youth connection paul s ponders other...

Post on 30-Aug-2019






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Upcoming Youth and Family Activities:

- May 7th: CV Rescue Mission 1st Sunday ComServ (4pm-6pm)

- May 11th: PDCOC Food Pantry (5pm-7:30pm)

- May 14th: VBS Launch Meeting (after service) - May 21st: Bowling Fellowship (2-3pm)

- May 28th: VBS Planning Meeting (after service) - June 4th: PDCOC Youth Day & Graduation

Celebration (after service) - June 14th - 16th: VBS “God’s Team”

Every Wednesday Evening: Dinner & Bible Class


*Times and events are subject to change, so please check

with Caleb or Ashley for more information.

Youth Connection

Upcoming Events

- May 1st: Adopt-A-College Student Care Package Mailings - May 7th: Golf Tournament (11am-7pm) - May 7th: Abstinence Presentation (Bible Class) - May 14th: VBS Launch Meeting (after service) - May 21st: Bowling Fellowship (2-3pm) - May 28th: VBS Planning Meeting (after service)

Outreach and Family Ministry This team offers home bible studies, hospital and home visits, shut-ins visits, baptisms, and any encouragement needs. This team also offers

general maintenance duties - such as minor home/yard work and heavy lifting.

MINISTER: Raye Kramar (c)(760) 580-1954

OUTREACH MINISTER: Doug Smith (c)(760) 797-5100

FAMILY MINISTER: John Rice (h)(760) 347-3928

Ministry Team Members: Jim Sultzer Bob Tripp Rafael Rodriguez Nick Macias Garry Sage Henry McNulty Marco Aparicio

Other Announcements

On-Going Events


Bible Classes at 9:15a.m. with Worship Service to follow - we offer classes for all ages. Donuts and coffee are provided in the kitchen before and after class. We also have headsets for Spanish translations during Worship Service.

CHILDRENS BIBLE HOUR: Bible Hour for young children is located in the large classroom next to the kitchen. An announcement will be made to dismiss the children to the classroom.

SUNDAY EVENING SMALL GROUP STUDY: Please see the insert for our “In the Word” Sunday Evening/Afternoon Bible Study locations. Group leaders are available for more information.

LADIES’ TUESDAY BIBLE CLASS: The current study is on the video series “Breathe” by Priscilla Shirer; every Tuesday

morning from 10-11:30am.

MEN’S WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER: Wednesdays at 7:30a.m., the men meet at the church building for prayer and then go out for breakfast.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday night at 7:00p.m., here at the building.

SKY VALLEY WORSHIP & BIBLE STUDY: 4pm starts the combined Worship Service/In The Word Bible Study for the DHS/Sky Valley areas.

NEW DIRECTORIES: New directories are available; please visit the information table in the kitchen.

This is going to be a tough week for Debbie and I. Please pray for us. On Tuesday, we will have to leave the heat of the desert and spend the rest of the week along the shore in Malibu at the Pepperdine Bible Lectureship. As the tem-perature breaks into triple figures in the desert, think of the torture we must endure with the sun shining bright and the temperature barely cresting 80 degrees.

Remember us as we have the opportunity to grow and expand spiritually under the rich teaching tutelage of some of the best speakers in the brotherhood. Say a prayer for us as we shed a tear when we find a friend we haven’t seen in years and hug one another again and again. Or when we meet that new friend who is so nice and kind and uplifting that it seems we have been friends forever.

Pray for us as we have to sing with 5000 Christians in glorious songs, new and old, that touch the soul and stir the heart. As we ponder over and over the great love and compassion of our God and Savior. We will have the clear evi-dence of God’s hand in the people we talk to and in the scenery we must endure including the beautiful ocean, the deer and other wildlife. God is soooooo good.

Surely something must be wrong with us when we can’t get enough of Bi-ble classes and preaching so that we start early and stay late rather than coming late and leaving early. We will be so enthralled with the time we have that even the food will taste good. Perhaps it is the fellowship with people from all over the globe who are praising God and edifying one another that has caused this insanity.

Whatever it is, I invite you to join us for at least one day. Fill one day with Biblical teaching and Christian Fellowship.

In God, whose word I praise - in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? Psalm 56:4

Just Pondering

Paul’s Ponders

Aveces Pienso Jesús se encontraba en Betania, en la casa de Simón, un hombre que había tenido lepra. Mientras comía, entró una mujer con un hermoso frasco de alabastro que contenía un perfume costoso, preparado con esencias de nardo. Ella abrió el frasco y derramó el perfume sobre la cabeza de Jesús. Algunos que estaban a la mesa se indignaron. «¿Por qué desperdiciar un perfume tan costoso? —preguntaron—. ¡Podría haberse vendido por el salario de un año y el dinero dado a los pobres!». Así que la regañaron severamente. Pero Jesús respondió: «Déjenla en paz. ¿Por qué la critican por hacer algo tan bueno conmigo? Marcos14:7-8 7 A los pobres siempre los tendrán con ustedes, y podrán ayudarlos cuando quieran; pero a mí no me van a tener siempre. 8 Ella hizo lo que pudo. Ungió mi cuerpo de antemano, preparándolo para la sepultura. Les aseguro que esto que ella hizo, se recordará en todos los lugares donde se anuncien las buenas noticias de Dios.» Palabras que me conmovieron a los pobres siempre los tendrán, pero a mí no y se escucho un eco resonante dentro de mi: pero a mí no,no,no se nos olvida que no somos eternos físicamente y que día a día se acerca el tiempo de nuestra partida, porqué no ungir con una palabra de aliento de estímulo a esa persona que ofendimos, a la persona enferma física y emocional-mente, porqué no dar una esperanza a esa persona que vive cerca de ti y sufre tu ausencia, porque no decirle cuanto la quieres, porqué no ungir con bellas palabras

de amor en lugar de vivir criticando..... Yo soy tu hermano Gilberto

College & Young Adult Connection

Youth Connection: *Wednesday Night Bible Study *Sunday Morning Bible School

*Children’s Church (during Sermon): Ages 9 and under

Additional Adult Class

There will be an additional Adult Class on Wednesday nights at 7pm for those who feel the Love and Respect class does not fit their

life’s situation.

Youth Minister: Caleb and Ashley Gervin Caleb: (c) 760-898-9776 Ashley: (c) 760-625-6935

Christ’s “LITTLE” Ambassadors: Earlier this month, our “Little Ambassador” Mia Aranda

received Student of the Month!

Also, another “Little Ambassador” Janessa Chambliss participated in the Desert Olympics and won 2nd Place in the Javelin Throw, in the 20 yard dash, and in the low hurdles. She won 1st Place in the Discus Throw. Janessa loves athletics and wears a bracelet that says:

“In Jesus’ Name I Play.”

LaJuana Cross 5/23 Lana Hope 5/23 Alyssa Waters 5/23 Debbie Schlosser 5/25 Brittany McGuire 5/26 Andrea Stevenson 5/28 Kathy Brannon 5/28 Joseph Matich 5/29 Jackie Burton Ramirez 5/29

Debra Norby 4/30

Elaine Finch 5/3 Donna Averett 5/7 Tom Morris 5/8 May Kitagawa 5/9 Javada Chambliss 5/10 Kay Murcer 5/10 George Franks 5/11 Noemi Sanchez 5/13 Glen Dods 5/14 David Sanchez 5/15 Mary Wells 5/19 Calista Gervin 5/19 Lorlene (Lulu) Higa 5/21

Order of Worship

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sunday Services Sunday School: 9:15am ~ Worship Service: 10:15am

Wednesday Night Bible Study for all ages: 7:00pm

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Last Week Attendance: 147

Contribution: $4,223 Kids for Kids: $144 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

78-135 Avenue 42 * Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 14151 * Palm Desert, CA 92255

Phone 760.360.6595, Fax 760.360.6595 (please call first) Email:,

Website: Office Hours: M-F 9am-2pm

Palm Desert Church of Christ We Are Christ’s Ambassadors

~ ~ ~ ~

Iglesia de Cristo Palm Desert Somos embajadores de Cristo

April 30, 2017

Causes and Community Events Sermon Notes

April/May Birthdays

Bob & Cynthia Finnell 5/10 Ed & Joann Holmes 5/16 Russ & Carol Albright 5/22 Steve & Judy Woodroof 5/31

*DIRECTORY CHANGES* Please be sure to let the office know if you have any

contact information changes or additions.

Frank & Jean Moreno 4/10 Jimmie & Andrea Stevenson 4/11 Tom & Darlene Thompson 4/22

April/May Anniversaries


IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN US! The Pepperdine Bible Lectures quickly approach, May 2-5. Great effort has been invested in this wonderful event, and now we ask all of you to support the Bible Lec-tures in prayer. We want God to be glorified and the church to be advanced through this wonderful event. Please pray that God will bless His people through our time together. If you aren’t able to join us for the Pepperdine Bible Lectures this year, you can still join us online for the live streaming keynotes in the Fieldhouse and download the daily sessions!

Please Visit:


The next PDCOC Food Pantry will be

THURSDAY, May 11, 2017 from 5:30-6:30pm. All volunteers are asked to RSVP to your text or email notifications.

Thursday Night Ladies Class: All ladies (young & old) are invited to The Thursday Night Ladies Bible

Study/Dinner Group at 6:30pm at the church. We will meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month; and on the occasional 5th Thursday we will meet for dinner or bunco or something like that. The next meeting will be: THURSDAY, May 4th at 6:30pm.

Life Line Screening: Life Line Screening is the leading provider of Preventive Health Screenings to detect early risk for cardiovascular heart disease & certain types of cancer. The Palm Desert Church of Christ is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based pre-ventive health screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on May 15, 2017. To register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package, please call 1-888-653-6441.

Today: 4-30-17

Song Leader: Raye Kramar

Welcome: Robert Craven

Prayer of Praise: Jim Sulzer

Communion Lead: Paul Schlosser

Assisting: Luis Roman, Dylan Brennan, Keith Chambliss, Caleb Gervin, Jimmie Stevenson,

Brian Wagner

Kid’s Dismissal

Scripture Reading: Jack Brennan

Sermon: Dale Wells

Closing Prayer: Dan Johnson

Spanish Translation: Rafael Rodriquez

Greeters: Jim Sultzer, Bob Tripp, Maria Menard

Usher: Pierre Ortiz

Closer: Dan Johnson

Next Week: 5-7-17

Song Leader: Raye Kramar

Welcome: Robert Craven

Prayer of Praise: Len Stuessel

Communion Lead: Paul Schlosser

Assisting: Luis Roman, Steve Cardinal, Jerry Bivens,

Doug Brannon, Joe Sidoti, Travis Dempster

Kid’s Dismissal

Scripture Reading: AJ Smith

Sermon: Dale Wells

Closing Prayer: John Burton

Spanish Translation: Norma Moreno

Greeters: Bonnie Norton Elliott Family

Usher: Pierre Ortiz

Closer: John Burton

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