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An Essay on ExternalAppended Remedies.

Occafioned by the very great Increafe of late Years In theBILLS of MORTALITY, which plainly fhew, that inand about London only, Above 12000 Children yearly Dieof their TEETH, and Convulfions and Feavers caufedthereby: Abb that great Numbers of Women are loft in,Childbed; AncLMidrimks-of-Perfons Die of Diftempersof the Head. I T . r T.s p> \ 'OT7'

In this ESSAY the"Principlesof the new aly of acertain Anodyne tft. "fj

NECKLACEApproved of a|nd Recommended to the World by Dr.Cham-berlalne, Childgen will eafilvBreed. and prefently Cut theirTEETH without any Pain, Convulfions or Leaver atall: Women in Labour be Ealily, Prefently and SafelyDelivered ; And moll Diftempers of the Head Cured, with-out ever taking in any thing at the Mouth.

To which is added An Account of a New Difcovery in theWay of Writing, being entirely a New Invention, never’till now found out, by which Any Perfon may WRITEAS FAST AS Any one can SPEAK. Whereas by thevulgar Method of Writing now in ufe, and at preientTaught in all the Schools in Europe, Learning and Bufinefsgees on very flow and tedious : But by this New Method,as quick a DJipatch will be made In a few Minutes, as u-.fually is in fcveral Days.

Fel/x ofui pot nit rerum cognofcere caufas. Vjrg.Dedicated to Dr. CHA MB ER LA I N E, and the


Enteved in the HALL - BOOK.This Book is GIVEN GRATIS to ANY Perfon that willbut ask for It, up One pair of Stairs, at the Sign of the

Sugar-Loaf a Confectioners Shop, over a gainft Old Round Courtnear the Neva Exchange in the Strand. Note, There is aPerfon ALWAYS ready up One pair of Stairs, to GIVEthefe Books away. j 8

London: Printed by H. Parker,at the Bible in Strut, i'r:>

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To the Worthy Dr. Chamberlaine,

HonouredSir. Tou having been pleafed cn the ilflh ofNov. I order me to let the World know exprefsly from YOU andin YOUR NAME, that Tou entirely Approve of, and Advife theWearing of the hereafter mention'd NECKLACE, To all Chil-dren for the Eafy Breeding, and Cutting of their Teeth ; To.all Women inLabour ; And to all Perfons who have any Ail-ment in any part belonging to theirHead : declaring to me at thefame time that Tou heartily wlfhed that all fuch would wear it, Toubeing entirely convinced ofit's Wonderful and Swprizing Anodyne Vir-tues, from a long experience which Tou was pleafed to ow?i to me thatTou had had of the very fame matter of which this Necklace ismade, Acknowledging to me that Tou Tour fdf had ufed it for manyTears, and always with fucccfs, for thefe jufl now mention'd ends:'lweft willingly lay hold of this occaflon to inform the World of the va-lue and cfleem Tou are pleafed to havefor it.

To the moil llluftrlous The Royal Society.|"s IS a common ffluefhion propos'd by Philojophers, Whether orH no there be any fuch Thing In Nature as AC TI O IN

jy I STA N S ? That is, Whether or no a Caufe can produce an Ef-fort on a Subjert whofe Subflance and Body is not contiguous to it, hutat fame diflance of? The Ancients being forced by the undeniableMatter of Fart of the Thing in a great many Phenomena's, to folvethis intricate ffueftlon, had rccotirfc to as intricate Anfwcrs, andfald it tons done by certain Occult and hidden Qualities, ■whichthey called by the obfeure Names of Sympathy and Antipathy.—-

Some more modern Authors not well content with thefe Terms, attri-buted thefe Ejf'erts to Superflit ion, Charms, and Magick : Becaufe notfeeing any gyofs and viflble connexion between the Caufe and the Ef-fete!, they presently afferted that there was none at all. Now thisargues a great Ignorance in the Under(landing, fo to confine all theAtlions of Nature to the groffnefs of our Sevfes, as to imagine Stt-pcrfltioK prefently, before we have fujfcicntly examined the trueCaufes and Principles upon which our Judgments ought to depend :

Whereas according to true Philofophy there is no Superflit lon at all Infhefe Efl'erts, as hereafter jhall clearly be fhewed, unlefs Superfluous‘perfons themfelves create it, by attributing the Efl'erts to other Caufesthan the true .onesand this from their Ignorance, which makesthem rather condemn Myfleriom Truths than examin them : Of whomV/r truly fald, Ars nullum habet inimicum nil! ignorantem.

As for the Terms Sympathy and Antipathy, i'll not herequarrel with them, provided they include a Natural Connexion be-tween the Caufe and the Effect (the only Chararteriflick mark to di-fiinguijh Natural Caufes from Charms, Magick, Superflition, and o-ther fuch unlawful ways of Cure.) For which reafon, together withMr. Boyle, and Sir Kenelm Digby, I underfland thofe Things on-ly to art by Sympathy and Antipathy,

which by a mutual Efflux of

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Atoms and fubtle Effluvia's, do fo act andre-act on each other, asto have a reciprocal Communication for each other s mutual Prefer•-noat io?i or Definition. So that notwithfianding. fame Per fens maydejpife this way of Cure, as an Unlikely one, yet in confederation ofthofe reputable Authors that afflure us of their having been Eye- wit-ness to tkefe frtsof Cures, the Method ought rather farther to beexamined into (in order to its improvement), than defpifed ; Forwhich reafon the great Dr. Harvey, as rigid a Naturalifi as he was,

frequently tried this way ofCuring ; and as Mr. Boyle tells us, oftencured Tumours and Swellings, by freaking them with ,the Hand of aDead Man • which every one will grant to be a SympathetlckCure.

Her (as the lame Sir. Boyle fays ) does the great Objection a-gainfi thefe forts of Cures, viz. that fuch or fuch a Perfon havingONCE made trial of them, found them by chance not to fucceed,feem alone of Weight enough altogether to reject them ; becaufe ifthey do Mofi commonly fucceed, tho' jometimes they may chance to fail,yet that Probability of their fucceeding, is a fufficient Motive to anyone for a Trial j becaufe if they do not fucceed, they CA N do nohurt, Nihil, therefore tentare nocebir.

But when all's done, there can noArgument be brought fur the trial ofthis Necklace, fo great and convincing as the Matter of Fail will bewhen ’tls once worn ( Matter of Taft being the mofi convincing Argu-ment of a Thing's being that can be) ; to wit, that by Hanging it onlyabout a Child's Heck,thofe Teeth fall hi a Night's time eafily and plea-fantly Cut, which before nothing but an Incijton-Knife cod’d bring out,and thereby prevent and Cure Fevers, Fits, Gonvulfions, &c. Andfave many a Childs Life. Bejides feveral other its wonderful effefts\as on Women in Labour : On Sore, Weak, and Red Eyes, Tooth-achs,Head-achs, Vapours, Sore Throats, Hoarfenefs, Cramps, Fits, Convnlfi-ons, Palftes, Fading Sichiefs, Apoplexies, Hardnefs&Difficulty ofHear-ing, See. of which more at large hereafter in thefequelofthis Eifay.

Chap. I. Of Sjmpathetick and Appended Remedies.

IN order to explicate more clearly the Effect of AppendedRemedies, we mull here fil'd eftabhfh One univerfal Lava of

Nature , lettled by that great Philofopher Sir ifaac Newton as anEffential Reqnifite to all thole Actions which proceed fromCattles at a Difiance from the Subjects on which they producetheir Effects : and which mull necedarily be premifed to thetdlowjng ElTay ; which is this: That out of the Pores of all whatfoever, tho1 never Co hard and folid, there is moreor Ids a conllant Effluvium and Exhalation offubtle Steams andAtoms. The truth of which (to ufe no other example) ap-pears from nothing in the whole World fo clear, manifeftand evident, as the fence of Smelling ; by which every onedaily experiences at a Diftance , Bodies to emit and fend forthmore or lefs vaft quantities of thele juft now mentioned

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Steams, Atoms, and Eff/ivias'.1 hisLawcf Nature being thus eftabliffied, all thofe DiftdntEfFetts ufually attributed to Sympathetick and Appended Reme-dies, will appear entirely evident and demonftrahle.

Appended Remedies then fere are thole, which without ever en-tering into the Stomach, or any Imme'd ate Application to the■ailing Parr, bur in a manner at I'ome Dlfiance from it, cureDiitempers by a iecret Pmillion of Volatil fubtle Steams,Atoms and Effluvia’s. Such are all Remedies hung about theNeck, and A'mdets : All Remedies applied to, or-hung about the Arm's, Wrifts, Fingers, or any other part ofme Body, as Bracelets, Pericarpiums, Rings,-Girdles,Stomachers,and all ether inch Remedies whatlbever, either to be hungercarried about one, or to be kept near one, without ever en-tring mto the Stohlach, or any immediate Application to theailing Part. Of fuch Remedies as thefe, feveral learned Phy-

Ticians, and particularly Mr. Boyle, have treated, calling 'emhy the general Name of APPENDED Remedies; (hewingProm unqueltionable Matters of Fact, their Efficacy in greatNumbers of Cures, and to molt of which they declare to havebeen Eye-wlfneftes. Several of which Cures are as follows.

Of the Blood-frone a learned Authorcited by Mr'. Boyle, (aysthefe Words, Vidimus fanguinis fluxu 'afffieios remed’um fevjiffs.Annulos ex hoc lerpide conjcttns in dig ito continue gefiando. VanHelmont- and Paracelfm with a Ring made of a certain Metal,and worn only on the Finger, cured feveral Diitempers, ofwhich the latter thus ipeaks ; Cum lend veritatis confidentid at~

teftari pdfjv.mus, hifus generis Annulos att9S <aui induit , Hunc, neciipafmm con’viihyJ ,ne.c Paraly/is rorripuit, nec Dolor tt/lus tor(it : Simi-liter nec Apoplexies,, nec Epilepda ownafit. Frorp which Words it-plainly appears, that the Wearing only of thole Rings cured

-' and .preferred the Vz tries from tgefe Diitempers. Van Helmontwith a piece of the lame Ring hung only about a Child’sNeck, Cured it of a waftingpining Diltcm-per. Agues are fre-quently cured by Remedies hung about the Neck, and Appli-cations to the Wrifts, ami Fingers. Biotins, cited-by Mr. Boyle,

cured a Perfon of a Bloody-flux they had had fix Years, byonly hanging a certain Remedy about their Nock. Anotherwas cured of a Diabetes, by the Powder of a Toad hung ina: Bag about theirNeck. Cramp-Rings by their Effluvia’s keepofFSrupefaftion. A cold Key laid on the Neck {tops bleeding atthe Ndfe. Calcin’d Vitriol, commonly call’d Sympathetic^Pow-der, is known by almcft every Body to cure Wounds at a D>•fi’ance, by being mixed with any thing tinged with the Blood.And Mr, Boyiete 13s us ofa Gentlemanthat was cured ofanUlcer‘ilvhis Bladder,by mixing thisPowder with fome.of the Ulcer-■oirs Matter-that'he voided with his Urine. He perfuaded him

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5by thefe Words, That the Remedy was fuck , that -if it had any Virtue,it might do him good’, and if it had none, it con'd not prejudice him :

Upon which the Gentlemanmade a trial and was qured.Dr. Chamherlaine has often allured me that nothing is more

common then to hang feveral forts of Amulets about Womenin Labourto help their Delivery,, and give them anealy time;and of all the things that ever he knew of in the World, hedeclared to me that nothing In his opinion can come nearthe hereafter mentionedNecklace for this end, as well as fox Chil-drens Teeth, and Diftempers of the Head. See the Dr's ownwords to me on this lubjeft hereafter in the trh Chapter. Apiece of Sheet Lead is frequently hung aboutWomen’s Necksto take away their Milk, or a Wen, or to help Sore Eyes. Apiece of Gold is alfo Hung about the Neck of Perlbns affli-cted with the Evil; which Gold, by its Alcalious Efflu-via’s, ib afts on the Dlftesjper, that if the Peribn misfortu-narely lobes it,the Diftemptr ’till they; wear anotherPiece of Gold • this every one'knows. ceils us, Thar heknew Several Pei fens cured of violent Head-achs only byhanging the Herb Vervain about their Necks, after many otherRemedies were ufed to no Purpofe. A great many more In-ftances of thefe kind of Cures might be here brought out offeveral other reputable Authors, but thefe are fully fufficientto prove the Truth of the Doctrine here aiTerted of the RealExiftence of Atoms and Rffluvias, and their afting and rea flingby a mutual Flux and Reflux between Dijiant bodies ; and there-by to Drew what great Changes may be produced in a HumanBody, without ever taking in any thing vihbly at the Mouth,

Now as to the Manner how all thefe and Tuch-like Curesarc performed, it will fufficiently appear by explicating theeffeft of the juft-now-mentioned Amulets or Remedies to behung about the Neck; for the fame Reafon that is given for oneexplains (fervatd propertime) all the reft. When therefore any,thing Is hung about the Neck by way ofa Remedy, it isin fomemealure warm’d by the Neck of thePerfon by which means it’sAtoms and Effluvia’s are ratified, and confequently flow out ina greater Quantity ; Flowing therefore out thus, all about theNeck and Head, they cannot fail meeting with theuneafy Atoms exhaled out of the ailing Part.The Atoms ofeachBeing thus Joined and united , they enter togetherby the ftjftion of the Air (which the ailingPart breaths out) in-to the faid ailing Parr ; where finding the Original Source fromwhence the uneafy Atoms firft came, they naturally ftay and .ft ick there Being thus entered,they prefently fearch into all theCorners, Fibresand Orifices of it, which hereby are comforted,eafed, & impercepfably healed, of which fee more In the IV Clip.

Tis juft in this manner that the hereafter mention’'1

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NECKLACE has of late performed fo many great andfurprifing Cures: For Example.

A Gentleman’s Child lately almoft at Death’s Door withhard Breeding and Cutting its Teeth ; A certain Per-

lon of Quality (whole Childbut juft before had Cut its Teethby it) advifed the ufe of this Necklace : by which its Teethprefently Cut with little or no pain. The curious may befarther,fatisfied of this, of Mrs. Rojce next to the Crown-dle-Hcufe in Cranium-dlly near Leicefter-Fields.

A Young Gentlewoman who almoft from her Infancy hadfuch Sore Weak Eyes, that flie cou’d hardly look at, or

bear the Light : by wearing only this Necklace has her Eyesnow fo ttrengthened, as to read the jrna’ileft Print, which Ihecould never do before ; The Perfon that dilpofes of this Neck-lace, will dire6lany one to the Gentlewoman.

A Certain Gentlewomanhaving had a very hard and difficultLabour with everyone of her Children, (fire having had

5) her Husband was relblved to fend the next time for a Man-Midwife; to which fhe being very loath to Confent, hearing ofa great many Women that had had a very eafyLabour by wear-ing of this Necklace, prefently fent for one, and wore it. Soonafter fherwas brought to Bed, andhad fuch. an eafy time, thatIhe her felf was furprifed at It, as well as the Midwife, andother Women that were prefent: and confeft afterwards thatflie thought Ihe did not feel half a quarter of the Pain whichAre hadwith any one of her 5 Children before.

THE Child of a fubftantial Tradefman near Charing-Crofs, be-ing very uneafy and reftlefs from the Pain it had from

Cutting its Teeth , found fuchbenefit by wearing this Necklace, th&tin 12 Hours timeafter it was hung about its Neck 1c Cut 3, 6cthe reft eafily Cut without Pain by degrees afterwards.

But there ftlll remains one famous Sympqthetick. EfTeft toaccount for, to wit, the celebrated NOSE of Talicotius inHudihras, of which in the following Chapter.

CHAP. 11.Of the celebrated Sympathetick Nofe of Talicotius, mention'd in

the iff Canto, of the 1/? part of Hudibras, in thefe Verfes.So learned Talicotius, fromThe brawny part ofPorter's BumCut Supplemental Nofes, which

Lajied as long as Parent Breech'But when the Date o/Nock was outOft' dropt the Sympathstick Snout.

1 N the Year 149?. being the Year after the fatal Siege ofI Naples by the French, a certain Surgeon at Bolognia in Italy,

by Name Tagliacorza (at that time Surgeon to the great Dukecf Florence), feeing his own Species extreamly disfigured by acertain Dlftemper that crept into It, let up a Manufa-£ture of NOSES. (A very leafonable Invention, at that

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time) having full got a Patent that none lliould prefumemake Noles befides himfelf. (Lucri bonus eft odor ex re Qualibet,fays Juvenal) His firft Patient was a Nobleman of Erufels,

who being then at Bolognia , had the Misfortune to lofe hisNofe. fie went llrait to this Surgeon to advife how he mighthave a new Nofe, and not willing to have his own Flelh cut,hired a Porter, who for a Sum of Money (Anri faera fames,

£luid non mortal!a peclora cogisl) let him have a Nofe cut out ofhis Pofteriors (UNDE habeas qu^erit nc?no, fays Juvenal, fed opor-tet haben) which the Surgeon lb well grafted on to the re-maining part of the Grihle, that it would Blow, Sneeze, Smell,take Snuff, Cock, Tofs, and Turn up, pronounce the Let-ters Mor N ; nay, even the Hebrew Letter Ghnajin, andin Ihort do all the Functions of a genuine and natural Nofe.

The next Patient was a Spanijh Don, whole Complexionbeingvery muchupon theTawny,with very black EyesandEye-brows,and the Nofe being taken from another Porter that not onlyhad a very white Skin, but cur out of thole Parts that are notexpofed to the Sun; It was very vilible that theFeatures of hisFace were not Fellows: Now to remedy this Inconveniencefor the future, the Doftor got together a great Colleftion ofPorters, Men of all Complexions, Black, Brown, Ruddy, Fair,Dark, Tawny and Pale; lb that It was impollible for a Patientof the moft out of the way Colour, not to find a Nofe to match it.

TheDoftor’s Houfe was now become a kind of Hofpital forthe FASHIONABLE Cripples of both Sexes that referred tohim from all Parts of Europe,

having a large Brazen Snout fan-ned over bis Door. He is reported at one time to have hadtwenty French Marquifles, thirtyGerman Counts, fifty SpanishandPortuguese Dons, three drift Captains,and oneEnglift'Squire thatTraveled in thole Parts for foreign Accomplllhments,ofwhommore hereafter. Now altho the Doftor had the Monopoly ofNofes in hisown Hands, yet he was not at all unreafonable inhis Price: Indeed if any one had occafion for a high RomanNofe, it was pretty dear; alfo a large Bottle Nofe bore a goodPrice ; becaufe, as Hudlbras lays, Th' intrinfick 'value of a Thing,

Is as much Money as 'twillbring. But as foryour ordinary fhortCock-ing turn'd up Nofes,of which there wasthegreateftConlumption,they came pretty eafy to the Purchafers, efpecially conlideringthat they wou’drather pay at any Ratefor themthan go without.

Now thefe indtious Nofes were always affefted with thePain as well as Death of the Original Proprietor. An emi-nent Inftance of which happen’d to three Telly Germans,

whofe Nofes were all made of the fame piece of Brawn. TheCafe was this; One Day they all three found their Nofes toTwitch, Shoot, and Swell extreamly, upon w-hich they fencprefently to enquire how the Porter did, to whom they were

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flew thus allied : Upon Enquiry they found that the Parentof their Notes (to wit the Porter’s Pofteriors) had been thatvery Day feverely kicked, and that he kept his Bed on Ac-count of the Bruifes he had received ; So that in tiiel'e Cafesthe Porters Led the Gentlemen entirely by the Nofe. Alfo on theother hand, if any thing went amils with the Noles, the Por-ters preiently felt the efiefts of it; infoinuch, that commonlyan Agreement was made with tjhe Patient, that he Ihould notonly abftain from all his old Courfes; but alfo that he Ihouldon no pretence whatfoever linell to Pepper, Ginger, Spirit ofHarts-horn, or Sal Armoniac, take Snuff, nor eat Horle-Ra-diflr, or Muftard ; on which occaiion preiently the part wherethe Incifion had been made, was leized with intollerableTwinges, Prickings and Pains: And ccniequently the Porters,by thefe ContraSls,Held the Gentlemens Nofesclofe to the Gnndftons.The EngUjh ’Squire abovemention’d, was lb very irregular,and relapfed lb frequently into the DJftemper which at firftcarry’d off that part of his Face, and brought him to thisSurgeon, that in lefs than four Years he wore out feven No-les ; and by that means fo tormented the Porters, that if hewcu’d have given a 1000 1, for a Nofe, there was not one Por-ter of them all that wou’d accommodate him; but ever afterverified in himfelf that faying of Martial, Non cuicunquc datumeft habere Nafum : So that he was called V Inglefe chi ha hauutojette Naji , the Engliffiman that had had feven Noles (Rifum te~neatis Amici) But as Horace fays, Amoto queerarnus feria ludo ;

and therefore Paulo majora canamus.The Doftor’s firft Patient, viz- The Nobleman of Bruffels

. returned home, and about thirteen Months after he felt hisNofe on a fudden grow Cold, and within a few Days it rot-ted and fell quite off; at which being very much furprized,he made ftrift enquiry Into the Caufe, and it was found thatyuft at the fame time that the Nofe grew cold, the Porter, wholeName wasNoqne, at Bolognia died. This Paffage is related byVan Helmont, and, as he fays, was attefted by a great manyin his time living in Brujfels and is that of which Hudibrasfpeaks, being ferioufly and without jokeing,Matter ofFaft.

The Difficulty now remains to explicate how this could be.According therefore to the Law of Nature abovemention’dthere v/as a perpetual Tendency and Inclination to each other,between the Atoms and Pores of the Porter’s Body and theinfitiousNofe ofrhe Nobleman, as ftill fubordinate to the Por-ter. and terminatedto him as to its Relation, Kin,and Whole, ofwhom it vex notwithftanding its Separation and Diftance astruly aPart as before Separation, and as much Refpefted,Regarded and Tended towards the Porter as to its WHOLE,as ever It did before: For it is always true to fay (being a

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Proportion, as the Logicians iky, JEternu; Verllatis)t\\&t theiniinous J\ole was ftiil a part of the Porter, and no Body ellejnotwithflanding its being grafted on another Stock: it beingimpoffible for all the Separation or Diftance in theWorldto deftroy the Truth of that Propoution : So that the VitalSpirit in the Part and the Whole not differing in Nature andQuality, by confequence the Vital Spirit being affefted in thePorter, it was aJi’o at the fame Mathematical inftant of timeaffe&ed In the in/itiousNofe, which altho’ grafted on the No-hUman's Face was nevertheless Pill animated with the Vitalityof the Porter of whom it was yet truly a Part: For whichrealbn the Part’s being affetfed by the deftru&ion eftheWhole,does net depend on any diftance or determinateIpace of Placebeing net at all Local,but on the mutual Vitality, and thereforemuft be extended accord ing to thereach of this Vitality where-loever it is. So that the inlirious Noleasanirnatcdatfirftj belng-flill inform’d with the Vitality of the Porter; the Vitality inthe Porter ceafmg, the Vitality alfo of the Nofe ceafed : & con-feguently the Porter dying altho’ at Boicguia, the Nofe becarri?a dead NaieevenatBrufels.

Chap. ill. of Dentition, or Breeding of Teeth In Children,

With the true Method f a(filling them-. | j

TH E Germen or Bud of a Tooth in the Jaws of- an Infantis at fir fEa mucous thin foft finny Pulp like the IVhite of an

Eg?, contained in its C’/l, whichby degrees grows harder, rillthe Matter being rhroly hardned breaks thro; which Perrupti-cn occafions many dreadful Symptoms to poor infants.

. The time of Protrufioa for the Comingforth of this hardnedMatter which compofe the Teeth is very different; la lbmeit is fooner, as in the 3d and 4th Month ; In others not tillthe 6th or 7th Month : In many it is later as in the Bth oroth Month ; and in fome not rill they are a Year old, butthis is not lb frequent. In many Children the Gutting Is verytedious, efpecially if the Eye-Teeth , and other Teeth happen toCut together. As for their order of Cutting : the Fore-Teethare generally Cut fird:, both.above and below, the 2 middleones firfl:, and then thofe on each ffide, which are 8 in all.Afterwards the Great Teeth wherein the chief danger lies..

The time of Cutting is alfo known, by Infants putting theirFingers In their Mouths, and the Gums, being I welTd,& lookingwhite, great pain afflifting them, with more then u(ual Cr^ngs,•Refrlsffncfs, Loofemfs, and often times Convulftons, and Feavrrs.

mThe Caufe of hard Breeding and Cutting of Teeth is fome-

times in the Teeth themfelves, being blunt and growing butflowjy, whereby the Gums cut and open the more difficultly:So that always the {harper the Teeth are, .the more exqulfiterand fendble is the Pain, but withal fach Teeth Gut the Ibon-y

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eft, which made Hippocrates in his 25th Aphorifm blame theEye-Teeth , as the Authors of worfe Symptoms then any of thereft. Sometimes In the Gums, when their fubftance is more lolidand harder then ulual, by which the Cutting being made themore difficult, by conlequence great Pain is cauled in themfromthe hardnels of the Teeth puffiing and thrufting on theGums being very lenfible parrs, even in Adult Perfons, andmuch more in young tender Infants. From whence an Infla-mationax'fxng with great pain and dlfturbance of the Spirits,a continual Feaver is many times produced, whereby Add Va-pours amending to the Original of the Nerves, and irritatingtilem, Convulllons and other difmal Effe&s are cauled.

Tf therefore the Teeth come forward but (lovely, and the Gumsbe hard, freeIf d, hot, and pain d,all endeavours muft be uled tofatten the Gums and thereby to bring them out and give cafe iamongft w’hich nothing in the World exceeds the uie pf thehereafter mentioned Necklace, as In the next Chapter I ihallclearly prove. As for the ufe of a Coral, lo frequent m Fafti-on for Children in this Condition, I have in the Printed Di-rections for wearing thisNecklace which are i'caled up alongwith it, evidently fiiewn, that it is fo far from being benefi-cial that it is even quite wrong to let any Child ufe it, but in-itead of it I have mention’d another thing, which will coftabout a Penny, for Children to hold in their Hands to Nubbleupon and Rub their Gums with. For aCoral or any other fuchhard thing preffing fo very hard on thefore, tender and inflam'dGums, by reafon of their extream hardhtfs, puts the Children toa pain inftead of that pleafure we luppofe them to have in rub-bing their own Mouths and Gums with it, which confequentlykeeps them from rubbing and moderately preffing on theirGums with itfo much and Jo often as they ought to do, that bypreffing it thus upon the Edge of the Teeth, the Gums might be-come in fome mealure as it were benum’d, and thereby theCutting of the Teeth lefs felt by the Child. Whereas the Thingthat I have mentioned in the Directions, not being ft very hardms Coral, and yet hard enough for the end proppfed, fufficientlypreffies on the Gums to help let the Teeth out- and withal givesthem a-pleafure in rubbing their Gums with it, and by confe-rence excites them to fo -frequent a Ufe of It, as is neceffaryfor the TettfPs So that notwlthftanding this Necklaceis worn by Children, yet the ufe of this Thing I have mentionedwill ftil] help and affift the Teeth's coming out: {Vis unlta is al-ways Fortior being a Strings to the Bow.) and will coft only aboutft penny, and is to be bought in almoft every Street of London.

When therefore Children put frequently their Fingers or anything elle into their Mouths, endeavouring thereby to cafe theAihing and Throbbing pain of their Gums: When they bite the

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Nurfes Nipple t when their is an Inward Heat In the Mouth, anda larger then ulual flux of faliva, from the Pain s vellicatingand contracting the Salivatory Duffs and Glands, by which alarger quantity then ordinary of Serum is fqueefed and prefledout to the iMouth : When there is a Rednefs in the Cheeks, andWhitenefs on the Gums, with frequent and unufual Cryings andUneaftnejfes , you may Befure their Teeth aie coming, and then isthe time for them to wear this Soveraln Necklace.

Now as to the true Method of proceeding with a Child Inthis condition ; Thole means muft be madeufeof, which arecapable of their own Nature, to Open the Gums ; for if oncethis be but done, the Teeth of themfelves, which are continu-ally pulhing forward, will naturally come out: What there-fore promotes this end, is to be enquired after ; and then allthe concomitant andfubfequent Symptoms ceaie, and are preven-ted ; according to that Principle in Phllofophy, Take but away:any Caufe, and the Effect, prefently ccafes. Since therefore all theMifcries and Evils which happen to Children in Breeding theirTeeth proceeds from this one caufe of the Gums being hardiand more then ulually CLOSED: it follows by conlequencethatallour prefent enquiry muft Roul and depend upon thisone point of Softning and OPENING them, it being an efta-*blilhed Maxim in Phyfick. as well as Morals, That All Contraries?mujl be cured by their Contraries. So that if a means be but"found out for this end, we have our defire: fearch therefore isto be made for fome Remedy endowed with fuch Volatil Alca—-lions Particles, and Atoms, as are capable by their fmooth andinfmuating Figure and Shape, eafily and gently to glide and;enter into the Pores of the {well’d, inflam’d, and dilated Gums,

and thereby to Loofen their ftrift Frame and Clofure, and fo o-pen them. For’tis to no purpofe to Go round about-the Bufb ,

by making ufe of any P.emedies in particular againft the Fca—-ver, the Conuulffons and other Symptoms attending the hardBreeding and Cutting of Childrens Teeth , without one takes awaythe Caufe by Opening the Gums, as juft now has been fald,and thereby ftrlke at the Root of the Evil. Now for this End;there is nothing in the whole World fo proper as the Necklacehere propoled, as I {hall plainly ihew In the following Chap-ter, efpecially fince Children are never very ’willing to takemany Remedies inwardly.Chap IV. How, according to theforegoing Principles, this Necklace

aßs on Childrens Gums and Teeth.

SOme timeago I had a certain Necklace communicated to meby a Friend,with fuch a Charafter ofits Virtues,as Teem’d

at firft very Surprizing: It had been ufed In private for mcenyYears, with a conftant Succefs, in helping Children toBreed andeafily cut their Teeth .; In giving an eafy Time to Women ill

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I abcur: And airing Diftempers cf the Head .* All which it wasfaid tc perform hySympathy. Now thisTerm cfSympathy makingPet fens only as Wife as theywere before, I began to think thatit wou’dbe no iinallfatisfaction to thefe Ferlbns whcull it, ifitsManner ofOperation were mortfatiffaciori/y explicated according tothe Principles of the New Philcfophy, and feme few certain,and inviolably eftablilhed Maxims in Phyflck

, as follows,Ift AL L ailing diftemper’d parrs naturally throw

our, & exhale a prodigious number ofAcid Mor-bifick Atoms in a certain Si, here and Circle of Aftivity aboutthe ailing part; So that the fwell’d and inflam’d Gums ofChildren that are Breeding and Cutting their Teeth, fill theChilds Mouth, with fuch a large Effluvium of thefe Atoms,that even the breath of the Child is loaded with them.

AL L ailing diftemper'd parts draw violently tothemfelves (from a defire they have of Eafc)

the Circumambienr Air, and together with it, whatever A-toms and Efiluvias are in it.

Thele 2 Maxims being thus fettled, we mull now have re-Ccurie to the Law of Nature eftablifned above in the firft Chap.According to which, Out of the Pores of this Necklace hang-ing about a Child’s Neck there coaflantly flows fuch a vail:Number of Atoms and Ejfluv'as, from the prodigious quantityof Volatil Aleallout Anodyne Sulphur and Spirits, with which thematter it is made of abounds, that in a manner a real pofltiveAtmofpbere of them in Crowds and Swarms, like a Mill, is asvifible about it, as of thofe Efiluvias round a Load Stone, bythe help of thofe Nice Glades which difeover to us Swarms ofAnimals either in a Drop of Vinegar; or in a bit no biggerthen a Pin’s head ofCorrupted Cheefe. Which Atoms flowingthus out of the Necklace wanderall about the Neck and Headof the Child, where they prefcntly meet, join, 8c unite them-felves with the uneafy, reftlefs, Morbifick Atoms of the in-flam’d Gums difpers’d, fcatter’d, and Blown about by theBreath of the Child. Thefe Atoms meeting thus together, areprefently drawn by the Suftion of the Air into the ailing part,which being fwell’d & inflam’d, is by confequence dilated &cdiilended, by which it’s Pores are more then ufually open’d,and therefore more ready to receive whatever eafing andcomforting Atoms the Circumambient Air Is loaded with.

Now the Atoms which flow thus in fuch great quantitiesout of thisNecklace, beingVolatil Alcaldes, are by confequencefrom their Smooth, Globular, and Cylindrical Figure andShane to the highefl: degree Balfamick, Ealing and Anodyne ;


beinfl thus by the Suffion of the Air which the heatedand inflam’d Gums of the Child throws out, as juft now hasteen Cud, drawn into the Childs Mouth, by their fmooth &

id Max-im.

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infinuatlng Figure, they prefcntly enter into the Alveoli orSockets of t!*.c Gums, & there open thole thinand mod accu-rately lenfible Membranes which include the Teeth ; by whichmeans the Gums ini'enfibly. in a manner ieparate, open, andgive way to their Cutting and lb let the Teeth out. And ifthe Gumsare hard, foie, and afbaally inflamed, thefe AlcaliousAtoms preiently blunt, obrund and lubdue thole Jharp, pun-gent, acui Atoms of the ailing part which caufe the Inflama-tion arid Pain ; by which means the Inflamation and Pain ahmod inffantly ceaie, the Gums are foftned, the Mouth cool-ed, the Feaver vaniflies, Convuflions are prevented, and theTeeth do ealilyand pleafantly Cut: Inlbmuch, thar.the Effeftwill feem rather miraculous than natural ; fo that in a Night’stime a Child fhail cut thole Teeth, whole. Gums before nothingbut an InclAonKnlfe cou’d open,and this without any the leaitPain or violence, to the Gums; but much in the fame man-ner as, Gutta cavat lap idem, non vi, fed S/EPE cadder,do.

The manner therefore of afting of this Necklace, is byway of a Removens Prohlbens ; that is, by removing an Impedi-ment, which being once taken away, the deAred end will ofit lelf naturally enfue: For Since the difficult Cutting ofch'.Uanns Teeth proceeds from the hard and Ariel: Ciofure of theirGums: If you get them but once feparated and open’d, the*Teeth will of themfelvcs naturally come Forth ; Now7 thefmooth Alcalious Atoms of the Necklace by their insinuatingfigure and fhape, do lb make w7ay for their Protruilon bygently foftenivg and opening the hard fwell’d Gums, that theTeeth will ofthemfeives without any -difficulty or Pain catand come our, as has been fufficiently proved.

The realbnablenefs of this Method of Cure may be con-firmed by i’everal Examples : As of Galen himfglf, who in hisfixth Book of the Virtues of Ample Medicines, fays, that heoften cured Children of the Falling-Slcknefs, only by a Neck-lace of Peonyl Roots hung about their Necks: And altho’he lived in an Age that faw no farther tlran Occult Qualities,yet he attributes it to the Particles flowing from the Neck-lace, Partes d radice defluentes, affeßos ita curare, are his ownWords. Since therefore this great Mancou’d fayfo much in.thofe ignorant Peripateticpi Times wherein he lived, whatwould he have laid, had he liv’d in the clear-fighted Age weare now In? And Mr. Culpepper tells us of one of his ownChildren that cut threeTeeth prefently after a certain Neck-lace was hung about its Neck. And another, he fays,was inffantly eafed of the Tooth-ach, by the fame Neck-lace alfo only hung about its Neck. Riverius, Smcrtus, Dr.Sydenham, Willis, Bates, and feveral other Phyficians, all agreethat a Necklace made of the Bone of a certain. Animal, Sc only

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hung about a Child’s Neck, will aimed miraculoufly help ItsTeeth to cut, altho at Death’s Door before; and when theycome to give a Reafon for it, they give the very lame thatGalen did for his Necklace for theFalling-Sicknefs, to wit, thatthe Atoms and Effluvia’s of thole Bones hung about theNeck aft upon the Child’s Gums, and lb let the Teeth out.The very fame I lay of this Necklace. Since thereforethefe jud-now-mention’d Great Men placed luch Confidencein Their Necklaces, from the very fame Reafons that I hereprepofe This; I cannot but value this dill the more, efpe-cially fmee ’tis made of a Matter having all the Qualities fora Teeth-cutting Necklace, which They prelumed to be in theirs.

’Tis no new Remedy : Necklaces of this Nature maybe traced up to very ancient Authors, who certainly wou’dnever have fo confidently alferted in their Writings, that thebare Wearing only a thing about one’s Neck wou’d have fuchand fuch Effefts , if they had not been fully convincedof the EfFeft of thole Atoms and Effluvia’s here made men-tion of. Wiiat would not an afflifted, didrelfed, and defpair-ing Parent give, to eafe an Infant that lies almoft expiringwith Pain ? What Charges, Expences and Fees, are not pro-fufely (if I may fay fo) laid out in this Cafe ? Try thereforethis Necklace, which not only in private Praftice by the re-commendation from one Friend to another, for many Yearsbefore it was publHht, has faved many a Child’s Life, by cau-fmg the Teeth eafily and pleafantly to Cut; but even fince itwas fird publilht, which was only in July, 17 1 5, has given en-tireSatisfaftion to thole greatNumbers that have bought It. Atlead: let the mod timorous Perfon (as to Phylick) be but con-vinced of this one Point, that it can do no Harm. Sincethereforeno danger, but good can poffibly follow from thewearing it, no reafonable Perfon, I think, can objeft againd It.

And for a clofer Proof of what has been here alferted, I’lladd, That if by interrupting the Aftlon of any Gaufe, I alter,retard, or hinder its effeft, I may boldly conclude that fuch aCaufe •wasthe only true Caufe of the Effeft, and no other. Iftherefore one of thefe Necklaces are fewed upIn a Cloth, and fohung about the Neck, it will have no effeft at all; which isanevident proof that its Virtue lies in fubtle Atoms & Effluviaswhich flow out from it, and which the Clothkeeps in.

Which may be yet confirm’d dill farther by an experi-ment made before the Royal Society at Grefiam College, andmentioned in the Phllofophical Tranfaftlons of the Society,No. 308, upon the Eleftricity of Amber, Jet, Glafs, and o-ther fuch Bodies, produceable by a fmart Attrition of them :

and which Eleftrical Attraftion was entirely hindred in the■Aefcn.ce of the whole Society, by the interpofition only of a

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peice of fine Lawn or Muflin between the Bodies heated byrubbing, and the Bodies to be attrafted : From whence it e-vidently appears that the Attraction is perform’d by Atomsand Effluvias exhaled out of the Eleftrick Bodies, and whichthe Lawn or Muilin kspt in.

Now the Matter ol which this Necklace Is made being oncethroughly warm’d by bting about the Child’s Neck, by ccn-fequence throws our it’s Effluvias and Atoms in a much greaterquantity, then-if it were entirely cold, it’s Pores being there-by more open’d, and it’s Atoms more ratified, which givesthemHill a great fubtility and aftivlty then they wou’d havewithout this adventitious Hear, and by this means theybear fuch a Tendency to Any ailingpart, like thole of theLoad Stone to Iron, that they will never leave ofafting till theyhave given cafe : and confequently is a Thing the mofb pro-portioned to Cure Sympathetically theDik&fes of a Human Bodyof any thing in the wholeWorld ; There not beingits Fellowin Ait or Nature to be found fo'r the end ’tishere propofed fen.

Chap. V. Three Conferences of the foregoing Principles’,, withan Account where this Necklace is to be had.

ift Con-fecjtmtce. THat it is very good to wear this Necklace, not on-

ly at the Time of hard breeding the Teeth, butoocn Detore they breed, and alfo after they are all cut,and allbat the Time offliedding their Teeth. Let Children thereforewear it before they breed their Teeth, to prepare and loofenthe Sockets of the Gums for the Teeth’s growing. Let themwear it whilft they are aftually breeding them, to make theSockets open, that they may cut and come out eafily. Let themwear it aftertheirTeeth areall come,to fallenthem,andftrength-en theirGums. Let them wear it whilft they ffled their Teeth,to make the new ones at the Roots of the old ones, pufh andadvance the better forwards, to drive the others out: And lacall Perfons who either actually have,or are fubjeftto the Tooth-ach, wear it, that itsAlcalious Effluvia’s may blunt thofe fflarpand pungent Atoms, which enflame the thin fenfibleMembranethat {unrounds the Marrow of the Tooth, and caufee the Con-

fequence. THat this Necklace helps alfo any illnefs in anypart belonging to the Head : becaufe the heal-;

mg Alealiens Atoms which conflantly flow from the Necklace,will join and unite themfelves with the ailing Atoms of anydiftemper’d part they meetwith, and enter together with theminto thofe ailing parts, and thereby give cafe : Infomuch thatPerfons who are accuftomed to have Red, Sore, or Weak Eyes,The Tooth-ach, Vapours, Fits, HeaJ-achs, A Sore Throat, orHoarfnefs,Nardnefs of Nearing, Cramps,. Palfies, Apoplexies, Convttlfons, &c.can have no Safer, Prettier, Eafler, and Innocenter a Remedy ,

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than to wear one cf thefe Necklaces ■ which according to theabovtlkid Principles a6t Rationally and Phyfically, and cenfe-quently by no manner cf Superftiticn or Charm in the World.This Necklace therefore, although principally a Remedy forChildrens Teeth, yet Vis alfo of excellent life in all the otherjuft Cafes: And the Reafon is, becanfe theAtoms of the Necklace aft on the Atoms cf whateverailing Part they meet with; fo that if a Child fl.ouldhave Sore Eyes, Convulfions, a Thrttjh, ora Swelled Face, as wellas hard breeding of Teeth, jehis Ntcklace, according tc the above-tftablifh’d Principles, will Rationally and Phyfically help themall. An Indance of what has, been juft now advanced hap-,pened on May 2, 1715. in a young Woman, who for feme Daysand Nights had been reftlefs with the at going tc Bedput on one of thefe Necklaces, and in lefs than half an Hour Itgave her entire Eafc, havingbeen before almoftDiftrafted; AreSlept all Night, and had no more Pain. Much about the fameTime alfo three other Perfons by wearing of thtdtNecklaces forHoarfcnefs, Sore Throats, and Sore Eyes were prefehtly cured. AndgreatNumbers of Perfons for ailments in their Ears, as Thick-ntfs of Hearings &c'. have found benefit by only wearing thisNecklace a Night or 2, after they had tried all other Means, asSyringing,&c. Xo ho purpofe : becaule ks Bklpamlch healing A~toms ehtei into the Ear, & there reftifie in a peculiar mannerthe diforder-of the Tympanum or Drum.

Alfo any Perfon that has an Tfftie 1n theirArm, Or a Bidder arDrawn? Plaifier or Ifue in theirNeck,if they wear this Necklacethey will find that they wilbßun as much again, as they vvou’dif they did not wear it. So that any Perfon that happens buttohavethisffeeklace In rheHoufe, in any of thefe Cafes, If they dobut eft it as has been mention’d, will foon experience the be-nefit of it, and return me thanks for putting them in mind, toftep to their Drawer to fetch it.

THat this Necklace alfo, befides thefe juft-now-men-tioned Effefts, will Give to Women in Labour,

that Wear It (only at that Time, as Dr. Chamberlaine exprefslyadvifes,) fuch an extraordinary Eafy Time, that they will notfuffer the Hundredth part of Pain,' that they wou’d withoutit: for from the Infinuating Figure of Its AlcaUous Atoms andEffluvia's, the fame Reafons prove that it will aft in regard totheir Delivery, as it does to Jet the Teeth out of the lockt-upGumsof Children. The Reafonablenefs of this appearsfroniThings that have a quite contrary Effeft,as all Precious Stonesand Gems, efpeclally Diamonds,

whether In Rings, the Ears, orelfewhere • which for that Reafon Dr Chamberlains advifes toberemoved as far as may be from a Woman inLabour\ becaufe

5d Con-fequevce.

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17fays he, by their Aftringent and Repelling Atoms, they hinderDelivery: Py the fame Argument this Necklace, by its openingand attracting Atoms will help it ; fo that any Woman in La-bour that wears this Necklace,, will almoft to a wonder beeafily, presently, and Safety Delivered. For which realon theGreat Dr. Paul Chamberlaiue'm,Suffolk-Breet,Cn the 26th ofNov.1715, expiefs'd himfelf to me in rhele words, 1 defire (laid heto me) that you will let the World know from M E, and in M YName, that 1 exprejsiy adv-je the Wearing of this Necklace to aUWomenin Labour : To all Children for their Teeth : And to allPer fens thathave any ailment in any part belonging to their Head, and thereforeI wijh that all fuch Perfons woud wear it. For (laid he) Imyfelffor many Tears have ufed of the very fame Matter of which thisNecklace is made, fr the very fame e?tds, and always with Succsfs.Therefore if 1 M Y SELF wars Prefent, I wou d be the fir[i Pre-Jon that jhouldput it about their Necks : For ofall the things that Iknow in the whole World, there is nothing that can come near thisNecklace for thefe-ends. Thele were exactly the Drs. own wordsto me inhisClofet. The Truth of which he has been pleafedhimfelf often fince to teftifie to feveral whohave enquired ofhim about it. So that any Perlbn that ufes this Necklace,does nothing lefs than follow the Great Dr. Chamberlains' 1 s ex-prefs advice, which no one can refule efpecially inthe abovementioned Cafes, of Women in Labour, and forChildren. Note. Women in Labour bad better Wear it like aGarter, then about their Necks. And all other Perfons as near asthey can to theAiling part ; bscaufe always the nearer 'tis worn tothe ailingpart, the more fure its Effluvia: are to have their effeß.

Lee therefore no one ralhly delpife this Sympathetick, andPhilosophical Method of Cure, till they have unfuccelsfullytried it, but rather efteem it, as a Pretty, Eafy, and Safe one:efpecially lince we fee thatNature abounds withmuch greaterWonders: SIS for example Load-Bone, wholeEffeft onIron altho’villble to our Eyes, h&sneverthelefs fo p«*,/edeven themollLearned& Niceft Natumlijis clearly to explicate, that if it were not evi-dent to our S'ences, no onewou’d everbeleive it. Whativenderthen isit that the fain Nature , fhou’d fumifhas mthlucha Necklace as is here propofed ? Wherefore ; fince Matter ofFaftis as evidentlyhere prefeat to convince us of the wonderfulEffefts cf this Necklace : Let us make ule of it with Grati-tude to the GreatAuthor ofNature, and Adore with St. PaulThe Depth oj the Wifdotn and Knowledge of Ml-nighty God, who hascreated fuch Wonders for the Sake and Ule of Man.

A Vaft Many of thefe Necklaces are daily fold, (being nowufed In greatnumbers ofFamilies withaconflantfuccefs) 8c not fo

as any ONE Perlbn ever yet made ths leail Objec-tion againft them : which to be Jure feme Peevifti Perfon

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or other, would not have failed to have done, if they coifdbut have found the leall Room for any Flaw or Complaintin it. But on the contrary Perfons continually maguifie it'sVirtues, and exprefs their abundant fatisfaftion In the Ufe ofit ; Several Ladies and others that have bought it, all agree-ing in this one point, that they wou’d not for 100 pounds buthave had it: And indeed no Family ought rc be without it.

But what ftill, in my opinion, adds infinitely more to eventhe Flonour and Credit, as well as Value of this Great Neck-lace, then all that has been faid of it, is; That Dr. Chamber-Uine net only almoft dally fends great Numbers of Perfons ofhis acquaintance to buy it, but alfo frequently fends for itHIMSELF for tho Ule of his own Patients, and has of lateLent for a prodigious number : which to be fure he wou’d ne-ver do, if he was not fully convinced of it’s Virtues.

This Necklace, which isveryLight, not weighing more then afew Pepper-corns ,

& confequently fit for Children, is not at allUnhandfome for even Any Perfon to Wear, [ being neatlymade of a certain Volatil, Spirituous, Sulphureous Bone, filled& replete with Alcalious Atoms Sc Effluvias, fo loaded withVolatil, Anodyne , Alcalious Sulphur Sc Spirits, that nothing cancompare wdth it for the endpropofed, and is a particular Secretknown to none but the Author,] Sc is to be hadonly of the Gen-tlewoman up One pair of Stairs, At the Sign of the Sugar Loafsl Confeßioners Shop overagainft Old RoundCourt, near the New Ex-change in the Strand. Price ss. Sealed up (fo clofe, as not tofpend ScToaft it felfbefore it is Worn, by an Unneceffary Profufion & Eva-poration ofits & Spirituous Particles and Atom's, whichwere in not thus clofe fealedup>, it wou’d moll certainly do, it

is of fo Spirituous, Subtle, and Volatil a Nature) with printedDirc&ions for Wearing it, adapted to all Sorts ofPerfons.

NOte. If any Gentlemen, Traders, Merchants, Captainsor Mates ofShips, or others Trading abroad to thtEafi

or Wefi Indies or elfewhere, will take either any of thefe Neck-laces, orof the following Drops or Plums: or of the SpecifckRemedy ox Elixir mention’d in the Praßlcal Scheme of Secret Inju-ries andBroken Conflitut!ons Given Gratis in Englijh Or French, atthe Places Advertifed at the end of this Book, they fhall notonly have very large Allowance from the Perfon that fcdls thefeNecklaces, by a very great abatement of the Price they are foldat here by Retail, with Printed Directions in Englijh or French,to carry along with them : but alfo may gain considerably bythem otherwife : For Example: Several have already carriedthem abroad, and Sold the Necklaces for los.a peice. The Spe-cifek Remedy and Elixir, (each of W'hich is enough oftentimesto cure Several Perfons) for double the Price they are Sold athere: The fame alfo the Drops and Plums-.

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SAfFron is allowed by all Phyficians to be the greateft Ve-getable Cordial In the World : ’Tis the Chive of a little

Flower from a Plant, very plentiful about Sajfron-lValden inCambridgejhire, where the belt Saffronin theWorld grows. TheCharacter Phyficians give of Saffron is this, That it exhileratesthe Heart, revives all the Senfes andfSpirits; refills and drivesout the Plague & all malignant Feavers, gives freenefs ofBreath,provokes Urine, gives a good Appetite and Digeftion, caufesSleep and Reft; Cures the Cholick andPain inthe Stomach,&c.

TheVirtues therefore of this little Plant being fo great: Attheabove-mention’dPlace are alfo Sold, in little Neat Pocket-Bottles, certain Drops drawn from Saffron, and therefore cal-led by the Name of SAFFRON DROPS; being of great Ufefor the Stomach and Blood, to drive and keep out any Di-ftemper or Malignity from the Heart, Blood, and Vitals in allthole Cafes where Sweats, Cordials, Saffron, Sack, Black-Cher-ry, or Treacle-Water, Venice-Treacle, Diafcordium, Mithri-date,Treacle-Polfet,Treacle orßofemary and Ale, at going toBed, and fuch-like Things are ufually given; as in all hid-den Illnelfes from Heats and Colds, all Sorts of Feavers andFeaverifli dlfpofitions, Small-Pox,Meafles, Surfeits,lndigeftlons,and all Malignant, Pcftilential, and Contagious Difeafes at Seaor Land, proceeding from corrupted and changedAirs, and Cli-mates, bad Liquors, and Diet, hard Drinking, Fall-living, andother Diforders: They wonderfully help Shortnefsof Breath,Wheeling, Ptiflcky and other Coughs, proceeding from a lharptickling Humor dripping on the Lungs by opening theirPurr’d Pipes and Paffages. They kill and deftroy Worms,ftrengthen a weak Stomach, and keep the Goutout of it; givea good Appetite and Digeftion, reftore and increafc the VitalBalfam In Confumptlons, and inward Wallings ; and for anyfudden Indifpofttion, Qualm, Paintings, wantof Spirits, Sick*nefs at Heart, or Stomach,or any other Illnefs orlndifpoftrion■whatfoever. In all Ages, Sexes, and Conllitutions ( for evenInfants, and Women with Child, may fafely take them (theyare a moll excellent Thing. They give prelentEafe In the Cho-lick and Gripes ; take away Vapours, and Illnelfes .of theHead, by rectifying the Tone of a depraved Stomach Andfor all InfeCliotis Dillempers, they are of fuch excellent Ufe,by keeping the Perfon entirely HEART WHOLE in thernidft of the InfeClion, that if thefe Drops had but been ufedin thole Countries where the Plague has of late Years rag-ed, above two thirds of thofe who died might have been fav-ed. Thefe Drops abundantly lurpafs the ufe of any Stomach

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Elixir, or any Bitter, Cordial, or Purging Tincture, fuch asDaffy's, and luch-like Elixirs; being infinitely more friendlyto the Stomach than Wormwood, Centaury, or any other fuchIngredient, of which moft Tinftures, Elixirs, and Bitters areufually made. Thefe DROPS" taken in a Morning (altho 1 byPerfcns never f© well in Health )in a little Ale or Wine willdo more Service than feme Quarts of Scurvy-Grafs rile, Puri orany other fuch Draughts, in order to preferve the wholeDayalter from any Illncfs, Infection, or Indilpolirion whatfoever.They are of great Ufein all ObflruSions, provoke Urine, expelWind, bring away Slime and Gravel from the Kidaies, Reins-and Bladder. They may be taken at any time of theDay whenever you pleafe, in a little Beer, Ale, orWine; or take them : or 3 times a Day, or Morning,and Night; or only in the Morning, juft as you pleafe; Theyrequire no confinement within Doors, or keeping warm (be-caufe they' are not Phytick) but may be taken at any Hour Inthe Day, at home or abroad, and confequenrly arc the pret-tyeft, portable, ready Thing In all the abovementioned Cafesbut efpecially thole that proceed from a foul Blood, and di re-ordered Stomach, that can poffibly be for Family, Sea, orTravelling Ufe, being indeed chiefly Cordial, but yet a littleAlterative fo as to give a Perfon at leaf one Stool in 24 hoursThefe Drops are as necelfary for all Seamen, Soldiers, andTravellers, who pafs thro’ different Climates, and corruptedAirs, and Fogs, to carry with them almoft as their dailyFood, to preferve them from Infeftion and the Scurvy. Priceit. a Bottle, Sealed up with Directions., Or s>t. a dozen.

Purging SUGAR-PLUMS entirely without Mercury.

SO often mentioned in the Publish Prints, and ufednow for feveralTears in great Numbers of Families with fuch great ficcsfs and

likeing, not to be diflinguijhed by any Mortal living from commonSugar-Plums bought at the Confefllonersy only thofe at the Confe-Bioners are quite round, whereas thefe are made fomethmg flatijh •

Put as for their Colour, Tafle , Smelt, &C. *tis impojflble for any onethat eats them, to difti'rtgutjh 'em from a common Sugai-xlum atump oj Loaf-Sugar, or a bit of Sugar-Candy j having neither anyNattf ons, Sickly, Pbyfual, Squeamijh or difa.grcable Tafle, or leavingany fuch Tafle behind them in the Mouth, but 7say be eaten with thefame Eafe, Pleafare, and unconcemednefs, that a bit of Sugar-Candy,or a common Sugar-Plum is ; and confcquently are fo pretty, inno-

cent, and cafy a Thing to take for Men and Women of nice and fqueamijh Palates, and Children who will not take Phyflck ; (for you mayhere deceive them with a Sugar-Plum, when they will take nothingelf’) cleanfrig the Body and Stomach of any foul Humours, withoutany, hindrance of Bufluefs , or flaying whole Hays within Doors, as

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you muft with any other Phyfick (for their workingwill be all over in a-bout z Hours time,eat them when you will) that 'tis only not kotowingof them, that makes Perjons not have them : For any one that takes•them, will afterwards find themfelves quite another Thing from what•thi) were befre : They d be fo eafy, breathe fo freely, have a Stomachto their Meat, Sleep fo found, and in fine, be fo light)ome andhealthy that nothing but your trial of them can convince yon oftheir rood effect ; being of ufe in ad comm n Cafes, wherecl-anfing the Stomach, and carrying off foul Humours is required ;

carrying off at once what vtherwife. would lay the Foundation of afuture fit of Sichiefs ; jo that if Perjons upon the very firft approachof any Sickncfs or indiffiofitUn fi-om Surfeits, Heats, Colds, Drinking,&c before they think of Bleeding, Sweating, or any thing elfe, wouldbut pre fently out of hand, when they firfl find themfelves out of order,

eat but a few of thefe little Plums, they would be as well again at

ever they were in their Lives, infour Hours time, whereat otherwjethey may lie by it feverat Weeks. Price izd. a dozen. Buy at ma-rry or as few as you pleafe, with Printed Directions for their life,-which I defire every one to read before they Try them. Orcj.r. a Grot.So that ifam/ Shopkeeper or Others in Town or Country is willing tofell them again, they may be fumifhed here ; and [hod be very kindlytiled, with the ahovifaid large allowance, fir a printed Sheet to hangtut if they defire it : And whatever an damaged, or not fold, mayat any time be returned again : fo that no one can be any lofr by them.

One Plum (which will cofi only a Penny, and is entirely withoutMercury) is enough to purge a Child of z, 3 > o y 4 Tears old. Twoone of 5, 6, or j. Three one of 8, 9, and upwards : And a Man orWoman may eat 4, 5, or 6of them. The life of thefe Plums is as follows.

1. Thly kill, defray, and bring away all Sorts of Worms, with thefilmy corrupted Matter that breeds them ; having brought away fromSeveral Mm, Women, and Children, great knots-of jtichWorms at thefe.

And on Chriftmas Eve, 1714, two of theje Plums brought away si-llve near half a Pint of thefe fort of Worms, fom the Child of Mr.Dixon, a Taylor, in Feafhers-Court in St. Martins-Lane, an ac-count of which any one may fee more at large in an Advertifementin the Evening-Poft on Tuei'day, Dec. 2S, 1714.

Now Worms are in the Bodies of rnojl Men and Women as well asChildren, canfag gnawings and-pains in the Stomach and Bowels,the Cholich, Feavers, Gripes, P'vings and Waitings away ; with aninnumerable train of other Di/eafes and Indi(hojitr'ons, which Peopleare uhtally aftonilht at,whereas at the bottom they ad come font Worms.

3hilt J: turns have, been given to.Children and others who were in a

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fining Condition, and couldnot Eat, and to Such at have been afi ci-ted with Vomiting ; and to Children that have had the Rickets, anddlmofl eaten up with Worms, and they have been alrnofl mlraculoufrycured, by once or twice taking them, and afterwards grew fat andlufty : For theje Plums take away all tbofe Obflrucfions, which hinderthe Nutrimentfrom going to its rejpeefive Parrs ;fo that Perfonswho were before almojl continually ailing and out of Order, by takingof theje Plums have afterwards had their Healths extraordinarily.

11. They Cure all forts of Agues, and intermitting Leavers, beingtaken 7 or 8 Hours before the Fit, by clearing the Stomach of thatnajly load and Cake which lies there, and caufes the Fits.

111. They clean]e and clear the Pipes, of the Lungs of that Flegmwith which they are fluffed and clogged up, that caujes Coughs,Wheefmgs, Shortnefs and difficulty of Breathing', fo that Perfons willfind wonderful eaje, relief, and fr-eenefs of Breath, altho1 they mayhave been in a Wheeling and Coughing Condition feveral Years, andalmofi at the brink of the Grave, for want of Breath.

Laflly. They carry off all thofe Crudities, which mixing them]elveswith the Blood, caufe the Scurvy, Gout, Dropfy, Rheumarifnv,and othir wandring Pains, the Gieen-ficknels, Jaundice, Itch, andother Ailments which proceed from a corrupted Blood, and a foul Sto-mach, giving a good Appetite and Digeflion. And take away thejeFumes which caufe Pains in the Head, Vapours, Apoplexies, difficultyof Hearing, and other fuch Indifhofitions of the Head.

ADVERTISEMENT.FOR the Publick Good, and general Improvement of Man-

kind in the way of WRITING ; whoever Buys eitherOne of the abcve-mention’d Necklaces: Or a Bottle of theSAFFRON DROPS: Or a Dozen of thefe Sugar-Plums, mayhave GIVEN them GRATIS (into the Bargain) if they deilreit, That great and ineftimable Secret which the Ingenious andLearned World lias fo long tried to find out, and is now atlaft difcovered, being entirely a New Invention, never foundnut’till now: By which any Perfon may WRITE ASFAST AS SPEAK. Write a whole Sentencefooner then a Word : Write as much in a few Minutes as ufu-fally in a whole Day: As much on One Page, as orherwife on7 or 8 : and confequently have as much reprefented to theView at one Sight, as otherwlfe would require the Readingof feveral Hours : which makes it fo great a help to the Me-mory, that as much may he Read and Studied in one Day, asotherwife Can in a Week. And confequently as much Progressmade in Learning and Bufinefs by this way of Writing inone Year , as ufually is in 7 or 8, and that with much !efs La-bour and Pains. From whence ’tls eafyto Judge the Profit ofthis New way ofWriting, fince by it fo much Time and Labour

' laved. Neceflary for all Member} of Parliament, Lawyers , Di*

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vines Tradefnen, Shopkeepers, Travellers, and infine all forts of Perlbns from the higheft to the loweft QualityDegree, Rank, Station, Condition, Learning, Trade, Bufinefs,‘Employment or Profeltion whatsoever,; To Write down pre-Tentiy even in their Pocket-Book, if they pleafe, as it were ]unconcernedly, and rather by way of a Diversion then any]thing elfe, whatever they hear or lee done This Method*mJlWriting the Author Invented indeed at firft for his own pri-vate ule in his Studies; and finding great benefit and eale byit, in the quick difpatch of Writing, and Bufinefs, now com-municates it to the World forthe publlck Good and afiiftance6f others. But this Method of Writing is not to be

f-Sold by ir fell ALONE for any Money on any AccountHwhatfoever, but only to be Given ( forthe encouragement ofLear-ning) to thole who Buy any of the abovemenrion’d things.

Tis true a Great many Methods ofSwift Writing have beenPuhlijhcd for near 200 Tears Iaft paft by Authors : but fo Diffi-cult, Confufed, and Burdenfome to the Memory, that inftead-of Encouraging, they have only ferved to Deter many fromLearning, who wOu’d have Reaped great benefit by it, had

L.fvrch an Eafy,Plain, and Regular one been propofed as thisis, not at ail burdenfome to rhe Memory: but fo very Eafy

* and Plain that any one may prefently Learn it. And howmuch fuch a S wift Method of Writing as this is, has been longdefired by almoft every body, fufficlently appears from tholeContractions and Abreviations, Perlbns fo frequently makeufe of in their Writings , in order to Write as faft as theycan. Nothing therefore can be more ufeful to all Perlbns ofLearning and Bufinefs for the Ready, Swift, and fpeedy Writingdown their own Notes, and Observations ; taking of Tryals Speeches ,

Sermons &c. then this way of Writing.The End of this New way cf Writing, is -not fo much to

Write a great deal In a little Room, as a great deal in a little"3 ime: iiS not laving ol Paper, but Time is Principally aimedat in this ART. And as for keeping Pace with a ModerateSpeaker, which fo mai y A Thors of Short and Swift Writing fomuch boaft.of; Wswhat not one in 20 of the very Authors them-ftlves ( let them pretend what they will ) nor even One Infoo of their Scholars cou’d ever yet do by any Method everyet Extant, before THIS appeared in the World : They mayTalk and Brag what they plcafe : their Methodsare fo confutedpiffling, and Intricate: So that had but an eafy plain methodonce been propofed ( fuch a one as this is) tis certain that forOne Learner hitherto, there wou’d have been 20, becaufeto be Pure aimed every body wou’d be glad to Write asraft as Speak, if they con'd but Eafyly Learn it, as theynatAt this Method, which confifts only of a few Rules and,

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24Pline IpTes, fc certainly eftablifted, that wlv.fybu have Tfri;one Line, you may write Ten 'lhoujand: and is equally fitted r<any Language whatever, either Engl!jh, French —.tin, Dutch.or any other, which was never yet performed 1 . any’ Ant fa.<

And what Confirms me frill more in my ciVem of tinway of Writing, is, that fevers] Honourable Members of bothf Parliament, who have already Learn’* this Method re-.v" j.nunJing it from one to Another, became fo expert invand found luch benefit by it, that they conftlfed afterward'-’tear they wculd not for 50c/. but have Learnt it : It bein«indeed rise only thing in its kind ever yet invented., A -very particular Inrtance of the Succefs of the above-

mentioned NECKLACE.

THE Child of Mr. Garden a [Jet)ancr in the Alii \n the Ca~file-Inn-Yard in Alderfgan-fireet, being lb wafted awaythat every one thought it could not live; by only Wearing

this Neikiace. /rtf i vtly Cut 3 Teeth without any Pain, & froma poor weak, fickly, pining Infant, 5c became a fully, brave,healthy ftrong Child, as any one thatpleales may be there far-ther certified of by feeing the Child. Which prodigious alte-ration wrought by it in this Child, evidently proves the wun-derfill Efficacy of this Necklace, nor only on the Teeth, but a]‘oon meft other Efiftempers that afflict Children. And indeed Ido really think that any equal Wager might be fafcly laid,on it’s having the veiyj'ame effect on 1 8 or 19 Children outof 20- Aro fucha ore isa good and valuable Pkyficat Necklace.

I could here reckon up great numbers of other Inch unde-’ friable fnffances of Cures { I might fay Wonders) perform’dbyr this Necklace on Men, Women, and Children, but forwant of room am forced to make an end, and thereforemull refer my' Reader to the Publick Prints, in which al-tnoft daily TefUmbnies and Certificates of Cures performedby it are and of late have been pub]ickly*Advertifed, hopeing,that from thence, as well as from what has been here advancedthroughout this Little Effay, my Reader will together withme be throly convinced and Satisfied, of the great Virtue

and Efficacy of this Admirable N ECKLACE.Advertificmen t.

JUST puhlijhed and is Given Gratis in Engl/fh or French, to Anyone that will but ask (or it, at Mrs. Garways at the Royal Ex-change G/>ta next Cbrnhifl ; At Mr. Coopers, a Toy hop the'tu-

ner of Charles-Court near Hungerford-Market in the Strand : Andat the Place where this Efflay Is Given away : The 16th EditionDedicated fo Dr. ChamlierTaine, of The Prattled Scheme of. Se-cret Injuries an.d Broken Confbitutlons by former ill Cure !i*vat Jons, and Mercury: by which any Perfon may privately cur.


j(civet without Telling their Caft. to any one. F I