yugmarg · 8/27/2019  · your region, your paper tuesday august 27, 2019 chandigarh vol. xxiii,...

Post on 26-Sep-2020






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Rs. 2YUGMARGThe whole secret of existence is tohave no fear. Never fear what will

become of you, depend on no one.Only the moment you reject all help

are you freed.

Swami Vivekananda

Manimahesh Yatrasuspended afterheavy rainfallSHIMLA: The Manimahesh Ya-tra, which began on August 24 inChamba district, was suspendedon Monday, after washing downof a bridge and heavy rainfall inthe area during the last 24hours, a senior police officerconfirmed."A bridge near Pranghala Nullah,connecting Hutsar to Bharmour,has washed away in the last 24hours, following rains,'' PoliceChief of Chamba MonicaBhutunguru told UNI. She said that since this was theonly route to reach Manimahesh,efforts were on to restore thebridge. ''Till then, the yatra hasbeen suspended," she added.

AIIMS Bathindaopens forstudentsBATHINDA: The most-awaitedmega project of Punjab's Malwaregion, the All-India Institute ofMedical Sciences (AIIMS), here,opened it's doors for the firstbatch of MBBS students, asaround 50 students for the freshbatch will study at the institute'stemporary campus in Faridkot-based Guru Gobind Singh Med-ical College (GGSMC), which isa running body under the BabaFarid University of Health Sci-ences (BFUHS). It is a Rs 950-crore project, being constructedon Bathinda-Dabwali road, overan area of 177 acre, the founda-tion of which was laid by PrimeMinister Narendra Modi, duringhis first tenure in 2016.

Driver killed instone pelting inAnantnagSRINAGAR: A driver was killedin a stone pelting incident insouth Kashmir district of Anan-tang, official sources said onMonday.The deceased, identified asNoor Mohammad, was hit by astone on his head during a stonepelting incident in Anantnag, lateon Sunday evening.Noor was immediately taken to ahospital, where he succumbed.''After completing all the legaland medical formalities, thebody of the deceased was hand-ed over to his relatives for lastrites,'' they said, adding that po-lice has registered a case andinitiated investigation into the in-cident.Meanwhile, uneasy claim pre-vailed in Kashmir valley asshops and business establish-ments remained closed sinceAugust 5, though a good num-ber of vehicles were plying onsome roads, particularly in up-town and civil lines in Srinagar.

India thrash Windies by318 runs in first test

...PAGE 12

Bhumi Pednekar oozesglam in first look from 'Pati

Patni Aur Woh'...PAGE 10

Unnat Bharat Sevashri Awards conferred

... PAGE 3


A week after it was suspended, thePoonch-Rawalakot cross-LoC busservice resumed on Monday, with 46stranded passengers, including 40from PoK, returning home, an offi-cial said.

The weekly service was sus-pended on August 19 after authori-ties in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir(PoK) did not respond to a call fromtheir Indian counterparts to let a busget across the Line of Control (LoC),according to officials.

"The bus service resumed with40 PoK residents and six Indian cit-izens returning to their homes," Dis-trict Development Commissioner,Poonch, Rahul Yadav told PTI.

The permits of two other PoK

residents, who had arrived in Jammuand Kashmir's Poonch a week aheadof Eid-ul-Azha to meet their rela-tives, is yet to expire, he said, addingthat there was no fresh traveller fromeither side.

The bus service, popularly

known as 'Paigam-e-Aman', is onevery Monday and it did not stop de-spite tension along the LoC in viewof frequent ceasefire violations byPakistan which has claimed the livesof three army personnel and a civil-ian since August 17. However, it

was suspended last Monday, afterofficials said "we had sent a messageto PoK authorities for bus service to-day (August 19), but they did not re-spond". The relations between Indiaand Pakistan is under strain follow-ing Centre's move to scrap specialstatus to Jammu and Kashmir and itsbifurcation into two Union territo-ries -- Jammu and Kashmir, andLadakh -- early this month. Billedas the biggest confidence buildingmeasure, the bus service was startedon the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad routein Kashmir in April 2005 and thePoonch-Rawalakot route in the Jam-mu region in June 2006, to facilitatedivided families on either side of theLoC to meet each other. The trade,which works on the barter system,between the two parts of Kashmirstarted in October 2008.

Cross-LoC bus service from Poonch to Rawalakot resumesAGENCYBHOPAL, AUG 26

BJP MP Pragya SinghThakur on Monday saidthe Oppositionis using a'marak shakti'(killing power)to harm BJPleaders, addingthe 'evil power'was behind therecent deaths offormer Union ministersArun Jaitley and SushmaSwaraj.

BJP veteran Arun Jait-ley died on August 24 andSwaraj on August 6.

"While I was contest-ing (Lok Sabha) elections,

a Maharaj ji told me thatbad times are upon us andOpposition is up to some-thing using some 'marakshakti' against BJP. I later

forgot what hesaid but nowwhen I see ourtop leaders leav-ing us one byone, I am forcedto think, wasn'tMaharaj jiright?" the BJP

MP said. She was address-ing a condolence meetingat the state BJP office topay tributes to Jaitley andformer Madhya Pradeshchief minister BabulalGaur. The latter died onAugust 20.

Pragya blames Oppn 'marak shakti'for Swaraj, Jaitley deaths


Prime Minister Narendra Modi todaysaid India and Pakistan were one be-fore 1947 and are capable of solvingtheir own problems - reiterating In-dia's stand that Jammu and Kashmiris a bilateral matter before US Presi-dent Donald Trump, who had twiceoffered to mediate in the issue. "Wespoke last night about Kashmir... andthe Prime Minister really feels thathe has the situation under control,"added President Trump, who was ad-dressing reporters along with PMModi ahead of their meeting on thesidelines of the G7 summit in France.

"There are many bilateral issuesbetween India and Pakistan, and wedon't want to trouble any third coun-try. We can discuss and resolve theseissues bilaterally," PM Modi said.

"India and Pakistan should worktogether for welfare of people of ourtwo nations," he added, underscoringthe many challenges before the twonations that are high as well on thepriority list -- "illiteracy and povertyand disease".

The situation in Jammu andKashmir and trade were high on theagenda during the bilateral summit of

the two leaders and US State depart-ment had said President Trump willraise the issue of restrictions and ar-rests of leaders. Earlier, PresidentTrump has spoken of Kashmir, de-scribing the issue as "explosive" and

offering to mediate between Indiaand Pakistan if asked. Washingtonhas traditionally maintained thatJammu and Kashmir is a bilateralmatter between India and Pakistan.But since July, President Trump has

offered his assistance more thanonce. In July, after a meeting withPakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan,President Trump controversiallyclaimed that PM Modi had asked himto mediate on Kashmir.

No mediation on Kashmir: Modi to TrumpUS concedes Kashmir a bilateral issue

PM highlights India'sefforts for sustainablefuture at G-7 summitBIARRITZ : Prime Minister NarendraModi on Monday addressed a sessionon 'Biodiversity, Oceans, Climate' at G-7 summit here and highlighted India'sefforts at eliminating the single-use ofplastic, conserving water and harness-ing solar energy. The Prime Minister underlined India'scontribution to addressing climatechange, water stress, and ocean pollu-tion. He also spoke about India's effortsat harnessing solar energy and protect-ing flora and fauna. "At the @G7 Summit in Biarritz, I ad-dressed the session on 'Biodiversity,Oceans, Climate.' Highlighted India'slarge scale efforts towards eliminatingsingle-use plastic, conserving water,harnessing solar energy and, protectingflora and fauna for a sustainable fu-ture," Modi said in a tweet.

Modi-Trumpmeeting final blowto Pakistan: BJPNEW DELHI: The meeting betweenPrime Minister Narendra Modi and USPresident Donald Trump has dealt a "fi-nal blow" to Pakistan over its attempt tocorner India on the Kashmir issue, theBJP said on Monday. "Pakistan's prop-aganda was dealt the final blow in themeeting between the PM and PresidentTrump. Pakistan was hoping to getsome statement which will give it a lastray of hope. The meeting has categori-cally confirmed that any issue concern-ing India and Pakistan has to be dis-cussed bilaterally," BJP spokespersonG V L Narasimha Rao said. Modi onMonday categorically rejected anyscope for third party mediation betweenIndia and Pakistan on Kashmir, sayingthe two countries can discuss and re-solve all issues bilaterally and "we don'twant to trouble any third country".

Imran reiterates tocontinue fight forKashmir "ISLAMABAD : Pakistan Prime Minis-ter Imran Khan on Monday said that hehas nominated himself as the "ambas-sador of Kashmir" and will keep fightingtill the region attains "freedom".He also cautioned that both the coun-tries were nuclear powers and in caseof a war between the countries, it couldhave an effect on the entire world."I have nominated myself as the am-bassador of Kashmir and will fight thecase for freedom of Kashmir till the veryend," he said while speaking at a func-tion in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa."I'll bring up the matter of Kashmir onevery international forum. I'll keep fight-ing for the Kashmiris and stand bythem," he added.Khan said that Modi has played his "lastcard" on kashmir and now Pakistan willdecide what to do.


A Delhi court extended theCentral Bureau of Investiga-tion's custody of former chiefminister P Chidambaram byfive more days—a develop-ment that came hours afterthe Supreme Court refused toentertain his appeal againstthe high court's decision todismiss his anticipatory bail.

Chidambaram was pro-duced at the Delhi court onMonday at the end of theCBI’s four-day custody ofhim in the INX media case.

Solicitor General TusharMehta and Additional Solici-tor General KN Natrajan,who argued for CBI, saidthere were sufficient groundsfor extension of his custodialinterrogation as he was inter-rogated from August 23-26and was confronted with a co-accused. Prosecutors said theprocess was not complete,and put before the court a filecontaining email exchanges

between the accused persons."We need five days of

custody of Chidambaram asthe confrontation with co-ac-cused will continue to unearthlarger conspiracy," Mehtacontended. Hours before, aDivision Bench of Justices RBanumathi and AS Bopannarefused to entertain his peti-tion in a corruption caseagainst him on the groundsthat his arrest by the CBI hadmade it “infructuous”.

Delhi court extendsCBI custody of

PC till August 30


The Delhi High Court Monday agreed tohear on Tuesday a PIL seeking directionto the Centre to constitute a judicial com-mission or a high level expert committeeto draft a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) forsecuring gender justice, equality and dig-nity of women.

The plea was mentioned before abench a Chief Justice D N Patel and Jus-tice C Hari Shankar which tagged it for

hearing along with a similar pending pe-tition. The petition, filed by advocate Ab-hinav Beri, also said that a direction begiven to the Law Commission to draft aUCC within three months taking into ac-count the best practices of all religionsand sects, civil laws of developed coun-tries and international conventions andpublish that on its website for at least 90days for wide public debate and feed-back. Another petition by Bharatiya Jana-ta Party leader and lawyer Ashwini Ku-mar Upadhyay, seeking framing of the

UCC to promote unity, fraternity and na-tional integration is also pending beforethe court. The All India Muslim PersonalLaw Board (AIMPLB) has moved thehigh court opposing Upadhyay's PIL andsought to be impleaded as a party in thematter, saying the petition was not main-tainable in law and ought not to be enter-tained. The fresh petition said the natureand purpose of the Article 44 is to intro-duce a common civil code for all, whichis essential to promote fraternity, unityand national integration.


The Enforcement Directorateon Monday filed its first chargesheet in the case of Panchkulaland allotment to the Congress-promoted Associated JournalsLimited (AJL) and named vet-eran party leader Motilal Vora and formerHaryana chief minister Bhupinder SinghHooda.

A prosecution complaint was filed be-fore a special Prevention of Money Laun-dering Act (PMLA) court in Panchkula near

Chandigarh, the federalprobe agency said. The casepertains to alleged irregular-ities and money launderingcharges in the allotment of aplot, located at C-17, Sector6 in Panchkula, by the Hoo-da government in 1992 tothe AJL. AJL is controlled

by senior Congress leaders, including mem-bers of the Gandhi family. The group runsthe National Herald newspaper. The ED hasalready attached the plot estimated to be val-ued at Rs 64.93 crore and this is the firstcharge sheet in the case by the agency.


The Delhi High Court on Mon-day extended by four weeks theparole of INLD chief O PChautala, serving 10-year jailterm in the teachers' recruit-ment scam, to observe the lastrites rituals following his wife'sdeath. Chautala was granted pa-role by the Delhi governmenton August 12 following hiswife's death the previous day ina hospital in Gurgaon. His pa-role will expire on August 27.Justice Rajnish Bhatnagar not-ed that Chautala has been get-ting paroles by the court and theDelhi government, and extend-ed the parole for four weekswith effect from August 27. Theauthorities status report statedthat as per the panchayat mem-bers of the village, the 'pooja'

will continue till September 22,for which the head presence ofthe family, that is Chautala, isrequired. Chautala's counselsaid the INLD chief was re-quired to be present at his houseto observe 40-day post-crema-tion rites. The petition, filedthrough advocate Amit Sahni,said as the wedding of Chauta-la's grandson is expected to hap-pen by the end of this year, thecustomary rites and ceremoniesare required to be followed for40 days Chautala's presence isessential for rendering prayersto his departed wife, it said.

HC extends Chautalaparole by four weeks

Court agrees to hear a freshplea on Uniform Civil Code

Govt withdrawsManmohanSingh's SPG cover

NEW DELHI: The Special Pro-tection Group (SPG) protectiongiven to former prime ministerManmohan Singh has beenwithdrawn following a review bymultiple security agencies but hewill continue to get Z plus securi-ty, officials said on Monday.The former prime minister's Zplus security cover -- one of thehighest -- will be given by one ofthe Central Armed Police Forces(CAPFs), preferably the CentralReserve Police Force (CRPF),they said. The government's de-cision had been conveyed toSingh, who was India's primeminister from 2004 and 2014,and the SPG contingent will bewithdrawn from his New Delhiresidence after one of theCAPFs takes over the responsi-bility, a home ministry officialsaid.


ED files charge sheet in AJL landcase; names Vora, Hooda


Public Notice

Court Notice

Disown NoticeMatrimonial

Situation Vacant


I, Ruchi Kalia D/o Satish I, Trilochan Singh S/o I, No.14814046l, Rank Sep, I Parmjeet Singh S/o Baldev I, Manpreet Singh Kalaar S/o I Hardev Singh S/O Chattar Kumar, Have Changed My Balwant Singh R/o Dhuri Gopal Prasad S/o Banwari Lal Singh R/o Pind Kotli Ablu , Lakhvir Singh R/o Vill: Singh, R/O – Nagla Dham, Name After Marriage From (sangrur) Have Changed My R/o.770 A’d.s.c, Pl Attach To Distt. Sri Muktsar Sahib have P o w a t T e h - S a m r a l a Phondar, Mathura, Fonder, Ruchi Kalia To Ruchi Name To Tarlochan Singh. 2220 Sqn Air Force Rajasansi changed my N ame to (Ludhiana) changed my name Uttar Pradesh – 281123 Gautam W/o Vaneet Gautam 98724 Amritsar & Permanent Parmjeet Singh Brar to Manpreet Singh. Have Changed My Name R/o 15 Sodal Road, Near I Happy S/o Beer Chand R/o Address 13/14 Puspa Dham 63372 63372 To Mahavir Singh.Local Bus Stand, Preet Village – Bohla Khalsa , Sub Colony, P.o Aurangabad I Harjodh Singh S/o Darshan I Paramjit Kaur W/O Angrej 63372Nagar, Jalandhar. Tehsil-nigdhu,distt –karnal Mathura Declare That In My Singh R/o Pind Kotli Ablu , Singh R/O Vill. Duareana I B a b i t a To m a r, D / O

72778 Have Changed My Name Service Record My Son Distt. Sri Muktsar Sahib have (Faridkot) Have Changed My Satyaveer Singh, R/O – I, Rekha Rani W/o Kamal From Happy To Happy Chand Name Is Wrongly Written As changed my Name to Harjodh Name To Parmjeet Kaur. 152 Ch, Gali No. 2, Mohan Nayan R/o V.p.o. Begowal, .please Note All Concern Uma Shanker Dixit But His Singh Brar. 63372 Nagar Colony, Opp Bank Tehsil Bholath, Dist t . 100070 Correct Name Is Abhishek 63372 I Manjeet Kaur W/O Bahadur Of Baroda, Pilkhua Dehat, Kapurthala, Have Changed I Payal Sharma W/o Deepak Sharma. I, V. Jayanthi W/o JC- Singh Brar R/O Vill. Dhilwan Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - My Name From Rekha To Sharma R/o 167, Fgc Road, 72737 271596Y Sub Maj Ravi HM Kalan (Faridkot) Have 245304 Have Changed My Rekha Rani. Chand Avenue, Amritsar I Jatinder S/o Baldev Singh R/o 242 Med Regt C/o 56 Changed My Name To Name To Sneha Tomar.

72778 Have Changed My Name R/o Village Mehmadwal, P.o. APO Bathinda have changed Manpreet Kaur Brar. 63372I,nishu Rani W/o Rahul From Payal Sharma To Khiranwali Distt. Kapurthala my name from R. Jayanthi to 63372 I , Sandeep Kaur W/O Arora R/o H.no.1875, Sanjana Sharma. (pb) That I Have Changed My V. Jayanthi. I Kuldip Singh S/O Hardev Gurmail Singh R/O Badhni Mohalla Dashmesh Nagar 98728 Name From Jatinder To 63372 Singh R/O Vill. Sibian K a l a n ( M o g a ) H a v e Shahkot, Tehsil Shahkot, I , Davinder Kaur W/o Jatinder Singh. I, Gurlal Singh S/o Jaswinder (Faridkot) Have Changed My Changed My Name To Dist t . Jalandhar Have Rajender Singh R/o Dera 100076 Singh R/o Vpo. Hathur Teh- Name To Kuldeep Singh. Sukhjit Kaur.Changed My Name After Jhabran Wala, Gobindpura, I,rohit S/o Talib Mohammad Jagraon (Ludhiana) changed 63372 63372Marriage Nishu Rani To Sub-tehsil Siwan, District R/o H.no-130, Gulzar Nagar, my name to Gurlal Singh I, Satnam Singh S/o Nirmal I Mandip Kaur W/O Kuldeep Nandni Arora. Kaithal Declare That I Have Dhudianwala, Bhulana , Distt Uppal. Singh R/o Vill: Dharam Singh R/O Vill. Sibian

72778 Changed My Name From Kapurthala, Have Changed 63372 (Faridkot) Have Changed My Singhwala (Moga) changed I Hitherto Known As Sada Divender Kaur To Davinder My Name From Rohit To I, Rajdavinder Kaur W/o Name To Mandeep Kaur. my name to Satnam Singh Singh S/o Sohan Singh, Kaur. All Concerned Please Rohit Raj. All Concerned Manpreet Singh R/o Vill: 63372 Padam.,r/opakhi Wala Mohalla, Note. Please Note. Kakhanwali Teh-Malout (Sri 63372I Avtar Singh Karbal S/O Ram Ward No. 3, Sultanpur 100047 100076 Muktsar Sahib) changed my I S a l e e m M a s i h S / O Singh R/O Baddian Tehsil Lodhi, Teh. Sultanpur I Hitherto Known As Dilbag I, Ram Avtar S/o Anant Ram name to Rajwinder Kaur. R a j w i n d e r S i n g h R / O Gidderbaha Distt Sri Muktsar Lodhi, Distt. Kapurthala- Singh Brar S/o Dyal Singh R/o Qr No-615-d Type Ii Rail 63372 Shaheed Bhagat Singh Sahib Have Changed My 144626, Punjab, India, Have Brar R/o Mahla Kalan Distt Coach Factory Kapurthala Nagar, Moga Changed His I, Rajbir Singh @ Rajvir Name Avtar Singh Karbal To Changed My Name And Moga Punjab 142038 Have .am Also Known As Ram Name To Manpreet Singh.Singh S/O Gurmail Singh Avtar Singh.Shall Hereafter Be Known Changed My Name And Shall Avtar Sandhu. So Ram Avtar 63372R/O # 180 Multania Road 63372As Sadha Singh. Hereafter Be Known As And Ram Avtar Sandhu Is Virat Greens Bathinda Have I Harinder Singh S/o Mohan I Sukhdeep Kaur W/O

72778 Dilbag Singh It Was Certified One And The Same Person.all Changed My Name To Rajbir Ravi Singh R/O Suraj Singh R/o Vill-Gureh Teh-I G u r d i p S i n g h S / o That I Have Complied With Concerned Please Note. Singh Brar @ Rajvir Singh N a g a r U t t a r i , M o g a Jagraon (Ludhiana) have Gurbachan Singh R/o Vill. Legal Requirements In This 100076 Brar. Changed Her Name To known by both names N a n g a l J a m a l , P. o . Connection I, Vinay W/o Ram Avtar R/o 63372 Anita Kaur.Harinder Singh & Harinder G h o r e w a h a D i s t r i c t 90002 Qr No-615-d Type Ii Rail 63372I Harshnoor Kaur D/O Rajbir Pal Singh.Hoshiarpur (punjab) Have I Hitherto Known As Kiranjit Coach Factory Kapurthala. Singh Brar R/O # 180 63372 I, Kamaljeet Singh alias Changed My Name From Kaur Brar W/o Dilbag Singh .am Also Known As Vinay Multania Road Virat Greens I Harjit Singh S/O Bahadur K a n w a l j i t S i n g h S / o Gurdip Singh To Gurdeep R/o Mahla Kalan Distt Moga Sandhu.so Vinay And Vinay Bathinda Have Changed My Singh R/O Vpo Akhara Tehsil Hardev Singh R/o Kot Ise Singh. P u n j a b 1 4 2 0 3 8 H a v e Sandhu Is One And The Same Name To Harshnoor Kaur Jagraon Distt Ludhiana Have Khan (Moga) changed my

72778 Changed My Name And Shall Person.all Concerned Please Brar. name to Kanwaljit Singh Changed My Name To I Hitherto Known As Sunil Hereafter Be Known As Note. 63372 Kalra.Harjeet Singh.Kumar S/o Khema Nand,r/o Kiranjit Kaur It Was Certified 100076 63372I Rupinder Kaur W/O Rajvir 63372H . n o . B p - 3 2 , N e w That I Have Complied With I Harbaksh Singh S/o Singh Brar R/O # 180 I Chamkaur Singh Sidhu S/O I, Satnam Singh S/o Nirmal Bashirpura, Jalandhar- Other Legal Requirements In Ekamkar Singh R/o Village Multania Road Virat Greens Sajjan Singh R/O Village Singh R/o Vill: Dharam 144001, Punjab, India, Have This Connection Sivian (bathinda) Have Bathinda Have Changed My Bahman Wala (Faridkot) Singhwala (Moga) changed Changed My Name And 90002 Change My Name Harbaksh Name To Rupinder Kaur Brar. Have Changed My Name To my name to Satnam Singh Shall Hereafter Be Known I, Surjit Kaur W/o Dhyan Singh To Harbaksh Singh 63372 Chamkaur Singh. Padam.As Sunil Bhardwaj. Singh # Kalsa (plot No 13), Chahal, All Concerned Note. I Rajbir Singh Brar S/O 63372 63372

72778 P e h o w a , K u r u k s h e t r a 90004 Gurmail Singh R/O # 180 I Rimpi Rani D/O Gurjant I , N i r u a i l S i n g h S / o Changed Name Jeet Kaur. I Surender Kumar S/o Tara Multania Road Virat Greens Singh R/O Near Jaitu Chungi Rajwant Singh R/o Vill:

84661 Chand S/o Khaki Ram, R/o Bathinda Have Changed My B h u t i w a l a M a k h u Kotkapura (Faridkot) Have I, Amrinder Singh S/o Balmiki Basti, Safidon, Distt. Minor Son Name Sehnajreet (Ferozepur) changed my Changed My Name To M u k h t i a r S i n g h V p o Jind Declare That In My Singh To Sehnajpreet Singh name to Narvail Singh.Rupinder Kaur.Mastgarh , Kaithal Changed House Tax Assessment My Brar. 6337263372Given Name Amrinder Grandfather's Name Has 63372 I Sukdev Kaur W/O Niranjan I, Pal Singh alias Kirpal Surname Singh. Wrongly Been Entered As I Mohinder Pal Sharma S/O Singh R/O Panjgrain Kalan Singh S/o Jarnail Singh R/o

84661 Krishan And Kubda Whereas Baldev Raj R/O Kotha Guru Gholia Khurd (Moga) have (Faridkot) Have Changed My His Real Name Is Khaki Ram.I, Manindar Surname Singh Ka (Bathinda) Have Changed known by both names Pal Name To Sukhdev Kaur.

S/o Tirlok Singh Vill 98732 My Name To Mohinder Singh alias Kirpal Singh.63372Kachhwa Farm , Karnal I Ajay Dalia Son Of Ved Kumar. 63372I Niranjhan Singh S/O Nazar C h a n g e d M y N a m e Parkash R/o H.no. 47 Guru 63372 Singh R/O Panjgrain Kalan I, Surjit Singh S/o Sarban Maninder Surname Singh. Ram Dass Enclave Sher I, Pargat Singh S/o Mewa (Faridkot) Have Changed My Singh R/o Fatepur Teh.

84661 Singh Colony Jalandhar, Singh R/o Vill: Ghudani Shahkot Distt. Jalandhar Name To Niranjan Singh.Punjab Have Changed My I, Amandeep Singh S/o Kalan Teh-Payal (Ludhiana) (Punjab) State Declare 63372Name From Ajay Dalia To Mohinder Singh R/o Village changed my name to Pargat That Both The Name's Sujit I, Inderjeet Kaur Muralde Ajay Kumar . Kohala Tehsil Ajnala, Distt. Singh Boparai. Singh And Sita Singh Are W/O Amritpal Singh R/O

Amritsar Declare That In 42778 63372 One Of The Same Person. Vill: Cheema, Po. Isru, My Passport & 1 0 t h I , p a r v i n d e r K a u r D / o Please Note.I, Kamaljit Kaur W/o Pargat Khanna (Ludhiana) Have Cer t i f ica te My Name Mohinder Singh R/o Ward No 98765Singh Boparai R/o Vill: Changed My Name To Written Amandip Singh Is 10 Begowal Tehsil Bholath Ghudani Kalan Teh-Payal Inderjeet Kaur.Wrong. But In My Aadhar Dist t Kapurthala Have (Ludhiana) changed my name 63372Card & Other Certificate Changed My Name From to Kamaljit Kaur Boparai. I, Kaka Ram S/O Ram Gopal /licence My Name Written Parvinder Kaur To Parwinder 63372 R/O Jethi Nagar, Near Baba A m a n d e e p S i n g h I s Kaur .please Note. I, Sukhjit Singh S/o Piara Nirgun Dass Play Ground, Correct. All Concerned 98748 Singh R/o Vill: Aloona Miana Malerkotla Road, Khanna Please Note. I, Kulwinder Kaur W/o Po. Aloona Pallah Teh-Payal (Ludhiana) Have Changed My

72737 Karmpal Singh Gill R/o (Ludhiana) changed my name Name To Rajinder Kamar.I , Mandip Kaur W/o Krishna Enclave Alle Wala to Sukhjeet Singh. 63372S a t b i r S i n g h R / o (Ferozepur) changed my name 63372 I, Mukhlesh Kumar Sharma H . n o . 6 3 8 , G a l i N o . 6 to Kulwinder Kaur Gill. I Har inder S ingh S/O S/O Shankar Sharma R/O Sultanwind Road New 63372 Sukhdev Singh R/O Village Vill: Mandiala Khurd, Teh-Gurnam Nagar Amritsar I, Karmpal Singh S/o Ranjit Dalanwal, PO Mandian, The. Samrala (Ludhiana) Have Have Chaged My Name Singh R/o Krishna Enclave M a l e r k o t l a ( S a n g r u r ) Changed My Name To Mandeep Kaur To Mandip Alle Wala (Ferozepur) Declared That My Wife Mithilesh Sharma.Kaur. Please Note It (04) changed my name to Karmpal Kuljeet Kaur Name Is Wrong 63372

72737 Singh Gill. And Orrect Name Is Kuljit I, Indra Rani D/O Hari I, Suminder Sandhu S/o 63372 Kaur. Krishan W/O Mohinderpal Jitwinderjit Singh R/o. I Charanjit Kaur W/o Rupinder 63372 R/O Jodhu Colony, Street Village Chicha Amritsar Singh R/o Vill-Rehrwan Teh- I, Amarjit Kaur W/O Kulwant No.5,Sri Muktsar Sahib Have Declare That Suminder Shahkot (Jalandhar) declare Singh R/O Korewala Khurd Changed My Name To Indu Sandhu & Suminderjit that I am known with names (Moga) Changed Name Bala.Singh One And Same Charanjit Kaur & Charanjeet Amarjit Kaur Sangha. 63372Person. Please Note It Kaur. Both names are of one 63372 I Deepak Chand S/O Subash (04) person (Myself). I, Swaranjeet Kaur W/O Pal C h a n d R e s i d e n c e O f

72737 63372 Singh R/O Nathuwala Garbi Kotkapura , Tehsil Kotkapura I, Rakesh Kumar S/o Baij I, Angur Singh S/O Pala Singh (Moga) Changed Name Distt. Faridkot. That Deepak Nath Syal, R/o H.no.1742, R/O Vpo. Toot Wala, Tehsil Swaranjeet Kaur Kandial. Goyal And Deepak Chand B h u s h a n P u r a , I / s Abohar, Dis t t . Fazi lka 63372 Both Are My Names. I Am S u l t a n w i n d G a t e , (Punjab) Have Changed My I, Parminder Kaur D/O Pal Commonly Known As Both Amritsar, Have Changed Name To Angoor Singh. Singh R/O Nathuwala Garbi These Names.My Name To Rakesh Syal, 63372 (Moga) Changed Name 63372Please Note (04) I, Gurmel Kaur W/o Bahadar Parminder Kaur Kandial. I Jagdev Singh Malhi S/O

72737 Singh R/o Raisar Punjab 63372 Mukhttar Singh R/O Vpo I, Kulwant Singh Dhillon (Barnala) changed my name to I, Rani W/O Sukhchain Singh Pabbian Tehsil Jagraon Distt S/o Pritam Singh R/o Vill. Gurmail Kaur. R/O Bhanohar (Ludhiana) Ludhiana Have Changed My Kotla Saidan P.o Kathu 63372 Changed Name Sukhpreet Name To Jagdev Singh.Nangal Tehsil & Distt I, Krishna Devi Alias Kirshna Kaur. 63372Amritsar Have Changed Devi W/O Sumer Singh, R/O 63372 I Nar inder Kaur W/O My Name Kulwant Singh Thakur Mohalla, Jhagdu Wali I Binder Kaur Alias Binderpal Parwinder Singh R/O # 475, D h i l l o n To K u l w a n t Gali, Gidderbaha (Sri Muktsar Kaur W/O Sinderpal Singh Godia Press Wali Gali, Sri Singh. Note It (04) Sahib) Have Declared That I Alias Shinderpal Singh R/O Muktsar Sahib Have Changed

72737 Am Known By Both The Mehraj Distt Bathinda Have My Name After Marriage To I Dalbir Kaur W/o Nirmal Names. Two Name Of One Person. Harneet Kaur.Singh R/o Vpo Sultan 63372 63372 63372Wind Patti Balol Amritsar I Kirandeep Kaur D/o Buta I Sinderpal Singh Alias I Kirna Rani, W/O Rajinder Have Changed My Name Singh R/o Kothe Kaur Singh Shinderpal Singh S/O Balvir Kumar, D/O – Bhagwan Dass, From Dalbir Kaur To Dalbir Wale, Ablu Distt. Bathinda Singh R/O Mehraj Distt R/O – Kaind, Ludhiana, Sarih, Kaur Mahal All Concerned have changed my name to Bathinda Have Two Name Of Punjab - 141116 Have Changed May Please Note. (04) Kirandeep Kaur Brar. One Person. My Name To Sonia Sharma.

72737 63372 63372 63372

RNI NO. 61323/95 | Printed and Published by Gaurav Goel for Yugmarg Prakashan from 28/1, Industrial Area Phase-II, Chandigarh and printed at Yugmarg Publications,

Kurali Road, Khanpur, Kharar Distt. Mohali (PB), Editor Chander Trikha, Ph.:(off) 0172-5002721, 2972414. E-mail: yugmarg@gmail.com

Postal Code No. G/CHD/0186/2016-2018






I Shabnam Daughter Of Mohd Ramzan, Widow Dilver Hussain Resident Of Love Kush Nagar, Kutti Road, Malerkotla, Disttrict, Sangrur, Dismiss My Son Mohd Sharial (shery) Son Of Dilver Hussain Form All My Property, Concerned Note

100072I Lata W/o Late Sh. Subhash Kumar R/o 59,samta Vihar Colony ,vill. Salarheri ,distt. Ambala Decalre That My Son Ajay Kumar Is Out Of My Control.so I Disown Him From My All Movable Immovable Properties..

100042I Hitherto Known As Shangara Ram Son Of Pahu Ram R/o Vpo Sunner Kalan, Tehsil Phillaur, Distt. Jalandhar,pin Code-144034 P u n j a b ( i n d i a ) H a v e Changed My Name And Shall Hereafter Be Known As Shingara Ram.

63372I, Hitherto Known As Bakso Wife Of Shingara Ram R/o Vpo Sunner Kalan, Tehsil Phillaur, Distt. Jalandhar, Pin Code-144034 Punjab (india) Have Changed My Name And Shall Hereafter Be Known As Bakhsho.

63372I, Mandeep Kaur Chima W/o Kuldeep Singh Sandhu R/o Vill: Jajja Kalan Teh-phillaur (jalandhar) Pb, India, Holder Of Indian Passport No. M8386089 I s sued At Vancouver On 09-09-2015. Have Changed My Name From Mandeep Kaur Chima To Mandeep Kaur Sandhu, With Immediate Effect.

63372I Vijay Kujur S/o Budh Ram R/o # 610,gali No.1, Adarsh Nagar, Kotli Road , Sri Muktsar Sahib Have State That In The School Record Of My Daughter’s Name Wrongly Enter As Roseleen Khujur.i, Declare That Roseleen Kujur Is Correct Name.

63372I, Jawahar Lal Garg S/o Chanan Ram R/o Vpo. Badhni Kalan (moga) Declare That My Before Marriage My Late Wife Name Was Kailash Rani After Marriage I Had Changed My Wife Name From Kailash Rani To Nirmala Rani. Now All The Relatives And Friends Known My Deceased Wife With The Name Of Nirmala Rani. My Wife True & Correct Name Is Nirmala Rani.

63372We, Shiv Kumar S/o Sh. Mam Raj, Kamla Devi Wife Of Shiv Kumar Both R/o Vill. Bhoji Khalsa, Tehsil Indri, Distt. Karnal, Haryana Do Hereby Solemnly Affirm And Declare Our Elder Son Sushil Kumar And His Wife Pooja Devi Are Not Residing With Thte Deponent And Has No Concern Whatsoever With Deponents Or With Our Family. So We Disown With H e r F r o m M y Moveable / immoveable Property. If Anybody Dealing With Her At His/her Own Risk.

100046I, Vijay Kumar S/o Sh. Satpal R/o Vill. Bhutan Kheri, Teh. Indri Distt. Karnal. Declare That My Brother Rajat Kumar Is Working In Indian Army And His Belt No 18015054n Or Rank Spr, So I Want To Do Serving Indian Army And My Dob Is 28.08.1999. I Want To Army Relationship Certificate And If Am Selected For Army Then I Will Be Responsible For Any mishappening Or Accident.


PUBLIC NOTICEIt is brought to the notice of the public at large that following original title deed as informed by Smt. Sudesh Rani W/o Sh. Naval Bihari S/o Sh. Kunj Lal & Smt. Reena Bansal W/o Sh. Vishal Bansal S/o Sh. Bipan Bihari & Smt. Rajni Bansal W/o Sh. Sanket Behari S/o Sri Gopal & Smt. Nisha Bansal W/o Sh. Shah Bihari S/o Sri Gopal R/o Charhi Gali Ward No. 5 Budhlada Tehsil Budhlada Distt. Mansa wherein the being current owners and has possession of the property vide sale deed No. 3967 dated 17-01-2012 in the office of Sub-Registrar Budhlada mentioned below:i) Registered at No. 694 dated 18-07-1973 in favour of Smt. Darshna Devi W/o Sh. Sudarshan Kumar S/o Kulwant Rai R/o Budhlada Distt. Mansa in the office of Sub-Registrar Budhlada.Are not mortgaged with any Bank or Financial Institution and have been lost. above facts have been informed by the owners to my client HDFC Bank Ltd. Br. Budhlada.If anybody has any objection/claim charge or lien or has the mortgage rights rising out of mortgaging of the same, may file the objection/claim in writing with proof through registered post as to reach to the under signed, within fourteen days from publication of this notice. after the expiry of stipulated period of 14 days, no claims whatsoever shall be entertained details of property as under:-A property measuring 10¼ x 10 sq.ft. situated at shop No. 58 Anaj Mandi, within the limits of M.C. Budhlada Distt. Mansa.

Manoj Kumar SinglaAdvocate

Chamber No. 97, New Judicial Court Complex,Mansa, (M) 98725-34466

I, Jaskaran Singh S/o Jaswinder Singh R/o Manakpur Sharif Teh-Kharar (SAS Nagar) declare that my 10th class certificate CBSC Roll No. 2257863 has been lost anywhere. If anybody found then contact at my above address, Mob No. 9876855298

63372I Manju Bala W/O Surjeet Kumar R/O Gali No. 2 Arjun N a g r i B a c k s i d e A k a l g a r h Gurudwara Tehsil And Distt Ferozepur Declare That Our Registry 1.65 Marlas Vasika No. 7 2 8 3 D a t e d 1 6 / 0 3 / 1 9 9 2 Executed By Ramesh Kumar In Favour Of Asha Rani Has Been Lost Anywhere. If I Found I Will Not Miss Use And Inform To S u b R e g i s t r a r F e r o z e p u r Anybody Have Any Objection Regarding This Sale Deeds Contact Advocate Pankaj Jain Chambers No. 449 3rd Floor District Court Bathinda. Mob. 98788-28140

63372I S u k h p r e e t K a u r D / o Gurbakhshish Singh R/o # 258 Village Mamu Khera , Fazilka Punjab Pin -152121 That My Secondary School Examination (class X) 2012,roll No 2189672 Passing Certificate & Marksheet And Senior Secondary School Examination (class Xii) 2014, Rol l No 2686694 Pass ing Certificate & Marksheet Issued By Cbse Board Has Been Lost On 22-08-2019 I Need A Lot Of The Above Certificates , If Found Anyone Please Contact On 94658-08537

62700I, Saroj Bala W/o Sh. Sanjay Kumar R/o Ward No 13 Gudha Teh. Indri Distt. Karnal That I Am Permanent R/o Of The Address. That My Two Land Registry Name Of Anita Jindal W/o Avadesh Jindal S/o Ravinder Kumar R/o Ward No 03 Indri And Jamabandi 2001-2002 Khewat Number 26min/26 Khatooni Number 26 Khasra Number 18 22//2/26-0 And Second Name Of Anita Jindal W/o Avdesh Jindal S/o Ravinder Kumar R/o Ward No 03 Indri Tehsil Indri Distt. Karnal Jamabandi Year 2 0 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 2 K h e w a t N u m b e r 22min/18 Khatooni Number 22 Khasra Number 18 21-8-0r. Both The Registires Are Lost By Me . If Occures Any Comflict Then I Will Be Responsible For That.



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PUBLIC NOTICELord Mahavira College Of Education, Hamirgarh, Moonak Dist. Sangrur (Pb.) Admission Open For B.Ed. Sess ion 2019-21 For Management Quota Seats. All Subject Combinations Are Available Counseling On 27/08/2019 At College C a m p u s C o n t a c t 9 8 1 5 1 8 3 3 2 6 , 01676268326.



3HARYANAYogendra Rana thanks people of SalvanKARNAL (GURMEET KASHYAP): BJP's District General secre-tary Yogendra Rana thanked the villagers of Salvan for the mas-sive public outreach to welcome the Jan Ashirwad Yatra. He toldthe villagers that it would not have been possible without their co-operation. On August 22, the Chief Minister's Jan Ashirwad Yatrareached Salvan Anaj Mandi. Yogendra Rana said that Chief Min-ister Manohar Lal wants to rebuild Haryana on the lines of devel-oped countries. He said government schemes to citizens through online system has beenvery helpful. The scope of help has increased to 37 departments and 450 services. MasterGhanshyam, Master Pawan, Bajindra, X Sarpanch Omkumar, X Panchayat Member King,Jagpal, Neeraj, Vinod etc. were present on this occasion.YUGMARG, CHANDIGARH, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 2019

Annual prizedistribution held atSaraswati school

ROHIT LAMSARTARAORI: The annual prize distributionceremony was organized at SaraswatiPublic School Pakhana. Meritorious chil-dren, who have topped the school in ed-ucation, sports and other competitions,were awarded with prizes. On behalf ofthe school administration, in the year2018-19, the children who got the first,second, third position were given thehonor. The main date Rajindra made thechildren aware of the importance of edu-cation. School Manager Munish ParvezRana highlighted the importance of inter-est and discipline to children in educa-tion. children In class IX, Shivani got first,Muskan, Khushi got second, Rahul andChirag got third. In class X, Jashmin,Mehak, Tannu secured first, Savrit,Sunaina second, Neeraj got third. Onthis occasion, the school director,Mo.Rafiq Chauhan Advocate, Bina, Anju,Naina, Richa, Meenu were present.

Foundation coursebegins at NDRI fornew students

SHIV SHARMAKARNAL,: The main objective of thefoundation course is to improve the cre-ative power, intellectual developmentand personality development of new stu-dents from various states of the country.For this, necessary preparations havebeen made in the institute. Under thiscourse, students will be given the oppor-tunity to refine their talent. This includesart, literature, cultural, panting, singing,theater and cultural and dance related todifferent states of the country, which willbe held till 21 September.Joint Director Dr. Lata Sabikhi spokeabout the job and business opportunity inthe dairy sector. Dr. SM Deb spoke aboutthe facilities available in the National Li-brary. Dr. Dheer Singh informed abouthealth services. Dr. Dr. AK Singh talkedabout sports and recreational activitiesand Dr. JK Kaushik, Chief Hostel Patroninformed the students about the facilitiesavailable in the hostels.


Haryana Chief Secretary, Mrs. Kesh-ni Anand Arora today issued direc-tions to Divisional Commissioners,Deputy Commissioners and Superin-tendents of Police, to complete all thearrangements regarding the launchprogramme of ‘Fit India Movement’on the occasion of National GamesDay by Prime Minister, Mr NarendraModi on August 29, 2019, from Indi-ra Gandhi Stadium, New Delhi.

The Chief Secretary was presid-ing over a meeting regarding thelaunch of ‘Fit India Movement’ byPrime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi,through video conferencing here to-day.

Mrs Arora said that the pro-gramme would be telecasted nation-wide through Doordarshan. Duringthe programme, the Prime Ministerwould also administer pledge of fit-ness. For this, the Chief Secretary di-rected the officials concerned to com-plete all the preparations regarding di-rect telecast of the programme in alldistrict and sub-divisional headquar-ters, tehsils, Block Development andPanchayats Officers offices, parks,Municipal Corporations, Municipal

Committees, Municipal Councils andGram Panchayats. She said thatsports, yoga or marathon should beorganised to increase public partici-pation before or after the programme.

She said that live telecast of thisprogramme and games should be or-ganized in all government and privateschools, colleges, ITIs, Polytechniccolleges and universities to connectthe students and youth with this pro-gramme. Apart from this, the pro-gramme should also be organised atwellness centers, dispensaries, privateand government hospitals as well asat police lines and police stations.

She said that NSS volunteers,

NCC cadets as well as youth fromNehru Yuva Kendras should be in-cluded in the programme. She direct-ed the officers concerned to ensurearrangements of drinking water as wellas other facilities at the sites of the pro-gramme. She also directed to ensurestrict security arrangements for thisevent to be held on August 29. In themeeting, Director General of Police,Mr Manoj Yadava said that adequatesecurity arrangements would be madefor the programme and traffic arrange-ments would also be paid full atten-tion. He said that about 5,000 youthare taking police training in PoliceTraining Centers in Haryana.

Keshni Anand directs DCs to completearrangements for Fit India Movement

Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal addressing the gathering during the 6th day of ‘Jan Ashirwad Yatra’ at Kharkhoda in dis-trict Sonipat on August 26, 2019. Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Minister, Mr. O.P Dhankar and Media Advisor to Chief Minister,

Mr. Rajiv Jain are also seen in the picture.


Yogendra Yadav of the Swaraj India par-ty today made a scathing attack on theBJP government in Haryana for failing tofulfil the manifesto promise of providinglakhs of jobs to the people.

Yadav , who released the second listof 8 Swaraj India candidates to contestVidhan Sabha polls in Haryana, said un-employment will be a major issue in theforthcoming assembly elections. He an-nounced to launch Jan Sarokar campaignfrom September 1 to meet people to dis-cuss their problems.

Addressing a media conference heretoday, Yogendra Yadav said Haryana topsthe bigger states in the country as far asunemployment is concerned. There aremore than 16 lakh educated unemployedyouth in Haryana today. The BJP in itsmanifesto had promised lakhs of jobs tothe unemployed youth in the state, but sofar not even 1 per cent of the registeredunemployed persons have been providedemployment, he said.

Yadav said what is more disturbing isthe fact that among the 20 to 24 years-oldyouth, unemployment rate is as high as64 per cent. The Haryana government Inany other country this would have madebig news, but in Haryana it is not even thetalking point, he said. Quoting the NSSOdata, Yadav said said it is alarming thatwhile India’s unemployment rate standsat 6.9 per cent, Haryana has three timesmore than that at 20.5 per cent.

He said it is tragic for Haryana that allpolitical parties in the state have alwayshoodwinked unemployed youth. Whilethe Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) in-

dulged in job fraud, Congress indulged innepotism in jobs while the BJP forgot ithad promised to provide jobs. He saidSwaraj India will work hard to tackle thisproblem in the state. Announcing the 8Swaraj India candidates today in Haryanafor the forthcoming Vidhan Sabha elec-tions in addition to the 10 announced ear-lier, Yogendra Yadav said Madhu Anand,70 will contest the poll ffrom Panchkula.Madhu and her husband had fought a pro-longed battle for 19 years with the formerDGP of Haryana SPS Rathore to finallyget justice for Ruchika Gilhotra in thesexual molestation case.

Yogendra Yadav lambasts Haryanagovt on increasing unemployment

PINJORE: Shri Krishna Jan-mashtami Festival was cele-brated on Saturday evening atPinjore White Castle byWhite House in associationwith Dharmapur ISKCONtemple Pinjore. On this occa-sion, the foreign devoteesfrom Russia, Indonesia,Africa, Nigeria reached thetemple and chanted Hare Kr-ishna Hare Krishna, HareRama Hare Rama and recitedit as a hymn. On this occa-sion, about 12 thousand Kr-ishna devotees reached fromother places includingHaryana.

RSS senior pracharakPrem Ji Goyal also arrived

here on the invitation ofWhite House Pinjore MD andsocial worker Santram Shar-ma. Goyal ji told KrishnaBhagat that salvation wouldbe attained if we follow Gitabut before that our societywill have to be organized. Onthis occasion, Santram Shar-ma honored Premji Goyal bypresenting mementoes ofLord Krishna and Radha. Pri-or to this, Prem ji Goyal alongwith Santram Sharma per-formed the ablution of LordKrishna. The festival had var-ious skits, dances, plays bythe children of the PrahladaSchool, devouted by children,based on our scriptures.

PINJORE: Janmashtami festival was celebrated by the stu-dents of Little Heart School , Pinjore on 23Aug2019. Variousprogrammes were held in the school premises . Principal Mrs.Savita Singh along with the Chairman Mr.Balbir Singh con-gratulated and encouraged all the students and staff memberson this occassion and also distributed sweets .


The Unnat Bharat Sevashri Awards 2019 weredistributed at the Constituency Club RafiMarg. Eminent personalities from across thecountry attended the Unnat Bharat SevashreeAwards function. The awards were given bythe Chief Guest Vijay Chopra, Justice KailashGambhir with the Advanced Bharat SevashreeAward. On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Vijay Kay-at and retired engineer-in-chief Delhi DineshKumar were also present.

Director Arjun Singh was awarded BharatAward for Gardening, Haryana, Dr. SurendraKumar Gupta (Karnal), Dr. JK Dabas (Kar-nal), Dr. Harish Chand Yadav (Bareilly), Dr.Neeru Saini (Indo-Israel Project Ghauranda,Dr. Subhash Yadav-DFO Gurugram and Dr.Bijendra Singh-DFO. Apart from Karnal, ViceChancellor for Shiksha Ratna Award was Prof.Dr. Vijay Kayat (Sirsa), Prof. SK Singh (DeanDelhi) and Dharampal Sirohi, Assistant Direc-tor IGNOU, Administrative Ratna Vivek Ma-hajan (Deputy Resident Commissioner, Hi-machal Pradesh) and Health Ratna award toDr. AK Mandal Director (Andaman-Nicobar)Dr. Sunil Raheja- (Delhi), Dr. SurendraKashyap- Director (Kalpana Chawla MedicalCollege, Karnal), Dr Pramod Verma (Health

Department, North Delhi, and Dr. K S Sachde-va.

Also awarded were Hakim Dhiraj SainiChandra Dev (Kurukshetra) from AyurvedaRatna. (1) Chief Engineer Gunasagar Jain(North-East) from Nirman Ratna East), Chair-man Engineer RN Rajput (Indian Railways),Rahul Singh (Faridabad), Vikas Kumar (Soni-pat) and engineer JK Arora (Railway Karnal),apart from Samaj Ratna, Chairman Sukhpal(Karnal), Suresh Sharma- Mahavirji (Ra-jasthan), Sarpanch Reema Bansi Vij(Baniyani), Sarpanch Anil Juneja (Anwal),Gulshan Dua Samaj Sevi (Kalanaur), AnitaSachan Tourism (Assam Service), MP TuliShiksha Samaj Seva (Karnal), Shiv Sharma,Karnal for outstanding work in journalism,Shailendra Jain Karnal, Announcer SampurnSingh Singh Rohtak, B.S. Kumar Gurugram,KN Poonia Sonipat. Mayor Avtar Singh NorthDelhi was honored. First time Citizen Greet-ings Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Vijay Kayat andMember Minorities Commission Manjit SinghRai, Senior Advocate DP Sharma and Corpo-rate Award Dr. Harry Consultants (Karnal)were also honored. Sardar Manjit Singh Raiand Chief Guest shared their thoughts on theconcern of daughters of the country due to di-vorce and said that NRI. Avoid the groom orfamilies with single child.

Unnat Bharat SevashriAwards conferred


Ward number-17, people ofShiv Colony area will nowget clean and adequate drink-ing water. A 10 MLD sewer-ate treatment plant was builthere along the Western Yamu-na Canal. The residents herewere not getting water as perthe requirement from a tubewell constructed with theSewerage Treatment Plant,but now a new tubewell willbe installed here. Work onthis has also started from to-day. Municipal Mayor RenuBala Gupta duly started it bygoing to the construction siteand breaking a coconut. Onthis occasion, Councilor ofthis ward, Joginder Sharma,

of the Public Health Depart-ment and SDO Randhir Singhwere also present.

Karnal city is changingdue to the visin of Chief Min-ister Manohar Lal and nowsmart roads, parks facilities,beautiful roads, LEDs arehere. In addition to the lights,an Amarut project worthcrores of rupees for the

drainage of rain water is inprogress. In the next fiveyears, Karnal will be trans-formed. The works will be inaccordance with the hopes andaspirations of the people. Onthis occasion, Mohan Sharma,Suresh Sharma, Manoj,Aditya Sheer, Jagat Pal,Pradeep Sharma and RajindraPanchal were present.

Haryana govt committed topeople’s welfare: Renu Bala

Premji Goyal addressesdevotees on Janamashtami


The case of assault on youthof SC community in Gudhavillage has taken anew turmn. Hun-dreds of womenand men of theDalit society an-noyed with thehooliganism creat-ed a ruckus beforeDSP office. Theyraised slogansagainst the doctorin the premises ofthe governmenthospital accusing him of dis-crimination during treatment.The victim alleged that thedoctor did not treat him andother injured properly duringtreatment last night. A heavypolice force rushed to the spotafter being reported to theCHC. The protesters' anger

subsided after the DSP as-sured concrete action againstthe accused.

It is noteworthy that inthe late Sunday night, in the

village Gudha, men armedwith sticks attacked the youthof SC society. Nearly half adozen people from one sidewere injured in the incident.All the injured were admittedto CHC for treatment. Somewith serious injuries referredto Karnal Trauma Center.

Attack on youth with sticks:Action against guilty sought Media workshop


As part of the nationwide programme of Ministry of Informa-tion and Broadcasting, Government of India, Press InformationOffice Chandigarh will organize a media workshop-conversa-tion for journalists and media personnel of the district on Au-gust 27 in Karnal. In this workshop, Karnal District DeputyCommissioner Vinay Pratap Singh will attend IAS as the ChiefGuest. The main purpose of this workshop is being organizedunder the guidance of Mrs. Devpreet Singh IIS, Additional Di-rector General (Regional), Press Information Office, Chandi-garh.

The main objective of this workshop is to communicatewith journalists working in rural areas and take various gov-ernment welfare schemes to help the media in reaching thecommon people. Representatives of media persons, newspa-pers and electronic media working in Karnal district will par-ticipate in the workshop.

Director of the Press Information Bureau, Chandigarh andthe operating officer of the workshop, Pious Singh said that inthis workshop, issues liken various government welfareschemes, Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao, digital India, water con-servation, ongoing for the overall development of the countrywill be discussed.

Be practical in finishingwork on time: ADC


Additional Deputy Commissioner and RTA Secretary AnishYadav told the officials present at the monthly meeting of theRoad Safety Committee held in the Mini Secretariat today that,just saying that they will do the work it in a week, will notwork. It will have to be done in the time line through a practi-

cal approach, otherwise theroad safety meeting will re-main a formality.

Discussing variouspoints related to road safe-ty, he told the Public WorksDepartment and MunicipalCorporation officials thatall the work should becompleted before the up-coming meeting and the

meeting should also come with complete preparation.In the meeting, the ADC cautioned the police department

for over-speeding and reduced light-jumping in the last monthof July and said that they should increase the number. The rep-resentative of the traffic police said that in July 1966 withouthelmet driving, 172 of wrong parking, 410 of wrong side driv-ing, 165 of mobile use while driving, 299 of not installing seatbelts and 396 of three riders on two wheelers.

S S International schoolwins state championship


The players of SSS International School won the state champi-onship after defeating Sonepat in the final match of the Under-17 Lawn Tennis competition in the 54th Haryana State SchoolSports competition held at Yamunanagar.

After this match, these players have also been selected forthe national competition. Upon reaching the school, the play-ers were welcomed by Director Sandeep Kakkar and congrat-ulated them on their success. Sandeep Kakkar told that under-17 lawn tennis In the competition, school players Karn Singh,Aditya Balra and Jasmeet Duhan defeated Sonepat's team 6-4,6-0 to win the trophy. He told that these players of the schoolhave won the championship and have illuminated the name ofthe school and the city. The director said that at present there isimmense scope to make a career in sports. Along with educa-tion, sports have also become necessary.

Little Heart schoolcelebrates Janmashtmi




Chandigarh Housing Boardhas demolished four fresh un-authorized constructions inModern Housing Complex,Manimajra.

So far the EnforcementSquad of the ChandigarhHousing Board has demol-ished 27 fresh un-authorizedConstructions/Alterations and

many more to be demolishedin next few days. In manycases, allottees have them-selves removed the viola-tions. CHB has also issueddemand notices to the allot-tees where the demolitionswere carried out in last fewdays to recover cost of demo-litions ranging from Rs4000/- to Rs. 42,000/- ap-proximately per unit. All the

allotttess are again requestednot to undertake any fresh vi-olations otherwise the same isliable to be demolished ontheir risk and cost. Sincethese violations may lead tostructure safety issues notonly for the dwelling units butalso for the particular unit andalso for the adjoining unitalso, the CHB is adoptingzero tolerance policy.

SBI ladies club plants saplings atManimajra Govt. schools

CHANDIGARH: SBI Ladies Club, anon-profit making club of wives ofofficers and senior executives of theState Bank of India, is engaged indoing various charitable events for theupliftment and self-reliance of theneedy people of the society. Today toincrease the greener cover and toconserve the environment SBI LadiesClub, Chandigarh planted saplings atGovt. Model High School, Pocket No.8, Manimajra and Govt. Model MiddleSchool, Pocket No. 10, Mani Majra.Asha Mishra and Neelam Joinwal andother members of the club plantedsaplings to promote greenerenvironment. Nisha Sachdeva,Principal Govt. Model High School,Pocket No. 8, Manimajra and Tarun,In-charge, Govt. Model Middle School,Pocket No. 10, Mani Majra along withother Teachers and Students of theschool, were also present andappreciated the noble efforts of the SBILadies Club, Chandigarh.

Un-authorized constructionsdemolished in Manimajra by CHB

Free health, eye check-up camp heldMOHALI: The Commercial Banking unit of Kotak Mahindra Bank (Kotak), under its com-munity wellbeing initiative #SehatkaSafar, organised a health and eye check-up camp for com-mercial vehicle drivers in Mohali, Punjab. Kotak is one of the leading players in the commer-cial vehicle financing segment in India. Under this initiative,Kotak conducted a free health and eye check-up camp fordrivers in Mohali as well as educated them about existing so-cial welfare schemes by the government such as Atal PensionYojana and Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Suraksha Yojana that theyare eligible for. Amit Mohan, Senior Executive Vice Presidentand Head - Commercial Vehicle Financing, Kotak MahindraBank said, “Commercial vehicle and truck drivers play a keyrole in transporting goods across the length.

BBMB played mischief to causefloods in Punjab, crippledpeople economically: KhairaCHANDIGARH: Sukhpal Singh Khaira,Bholath MLA and President of PunjabEkta Party(PEP) on Monday allegedthat Bhakra Beas ManagementBoard(BBMB) had played mischief tocause floods in Punjab, which isotherwise a rain deficient state.In a hard hitting statement issued here,Khaira said BBMB was fullyresponsible for the havoc caused byfloods in Punjab. He said BBMB hadconspired to divert water from Beasriver to Bhakra Dam despite the factthat Pong Dam had large capacity tostore rain water. In the first place, theBBMB allowed water level in BhakraDam to swallow and reach the peaklevel of 1680 feet. Subsequently thewater from Dehar and Pandoh powerhouses was diverted to Bhakra Damthrough Beas-Satluj Link (BSL) torelease in Satluj River. Khaira didn’trule out a political conspiracy behind‘unnatural flooding’ of Punjab and saidfloods were used a weapon to cripplethe people of Punjab economically andincapacitate them from raising voice forpeople of Kashmir and uprising ofRavidasia community against theCenter for demolishing their historicaltemple in Delhi.

Primary musical concertat Mohali schoolMOHALI: Students of Sacred Soulsshowcased their talent during thePrimary Musical Concert. During thetwo daylong event students of classesI-V participated in various culturalevents. On the first day the juniorschool choir enthralled the audience bypresenting the song 'I had a dream'.Thereafter the students charmed theaudience with a heart winning westerndance performance. Another group ofstudents performed a traditional danceon the beats of a famous Punjabisong. The most charming feature wasthe English play 'Androcles and theLion'. Students of classes I-III amazedthe audience with their theatrical skills.Through the highly dramatic storychildren highlighted the importance ofgratitude in life. On the second daystudents presented an array of musicaland dance performances.

Bhandara, havan heldat Fateh Nath temple

DALJEET AJNOHAHOSHIARPUR: In the ancient ShriBaba Augad Shri Fateh Nath Templeof Village Jejo Doaba, an annualBhandara and Havan was conductedunder the leadership of the committeeon behalf of the group members.Those who inaugurated theprogramme were BJP National VicePresident Avinash Rai Khanna andBaba Krishna Nand Ji Bhuri in a jointmanner, along with the PresidentSarinder Rna, Secretary AsvniKhanna, Ajmer Singh Kang, RachhpalSingh Pali Badowal. Praveen Soni,Jagmohan Karna, SanjeevPanchangal, Dr Sunil Pathak, Dr NituSarin, Dr jamil Balim Dr Amrit PalSingh, Dr Richa and Dr Raman Kumarwere also present. More than 500patients were checked at the camp. 50units of blood was collected at thehealth camp.

Massive drive for plantation of flowertrees in and around Sultanpur Lodhi

CHANDIGARH: As a part 550th Prakash Purb Cel-ebrations of Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji, the Punjab Gov-ernment has now undertaken a massive drive forplantation of flower trees and flowers in the vicinityof the holy city of Sultanpur Lodhi so as to present a

picturesque view to themillions of devotees like-ly to converge here dur-ing the mega event inNovember this. Disclos-ing this here today an of-ficial spokesperson of thePunjab Government saidthat the Horticulture De-partment has been en-trusted with this task andits Director has been de-puted as a nodal Officerto oversee the overall

plantation drive. Under this ambitious project toplant 550 trees of Gulmohar and Amaltas, nearly 300have already been planted in and around the historicGurdwara Sri Ber Sahib and banks of Holy Bein be-sides flower beds are being made on both sides ofroads leading to the holy city.


Kharar MLA, KanwarSandhu today took a seri-ous notice of the worseninggarbage situation in Naya-gaon township. The MLAaccompanied by the Naya-gaon Nagar Council Exec-utive Officer, Jagjit SinghSahi, Assistant MunicipalEngineer, Jawahar Saga'.and Sanitary Inspector,Varinder Singh visited thehuge heaps of garbage ly-ing on the Nada Road.

He instructed them toensure that such a situationdoes not arise again. TheMC officials told the MLAthat garbage was being reg-ularly lifted and taken toLalru but heaps of garbagein the area had collecteddue to the continuing rainsand holidays last week.They promised to have thearea cleared during the next24 hours. The MC officialsalso complained that theylacked land for dumping of

garbage which was nowbeing dumped along therivulet, thus polluting therain water. It also resultedin accidents due to straycattle feeding on thegarbage. The MLA spoketo the district officials onthe issue over the tele-phone. He said that hewould be submitting a pro-posal to the SAS NagarDC, Girish Dayalan on theissue. Sandhu also took aserious note of more than100 stray cattle which were

seen feeding on garbageand which continued toroam around the seasonalrivulet (Patiala Id Rao) un-hindered. The MC officialscomplained that the straycattle nuisance in the areawas due to an open"Gaoshala" which had ille-gally come up within therivulet on land belongingto Irrigation Department.The MLA spoke to Irriga-tion Department officials toget this area cleared of thestray cattle. Later the MLA

had a detailed meeting withMC officials relating toother matters pertaining toNayagaon, including waterand electricity and roads.

Sandhu assured themthat he would take these upwith the Local GovernmentMinister, Mr Brahm Mo-hindra. This included mat-ters pertaining to ShivalikVihar 3 Nada and Kansal.Sandhu had yesterday vis-ited Shivalik Vihar 3 wherepeople complained of thelack of basic amenities.

Kharar MLA Sandhu on ‘Garbagecleaning’ spree in Nayagaon

Students in Que for the admission of 10+1 at Govt. School Sector 10 in Chandigarh on Monday. Photo by: S. Sharma

Punjab waters: Capt should convene all-partymeeting for wider perspective, says AAP

CHANDIGARH: State president of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Sangrur Member of Par-liament (MP), Bhagwant Mann has demanded that Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh ur-gently convene an all-party meeting in view of the order of the Supreme Court directing the statesof Punjab and Haryana to forge a consensus on the disputed issue of Sutlej Yamuna Link (SYL)by September 3, 2019 fixed by the court. In a statement issued from party headquarters inChandigarh on Monday, Mr Mann said if Captain Singh was concerned about Punjab and its wa-ters, he should immediately convene an all-party meeting, saying that top-ranking water experts,legal experts and social and farmers’ representatives be invited to have a general perspective.The AAP chief said the state should put up its point of view in a forceful way during the meet-ing slated for September 3, 2019.


Punjab Water Resources Min-ister Sukhbinder SinghSarkaria today expressed sat-isfaction on the swift pace ofplugging work on the breach-es in Phillaur sub-division.

The minister who inspect-ed the work at the pluggedbreaches, said that the workwas carried at the war footinglevel and breachea including380-FT in Meonwal, 180-ft inMeonwal Dera Pathra and165-ft in Mau Sahib wereplugged at the earliest.Sarkaria, who has been camp-ing in Jalandhar for past fewdays to give fillip to the plug-ging work,said that officialsof administration and his de-partment and religious organ-

izations had worked tirelesslyfor plugging the breaches.Sarkaria said that he has beenpersonally monitoring theplugging work on day to daybasis to ensure its timely com-pletion in the larger public in-terest. He said that the workof plugging in remainingbreaches in Phillaur sub-divi-sion would be completed inthe coming days. Likewise,he said that there is not anyfund shortage and financialpowers of officials have beenincreased to complete thework soon.


The Punjab governmenthas started to give 5 Lakhhealth insurance cover to44 Lakh family of Punjab,Under the AyushmanBharat Yojana (ABY)popularly known as Prad-han Mantri Jan ArogyaYojana or National HealthProtection Scheme. Thiswas a centrally sponsoredscheme launched on 23September 2018 under theAyushman Bharat Missionby the Ministry of Healthand Family Welfare, Gov-

ernment of India. TheAAP MLA from Sunamassembly segment, AmanArora has opened a freeSewa kender in the nameBhagwan Dass AroraSewa kender to issuecards to the eligible per-sons. In the presence ofMedia persons Arora

while distributing 1622cards to the beneficiariessaid that this Sewa kenderhad been opened to helpthe eligible persons by is-suing them cards underthe various beneficiaryschemes launched by theCentre as well as by stategovernments.

Sarkaria expresses satisfactionon plugging work in Phillaur

AAP MLA distributes 1622 cards under Ayushman Bharat Yojana

Indo Global holds workshopon Training, Placement


Indo Global Colleges organised workshop on Train-ing, Placement & Employability on new session at itscampus. An Interactive session on Personality devel-opment and Interviews skills was held by Interna-tional Chamber of Education & Media Guru. Studentswere informed how to become efficient throughlearning and the basics of corporate communication,managing time , and the mind -set shift that is re-quired when moving from a college to a corporate en-vironment . Presentation Skills, Team Work, TimeManagement, Stress Management ,Business commu-nication, Self-Awareness and Communication, Tran-sition, First impression, Interview skills.



Majority educational institutes remain close inKashmir since Aug 5SRINAGAR: Majority of educational institutes, including schools and colleges, remainedclosed on Monday in Kashmir since August 5, when Article 370 and 35 A were scrappedand the state was bifurcated into two union territories, triggering massive outrage amongpeople in the valley. Some primary and middle schools were functioning in north Kashmir,particularly border areas. All educational institutions, including universities, engineeringand other professional colleges were closed from August 5, when Article 370 and 35 Awere scrapped and state divided into two —Ladakh as union territory, Jammu andKashmir another union territory by the Centre, evoking sharp and spontaneous reaction.However, authorities ordered reopening of primary schools from August 19 following bymiddle schools in the valley from August 21 though students continued to stay away fromtheir respective educational institutes in view of the prevailing situation.

India-Pak tension,Karvan-e-Aman bus toPoK remain suspendedSRINAGAR: The Karvan-e-Aman bus,operating between Srinagar andMuzaffarbad, capital of Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir (PoK) and crossLine of Control (LoC) trade remainedsuspended since March 4 due to hightension between India and Pakistan,official sources said. There is nopossibility of resuming the peace busto PoK introduced since April 7,2005to help families divided in 1947partition to meet each other, thesources told UNI. The weekly busservice was suspended on March 4after it was reported that authoritiesfrom PoK side were repairing AmanSetu, peace bridge at Kaman Post, thelast Indian military post on this side atLine of Control (LoC) in Uri sector.However, the service could not berestored due to tense situation on theborder due to frequent violation ofceasefire by Pak troops on the LoCand International Border (IB) in thestate. The bus service, one of themajor Confidence Building Measure(CBM) has helped thousands offamilies to meet each other after Indiaand Pak agreed to allow only statesubjects to travel in the bus on travelpermits instead of InternationalPassport. Barring hardline HurriyatConference (HC) chairman Syed aliShah Geelani and DemocraticFreedom Party (DFP) chief ShabirAhmad Shah, almost all separatistleaders had travelled in the bus to PoKand Pakistan. Shah is currently underthe detention of EnforcementDirectorate. Later, the Union HomeMinistry ordered suspension of theCross-LoC trade between Srinagarand Muzaffarabad following reportsthat it was being used for terrorfunding. The National InvestigationAgency (NIA) arrested a number ofcross-LoC traders and conductingsearches at their residences inconnection with terror funding.

Days after abrogationof Art 370, DefenceMinister to visitLadakh on Aug 29NEW DELHI: Defence Minister RajnathSingh will visit Leh on August 29 in afirst major visit by a top brass after theabrogation of Article 370. This would bethe first visit by the Defence Minister tothe Union territory after the governmentgot a resolution passed in this regard inParliament earlier this month, Defenceofficials said. During the visit, theDefence Minister is expected to holdparleys with both locals and militaryofficials deployed in the area, they said.The visit is also coming at a time whenChina had expressed its views that it isagainst the move to make Ladakh aUnion Territory. The Army and othersecurity agencies are charged withguarding the borders with China in theEastern Ladakh sector. Rajnath Singhhad visited Ladakh soon after takingover as the Defence Minister and alsolaid a wreath at the Siachen warmemorial. The Minister is expected tobe briefed by the local militarycommanders about the securitysituation in both China as well asPakistan border in Leh.

Naropa fellowship hostconvocation ceremonyfor its first cohort

SHIMLA: India's new cadre ofentrepreneur and future leaders are setto make a significant impact on society,especially improving the quality of life forthe Himalayan region. The NaropaFellowship programme celebrated itsfirst convocation ceremony for theirinaugural cohort at Hemis Monastery,largest Drukpa lineage monasterylocated at an altitude of 12000 feet inLadakh. A total of 52 students receivedtheir postgraduate certificate inEntrepreneurship and Leadershipprogramme. The Fellows were inspiredby the presence of Shri JamyangTsering Namgyal, MP of the newlycreated Union Territory of Ladakh, whograced the ceremony as the Guest ofHonour. Dr. Rudrangshu Mukherjee,Chancellor Ashoka University, was alsothe Guest of Honour and thecommencement speaker at theConvocation Ceremony. The first cohortof 52 Fellows, underwent through arigorous one-year, fully residential, post-graduate, academic programme wherethey were taught courses centredaround entrepreneurship, society andculture, communication skills andpersonal development.

Newly elected GauputraSena office-bearers pledgeto work for protection ofinjured cowsANWAR HUSSAINKULLU: Members of the GauputraSena at a meeting held under thechairmanship of its state president

Kamal KishoreSharma Kapilyesterday haveelected Mira Acharyaand Rajkumar Dograas vice-presidents ofManali and SharlaSharma as president

and Balkrishna as vice-president ofKulu district. They pledged that theywould held injured and helpless cowsmoving on roads.

No proposal to lease outHPTDC property: Thakur


Himachal Pradesh chief minister JaiRam Thakur said here on Mondaythat currently there is no proposal tolease or sell any property ofHimachal Pradesh TourismDevelopment Corporation (HPTDC)to private sector.

Addressing media queries heretoday, CM, outside the HimachalAssembly said that question ofleasing out or sale of HPTDCproperty does not need to be asked.

“Neither state cabinet, norrevenue or tourism department hastaken any decision to lease out orsell any property. No property canbe leased out or sold without takingproper decision in this regard.” MrThakur said.

This is pertinent to mention thatthe confusion in this regard had beencreated on Saturday as the websiteof Rising Himachal GlobalInvestors’ Meet stated that 14 out ofthe 56 HPTDC properties includingPalace Hotel in Chail and GolfGlade at Naldehra are available forprivate sector on lease.

State government created thewebsite for the Meet scheduled to beheld later this year in Dharamshalato attract investment.

At this, the CM clarified “Thestate government had prepared a listof HPTDC units running in loss fortheir proper management and thislist was wrongly uploaded on thewebsite.’

The list had been removed fromthe portal on Sunday itself and areport was sought in this regard, he

added.Proper action would be taken

against the officer found responsiblefor uploading the list on the portal,

CM assured.He said that opposition

Congress should not try to make amountain out of a molehill.

Assembly adjourns for day inHP after obituary references

SHIMLA: Himachal PradeshAssembly adjourned for Monday tomourn the demise of former Unionminister Arun Jaitely after the obituaryreferences. As the house assembledtoday on post lunch session, SpeakerRajiv Bindal informed that the housewill be adjourned fore the rest of theday following the demise of notedlawyer and former Union Minister MrArun Jaitley. Chief Minister Jai Rampaying tribute to Mr Jaitley in theassembly said that keeping the statureof departed soul he brought a

condolence motion so that member ofthis house could pay obituaryreferences to him. Including SpeakerRajiv Bindla, Chief Minister Jai RamThakur, leader of Opposition MukeshAgnihotri, CPI (M) member RakeshSingha, Congress memberSukhvinder Singh Sukhu, BJPmember and Minister SureshBhardawaj and Govind Thakur wereprominent among who paid tribute toMr Jaitely. The house also observedshort silence to mark the demise offormer Union minister.

82 roads restored for vehiculartraffic in Chopal Division


Chief Engineer, Public Works Department(South Zone) Lalit Bhushan today visitedKupvi area of Chopal Assembly segment ofShimla district to take stock of the situationarisen due to massive landslides on roads dueto torrential rains. He said that out of 95 roadsin the Chopal division, 82 have been openedfor vehicular traffic and remaining 13 roadswill be made operative in two or three days.

Lalit Bhushan said that initially damagesabout Rs. 15 crore have been estimated toroads and bridges of Public Works departmentin Chopal Assembly constituency. Adequatemen and machinery has been pressed intoservice in the area to open all the roads so thatpeople do not face any inconvenience.

The Chief Engineer on Friday had visitedNerwa area of Chopal constituency and gavenecessary directions to officials of thedepartment for opening the roads at the

earliest. He inspected roads up to Fedaj withthe officials and said that Sainj- Chopal toNerwa-Fedaj road (70 Kms) is open for buses.He said that a portion near Nerwa Bazar isrisky in rains and heavy damages have beencaused at Ranabiar, four kilometers fromNerwa. He said that nallah channelizationnear Ranabiar was in progress to preventmore damages to houses.


Cloud burst, heavy rainfall and rising ofwater level in major rivers and damsderailed normal in last 24 hrs, the MetOffice said. Superintendent of PoliceShimla O P Jamwal said that cloud burstat Badhal near Jeori in Shimla district at0650 hrs. Rescue party got theinformation at Police post Jeori andrushed to the spot along with staffmembers. Due to this, road has beenblocked at Badhal, however no humancausality came to notice so far.

Similarly information received fromChamba said that with rising of waterlevel in Chamera-one water releasedfrom the dam at 1000 hrs high alert is tothe people living downstream of dam onRavi River. The people were alsocautioned to not to go near the inflatedriver and dam. A Bridge betweenHadsar and Bharmaur at Pranghannallah washed down the bridge downstream, after rising water level.

Met Office recorded 102 mmrainfall at Baijnath in Kangra,Jogindernagar in Mandi 66 mm,

Palampur in Kangra 61 mm, Gaggal 57mm, Sarkaghat in Mandi 56 mm,Bharmaur in Chamba 45 mm,Dharmshala 41 mm, Sarhan 32mm,Banjar in Kullu 26 mm, Pandoh inMandi 24 mm, Paonta Sahib in Sirmaurand Rampur 21 mm each, Tissa inChamba and Gohar in Mandi 20 mmeach. Bijahi 19 MM, Chhatrari 17 mm,Renuka in Sirmaur 13 mm, Sangrah 11mm , Bhuntar in Kullu 10 mm, Nahan inSirmaur and Kufri nine mm each,Mehre in Kangra, Jubbal in Shimla andSeobagh in eight mm, Saloni inChamba, Mandi, Kasauli in Solan sevenmm, Naina Devi in Bilaspur, Manali inKullu, Pachad in Sirmaur and Aghar inHamirpur six mm.

Cloudburst and rain furyderail life in Himachal

Rs. 2.50 lakh presented towardsCM Relief Fund by SDMA


Chief Minister Jai RamThakur was presented acheque of prize money Rs.2.50 lakh towards ChiefMinister Relief Fund heretoday by Principal Secretary,Revenue Onkar ChandSharma won jointly by StateDisaster ManagementAuthority and District DisasterManagement AuthorityTeams, Kullu and Lahaul-Spitidistricts on the occasion ofIndependence Day under CivilServices Award-2019 fordoing commendable work in

the disaster management.Director, State DisasterManagement Authority Duni

Chand Rana and seniorofficers were also present onthe occasion.

Jai Ram launches 7theconomic census


Chief Minister Jai RamThakur today launchedseventh Economic Census(7th EC) being conducted byMinistry of Statistics andProgramme Implementation(MoSPI) in 2019 to providedisaggregated information onvarious operational andstructural aspects of alleconomic establishments inthe country.

The Economic Censusprovides valuable insightsinto geographical spread,clusters of economicactivities, ownership pattern,persons engaged etc. of theestablishments with orwithout fixed premisesengaged in economic

activity.For the conduct of 7th

EC, MoSPI has partneredwith CSC e-GovernanceServices India LimitedMinistry of Economics andInformation Technology asthe implementing agency.The enumerators andsupervisors engaged by CSChave been trained to collectdata on mobile applicationdeveloped for data capture,validation, report generationand dissemination.

Secretary Finance,Economics, Statistics andPlanning Akshay Sood,Deputy Director GeneralNational Statistics Office(Field Operations Division)H.P. Region and EconomicAdvisor Vinod Rana werealso present on the occasion.


Governor Kalraj Mishra hasdirected the State PublicService Commission to speedup the recruitment process sothat the vacant posts could befilled up in a stipulated timeperiod. He was speakingduring a meeting with theChairman of the CommissionMajor General DVS Rana,who called up him at RajBhawan today. He said that thestate government was creatingvarious posts which should befilled up at the earliest throughthe Commission to provideemployment opportunities tothe youth. He stressed that therecruitment process for theposts of HimachalAdministrative Services andallied services should be

completed within a timeperiod of six months. TheGovernor expressed happinessthat the Commission wasadopting completetransparency in the recruitmentprocess which should bemaintained in the future aswell. The Chairman apprisedthe Governor about various

initiatives taken by theCommission to improve itsfunctioning. Director Generalof Police (Jail) Sumesh Goyalalso called on the Governorand detailed him about the'Jail-to-Job' campaign andother steps taken by thedepartment for welfare of thejail inmates.

I don't care: J-K Guv on AdhirRanjan Chowdhury's remarks


After Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhurysuggested Satya Pal Malik be made the president ofBJP's Jammu and Kashmir unit, the Governor hit backat him and said that he does not care about suchremarks. "By saying what he said in Parliament, heburied his party in the grave. What do I say on hisknowledge? I'm doing my work with utmost devotion.I don't care about these remarks," Malik told ANI herewhen asked about Chowdhury's statement.Chowdhury had over the weekend said that the Jammuand Kashmir Governor statements are like those givenby the BJP leaders and he should be made the chief ofBJP in J and K. "Jammu and Kashmir Governorshould be made the president of the state BJP unit. Hiscomments and statements are like those of BJPleaders. The way he talks doesn't uphold the integrityof the constitutional office of Governor," Chowdhurysaid. "Schools and colleges are closed in Jammu andKashmir. People are not allowed to speak. Those whowant to visit there are not being allowed to go toJammu and Kashmir," he added. His comments cameafter a delegation of Opposition leaders includingRahul Gandhi was stopped at Srinagar airport by theauthorities and were sent back to Delhi.

Guv directs to complete recruitmentprocess in a fixed time frame

Guv and CM condole demise of Arun JaitleySHIMLA, AUG 26

Governor Kalraj Mishra and ChiefMinister Jai Ram Thakur haveexpressed deep grief over thedemise of former Finance Ministerand senior BJP leader Arun Jaitley.The Governor said that Arun Jaitleywas an intellectual and determinedleader, excellent administrator and apolitical giant who made a lastingcontribution to the country. He will

always be remembered for hisvisionary leadership and his servicesto the country. As a FinanceMinister, he took several importantdecisions for welfare of the peopleof the country. The Governor hasprayed for the peace of the departedsoul and expressed his sympathieswith the bereaved family members.In his condolence message, theChief Minister said that Arun Jaitleyserved the nation in several

capacities and was an asset to thegovernment and the partyorganisation. He said thatknowledge and articulation won himseveral friends. It was during histenure as Finance Minister that thenation took bold decisions likedemonetisation and implementationof GST. Jai Ram Thakur said thatShri Jaitley was a powerful oratorand for many years he was the BJP'slead speaker in the Rajya Sabha.





Punjab Chief Secretary Karan Av-tar Singh on Monday chaired ahigh-level meeting of Group ofSecretaries on Disaster Manage-ment to review flood relief opera-tions in the State and directed toimmediately release the funds tomeet urgent financial requirementsin affected areas.

Asking officials to furtherspeed up the relief operations, theChief Secretary directed Health de-partment officials to ensure ade-quate supply of medicines for con-trol of water related diseases in theall affected districts, and the Fooddepartment officials ensure ade-quate supply of food materials toaffected areas.

Deputy Commissioners of Ja-landhar, Kapurthala, Ferozepur,Fazilka, Moga, Ludhiana, ShaheedBhagat Singh Nagar and Roparjoined the meeting via video con-ferencing and explained the reliefoperations carried out in their dis-tricts. The Deputy Commissionersgave a brief account of damage

caused in their districts due tofloods and added that actual losswould be assessed once the waterreceded. They also shared the prob-lems being faced during flood re-lief operations and sought immedi-ate release of the funds required totackle the situation.

They further assured the ChiefSecretary that the situation was un-der control in their respective dis-tricts. Assuring every possible helpby the Government, the Chief Sec-retary asked the Group of Secre-taries on Disaster Management,

and the Deputy Commissioners tofurther step up the relief operationsbesides adopting all preventivemeasures to keep a check on out-break of any disease in the flood-hit areas. Special Chief SecretaryRevenue K.B.S. Sidhu, AdditionalChief Secretary Home SatishChandra, Additional Chief Secre-tary Development Viswajeet Khan-na, Additional Chief Secretary Co-operation Kalpna Mittal Baruah,Additional Chief Secretary LocalGovernment Sanjay Kumar, Finan-cial Commissioner Rural Develop-

ment and Panchayats Seema Jain,Principal Secretary FinanceAnirudh Tiwari, Principal Secre-tary Water Resources SaravjitSingh, Principal Secretary Healthand Family Welfare Anurag Aggar-wal.

, Principal Secretary MedicalEducation & Research D.K. Ti-wari, Secretary PWD Hussan Lal,Secretary Animal Husbandry RajKamal Chaudhary, Chairman-cum-Director PSPCL Baldev Singh Sranand ADGP (Law) Ishwar Singhwere presented in the meeting.

Punjab CS reviews flood relief ops

SC corporation to provide loans worth Rs. 550 lakh to commemorateparkash purab of Sri Guru Nanak Dev JiJALANDHAR (PRITPAL SINGH): In a major step to assist the SC community for self employment as humble andbefitting tribute to Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji on his 550th parkash purab of Guru Nanak Dev Ji , the Punjab Government

has decided to grant the easy loans worth Rs. 550 lakh through the Punjab SC corporation.In a meeting to review the implementation of welfare policies by the corporation, the Chair-man Mohan Lal Sood along with Director Balwinder Singh Dhaliwal (IAS) said that thePunjab chief minister Captain Amarinder Singh has asked the corporation to speed up theefforts to disburse the loan amount to the applicants by organizing special camps across thestate as the Punjab Government has already sanctioned the loan amount to the corporation.


The Social Security, Womenand Child Development Minis-ter Aruna Choudhary has ex-horted the people to follow andcomply with all the legal pro-cedures while adopting a child.In a statement released here to-day, Aruna Choudhary said thatmany children being exploited,abandoned, rejected and leftalone are being kept in differ-ent children's homes. In thesehomes, the children are provid-ed with a favorable environ-ment for their overall personal-ity development.

The minister furthersaid that those couples who donot have children or others whowish to adopt them shouldcome forward so that thesechildren can play an effectiverole in the as responsible mem-bers of the civil society besideshaving a better life. In addition,they have asked the adopters tocomplete all legal proceduresbefore adopting children toavoid any complications lateron. She said that there are cur-rently 10 Adoption Agencies inthe state which handle the pro-cedure of child adoption after

the completion of the legalprocesses. In addition, theGovernment has also fixed theeligibility criteria for the adop-tive parents according to whichthey should be physically,mentally and financially strongand should not be sufferingfrom a fatal illness. In case of amarried couple, the consent ofboth of the spouses is neces-sary. The adoptive parents musthave been married for at leasttwo years. In case of a singlewoman, a boy or a girl can beadopted.

But, in the case of a man,only the boy can be adopted.The willing parents have toregister on Cara's online portal,cara.inc.in, and the applicationis accepted only after the studyreport is prepared after visitingthe home of the adoptive parents.

Aruna Chaudhary appeals tofollow all legal procedures for

adoption of the childrenWater level decreasingin Fazilka, none shiftedto relief camps

RAJ SADOSHABOHAR: In the border area ofFazilka district, Sutlej water hasdamaged crops in 18 villages spreadover 6,480 acre, while all the habitatsare safe. Deputy CommissionerManpreet Singh Chhatwal said thatnow water level is decreasing inaffected areas and nobody has to behomeless due to the floods in thedistrict.

The DC, who himself is constantlymonitoring the situation, said that 18villages in the district were affected,out of which 10 were in Fazilka and 8in Jalalabad sub-division. In thesevillages, only the crops are damagedby the flood water and the populationareas are completely safe. He saidthat the administration has set up 5relief centers in Fazilka and Jalalabadsub-divisions each and 6 in Aboharsub-division, but nobody has neededshelter in relief camps.

Last date of admission for UGCapproved LPU distance eduprogrammes with late Fee is Aug 31stHARPREET SINGH LEHELJALANDHAR: Lovely ProfessionalUniversity campus is abuzz now-a-days with hundreds of aspiringstudents’ regular visits to get enrolledin various UGC approved DistanceEducation (DE) programmes offeredby the university. Last Date ofAdmission to these D E Programmeswith late fee of Rs 500 is 31st August2019.B.A. is popular among Defenceand Police Personnel while teachingcommunity from Government as wellas Private sector is preferentiallyopting for M.A. programmes toupgrade their qualifications. These areM.A. in Economics, Education,English, Hindi, History, Mathematics,Political Science and Sociology. Forfurther details & clarifications regardingadmissions, an aspiring student canvisit www.lpude.in, make a call onhelpline number 01824 521360, orforward a mail atodl.admissions@lpu.co.in

Sidhu visits floodaffected village PhullRUPNAGAR: The Health & FamilyWelfare Minister Balbir Singh Sidhutoday visited the flood ravaged villagePhull of District Ropar to oversee theflood relief works. During his visit, heinstructed the district authorities tocontinue all the relief facilities andspeed up the procedure of theirrehabilitation. He said that medicalcamps are being organized in allaffected areas of State in which healthcheck up of people is being done andthey are being administeredmedicines. He asked the MedicalOfficers present on the camps toensure the adequate availability ofessential medicines at medical camps.He also got the details of medicalcamp about the treatment servicesand available medicines at the VillagePhull. He also visited the village’sDispensary and instructed to maintainthe record of the department.

Directs immediately release of funds to affected districts

CT Group holds massive plantationdrive on the occasion of 550th BirthAnniversary of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji

JALANDHAR: The celebrations tomark 550th Birth Anniversary of ShriGuru Nanak Dev Ji have already beenstarted with Sukhmani Sahib Path atCT Group of Institutions, Shahpurcampus.

Taking a step ahead, CT Grouporganised a massive plantation driveat its Shahpur campus in which 550students planted 550 saplings insideand outside the campus. On theoccasion, Pollywood actor BinnuDhillon, Actress Kulraj Randhawaalong with CT Group ManagingDirector Manbir Singh and ViceChairman Harpreet Singh werepresent and planted saplings.ManbirSingh, Managing Director CT Group ,Harpreet Singh, Vice Chairman said,“We have also planned various eventsin near future dedicated to 550thPrakash Purab like Literarycompetition including quiz, facepainting etc along with turban tyingand gatka competition etc.”

Hindu society to renovateNandiyana temple


In order to take care of the temple located in Farid-kot Nadiyana, a meeting of the Hindu society of thecity was held in the temple premises, in which thediscussion took place on the construction of the in-complete pond in the temple and the construction ofa beautiful garden on the empty space adjacent tothe pond. The society present on this occasion em-phasized the need to form a new committee to for-mulate a policy on using the land of the temple forthe benefit of all the society.

The dignitaries present at the meeting decidedto start work of fencing around ground, and it wasdecided to start this work as soon as possible so thatthe entry of stray animals into the temple can bestopped. On this occasion, Satish Grover, VijayChhabra, Navdeep Garg, Vivek Bansal Vicky, Jatin-der Madiya, Surinder Kumar Aadi, Rinku Madha,Pramod Kingra, Sudhir Chhabra, Raju Aneja, Sum-it Arora, Sunil Chopra, Gopal Agarwal, SanjeevTinku, Sonu Rajpal, Surinder Sharma, GopalBansal, Lalit Maini, Yashwinder Singh, NavneetBansal, Salachi Gupta, Veenu Goyal, Sonu Grover,K. Jeevan Doaba were present.


A 5-day State level prize andteacher training camp was or-ganized by Hindustan Scoutsand Guides Punjab at Interna-tional Fateh Academy here to-day. On this occasion, MPGurjit Singh Aujla attended asthe chief guest and JagroopSingh Sekhwa as special guest.Giving this information, Prin-cipal of the Academy ParamjitKaur said that the state levelaward and teacher trainingcamp at the academy was or-ganized with great enthusiasm.Chairman International FatehAcademy Jagbir Singh was

present. As many as 32 teach-ers and 70 students fromacross the state participated inthe camp. The performance ofthese teachers and studentswas highly praised by the StateChief Commissioner, JagbirSingh and Chief Guest GurjitSingh Aujla. Participantswere motivated to serve themotherland and humanity. Ac-tivities like lectures on yoga,tying different types of knots,clapping and saluting, as wellas training to provide initial as-sistance and fire protection. Inthe evening there was also aprovision to show their innertalent with a colorful program.

State level awards and teacher trainingcamp held at Fateh Academy

Jagtar posing as SSP arrested for seeking a ransom of Rs 2 lakhJANDIALA GURU (KULJIT SINGH): Local Police has arrested a man posing himself as SPand sought Rs 2 lakh as bribe from local businessman. Gurdial Singh resident ofvillage Punala police station Sadar Dhuri district, Patiala told that his son BaljitSingh, who was about 27 years of age, was mentally disturbed. He had put hismissing posters in commercial place and on that he gave his number. He got acall from someone that he is speaking SSP Vikramjit Duggal and give Rs 2 lakhto his son. But complainant gave the information to the police in advance fol-lowing which fake SSP was caught red-handed by trap . The accused was identi-fied as Jagatar Singh, son of Roor Singh, Manmohanpura District Tarn Taran. A


Under the supervision ofEducation Minister VijayIndra Singla, EducationSecretary Krishna Kumarand Director SCRT, withthe help of DEO RakeshBala, Principal RakeshGupta, District ResourcePerson Surinder Mohanand DM Gurnam Singh,district level various com-petitions were organized to

mark celebration 550thanniversary of shri GuruNanak Dev Ji at Sukhjin-der College Gurdaspur. Inthe calligraphy competi-

tion under middle categoryNavjot Kaur, NavdeepKaur and SumanpreetKaur got first , second andthird place respectively.

Similarly, in the secondarycategory, Suneha Kiran-deep Kaur and RajneeshKaur secured first, secondand third place respective-ly. Rajbir Kaur and Ra-jwant Kaur played asjudges to evaluate thesecompetitions. Similarly, inbook review competitions,Komalpreet Kaur, ParamjitKaur and Hemant securedfirst, second and thirdplace respectively in thesecondary category.

District level competition marks 550thPrakash Utsav of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji

People get fed up with fakepromises of Cong govt : Aulakh


The people of Punjab is fed up with false promisesof the Congress government in power as it had mis-erably failed to do anything to deal with day to dayproblems being faced by people of state. They werewaiting for Assembly election to teach Congress alesson for the betrayal.

Stating this here today, Kuldeep Singh Aulakh ,the National Organizing Secretary of the ShiromaniAkali Dal said that during the elections, CaptAmarinder came to power on false promises but hispromises to the people were forgotten. He said thatduring the Badal government, facilities were beingprovided to all sections of the society in time. Thepeople of Punjab are still remembering develop-ments undertaken by Badal-led government. `Peo-ple are waiting for the Assembly elections so thatthe Shiromani Akali Dal can be brought back topower’, he added.



Priyanka, Yogi in Raebareli todayRAEBARELI: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath andCongress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi will be here on Tuesday.Adityanath, slated to be here tomorrow, will pay tributes to freedomfighter Rana Beni Madhav. He will then felicitate some social workersand freedom fighters at Firoz Gandhi auditorium. Reportedly, someCongress workers, irked over the abrogation of section 370, hasinvited the CM for the programme. Meanwhile, Congress generalsecretary Priyanka Gandhi will be in Raebareli to express hercondolences on demise of former MLA Akhilesh Singh. She will meetthe deceased's daughter Sadar MLA Aditi Singh and express her grief.

Father arrested forallegedly raping,impregnating minordaughterAJMER: Rajasthan Police on Sundayarrested a man from Ajmer district forallegedly raping and impregnating hisdaughter. Police Station officer(Gegal), Rajendra Commando saidthat the matter was solved after eightmonths of investigation as the familywas not co-operating. Speaking to ANIon the matter, PSO RajendraCommando said, "We had receivedinformation about the rape of a minorgirl in October last year. The girl'sfamily, however, did not want anyaction citing superstitious reasons andsocietal pressure." Soon after,Rajasthan Home Secretary tookcognizance of the incident anddirected Superintendent of Police(Ajmer) to conduct an investigation, acase was registered under TheProtection of Children from SexualOffences Act (POCSO), 2012. Thepolice revealed that the family oftenmisled them during the investigationand at one point also fled the village."Even though they had fled the village,we continued to gather evidence andnow, after eight months we havediscovered that the perpetrator of thecrime was none other than the girl'sfather and he has been arrested,"Rajendra said. A case against theaccused has been registered underPOCSO Act and other relevantsections of the Indian Penal Code.

TN CM launchesexclusive educationTV channelCHENNAI: The Tamil Nadugovernment on Monday launched it'sexclusive education TV channel,aimed at benefiting students of classesI to XII. An initiative of the SchoolEducation Department, "KalviTholaikkatchi" (Education TV) waslaunched by Chief Minister KPalaniswami here. This was a "first ofits kind" initiative in the country, SchoolEducation Minister K A Senkottaiyansaid. The content will include showsaimed at school children, besidesthose on jobs and related issues.Palaniswami said the TV channel willimpart knowledge on various subjectslike facing competitive exams. "The(content will include) training forcompetitive exams, skill development,announcements made by the SchoolEducation Department, modernlearning and talks by academicians,"Palaniswami said. Senkottaiyan saidthe launch of the TV channel in TamilNadu was being "done for the firsttime." "Students can now learn fromhome," he said at the launch event.

Honour killing: Son-in-law shot deadPILIBHIT: Anguished over theirdaughter's love marriage, the familymembers of a girl shot their son-in-lawdead in the Bisalpur town of thisdistrict in Uttar Pradesh, policesources said on Monday. According tosources here, Sachin (25) residing inMohalla Dubey of the Bisalpur townhad married Anju (22), daughter ofHarinandan, around five months back.Sachin had also visited his in-laws'house on the occasion of RakshaBandhan along with his wife. On lateSunday evening, Sachin was on hisway to the market for some work,when Harinandan and several othersaccosted and shot him dead. Sourcessaid a case against six people, threeunidentified, has been registered andmain accused Harinandan along withtwo others have been arrested. Amanhunt has been launched to nabthe absconding accused.

Sub-Inspectorcommits suicide inKasganjKASGANJ: A Sub-Inspector posted atthe Dariyavganj police stationcommitted suicide by shooting himselfwith his service revolver in the Patiyaliarea of this district in Uttar Pradesh,police spokesperson said on Monday.Sub-Inspector Dev Singh (54),resident of the Raya area in Mathuradistrict, had gone to the Patiyali firestation for some work on late Sundayevening. He had a conversation withwatchman Satya Prakash deployedthere. Later, Satya Prakash left tocomplete some work. After SatyaPrakash left, Dev Singh went to aroom inside and shot himself with hisservice revolver. Upon receivinginformation, Superintendent of PoliceSushil Ghule, AdditionalSuperintendent of Police Dr PavitraSingh Tripathi and other officialsreached the spot.

Serial molesterarrested in MumbaiMUMBAI: A 35-year-old man, whoallegedly molested minor girls onmultiple occasions in Mumbai, hasbeen arrested, a police official said onMonday. Sachin Anant Shama, aresident of Bhatwadi area in suburbanGhatkopar, used to lure the girls byoffering them chocolates and icecream, he said. Acting on a tip-off, thepolice laid a trap and nabbed him fromGhatkopar last Thursday, he said. Theparents of a 10 year-old-girl recentlycomplained to the police that anunidentified person tried to molest heron August 13 by taking her to anisolated place in Bhatwadi while shewas returning from her dance classes,he said. They said the culprit lured thegirl with a chocolate. As the girl startedcrying loudly, the accused fled thespot, he said.


Govt withdraws Manmohan's SPG coverAGENCYNEW DELHI, AUG 26

The Special Protection Group(SPG) protection given to formerprime minister Manmohan Singhhas been withdrawn following areview by multiple securityagencies but he will continue toget Z plus security, officials saidon Monday.

The former prime minister's Zplus security cover -- one of thehighest -- will be given by one ofthe Central Armed Police Forces(CAPFs), preferably the CentralReserve Police Force (CRPF),they said.

The government's decision hadbeen conveyed to Singh, who wasIndia's prime minister from 2004and 2014, and the SPG contingentwill be withdrawn from his NewDelhi residence after one of theCAPFs takes over theresponsibility, a home ministryofficial said.

"The current security coverreview is a periodical andprofessional exercise based onthreat perception that is purelybased on professional assessmentby security agencies. Dr.Manmohan Singh continues to

have Z+ security cover," a homeministry spokesperson said.

The decision to withdraw theSPG security, the country's highestgrade of protection, was takenafter a three-month reviewinvolving the Cabinet Secretariatand the Ministry of Home Affairswith inputs from variousintelligence agencies, officialssaid.

With the removal of Singh'sSPG cover, the top notch securitycover will now be given only toPrime Minister Narendra Modi

and the Gandhi family -- Congresspresident Sonia Gandhi and herchildren, Rahul and Priyanka.

According to procedures laiddown by the SPG Act, 1988, Singhwas entitled to SPG cover for oneyear after he demitted office in2014.

His SPG security cover wasrenewed annually after a review ofthe threats faced by him and hiswife Gursharan Kaur.

Singh's daughters, who werealso given SPG cover, gave up theprotection voluntarily in 2014.

The SPG was set up in 1985after the assassination of primeminister Indira Gandhi. Parliamentpassed the SPG Act in 1988,dedicating the group to protectingthe prime minister. At the time, theAct did not include former primeministers. When V P Singh cameto power in 1989, his governmentwithdrew SPG protection given tohis predecessor Rajiv Gandhi.

After Rajiv Gandhi'sassassination in 1991, the SPG Actwas amended to offer SPGprotection to all former primeministers and their families for atleast 10 years.

The Atal Bihari Vajpayeegovernment conducted a review ofthe SPG's functioning, and decidedto withdraw the SPG protectiongiven to former prime ministers PV Narasimha Rao, H D DeveGowda and I K Gujral.

In 2003, the Vajpayeegovernment again amended theSPG Act to bring the period ofautomatic protection down from10 years to "a period of one yearfrom the date on which the formerprime minister ceased to holdoffice" and beyond one year basedon the level of threat as decided bythe general government.


Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)supremo Mayawati onMonday slammed theCongress and other oppositionparties for giving chance tocentre and J&K Governor tocreate unnecessary politics, bygoing to Kashmir withoutpermission. The BSP chieftweeted on Monday that theabrogation of Article 370 hascreated an unprecedentedsituation in Kashmir and it willdefinitely take some time forthe situation to normalizethere. "It is better to wait a bit,which is also considered by theHonorable Court", she said.While hitting out at Congressand other political parties fortrying go to Kashmir at thisjuncture, she said, "Theyshould think twice beforegiving an opportunity to theCentre and Jammu andKashmir Governor Satya PalMalik to do politics overKashmir by trying to visit theregion at this point in time,"Explaining the reason behindher party's decision to supportthe Centre's move to aborogateArticle 370, which grantedspecial status to Jammu andKashmir, Mayawati said that

Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar wasnever in support of Article 370because he always believed inunity and equality of India."This became the sole reasonwhy BSP supported thegovernment's decision torevoke Article 370." she said.The reaction of the BSPsupremo comes a day after adelegation of oppositionleaders including RahulGandhi, Ghulam Nabi Azad,Anand Sharma, KCVenugopal, CPIM's SitaramYechuri, CPI's D Raja, RJD'sManoj Jha, JDS's KupendraReddy, NCP's MajeedMemon, DMK's Tiruchi Siva,LJD's Sharad Yadav, andTMC's Dinesh Trivedi hadgone to Srinagar on Saturdayto review the prevailingsituation in Jammu andKashmir after Governor Malikhad "invited" Gandhi to visitKashmir.

Family makes jewellery using clay in BarmerBARMER, AUG 26

A family in Vishala village of Barmer istaking their family legacy forward bycontinuing the art of making jewellery usingclay. The family has been in the professionfrom the last 40 years and has been managingto take forward this profession forward byexporting their jewellery also in the foreignmarket. "I have been making jewellery fromclay from the last 20 years. The demand isvery low in India but foreigners really lovethis kind of jewellery. We make all kinds ofwomen jewellery. We don't earn big profit inthis profession. I only make if someone ordersit, otherwise, I do not make these articlesbecause the demand is very low here," saidjewellery maker, Zamin Khan. "Earlier I usedto sell one article for like Rs 20-30 but now asthe demand is less I sell it at a higher price. Igo at different places to sell them like

Mumbai, Udaipur, Rajkot and Una," hefurther added. "I have been doing this workfrom the last 15 years. Our family's work isselling in foreign markets. Due to the foreignmarkets, the work is going very well. I alsosell our jewellery to the festivals organised bythe government. We make nimboli, locket,necklace and bangles of clay which we exportoutside," said another worker and familymember, Arbab Khan.

Tejashwi trains guns at JD(U) leaderfor police officer's use of MLC's car


Senior RJD leader TejashwiPrasad Yadav on Sundaytrained his guns at JD(U)Rajya Sabha member RamChandra Prasad Singh as hisdaughter, who is an IPSofficer, reportedly used forofficial work an MLC's carwith an MP sticker pasted onit. Alleging that people haveto pay illegal levy to RamChandra Prasad (RCP) Singhto become members oflegislative council (MLC), hesaid central agencies musttake action against him.

However, the JD(U)claimed that the rule of lawexists in Bihar now, while itwas absent during the RJDrule. RCP Singh's daughterLipi Singh, who is additionalsuperintendent of police incharge of Barh sub-divisionof Patna district, had gone tothe Saket court in Delhi onSaturday to seek transitremand of controversialMokama MLA Anant Singhin an Unlawful Activities

(Prevention) Act case.Reports then surfaced in

the media here that thevehicle used by her to reachthe court allegedly belongedto JD(U) MLC RanveerNandan. The car thoughbelonging to a member of thestate legislative councilallegedly carried a stickerused by a member ofParliament.

"The said JD(U) MLCwho provided his vehicle hasbecome an MLC by payingthe RCP tax. No one knowshow many properties andvehicles owned by one personare actually being used byanother," Tejashwi alleged.

By 'RCP tax', the leader ofopposition in Bihar Assemblyallegedly referred to illegallevy collected by the JD(U)leader.

RCP Singh, a former IASofficer of Uttar Pradesh cadre,is the JD(U) national generalsecretary and the party'sleader in the Rajya Sabha. Heis considered the second mostpowerful leader in JD(U) afterNitish Kumar.

"The incident shows thatRCP Singh is distributing theMLC post by acceptingmoney. This has proved theallegations of RCP tax beingcollected. Nothing moveswithout paying RCP tax,"Tejashwi told reporters.

Talking to reporters hereafter an RJD's meeting, heclaimed that Chief MinisterNitish Kumar, who is alsoJD(U) chief, likes people whocollect money for his party.

Kumar and Deputy ChiefMinister Sushil Kumar Modishould inform people whataction has been taken in thismatter, he said.


Janata Dal-United (JDU) willchallenge the ElectionCommission of India (EC)decision to not grant it theconcession to use its reservedsymbol for contestingelections in Jharkhand andMaharashtra. "Party hasdecided to challenge thedecision in Commission and ifrequired, we will go to HighCourt as well. Somewhere,now our demand from EC is tofreeze the election symbol ofJMM. Because, in Bihar, theyare not a prominent player andin Jharkhand, they haveexploited tribals using thissymbol," JDU leader RajeevRanjan said on Monday whilespeaking to ANI. The JDUleader said they were notdiscouraged by the decision.

"Having considered allaspects of the matter, theCommission has directed thatthe Janata Dal(United) willnot be granted concessionunder Paragraph 10 of theSymbols Order to use theirreserved symbol "Arrow" forcontesting elections in theStates of Jharkhand andMaharashtra, henceforth," theElection Commission of Indiahad said in a order datedAugust 16. The order came onan application submitted by

Jharkhand Mukti Morcha(JMM) requesting EC not togrant concession for allotmentof "Arrow", the reservedsymbol of JD(U) under theprovisions of Para 10 of theElection Symbols(Reservation & Allotment)Order, 1968, to the candidatesset up by JD(U) in anyelection in the State ofJharkhand. In its order, the ECsaid it has earlier considered asimilar request from JD(U), intheir application dated January28, 2019 after taking intoconsideration the vote share ofJMM and SHS in the State ofBihar when the said partieswere granted concessionunder Paragraph 10 of theElection Symbols(Reservation & Allotment)Order, 1968 (here in after'Symbols Order').

JDU to challenge EC decision thatbars it from using 'arrow' symbol

Petition moved in DelhiHC seeking drafting of

Uniform Civil CodeNEW DELHI, AUG 26

A petition was moved in the Delhi High Court onMonday seeking directions to the Centralgovernment and Law Commission of India toconstitute a judicial commission or a high-levelexpert committee to draft a Uniform Civil Code. Thepetition, filed by lawyer Abhinav Beri, submitted thatthe gender justice and equality, and dignity of womenguaranteed under various Articles of the Constitutioncannot be secured without the implementation of theArticle 44. "The purpose of Article 44 is to introducea Uniform Civil Code, which is essential to promotefraternity unity and national integration," the petitionsubmitted. It asserted that the executive branch didnot take serious steps to implement the UniformCivil Code. The court tagged this petition with asimilar petition, which had sought framing of aUniform Civil Code to promote fraternity, unity andnational integration. The petition, filed by BJP leaderAshwini Upadhyay, is listed for hearing tomorrow.All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB)had on Friday moved an application in the high courtseeking to be impleaded as a party in a petitionmoved by the BJP leader.

Former PM continues to get Z plus security

Mayawati slamsopposition forKashmir visit

Jal Jeevan Mission can't besuccessful without community

participation: ShekhawatNEW DELHI, AUG 26

Union Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra SinghShekhawat on Monday extolled Prime MinisterNarendra Modi for his ambitious Jal Jeevan Missionand requested the states to come forward to achievethe access to piped potable water to every ruralhousehold by 2024. Addressing state minister's

conference on Jal JeevanMission here, Shekhawatexuded confidence and said thatthe target would be achieved ifall the stakeholders walktogether. "People have manyexpectations from thisgovernment. They have faith inthem. If the states and Centre

walk together, 100 per cent target can be achieved.This is an issue which needs communityparticipation. It could not have been successfulwithout community participation," he said. PrimeMinister Narendra Modi had, on August 15,announced from the ramparts of Red Fort that hisgovernment will spend Rs 3.5 lakh crore on itsambitious Jal Jeevan Mission. Shekhawat said fiveyears ago, on the same occasion, when the PrimeMinister made an announcement on sanitation driveand vowed to make India open defecation free byOctober 2, 2019, the 150th birth anniversary ofMahatma Gandhi, people of the country had doubtswhether it could be achieved.

Decision on Dy CM, ministerportfolios soon: Yediyurappa


A decision will be made on Monday on who will beappointed the Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka,the state's Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa said. Healso announced that the portfolios of the newly-appointed cabinet ministers will be allotted either onMonday or Tuesday. "Today it will be decided towhom Deputy Chief Minister post has to be given. Iwill send the list to the Governor. It will also bedecided by today or tomorrow, which portfolio has tobe allotted to whom," Yediyurappa said. On August20, Yediyurappa expanded his Cabinet by inducting17 legislators, nearly a month after the BJP formed thegovernment in the state. Those who joined the hisCabinet included Govind M Karjol, Dr C N AshwathNarayan, Lakshman Sangappa Savadi, K SEshwarappa, R Ashok, Jagadish Shettar, B Sriramulu,S Suresh Kumar, V Somanna, C T Ravi, BasavarajBommai, Kota Shrinivas Poojari.


Invite someone for medita-tion and mark how theystart looking at their

watch. “Who has time?” is theusual response. Because thecommon feeling among non-meditators is that the time

spent inmeditationis timew a s t e d .People arecontinuallycalculatingthe econom-

ic value of their time. And allthe research shows that whenpeople are equating time withmoney, they are not enjoyingtheir lives.

Meditation cannot be en-cashed at monetary gain. Sucha kind of people don’t enjoymusic, or sunsets or playingwith their kids. We live in atime where everything is ex-pected to be done quickly; wepraise the fastest race cars, thefastest airplanes, the fastestswimmer, the fastest sprint-er… There are countless TVshows and advertisementsthat try to tap into the humanobsession with speed. Whereis this speed mania is takingus? Into tension and anxiety.

Nevertheless, there is a pos-itive side to this state of af-fairs. The fact that people can-not wait even for a momentmeans they value each mo-

ment tremendously. This fo-cus on each moment can beused to introduce them tomeditation, for meditationmeans living in the moment.The meditator also valueseach moment, but the differ-ence is: he goes deeper intoeach moment whereas thespeedy man lives the momentsuperficially. He is jumpingfrom one moment to anotherlike crazy. Not knowing thateach moment can be a door tothe timeless.

Osho has used this situationcreatively and has designedshort meditation techniquesthat can give instant resultslike instant coffee. Here aresome techniques:

Whereever you are, simplywatch your breath coming inand going out. Do not try tochange it, just watching willmake the breathing slowdown. With the breath slow-ing down, your mind will re-

lax and you will be at peace.Whenever you remember,

bring your attention here andnow: to this moment. Some-times you will forget, but itdoesn’t matter, when you re-member again, start beinghere and now. That reducestons of tension. As if sudden-ly you are at the clearing of aforest.

While standing, keep to themiddle: never to the left, nev-er to the right. Start swayingyour body like a bamboo,playfully, and slowly come tothe middle point. Feel the bal-ance and the bliss.

For one day, talk telegraph-ically. Use only the essentialwords, maybe ten words at themost. When you start speak-ing this way you will findmost words you utter are un-necessary. There is no need totalk so much. You will be sur-prised how much energy issaved by this.


The conferring of the UAE’s highest civilian honour onPrime Minister Narendra Modi in Abu Dhabi reaffirmsthe excellent ties between India and the Emirates. A re-

lationship that may have begun with oil from Abu Dhabi — theemirate is the fourth largest oil exporter — and grew with theIndian diaspora having flowered to the extent of Indians form-ing the UAE’s majority expat population — could never havebeen better. In fact, the UAE was one of the first nations tostand by India in stating the principle that the abrogation of Ar-ticle 370 in Jammu and Kashmir was “an internal matter” of In-dia. The credit for the ties hitting a new high should go to MrModi as he has been the active face of the initiatives taken bythis country to deepen its ties in the region.

India has been able to strike a fine balance in ties withheavyweights like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and evenQatar, a major natural gas supplier, besides hosting Indian di-aspora, keeping intact a relationship with Iran. In the region’sgeopolitics, defined by friendship with the United States, Indiahas carved out for itself a sphere of influence. The PM visitedBahrain, which has a strategic position in the region as it hostsboth US and British troops in a country with a sizeable Shiapopulation, that could be at odds with the major Sunni influ-ence in the cradle of Islam. A grand award ceremony in theUAE in the presence of Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and aBahrain award ceremony in Manama at a time when the Kash-mir Valley is an issue that may trigger adverse reactions, thanksto Pakistani propaganda, should be considered a major victoryfor Indian diplomacy.

The PM’s trip, which included visits to the Arab world, willface its sternest test soon when Mr Modi will meet the US Pres-ident Donald Trump in Biarritz, France, on the sidelines of theG-7 summit. With Mr Trump yet to get the bee out of his bon-net about his fancying a role as a mediator in Kashmir, despitethe US state department declaring it is India’s internal matter,Mr Modi has some clever skirting to do. He is at the G-7 as theguest of France to take part in deliberations on the environ-ment, climate change and digital transformation and the ParisAccord. The PM’s earlier halt in France for a bilateral meetingwith President Emmanuel Macron was symbolic of continuinguncomplicated and historical good relations between India anda nation that has had military ties through HAL and is also soonto supply Rafale fighter jets in a major defence deal. In short,this has been a good trip so far for the Prime Minister, withouttoo much of the internal politics of India slipping in.

EditorialModi leaves a mark

in the Arab world

Meditation in the age of instant coffeeOsho has used this situation creatively and has designed short

meditation techniques that can give instant results like instant coffee








STARS TALKSSeemaa Singh, As-

trologer and Vastu Ex-pert known for her accu-

rate predictions of winningBJP minister Kirron Kher, as

well winningof Punjabelections byCongress. Shehas deliveredmany lectureson astrologyin India aswell as

abroad. Followed by interna-tional conferences and T.V.shows on various Channels.ARIES:-Adapt to new tech-niques to increase your workefficiency. Your unique waysof doing things will interestpeople. Lucky Color:-All Shades of

Green Lucky Number:-5

TAURUS:-Your creativework would amaze peoplearound you and winyou appreciation.Your magneticp e r s o n a l i t ywill put youinto the lime-light.

Lucky Col-or:-Light Red

Lucky Num-ber:-1

GEMINI:-If youshould be going on a day'sleave then do not worry, asthings will run smoothly inyour absence. Romancewould be pleasurable.Lucky Color:-Rosy Brown

Lucky Number:-9

CANCER:-Today will bevery active and highly socialday for you all. Sheer pleas-ure and enjoyment for you, as

you set about to enjoylife to the fullest.

Lucky Color:-Olive Green

Lucky Number:-17

LEO:-It looks asif you're on your

own for a while;colleagues/associates

may come to your aid,but will not be able to pro-

vide much assistance. Lucky Color:-Chocolate

Lucky Number:-15VIRGO:-Nobody will agreewith you, even you are sureyou are right. Good day tolock yourself in a room and

work on projects that requireconcentration.

Lucky Color:-Peach Lucky Number:-6

LIBRA:-Software profession-al may realize their aspirations.Family front however doesn'tseem to be happy and smooth.

Lucky Color:-IndigoLucky Number:-22

SCORPIO:-Although youwill be far from results, butyou will be satisfied that youare on the right track. Be care-ful not to sacrifice accuracy.

Lucky Color:-RoseLucky Number:-18

SAGITTARIUS:-Whateveryou do, you will be able to doit in half the time you gener-ally take. Your ability to im-press others will bring re-wards.

Lucky Color:-LemonLucky Number:-3

CAPRICORN:-You willfind that friends will not un-derstand your needs. Your sin-cere efforts should be in mak-ing few changes to yourself.

Lucky Color:-PurpleLucky Number:-7

AQUARIUS:-You may haveto take a major decision inyour work. Timely and swiftaction would give you anedge over others.

Lucky Color:-YellowLucky Number:-2

PISCES:-Your cooperativenature will bring desired re-sults at workplace. You willbe entrusted with many re-sponsibilities.

Lucky Color:-Light GreyLucky Number:-8

At President’s ‘At Home’, babus feel left outThe new saffrons of Lu-

tyens were a little per-plexed at the relatively

low turnout at the President’s“At Home” last week. Usual-ly a crowded affair with peo-ple in the thousands, thistime’s “At Home” was no-ticeably smaller.

It’s by design, said somewho believe that the riffraff(read rather irrelevant Lu-tyen-ites?) and many hang-ers-on of the old Presidentialentourage went missing.Since President Ram NathKovind is a stickler for pro-priety, he hadn’t even includ-ed close family members inhis list of those invited. Thiswas formerly a significant rit-ual of Lutyens’ Delhi andclearly, the downsizing hashad its impact on the down-

grading of the event amongstthe hangers-on. But most sig-nificant for the “saffron ofLutyens” players was the fallin numbers of bureaucrats at-tending this event. In mostyears, large numbers of secre-taries — a growing tribe —and assorted additional andjoint secretaries would turnup with their wives in fullplumage to attend and makesure that they were seeing andwere seen.

Part of the earlier lure of at-tending for Delhi’s businessand other elite circles was thefact that they could minglefreely and socially with thekey babus who actually usedto move the levers of Delhi.With their dwindling num-bers and their vanishing pow-ers this is no longer a draw.

Add to that the fact the grow-ing tribe of non-IAS leapinginto the ranks of secretariesand joint secretaries, thespace and need to access andsocialise with them has sig-nificantly reduced and the en-thusiasm is choking off.

One possible explanationfor the drop in some key at-tendees, of course, may bethat the Prime Minister held areview meeting on the econo-my on Thursday morning af-ter his Red Fort speech.

This was both a signal ofthe significance of the eco-nomic crisis on the PrimeMinister’s agenda and the factthat bureaucrats can no longertake it for granted that Inde-pendence Day has the solemnsanctity of a holiday slackdown.

After Art 370 scrapping, the Shimla pact is virtually ‘dead’They are an integral part of the decision taken in 2014

to bar all talks with Pakistan on the Kashmir dispute

It is most unlikely that theModi government did notreckon with the interna-

tional as well as domestic con-sequences of the measures ittook on August 5 to dismem-ber the historic status of Jam-mu & Kashmir. It has invitedthe people of J&K to rise inrevolt. How long can thecurbs last? Forever? Oncethey are lifted, some day, atsome point, the pent-up popu-lar resentment will express it-self. It will not be mollifiedany longer by New Delhi andits local stooges.

These measures werelong in the making. They arean integral part of the decisiontaken in 2014 to bar all talkswith Pakistan on the Kashmirdispute.

Defence minister RajnathSingh’s August 18 statementon the talks came close on theheels of his even more sensa-tional statement on the 20-year-old doctrine of “no first-use” of nuclear weapons.Singh asked, “On what issueshould we have talks andwhy? About what should wetalk?” The 1972 ShimlaAgreement, by which Indiahad sworn for decades to pre-vent any international body orforeign power from pronounc-ing on the Kashmir dispute,provides the answer. Para 1(ii)reads: “That the two countriesare resolved to settle their dif-

ferences by peaceful meansthrough bilateral negotiationsor by any other peacefulmeans mutually agreed uponbetween them. Pending the fi-nal settlement of any of theproblems between the twocountries, neither side shallunilaterally alter the situationand both shall prevent the or-ganisation, assistance or en-couragement of any acts detri-mental to the maintenance ofpeaceful and harmonious rela-tions.”

This was flouted on Au-gust 5.

Para 1(iv) says: “That thebasic issues and causes ofconflict which have bedev-

illed the relations between thetwo countries for the last 25years shall be resolved bypeaceful means”, referring tothe dispute over Kashmirwhich had arisen 25 years ear-lier in 1947. The pledge that“neither side shall unilaterallyalter the situation” renders theattempted dismemberment ofJ&K’s special status void ininternational law as being vi-olative of this bilateral agree-ment and the UNSC’s resolu-tions.

The last provision in Para6 reads: “Both governmentsagree that their respectiveheads will meet again at a mu-tually convenient time in the

future and that, in the mean-while, the representatives ofthe two sides will meet to dis-cuss further the modalitiesand arrangements for the es-tablishment of durable peaceand normalisation of relations,including the questions ofrepatriation of prisoners ofwar and civilian internees, afinal settlement of Jammu andKashmir and the resumptionof diplomatic relations.”

The explicit reference to“a final settlement” of J&Kimplies: (a) there does exist adispute between India andPakistan on the future of affil-iation of Kashmir; (b) that dis-pute yet awaits a final settle-

ment; (c) neither side shallunilaterally alter the situation.Rejection of unilateralism inPara 1(ii) refers, in a generaland sweeping scope, to “thesituation”. It is rejected againin a more specific context.Para 4(ii) says: “In Jammuand Kashmir the line of con-trol resulting from the cease-fire of December 17, 1971shall be respected by bothsides without prejudice to therecognised position of eitherside. Neither side shall seek toalter it unilaterally irrespec-tive of mutual differences andlegal interpretations. Bothsides further undertake to re-frain from the threat or the useof force in violation of thisline.” This was violated inSiachen.

Hitherto, India’s standwas that the dispute must beresolved bilaterally. But Indiarejected its corollary that thereshould be meaningful talks onthe dispute and, implicitly,proposals for its peaceful bi-lateral solution; that implies acompromise.

The Modi governmenthas now gone a step further. Itrejects the very idea of talks.

If driven to the table, itwill not discuss the part ofKashmir on its side of the lineof control. This explains thecancellation of the foreignsecretaries’ talks in 2014 onpetty grounds.

No government and nofinance minister canafford to forget the

ground realities. Reality hitsback. It was but natural thenthat finance minister NirmalaSitharaman had to take noteof certain issues in the econo-my which she did not reckonwith in her Budget speech onJuly 5. The Budget was meantas a statement of intent, grandintent, of the Prime MinisterNarendra Modi government’ssecond term in office. It wasfelt that to mention problemsin the speech would havespoiled the party, as it were.But more than a month-and-a-half after the Budget, thegovernment had to respond toone issue it had not men-tioned in the Budget, and an-other which was mentioned init.

The first related to the au-tomobile industry, a key partof manufacturing, and theonly part that seemed to bedoing well when manufactur-ing as a whole had been lan-guishing through the fiveyears of the Narendra Modigovernment’s first term, fromthe summer of 2014 to thesummer of 2019.

With the precipitous fallin sales since the beginning ofthis year, the auto sector wasgasping for breath. The fi-nance minister responded byallowing greater depreciationfor the inventory, deferringthe date of introducing theBharat-IV rules regardingemissions and the switch to

electric vehicles, and thepromise that the governmentwould buy new cars. This isalmost a knee-jerk reaction.The government buying carsto stem the fall in sales is notexactly a boost to the econo-my. It would have been betterif there was demand stimulusfrom the buyers at large.

The Rs 70,000-crore re-capitalisation of public sectorbanks (PSBs), which was an-nounced in the Budgetspeech, is meant for creditofftake in general and notnecessarily for buying cars.The fact that this was reiterat-ed at the press conference is adeclaration on the part of the

government that the creditcrunch is real, and it is con-tributing to the sluggishnessof the economy. But this isnow combined with the near-mandate that the banks shouldtransmit the reduction in in-terest rates of the ReserveBank of India (RBI), and thebanks should now align theirlending rates to the repo rate— the rate at which RBI lendsto the banks.

This policy does notmake economic sense be-cause the banks, as commer-cial entities, will have tomaintain their profit margins.The banks have not broughtdown their interest rates be-

cause they know that the mar-ket conditions are not con-ducive enough. The financeministry and the RBI cannotforce banks to lend or thebusiness community and peo-ple in general to borrow. Theannouncement regarding thewithdrawal of the enhancedsurcharge on Foreign Portfo-lio Investment (FPIs) is an in-teresting measure because theModi government has beenan aggressive tax collector.The motive was a simple one— of increasing the tax rev-enue, which would then bespent on welfare measuresand on infrastructure. Thiswas indeed the economic phi-

losophy of Prime MinisterModi through his first term,though he and his colleagueswould be loathe to admit itbecause this was so like theCongress’ socialist policystance. The surcharge was anextension of this attitude. Butthe flight of FPIs over the sur-charge triggered the alarmsignal.

The government had beenclaiming that foreign invest-ments into India have been ata high ever since the Naren-dra Modi-led BJP came topower in 2014, but its bid totake tax advantage of the in-vestments in the Indian mar-kets was like killing the goosethat laid the golden eggs as itwere. The Modi govern-ment’s eagerness to increasetax collections could havemade sense if the economywas doing well. It is not dueto a complex set of reasons.But the government just re-fused to accept the fact, thatthe world economy had notrecovered from the 2008-09financial meltdown, and thatIndian exports were not goingto go up any time soon. TheModi government has notbeen inclined to face up to thereality because that came inthe way of the rose-tintedrhetoric about Mr Modi’sNew India. The governmentcannot hope to keep the prob-lems facing the economy un-der the lid — this will notwork any more because thestress is increasing. The jobsgrowth, or the lack of it, is the

elephant in the room, and thegovernment’s silence about itwill not banish it. The gov-ernment’s figure for employ-ment is modest. BetweenSeptember 2017 and June2019, the number stands at2,54,04,485, about a crore ofjobs in a year. This is not agreat number by any stan-dard. The argument of thegovernment and the BJP —that India’s growth rate is stillahead of all other leadingeconomies — is small conso-lation given the size of theeconomies of China (threetimes that of India), and of theUnited States (eight times thatof India).

The question remainswhether the measures that fi-nance minister NirmalaSitharaman has announced onFriday are enough to turnthings around. It may not.What is required is not mere-ly a slew of corrective meas-ures, but there is also a needfor change in the approach tothe issue of economic growth.The government is focusedon taking the Indian economyto the $5 trillion level. Thatmay happen in the nextdecade, but that would not re-ally make things easy for thepeople. India is still not thebest place for doing business,despite the improvement inthe “ease of doing business”ranking in the past five years.There is need for majorchanges at the ground level.The best-laid plans are notenough.

Signs of pragmatism in steps to boost economyThe Modi government’s eagerness to increase tax collections

could have made sense if the economy was doing wellThe Rs 70,000-crorerecapitalisationof public sectorbanks (PSBs),which wasannounced in theBudget speech, ismeant for creditofftake ingeneral and notnecessarily forbuying cars.


CHANDIGARH:- Providing a unique and exclusive opportunity for the riding enthusiasts in Chennai, Hero MotoCorp, the world’s largest two-wheeler manufacturer, organised its much sought -after riding experience - XTracks – Live the Thrill – in the city today.The one-of-a-kind ‘XTracks’ provides riders an exciting opportunity to experience the country’s most accessible adventure bike - all new XPulse 200 – in a specially-curated thrilling off-road zone.In addition to showcasing the capabilities of Hero MotoCorp’s XPulse 200 in on-and-off-road terrains, the XTracks event also aims to impart critical skills to the enthusiasts, thereby enhancing their riding abilities. It makes riding more fun, and yet safe for them.At the Xtracks Experience, participants are provided with a product and safety briefing that enable them to understand the capabilities of the bike and inculcate safe riding habits.


Hero Motocorp showcases prowess of the xpulse 200

CHANDIGARH: UrbanClap signed a partnership with Bayer, a global life sciences company. This will enable Urbanclap to facilitate sourcing of chemicals from Bayer's globally certified pest control products for its registered partners for effective and safe pest management solutions for consumers in the residential segment.Commenting on the development, Abhiraj Bhal, Co-Founder, UrbanClap, said "Our collaboration with Bayer is a great step forward and will benefit consumers the most. Consumers will get to avail the services of pest control professionals, trained by Bayer. The collaboration will set a new benchmark in the pest management industry for providing quality and safe pest control services for consumers in India. It will also show that combining technology with industry expertise and knowledge is the way forward." Under the partnership, UrbanClap will source products from Bayer for its pest control services and share customer insights from markets across India.

UrbanClap enters partnership with Bayer for pest control services

Motorola introduces industry-first ultra-wide action camera: motorola one action


handigarh :Taking the entertainment quotient several Cnotches up, BIG Magic, one

ofthe leading Free-to-air variety general entertainment channel in the Hindi-speaking market (HSM),is all set to transform a normal Ravivaar (Sunday) into a fun-filled MASTIVAAR for its younger audience. Every Sunday from 8:00 am till 11:00 pm,BIG Magic will have an array of special programming with animated shows, movies, magic and fun games making it a special destination for Sunday entertainment.Adding to an extremely interesting and varied content library of Mastivaar that includes edutainment, animation and fantasy shows, the channel raises the bar high for kid's entertainment with the launch of new reality shows - Shabaash India, India's Best Dramebaaz, LagaoBoli; fantasy show - Maharakshak Aryan and national and international animated shows. While the Mastivaar mornings will have kids dive deep into edutainment and reality shows, the afternoons will be high on entertainment with animation content and specially curated back-to-back movies.


Thomas Cook introduces autumn tours handigarh : Thomas Cook (India) Ltd., India’s leading integrated travel and travel related financial services company, has observed that demand Cfor holidays is no longer restricted to the traditional Summer vacation.

India’s new age travellers are displaying strong and growing appetite for travel during Autumn/Fall to enjoy nature at its best, with pleasantweather and the resplendent colours of autumn, giving the destination a distinctive appeal. In order to maximise the potential of the yet underleveraged season, Thomas Cook India has launched an array of special Autumn tours. With Europe recording extreme summer temperatures due to global warming/climatic changes, the Autumn season is finding considerable appeal among India’s new age travellers. Autumn’s pleasant/moderate weather (in between the heat of summer and cold winters), its picturesque backdrop with green leaves changing colour to myriad shades of ochre, orange, red and burgundy, make it visually mesmerizing. Autumn also offers travellers the opportunity to indulge in fun outdoor activities like hiking, camping, road trips, among others. Being off-peak, this season offers India’s value seekers a truly affordable travel experience. Thomas Cook India’s air-inclusive Autumn group packages start from Rs 89,900 per person* for a 7 day Europe tour (*twin share basis). The destinations on offer include favourites like Switzerland, France, Italy, Germany, UK & Ireland, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Scandinavia; also emerging options like New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Canada and China.Thomas Cook India has incorporated engaging experiences as part of its Autumn group and customised holidays including - hiking in the Bavarian Alps, or cruising in Lake Königssee in Germany; truffle huntingand volcano climbs in Naples, Italy; a celebration of music and wine in Lugano, Switzerland; Whisky trails and magical castle stays in Scotland.

CHANDIGARH:- Bajaj Finance Limited, India's most diversified Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC) and a lending arm of Bajaj Finserv group are offering personal loan with a unique Flexi Loan Feature for salaried customers. Under this facility, the entire loan amount is disbursed to the customer’s account and are provided with a facility of multiple part payment and withdrawals. Customers can part pay and withdraw from the loan amount as per their convenience and pay interest only on the loan amount utilized.A Flexi personal loan can be used by the customers to meet their immediate cash requirements for a variety of purposes such as taking a vacation, paying for higher education, planning a wedding, medical emergency, home renovation, and a vast array of other requirements. Additionally, Bajaj Finance is also providing a Hybrid Flexi Loan Facility.

Bajaj Finserv offers Personal Loan with Flexi Loan Facility

have, or are at risk of PCOS. but mindlessly consuming deep- Eat food that is anti-Eat foods with a low glycemic fried foods will aggravate your inflammatoryindex PCOS and also compound other Anti-inflammatory foods create a Women with PCOS tend to be problems. Healthy fats include general feeling of wellness and insulin resistant, which means foods naturally rich in omega 3 balance within the body, ensuring their bodies don’t process sugar fatty acids – salmon and other that optimum health is maintained the way they shoul and use oily fish, walnuts, flaxseeds and and hormonal imbalances are insulin lesser effectively. So avocadoes. Consume unprocessed addressed. Fresh leafy greens, an consuming foods with a low cheeses and yoghurt too. Nuts and assortment of berries, tomatoes, glycemic index definitely seeds are great vegan sources as lemon, honey, turmeric and green helps, to maintain blood sugar well. tea are ideal choices.levels. Plenty of fresh vegetables, fresh fruits consumed in moderation, whole/unprocessed grains and lean protein that has been grilled are the cornerstone of a low GI diet. Avoid refined carbs, sugars and aerated drinks with a vengeance!Eat small meals at regular intervalsSkipping meals or keeping long gaps between your eating times is a no-no. PCOS throws your hormones out of gear and eating sensibly and at regular mealtimes can bring it back to a balance. Also, the kind of meals you eat count. Consume carbs in small

women being plagued with it. wise to take the advice of a he instances of Polycystic amounts, protein in moderation Marked by irregular periods, if medical practitioner to treat Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), and vitamin-rich veggies in left unchecked, PCOS can lead to PCOS, following a certain kind of otherwise known as T abundance. other lifestyle-related ailments diet can also help control and cure Polycystic Ovary Disorder Make healthy choices for the like cardiovascular diseases, type it slowly but naturally. Here are (PCOD) are on the rise in urban intake of fat2 diabetes and so on. While it is diet dos and don’ts if you already India, with more and more Fat is essential for allover health,

mritsar: Continuing its CinemaVision display, all in an legacy of offering elegant design that is easy to Apremium qual i ty hold and use with one hand.

smartphones at affordable The camera for people on the go prices, motorola today is finally here! motorola one announced the availability of action’s triple camera setup motorola one action in India. features an industry-first 117º The newest addition to the ultra-wide action video motorola one family lets you camera2 so you can record capture your world on the go thrilling videos that fit four and see i t on the big times more in the frame.3 The screen.motorola one action main 12 MP camera features offers users a smart and secure phase detection autofocus Android One sof tware (PDAF) to bring your subject experience.1 motorola one into focus in the blink of an eye. action’s industry-first ultra- Plus, the 5 MP depth camera pictures thanks to motorola one wide action camera2 shoots makes it simple to add a natural action’s triple camera system. video in landscape format while blur effect to your photo and go P o w e r e d b y a r t i f i c i a l you hold the phone vertically.3 back to adjust intensity or the intelligence (AI), you can watch Yo u r v i d e o s w i l l b e area of focus post capture for the your story to unfold on the accompanied by beautiful perfect portrait shot. b r e a t h t a k i n g 2 1 : 9

mritsar/Jalandhar: Bajaj Finance Limited, India's most diversified Non-Banking Finance Company A(NBFC) and a lending arm of Bajaj Finserv group are

offering personal loan with a unique Flexi Loan Feature for salaried customers. Under this facility, the entire loan amount is disbursed to the customer’s account and are provided with a facility of multiple part payment and withdrawals. Customers can part pay and withdraw from the loan amount as per their convenience and pay interest only on the loan amount utilized. A Flexi personal loan can be used by the customers to meet their immediate cash requirements for a variety of purposes such as taking a vacation, paying for higher education, planning a wedding, medical emergency, home renovation, and a vast array of other requirements. Additionally, Bajaj Finance is also providing a Hybrid Flexi Loan Facility to help reduce the EMI burden during the initial tenure. Under this facility, the EMI comprises only payment of interest for the initial loan tenure and a combination of principal and interest for the subsequent loan tenure. Flexi Personal Loan from Bajaj Finance offers complete control over the finances and enables customers to meet their financial obligations promptly without affecting their savings. The best part about the feature is that one can check their pre-approved offer from Bajaj Finance in just a few seconds. Existing customers, all they need to do is enter basic details like their name and contact number.

Bajaj Finserv offers Personal Loanwith Flexi Loan Facility

ohali / kharar: Lord Krishna who is considered an avatar of the God MVishnu is greatly revered and

respected for in our country. The birth of Lord Krishna is celebrated with great devotion and enthusiasm. It is a day full of festivities and gaiety. The same spirit was reflected in the special

assembly that was curated by t h e y o u n g Mindtreeans of Grade I. The students were dressed up in bright hues and spread cheer

through the auditorium. The audience revelled in the festivities and swayed completely in harmony with the performers. Lord Krishna bestowed his bounty upon the audience and the performers while sitting on his lofted perch. The students presented lively dances, devotional songs and descriptive speeches about the aesthetics and splendour of Lord Krishna. The whole school chanted holy hymns in unison and converted the ambience into a state of trance.

Sushma Group launches Sushma Capital; A European Style commercial project

handigarh : NIIT Limited, a global leader in Skills and Talent Development,announced ‘Future Ready Talent’ an initiative to Cencourage youth to enhance their knowledge through future

ready programs,together with their regular academic curriculum.As part of the initiative, Snehamoy Mukherjee, Business Analytics expert

and Senior Director at Axtriarecently addressed the youth at NIIT centre Chandigarh, on ‘Versatility of IT skills in variety of domains.’Speaking about future ready skills, he said,‘”At the NIIT event, I was very impressed by the rich diversity of students from various backgrounds who had come to attend the lecture. This shows the level of awareness about the need for not just computer literacy, but a willingness to learn programming and what problems they could solve by learning how to code. The new age skills can benefit the students in a multitude of ways and NIIT has provided a great platform for the same”.Snehamoy

alsoshared his experience and journeyofbecoming a Business Analytics expertto inspire and motivate students.Snehamoy is a passout from IIT Kanpur and regularly write articles ontechnological domains like R, Python, etc.NIIT will conduct seminars nationally across 26 centres in India, in the month of July, wherein successful leaders from diverse fields will share their experiences with the youth, building awareness about the importance of new-age future ready careers.

NIIT launches ‘Future Ready Talent’– an initiative to skill the youth of Chandigarh for jobs of the future

Torrent Gas opens 1stCNG station – CNG supply started in district PatialaPATIALA: The first CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) station of Patiala District was inaugurated by Torrent Gas at the retail outlet of HPCLat M/sGurmGoods Transport Company, Rajpura. Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) authorized Torrent Gas to establish City Gas Distribution (CGD) network in SAS Nagar, Patiala and Sangrur districts for setting up CNG stations and supply of Natural Gas to domestic, commercial and industrial consumers. Torrent Gas plans to establish more than 50 CNG stations across its authorised areas in Punjab over the next 5 years, to ensure widespread availability of CNG. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is now a preferred choice of smart, conscious vehicle owners. In fact many State governments have taken the lead to convert all public transport like Rickshaws, ST buses etc. to CNG. Commonly referred to as the green fuel, because of its lead and sulphur free character, CNG reduces harmful emissions thus reducing the effect of global warming. Not only is CNG a cleaner fuel, being non-corrosive, it enhances the longevity of the engine with ZERO compromise on engine power and a significant improvement in fuel efficiency.

Every Ravivaar will now be a Mativar with Big Magic

handigarh: Sushma Group, the leading real estate developer in Punjab launched one of its kind Ccommercial project, Sushma Capital in Dhakoli,

Zirakpur. Spread in an area of 6 acres the magnificent European styled high street retail will be developed by an investment of 170 crores and promises an ideal shopping, dining & strolling destination for the residents of Zirakpur and the adjoining areas. This project by the realty major is Zirakpur's first European style, low-rise galleria market which is all set to redefine the shopping experience of the residents. Located in the highest density catchment area, the project has the efficiency of catering to all the needs of the people with more than 350 stores. The low-rise plaza is connected through elevators, escalators and sky bridges. The total built up area would be 3.5 lac square ft which will be purely high street retail. Launched in July 2019 the project will be ready for fit outs by end of 2020. The project offers the most attractive buying and leasing offers and provides spaces for fashion retail, hypermarket, food street, fine dining, entertainment, offices and business meeting spaces. The project is also equipped with ultra modern fitness centers, exclusive clubhouses and fancy cafes and coffee houses. From shopping marts to multi-cuisine restaurants, spa and salons to entertainment places from World-class exhibitions to glocal flea markets, Sushma Capital offers one-stop shopping and leisure destination for one and all.

handigarh: Motia group, one of the leading real estate developer of Tricity has taken an Cinitiative to replant the fallen trees, which

started with re-erecting a fallen tree at Tau Devi Lal stadium in Sector 3 of Panchkula in the morning hours of 25th August. The director of Motia Group, Mr. L.C Mittal and other members of group along with gardeners & labourers replanted the tree all together. The tree was noticed by Mr. Mittal during his morning walk at the stadium, on which he discussed the idea with the members of the group and later on hydra machines and gardeners were called to re-erect the fallen tree. Maintaining the balance on both the sides with the careful support of hydra machines, keeping the roots intact the tree was re-erected. To prevent the tree from falling again, tree support belts were tied to provide an additional support. While talking about the initiative, Mr. Mittal said, “We are overjoyed to replant this tree. This has given us an inspiration and has encouraged us to protect and re-erect more such trees. With this we have taken an initiative to conserve the nature and protect the trees.

mritsar : Narayana Superspeciality Hospital organized an educational seminar in IMA Hall at Amritsar which was Awell attended by nearly 200 doctors across the region.

The CME was aimed to appraise the doctors with latest innovation and technology being introduced in the medical world. Sanjay Goja, Director- Liver Transplant, HPB & Robotic Liver Surgery

shared his views on Liver Surgery: Present & Future, Dr. Hemant Madan, Director, Senior Consultant & Regional Clinical Lead- North Cardiology & Pediatric Cardiology expressed his views on The scope of pediatric catheter based interventions-

indications and risks, Dr. Indu Bansal, Director and Senior Consultant- Radiation Oncology shared her thoughts on Latest advances in treatment of cancer and how to diagnose it early. Punjab is a state which is generally known for healthy people living king size life, eating nutritious food like ghee lassi, makke di roti. But unfortunately recent health related studies are very disappointing in this regard from the state. Cancer rates are considerably high at the same time state is facing challenges with drug abuse and it’s related consequences. Apart from giving world class advanced services to its patients Narayana Healthcare keeps organizing healthcare related awareness programs.

Narayana Healthcare holds CME in Amritsar

Killer Jeans launches its Spring Summer collection CHANDIGARH: Killer Jeans launches its Spring Summer Collection . While the men's wear range from all the brands namely Killer Jeans, Lawman Pg3, Integriti and Easies by Killer are unveiling unique designs by Italian and Turkish designers under casual wear like Denim Jeans, Trousers, T-Shirts and under formal wear like shirts and stretchable office wear denim jeans. The use of rich fabrics and trending designs and patterns from Killer Jeans has kept both the customer and distributors upbeat for the launch of SS'20 collection. Smart casuals for office, elegant festive wear and a range of contemporary Indo-Westerns designs are launched under Desi Belle by Killer Jeans. With meticulous detail to materials and use of superior fabrics, the company has redefined the art of desi fashion with its collection. The mantra is to create ageless trends for the self- confident Men and Woman for all seasons.Commenting on the development, Mr. Kewalchand P Jain, CMD, Killer Jeans (Kewal Kiran Clothing Ltd.) said that this is yet again one of the largest event by any branded apparel player has ever hosted. We are continuing our tradition of hosting large format showcasing of all our leading brands at one place.

CHANDIGARH: Chandigarh In line with its sustained commitment towards its mission to aenhance health, sanitation and hygiene in the local communities, Toyota Kirloskar Motor today inaugurated community based water purification units at Sidaganahalli, Bychapura, Hosahalli, Shambudevanahalli and Thimmasandra in Magadi area taking the total number of such units to 37.With this, Toyota Kirloskar Motor has installed a total of 37 water units since 2012 [one in Varanasi, one in Vaishali and remaining are spread across Bangalore, Mandya and Ramanagaradist] catering to around 2,38,000 beneficiaries in total.The newly set up unit has a 1,000 liter per hour capacity accompanied with a minimum 6-stage purification system dispensing around 5,000 to 6,000 litresof water per day. With a first-ever advanced feature - Water Quality Standards & Consumption Data Display, the client can easily access from their location without visiting the site to assess the filtration quality standards of the water [TDS, PH contents] for delivering the high standards.

TKM brings safe and clean drinking water to more villages

Janamashtmi Celebrationsat Mind Tree School

Motia group takes an initiative to replant the fallen trees

What should you eat to prevent or treat PCOS?

Prometheus School hosted a three-day table tennis tournament – Gold Cup 2019

he Prometheus School, Noida hosted one of the Biggest Table TTennis championships an

interschool and open table tennis tournament on August 21, 2019 to August 23, 2019. It was a three-day event; where they saw more than five hundred participants. Prometheus is a premier co educational day school based in NCR region with ultra modern amenities. The school Chairman Mr. Mukesh Sharma and school Director Ms. Usha Lamba hosted the event; their vision is to promote sports in schools from an early age. The school has created world-class infrastructure for Sports of Global standards along with coaching to produce players to compete in International Arena. The event witnessed India’s top ranked players participating and displaying their talent, famous players like Somyajit Ghosh, Jeet Chandra, Sudhanshu Grover, Vanshika Bharga are few names who were present at the event. Talking about the event, the school Chairman Mr. Mukesh Sharma said, “Prometheus focuses on providing contemporary learning that mentors future ready citizens with national pride and global understanding. We have focused on creating infrastructure that is designed to provide facilities for play and classrooms. A sport is a very important subject for us; we have created creative areas with an eye to the 21stcentury. For us every participant is a winner and every student is an achiever.” Talking about the event, Ms. Usha Lamba, an educationalist and school Director said, “ We are focusing on empowering students. We want them to leverage learning through every activity both in and outside school. We encourage students to be critical thinker, excellent communicators and problem solver. We prepare them for challenges of the evolving world they will face in their life.

CHANDIGARH - Women's Beauty Brand Avon has added its fourth fragrance Weekend, to its existing popular range titled Little Black Dress. Inspired from the little black dress that is classic, chic, versatile and timeless and can be worn for all occasions - formal or casual, Weekend can be sprinkled on to elevate your weekend brunch, a day out with the girl gang, a movie date and even office parties. It's the ideal fragrance to accentuate the fun side of a strong, independent woman. Avon has three other fragrances under the Little Black Dress range all reflecting the different moods of a woman. While the feminine fragrance of LBD Original spells elegance, the fruity and floral LBD Lace unleashes a subtle sensuality. The citrusy LBD Sequin adds to your fun and glamorous side.

Avon Launches Fourth Fragrance 'LBD Weekend'

Colgate’s partnership for #Mission5 with Robin Hood Army

handigarh : Colgate-Palmolive (India) Limited, the market leader in Oral Care in India, in celebration ofIndependence Day, partnered Cwith Robin Hood Army to serve five million people across the

nation for its #Mission5 campaign. A zero-funds organisation, Robin Hood Army works to help the less fortunate, by providing surplus food from restaurants and communities.The week-long #Mission5campaign that started on the 10thof August and culminated on India's73rd Independence Day, provided 6.3 million people across 867 villages and 112 cities with dry food supplies along with Colgate Strong Teeth toothpaste packs, reiterating Colgate’s commitment to Keep India Smiling.Through this partnership, Colgate reached out to people across the geographies of Rajkot, Amravati, Indore, Kanpur, Ambala, Jammu, Agartala, Belgaum, Vizag and Siliguri, among others.In line with Colgate’s belief that ‘Everyone deserves a future they can Smile about’, this partnership with Robin Hood Army, is a small but significant step to add value to the lives of people. Speaking about the partnership, Deepak Singh,Robin Hood Army - Mumbai Chapter said, “It has been our pleasure to partner with Colgate for our #Mission5 campaign.They have contributed to the success of this initiative and we look forward to associating with them in the future.”



esigner Kunal Rawal believes men are on the right track as far as fashion choices are concerned and are a lot more aware about the trends. The Dcouturier on Saturday showcased his latest menswear collection,

'Confluence' at the Lakme Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2019, which was presented by boAT. "I think today men are a lot more sure about what they want. They are either understated or bold, but they are not unsure about what they want," Kunal told a news agency on the sidelines of the fashion gala, which closes Sunday. The designer, whose friend, actor Arjun Kapoor turned showstopper for him, said his latest range offers customised solutions to buyers. "This collection is about being 'you', having fun with your clothes and feeling good in what you were expressing yourself," he added. Uniquely defined textures and cuts in shades of black, white, beige, greys, olive green to blue and softer tones of pink were a breath of fresh air on the penultimate day of the fashion ala.

The electrifying performance by a live rock band added to the current of the show, which began with the sound and light dynamics of thunder and lightning. Floral motifs on solid-coloured jackets gave a twist to the understated quotient of the clothes. "We had a whole bunch of colours, silhouettes and models. Everyone had different interesting personalities according to me, because I did the casting myself," the designer said. Among the many models belonging to different ages, the show also saw actor Sanjay Kapoor's son Jahaan walk the ramp for the first time. The 14-year-old's father, mother Maheep Sandhu and sister Shanaya cheered for him in the front row. "We cater to different age groups. It's not meant for a specific kind of person," Kunal said about the clothing line. At a time when the idea of doing away with gender binaries is coming to the fore, the designer said there were a number of gender fluid pieces to his collection. "We have the crop bundies, which would look good on everybody.

Today men are surer about what they want: Designer Kunal Rawal

Bhumi Pednekar oozes glam in first look from

'Pati Patni Aur Woh'iquing curiosity of the audience, Bhumi Pednekar shared her first look from the upcoming film 'Pati Patni Aur Woh' on Sunday. The Ppicture shows her dolled up in bright-coloured traditional attire, as

she poses with her back towards the camera.The picture shared on Instagram shows her wearing a yellow string blouse and a sheer purple dupatta with heavy embroidery on the border. With her hair down featuring side braids adorned with small pink and white flowers, Bhumi is all decked up to set temperatures soaring! Though her face is not visible in the picture, she drops a hint about the glamorous side of her character in the film. "She is extremely confident; she has got this sensual energy about her which stays back with you. She wants bigger things in life," Bhumi revealed about her character from the upcoming film. 'Pati Patni Aur Woh' also stars Kartik Aaryan and Ananya Panday and is being directed by Mudassar Aziz, who has previously helmed films like 'Dulha Mil Gaya', 'Happy Bhag Jayegi' and 'Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi'. The film is an adaptation of the 1978

drama of the same name, which featured Sanjeev Kumar, Vidya Sinha and Ranjeeta Kaur in the lead roles. The original film revolved around a

married couple Ranjeet (Sanjeev) and Sharda (Vidya) and how things change after he gets involved with his secretary Nirmala (Ranjeeta). The upcoming film is slated to release on December 6, this year.

Rahul next film celebratesthe lives of firefighters

irector Rahul Dholakia's next might be an action drama, celebrating and exploring the lives of firefighters. A source close to the director said that Dthe film's script has been locked. "It is a very nice and inspiring story

about a firefighter, who is our hero, named Tukaram. It is not a real-life story. The film celebrates these unsung heroes. "Besides getting the story right, the main aim is for this film is to get the fire thing right. It is expensive to shoot fire. We need to work on the economics right. The film requires a lot of VFX work and pre-production," the source said. The film is most likely to go on floors this year. "The makers are toying with the idea of shooting the action sequences either in South Korea or LA or in Mumbai. We will have an international crew for the action bit on this film," the source added.

Taylor Swift opens up about dealing with hatersinger-songwriter Taylor Swift, who never shies away from speaking her mind, opened up about dealing with haters and negativity. The 29-year-old singer said that she doesn't have an issue in apologising if she is wrong but isn't afraid of standing up for herself when she is been taken advantage of. "I'm still Ssomeone who is the first to apologize when I'm wrong," the Grammy Award-winning singer said in a new interview with CBS Sunday Morning, as cited

by People. "But I think I'm better at standing up for myself when I've been wronged. So, that's something that I think also comes with growing up," she added. Opening up about a recent example, the 'Lover' songstress went on to double down on her assertion that she found out music manager Scooter Braun had purchased her former label, including her old songs following his USD 300 million deal with Big Machine. "Nobody knew," Swift said on being asked if anyone in her group had been told ahead of time. "I knew Big Machine co-owner Scott Borchetta would sell my music. I knew he would do that. I couldn't believe who he sold it to. Because we've had endless conversations about Scooter Braun. And he has 300 million reasons to conveniently forget those conversations," she said. The artist went on to share that she "absolutely" plans on re-recording her first six albums. The singer received support as well as flak when she publicly called out Braun and Borchetta after news of their deal went public. In a Tumblr post, Swift accused the manager of "manipulative bullying" and the weeks following became a game of he-said, she-said between the singer, Braun, and Borchetta, who first signed the superstar when she was a teen. Hours after the Tumblr post, Borchetta responded with a statement on the label's website, essentially accusing Swift of changing the truth according to her convenience. In his letter, Borchetta claimed that the deal he o f fered Swift gave her "100% of all Taylor Swift assets to be transferred to her immediately upon signing the new agreement." However, Swift's lawyer Donald Passman told People in a statement later that "Scott Borchetta never gave Taylor Swift an opportunity to purchase her masters, or the label, outright with a check in the way he is now apparently doing for others." During the CBS Sunday Morning interview, the singer went on to share that while she "absolutely" believes in forgiveness, not everybody deserves t a second chance. "People go on and on about how you have to forgive and forget to move past something. No, you don't. You don't have to forgive and you don't have to forget to move on. You can move on without any of those things happening. You just become indifferent and then you move on," she said. Swift, who recently reconciled with singer Katy Perry after a long-time feud, said.

Good content my lover, can't be in a relationship with bad one: Amruta

ince Saif Ali Khan's Sartaj Singh lost "Portions with Neeraj were more his thumb on season one, every time challenging because of the age factor. I had to Sthe actor would shoot with Amruta portray KDY in a different zone and it was

Subhash for "Sacred Games 2", he would tell challenging for me to capture that. I had her, "what a performance! Thumbs up... many inhibitions because it was in a totally Without a thumb". different zone." Today, Amruta is thrilled that her portrayal of In her later portions, KDY -- who Amruta RAW agent Kusum Devi Yadav aka KDY on said is internally strong -- struggles the show has received love, acclaim, and physically and no more wields the power ironically, several thumbs ups. she earlier did. "The feedback has been great. People have When asked, what does that phase do to started calling me 'Yadav Saab' now. The way her emotionally, the actor said, "It's very the character was shaped up in the writing is frustrating when, once you were the reason why it worked. You might be a powerful but now you can't do the work good actor but if you don't have good because you're powerless. At the same content, you can't do anything," Amruta told time, in her challenged conditions, she a news agency. The actor, 40, said content helps Sartaj. "Sometimes your goal is so means the world to her and she will never strong in your mind that it surpasses your compromise with it. body condition. That was my take for "I have said no to more work than accepted. KDY. That even if she's physically in a Good content is my lover. I can't have a challenging condition, her love for India relationship with bad content. In that sense, I is so strong her mind is overtaking have had fewer relationships." everything." On the Netflix India original "Sacred To portray this duality, the actor said she Games" season two, Amruta, as the Kenya- had two different approaches for her based RAW agent, uses Nawazuddin character who has bottled up all her

from a young powerful agent to an aged Siddiqui's gangster Gaitonde for the larger emotions. powerless woman. good of the country, until he snaps out and "I played powerful KDY with calm. Even The actor said shooting for sequences with everything crashes. when her loved ones are killed in front of Nawazuddin and Anurag was "like home Amruta's portions feature in both, the past -- her eyes, she doesn't show her emotions. I coming" as she has worked with the duo in directed by Anurag Kashsyap -- and present, thought, sometimes when you're working "Raman Raghav 2.0", but filming for the helmed by Neeraj Ghaywan, where her you suppress certain things which affect you. older version of her character was character undergoes a huge transformation But they remain inside you. challenging.

Mission Mangal Continues winning streak, crosses Rs. 150 crore mark

he multi-starrer 'Mission Mangal' is unstoppable at the box office and has surpassed the Rs. 150 crore mark in just 11 days Tof its run. The film has impressed the audience and the box-

office numbers are proving it! The Jagan Shakti-directorial has managed to rake in a total of Rs. 164.61 crore. Indian film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the news on his Twitter handle. Taran noted that the film continued to "surprise with solid trending" on the second weekend. The space drama minted Rs. 7.83 crore on its second Friday. The film witnessed a major jump and earned a total of Rs. 13.32 crore on its second Saturday and saw a further increase in numbers on Sunday, minting Rs. 15.30 crore. Taran, in a separate tweet, shared the various benchmarks achieved by the film, noting that it crossed Rs. 50 crore on Day 3, Rs. 100 crore.

Salman Khan, Alia 'Inshallah' release 'pushed'

ans were in for a treat when Salman Khan announced a collaboration Fwith Sanjay Leela Bhansali after

two decades, which would also star Alia Bhatt opposite the 'Kick' actor. However, there's a bad news for all the Salman and Alia fans! Their upcoming film 'Inshallah' has been pushed. But Salman didn't leave his fans dejected and hinted that while SLB's project has been pushed, he will still come out with another movie next year. So Eid 2020 will still be a treat for all the Salman fans! Taking to Twitter, Salman shared the news, writing, "The film with Sanjay Leela Bhansali is pushed but I will still see you all on Eid, 2020. Insha-Allah!! Salman had signed a film with Bhansali after 19 years. 'Inshallah' is also Alia's first film with the maverick filmmaker. The 'Bharat actor' and 'Padmaavat' director had first worked together in the filmmaker's debut movie 'Khamoshi: The Musical' (1996).



Malaysia arrests 519 people for terrorismKUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian police has arrested 519 peoplesuspected of having been involved in terrorism, till July, Home MinisterMuhyiddin Yassin said on Monday. They comprise Malaysians andforeigners, he said, but did not give a breakdown of the numbers. "Thesepeople were found to have been involved in activities that we consider asterrorism in the context of the criminal laws and the effect (of theseactivities) is that they carry threats." CNA quoted him as saying. "They weredetained under the enforcement of the existing laws, regardless of whetherit is the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2015 (POTA) or Security Offences(Special Measures) Act 2012 (SOSMA)," he said during a press conference.Some of the suspects have been convicted, said Muhyiddin, citing policerecords.

BHEL wins Rs 2,500 crorders for EmissionControl SystemsMUMBAI: Bharat Heavy ElectricalsLimited (BHEL) has successfullysecured two more orders for emissioncontrol equipment for thermal powerplants. Valued at around Rs.2,500Crore, the orders have been placed onBHEL by NTPC Ltd. The ordersinvolve supply and installation of FlueGas Desulphurization (FGD) systemsfor 13 coal based units at 2,600 MWKorba STPS Stage I, II & III inChhattisgarh and 2,100 MWRamagundam STPS Stage I & II inTelangana, company said in a filingwith BSE. BHEL's scope of workincludes design, engineering, civilworks, supply, erection andcommissioning of wet FGD systemalong with auxiliaries includinglimestone and gypsum handlingsystem and wet stack on turnkeybasis. BHEL has been a major playerin this area for over a decade and wasone of the earliest entrants in theIndian market for emission controlequipment. BHEL is dedicated towardsproviding contemporary solutions forclean power generation from coal-based sets.

L&T's Power Businessbags order fromNTPC for FGD systemMUMBAI: Engineering Major Larsen &Toubro (L&T)said its Power businessof has bagged engineering,procurement and construction (EPC)order from NTPC to set up Flue GasDesulphurisation (FGD) system atVindhyachal Super Thermal PowerStation, Stage-I & II (6x210 MW &2x500 MW), in Madhya Pradesh. Thisis in continuation to the order receivedfor Stage III & IV (2x500 MW & 2x500MW) in September last year. Withthis, L&T will be implementing FGDsystems for 12 units constituting 4260MW at NTPC's Vindhyachal powerplant which will have the maximumnumber of FGD systems at onelocation in India, L&T said in a filingwith BSE. Installation of FGD systemsin existing and upcoming thermalpower plants has been mademandatory by the Ministry ofEnvironment, Forest and ClimateChange (MoEFCC), Government ofIndia, to curtail SO2 emissions.

3 injured in blastoutside Jalalabad PakmissionISLAMABAD: At least three peoplewere injured when an improvisedexplosive device (IED) went off outsidethe Pakistan Consulate General inJalalabad, Afghanistan, Foreign Officespokesperson Mohammad Faisal said.In a post on Twitter, the Faisal saidthat all Pakistani staff were safe,however, added that "one policemanand two applicants are reportedlywounded" in the explosion on Sunday,Dawn news reported "We are incontact with Afghan authorities toensure strengthened security forConsulate General's premises andpersonnel," he added. The Consulatehad been shut down in August 2018,before resuming operations twomonths later. Pakistan had cited"undue interference" by the Governorof Nangarhar province in its workingand other security concerns as thereasons for the Consulate's closure.

Unichem Labs gets 1observation from USFDAfor Ghaziabad facilityMUMBAI: Pharma Major UnichemLaboratories said that The UnitedStates Food and Drug Administration(USFDA) conducted inspection atcompany's Ghaziabad formulationfacility between August 19, 2019 toAugust 23, 2019. The inspection wasa routine GMP surveillance. At the endof Inspection, the facility received 1(one) observation which is not arepeat observation and is proceduralin nature, company said in a filing withBSE. Unichem will provide theresponse and corrective action planwithin next 15 working days to addressthe USFDA observation.

Gold hits fresh all-timehigh of Rs 39,670; silversoars Rs 1,450NEW DELHI: Rising for the fifthconsecutive day, gold prices onMonday again surpassed its previoushigh by surging Rs 675 to Rs 39,670per 10 gram in the national capital,according to the All India SarafaAssociation, mainly due to a weakerrupee and strong global trend. Goldprices have been hitting a fresh higheveryday since August 20. Silver alsosoared Rs 1,450 to Rs 46,550 per kgon fresh offtake by industrial units andcoin makers. According to analysts,apart from persistent buying fromjewellers, a weaker rupee and positivetrend overseas were among the factorsthat aided the rally in gold prices."Globally, gold rallied to a fresh six-yearhigh of USD 1,554.56 an ounce in theinternational market (during the day).Retaliatory tariffs by the US and Chinain the previous week diminished hopesof an immediate trade deal that liftedgold's safe-haven appeal. Also, feebleglobal equities and signs of escalatingfragile global economic sentimentsprompted investors to find shelter insafe assets like the yellow metal," saidHareesh V, head (commodityresearch), Geojit Financial Services.He added that in the domestic market,prices surged to all-time highssupported by a strong internationalmarket and a feeble rupee.

Sensex climbs 793 points amid reliefmeasures, likely US-China trade talksAdani ports jumps 5.8 percent, HDFC up by 5.2 per cent


Equity benchmark indiceserased early losses on Mondayand traded with strong gains inthe afternoon trade asinvestors awaited moregovernment measures to perkup the domestic economy.

The market sentiment gota boost following China'sstand that it opposes a tradeescalation with the UnitedStates, and is ready to enter adialogue in a bid to reverse theslowdown in global economicgrowth. When the closing bellrang, the BSE S&P Sensexwas up by 793 points or 2.16per cent at 37,494 while theNifty 50 edged higher by 229points or 2.11 per cent to11,058.

At the National StockExchange (NSE), all sectoralindices except for Nifty metalwere in the green. Niftyfinancial services gained by 4per cent, realty by 3.7 per centand private banks by 3.7 percent. But metals slipped by0.97 per cent due to US-China

trade tariff issues and theirimpact on global commodityprices.

The rollback of surchargeproposed in the Budget onforeign portfolio investors andmeasures to prop-up theeconomy was largelywelcomed by market experts,who now expect another roundof announcements shortly --especially for the labour-intensive real estate sector.

Among the prominentgainers were Adani Portswhich climbed up by 5.8 percent and HDFC by 5.2 percent. Private lenders like Yes

Bank, ICICI Bank, and HDFCBank were up between 4.4 and5 per cent each.

Bajaj Finance and BajajFinserv gained by 5 and 4.2per cent respectively whileUltraTech Cement showed again of 5 per cent. Larsen &Toubro and Zee Entertainmentwere up by 3.7 per cent each.

However, steel companieswere down with JSW Steelshowing a loss of 3 per cent,Vedanta by 2.3 per cent, TataSteel by 2.1 per cent andHindalco by 1 per cent. SunPharma, Wipro, RelianceIndustries and Tata Motors

were the other prominentlosers.

Meanwhile, Asian sharessank as US President DonaldTrump on Friday imposed anadditional 5 per cent duty on550 billion dollars of Chinesegoods in the latest trade warescalation by the world's twolargest economies.

Markets later pared somelosses after Trump said Chinahad contacted Washingtonovernight to say it wanted toreturn to the negotiating table.Chinese Vice Premier Liu Hesaid Beijing strongly opposestrade protectionism andblockade in the field of newtechnologies.

MSCI's broadest index ofAsia Pacific shares outsideJapan still shed 2 per centwhile Japan's Nikkei lost 2.2per cent. Shanghai Compositefell by 1.1 per cent as China'syuan slumped to a fresh 11-year low against the dollar.

Hong Kong's Hang Sengtumbled by 1.9 per cent due tocontinuing anti-governmentprotests amid an economicslump.


Days after controversial Islamicpreacher Zakir Naik was banned fromgiving public speeches in Malaysia,home minister Tan Sri MuhyiddinYassin on Monday said no one isabove the country's law.

He said Naik's statement hascaused discomfort which is why it isnecessary to ensure justice, reportedMalay Times.

Recently, in response to calls forhis own deportation, Naik -- during areligious talk titled "Executive TalkBersama Dr Zakir Naik" -- had askedthe Malaysian Chinese to "go back"first as they were the "old guests" ofthe country.

His speech was condemned bymany parties after he compared theHindus in Malaysia with Muslims inIndia, saying that the Hindus hereenjoyed more than 100 per cent rightsas compared to Muslims in India.

"We are aware of Zakir'sstatements causing discomfort, henceit is important to ensure justice. Noone is above the law. Certainly notcitizens, much less a permanentresident, even one as respected for hisknowledge as Zakir," Muhyiddinsaid. Naik, who is wanted in India,was granted permanent residency inMalaysia by the previousgovernment. He is living in thecountry from the last three years.

Naik is facing charges of incitingcommunal disharmony andcommitting unlawful activities inIndia. He is also facing probe both inIndia and Bangladesh in connectionwith the terror attack at the HoleyArtisan Bakery in Dhaka on July2016. India had said it has made aformal request to Malaysia and willcontinue to pursue his extradition.

Muhyiddin added that discussionon whether Zakir should be deportedor otherwise will not affect policeinvestigations.


Trade relations between India andThailand, the second-largest economy inthe Southeast Asian economic group,ASEAN, has grown by leaps and boundsin the last two years. Latest statisticspublished by the Indian Embassy inBangkok, Thailand, shows that trade hasbeen grown some 60 per cent since2016. However, if the timeline is drawnback to 2014, the total growth is down to44 per cent in 5 years or a lessimpressive CARG of 7.6 per cent. Thiscan be attributed to trade decline in 2014and 2015 due to the uncertaintyfollowing the 2014 imposition of martial

law in Thailand and which just endedthis year. Image: India-Thailand TradeData Published by India Embassy inBangkok (amount in billion USD)According to the World Bank, Thailandhad a nominal GDP of USD 505 billionin 2018 of which two-thirds aredependent on exports. Thailand owes itsclose trade and diplomatic ties withIndia to historic, cultural and socialreasons. The main religion in Thailand,Buddhism as well as the script used forits language, has Indian roots.Additionally, fostering strong economic,commercial and cultural links areregular people to people contact andalso-complementary economic ideology- India has a "Look East", "Act East"

policy and Thailand its own "LookWest", "Act West" philosophy. Two-waytrade in 2018 totalled USD12.46 billion

with USD7.60 billion in Thailandexports to India and USD4.86 billion inIndian exports to Thailand. In ASEAN,Thailand ranks as India's fifth-largesttrading partner after Singapore,Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Fourth-place Malaysia's bilateraltrade with India stands at USD 15 billionin 2018 and is expected to be a touchlower in 2019. India's trade withThailand is expected to overtakeMalaysia in the next two to three years ifit continues at the current growthtrajectory. Foreign direct investments(FDI) from Thailand into India has alsogrown significantly from just USD11.55 million in 2012 to USD 92.22million in 2018 (CAGR 34.6 per cent),

and with about USD 90 million alreadycommitted in the first six months of thisyear, this is expected to continue to growstrongly. These investments have beenmostly in infrastructure, real estate, foodprocessing, chemicals and hospitality.However, FDI from Thailand to Indiahas been on a steady decline over theyears. It was USD 63.45 million in 2014and USD 13.34 million in 2018. What isgoing to boost investment and businessopportunities in the coming years is theASEAN Economic Community (AEC)blueprint 2025. The ultimate aim of theAEC blueprint is to achieve the ASEANcommon market with intermediate stepstaken to gradually bring greaterintegration among member countries.

No one is above law, not evenZakir Naik: Malaysia HM

India-Thailand trade up 60 percent in 2 years: Will this continue?

U-Dictionary reaches strategic partnershipagreement with Oxford University Press


U-Dictionary, a famousglobal English Learningapplication, on Mondayannounced a strategicpartnership with OxfordUniversity Press, the largestuniversity press in theworld, in an effort to offerIndian Users Free GloballyAuthoritative Dictionary.

According to theagreement, OxfordUniversity Press will grant alicense to use 11-languageversions of its Dictionary forU-Dic According to theannouncement, U-Dictionary had reached 55million global installs intotal by this August andsurpassed Google Translate

as early as in 2016, makingit the highest ratededucational app in India. Forthe agreement with OxfordUniversity Press, out of the11 language versionslicensed by the OxfordUniversity Press, 7 languageversions (including Hindi,Urdu, Punjabi, Marathi,Tamil, Telugu and Bengali),which adds over 30,0000authoritative vocabularies to2.45 million exclusively forIndian users, will be offeredto Indian users for free,providing more than 470million Indian netizens withan opportunity to learnEnglish as effectively asnative speakers and tocommunicate in thelanguage moreconveniently. As per our

internal research, India hasapproximately 200 millionEnglish speakingpopulation. There's a hugeground that needs to becovered in terms of learningEnglish language in India.With the advent of the

Internet era and thepopularization of 4Gnetworks in India, thisstrategic partnership willhelp U-Dictionary andOxford English Dictionaryto help educate the existingand potential users through

U-Dictionary app. "Throughthis partnership, Oxforddictionary content will helpsupport the 55 million usersof U-Dictionary globally.We're university press arelooking forward to a lastingpartnership with U-Dictionary. A partnershipthat will impact hundreds ofmillions of usersworldwide," said CasperGrathwohl, the President ofDictionaries at OxfordUniversity Press.

The alliance betweenOED and U-Dictionary willnot only bring abundant freelearning resources to Indianusers, it will also lift thetransparency, complianceand popularization of theentire learning app market inthe country.

Saudi Arabia, UAE vow to backYemen war effort amid cracks


Saudi Arabia and the UnitedArab Emirates pledgedMonday to keep theirfloundering coalition waragainst Yemen's Houthirebels together after anEmirati troop pullout and therise of the southernseparatists they supported.

The joint communiquecame as the Houthislaunched at least six ballisticmissiles and two droneattacks into Saudi Arabia,keeping up its pressure on thekingdom as online infightingbetween the Emirati andSaudi intelligentsia exposedgrowing cracks between theusually lockstep oil-richnations. The statement,carried by both the Emiratiand Saudi state newsagencies, said both nations'"political, military, relief and

development efforts" wouldcontinue. It also said thecountries both rejected andcondemned the "accusationsand defamation campaignstargeting the UAE" since itsdecision in June to beginwithdrawing troops.

The UAE, an autocraticfederation of sevensheikhdoms home to Dubai,has not publiclyacknowledged how manytroops it withdrew from

Yemen. Yemeni officialshave suggested Emirati troopstrength has dropped by asmuch as 75% out of around10,000 troops.

The Emirati withdrawalfollowed rising tensionsbetween Iran and the U.S.over Tehran's collapsingnuclear deal with worldpowers, suggesting AbuDhabi worried about havingforces at home in case anarmed conflict broke out.

Parle calls for rational taxstructure on biscuits, denies

reports of job lossesMUMBAI, AUG 26

Leading biscuit maker ParleProducts on Monday deniedreports of 10,000 job lossesdue to slowing economicgrowth, falling demand andconsequent production cuts.

"The news about 8,000 to10,000 job losses at Parle Gis not a factual story," saidMayank Shah, SeniorCategory Head at Parle. "Thefacts have been hyped bymedia. The condition of jobloss is actually an eventualityif our demand for lesser taxrates is not met," he told ANI."It is not a fact that peoplehave lost their jobs by now.The fact is that we cannotcontinue with the samenumber of manpower if weare not having the sameproduction volume asearlier," said Shah.

"I just believe that 18 per

cent Goods and Services Tax(GST) on biscuits is toomuch. Biscuits were exemptfrom excise tax earlier. Butnow they are taxed at 18 percent," he said. Othercompany products like ruskwere earlier exempt fromtaxes. Now it is taxed at 5 percent GST rate. Shah saideven biscuits could be put inthe tax bracket of 5 per cent."It is more important to talkabout the fair tax rate for us.A high tax rate can affect ourvolume of production. Aboutjobs which we are talking isactually an eventuality of thewhole scenario," said Shah.Parle is a leadingmanufacturer of biscuits andconfectionery in the country.Outside India, it hasmanufacturing units inCameroon, Nigeria, Ghana,Ethiopia, Kenya, IvoryCoast, Nepal and Mexico.

Boris is 'right man'for Brexit: Trump


US President Donald Trump on Sunday exudedconfidence in Prime Minister Boris Johnson,saying he is a "right man" for effectively carryingout Brexit. Trump made the remarks during ameeting with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson onthe sidelines of G7 Summit in Biarritz city ofFrance. "He needs no advice.He's the right man for the job.I've been saying that for along time. Didn't make yourpredecessor very happy butI've been saying it for a longtime," The Hill quotedTrump as saying. Britain isscheduled to leave theEuropean Union on October31. Trump has publicly expressed his displeasureagainst the European Union. In April, USPresident slammed the bloc, saying thecommission is a "brutal" trading partner.

During his visit to the UK early this month,Trump's security adviser John Bolton had said thatTrump wants to see a successful Brexit.

Johnson had held a telephonic talk talked toTrump. The two leaders discussed Brexit, tradeand economic issues, his office said.

CBIC sacks 22 more seniorofficers for corruption


The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs(CBIC) said on Monday it has given marchingorders to 22 senior officers following aninvestigation into charges of corruption againstthem. It has compulsorily retired these officers ofthe rank of superintendent/AO under FundamentalRule 56 (J) in public interest due to corruption andother charges besides traps laid by the CentralBureau of Investigation (CBI). The move is in linewith Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address tothe nation on Independence Day. "Some blacksheep in the tax administration may have misusedtheir powers and harassed taxpayers, either bytargeting honest assesses or by taking excessiveaction for minor or procedural violations," he hadsaid. A CBIC official said: "We have recently takenthe bold step of compulsorily retiring a significantnumber of tax officials, and we will not toleratethis type of behaviour." On June 27, high-rankingIndian Revenue Service officers including 12officers from the Central Board of Direct Taxeswere compulsorily retired. Authorities have alsobeen trying to maximise revenue collection andenlarge the basket of tax-paying people in thecountry. The government wants to enhance thisbase so that more people pay legitimate taxes ontheir income.





P V Sindhu says she felt "angry and sad"after being criticised for not finishing ontop in the last two World Championshipfinals and the gold medal in the just-con-cluded edition is her answer to all thecritics who questioned her.

Two-time silver-medallist Sindhuended an agonising wait for an elusivegold with a maiden World Championshiptitle on Sunday.

"This is my answer to the people whohave asked me questions over and over. Ijust wanted to answer with my racket andwith this win - that's all," Sindhu wasquoted as saying by the BadmintonWorld Federation's (BWF) official web-site after her crushing win over Okuhara.

"I felt really bad after the first WorldChampionships final and last year I wasangry, I was sad. I went through all myemotions, asking 'Sindhu, why can't youget this one match?' but today came and Itold myself to play my game and notworry - and it worked out," she added.

The 24-year-old from Hyderabad be-came the first Indian to achieve the featby thrashing familiar rival NozomiOkuhara of Japan 21-7 21-7 in one of themost lop-sided finals ever. It was thirdtime lucky for Sindhu, who lost toOkuhara and Olympic champion Caroli-na Marin of Spain respectively in the2017 and 2018 finals to settle for the sil-ver twice. Sindhu has been at the receiv-ing end of criticism for coming short inthe summit clashes of major events eversince the 2016 Rio Olympics, where she

had finished second best to Marin. Twoyears ago, Sindhu was denied the gold byOkuhara after an epic 110-minute finalthat went down as one of the greatest bat-tles in badminton history. The Indian alsolost the finals of the Gold Coast Com-monwealth Games, the Jakarta AsianGames, besides the World Champi-onships twice. She had also finished run-ners-up at Thailand Open and India Openlast year. The gold was her fifth medal atthe World Championships. She won abronze each in the 2013 and 2014 edi-tions. Sindhu is now the joint highestmedal-winner in women's singles in the World Championships history withformer Olympic champion Zhang Ningof China, who won an identical 1 gold, 2silver and 2 bronze between 2001 and2007.

This is my answer to those who questioned me: Sindhu

Tickets for India'sFIFA World Cupqualifier up for saleNEW DELHI: Tickets for India'sopening match in the FIFA WorldCup qualifier against Oman havebeen put up for sale. The match isscheduled to be held at the IndiraGandhi Athletic Stadium in Guwa-hati on September 4.The tickets are priced at Rs 50, 100and 200. Guwahati has alwaysproved to be a happy huntingground for the Blue Tigers, havingregistered back-to-back victoriesearlier against Nepal (2-0) in March2015 and against Laos (6-1) in June2016.

Vijay to play for Somersetin last threeChampionship matchesCHENNAI: Out-of-favour India bats-man Murali Vijay will play for EnglishCounty team Somerset in the lastthree Championship matches of theseason. The stylish Tamil Naduright-hander replaces Pakistan bats-man Azhar Ali."We are pleased to be able to an-nounce that Murali Vijay will be join-ing the Club as our overseas playerfor the final three Specsavers Coun-ty Championship matches of theseason," Somerset County CricketClub said on its website.Vijay comes in for Ali, who was re-called by Pakistan earlier thismonth. "I am excited about the chal-lenge of trying to help Somersetpush for the County Championship.Somerset have an excellent reputa-tion and I am looking forward to be-ing a part of what they are trying toachieve," said Vijay, who last playedfor India in the second Test againstAustralia at Perth last December.The 35-year-old has played 61Tests for India, scoring nearly 3,982runs at an average of 38.28 with atop score of 167.In a first-class career spanning 131matches, he has scored 9,116 runsat an average of 42.79 with a high-est of 266.He featured in three SpecsaversCounty Championship matches forEssex last season, scoring over 300runs at an average of 64.60.

India Red's Nair hits166 before matchends in draw

BENGALURU: Karun Nair hit anunbeaten 166 for India Red beforetheir Duleep Trophy match againstIndia Blue ended in a draw here onMonday.Red gained three points for takingthe first-innings lead and took a bigstep towards securing a spot in thefinal while 'Blue' got one point to fin-ish their engagements with twopoints. In the last league encounter,India Red will take on India Green atthe Alur cricket stadium from August29.India Red made 285 in the firstinnings before restricting their oppo-nent to 255. They scored 297 for sixdeclared in the second innings.Indiadiscard Nair, who missed out on acentury in the first innings by a run,looked in good touch and playedseveral handsome strokes on theway to his unbeaten innings.Nair and first-innings centurion AnkitKalsi (64) added 157 runs for thethird wicket as India Red declaredwith an overall lead of 327 runs, fol-lowing which play was called off.Nair, resuming on his overnightscore of 43, kept the scorecard tick-ing with some pleasing shots, whileKalsi was content to play secondfiddle. He reached his century with alofted shot off left-arm spinnerSaurabh Kumar's bowling.The Karnataka right-hander lookedpositive after getting to his ton andhit some cracking shots, beginninghis 2019-'20 domestic season instyle. Nair was named Man of theMatch. Brief scores (at end of day3): India Red 285 all out in 124overs (Ankit Kalsi 105, Karun Nair99, Ishan Kishan 50, Diwesh Patha-nia 4/55, Jalaj Saxena 3/57, AniketChoudhary 2/69) and 297 for 6 de-clared in 88 overs (Karun Nair 166not out, Ankit Kalsi 64, Jalaj Saxena4/105, DG Pathania 2/53) vs IndiaBlue 255 all out in 83.2 overs (AnkitBawne 121 not out, AnmolpreetSingh 56, Ruturaj Gaikwad 37,Avesh Khan 4/58.


India thrash Windies by318 runs in first test

Bumrah leads bowlingattack with 5 wickets


Rahane’s first Test century in over two years laid theplatform for Indian seamers to blow away West In-dies’ top-order to secure their biggest ever away win(in terms of runs) in Test cricket.

After three relatively steady paced days of TestCricket, the opening fixture of the two-Test seriesburst into life on the fourth day in Antigua as Indiagot their ICC World Test Championship campaignoff to a winning start.

Resuming the day on 185/3, West Indies got offto the ideal start, with Roston Chase extracting aleading edge from India skipper Virat Kohli. TheWindies would have harboured hopes of runningthrough the Indian middle-order to leave themselveswith a chaseable fourth innings target.

Rahane continued his fine first-innings form andwith Hanuma Vihari, the pair helped India establisha towering lead. After his 81 earlier in the Test, Ra-hane was determined to notch a first Test century inover two years. That determination paid off as heregistered a 10th Test century – a welcome return toform for one of this India side’s most experiencedplayers.

Looking to increase the scoring rate, Rahane fellsoon after reaching the landmark, trying to hit Shan-non Gabriel over the in-field, only to be caught byWindies skipper Jason Holder at mid-off. Vihariplayed superbly, eventually falling seven runs shortof what would have been a maiden Test hundred. Hisdismissal signalled the end of the India innings asVirat Kohli declared with India on 343/7, leavingWest Indies needing to 419 to win, an ICC reportsaid.

West Indies were never in the run chase. In aspectacular opening burst, Ishant Sharma and JaspritBumrah combined to leave West Indies 15/5 at thetea interval. Wickets continued to fall after the breakas Bumrah collected figures of 8-4-7-5 to leave WestIndies 50/9. West Indies’ final pair, Kemar Roachand Miguel Cummins then put on a show for the An-tigua crowd, compiling 50 quickfire runs for theirside to offer a rare glimmer of light on an otherwisetesting day for the hosts.

Sharma took the final wicket to a 318-run winfor India, their largest in terms of runs away fromhome in their Test history. The victory also saw themclaim 60 points in their ICC World Test Champi-onship opener. The second Test of the series starts onAugust 30 in Kingston, Jamaica.

NEW DELHI; India captain Virat Kohli saidthat managing players' workload in the ICCWorld Test Championship is the 'most impor-tant thing'.

"That's probably the most important thingfor us right now, managing workload of play-ers," ICC quoted Kohli as saying.

Jasprit Bumrah displayed a brilliant formduring India's massive 318-run victory overWest Indies in the first Test match on Sunday.However, the pacer did not play the ODI seriesagainst West Indies.

Kohli said they wanted Bumrah to be freshfor the Test matches as he is going to be a 'keyfactor' for them in the Test Championship."That's why he (Bumrah) didn't play any white-ball cricket after the World Cup because wewanted him to be fresh for the Tests. He is go-ing to be a key factor for us as long as the Testchampionship continues. We know how good abowler he is. And the impact he can make in aspell," he said. After winning the first Test,Kohli has become the most successful captainfor India in overseas Tests. Kohli credited histeam and said nothing is possible without theteam. "It [captaincy] is a responsibility that I amfulfilling. It is a blessing that I am in a position

where I can contribute to the team in more thanone way. I like taking that responsibility, butnothing is possible without the team," Kohlisaid. "If these guys hadn't bowled or batted theway they have, we wouldn't have won the Testswe have. The credit can't be taken away fromthem at all, because I am just making decisionson the field. Execution is in their hand.

Kohli feels workloadmanagement is important

Proud to be part of thisteam: Bumrah NEW DELHI: After registering a comprehen-sive 318-run win over West Indies in the firstTest of the two-match series, Indian pacerJasprit Bumrah expressed joy to be a part ofa team to register India's biggest win by mar-gin overseas.In an Instagram post, Bumrah posted twopictures and wrote: "Biggest test victoryoverseas, so proud to be a part of this side"as the caption. Bumrah scalped five wicketsin the second innings, helping India bundleout Windies for just 100 runs. As a result, In-dia secured a thumping win.


Rishabh Pant's poor shot se-lection has caused his down-fall more often than not andVirender Sehwag on Mondayhoped the keeper-batsman"works to better his game"and justify the team manage-ment's faith.

The 21-year-old Pant isbeing seen as MahendraSingh Dhoni's successoracross format but of late hasbeen criticised for his shot se-

lection at crucial junctures,more so during the ongoingseries against the West Indies.

However, Sehwag wants

people to show patience withthe young left-handed bats-man.

"Pant is an extremely tal-ented cricketer with huge po-tential. It will be importantthat he is groomed well," Se-hwag told a news agency."And now that he has been as-sured some quality time in theteam it is important that hemakes the best use of the op-portunity and works to betterhis game and develop as acricketer," he added. Sehwagis hopeful that the current In-

dian team can do well, withthe quality of pacers and thebench at its disposal. Asked ifthis team can win the WorldTest Championship in 2021,Sehwag said: "Two years is along time. Yes the team is ingood hands. I wish RaviShastri all the luck for his sec-ond innings and Virat Kohliall the very best. "We havegood bench strength, qualityfast bowlers and spinningprospects. We need to nowsettle the team combina-tions," Sehwag added.


As England snatched victory from jawsof defeat to win the third Test in the on-going Ashes, Australian skipper TimPaine has said that the loss will hurt butthe team needs to move on and focus onthe next match.

His remarks came after England'sthrilling one-wicket win in the third Testat Headingley on Sunday.

"We turn up to Manchester or ournext training session in a much betterframe of mind, rather than have guyssulking or whatever you want to call it. Ithurts, deal with it, move on," Interna-tional Cricket Council (ICC) quotedPaine as saying.

All-rounder Ben Stokes played oneof the finest knocks in Test cricket as heguided England to an improbable winagainst Australia.

The left-handed batsman went on toplay an unbeaten knock of 135 runs.

Chasing 359 for the win, Englandwere left 286/9, still, 73 runs away fromthe target.

It was then Stokes decided to play inan aggressive manner and he took on theAussie bowlers, smashing them allaround the park.

He found support in the numbereleven batsman Jack Leach and the duostitched together an unbeaten partnershipof 76 runs, in which Leach only con-tributed 1 run from 17 balls.

It hurts, deal with it, move on: TimPaine after loss against England

Pant needs to work to betterhis game, feels Sehwag

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