youth opportunities - balranald shire · peter bath, clint jolliffe, lisa campbell, shane johnson...

Post on 22-Jul-2020






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Youth Opportunities

UNICEF Australia - NSW Youth Summit on Living with Drought

Are you a young person impacted by the NSW drought?

UNICEF Australia invites you to apply for the first NSW Youth Summit on Living with Drought, 9-11 October 2019.

UNICEF Australia, with the support of the NSW Government, is hosting the first Youth Summit for young people living with drought in NSW. At the Summit, children and young people will come together with decision-makers and one another to discuss the challenges they face living with drought in NSW and how responses can be improved. The Summit will explore the ways decision-makers can best support children and young people to build resilience and become better prepared to reduce the negative impacts of ongoing and future drought. The Summit also presents an opportunity for young people living with drought to have a break from the land, work with their peers who are going through similar struggles, and have an opportunity to connect, engage and reflect, surrounded by beautiful Lake Macquarie. If you’re aged 14-24 years and are impacted by drought, participating in the NSW Youth Drought Summit is a unique and exciting opportunity to speak up for drought-affected children and young people. All costs associated with attending the Summit will be covered by UNICEF Australia, including travel costs. Applications close on Friday, 30 August at 11:59pm AEST. For more information visit

ABC HEYWIRE 2020 Competition Launched

Young regional Australians – tell your story and change your world

The ABC is calling on people aged 16-22 to share their experiences of life in regional Australia for the opportunity to be featured on the ABC and win a lifechanging trip to Canberra for the Heywire Regional Youth Summit in February 2020.

Anyone with a story to tell about life outside of the big cities is encouraged to enter, with entries of any medium accepted, including text, video, audio and photo. The competition officially opens on 24 July 2019.

Forty winners will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to the Heywire Regional Youth Summit and will take part in workshops. The Summit gives winners an opportunity to inspire each other, develop ideas and share stories to help make life in regional Australia even better.

Past winners have used Heywire as a springboard to make positive change in their communities by exploring issues around agriculture, mental health, youth employment, disability and strengthening culture, just to name a few.

ABC Director of Regional & Local, Judith Whelan said “the Heywire competition is an important platform for young people living outside of the big cities to have their voices heard.”

“We’re proud to celebrate the stories of a new generation of Australian storytellers.” Minister for Agriculture, Bridget McKenzie encourages young people to get involved and share their stories.

“I am always inspired by the depth of capacity of young people from rural and regional Australia,” Minister McKenzie said.

“Heywire helps to showcase the next generation of young leaders.

“There is a positive future for the regions with young leaders so passionate and proud of where they come from.”

Former Heywire winner, Bethany Evans, says “It’s an enormous privilege to be a Heywire alumni and to see how the program has continued to grow and give young rural Australians a platform for discussion and change.”

“For me, my experience as a Heywire winner reaffirmed how lucky I am to call rural Australia home despite the unique challenges we face. The opportunity to meet and form lasting friendships with other rural youth from across Australia has been priceless.”

“The sense of empowerment and conviction that rural voices matter and deserve to be heard at all levels of Australian society is something that has stayed with me always.”

Get your entries in via the Heywire website by 16th of September.

For more information visit


PO Box 120


Office Hours

8.30am to 5pm

Monday to Friday

Ph 03 5020 1300

After Hours Emergencies

0418 322 902



Monday & Friday 2pm-5.30pm

Wednesday 9am-5.30pm

(Closed for lunch 12pm-1pm)




Cnr Market & River Streets

Open Daily 10am-4pm

Ph 03 5020 1599

CountryLink tickets and fishing

licenses can be purchased here


Access via Visitor Centre, 7 days


(formerly RMS/RTA)


9.30am to 4pm

Tuesday to Friday

(Closed for lunch 1pm-1.45pm)


11.30am to 3pm

2nd and 4th Thursday of month

(Closed for lunch 12.15pm—1pm)

SNSW Call Centre 13 77 88


Balranald (all year extended trial)

Tuesday & Thursday


Saturday 10am-1pm

Sunday 10am-3pm

Euston (all year)

Tuesday & Thursday 1pm-6pm

Sunday 9am-3pm

Tokens available from Council

Office, Visitor Centre, Café

Cassaro & Euston Post Office

DrumMuster available @ Balranald

Join The Team! Positions Vacant : Personal Care Assistant - Balranald Retirement Hostel

Balranald Shire Council is seeking applications from caring individuals who are passionate about aged care to join the team attending to our residents at Bidgee Haven Hostel.

If this sounds like you, please visit Council Office or Council’s website to obtain the position description for Personal Care Assistant (PCA).

Applicants should possess relevant qualifications OR be willing to undertake training to obtain same. Applications for this position are to be addressed to:

The General Manager, Balranald Shire Council, PO Box 120, Balranald 2715 or by email to

Balranald Shire Council ISS UE




To view th is publ icat ion in colour vis i t : www.balranald

Projects Ready To Go

Work is about to start on two of Council’s planned improvement projects for Balranald, with contracts about to be signed for the Market Street Revitalisation Project and upgrades to facilities at the swimming pool. Construction is expected to commence on both projects within the next two weeks.

Council will be working closely with the contractors for the Market Street project to ensure that disruption to businesses is kept to the absolute minimum necessary. Because this project includes complete replacement of the footpaths between River Street and We Street, it is unavoidable that premises will have some inconvenience while footpaths on their frontage are constructed. However, there will be a comprehensive communication plan to ensure that businesses and their customers are given plenty of advance notice in order to be able to plan ahead. Wherever possible, these works will be carried out outside of business hours to minimise the impact. There will also be a shutdown of works in the period immediately prior to Christmas when the street is at its busiest.

When completed, the revitalisation project will deliver a fresh look to the Balranald business district with new footpaths, new street furniture and trees, and shade structures at key locations.

Work at the swimming pool includes upgraded change-room, kiosk and barbecue facilities, and will be completed in time for the opening of the pool for the 2019-20 swim season.

Meanwhile planning is going ahead for other projects including the Riverfront and upgraded facilities at the Greenham Park sports hall.

Lawn Cemetery Works

The Balranald Beautification Committee recently decided to use some of their annual allowance to replace the fencing along the front of the Lawn Cemetery.

Volunteering their time to remove the old fence was some of the committee members Mary Grisdale , Jill & Peter Bath, Clint Jolliffe, Lisa Campbell, Shane Johnson and Jenny Bax Alvarado.

Sonny Porter Landscaping volunteered his time & equipment to remove the posts and the concrete footings. Sonny then installed the new fencing which looks great and is set off by the beautiful rosebushes also planted by the Balranald Beautification Committee.

From the

Mayor’s Office

Next Ordinary Meeting of Council


The next meeting will be on: 17 September 2019, 3pm

at Euston Club Meeting Room

From the

Deputy Youth Mayor

Hey Balranald citizens,

The Balranald Youth Council are still looking for members so if you want to sign up then go see your school principal and they’ll inform you with the information you need.

The Balranald Youth Council will be having a BBQ at the 5 Rivers Festival out the front of the Senior Citizens building from 11am to 3pm.

Also, we are still doing our 10c drive so please keep donating to help us out. Bins are located at: the Balranald Shire depot O’Connor St, both Balranald schools, Balranald caravan park and the Sturt motel.


Ben Johnstone, Balranald Youth Council Deputy Mayor

As you would be aware, the public hearings recently took place in Council Chambers in the main office building of Council. I would like to extend my thanks to the community members who attended for the civility with which everyone conducted themselves. It is greatly appreciated by the staff during this time.

I extend warm birthday wishes to Balranald resident, Mrs “Reen” O’Halloran who is turning 100 in the first week of September! What an achievement! May all your birthday wishes come true.

I extend thanks to David and Christine Leggatt, who after 12 and a half years dedication in running Balranald’s Post Office are now moving onto new adventures. We greatly appreciate the wonderful service you have provided to our community and wish you all the best in whatever the future holds for you.

We have an abundance of fantastic community events coming up in the next few months, I encourage everyone to participate and support these wonderful programs and I commend the many volunteers who make these happen!

Please be advised, the next Council meeting will be held in Euston.

Fruit Fly

Fruit Fly is a problem pest to home gardeners and commercial growers alike. The fly attacks and damages summer ripening produce such as stone fruit, strawberries, tomatoes and capsicums. Fruiting ornamentals such as flowering prunus and Manchurian pear and fruiting native plants such as lilly pilly are hosts. If uncontrolled, fruit fly can damage up to 100% of some fruit crops.

Now is the time to start thinking about implementing your control strategies to minimise the impact of this pest. Sanitation, such as picking up and destroying fallen fruit, is a very important part of any control strategy. This can work hand in hand with fly baiting and removal of any unwanted host plants.

Further information can be obtained from your garden specialist or from the NSW Department of Agriculture on their website:

On 5th July 2019 a 37 year old Balranald female was charged with dishonestly obtain a financial advantage. She will appear at Hay Local Court on 11th October 2019.

On 7th July 2019 a 23 year old female was charged by Balranald Police for assault occasioning actual bodily harm x 3, armed with intent to commit indictable offence.

On 8th July 2019 a 40 year old Tooleybuc male was charged with assault, stalk/intimidate. He will appear at Hay Local Court on 5th August 2019.

On 10th July 2019 a 58 year old Robinvale male was charged at Euston with drive never licensed. He will appear at Wentworth Local Court on 3rd September 2019.

On 21st July 2019 a 47 year old male was charged in Balranald with breach AVO, assault and assault occasioning actual bodily harm. He will appear at Hay Local Court on 5th August 2019.

SAFE STORAGE INSPECTIONS FOR FIREARMS Firearms owners across the district, who have not had their firearms inspected recently please contact Balranald Police Station on 03 5020 1404 or Euston Police Station on 03 5026 3101 to arrange an appointment for you inspection. Police would like to remind residents if you see or hear anything suspicious to call Police immediately. Reports can also be made to CrimeStoppers on 1800 333 000 if you wish to remain anonymous.

Balranald Police Update

Councilor Contact

Details Mayor

Cr Alan Purtill 0429 201 301 Deputy Mayor

Cr Leigh Byron 0418 530 782

Cr Steve O’Halloran 0429 619 880

Cr German Ugarte 0407 267 087

Cr Jo Roberts 0409 147 787

Cr Trevor Jolliffe 0408 066 460

Cr Doug Allen 0421 526 671

Cr Jeff Mannix 0409 783 075

DISCLAIMER Balranald Shire Council reserves the right to edit or rewrite submissions for grammar, style and clarity or to conform to restrictions of space. Council makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information and does not accept responsibility for errors or omissions contained within this publication. If you are aware of errors please notify Council by email: or phone 03 5020 1300.


Swim Club—Tuesdays 4.15pm—6pm, training Tuesdays, Club Swims once a month. Contact Lou Ph 0409 026 881 Adult Day Care Monday 10am-2pm, Thursday 10am-2pm at the Hospital. Contact 03 5071 9800 Seniors Club every Friday 2pm Senior Citizens Hall Hospital Auxiliary 2nd Monday of month 2.30pm, Adult Day Care Centre. Contact Karen 0404 842 037 Health Advisory Council (HAC) 4th Monday of month 7:00pm. Contact 03 5071 9800 Baby & Child Clinic Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri–Balranald Tue - Euston Balranald Immunisation Clinic every 2nd Wed 9.30-11.00am at the Hospital. 0427 699 485 to book Little Bunyips Playgroup each Thursday 10am to midday - corner of Market and River Street. Contact Amy 0417 519 051 Singing Group Friday 1.30pm Presbyterian Church all welcome Men's Shed Tuesdays & Thursdays 8am at Heritage Park (behind Visitor Centre) Take Off Weight Naturally Club Mondays 6pm, Multipurpose Centre. Contact Betty 0417 589 284 Optometrist (from Deniliquin) last Wednesday of month. Appointments made at Balranald Chemist Balranald Wool Centre 3rd Friday of month, 10am - 3pm at the Gallery. New members welcome Balranald Community Arts & Crafts Open most weekdays 10am - 4pm or by appointment. Meetings 3rd Tuesday of month, 2pm at the Gallery. Narelle’s Driving School Contact 0402 782 597 Balranald History Group 4th Tuesday of month from 5pm, Theatre Royal Ticketing Office Can Assist Balranald Branch meeting 2nd Monday of the month 4p.m. at the Book Shop 92a Market Street. The Second-Hand Book shop will be open when volunteers are available. Contact numbers for the book shop are Connie on 0400 123940 and Tina 03 5020 6832. (Can Assist is a confidential service). Vision Australia - Phone Yann 03 5023 9500 Sureway Employment & Training Tuesday & Wednesday 8.30am–5pm. Contact 03 4028 4900 Balranald Presbyterian Church - Monday Ladies KYB 7.30pm @ the hall, Thursday Music group worship prep 5.30pm, Men’s KYB 7.30pm @ the Manse, PWA (last Thurs month) 2pm, Friday Ladies KYB 10am @ the Manse, Youth Bible Study 7.30pm (school terms), Sunday Prayer meeting 9.15am (Sunday school room), Worship service 10am. Contact Dennis Rayson 0428 830 276 Balranald Rescue Squad meet 3rd Thursday of month, 8pm, Rescue Squad headquarters. Friends of the Southern Cross Market Day - Last Saturday of month—Woodsys corner 8.30am LiveBetter Community Transport for non-urgent transport. Contact Connie on 0428 335 711 Ability Links Balranald Wednesdays - phone 0487 740 000 ROAR – Reach Out and Relax Last Tuesday of month. Contact Chris 0428 096 462 Pony Club please contact Emma Scott

UPCOMING EVENTS 5 Sept Balranald Hospital Auxiliary Morning Tea

6 Sept Euston Pre-School Variety Night

13 Sept Robinvale Lantern Festival

15 Sept

Need a darn good laugh? Then come along & enjoy an afternoon of comedy, music & Devonshire tea. 1.30pm @“The Gallery” 51 Mayall Street. Adults $15 Kids $5

11-13 Oct Balranald 5 Rivers Outback Festival

12 Oct

The Great Murray River Salami Festival on the Euston Club Riverfront Lawns Saturday October 12th 2019. 10am to 4pm. $2K Prize Money for Best Salami. Visit to download entry forms or pick up entry forms from the Euston Club Resort, Swan Hill Wholesalers or Mallee Meats & More Mildura.

30 Nov St Joey’s Fete


Mon - Fri

Tue & Thu

Fridays ..

Saturdays Alt. Sundays

What’s on at Balranald Club

Members Seniors $5 lunch .

$10 lunch 12-2pm

Bingo: Tuesdays 7pm, Thursdays 2pm

Smorgasbord from 6pm, Raffle and Members Draw LTPS/14/02429 Free Poker 6.30pm registration 7pm start Sewing Group

Also Available @ The Club: BISTRO SPECIALS – Every Tues-day $15 Homemade Chicken Parmi. Every Thursday Homemade chicken Snitzel with gravy $12. Every month, 2nd and last Sun-day, Roast Lunch only $15. New Australian dishes available in the Bistro. Don’t forget our regular facilities Keno, TAB, Coffee Shop. Reminder that Fishing Licenses, Pre-paid mobile phone credit and city-link passes and a host of other pre-paid facilities can be purchased at the Club. Printing & Fax Services are avail-able, plus we now offer hire on equipment such as PA system, tables, chairs, and a host of other goods…ask at the office to make arrangements and find out what is now available. Internet facilities available at the Club – Come on in and connect with your friends & family or simply do some surfing With the FREE WiFi. Membership renewals are overdue, renew now to still get advantage of discounts at the bar and at the Bistro. New to the Area, become a member it’s only $10* +joining fee and take advantage of member only benefits. Being a member you can get a discount at the bar & bistro along with swipe & win in-house vouchers UNDER 18’S are allowed in most areas of the club except TAB and Pokie Area and must be in the company of a responsible adult and must be supervised at all times.

7 Days/


Mon/Thurs Tues / Sun

Wednesday Thu/ Fri


Fri & Sat

What's on at Euston Club Resort Station46 Bistro open daily - Breakfast Mon-Thurs 7am-9.30am & Fri 7am-10am Sat & Sun 7.30am to 10.30am, Lunch 12pm - 2pm, Dinner 6pm-8.30pm. Café open all day Free Bingo Mon 10.15am Thurs 7pm Poker Tues from 6.30pm Sun from 6pm Raffle night & Members Draw from 6pm Members Cash & Prize Draw from 6pm-8pm Social Bowls. Registration 12.45pm for 1pm Start - call John Bond on 5026 4244 Free Live Entertainment from 7.30pm MEGA Raffle last Wednesday of month FREE live entertainment Friday & Sat from 7.30pm

Friday 29th November 2019 Dirty Dicks Theatre Restaurant at the Euston Club Resort. $69 per person. Includes a delicious 3 Course Meal & Stage Show. Show commences at 7pm. Purchase your tickets NOW at Reception 03 5026 4244. Euston Club Resort Win a Camper Trailer Members Draw valued at $20K. If present on the night, winner will also receive $1,200.00 of Bonus Inclusions. 15 x Raffle Prizes also to be won on the night. Raffle tickets available to purchase at Station46 Café and all Bar Tills. Draw will commence at 7pm.

Balranald Shire Council Newsletter Issue 08—August 2019

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