an animal adventure

An Animal Adventure Jack was so excited to go to the zoo. Jack could not wait to go to the zoo because he had not gone to the zoo before. Jack has always wanted to go to the zoo since he was three years old but his parents would not let him go to the zoo because his parents were scared that he would be afraid of the animals. Now, Jack was 6 years old and his parents brought him to the zoo. Jacks favourite animal was the tiger. Jack could not wait to see the tiger. Once they reached there, his mum bought the animal show tickets. They ran to watch the animals show because they did not want to be late. They were entertained by the skills of the animals. Jack was so happy when he saw the orange tiger. Fear. That was the feeling when he saw an enormous grey elephant. Jack was so scared. The elephant did some tricks but Jack was not entertained by the elephants tricks. After the elephant did some tricks, the zookeeper asked the audience if anyone wanted to ride the elephant. Jack closed his eyes. He does not want to get chosen. Jack was relieved when he did not get chosen. To his horror, his mum raised up her hand. Jacks mum dragged him to the elephant. The zookeeper told him not to move around on the elephant but he did. He panicked and tried to climb off the elephant. The elephant moved and fell off the elephant and into a puddle of mud. Jack was horrified and in a world of misery. Jacks mom checked if he was okay and she promised Jack that she would ask him if he wanted to go for an animal ride before dragging him for one in future. Abdul Hafiz Bin Johari - 6 Respect

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An Animal Adventure

Jack was so excited to go to the zoo. Jack could not wait to go to the zoo because he had not gone to the zoo before. Jack has always wanted to go to the zoo since he was three years old but his parents would not let him go to the zoo because his parents were scared that he would be afraid of the animals.

Now, Jack was 6 years old and his parents brought him to the zoo. Jack’s favourite animal was the tiger. Jack could not wait to see the tiger.

Once they reached there, his mum bought the animal show tickets. They ran to watch the animals show because they did not want to be late. They were entertained by the skills of the animals. Jack was so happy when he saw the orange tiger. Fear. That was the feeling when he saw an enormous grey elephant. Jack was so scared. The elephant did some tricks but Jack was not entertained by the elephant’s tricks.

After the elephant did some tricks, the zookeeper asked the audience if anyone wanted to ride the elephant. Jack closed his eyes. He does not want to get chosen. Jack was relieved when he did not get chosen. To his horror, his mum raised up her hand. Jack’s mum dragged him to the elephant.

The zookeeper told him not to move around on the elephant but he did. He panicked and tried to climb off the elephant. The elephant moved and fell off the elephant and into a puddle of mud. Jack was horrified and in a world of misery. Jack’s mom checked if he was okay and she promised Jack that she would ask him if he wanted to go for an animal ride before dragging him for one in future.

Abdul Hafiz Bin Johari - 6 Respect

Overcoming challenges

I was a singer. I am a singer. Despite all my challenges, I am now a singer the world knows. This is the story of my life. It all started in a cycling accident.

It was a normal Saturday evening and I was practising my vocals. I was a student in the School of Arts and I was practising for my big performance in front of thousands of people. I would be singing the national anthem in a football game. “Lydia, the weather is perfect! Why don’t you give your voice a break and cycle?” My dad asked as he opened the door to my studio. I really did need to take a break. I have been singing for the past three hours!

“It is a beautiful day…” I mumbled to myself as I wheeled my bicycle to a nearby field. I preferred cycling in the open field than the walkway. I would cycle in the woods to a cliff with a perfect view of a lake and a majestic waterfall. The sun felt warm on my face and the wind blew against my face as I cycled. The thought of performing in front of thousands of people brought a smile to my lips.

I was finally in the woods dodging big rocks, which really looked like little mountains to me. Glancing over at my watch, I realised that if I reached the cliff in five minutes, I would able to catch the sunset. However, I was about ten minutes away from the cliff. Desperate to take videos of the sunset, I picked up speed and before I knew it, I was about a minute away from the cliff.

I was dodging trees at top speed when a squirrel came out of nowhere. I gasped and made a sharp turn, not knowing that it was straight downhill. I pressed hard on the brakes and went tumbling down the hill. Rocks scratched my legs and hands. Finally, I was at the bottom of the hill. All I could hear was ringing in my ear. I could hear the water in the lake. Only, there was no lake. It was water gushing from my forehead. I blacked out.

I opened my eyes. A white room. A man in a white coat. I was in the hospital. I scanned the room once again and spotted my parents. “Mom…Da-“I tried calling for them but it came out sort of like a cough. My parents rushed to my side and started mouthing word I could not quite understand. “I can’t hear you. I can’t hear me!” I screamed, only realising I could not hear anyone or anything at all.

About a week passed and I found myself in the corner of my room, depressed. I was deaf. I had to learn sign language. I couldn’t hear myself. I might never hold a microphone again. I might have to leave the School of Arts. My mom told me to never lose hope. But how? I glanced at my clock. I spent two hours at that corner. I wanted to sing. My body urged myself to stand up, pick up the microphone, and sing. ”It wouldn’t hurt to try…” I thought.

I walked to my studio and picked up the microphone and started singing. Realising I sounded like a dying cat, I sat down and started crying. I threw the microphone across the room. “Wait.” I muttered under my breath. I picked up my guitar and played as loudly as I could. I could feel the vibrations! I tried to sing by following the tempo of the vibrations and picked up singing all over again.

By taking singing classes, a year later, I am standing on stage in front of thousands of people. I am now pursuing my dream as a singer. Deaf or not, I am

always going to sing. Through this challenge, I have learnt a lot of things. But I always tell myself, “It always seems impossible until it’s done”

Alviento Pamela Nikka Belleza – 6 Respect

A Secret

While I was reading my diary, a torn page fell out so I read it and realised that it was about Jamie and me being together. I threw it immediately in the dustbin. I hated her since last year because she betrayed me.

It was a refreshing morning, I went to Jamie's house to meet her. When we are on our way to school, lots of people waved their hands and said "Good Morning" to us because we are one of the most smartest and popular students in the school.

When we reached our classrooms, we saw our rivals and the leader, Sophia who hated me, who was also one of the most popular students. They acted kind in front of other students but treated me and Jamie terribly. I do not particularly hate them so I greeted them like how I did to everyone else but they do not appreciate it and ignored me.

When class are finally over, Jamie said "Jessica, didn't you say u would let me see your looks when you were a child." "But it's totally different from who I am." I membered. "It's alright. I won't laugh.' Jamie said. So, I decided to trust her and took out a photo from my bag while saying "You must keep it as a secret." and Jamie agreed. The photo was me when I am a child which looked fat and have lots of pimples, in other words, I was ugly.

"There's nothing to laugh about because that's means you worked hard to become what you looked like now." Jamie said. I was shocked and happy at the same time because I thought Jamie would laugh at me. After that, Jamie took a picture of it without me noticing.

To my horror, Jamie posted it on her Facebook page and the caption was "Look at this ugly pig! I guess you won't even know who this is! It's Jessica Sim!" I was so shocked and when I looked at the comments, tons of people said that they can't believe it. I changed from one of the most popular student to the most unpopular student overnight.

The next day, Jamie didn't wait for me and when I reached the classroom, she was with Sophia and her group. I rushed there and shouted" You promise to keep a secret! And why are you with them!" "Jessica, you can't be selfish! I wanted to be their friends but you were the one who kept forcing me to not be their friends. “Jamie lied and changed the topic. Now, everyone treated me as a bad girl who is selfish and after some time, I realised that Jamie was a spy from Sophia and her group to humiliate me. Now, I'm all alone. Everyone avoided me, scribbling bad word on my table and even bullied me. I regretted being Jamie’s Friends and even trusting her.

From that day onwards, I learnt my lesson not to trust anyone except for myself.

Christine Soong Yen Nin – 6 Respect


It was a warm and balmy afternoon. I was lying on the hot and boring couch. Sweating and thinking. What should I do today in such a hot and sunny weather? That got me thinking for donkey years as I finally figured out what I could do. I stood up and ran to my parent’s room. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. “Mom! Dad! Could I go to the nearby shopping mall to do some window shopping?” I asked hesitantly. “Well…? Sure you can, but remember today is Uncle Nobiro’s birthday, buy him a present with this money.” Replied Dad as he opened the drawer taking out stacks of cash. He counted 1…2…3. He stopped at $300 and gave it to me. O! M! G! I could buy a castle with that much money. I said to myself, getting so excited for the first time to receive that much money. Leaping happily to the front door holding the stack of cash on my hand.

In a nick of time, I was there, the wonderful place where I could buy all sorts of goodies. I walked in there and looked around. There have to be more than twenty stores I could visit. One by one, I visited all the stores and bought all sorts of goodies. Candies, bracelets and many more. As I was about to leave the shopping mall. My mind started to recall something that I had forgotten. “Remember, today is Uncle Nobiro’s birthday and buy him a present.” Oh no! I had forgotten my Uncle’s birthday present. I zipped the wallet open and found out that the $300 Dad gave me were spent on all my goodies. ”No good! No good! What should I do now? Think! Think!” I said to myself in horror. Just then an evil idea flashed through my mind. “Steal! Steal! Steal!”

That was the moment I regretted the most.

I walked into a toy store and searched around looking for something that Uncle Nobiro would like and something easy to steal, looking and looking, searching and searching. I finally found it. A small little teddy bear, perfect for Uncle Nobiro’s collection. I looked around again, left and right. Nobody was looking at me. I quickly snatched the toy bear away from its shelve and shoved it into one of the plastic bag I was carrying.

Just as I was about to exit the toy store, I felt something tapping my shoulder. Cold sweat rolled down my face till my trembling legs. I turned around and saw a salesgirl looking at me sternly. “Ye…Ye…Yes how could I help you?” I mumbled. “Hand me that plastic bag that you’re holding!” She replied with a stern looking face. I slowly handed her my plastic bag. “Is this yours?” She questioned me. I looked down and nodded my head knowing my actions. “Come with me!” said the salesgirl leading me to a small room with a bench. “Stay here and don’t move while I will call your parents.” Said the salesgirl, typing the numbers on her phone.

That was the day I truly learnt my lesson of never stealing again.

Chua Yu Cheng – 6 Respect

Food poisoning I love food. Whenever I see food, I start to drool. So, when I got Mary’s invitation to her birthday party, without a second thought, I told her that I was going. Mary had invited almost every girl in our class except of course, her greatest enemy, Emily. The list had, Linda, Sally, Janet, Kattie and Mary’s two brothers, Peter and Jack. She did not want to invite Peter and Jack at first as they often argued with each other but Mary’s Mum said that they had to come. Two weeks later, it was Mary’s birthday. I went to the roof of her three storey house to see that I was the last to reach there. Linda was reading a thick book, as usual. Sally was putting on make-up. Janet and kattie were playing games. Mary was trying to stop Peter and Jack from arguing over who was better. “Hey Mary, I am here!” I greeted her. “Hey Foodie, come here and help me stop these two crazy people.” Mary answered. “Don’t call me Foodie!” I shouted before I stomped off angrily. As I was walking around, I saw a cover, I lifted it up and realised that there were burgers inside. I started to drool. “No, I can’t do this, anyway I am going to eat later.” I murmured to myself. But, the temptation was too much, I took two burgers and ran off. After I finished eating the two burgers, I looked around and found that I forgotten to put the cover back on. There were flies and ants. I quickly shooed the flies, wiped the ants away and put the cover back on. After an hour of playing, it was time for lunch. We sat at a long table and started eating, I at everything but the burgers. “Why aren’t you eating the burgers, Foodie?” Mary asked. “Not feeling the mood and by the way my name is Margaret.” I replied. I hesitated to tell the truth, I would just be called Foodie even more. After eating messily, we started playing again for three hours before going home. The next day, I went to school and Linda, Sally, Janet, kattie, were absent. Even Peter and Jack were absent from their classes. I knew it was because of the burgers. I felt guilty. After school, I called everyone who went to the party and apologised. I paid the hospital bills for Mary with my savings and apologised to her parents too. I knew that if I did not control my food habit. I would keeping making this foolish mistakes and never change. I decided I was going to change that habit. Dawn Oh Le Qian – 6 Respect

A Lesson Learnt

It was a catastrophe. I have never experienced anything like this. I regretted my choices during the past few weeks. I felt as if the whole world was crashing down on me.

Even though I knew the exams were coming soon, I did not bother to study. Why? I was always at the top of the class for this particular subject. I aced every exam with ease, even without studying. Why would this exam be any different? That was what I thought the afternoon before the exam, as I pretended to study. I sat there, bored, wondering why my mother forced me to study. I sighed, and lay down on the table, eventually falling asleep while listening to the monotonous buzzing of my electric fan.

The following morning, when I just reached school, I overheard the noisy chatter of my classmates.

“Hey, did you study for today’s exam?”

“Yeah, I did. I heard that this year’s paper is gonna be hard!”

Hard? That was such a vague term. How hard? I’ve gotten full marks for an exam that people have considered hard, so it could not be that hard … right?

Before I knew it, the exam started. I heard the furious scratching of pencils on paper all around me. I confidently opened the paper to the first page. Suddenly, my mind turned blank. I had no idea how to do any of the questions. I started getting nervous. I looked at all the questions that I did not know how to do. Ten. Ten was the number of questions I was sure I could get correct. There were fifty questions in total. My heart sank. I felt my palms starting to sweat. I did the paper and handed it in. I was nervous and could not concentrate in class the whole day. Images of my parent’s disappointed faces filled my mind. That night, I could not fall asleep. I fidgeted around in my bed, imagining all the possible outcomes.

The next morning, the results were announced. When I got my paper back, I immediately put the paper on my table, front page down. This was the moment of truth, whether I passed or failed. I flipped the paper. I sighed a breath of relief. Eighty-three out of a hundred. Not fantastic, but I would gladly take it over a fail. Then I looked at the name. Ilina. The second in class. I walked over to her table and noticed that she had a grim look on her face. I put her paper on the table and snatched mine back.

“Hey, wai-“ she tried to warn me.

However it was too late. I accidentally glanced at my marks. Thirty-one. Thirty-one out of a hundred. I was devastated. I should have studied for my exams. I was disappointed in myself.

When my parents found out about my score, they immediately banned me from using any electronic device and forced me to study at least two hours a day. Though, I have already learnt my lesson, it could not be helped.

Don Goh Le Jie 6 Respect

An Impulsive Purchase

It was a fine Saturday morning, James was staring at the sapphire blue sky. He was on the sofa, not knowing what to do. Just then, his mother looked at him. Feeling worried, she asked James if he wanted to go to the toy shop with his mother. When they entered the toy shop, there were toys everywhere. James scanned the area, looking for a toy he wanted. Just then, a cute teddy bear caught his eye. He stared at it in amazement and asked his mother if he could get one. His mother looked at the price tag. It costs forty-five dollars. His mother then said, “It’s too expensive. We will wait till it has a discount and it shall be a gift for you when you get good grades for your exam.” James sighed and went back home with his mother. James wanted the teddy bears so badly that he studied overnight every day as the exams were coming. Finally, the exams were here, James was in the exam room. Waiting for his paper to arrive. Once the papers had been given out, the teacher said, “Today is your English paper. Put your best effort. You may start now.” James flipped the page and started writing. He answered each question extremely carefully. Once the examinations were over, James was excited to see his marks. When he got his paper back, he got high “A”s for every subject. He ran back home as fast as his legs could carry him. When he reached home, he panted very rapidly. His mother asked, “So? How did you do?” James took all the papers out of his bag and showed his mother. His mother jumped with joy and exclaimed, “Wow! But the teddy bear still does not have a discounted price yet, sorry.” James was angry, his face turned crimson red and angrily ran back into his room. Suddenly, an idea struck him. He opened his piggy bank and took out forty-five dollars. When his mother was not at home, James secretly went to the toy store on his own. He took one of the teddy bears and paid for it. When he got back home, his mother was waiting for him at the front door, looking very worried. She looked at the teddy bear he was holding and asked, “Why did you buy it? I thought I said I would get it for you.” James answered, “It took too long to have a discount.” His mother went back into the house, not saying anything. He went back to his room, sat on the bed and hugged his teddy bear, hoping his mother would forgive him. James learnt that he should be more patient in the future and think twice before doing anything.

Enzo Lim Jiunn Wee – 6 Respect

Hard work pays off

“Why did you fail your Chinese test?” shouted my grandmother angrily when I showed her my paper. I hated these days like crazy when I had to ask my grandmother to sign my test paper. After my grandmother signed my test paper I was very upset and I walked to my room and begin to cry myself to sleep.

The next day was Saturday since I had nothing to do I went to my sister's room to reed some books. Since my sister was away, I walked to her study table and noticed that her test paper was on her table. She did very well for her Chinese test.

I decided to revise with her by sitting next to her and practise my Chinese. I spent an hour everyday after school to have extra Chinese lesson with my Chinese teacher. Sometimes, I would even pester my grandmother to read with me the Chinese textbook.

It was the mid-year exams. I felt more confident completing the Chinese paper as I could answer every question easily compared to the previous paper I did.

It was the report card day. I was nervous and scared when the teacher called my name. I was worried that I might fail my test and get scolded by my grandmother. I was wrong, I scored the highest in my class for the Chinese test I was over the moon.

When I came home from school that day, I immediately showed my test paper to my grandmother. She was very proud and delighted of my achievement.

After this test I learnt that we must put in a lot of effort if we want to score high for our test.

Ethan Chua Tze Ee – 6 Respect

Cyber Bullying

One dark and stormy night. Max was in his room doing homework, when his phone vibrated. Max picked up his phone .He answered the call.

“Have u seen the picture?’’ asked Jack.

‘‘What picture?” asked Max.

‘‘The picture about you photo shopped with devil horns ‘’said Jack.

“What! Shouted Max in angrily hung up the call.

Eager to find out who posted the mean picture, Max surfed the internet and wondered which one of his enemies did it.

The next day, Max walked to school in anger as he had not found out who the cyberbully was. Max saw his classmates laughing at him. Max wanted to find out who the cyberbully was and bring him to justice. Max saw his classmate Tom to see what he was doing. To his horror, Tom the shyest person in the class, was the cyberbully.

Max dragged Tom to the principal’s office and asked him why he did such an evil act. Tom then explained how jealous he was when Max got full marks for the exam. The principal suspended Tom from school for one week and wanted him to learn his lesson.

Tom promised he would never do such a thing again.

Goh Chen Jie – 6 Respect

An Unfortunate Encounter

It was my first day working at a famous restaurant called Royal Delights restaurant. As I entered, cool air from the air conditioners greeted me. I ambled into the restaurant’s kitchen, looking smart and confident.

“There you are! Now, quickly wear this apron and go outside to ask for orders,” the chef uttered nicely. I pottered out of the kitchen. A hand was raised. I quickly rushed to where it was raised.

“Yes, what would you like to order, miss?” I asked.

“I would like to order a bowl of chicken soup and a cup of hot tea, please.”

She answered, as I jotted her order down. I went back into the kitchen. To be honest, I did not know how to cook or make those dishes.

Without wasting any precious time, I checked the recipe and started cooking. I added in chicken stock, garlic and small pieces of chicken into the soup. Then I mixed them all together.

“Now, em…Yes! The hot tea,” I said after guessing what to do a few times. After much trouble, I carried at tray with the bowl of chicken soup and hot tea on it and served it to the customer.

“Here’s your chicken soup and hot tea,” I said as I placed them on the round table. I watched as the customer put a spoonful of soup to her lips. Her expression darkened. She spat out the soup.

“What kind of soup is this?! So salty and the chicken is still raw!” The customer complained. She drank some hot tea and complained, “This tea is way too sweet!” I felt ashamed. Blood rushed to my head and painted my cheeks bright rouge. The chef manger came towards us and apologized to the customer. He pulled me to the kitchen.

“What did you add to the soup?!” the chef manager bellowed at my face strictly. Drops of tears rolled down my cheeks. I was forced to clean up the terrible mess I made. As I was cleaning up, a mouse appeared out of nowhere, squeaked and snatched a block of cheese that I had set out earlier. I sprinted around the kitchen, trying to catch the mouse. Everyone stared and looked at me running around desperately. Drops of ketchup, chili sauce and soya sauce spilled all over my apron. Without looking down, I stepped on a puddle of water, and slipped and fell. The mouse escaped through the kitchen window just as the chef manger entered the kitchen.

“What the hell are you doing?!” the chef manager hollered. He pulled and pushed me out of the restaurant and yelled, “You’re fired!”

I strode out and sat on a bench outside the restaurant, my face crumpled. My heart shattered into pieces. I was devastated. I knew I had disappointed myself. Looking to right, I found a newspaper advertisement. “JOB FAIR! MILLIONS OF POSITIONS AVAILABLE! GET HIRED IMMEDIATELY!” I picked up the advertisement and told myself. I won’t disappoint myself again.

Hanis Zuhairah – 6 Respect


“Boom! Crash!” there was a thunderclap, it seemed like the thunder god was upset, and so was Victoria. She was in her room, looking at the computer. She stared at it, checking whether it really was her. It was. The Facebook page showed a girl with pig snout and ears. Only, it wasn’t just any girl, it was Victoria!

Lots of people had already seen the picture, and some of them gave comments that Victoria didn’t like about her. There was another thunderclap, Victoria felt sad and angry at the same time. Who on earth would do something like that?! She tried to blink back tears that welled up in her eyes. Victoria shut down her computer, trued to forget about the whole thing and went to bed.

The next day when Victoria was in school, she could feel a thousand eyes piercing through her skin. She hung her head low in embarrassment and walked quickly into the school building to her classroom. During recess, Victoria did not have any appetite to eat so she just sat at the table with her friend, Amanda. Amanda had also see the Facebook page and comforted Victoria. Amanda explained who had posted Victoria’s picture as a pig was doing,” Whoever posted that video is cyberbullying! ”She ranted. After thinking and discussing with Amanda about it, Victoria finally came to a solution. She said, “Let’s do it!”

After finishing their food, Amanda and Victoria went to find their teacher, Mrs. Tan. Mrs. Tan was an old lady. There were wrinkles on her face. Spotting Amanda and Victoria waiting outside her door, she told them to come in and asked what the problem was. After rehashing everything, starting from this morning, Victoria pleaded with Mrs. Tan to help her. After a few seconds of silence, Mrs. Tan came up with a solution. Victoria asked, “So what is your idea?” “We might be able to find out who the culprit is, “said Mrs. Tan. “How?” replied Victoria, with Amanda at her side, her eyes twinkling. Mrs. Tan smiled and replied, “Through the CCTV camera! “Both Victoria and Amanda gasped! They had nit thought of that before!

Mrs. Tan and the girls checked the CCTV camera. After a few minutes, they spotted Salina walking into the computer room and turning on a computer. She had logged onto Victoria’s Facebook page, made Victoria look like a clown and posted it on Facebook.

After that, Mrs. Tan spotted Salina and asked her over. Looking behind Mrs. Tan, she saw Amanda and Victoria, and a wave of guilt washed over her face. After Mrs. Tan explained everything to her, Salina paused and said, “I’m sorry for cyberbullying. I promise it will never happen again. The truth was, I was jealous of you because you have so many friends other than Amanda. “After hearing her explanation, Victoria placed her hand over Amanda and Salina’s shoulder and said, “Let’s let bygones be bygones, and be friends now! “Salina smiled at Victoria. Victoria turned back to Mrs. Tan and mouthed ‘thank you ’to her, walking away with her friends.

As punishment, well, Salina didn’t really have any punishments, but she had learned something new and made new friends. Her secret will be kept safe forever.

Hong Ruiyan, Rainn – 6 Respect

An Unfortunate Encounter

My mom and I dashed to the building where the audition was being held. We arrived there to hear a middle-aged woman calling my name. “Elizabeth Lim, calling Elizabeth Lim!”

“Oh, I’m-I’m here,” I answered nervously as I approached her. I was auditioning for a role in a musical play my mom told me about because she thought I had the potential to sing and act. I wanted a role so bad but, I had stage fright. And that wasn’t the only challenge I had to overcome that day…

“I’m the one, yeah, I’m the one-”I heard my phone alarm. It was Saturday, the day when I could finally rest after all those exams I took. I got out of bed and went straight to the kitchen to have breakfast. I open my refrigerator to get water and when I looked up , I checked my calendar like I always do. But when I looked closely, I saw that ‘AUDITION DAY!’ was written on THAT DAY’S DATE. I took a moment to realise and when I finally realised, I SCREAMED AT THE TOP MY LUNGS. “What’s wrong?! Is there a thief in the house?!Where?!Where?! ”My mom hollered. “No mom! My audition is in like an hour and a half and I haven’t clearly memorised and practised the lines in my script and the lyrics of the song I’m singing!” I had been so caught up studying for my exams that I had forgotten about my audition! My mom and I got ready as fast as we could and then booked an Uber for us to ride.

We waited for our Uber but it was taking so long. My mom decided to check her phone to find out where it was. “The Uber driver can’t find a way into our block,” she said with sigh. She called the driver to give him directions. He finally arrived after a few minutes. On our way to the audition, I memorised and practised my script and the lyrics of the song I was going to sing. When I looked up from my script, I saw traffic ahead. “Just great…” I mumbled sarcastically. Ten minutes had passed but there was still traffic. Thankfully, we were only five minutes away from the venue of the audition.

As soon as we arrived, we dashed to the building where the audition was being held. We arrived there to hear a middle-aged woman calling my name. “Elizabeth Lim! Calling Elizabeth Lim!”

“Oh, I’m-I’m here,” I answered nervously as I approached her. I then was instructed to go inside the audition room. As I entered in the audition room, my stage fright kicked in. I had also forgotten about it! I was shaking with nervousness as I walked to the centre of the room. I looked and smiled at the judges hoping they would smile back, and they did. This gave me a little confidence on myself. I delivered my lines with emotion and expression, and sang with all my heart. I stuttered on some words from my lines but apart from that, I thought I did great-for someone with stage fright. “Thank you, Elizabeth. We’ll email or call you when we have decided,” One of the judges said.

After a few weeks, I still had not received a call or email but then I later found that someone else had been chosen for the role I auditioned for. I was a little disappointed but I knew it was my fault. If I had not forgotten about the audition I would have had time to practise for it. I learnt my lesson from this and will make sure I never make the same mistake again.

Jamaica Aire Ajero Layno – 6 Respect

A Secret

“Madeline likes Ethan, Madeline likes Ethan …” chanted my classmates as I walked into the class. Oh Crap. They knew. They all knew. But how? I didn’t tell anyone. Except …

“AMANDA!” I screamed.

“HOW DARE YOU!” I hollered, snatching up the first thing I could lay my hands on from my classmate’s table – a ruler – as I marched towards Amanda. Grabbing her by her hair, I pinned her against a wall. I raised the plastic ruler to Amanda’s throat and pressed it against her bare neck.

“YOU’RE GOING TO PAY FOR TELLING!” I shrieked. The ruler flexed and wobbled as my hand trembled. I saw my own reflection in Amanda’s watering eyes. Okay, it wasn’t a level secret that I was dangerous enough to fatally wound someone, but I usually never got angry enough to want to kill someone.

“Madeline?” called out a familiar voice. I froze. I knew that voice. “What’s going on here? Why is everyone saying that you like me?” All colour drained from my cheeks as he said that. Ethan suddenly saw what I was doing. He walked towards me, shoved me aside and held Amanda’s shoulders firmly in his large hands. Looking at me as though I was some monster, he said frostily, “Don’t ever come near me or Amanda again.”

“REJECTED!!!” hollered the entire class.

My heart fell as I saw concern in Ethan’s eyes as he asked Amanda if she was hurt. My last rays of hope faded away as I absorbed what I was seeing. My heart was broken. I slipped out of the classroom and hid in a bathroom stall. Hot tears streamed down my face as I thought about how it all began……

“Madeline, are you not telling me something?” asked Amanda as she leaned over my table, her face inches from mine.

“Uh, well, I like Ethan, but I’m not sure how to tell hi--” I responded automatically as I snapped out of my day dream. I immediately regretted what I had said, as Amanda was the level’s biggest gossip.

“Your secret is perfectly safe with me,” giggled Amanda as she twirled and bounced away.

Time passed slowly as I waited for Amanda to spread the news, but she didn’t. Seconds grew to minutes, which grew to hours, and she didn’t say a word. When the dismissal bell rang, I was relieved. My secret was safe. She was a good friend after all.

But I was wrong, she waited for school to be dismissed before telling everyone. The news spread like tongues of wild fire in a forest of dry branches. By the next morning, everyone knew my secret. I had put my trust in the wrong person. I was utterly disgusted with myself. I had allowed someone else to step into my world, and she wrecked it. I never should had told her, because even I knew that I would get rejected by Ethan, but I still held some hope. We humans are like that, or so I’ve

read. Even though we know we will fail, we still try in hopes that it would work. We still try, try and try. Learning from our failures and moving on in hopes of future success. Sometimes though things end in catastrophic failure.

Like mine. Never again will anyone get a hold of any of my secrets. I would rather take them to the grave than let anyone seize them burn my world to the ground. I don’t need another crashed and burned world.

Joleen Teo 6 Respect


Mrs Ravi and her children had just returned home from a trip to the supermarket. The children were over the moon as their mother had just bought them presents for studying hard for their examinations. They boarded the lift and were on their way up to their home on the twelfth floor when the lift suddenly jerked violently and came to a sudden stop. The lights went out and the fan soon stopped too. Mrs Ravi and her children were trapped in the lift. As darkness engulfed the trio, fear began creeping up their spines.

“Mommy! What is going on?" sobbed Mindy, "I am frightened!" When little Mark saw his older sister trembling in fear, he began to scream and shout like a raving lunatic. Mrs Ravi was very shocked to be trapped in the lift. Shocking images of crashing lifts and failed rescues flashed in her mind. For a moment, she was paralyzed with fear. However, when she saw that her children were even more frightened, she calmed down as quickly as she could. She hugged her children and tried to comfort them. When the children stopped trembling, Mrs Ravi took out her smartphone and called the emergency number. The operator assured them that help was on the way. In the meantime, Mrs Ravi launched some games to keep the children entertained. Then, she pressed the alarm button a few times and waited anxiously for help to arrive.

After a few minutes, the lift began to feel very stuffy as the ventilation fan was not working. Mindy and Mark complained that they felt breathless. Mark started sobbing and groaning again. Mrs Ravi tried to pry open the lift door but to no avail. Just as she began to panic, she heard shouts from outside, “Do you need help?" "Yes! We can't breathe!" she replied as loudly as she could. The shouts sounded like music to their ears. The darkness in the lift almost seemed to light up in the glimmer of hope. In a few minutes, the lift doors inched open with a loud screech and a tiny gap appeared between the closed doors. Along with a tiny ray of light, fresh air gushed into the lift. Mrs Ravi felt so relieved.

Moments later, the family heard some clanking of metal parts and screeching noises before the lift door finally opened. "Are you alright?" A civil defence officer who had pried opened the door asked. His question was greeted by the children's applause and their beaming smiles. When the family emerged from the lift, they could see a fan blowing air towards the lift and a few of their neighbours greeting them. It turned out that Mrs Ravi's neighbours heard the alarm and quickly came to their aid. After forcing the lift doors, they held an electric fan at the gap to blow fresh air into the lift.

Mrs Ravi thanked the civil defence officers and her neighbours profusely. She felt so relieved that everyone was safe and sound and that no one was injured. She would always remember that fateful day.

Keene Leong Wing Jun – 6 Respect

A Secret

Mm...What should I do? Sally wondered as she had a secret. Her best friend, Jane had seen her cheating during Science examination. Sally noticed Jane was watching her as she slipped some notes out from under table. Sally begged Jane to keep that as a secret and do tell anyone about it.

The next day of school, the teacher came into the class and returned the test papers to the student. Sally was excited when the congratulated her for being first in the science paper. Jane told Sally that her secret will be safe as long as she gave her one dollar every day. Sally gave the money every single day.

A week later, Sally was starving as she did not have enough money to eat or drink. Jane refused to return Sally, her money. Jane said that she will report to the teacher of Sally cheating if she did not pay one dollar to her every day. Sally confessed her cheating to the teacher.

Both of them were scolded by the teacher but Jane need to return Sally’s money. At the next exam, Sally tried to cheat again but this time, someone else saw her cheating.

Kelvin Jong Hon Ye – 6 Respect


On a Monday afternoon when Boat was eating his lunch at home, he scrolled through Facebook and saw someone posted a picture of him as a boat and put his face in the front of it. Boat wondered who posted it. He did not know who it was because it was someone who shared with him.

The next day most of the people in the school laughed at him and some even said, “Who even give their child so weird name boat?” After they walk away happily. Boat got angrier, when he could not find out who posted it. He gave up. The counsellor also saw the photo and spoke to Boat about it Boat decided to find the “criminal” again. The “criminal” posted another photo of Boat again. This time, in the photo that he posted, he accidentally showed his face. John commented: “Is that May? Is she the one who posted the pictures?”

The next day, the principal asked May to go to her office and they talked about the incident. After the principal talked to May she made a speech and asked everyone to stop making fun of Boat. From that day onwards May did not dare to make fun of anyone’s names anymore.

Kok Jian Tong – 6 Respect

An Unfortunate Accident

John breathed in crisp fresh air as he cycled up the hill."It is such a brilliant day to be out cycling! “John thought as the sun was out and there was a soft cool breeze blowing.

John love to cycle. He liked doing it with his friend Tim, but he liked doing it alone. Then, he could cycle as fast and far as he wanted.

Years ago, John's father taught him how to cycle. At first, John always wore a helmet and knee and elbow pads. When he got better in cycling, he stopped wearing them because he thought those are for beginners. They were also uncomfortable and it took time to wear them. John felt proud that he had never been injured while cycling.

However, that was going to change. John cycled round a corner. Ahead of him was a straight and flat path. John challenged himself to pedal faster, going so fast that his speed was comparable to a motorcycle. Smiling, he closed his eyes for a second to enjoy the thrill of not knowing where he was going.

Out of the blue, his front wheel hit a small rock. The rear of the bicycle rose into the air while the front wheel bounced off the ground, John then was thrown over the handle bars of the bicycle. As he opened his eyes just in time to see his water bottle flying to meet him. He shut his eyes again. Finally he hit the ground head first. John felt dizzy for a short while. As John lay on the path, breathing heavily, he scolded himself for being such a dare-devil.

John told himself that it was a challenge not to be repeated. Such a challenge would result in serious injuries or even death. After a few minutes, John stood up and dragged his bike home. John knew that he was lucky with scrapes on his palms and knees and minor injuries on the head.

After that incident, John vowed to himself never to risk his life to do such a stunt again.

Lau Ten Kin – 6 Respect


“Alex, what are you doing here, the bus is going off in about 5 minutes time. Hurry up and go change!” My coach shouted at me. My team and I were going to have a competition against Sembawang Primary School.

I went to change and took the bus to the Ang Mo Kio stadium for the basketball competition. After a little while, we won the competition. We were very happy but on the other end, Sembawang Primary School’s team took a photo of us and posted it on Facebook. It states, “CHEATER, BIG FAT CHEATERS!” One of my team members found out and told our coach about it.

My coach immediately took action. He inform the principal of Sembawang Primary School. After being informed that his own fellow students had created a fake news, he gave them a tongue lashing, made them apologise for what they had done, and delete the pictures and comments that they posted. They were also punished to wash the toilets for a month.

Lim Hui Wen, Chloe – 6 Respect

An Animal Experience

James was on his way from tuition one evening, thinking about his homework he had to complete. As he reached, the void deck of his block, he heard laughter. He ignored it at first as he thought it was just some children playing. However, he grew concerned when he heard a distinct mewing sound. Uh oh! Was a cat in trouble?

James headed straight towards the source of sound. He saw two

young boys, probably in primary four, bent over something. Curiously, he walked closer…… They were tormenting a cat! One of the boys, wearing a red t-shirt and white pants, was holding it while the other wearing a green t-shirt and brown bermudas pulled its tail roughly. They were enjoying themselves and were having a whale of time. The creature mewed pitifully. The blueish-beady-eyes stared right into their eyes, pleading its tormentors to free it.

“You’ll never be able to escape our masterpiece!” One boy shouted

and smirked widely. Incensed, James yelled at the two boys. “Hey! What are you doing!”

He was an animal lover it pained him to see the cat in pain. He had to stop the boys! The boys turned around in alarm. Seeing James, they scooted off as fast as they could. James decided against giving chase. He went up to the poor cat and tried to comfort it. After he managed to calm it down, he took it home.

James informed his mother about what had happened, she proceed

to notify the police. James provided a description of the two boys to the police, who praised him for stopping the culprits. After taking the cat the veterinarian to have it checked, he kept it as his pet and hoped that the culprits would be caught soon.

What an eventful day! James smiled and patted Momo, the cat, on its

back as it mewed back softly and licked James on his hand.

Lim Zhi Rong Xaverie – 6 Respect


It was a rainy day. I woke up in the morning not wanting to get out of my bed as I felt that something bad would happen on that day. “Alicia! It’s time to get up! Or else you will be late for school!” my mother yelled. I got out of bed and got ready for school.

“Ring!” the school bell rang. Everyone rushed down the stairs to the canteen. I was very hungry. I skipped my breakfast as I was almost late for school. I went to the canteen and queued up. After I bought my food, I when to the nearest table and sat down. I looked right and left to see if there is anyone I knew! I started eating very quickly. Suddenly, I felt that someone was looking at me. I looked around, everyone was eating and no one was looking at me. I continued eating, one mouth after another.

When I reached home, I remembered that I had online homework to complete, I checked my social media account and realised that a video had gone viral online. “Click!” I clicked on the mouse to watch the video. I was shocked to see the video was me eating in a very ugly manner. The caption said, ‘What a pig!’ I felt bad. The feeling that I had in the morning came back again. “Click!” I clicked to see the views and comments. There were 1,000,376 views and 1,736 comments. I was stunned. I decided to tell my mother about this. I told her about the whole situation and her face turned red. She immediately stopped what she was doing and emailed my principal.

“Ring” the school bell rang once again. Everyone was looking at me. Wherever I went, wherever I was, I saw pupils pointing at me in a very awkward manner. By recess time, I saw a bully getting scolded by the teachers. After recess, we had a talk about cyberbullying. I found out that my school is always protecting their students from cyberbully. I felt protected and happy. I now know that there is no need to be afraid of cyberbullies.

Low Jie Rou – 6 Respect


Ashley stared blankly into her phone, looking through her Facebook page. While scrolling through the Facebook page, she saw a post which included a video of a dog into a drain blindly with a picture of her face pasted on the dog.

Ashley was shocked when she saw the video. She felt offended and hurt. She looked at the user who posted the video. The user’s name was “DeezNutz21”. She wondered who the user might be. She decided to investigate at school.

The next day, while walking to school she saw a lot of people staring and laughing at her at the same time. She felt sad and mad. She tried her best to hold back the tears in her eyes. Eventually, she went to the toilet to cry. During recess, Ashley was walking with her red eyes cheeks from crying when Mr John, her teacher, stopped her and asked “Why do you look so sad?

After explaining the situation to him, Mr John decided to tell the class about the situation during maths period.

“Hi class I would like to know if anyone here is the one who cyberbullied Ashley on Facebook” Mr John asked with a strict voice.

No one owned up. But after class, a girl named Fiona came up to Mr John and owned up as the culprit. Mr John praised her for her honesty and asked her to apologize to Ashley.

Fiona went up to Ashley and apologized to her profusely and told her she didn’t mean it. Ashley accepted her apology.

Ashley learned to be careful online from that day onwards.

Mohamed Akhmal Bin Mohamed Alwi – 6 Respect


The day I threw my English File away

It was a sunny morning, it was the day I sat for my final Primary School Leaving Examination paper. I was so excited to finish the paper so I could go back home and throw all my files, papers and books away.

Ringggg!! Yes! The paper was over! I was so happy that I wanted to jump for joy and dance in the examination room, but I didn’t. After the teacher dismissed us, I ran back home without even turning when my friends called my name. When I reached home I went to my book shelf and tore all my papers up. Then, I threw all the papers down the rubbish chute and spent the rest of the day playing games on my mobile phone.

The next day, when I went to school, my English teacher reminded us about our ECAW writing. We needed to bring our best or favourite composition and type it out. I was horrified. When I got home and dug through my study table for a piece of composition writing but I still could not find a single one... It was then that I remembered that I had torn them all up and thrown them all away.

The next day, I told my teacher that I threw all my papers, my teacher asked me to write a composition on the day I threw my English File away. I got to work immediately. While my friends had fun playing board games, I stared at them enviously as I wrote my composition about the day I threw my English File away.

Mohammad Aqil Shah Mohammad Firdaus – 6 Respect

A Secret

“Hey, Elesa! “Sandy shouted. “I wanna tell you a secret. Follow me.”

“Ok, but where are we going?” Elesa asked.

“Just follow me and I will tell you the secret.” Replied Sandy happily.

Sandy led Elesa to the back of the school after they had finished their food. It was their recess time and the students were either playing or eating.

“Good. There is no one here.” Confirmed Sandy. “It is safe to tell you the secret now.”

After Sandy told Elesa the secret, Elesa was shocked. It was during last

week’s English spelling. Sandy saw her classmate, Tom, copying the spelling words from his spelling list under his table,

“Ringgg! Ring!” The school bell rang.

“Here! Take this. I’m going to the hall.” Said Sandy. “Open it after school!”

Elesa was curious about the letter that Sandy gave her.

During Mathematics class, Elesa could wait no longer and she opened the

letter. The letter asked Elesa to tell the teacher about Tom cheating on last week’s

English spelling. Elesa was once again shocked, thinking if she should tell her

English teacher, Mr Tan, about Tom cheating.

After school, Elesa’s mind was set. She went to the staff room to find Mr Tan. Since Tom always bullies her, she decided to tell Mr Tan.

“What! You mean Tom cheated during last week’s spelling! No wonder he got

full marks. He usually gets four to five marks only, and now he got full marks!

Tomorrow, I am going to scold him in front of the whole class!” Mr Tan shouted furiously.

“But why did you tell only now, you could have told me earlier?” Mr Tan asked her.

“I didn’t see him cheating in person, but you can ask Sandy about this, she saw it,” replied Elesa. “She told me to tell you this to you.”

The next day, “Why did you cheat during last week’s spelling!?”Mr Tan asked Tom furiously.

“S-s-so-sorry, Mr Tan, replied Tom softly.

After a few hours, their recess came.

“Hey Elesa!” Shouted Sandy, going to tell Elesa a secret once again…

Ng Khang Jiat – 6 Respect

An Unfortunate Encounter

Have you tried before eating a delicious meal with a mouse in it? It was a bright

sunny afternoon, I was going to a restaurant to eat with my friend, Casey. Soon, I

reached the restaurant. I was sweating like I had ran for two hours. I went in the

restaurant and cold air from the air-conditioning welcomed me. “Nicole, here!” Casey shouted. I smiled and walked to her.

Then we ordered our lunch and started chatting. “Here’s your fried rice.” The

waiter said in a polite manner as she put the fried rice on the table. We nibbled as

we were not that hungry. “Squeak!” The mouse said. Casey and I was as shocked as

we were scared of mice. Casey used her spoon and tried to find the mouse.

“Ahhhh!!!” We shouted as we saw the mouse. The waiter heard our voice and came to see what happened.

“I want to see your manager!” Casey growled with deep anger. “What can I help

you?” said the manager after a few minutes. “So, this is how you treat your customer?

Serving food with a mouse in it?” Casey asked. The manager did not want to have his restaurant closed down so he decided to apologise.

“Sorry, please don’t tell anyone about this.” The manager said. We went out of the

restaurant and wanted to find a new restaurant as we were already hungry. “We will

never go to that restaurant again.” Casey mumbled. I saw a very interesting restaurant and we decided to eat our late lunch over there.

Nicole Liew Ke Xuan – 6 Respect

A Secret

Hahaha! I heard a burst of laughter coming from Tom, my best friend turned to my worst enemy. The whole thing being when Tom betray me……

“Hey! Justin can tell me what are you scare of?” Tom question me. “Sure! Just

keep it a secret. “I told him. Tom thought for a while then replied “Sure!” I was about

to tell him when a voice try to warn me not to but I brushed it aside and told him the

secret. The next day, I walked toward the assembly hall. I was reading my book as

usual .Suddenly, I heard my schoolmate saying “Hey! have you heard that Justin is scared of insect?”

Upon hearing what he had said, I was confused on how they had known

about mine secret as I did not tell anybody. Wait! Did Tom told our whole class a

voice appeared echo in mine mind. “Hey! Justin, I brought what you like!” The voice

laughed. “What is it?” I asked curiously “Cockroach!” the voices shouted. The voice

became cleared that it was Tom. I screamed like a coward and ran as fast like a

bullet away from him .Everyone started to giggle away. My face turned as red as an apple. The embarrassment made me realized that I was a fool.

From that day onwards, I decided not to tell anyone my secret even if he was

my best friend. Due to the embarrassment, I decided to distance away from him. The next thing I want to do is to get revenge.

Justin Oh – 6 Respect

An Embarrassing Secret

It was another regular Saturday, I was just playing Badminton with my friend

Mike. When I was resting, I heard a beep sound on my phone. When I checked it, it

was from my friends, Tom and Jerry. They asked if Mike and I could go to the

playground tomorrow and play with them! I thought, “Hmm… There isn’t anything tomorrow, so okay!” So I replied them with an okay and went back home!

The next day, we met at the playground with smiles. “Let us play catching

together!” Tom suggested and we all agreed. “Why not we use black and white to

decide who the catcher is!” We all said in unison. Jerry was the odd one, so he was

the catcher! “I will count to 20!” Jerry exclaimed. We all went up the playground

except for Tom, who was trying to be the brave one.

“18, 19 and 20!” Jerry said as he finished counting. When he started running,

he immediately caught Tom, then me, and finally Mike. “First one caught is Tom, so

you are the catcher!” Jerry said. Two rounds later, when Mike was caught, “I think I

urinated my pants…” Mike whispered in embarrassment. We laughed really hard, “Please don’t tell anyone! Just keep it confidential.” Mike said. “Okay!” We replied.

But things didn’t go as we promised Mike. The next day, when Mike reached

school, everyone was giggling except for Jerry and I. “Hey Jerry and Albert, what

happened? Why are everyone laughing?” Mike asked. “We don’t know!” Jerry and I said.

After a couple of days, we soon found out that the secret that we promise to

keep confidential had been exposed! We also found out that Tom was the one

leaking it out, by whispering it to people when we were not looking. “How dare you!’ Mike shouted to Tom. “He he he!” Tom replied. “You are not our friend anymore…” Jerry said angrily. “No! Please!” Tom begged Jerry but Jerry did not bother. We went back with frowns and never shared out secrets again!

Ong Hsien Sing – 6 Respect

Learning to be considerate

“Can you lower down the volume please?” Koe shouted to his brother which is

listening to his favourite rock star. “What? I can’t hear you!” His brother Jonas then continued listening at full volume as he ignored what he said.

“Ding Dong!” the bell rang. “Koe! Someone is knocking the door! “Jonas said.

As Koe opened the door, he saw two policemen standing at the door. “The

neighbours have complained to us that the volume is too loud that is affecting them.” Koe went to Jonas and took the remote to lower the volume down.

The next day, when Jonas and Koe went out to eat. “Let’s go home,” Jonas

said. “Wait, we need to return our tray,” Koe said. “Why do we have to return our tray?

Can’t the auntie or the uncle do it…”Jonas whined. “If everyone don’t help, they

would have a hard time, and also they are also very old, but they still work.” Jonas was embarrassed and helped to take the tray to the Tray Return.

Oun Jayden – 6 Respect

A Lesson Learnt

"Today all the P6s are going to receive their PSLE scores!" The principle

announced. My parents and I looked very anxious. All my friends went into the room

and came out happily, satisfied with their results. It was finally my turn, I walked in

the room. A certificate was on the table. I immediately covered the score. I looked

into my hand. It was all blurry "256?" I mumbled, I was over the moon and I took off

my hands "What? 156?" I mumbled, A chill went down my spine, I went out and cried,

I regretted of what I had one. It all happened like this...

“Mum, can you stop it? It is very annoying" I said furiously" I will revise my work after this round. I am going to win!" I continued playing my games.

Until, Day 1 of my PSLE, Mathematics, I knew that I would score well as I

usually got an A star for my Mathematics, I looked down at the paper and started the

examination. I finished some of the questions easily, but there was a total of 18

questions I did not know how to do. I hurried. “Students, you have 5 more minutes!” the teacher said. I sped through all the questions. All my handwriting looked like ‘chicken scratches’ as my teacher often said.

'Times up!' The teacher said. The teacher collected the papers and all my

friends were all discussing what the answer was. "I'm doomed!" I mumbled.

The next day. My English examination, it was all the same. I could not think of any answer and left it blank.

It was the same for all examinations. I knew revising makes a lot of difference,

I ran back home crying. My mum asked me, “What happened my son?” “I...I might not be able to get in express. I had left a lot of blanks in my paper.” I answered.

One month passed quickly. "Today all the P6es are going to receive their PSLE scores!" The principle announced. My parents and I looked very anxious.

After PSLE, I had to go to secondary school and study for five years. I deleted

all my games and decided to stop playing games. I got a good score for my Mathematics, Science, and English, I revised my work every day.

It was the most unforgettable lesson learnt.

See Man Hien - 6 Respect

An unfortunate encounter

A bolt of lightning tore across the sky, and a peal of thunder came close upon

each other. Rain started pelting down from the sky, I dashed into a hotel across the road to hide from the rain.

“Squeak!” I almost got spotted by a waiter. It was cold outside therefore, I

decided to have a ‘bath’ in some warm soup. However, while having a ‘bath’, something happened. Someone had covered my ‘bath tub’ with a big silver bowl.

“DING…DONG…! Madam, your food is here, please enjoy it warm while it is still warm.” The waiter politely told the middle aged lady wait opening the big silver bowl.

“Mmm… my soup tastes fishy!” commented the middle aged lady. She then

requested the waiter to have a sip of the soup. At that point, I was still finding a way

to escape from under the unused handkerchief. “Yes madam’ this soup does taste

fishy, I would make a replacement for you.” Suggested the polite waiter, while he

brought out the tray of food. That is when I jumped out. However, I landed on his

shoes. He glanced over his attire to ensure a neat and smart look. “Mouse!” the

waiter dropped the tray of food and started screeching. He jumped and screeched

like a baby crying. His manager snapped at him and started finding for the mouse

that was me. Fortunately, my grey fur helped me to camouflage into the grey carpet

and I could not be spotted easily. Hence, I was nowhere to be seen. “What a close shave!” I uttered.

A few months later the thunder exploded with an almighty crashed, as I

rumbled and grumbled crossed the sky like empty barrels rolling downstairs. I

decided to hide from the rain in a shop, this time round. However, I got spotted and

my tail got stepped on by the shop owner, hence my tail got injured. It was lucky for me that my tail was not chopped off by an axe like my older brother.

Sharmine Liew Ying Ying – 6 Respect

An unfortunate encounter

It was a beautiful morning as the crimson hot son spilled light all over the land.

I was walking home after buying a ring that my mother always wanted for her, because it was her birthday! I was walking home about to surprise her.

Then, the sky started turning dark. I had no umbrella so I ran home. Soon

enough, it started raining cats and dogs. Lightning struck around me. And as I was

running through the rain and puddles on the floor. Lightning struck right past me

casting a shadow of a person. I turned my head behind and there was blood on the

floor. I continued running, scared, and as I made a turn, there was a man with a mask holding an axe.

I slowly stepped backwards as he starred at the ring I bought for my mother.

He began to walk towards me slowly and I backed up, as I was backing up a rat bit

me which distracted me and made me lose focus so the person took the opportunity

to jump me. But I gained back focus and dodged him and ran as fast I could slipping my phone out of my pocket and calling the police.

But the floor was so slippery that I tripped and the person with the axe got

close. I quickly got up and the police answered. I said” Hello? There is a person with

an axe chasing me near Causeway Point. Then they quickly asked for people to

come. But, then I heard no more footsteps so I turned behind to look. The coast was

clear, I slowed down my speed and suddenly, He jumped out of a bush. Then he

chopped of my finger with the ring and ran away,

Just in time, the police came and they managed to catch him. But I was

screaming in pain lying on a floor with a pool of blood. Then the police saw me and

they ran to me calling the ambulance.

I then fell asleep and woke up in the hospital. My mother was there and so

was the rest of my family. I felt something hard in my pocket and as I reached inside.

It was the ring! I took it out and told me mother,” Happy birthday!” My mother smiled

with delight and thanked me. But she was sad that I lost a finger trying to get it. Then

she hugged me and said,” Thank you very much, you have gone through so much

for me, please rest.” And the person who cut of my hand came to apologize. I was still mad at him but I just smiled and went back to sleep.

Then the next time I was walking home. It started raining again and I quickly

ran to the nearest bus stop to go home so nothing happens to me again because it

was like the last time I was injured. Sure enough when the bus came I entered the

bus while looking at a person with a gun, and was staring at my phone. I laughed at

him and waved him goodbye as I took the bus home. I won’t make the same mistake again.

Skyler Rei Johnson – 6 Respect

A Lesson

As I reflected on the incident, I realised that what I did was wrong and what the teenager did was right. This is what happened.

School had finally ended and I was on my way home. My home is quite far away from school, so I had to take the MRT home. I waited for the train for five minutes. When it arrived, I rushed into the cabin and spotted an empty seat. I hurried over and sat down. I played video games on my mobile phone as I waited for the train to reach my stop.

At the next stop, an elderly person boarded the train and asked me if I could offer him my seat. I refused. He kept asking, saying he was exhausted and wanted to rest. I kept saying no. As I have a bad temper and very little patience, I stood up and yelled at him.

Suddenly, someone stood up and said in a loud clear voice, “Uncle, come and take my seat.” Everyone looked over and saw a teenager standing. “Let the arrogant boy sit there. He has no respect for the elderly,” the teenager continued.

I looked down in embarrassment while everyone clapped and cheered for the teenager as the old man thanked him and took the seat. I regretted making that decision.

The next day, I rode the MRT home again. Once again, I managed to get a seat. This time, instead of playing video games and ignoring other people, I remembered the incident and offered my seat to an elderly person the moment I saw one enter the cabin.

Soo Kai Yi

A Dishonest Act

Looking at that table in the front right corner of the class, furthest away from

the teachers table when I came back to school to visit my teachers after my PSLE reminded me of the permanent record in my record book … …

“Class, you have one hour and thirty minutes to finish your Math paper 1.

Your time starts when the clock strikes one.” said our invigilator for our PSLE Math Paper 1, Mrs. Cheng.

I looked at the clock nervously as I felt butterflies in my stomach. I had forgot

to revise as I was playing video games in my room until one o’clock in the morning

and only had five hours of sleep before waking up to prepare to go to school in the

morning. I was feeling exhausted and almost fell asleep when Mrs. Cheng

announced clearly, “Class, it is one o’clock already, you may start now!” Mrs. Cheng’s loud and energetic voice woke me up before I fell asleep.

I picked up my sky blue pen and flipped the cover page over, revealing the

first five question. I looked at the question reading it carefully to prevent having any

careless mistakes. Reading halfway through the question, my heart started to pound

quickly as I did not know how to do this question. I went on and stopped at the fifth

question, I did not know how to do the first, the second and the third… fifth questions. I did not know how to do any of it. Suddenly, I felt my eye lids shutting slowly, soon I was fast asleep.

“Class, make good use of your last twenty minutes, start checking your work

do not let any careless mistakes get the better of you.” Mrs. Cheng reminded as I

woke up, half awoke I looked at the clock at the front of the class, I only have twenty minutes left and none of the questions are completed yet.

I looked at the paper, feeling very anxious. I quickly whispered to my best

friend who sat beside of me, “Grace, help me. I didn’t know how to do any of the

question and accidentally fell asleep and now none of the question on my paper is

done. Pleeeasssssseeeee.”Grace looked at me with a doubtful look. I than looked

back with a pitiful face with both of my hand clenched together, meaning begging her.

Although she is against those who like to ask for free answers but we were best

friends for the past four years, her heart soften and decided to help me. She took out

her hanker chief from her pocket in her skirt and wrote down the answers. She

looked around and made sure no one is looking before passing it to me without

realizing my nemesis, Jeslyn was looking the whole time and saw my cheating acts. I

quickly wrote down the answers from it before returning it back to Grace, just in the

nick of time.

“Times up! Put down your stationary and stop writing. Keep quiet while I come

to you to collect your examination scripts.” Instructed Mrs. Cheng. After the exam

was over, I went over to Grace’s table and thanked her for her big help profusely.

Jeslyn came over and patted me on the shoulder and whispered to my ears, “Felise don’t think I didn’t see what you and Grace were doing during the examinations.”

“What did we do?” I said acting innocent

“What did you two do? You and Grace…” threatened Jeslyn.

“Fine I admit! So what do u want?”

“I want you to buy me that new Sketchers shoes as hush-money.”

“Gimme a week at least I need some time to save $200 for that shoes”

“Fine! I will give you a week to raise money and buy that shoes or else you will know what I will do.”, threatened Jeslyn

Because of Jeslyn, I have to save up my pocket money for five days, and spend the

whole day in school starving. I had to wake up ten minutes earlier every day to have more time to eat breakfast so it could last me throughout the day until lunch.

After three days, I cannot take it anymore! I have decided to own up to my

own mistakes and look for help from the teachers to deal with Jeslyn’s threatening acts.

“Ring…..ring….” rang the school recess bell. “Felise! Where is the thing you

are supposed to give me?” asked Jeslyn. I kept quiet as I had this all planned out,

waiting for the critical person to appear. “Have you lost your tongue, oh I see you

want me to tell Mrs. Cheng about what you did huh!” threatened Jeslyn in a strict

tone. Right at this moment, Mrs. Cheng walked towards us, “Jeslyn, what did you

say you want to tell me?”

“Umm…, I would like to tell you that I saw Felise and Grace cheating the other day for the Math Paper 1.

“Jeslyn, Felise already owned up for her mistakes and told me about you

threatening her too. Felise will be retaking her PSLE before joining Grace to pick up

rubbish every day at the beach for one month. You will be sent to the principal office

to let the principle decide what to do with you.” explained Mrs. Cheng. Jeslyn stared

at me with her face as red as a tomato and was obviously mad at me as I caught her off guard

Since that day, I had learned that cheating does not resolve any problems met

during any examinations and only hard work would be able to solve any difficulties

encountered. Grace learned that no matter how close we were as friends she should

not have helped me cheat during the examinations. Jeslyn had since then turned over a new leaf and never bully or threaten any people.

“Felise are you coming? I will not wait for you!” Grace called out to me as she jolted me out of my momentary stupor.

“Coming!” I replied

“Pail! Fast fast or else later cher go away than we cannot find her.” Rushed Grace impatiently as I walked over to her side, before leaving for the staff room.

Tan Jia Min Felise – 6 Respect


I had never trust anyone after what happened with Fabian. In fact Fabian is my biggest enemy. This was what happened…..

“Fabian! How could you do this?” I, bellowed. “Haha this is what you get for

not keeping your promises” laughed Fabian. Looking at the whole class laughing at

me I felt very embarrassed and my face turned to the colour of a tomato. I could not believe the fact that my best friend Fabian revealed the secret to the whole class.

It was a Monday morning the day which we receive back our exam results. My

teacher called my name so I went to the front to collect my results. I was very

nervous as I made a promise to treat the whole class to 5 packets of my horror I failed by half a mark.

Everyone then crowd around me and ask if I did fail my examination or not. I

simply smiled and said that I did not fail. The next day I held my paper in disbelieve I

am very regretful that I did not study. Then Fabian patted me from behind and

greeted me. I dropped the paper and Fabian saw my marks within a spilt second I

begged Fabian not to reveal the marks to the whole class and keep it as a secret. He agreed and said that I need to pay him one dollar every day to keep it as a secret.

Until one day I forgot to bring my wallet to school I knew I was doomed when I

reached school cold sweat ran down my spine. Then Fabian approach me and

asked for the dollar I told him that I do not have the dollar and he ran up to the

classroom to tell the secret. I dashed but could not catch up. At the classroom

corridor I heard Fabian telling everyone the secret I walked up to the classroom slowly and everyone shouted MILLLLOOOOOOOOO.

Tan Vi Yang – 6 Respect

A lesson learnt

“Justin! Justin! You are late for your friend’s birthday party again!” Justin’s

mother shouted. Justin was a very lazy person and was always late for all the

activities he went. Justin would always blame traffic or find any other excuses. He

always thought that he was right even though it was wrong. Until one day, when

Justin finally learnt his lesson to be on time … …

On day like any other, Justin was in school and was not paying attention in

class. Justin was lazy and tired as always, until he heard the bell ringing. “Yes, it’s

time for recess, I can finally get out of this boring classroom.’’ Justin told himself.

Before Justin could run out of the classroom, his friend, Jake, pulled his arm to get

his attention.

Justin turned around to see Jake pulling his hand. Before Justin could say

anything, Jake pulled out an invitation card and asked Justin to attend his birthday

party and also told him not to be late. After school, Justin got home and opened the

invitation card and saw that the birthday party would start at 4 pm. Justin glanced at

his watch, it was 2 pm. Since Jake and Justin lived close to each other, Justin

thought that he could reach there in time. Justin thought to himself, “what would Jake

like? Does he like Power Ranger toys? ………. Aha! I know, Jake likes teddy bears, I should get him one.” Justin took his wallet and ran out of the house to buy the teddy

bear for Jake.

After 30 minutes, Justin was back at home watching his favourite Korean

drama. Time passed by quickly and when Justin looked at the clock, he realized that

it was already 3.30pm. Justin thought to and himself “just 15 more minutes, and I

would go to Jake’s house to eat all the delicious food.’’ Before he knew it, another 30

minutes had passed. Again, Justin looked at the clock, it was 4 pm.

Justin quickly took the gift, switched his TV off and ran out. Justin was about 30

minutes late. Justin missed the birthday song and Jake was already cutting the cake

and everybody had finished eating. Time flew by and everyone started leaving and

saying bye to Jake. Justin was still eating the delicious food and when he turned

around, everyone had gone home. Justin realized that he was the only one left and

felt embarrassed, but Jake’s parents kept telling him to take his own sweet time and

eat slowly. After Justin gave Jake his teddy bear present. Justin walked out of the

house, feeling ashamed. From that day onwards, Justin decided not to be late

anymore and find any more excuses for being late. After years, Justin finally learnt

his lesson.

Teh Yee Ray – 6 Respect


Ryan was walking to school as usual. When he reached school, everyone

giggled and stared at him from every corner. Ryan was uneasy, everyone looked at

him awkwardly. When the recess bell rang, he ran to his best friend’s classroom and waited for him. When Drew came out, Ryan pulled Drew to the boy’s toilet.

‘‘Hey!’’ shouted Drew. ‘‘Drew, what’s going on? Why is everyone giggling and

staring at me?’’ asked Ryan worriedly. ‘’Perhaps you haven’t watch the video yet.’’ Said Drew as he switched on his phone and opening the Instagram app. He showed

Ryan a video. ‘’Who could have done this?’’ Ryan asked. The video showed a boy

accidentally tripping over himself and falling face first onto the ground. The caption

said, ‘‘Lol, Ryan is so clumsy, he can’t even walk properly!’’ ‘‘I’m going to report this to the Principal.’’ Ryan said almost immediately after seeing the post.

‘‘Cyberbullying is strictly against our school rules. I will find the culprit and

punish him or her severely.’’ Mrs. Lim, the Principal said. The recess bell rang,

signaling the end of recess. During class, Ryan’s classmates still looked at him and

giggled, making Ryan feel uncomfortable for the whole period. Suddenly, the

Principal called Ryan and Drew to go to the Principal’s office.

‘’Ryan, I have found the person who had posted the nasty post about you on

Instagram. I’m afraid you wouldn’t believe this but, the culprit is Drew.’’ Mrs. Lim said.

‘’Drew? But… why?’’ asked a very confused Ryan. ‘’Sorry Ryan, I was jealous of you

passing all your exams with passing colours so I decided to post that post about

you.’’ ‘’I am terribly sorry, I really am.’’ Said Drew, lowering his head in shame. ‘’Don’t worry Drew, I forgive you. I just hope you don’t repeat your mistakes again.’’ said

Ryan, giving Drew a friendly pat on the back. ‘’Thank you for forgiving me Ryan.’’ said Drew. Drew was punished to clean the boy’s toilet for one week. Ryan and Drew still remain friends to this day.

Teo Jun Wen Covin – 6 Respect


It was a sunny Wednesday morning. Fabian was bored and had nothing to do.

Fabian decided to go to causeway point to watch a movie. He then proceeded to call his father to ask for permission.

Fabian took the MRT to woodlands and walked to causeway point. He went to get the tickets for himself then went to McDonalds to eat his lunch.

After Fabian had his lunch, Fabian rushed to the cinema to watch the movie.

The movie ended. Fabian went shopping at Metro. While he was looking at some

remote control cars, he heard an advertisement about his favourite Barbie doll. Fabian walked towards the Barbie doll and looked at the price.

“69.90!?” Fabian cried. Fabian opened his wallet and saw only $30. He stood

there and thought of a way to get the Barbie doll. Fabian suddenly remembered the other time he stole a Rubiks cube and didn’t get caught.

Fabian decided to steal the Barbie doll. He unzipped his bag and put the

Barbie doll in his bag. Fabian walked toward the entrance. As he stepped out, the alarm sounded. He panicked and started running away from the shop.

The security guard saw Fabian and gave chase. Soon, the security guard

caught up with Fabian and stopped him. Fabian looked away in embarrassment

when the security guard checked his bag. Within moments, the security guard pulled

out the Barbie doll. After asking him a few questions, the security guard handed Fabian to the police.

The police informed Fabian’s parents and waited for them to bring him home. Fabian’s parents reprimanded him and told him not to get caught stealing again.

Toh Liang Wei Fabian – 6 Respect

An Unfortunate Encounter

Squeak! Squeak! Someone held me by the tail, my life almost ended, millions

of thoughts ran through my mind when I recalled what just happened few minutes ago. This was how it all happened… …

A bolt of lightning tore across the sky, followed by a peal of thunder. Shortly

after that, rain started pouring down. I scanned the area to find shelter. I quickly

dashed to a nearby restaurant to seek shelter. It was chilly outside, so I decided to warm myself up before going back.

I dashed into the kitchen, hoping that there will be something to warm me up. I

spotted a big bowl of soup and decided to crawl in there. I was going to fall asleep in

there when a sudden jolt woke me up, a waiter covered the bowl with a big metal bowl and started walking somewhere.

“Here you go miss” said the waiter, when she opened the big metal bowl, I

was curious and I popped out from the soup. “ARGHHH!” screamed the lady, I then

found out that I had been served to a table. Upon hearing the lady scream, the waiter

came over to find out what was happening, the waiter saw me and immediately

found out what was going on, he apologized profusely to the lady and gave her a new bowl of soup.

The waiter then took the bowl to the sink and poured it out, he held me by the

tail and attempted to throw me off the building, I tried my best to squiggle out of his

hands and I made it. I ran as fast as I could and ran out of the restaurant although it was cold and raining outside, I was happy that I was able to make it out alive.

Tricia Loh Qian Ying – 6 Respect

An Unexpected Encounter

It was a glorious morning. I woke up and had my breakfast and I change my clothes. I opened my bag and looked at the checklist and checked if I had brought everything. After I had finished checking, I went down to the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive. When I reached school, I saw my friends and I walked towards them to have a chat.

“Okay everybody, please keep quiet and go into the bus.” My scout teacher said. When we reached the campsite, I saw scouts from other schools. I unpacked my things and started doing many activities planned by the scouts in secondary schools and the instructors said that we going to do many things such as going on a trek on a very small hill for a night and many other interesting activities.

After waking up in the tent we set up on the hill, we packed our things and get ready to walk the next campsite while having activities with people from other schools till the night the instructors set up a campfire, I unpacked my stuff and built a tent with my friends at somewhere nearby. After that we gathered around the campfire and singed some camp songs and played games. When we were going to sleep, there is a storm and a strong wind just blew some branches and leaves over the tent. Then I felt that it was getting warmer and brighter outside.

So, I went out and checked what happened. I thought it was just the sun rising but the sky was dark and there is a fire on the tent. I quickly alerted my friends inside the tent and the instructors.

The instructors quickly ask all the people to evacuate. And he ran a nearby pond with some people to get some water to put off the fire. This camp trip was unforgettable as the fire would have killed many people if it was not noticed and put out early.

Xu Jiachen – 6 Respect


“He’s gone, he’s gone.” I lied to myself. The bully was nearby, I could tell he

was there. The classroom door shook. I started to sweat, my heart was pounding

really fast. I ran and hid under the table quickly as I remembered what happened back then.

“Ring…Ring…” the lesson before recess finally ended. I took my wallet out

from my school bag and rushed towards the canteen to buy my food immediately before the bully could make fun of me.

“Hey look! It is the coolie boy, working so hard for his money… but in the end he can only buy a drink!” Rick the bully shouted.

After school, I walked back to my house slowly. When I got back home I

turned on my computer and saw a picture where my face was edited over an old

man. I took a look at who posted it and saw the name “bullies lol” which was Rick’s username for Facebook. I knew as it was the same last year, when he bullied me too.

“How could he do this to me again? THAT WAS IT! I went to find a picture of

a small body and added Rick’s face over it. The next day, I saw some people

laughing at me while some encouraging me for what I did yesterday. I had to be

cautious and avoid Rick or I would be in grave danger. During recess, I was about to

finish eating when I suddenly saw a friend of Rick looking for something or someone.

It only took me a second to figure out what to do next. I hurriedly ran behind other

pupils as cover to find somewhere to hide, but when I got to the other end of the crowd, I saw Rick there.

When I was going to make a run for it up the stairs, I accidently stepped on a

plastic bottle which made a loud sound. “HEY BRANDON, STOP RIGHT THERE!” Rick yelled. I sprinted to the only place where I could be safe, the classroom. I ran up

the stairs as fast as my legs could carry me. On the way up, I accidently knocked

into a teacher, but did not care and continued running.

Suddenly the door opened, I closed my eyes feeling scared. I waited for him

to start hitting me or start talking, but all I heard was my Primary Two teacher’s voice

asking me to get out of there. I opened my eyes and saw Mrs Tan and Rick with his

friends at the door. I told the teacher what happened and she punished us and told us to stop cyberbullying each other.

Yeo Qi Yuan (Alden) – 6 Respect

翻开日记本, 仿 又回到了一 前。事情的来龙去脉是 样的。

那是一个晴朗的 午, 叫 和 一起去商店买一些菜和肉。当们 们路过游乐场时, 看见了一个秋千,请求 说: 姐, 要去玩秋千! 想了一会儿就答了他,因 他自从去 到现在都没 来游乐场玩了,他一直都在做 课。

开心地跑去玩时, 拍了拍他的头,提醒她说: 不要乱跑,姐姐一会儿就回来。说 赶快去商店买东西了。

一会儿,一位陌生的叔叔走过来,他手 拿着冰淇淋,亲 的对 说。小朋友,叔叔给你冰淇淋,你跟 去那 一 好吗? 因 小不懂事就跟着他走了。

当 回到游乐场时,发现 不见了, 大吃一惊, 赶快打电话给妈妈,把事情的来龙去脉告诉他,妈妈 立刻打电话给警察。

可是 听到了一 哭声, 赶快跑过去看。 看见 被陌生人拉着去一辆车 ,没多想, 立刻跑过去,那位陌生的叔叔看见 就说: 们又多了一个小孩可以卖

了。 害怕得全身发抖。

不一会儿,警察车来了!那些陌生人想逃跑,被警察叔叔抓到了。警察叔叔安慰 们说没事了, 们的心终于 静 来了, 害怕的一边哭一边说对不起, 抱着他说只要你以 不要做 样的错误就行了。 终于不哭了。你答 了, 以 不再 样子了。

经过 教训, 不 犯 样的错误


随着时间的 移,很多事情都在 的记 中渐渐淡 。然而, 一件事至今 深

深地烙印在 的脑海 。

今 气真好,蓝蓝的 空中飘着朵朵白云。放学 , 踏着轻快的脚步走回

家,到了公园, 开始想:回家之 要吃什么?途中, 听到了一只猫的叫声。在好

心的驱使 , 定走去看看声音从哪 来的。 随着声音传来的方 走去,看到

一只可爱的小猫。 和小猫就开心地玩了起来,玩得不亦乐乎。玩着玩着, 突然想

到了一个好 意。 定要领养 只小猫!

于是, 马 跑回家。 妈妈,妈妈! 回到家时就赶快叫妈妈。 什么事? 妈

妈问。 把事情的来龙去脉一五一十地告诉了妈妈。妈妈想了想说: 好吧,但你要答

你会好好照 小猫,而且 不会影 你的学业。 开心地答 妈妈,然 跑去公


到了公园, 四处 望但是没 看到小猫, 感到非常担心,急得像热锅 的

,不知如何是好。忽然, 看到一位穿着黑色 衣的男子,手 拿着一个盒子,

悄悄地走 小猫。他好像要把小猫抓走似的。 连 大声喊道: 停!你在做什么?

男子吓了一跳,马 转身 解释自 是从 物收容 来的,要把小猫带回去照 。

男子道歉并说明自 想把小猫带回家养。男子看到 的诚意, 定把小猫让给

养。 开心得眉开眼笑,见牙不见眼,带着小猫回家去。 物和 们人一样都 生命,

会爱 只小猫的。


6 Respect Group 6

随着时间的 移,很多事情都在 的记 中渐渐淡 。然而, 一件事至今 深

深地烙印在 的脑海 。

今 气真好,蓝蓝的 空中飘着朵朵白云。放学 , 和小明在组屋楼 打

篮球。 时, 们看到了一 可疑男子,他背着一个装 大钳子的袋子。 告诉小明

那个人看起来很可疑。于是, 们就 定跟在他的 面,看个究竟。男子走到一辆脚

车前, 了 来,满头大汗地开始剪脚车的铁链。

小明看到了,灵机一 想到一个好 意。他拿出手机 警。不一会儿,警察来

了。那个男子试图逃跑,但警察 是把他逮捕了。

警察竖起大拇指,称赞 说: 你们真是勇 的孩子! 听了警察的称赞, 们

的心 甜滋滋的,感觉 吃了蜜糖 要甜。 们回家 ,把事情的来龙去脉告诉了

们的父母。他们都称赞 们是好孩子! 们开心极了。


6 Respect Group 6

光 似箭,日 如梭,岁 像潮水一样把 的记 淡了。但是, 永 不

了那件事。那 的情景,至今历历在目。

记得那是一个炎热的 午, 像一个大火球。高高挂在蓝色 空。 和姐姐要去

商店买些日常用品。 水果, 料 姐姐在自言自语,生怕自 了妈妈要买的东西。

时, 在商店的附近看到了一个秋千。 惊喜地看了看秋千,想要去玩。 姐姐,

可不可以去那 玩? 一边带着撒娇的语气请求姐姐,一边用手指了指秋千的方 ,

姐姐 着 指的方 看了看,无 的点了点头, 开心得眉开眼笑。

姐姐把 安 好以 ,不 提醒 说: 如果 人来诱惑你,不要跟着他走,要

乖乖的 在 等 回来。知道了吗? 不耐烦的点了点头。 呀,时间 经不早

了, 得赶紧去买东西了。 姐姐见时间不早了,就急急 的去商店了,而 开始荡


正当 玩得不亦乐乎时,一位手 拿着冰淇淋的男子 走来, 小 ,你要

不要吃冰淇淋啊?叔叔带你去买东西吃好吗? 男子带着邪恶的笑容问 。看着他手

的冰淇淋, 吞了 口水。 可是姐姐说过,不能乱走。 对男子说。 没 系,你姐

姐不会那么快回来的,就算 和你一起买了东西回来,他 未 买好了东西。 男子继

续诱惑 说。

虽然 的心中 些疑惑, 什么他会知道 和 姐姐的。但 些都抵不过买冰淇淋

的诱惑。于是 从秋千 来,跟着男子走了。 时,姐姐 好买 东西回来,却发

现 不见了。她以 跟她在玩捉迷藏,就叫了 几声。可是没 得到回复,姐姐开

始 点焦虑和不安了。她立刻在秋 的附近找了找,没想姐姐居然看见了 和那位男

子在一起,她都没想就 警了, 时警车来了,警察来 便把男子捉了回去。

经过 件事情, 觉得 们不可以轻易相信别人。害人之心不可 , 人之心不

可无, 了避免 人诱惑自 , 谨慎,不能 当。


人 乐

许多事 经 了,但 件事 仍然留在 的脑海 。

那 ,是个星期五早 , 气晴朗,蓝蓝的 空中飘着朵朵白云。老师带 学们到公园找人捐钱,老师给每个 学一个 子找人捐钱放 那个 子 。小明拿到那个

子 就开始找人捐钱了。他走来走去找人捐钱,可是他找不到人捐钱,他 想要放时, 一位漂亮女士拿着大 小 的东西走过。小明就问阿姨: 请问您想捐钱吗?

那位女士就点点头,从皮 拿出了一 票放 捐钱的 子 。

那位女士捐钱 ,他走去找位子 。突然,女士的手机 了,她从手提 拿出电话来听。过了一会儿,女士的脸神色慌 。她挂了电话 , 地拿起大 小

的东西就走了。她把在地 的一 东西 得一 二净。过了几 ,小明 在找人捐钱时,看到地 一 东西。一位叔叔正在看 纸,他 看见了那 东西。小明说:请问 是你的吗? 叔叔说: 才看到一位女士提着大 小 的东西 在 ,

该是 才看到一位女士提着大 小 的东西 在 , 该是她的。 小明说:是不是一位漂亮的阿姨的? 叔叔说: 没错,是一位漂亮的女士的, 看到她往停车

场的方 走去。 小明就拿起那 东西, 步并 两步地跑去追那位女士。到了停车场,小明看到那位女士正在把她买的大 小 的东西放在车的 面。小明说: 对不起,阿姨,请问 东西是你的吗? 阿姨看到了很开心,不停地感谢小明把那 东西 给她。

谓 人 快乐之本 ,帮 别人是一件好事,帮 别人 , 们的心 会感到蜜糖 要甜。

P6 Respect 黄康杰


一 , 气晴朗,蓝蓝的 空中飘着朵朵白云。 铃…… 课了, 去到 堂吃东西, 把 的文件夹和书 放在一旁, 买了一碗又香又热的鱼圆面。 狼吞虎咽地把那碗鱼圆面吃 了。 看了看一 时间,快要 课了, 步并 两步跑去课室。

课了,校工来 堂打扫卫生。 课时,老师说 学们都可以交 课了。 拿出文件夹,东翻西找都找不到 业。 急得像热锅 的 ,不知如何是好。 回

才去了哪 ,突然想起 该是把 课掉在了 堂的地 。 走 前去问老师说:老师, 能不能 去 堂找一找 课。 老师回答: 好吧,快去快回。

快步跑去 堂。到了 堂, 去到 吃面的 位,看到了校工阿姨在认真地拿着拖把抹地。她的水 脏了 的 业。 拿起 业,吓得脸色苍白。校工阿姨突然才发现 ,看到了 脏的纸 ,她一直对 不停地道歉。她说: 小女孩,对不起,因 认真地做工,没发现你的 业, 会跟你的老师解释清楚。 原谅了她。校工阿姨把事情的来龙去脉一五一十地告诉了老师。 感谢了校工阿姨。

看见 知错了,老师 不再骂 了。她说: 好, 就原谅你 一 ,但是 不例。

P6 Respect 苏凱颐

不要浪费 物

今 气真好!蓝蓝的 空中飘着朵朵白云。小丽准备好了她的书 之 ,要出门学时,妈妈走去门口对小丽说: 小丽, 准备了你的午餐盒,如果你 饿,你可以

用你的 用买东西吃。 小丽从妈妈手中接过钱,开心地说: 谢谢妈妈,您不用担心。 小丽就搭巴士去学校。

休息时,小丽将午餐盒放 袋子,她看到小明闷闷不乐,觉得 怪,就问他: 你什么不去 堂吃 ? 小明伤心地回答: 了带钱 。 于是,小丽就走去 堂。

到了 堂,小丽要吃妈妈准备的 。突然,她看到 个摊位在卖她最喜 吃的鸡。小丽被鸡 引住了。小丽就 定不吃妈妈准备的 。小丽买了鸡 ,去找位

子 来吃 。她把妈妈准备的 放一边。小丽吃得津津 味, 记了她对妈妈说的话。小丽把鸡 吃 ,突然想起没吃妈妈准备的鸡 。小丽怕妈妈会骂她,马 去垃圾桶前要丢掉妈妈准备的 。突然,她想起小明闷闷不乐的样子。小丽 定不要浪费 物。

小丽 步并 两步跑去课室,把妈妈准备的 给小明吃。小明开心得眉开眼笑,见牙不见眼。小明对小丽说: 谢谢! 他吃 了 。

从那 起,小丽和小明变 了好朋友。

6 Respect 郑毅睿

记 像一 大渔 ,捕捉生活中大大小小的事, 些事 经渐渐淡 ,但 一件

事 清楚地留在小玉的脑海 。事情的来龙去脉是 样的。。。

一个晴朗的早 ,蓝蓝的 空中飘着朵朵白云。 妈妈, 可以带眯眯 去公园

步吗? 小玉开心地问。 好吧!

一只 出笼子的小鸟一样。小玉和咪咪到公园 步。公园 景色优美, 高大的树


两 没见过面。 你好吗? 小美开心地问。小玉回答道: 很好!

小美和小玉谈 时,咪咪跳出了小玉的手去追小鸟。咪咪越追越 ,但是小玉

却浑然不觉。小鸟一看到咪咪的身影,就拍着翅膀地 走了。咪咪 不肯放 ,不停

地追那只小鸟。当小玉突然发现咪咪不在手 时,着急地问小美: 你 看到咪咪吗?

小美回答没 。小玉记得像热锅 的 一样,不知如何是好。小美和小玉一起去找

咪咪。她们到处去找,但找不到。早知今日,何 当初,小玉真是 悔莫及。回到家

,妈妈发现咪咪没 和小玉回家就 心地问: 咪咪呢? 小玉把事情的来龙去脉一

五一十的告诉了妈妈。妈妈听了小玉的话就到厨 ,住了小玉喜 吃的鸡 ,但小玉

是愁眉苦脸,一副闷闷不乐的样子。不管妈妈怎么安慰她,小玉 是不 。妈妈

灵机一 说道: 不如明 们再去找咪咪,小玉点点头。

第二 早 ,小玉正要 楼找咪咪时,她一踏出电梯,就看到旁边 一 通告,

面写着 是你的猫咪吗?失 请打电话。 小玉一看到就 步并 两步地跑回家。

回到家,小玉 奋地说: 找到了! 妈妈好 地问: 找到什么? 小玉带妈妈 楼看通

告。 是咪咪! 小玉开心的说。妈妈拿出手机大给那个找到咪咪的人: 是猫米的

人的妈妈, 看到通告 那只猫很像 的,您可以带出来给 看吗? 过了十 ,

一位男生走道小玉的身旁说: 是您的猫咪吗? 咪咪看到小玉开心得跳去小玉的手

。 谢谢你!你怎么找到的? 小玉好 地问。那位男生把事情的来龙去脉告诉了小


经过 个教训,小玉再 不粗心大意了, 谓 经一事,长一智 小玉从中 取

教训,再 不 蹈覆撤。


记 像一 大鱼 ,捕捉生活中大大小小的事。 些事 经渐渐淡 ,但 一

件事 清楚地留在 的脑海 。 件事让 彻 改掉了 惯。事情的来龙去脉是


记得那 是一个晴朗的早 ,蓝蓝的 空中飘着朵朵白云。 像往常一样,踏着

轻快的脚步往学校走去。到了学校, 快地 堂跑去。 买了一碗热鹏鹏的面,

找了一个位置 来享用。 时,一 风 来,把 的 业在文件夹 给 走了,当

时, 津津 味的吃着, 全没 察觉到 业 走了。 铃!铃!…… 课的铃声

起, 学们陆陆续续地往课室走去。 背起书 ,拿起文件夹准备回课室,当时

见一旁的校工阿姨正在拿着拖把抹一滩水。不久, 回到课室 ,老师跟大家说: 好

了,大家把 文 交 来吧! 大家把 课交给组长, 打开文件夹找 业,翻来

翻去,可是找不到,当时 的心情急得像热锅 的 ,不知如何是好。

心想:怎么 ! 记得 把 业放 文件夹啊!忽然, 猛然想起来,今 早

,当 在吃面时, 把文件夹放在椅子 , 业会不会是掉在那 了!于是, 对

老师说: 老师, 把 业放在 堂,可以去拿吗? 老师听了,不耐烦地说: 去吧!

得到老师允许 ,就立刻以迅 不及 耳的速 跑 堂去。

到了 堂, 东 西望的寻找 业。 时, 眼前一亮,看到地 一 纸,

马 走 看个究竟。果然,那是 的 业!可是,它 经湿透了,而且被践踏得脏兮

兮的。 伤心极了,眼泪像断线的珠子似的往 掉。当时,在一旁抹地的校工阿姨看

到了,她走过来安慰 ,跟 说一些好话,让 振 起来, 校工阿姨道谢 就回


回到课室 ,跟老师说了事情的来龙去脉,老师说: 呀,怎么那么粗心呢?

那回家晒 ,明 在拿回来吧! 然 老师就继续讲课了。

谓 知错能改 ,经过 个教训, 定改过自新,再 不犯 样的错误了。



记 像 大渔 ,生活中大大小小的事, 些事 经渐渐淡 但 一件事 清

楚的留在 的脑海 ,事情的来龙去脉是 样的。。。

一个晴朗的早 , 蓝蓝的 空中飘着朵朵白云。 到公园 步, 公园 的景色优

美, 高大的树木,芬芳的花草, 把 的猫,蜜糖,带到公园去玩。忽然偶然遇见

小学朋友, 马 步并 两步的跑 前叫道: 丽文,丽文! 她听到了立刻转了

头看着 ,虽然利文的样子变得许多,但 仍然 记得她走路的方式。 小安,是你吗?

从小学 业 ,就没 再见到你了,你 过得好吗? 丽文问道。 是 , 过得很

好! 立即回答。 把蜜糖放在地 ,叫它不要乱跑, 们就开始谈起童 往事。

们谈得很开心,就因 样, 把蜜糖给 了,蜜糖被一只小鸟给 引住,

来,小鸟拍拍翅膀就 走了。蜜糖就去追小鸟, 对 件事却浑然不觉! 们聊到

一半时, 才突然发现蜜糖不见了, 急得像热锅 的 ,不知如何是好, 请丽

文帮 一起找蜜糖。

找了半 都找不到蜜糖,就 定回家。回家的时候,妈妈问 蜜糖在哪 ,

把事情的来龙去脉告诉了妈妈。 吃不 ,妈妈安慰 说: 别担心,可能别人

经找到蜜糖了。 愁眉苦脸的一副闷闷不乐的样子。

隔 早 , 踏出电梯看到了一 通告,而且 蜜糖的照片, 马 联络对方

到附近的咖啡店把蜜糖 给 , 到了咖啡店,找到了对方, 连 他道谢,然 就

把蜜糖带回家。当时 开心得像只小鸟一样。

谓 经一事,长一智 , 经过 个教训, 再 不 粗心大意了。


6 Respect

Perbuatan Yang Salah

Apabila saya melihat orang dewasa merokok,saya akan ingat satu peristiwa yang

telah berlaku tahun lepas…

Saya seorang murid yang pendek. Tiada orang yang mahu berkawan dengan saya. Saya berasa sedih apabila melihat kawan-kawan saya yang lain di sekolah. Pada suatu hari,saya baru sahaja balik sekolah. Di kolong blok, saya terjumpa Zharfan dengan kumpulannya

“Eh! Hizqil marilah sini kita berkawan dengan awak” jerit Zharfan.

Saya berjalan kea rah zharfan dan bertanya apa yang dia mahu. Dia jawab yang dia mahu berkawan dengan saya.Saya tertekan untuk menjawab.Saya tahu yang Zharfan ialah

seorang yang tidak mengikut peraturan sekolah tetapi ini ialah pertama kali seorang mahu menjadi kawan saya. Saya akhirnya bersetuju. Zharfan menyuruh saya untuk berjumpa dia di kolong blok itu waktu pagi sebelum sekolah esok.

Pagi esok pagi ,saya bangun awal untuk berjumpa Zharfan.Setelah bersiap,saya berkeluar rumah.Apabila saya sudah tiba di kolong blok itu,saya nampak Zharfan dan kawan-kawannya menunggu saya di situ.Dia menyuruh saya untuk duduk sebelah dia.Setelah saya duduk sebelahnya,dia mengeluarkan satu kotak rokok dan pemetik api. Dia memujuk saya untuk merokok.Saya kata yang saya tidak mahu. Tiba-tiba,Cikgu Haris menjerit “Hizqil apa yang kamu sedang buat dengan budak-budak ini”.

Zharfan dan kawannya lari.Tetapi,saya terduduk sahaja. saya tahu yang saya tidak boleh lari.Cikgu Haris marah saya dan dia mengatakan yang saya tidak boleh buat perkara yang salah. Sejak hari itu, saya tidak lagi membuat perkara yang salah. Mohamed Akhmal Bin Mohamed Alwi 6 Respect


Ali sedang berjalan pulang dari sekolah. Dia ternampak lima murid lelaki yang sedang merokok. Ali teringat apa yang terjadi beberapa minggu yang lalu…..

Ring! Jam di dinding telah menunjukkan enam setengah pagi. Ali bangun dari katilnya dan menelefon kawannya.

“Awak hendak pergi ke sekolah bersama saya?’’tanya Ali.

Kawannya berkata bahawa dia tidak akan pergi ke sekolah kerana dia sakit.

Apabila Ali sedang berjalan ke sekolah, dia ternampak kawannya dengan rakan lain.

Ali berasa cemburu dan juga sedih kerana kawannya telah bohong. Ali duduk di

kolong blok. Dua murid lelaki dan seorang murid perempuan telah berjalan dihadapan Ali. Ali berasa takut kerana mereka merupakan pelajar yang paling nakal.

Seorang murid perempuan itu telah mengeluarkan sesuatu daripada poketnya.

Ali terperanjat apabila melihat sekotak rokok. Ali tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan.

Ali setuju untuk merokok. Ali sebenarnya berpura-pura sahaja. Dia hendak

memberitahu guru tentang perkara ini tetapi dia harus senyap dahulu. Ali mengikut

sahaja apa yang mereka lakuan. Apabila mereka hendak merokok, Ali pandang ke

kiri. Ali memberi alasan bahawa dia hendak pergi ke tandas. Dengan segera dia

berlari ke sekolah untuk memberitahu guru sekolahnya. Tiga murid itu berasa

terperanjat apabila melihat guru itu datang. Murid-murid itu dimarahi oleh guru itu. Ali

menerima sebuah hadiah sebagai tanda terima kasih kerana berani melaporkan

kejadian yang salah itu. Kawan Ali meminta maaf kepada Ali. Mereka pun berkawan baik sejak hari itu.

“Hai Ali!’’ teriak kawannya. Ali sedar dari lamunannya

Abdul Hafiz Bin Johari

6 Respect

Ponteng Sekolah

“Bro, kau tengok itu. Budak itu keseorangan,”kata Liang Wei sambil menunjuk

Syamsul dan Shakil ke arahku. Aku berpindah ke sekolah rendah yang baharu sejak

satu bulan yang lalu. Aku sedang menyandar di dinding. Satu bulan telah lepas dan aku tetap tidak mempunyai rakan. Mereka bertiga menghampiriku.

“Hai! Kamu nampak keseorangan. Mahu berkawan dengan kami?” Tanya Syamsul.

Aku tahu bahawa mereka adalah murid-murid yang nakal dan terkenal di sekolahku.

Aku mula berasa takut dan cemas. Aku cuma berdiam dan lama-lama mengeleng kepalaku.

“Terima sajalah untuk menjadi salah seorang ahli geng kami. Jangan lepaskan peluang ini. Lagipun, kamu tiada kawan, kan?”Shakil menyampuk dan megusik.

Lama-lama, aku pun mengangguk kepalaku. Kami berempat berkenalan. Tiba-tiba, Syamsul mengeluarkan sekotak rokok dan pemetik api.

“Jom ikut kami merokok di sana,” kata Syamsul sambil mengulurkan kotak itu

padaku. Aku diejek dan dicabar beberapa kali. Akhirnya aku bersetuju untuk

merokok kerana tidak mahu dituduh penakut. Apabila aku merokok, aku berasa tidak selesa. Asap rokok itu memasuki tekakku dan paru-paruku.

Tiba-tiba, guru disiplin kami, Cikgu Amin, menghampiri kami. Kami dibawa ke

pejabat guru. Cikgu Amin berasa sangat marah bagaikan lahar gunung berapi yang

akan meletup pada masa itu. Dia memarahi Syamsul, Shakil dan Liang Wei kerana

merokok dan menghasutku untuk merokok sekali. Dia terus merampas kotak rokok

itu daripada tangan Syamsul. Cikgu Amin menasihatiku supaya jangan mendekati

mereka, berkawan dengan mereka lagi dan mencari kawan yang mengajar

kebaikkan. Aku menyesal dan meminta maaf kepadanya dengan segera. Seperti biasa, mereka bertiga dihukum.

Bak kata pepatah, “Sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tida gunanya.”

Hanis Zuhairah Binte Mohd Yazid

6 Respect