distance ratio, other distance ratios available on request.

Pyrometer Spectral Temperature Distance Smallest Focus Response Output

range range ratio 2) possible [mm] time

[mm] [°C] measuring [sec]

spot ø


Portable Pyrometers

Portix Spectral Pyrometers

Portix B 1) 7–16 -30– 400 4 : 1 5 40 1

0– 600 5 40 infrared

Portix D 1) 8–16 0– 600 11 : 1 55 600 1 interface

Portix H 1) 1.1–1.7 300–1999 60 : 1 10 600 1

Optix Spectral Pyrometers

Optix G 1.1–1.7 250–2000 150 : 1 2.7 400–∞ < = 1

Optix S 0.8–1.1 700–2500 175 : 1 2.3 400–∞ < = 1RS 232-

Optix Two-colour Pyrometerinterface

Optix Q 0.95/1.05 700–1600 80 : 1 5 400–∞ < = 1

900–2400 150 : 1 2.7 400–∞

Stationary Pyrometers

PS Series Spectral Pyrometers

PS 11 8–140– 500

20 : 1 13 300 < = 0.10– 800

PS 21 1.1–1.7300– 900

100 : 1 8 800 < = 0.002400–1400


PS 31 0.8–1.1 800–2000 100 : 1 8 800 < = 0.002 0(4)–20 mA


PS 36 with fibre optics 0.8–1.1 700–1400 80 : 1 2 150–∞ < = 0.01

PS 41/42 4.46–4.82 300–1300 30 : 1 5 1000 < = 0.2

1000–2500 40 : 1 7.5 300

PS 122 with switching output 1.1 – 1.7 300–1300 30 : 1 5 1000 < = 0.01

PZ Series Spectral Pyrometers

PZ 10 with through-the-lens sighting 8–14 0–1000 40 : 1 7.5 300–∞ < = 0.1

PZ 20 with through-the-lens sighting 1.1–1.7 250–2000 150 : 1 2.7 400–∞ < = 0.002


PZ 21 with fibre optics and spot light 1.1–1.7 250–2000 80 : 1 2 150–∞ < = 0.0020(4)–20 mA

PZ 30 with through-the-lens sighting 0.8–1.1 700–2500 175 : 1 2.3 400–∞ < = 0.002RS 232/422

PZ 31 with fibre optics and spot light 0.8–1.1 700–2500 80 : 1 2 150–∞ < = 0.002interface

PZ Series Two-colour Pyrometersor

PZ 40 with through-the-lens sighting 0.95/1.05 700–1600 80 : 1 2 400–∞ < = 0.01Profibus

900–2400150 : 1 2.7 400–∞



PZ 41 with fibre optics and spot light 0.95/1.05 900–240080 : 1 2 150–∞ < = 0.02


PZ 50 with through-the-lens sighting 0.95/1.55 500–1400 80 : 1 5 400–∞ < = 0.016

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