zhou dynasty zhou dynasty 1027-256 bc shang dynasty ended with a slave revolt joined by shang...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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Zhou DynastyZhou Dynasty 1027-256 BC

Shang Dynasty ended with a slave revolt joined by Shang vassals. The Zhou took over the Shang capital at Anyang.

The last Shang king used the skulls of his vanquished enemies as drinking cups.

King Wen and his son King Wu finally defeat the Shang.

Zhou DynastyZhou Dynasty 1027-256 BC


Zhou DynastyZhou Dynasty 1027-256 BC


The Zhou rule by the Mandate of Heaven which means they had the right to overthrown a bad ruler. Their capital was at Chou-tsung (Tsung-chou) in the Wei river valley.

Zhou DynastyZhou Dynasty 1027-256 BC


The Zhou’s area of influence was from the Wei River Valley to the China Sea north to Manchuria and south to the Yangtze river.

Zhou DynastyZhou Dynasty 1027-256 BC


Land was cultivated under ownership of hereditary lords. The Well Field System focused on the center plot of land since it was owned by the lord. Work was done on the outer plots after the center plot was done.

Zhou DynastyZhou Dynasty 1027-256 BC


The Five Classics

The Book of Songs

(Shih Ching)

Consisted of 300 songs or poems

Zhou DynastyZhou Dynasty 1027-256 BC


The Five Classics

The Book of Changes

(I Ching)

Composed at different periods, it had three line trigrams of complete or broken lines purporting

to read the future.

Zhou DynastyZhou Dynasty 1027-256 BC


The Five Classics

Book of Rituals


Zhou DynastyZhou Dynasty 1027-256 BC


The Five Classics

Historical Documents

(Shu Ching)

Documented Shang and Zhou Dynasty

Zhou DynastyZhou Dynasty 1027-256 BC


The Five Classics

Spring and Autumn Annals

(Ch’un Ch’iu)

Record of major events in Lu, the home state of Confucius from 722-481 BC.

Zhou DynastyZhou Dynasty 1027-256 BC


Iron tipped plow blades, spades, axes and crossbow with a trigger mechanism

Zhou DynastyZhou Dynasty 1027-256 BC



Zhou DynastyZhou Dynasty 1027-256 BC

Warring States Period

1050-770 Western Zhou

770-256 Eastern Zhou

ConfucianismConfucius (551-479 B.C.)

K’ung Fu-tze

What is it?

The belief that people can be molded and elevated by education and by the virtuous

example of others.

It is a set of ethical rules, a moral philosophy.


--placing stress on order

--people are born good and inclined to virtue

--filial piety-respect for parents

--Li (Chinese unit of distance) ritual rites

Main Axiom

“Do not unto others what you do not want them to do to you”

The Analects—Confucius’ main body of work put together by his disciples

ConfucianismFollowers of Confucius

Meng-tzu (Mencius) (c.372-c.289 BC)

--lived during the Warring States Period

--focused on goodness, human-heartedness, compassion and responsibility for the welfare

of others.

ConfucianismHsun-tzu (Xun-Zi) (c. 300-237 BC)

--Human nature is not good, human emotions and desires lead to conflict.

ConfucianismMo-tzu (Mo Zi)

--Rival to Confucius

--He denounces war and promotes what he calls universal love

--He believed that “if everyone would love others as much as he loves himself”, the interests of society

would be served.

--He was utilitarian and believed that emotions, art, music, funerals and ceremonies were wasteful.



Taoism--The Tao (Dao) = The Way

Basic Axiom—silence, inaction

--They urged the acceptance of things as they are

--Based on the idea of dualism













Taoism—Yin Yang Circle


TaoismTao te Ching (Classic of the Way)

Written by Lao-tzu (The Old One)

Those who understand don’t talk; those who talk don’t understand.

Taoism Tao te Ching

The Way is void, yet inexhaustible when tapped

Emptying one’s heart in pursuit of the Void, that is the exhaustion of all inquires

Men should be bland, like melting ice, pure and peaceful like a block of uncarved wood.

Taoism Tao te Ching

We put thirty spokes together and call it a wheel;

But it is the space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the wheel depends.

We turn clay to make a vessel;

But it is the space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the vessel depends.

We pierce doors and windows to make a house,

And it is on those spaces where there is nothing that the usefulness of the house depends.

Therefore, just as we take advantage of what is,

We should recognize the usefulness of what is not.

Ch’in (Qin) Dynasty

221 B.C.-------206 B.C.

Ch’in Dynasty

Ch’in DynastyFacts

--Smallest and most remote of the Zhou dependencies

--They valued frugality, hard work and discipline

--Virtually no art, culture, music, literature or theater. Book learning was condemned.

Ch’in DynastyGovernment

Legalists—influenced by Hsun-tzu’s view of

human nature and Mo-tzu’s utilitarianism.

Han Fei-tzu—chief essayist of legalism. He

stressed the need for severe laws and harsh

punishments as the only way to establish order.

Ch’in DynastyShi Huang Ti—he built a new capital at Hsian

Yang in the Wei River Valley.


Primogeniture—(eldest son inherits property

and status) was abolished.

Slavery—abolished except for domestic servants

Laws—applied to all even aristocrats

Ch’in DynastyWorks Projects

--Imperial System of roads and canals

--His own tomb

--The Great Wall

Ch’in Dynasty

Ch’in Dynasty


Ch’in Dynasty

Ch’in Authoritarianism

Burning of books

Highly developed police system

Travel restricted

Ch’in Dynasty

Ch’in Dynasty Video


Han Dynasty

202 B.C.-------220 A.D.

Han Dynasty

Han DynastyLiu Bang founded the Han

in 202, he was from

peasant origins.

Han Kao-tsu (High


First Emperor

Liu BangAbolished

Restrictions on travel

Controls on Education

High Taxes


Conscription in the Army

Forced Labor for works projects

Han DynastyHan Wu Ti ruled from 141-87 B.C.


Ever-Normal Granary System—

Prevented famine by collecting grain in good years for sale at controlled prices during lean


Han DynastyGovernment

Confucianism the State philosophy.



Imperial Exams—

Had to learn the Five Classics

They helped to lessen corruption, mediocrity and ineffectiveness.

Trade and Commerce

Silk RoadSilk was the main export from China andwas in demand in the West.

Chang Ch’ien was captured by a Turkishcavalry group for ten years. He returned in 126 B.C. with grapevine cuttings, alfalfaseeds and news of Rome.

Trade and Commerce

Video BreakHan Dynasty


Trade and Commerce

Parthians the middle men of the Silk Road.

They feared direct contact between China

and Rome.

The Han had met the Parthians in 97 A.D.

and told them to turn back.

Han Dynasty


Paper—appeared at the end of the first century


Porcelain—glazed, nonporous ware, aka


Wheelbarrow—wheel centered in the middle


Ssu-ma Ch’ien (Simaqien)

China’s grand historian, he replaced many

of the historical records destroyed by the


Han SculptureDrum Jar

Han SculptureHan Dynasty Video


Han Dynasty Decline and Collapse

Emperors of the last century were weak

--High taxation

--Large land owners taxed less

--Peasants fled to the south


The Six Dynasties(220-589)

Period of the Three Kingdoms


Shu, Wei and the Wu

Sui Dynasty

Sui Dynasty (581-618)

Sui Wen Ti founded the Sui

Yang Ti (604-618) builds canal from

Hangzhou in the south to Kaifeng in the


He rebuilds the Great Wall



Coal as a fuel source

Magnetized needle for north

T’ang Dynasty(618-907)

Li shih-min—founder of the T’ang, Chinese

and Barbarian blood.

He takes the title of T’ai Tsung (Tai zong)

which means Great Ancestor.

T’ang Dynasty


Maintained the Civil Service Exam.

Government officials were known as


Rule of Avoidance

Board of Censors


Public Works

Rebuilt the roads of the Ch’in and the

Han. They included post stations along

the road every ten miles to rest or

change horses.

T’ang Achievements

T’ang Dynasty Video




The T’ang army was led by

aristocratic families. Horses were a

prized possession. Many mounted

warriors had crossbows, lances and


T’ang Art

Earthenware with polychrome glaze 725 AD. Glaze is a fine cobalt blue


T’ang Art


T’ang Decline and Collapse

--Peasants and small land owners paid the most in taxes

--Imperial Land Grants resulted in land not being taxed

--Corvee Labor no longer enforced, which was required of all fit males

--Mercenaries cost money troops developed loyalty to regional commanders


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