ziering cody fullsail pc possibilities of food replacement

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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Consider the Possibilities of Soylent


The World’s Population is Growing


• Slide 1: Hook/attention grabber !• Take a movement to consider how many people are on this world.

• Currently, the worlds population is hovering around 7 billion people.

• Now think about how many people of those 7 billion are having babies.

• World population is growing.

One Billion People Go Hungry Every Year


• Slide 2: Hook/attention grabber !• Like all resources, even food will one day become an expensive commodity.

• Even now, there are about roughly 1 billion people who go hungry each year,

• and as the number of people on the planet grows,

• so will the number of people who go hungry in it.

• Food is Expensive • Hunger Kills • Technology



• Slide 3: The Big Idea (pages 78-79) !• Food is really expensive to make and move,

• hunger has the potential to end the world,

• and why we should look to technology to solve the problems of the future. !• A product like Soylent is a cheap basic bones nutritional supplement that can be consumed and nourish the body fully.

• Because this can be produced efficiently, it can support the world population and its growing needs. !

Hunger = Riotshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/


• Slide 4: What’s in it for your audience? Explain why your topic is important or worth discussing. !• Now you guys are probably wondering how does this affect me?

• Well aside from the obvious relating to someone having to go to bed hungry, think about what happens in places where there are food shortages.

• There are labor strikes, populations riot, and the whole places turns into turmoil. !





• Slide 5: Why should your audience listen to you? Explain your ethos (personal experience, expertise, and credibility).

• Now think lets think about something else.

• First humans had to walk, then we domesticated horses and rode horses,

• and then we invented cars. Well why can’t food be the same thing? !

Twenty-One Times a Week?


• Slide 6: Call to Adventure (pages 38-39)

• Now I am not suggesting that we give eating all together. But if we could cover our dietary necessities, everything is then for enjoyment and not necessity. You do not have to eat 21 special meals a week to survive.

1) Soylent 2) Food is expensive 3) Pleasure Vs. Necessity

• Slide 7: Preview the three main points that will support your big idea !• 1) Explain what a product like Soylent is:

• 2) Food is expensive

• 3) Eating should be a pleasure and not a necessity !

• Oat Flower • Maltodextrin • Rice Protein • Canola Oil • Fiber

• Calcium • Potassium • Sodium • Iron • Zinc • Chloride • Vitamins A, C, D, E, K,

B6, & B12

Soylent: Ingredients

• Slide 8: Introduce and set up Supporting Point One

• Soylent is a bare bones nutritional supplement. It is comprised of the 31 nutrients needed to keep you alive. According to Soylent its mainly made of Oat Flour, Maltodextrin, Rice Protein, Canola, and fiber, and also has small amounts of minerals like Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Iron, Zinc, Chloride, as well as vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B6 and B12. !

Pure Nutrition


• Slide 9: Factual or emotional evidence

• Your body only needs the actual nutrients, and with this process, it has to do very little processing.

• You digest the all the nutrition without any extras.

• It is basically pure nutrition.

Efficiency & Optimization


• Slide 10: Factual or emotional evidence

• : Now think about this. According to Soylent.nu, their current product Soylent is being sold for $65 for a weeks worth of nutrition, or rather $3.15 per meal. They plan to increase manufacturing capabilities and as they do that the price will decrease. Now I’m not suggesting that Soylent is the way to go. But the point of this presentation is to open your eyes and to look to and invite innovations in efficiency and optimization. !

Growing food is not the problem http://www.flickr.com/photos/40510080@N04/7392450418/

• Slide 11: Introduce and set up Supporting Point Two !• Now let me explain why. Growing food isn’t the problem.

• We can do that really well.

• The problem is that food goes bad relatively quickly.

Fossil Fuel Consumption & Logistics http://www.flickr.com/photos/25934927@N08/2480261822/

• Slide 12: Factual or emotional evidence

• So to counter that we have to refrigerate food and we have to transport it.

• Both of those processes require huge environmental impacts in both fossil fuel consumption and the materials needed to transport it.

Pesticides and GMOs


• Slide 13: Factual or emotional evidence

• On top of that we are spraying our crops with pesticides, genetically modifying the food, and causing harm to the planet.

• Slide 14: Introduce and set up Supporting Point Three

• Food should be a pleasure and now a necessity.

• Here is what I mean.

• Cover our basic needs, and then eating can be a pleasure.

• Do you really need 21 special meals a week? I know I don’t.

• I sometimes just want something quick or easy.

Social Interaction is Important


• Slide 15: Factual or emotional evidence

• Now in no way am I suggesting that you should stop eating food altogether. Eating meals does many good things. It is great social interaction, it tastes good and can feed the “soul” too.



• Slide 16: Factual or emotional evidence

• But if you can cover your bases, make sure that you won’t be going hungry, everything is easy street.

• As the population grows and grows so do the mouths that need to be fed.

Consider the Possibilities


• Slide 17: Call to Action (pages 42-43)

• Now Im not suggesting that you must adopt this as your practice.

• But I will ask you to consider its possibilities.

• Imagine a world that actually does not go hungry.

• What would that be like? Would there be war or conflict anymore?

• What would that sunrise look like when the last person stops being hungry?

1. Basic Nutrition 2. Growing Food is Costly and Harmful 3. Enjoyment Vs. Necessity

• Slide 18: Summarize the main points

• 1) A product like Soylent supplies all the nutrition you need

• 2) food is really costly and harmful to make and move

• 3) eating should be for enjoyment and not a necessity.





• Slide 19: Restate big idea

• Food is really expensive to make and move,

• hunger has the potential to end the world, and

• why we should look to technology to solve the problems of the future.

Keep Your Eyes Open to Possibilities


• Slide 20: Clincher/new bliss (page 44)

• Think about a product like Soylent. Donate and try some for yourself.

• Get involved and create a rival product.

• Just make sure that you help and allow for technological innovation to come.

• Remember, humans started walking, then rode horses, and then made cars. Food can be the same.

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