youth care · 2013-09-06 · email: tel: (800) 730-5358 canadian physicians for...

Post on 17-Jul-2020






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Today’s young people are more attuned to the absurdity of abortion than many of their parents. They also understand that the cost of our current health care system is skyrocketing, with no apparent solution. That’s unsustainable. To ensure the health care system exists for future generations of Albertans, politically-motivated spending on items like abortion must cease.

It is illogical for a health care system that is cash-starved to continue to allocate scarce dollars towards the killing of children in the womb.

More and more young people are recognizing the incongruity of forcing citizens to fork over their hard-earned money for a medically unnecessary procedure that they find morally reprehensible.

Increasingly, the future generation wants what scarce money is available directed towards saving lives, not taking them.

“Abortion is not an essential medical service. It is designated “medically necessary” forpurely social and political, not medical, reasons. Pregnancy is not an “injury, illness ordisease.” There is no proof that abortion improves health. In fact it disrupts a normalphysiological process, poses a risk to the mother, and ends the life of her developingchild. There is no “medical necessity” where no medical benefit or health risk exists.”

“To justify funding of a service, the medical necessity and therapeutic value of thatservice should be undisputed. “


DEFUND IT!It’s one thing for an individual to make a personal choice to kill a baby in the womb.It’s quite another to expect the rest of us to pay for it.

It’s ludicrous to ask us to open up our wallets for these killings when the province is drowning in debt, and genuine areas of health care are neglected, such as treating autistic kids, doctor/nurse shortages, elder care and buying MRI machines.

The Canada Health Act is federal law which requires provinces to fund “medically necessary” services, but it does not define abortion as medically necessary.

When Alberta legislators deem an elective procedure as “not medically necessary” it does not get covered by the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan, and as a result, will not receive public funding. For example, in 1984 the Alberta government

delisted tubal litigations, vasectomies and mammoplasty from AHCIP coverage. In 1995, Alberta deemed physiotherapy, optometry exams and speech therapy to be “not medically necessary” and removed them from the list of taxpayer-funded services.

Therefore, it is clear that MLA’s can delist abortion. All they lack is the political will and moral fortitude to do the right thing.

In almost all abortions, the life of the mother is not in danger. The simple truth is that abortions today are performed for convenience, as a back-up birth control method. That’s clearly not a medical necessity and should not be funded as such.

It’s time for Alberta legislators to treat our money with respect.

FACT: In Canada abortions are publicly funded - over 100,000 per year. In Alberta alone, at least 13,000 babies are killed by abortion per year … and paid for by you, with your taxes.

FACT: According to the abortion-advocacy group, Pro-Can, the average cost of elective abortion in a hospital is $1000.

FACT: Abortion is used as a “back-up” birth control method more than 96% of the time. No physical illness or alleged “hard case” exist in these situations. Rather, the reasons are socio-economic in nature. (1).

FACT: Alberta taxpayers shell out at least $13 million annually for elective abortions(2).

FACT: For $13 million per year, Alberta can hire 57 family doctors or 200 nurses in communities facing a dire shortage(3). Or purchase 9 life-saving MRI machines every year (4). Or provide crucial therapy to 167 additional autistic children each year(5). All these uses of taxpayer dollars would represent genuine health care...rather than killing babies.

FACT: The $13M estimate excludes the cost of abortion complications, such as perforations, uterine hemorrhage, pelvic inflammatory disease(6), sepsis, post-traumatic stress disorder(7), suicide(8), infertility and breast cancer(9). All these indirect costs could easily escalate the total cost of abortion to tens of millions of dollars annually! How many doctors could be hired, how many autistic kids could be cured, instead of pouring money down the abortion drain?

FACT: 52% of Albertans believe the healthcare system should either not fund abortions, or only in the event of medical emergencies. [Source: AngusReid Poll, Jan 28, 2013]Footnotes:(1) This analysis cites figures from the abortion industry’s own research division, The Gutmacher Institute, plus independent statistics gathered by 7 U.S. state governments. (2) NO level of government has released cost figures for abortion so estimates are based on the direct costs of abortion.

(3) Average salary for a family doctor in Alberta is $232K and nurse is $67K (4) Average cost for MRI machine is $1.5M(5) Based on $80K cost per child cited in Toronto Star, January 18,2007, ‘Ontario expands autism funding’.

(6) A study sponsored by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario found that women who underwent abortion experienced 4 times higher rate of hospitalization for infections. In 2000, the UK’s Royal College of

Obstetricians and Gynecologists established that the immediate physical complication rate of induced abortion is at least 11%. A similar U.S. study found a higher complication rate of 17%.

(7) The same study above found that women who underwent abortion experienced nearly 5 times higher rate of hospitalization for psychiatric problems. Psychologist Dr. Teresa Burke in her book,

‘Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion’, cites statistically-valid studies showing that 14% - 20% of women who abort, experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), while 65% experienced multiple symptoms of PTSD.(8) An authoritative study in Finland found that the suicide rate associated with abortion is 6 times higher than the suicide rate associated with childbirth. (9) Abortion as a risk factor in breast cancer has been supported by more than (20) peer-reviewed scientific studies. These studies average a 30% increased risk of breast cancer due to abortion.

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