yvette evers - social impact assessment 03_2013... · 2017-09-13 · 2012 postgraduate diploma in...

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      Yvette Evers

Personal data Address 44, chemin de la Baronne, 01220 Divonne-les-Bains, France Telephone +33 450 24 68 30 (office) +41 79 904 46 22 (mobile) E-mail yvette@socialimpactassociates.com Website www.socialimpactassociates.com and www.socialimpactassessment.com Languages English, Dutch (fluent), French, Spanish, German (working knowledge) Summary Profile Yvette has over 20 years of experience in project management and applied research for international development agencies, NGOs and businesses, including CARE International in Canada and Kenya, the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) in London, and the Institute of Social Studies (Erasmus University) in the Netherlands. She is a Research Associate at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (University of Geneva) where she is using social network analysis (SNA) for comparative research on resilience and adaptation of tourism stakeholders to climate change in isolated communities in Switzerland and the Arctic. Yvette has a Masters of Science in Anthropology and Ecology (University College London), and postgraduate Diploma in Responsible Tourism Management (Leeds Metropolitan University). She has developed expertise in the areas of: community and local economic development, participatory approaches, sustainable tourism and sustainability auditing, and social impact assessment (SIA). Work Experience 2012 – present Associate, Community Insights Group, Geneva, Switzerland

• NGO partnerships project, social baseline, and social investment strategy to support social investment programme for Tullow Oil in Suriname.

• Coordinate SIAhub - an internet portal and Linked In Group where the global SIA

community of practice can network, access resources, share ideas and promote good practice (www.socialimpactassessment.com).

2010 – present Director, Social Impact Associates, Geneva, Switzerland International Centre for Responsible Tourism (ICRT), Leeds Metropolitan University, (www.icrtourism.org), UK

• Analysed tourism supply chain linkages and handicrafts in selected Caribbean and Mexican destinations and made recommendations for linking communities to markets, employment and sustainable livelihoods for the Travel Foundation (www.thetravelfoundation.org.uk).

• Piloted the application of social impact assessment in Bulgaria following a

participatory approach to identify positive and negative impacts of Odysseia-In community-based tours with the national Association of Alternative Tourism, set up a social impact management plan, a reporting mechanism, and trained staff.

The Treadright Foundation, The Travel Foundation and UNIWORLD (www.treadright.org, www.thetravelfoundation.org, www.uniworld.com)

• Audited five luxury cruise boats on the Danube, Rhine and Rhone and monitored the implementation of environmental performance improvements, with lessons to be applied on the company’s Nile cruise boats in Egypt.

• Developed a "Sustainable River Cruising Pack" to share best sustainable business

practices and encourage innovation in the industry sector worldwide. 2011 – 2013 Research Associate, Institute of Environmental Sciences, University of Geneva (www.unige.ch)

• Analysed tourism enterprise networks with field research on the Arctic island of Svalbard (Norway) to gain insights into linkages between cooperation, innovation and adaptation to economic and climate changes - ArcAlpNet project funded by Swiss Network International Studies (SNIS) http://arctic-alpine-resilience.net/

2009 – present Director, Fraiche Air, Geneva, Switzerland (www.fraicheair.ch)

• Founded a membership-based outdoor club to support active learning and sustainable tourism development in the Jura and Alps.

2007-2009 Research Coordinator, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague,

Netherlands (www.iss.nl and www.hivos.net)

• Designed and managed a €1,2 million multi-year programme in collaboration with NGO Hivos to share knowledge on lessons from civil society strengthening efforts in Central America and Southern Africa (e-newsletter, website, workshops and conference).

1999-2005 Programme Specialist, Bernard van Leer Foundation, The Hague,

Netherlands (www.bernardvanleer.org)

• Managed multi-year projects in early childhood development for disadvantaged young children (budget €4 million), supported capacity-building and provided technical support to 25 local partners.

• Guided internal strategic planning and quality improvement initiatives, coordinated

knowledge-sharing to influence changes in policy and practice, developed regional and international networks, lead ‘learning groups’.

1998-1999 Assistant Director, i2K, Ottawa, Canada (www.care.ca)

• Set up innovative non-profit group to provide software ‘tools’ for knowledge sharing and monitoring & evaluation for development organisations, established an international client and donor network and developed a marketing plan to secure investments and project funding (C$1 million).

1995-1997 Programme Manager, CARE Canada, Ottawa (www.carecanada.ca)

• Managed a portfolio of 5 projects with a budget of C$30 million (in Kenya, Cameroon, Indonesia), proposal development, monitoring & evaluation, donor reporting, fundraising and created a network in ‘health and environment’ sector.

1993-1995 Independent Consultant / Researcher International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) Natural Resources Institute (NRI) United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

• Undertook baseline surveys, feasibility studies and evaluations to develop

recommendations and policy advice (in Jamaica, Tanzania, Kenya), presented findings at conferences for natural resource management projects in various African countries based on literature surveys, fieldwork and data analysis.

1990-1992 Programme Manager, CARE International, Nairobi, Kenya

• Managed technical support (baseline surveys and monitoring and evaluation reporting) to 12 projects in the three poorest districts of Kenya in various sectors: water & sanitation, HIV/AIDS, women’s credit, agro forestry, youth employment, trained project staff in gender and participatory methodologies.

Education & Professional Qualifications 2012 Postgraduate Diploma in Responsible Tourism Management (distinction) International Centre for Responsible Tourism (ICRT), Leeds Metropolitan University, UK 2011 Travelife Auditor, British Travel Association (ABTA), UK 2010 Social Impact Assessment (SIA) certificate, International Association of Impact Assessment (IAIA) 1992-1994 Master of Science in Anthropology and Ecology (distinction) University College London, London, UK 1989-1990 Professional Graduate Diploma International Development University of Ottawa, Canada 1983-1987 Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (honours)

University of Toronto, Canada

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