your watershed your backyard

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Your Watershed,Your Backyard:


The Carnegie Institution for Science

Susan ArtesScience Outreach Coordinator

A Chesapeake Watershed Education Program toEncourage Stewardship in Students

A Project of BioEYES&

BioEYES Science Outreach Program

The Mission of allBioEYES projects:

• to foster enthusiasmfor science

• to promote interest inbiology-related fields

• a hands-on, student-centered approach tolearning.

Steve Farber and Jamie Shuda developed BioEYES in 2001

Photo courtesy of theNew York TimesJuly 29,2008

Why use Zebrafish?1. Genes and organs similar to

humans2. Larvae are optically clear

Adult females can lay manyeggs every week

3. Embryos develop very quickly4. Cost effective5. Not only good model for

humans, but also for smallwatershed fish

6. Incredibly compelling forstudents

Classic BioEYES Unit

• Five day hands-on program followingzebrafish development

• Students treated as scientists and areresponsible for all embryo care

• Culminating experience - seeing thebeating heart and circulatory system

Day 1:Observing Adult Zebrafish

Living organisms:• Capture attention• Increase interest• Engage imagination

•Increase ability to relateto self•Make lessons morememorable

Day 2: Embryo Collection andObservation

Yes! We haveembryos!

How many do you count?

Here are the things they arelooking for





Vinegar eels

Brine shrimp



Day 3: Gills vs Lungs

Day 4: Cells and DNALysosome

Mitochondria Nucleus


Day 5:Seeing the Heartbeat!

Some Statistics -Since 2001 over 18,000students have participated!

Philadelphia• Started in 2001• Over 15,000 students• Over 200 teachers trained• 3 new projects added Baltimore

•Started in 2007 with 548students and 22 teachers

•This year over 1600 studentsand 33 teachers

•Next year without YWYBprojected over 2500 students

•With YWYB funded 3700students and 66 teachers!

South Bend - Notre Dame•Started 2007•Over 700 students and 28teachers

Teachers - Important Partners

• Teachers must attend training• Teachers co-teach the unit• After 3 years, teachers run the unit themselves• Carnegie’s Science Outreach will supply all materials• Carnegie Educator can add more teachers & students to the


BIOEYES NEWEST ADDITION:Your Watershed, Your Backyard

• Habitats, food chains, sourceand non source pollution

• Information on local streamprojects

• Websites• Watershed related science


• Education and awarenesswhile they are young

• 6th and 7th grades• Hands-on, live organisms• Stewardship

Water Collection & Water Quality Testing

Field TripStudents will do on-

site water qualitytesting

Streams and riversnear their school willbe selected prior toclasses

Harbor water will becollected and testedStony Run

Stony Run• Direct connection

street to stream• Point and non-

point pollution

Oil in the stream

Oil on the grate

• Stony Run• Flooding residue• Storm drain• Erosion control


Pollution & Erosion

Jones Falls


or ‘Run-off’

Flooding remains

The next level upin the watershed


The Baltimore Inner Harbor

Street run-off

Non-point source

Point source

Boat oil, gasoline

Watershed Maps

Students learn about theentire watershed

Going LocalBaltimore County and Citywatersheds


Students trace the flow of theirlocal stream, Stony Run.

Zebrafish as a model• As before students

cross adults and raiseembryos

• Now emphasizeChesapeake Watershed

Test 3 water samples1. Control embryo medium2. Local stream3. Main watershed river

Studentscare for theirembryosand collectdata

Cleaning and

Counting embryosfor survival rate ineach water sample

Day 2 Embryos!

Data Collection

‘Chesapeake Bay EcosystemExplorer’

Food Web :Learning therelationshipsbetween thesmallestorganismsand thelargest

Outreach Educator, Rob Vary,explains harbor results

Two-headed embryo from theJones Falls, raised by students

Effects of Pollution


STUDENTS Wrote Lab ReportsHere are some of their comments:


YWYB could reach 1,200students and 30 teachers inits first year Second year 1,685

students, 30 returningteachers and 10 newteachers

Third year 2,174 students,40 returning teachers and 10new teachers

That’s over 5000 students in 3 years!

For more Information AboutBioEYES

Your Watershed Your Backyard

Contact:Susan ArtesCarnegie Science


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