zaman international school newspaper issue 77

Post on 20-Feb-2016






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school newspaper


“I’ve learned that it’s not always enough to be forgiven by other. Sometimes you are to learn to forgive yourself.”

First Hate, After Love

October 2010 3 Zaman International School - High School Newspaper

In my life, I did a lot of wrong things to many people around me. I never regretted to what I did. My tears fell down because of my teacher. I know I did many wrong things to her, but she was never angry with me and tried to explain to me how to be a good girl and student! I was taught by her for five years and it’d been taking me so long to study with her, but I finally found out that it was so fast. When she explained the lesson, I never listened to her and made her upset most of the time. Whenever I had problems with my friends or teachers, she always gave me some good advice, but I ignored. I always bullied her, for example: When she taught the lesson, I never listened to her and talked with my friends loudly. And when she asked me about the lesson, I just smiled and laughed. I used to disobey her. She couldn’t stand what I did to her everyday. Then, on one day, she called my mom to ask about me. My mom said that I was a good girl, and my teacher also said that I was a good girl and she wanted me to be even better. I had to idea why she said that. So I decided to ask her. “Why did you tell my mom that I’m a good girl?” I asked her. “I always like to make people around me happy. I want to make you happy cause you are my student. But you haven’t showed what kind of people you are yet.” She said. “I’m not a good girl like you think. And I also don’t want you to care about me or get into my life.” I replied. I knew she was very disappointed. The last day I saw her, I really wished that I could say Goodbye to her, but everything didn’t seem like what I thought because on that day, she was absent. Her name was Somphors. She was my primary teacher at my hometown. During the education at Zaman in Phnom Penh, I missed her so much. I wanted her to forgive me and I wanted to say “I love you” to her. I tried to find her phone number, but unfortunately, I lost it. On my vacation, I went to my hometown and I went to find her at my old school, but I didn’t see her. I was disappointed and I was ready to give

up on finding her. But fortunately, I opened my old book which I had studied with her and I found her number on the back side of the book. I called her immediately. But there was no answer. I tried many times until there was an answer. She said “Alo! Who is this?”. I was very glad and surprise. I told her my name and asked her if she remembered me or not. Then she asked me “Oh! How

are you? And why didn’t you tell me when you stopped study?”. I didn’t answer because my tears was falling down. “What happen?” She asked. I said nothing, then I told her that there isn’t enough money left on my phone so I said goodbye to her. And she told me “When you visit our hometown, please don’t forget to visit me okay?” I promised.

I went to my hometown on my holidays. I was very happy and excited. When I arrived, the first thing I did , was calling to my teacher. I told her that I was in my hometown. She was surprise. I woke up early the next morning in order to meet my teacher. I came to my old school and I met my teacher.

She was waiting for me. I was very happy when I saw her. Then I ran to hug her. Time goes faster and faster. It was time to go back. I had to say

goodbye to my dear teacher. She told me to be a good girl, a good student and a good daughter. I promised her. And the last thing I told her was “I LOVE YOU”. She said she loved me too. At the end, I want to say Happy Teachers’ day to all the teachers who teach me. Good luck! Thanks for your advice! Mestory El 9F


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