your vip path to weight loss

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Weight Loss Report


Your Path To Weight Loss In Mere Days…. The VIP Way!

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Your Path to Weight Loss in Mere Days...



© Copyright 2009 VIP Press Plainfield,  Illinois 60585 

Your Path To Weight Loss In Mere Days…. The VIP Way!

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Your Path to Weight Loss in Mere Days …

The VIP Way!

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© Copyright 2009 VIP Press 

Plainfield, Illinois 60585 

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LEGAL DISCLAIMER NOTICE This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. The views expressed represent the experience and/or opinions of the author only, the statements and information provided in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information presented here is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This publication is sold with the understanding that neither the publisher nor the author, offer any professional or medical advice in this publication. The author and publisher accept no responsibility for the results of any actions taken by the readers after reading this publication.

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Forward We bring you this e-book with 3 objectives in mind;

1. To provide you with some weight loss information you can immediately use to help you get you started to getting to your ideal body weight and help accomplish your personal weight loss goals. And to provide you with the additional other resources to further aid you in getting there.

2. To introduce you to the idea that your weight and your state of health and wellness are inextricably linked, and to give you the starting point for getting to a better healthier life, a Life in Balance. We also want to introduce you to the fact that wellness is a journey, not a destination, and give you some of the answers that will allow you to simplify your Journey to Wellness.

3. To introduce you to the fact that we have the tools and resources to assist you in your Journey to Wellness and that your journey can be easier with a knowledgeable guide who will share with you the simple secrets that can un-complicate your Journey.

There is no cost to this e-book, however its value can be priceless if the ideas and principles outlined here are followed. The “reward” for applying the information in this e-book is not only dropping a few pounds, but the start of a better, healthier life, a Life in Balance. The real cost of this information is not monetary, the real cost is in not applying the ideas and principles outlined here, so the only way this information can cost you is by not taking advantage of it. It’s been said many times that knowledge is power, however the proper, accurate, and correct statement is the application of knowledge is power because knowledge by itself creates no power. This publication is a condensed version with a primary focus on weight loss which is just 1 step of our 12 Step Life in Balance Program. Being overweight or obese has such far reaching detrimental effects on our health that a focus on weight loss naturally crosses over into several other steps of our Life in Balance program which we will touch on here. While this e-book does contain information on some of the core components and various links to additional outside information it is only meant as a summary. It is not a substitute for a visit to one of the spas and a live Life in Balance program experience.

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It is a handy guide for home use either on your own or in conjunction with the assistance one of our Wellness Coaches. There are more steps to the complete 12 Step Life in Balance program, however weight loss and some of the other 12 Steps from the core of the program we touch on will provide the foundation upon which to build. It is our hope that you will learn and apply the ideas and principles outlined here, and as a result you will start on the right path for your own Journey to Wellness as we can attest that Wellness is a Journey, not a Destination, and it is a journey best taken with the help of a knowledgeable guide, we hope to be that guide, not just in this e-book, but throughout your entire journey, if you will have us. Our Vision Due to our previous experience in the spa business our vision started on the Spa side of wellness, our starting vision was to build a major brand for destination Health Resorts and Spas that would become a leading brand name in North America to fill the current void in the Spa market. The spa market is the fastest growing segment of the hospitality industry. They are the most popular retreats from the pressures of professional business and personal life. Relaxation, stress management and beauty regimens are the primary reasons people opt for spa vacations. People go to spas to improve their health, wellness, longevity and quality of life. There is no recognized major brand of destination Health Resorts and our plan is to fill that void. Recognizing that wellness is a journey, not a destination, our vision quickly expanded to encompass the wellness treatments and services a spa guest would require year-round to aid and support them on their wellness journey. We saw another void that needed to be filled, an integrated Network comprised of the necessary integrative components a person would require to have the best chance of success on a wellness journey on a year-round basis that is location, product, and provider independent. The VIP Wellness Network is the guiding force helping to deliver a guided Journey to Wellness for members and guests that transcends the occasional spa visit and becomes an integrated part of the wellness journey all year long by incorporating lifestyle changes and behavior modification in addition to Spa visits and follow up wellness coaching. To do this VIP Wellness Network through our VIP Spa Club arm will:

• Utilize a medically sound 12 Step Life in Balance program for our guests

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• Deliver a flawless guest experience in a casually

sophisticated environment • Deliver consistent value that exceeds its cost • Provide beneficial and up to date information and cutting

edge therapies • Integrate peaceful, rejuvenating, and inspiring indoor and

outdoor spaces • Provide beneficial services that support the health and

wellness of guests • Inspire guests to adopt healthy lifestyles and lead them to

live well…for life While building the VIP brand for our own full service all inclusive Destination Health Resorts and Spas at the same time VIP Wellness Network will build strategic alliances with select Day Spas, independent Destination Spas, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, Fitness and Personal trainers, Medical Doctors, and select Restaurants and other vendors to enable members and guests to avail themselves of key program components on a year round and local basis in order to provide the optimum support for members health and wellness. The strategic alliances will come together in a network of providers where rigorous standards of service and care are met. We feel the benefits to guests can increase geometrically by having parts of the core program available year round. We envision an inter-connected network delivering a natural, integrative and physiological approach to optimum wellness to members and guests. We envision our inter-connected network developing community fellowship while synergistically delivering a natural, integrative and physiological approach to optimum wellness to our members enabling each member to create their own Personal Wellness Plan where each member is able to return to a Life in Balance and achieve optimum wellness based on their individual objectives with the assistance of our Life in Balance Program and their individual Personal Wellness Coach. Our 12 Step program is the foundation upon which we build our Life in Balance Program and upon which you may start your own Journey to Wellness. The 12 Steps are not the only steps, but they are the core foundation. So without further adieu let’s see what’s inside.

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Table of Contents

Chapter - 1: Detoxification – Understanding Why You Need To Detoxify Your Body....................7

Chapter - 2: Belly Fat, a Universal Snag.............10

Chapter - 3: Belly Fat- an Impervious Glitch............................................12

Chapter - 4: Exercise Machines, a Boon...............15

Chapter - 5: Exercise Machines, a Poise..............17

Chapter - 6: Obesity in Children, a Conundrum........19

Chapter - 7: Obesity in Children, an Ordeal..........22

Chapter - 8: Organic Foods and Detoxification........24

Chapter - 9: Tips to Losing Weight for Women.........27

Chapter - 10: Weight Loss in Children................29

Chapter - 11: Weight Loss in Children A Need of Today.....................................31

Chapter - 12: Weight Loss in Women...................33

Chapter - 13: Yoga, a Health Treasure................35

Chapter - 14: Yoga, the Dual Benefit.................36

Chapter – 15: The power of Minerals and Enzymes.....39

Chapter - 16: The Road to Six Pack Abs...............41

Chapter – 17: Summary and Conclusions...............44

Next Steps: What you need to do next............. 46

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Chapter – 1: Detoxification – Understanding Why You Need To Detoxify Your Body

You must be hearing a lot of things being said these days about detoxification and such stuff. But have you ever wondered if you too need to detoxify your body? Well, more often than not we tend to

rubbish anything related to our health, but we rarely ever lose any chance to give free of cost advice to others on health and other related topics.

Well, you might say that you don’t need to detoxify your body because you walk a lot and then you also workout regularly.

But do you really feel that is enough? Do you know that the percentage of oxygen is decreasing with every breath you take? Every day automobile exhausts and fumes from the industrial chimneys are adding thousands of tones of CO2 into the atmosphere. Yes, you read it right, thousands of tons and the volume is increasing everyday because newer cars are hitting the roads every moment.

And if CO2 would have been the only problem it could have been resolved to a certain extent. But what about the hundreds of tones of other toxic gases like CO and like those containing Sulfur, Lead,

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Mercury etc.? These are all potentially life threatening gases.

Well, there is little that you can do about industrialization. But you can do a few things still about your food. After all detoxification is not about closing down factories but about cleaning up your body from inside off all the chemicals that have been accumulated over the last few years.

So, how do you detoxify your body?

Detoxification is not rocket science and it definitely does not ask you to inflict self-pain like any secret organization. Detoxification is all about eating the right stuff and in the right


Also one of the most important things that I always suggest about detoxification is that it should be done preferably in a place which is away from pollution of the city.

The first step towards detoxification would be to totally avoid fast food and eating out at restaurants or coffee shops or elsewhere. Eat only home cooked low fat and low oil content food.

The basic idea here is to give enough space to your body’s cells to reject all the waste that they have been accumulating over the years.

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The problem generally arises when we keep adding more junk to our diet because it means that more and more toxins keep getting accumulated inside the body and thereby getting absorbed in the cells.

Through detoxification, you eat only foods that are low in toxins and high in vitamins and essential minerals. So get started with your own detoxification program, and start relieving your body of harmful toxins and chemicals so that you live not just longer but also healthier.

Body cleansing goes hand in hand with detoxification starting with ridding your colon of accumulated waste which in and of itself may help you drop a few pounds. To explore cleansing and detox more in-depth you can visit our health library at:

Cleansing and detoxification are an important part of step 7 in our 12 Step Life in Balance Program a professionally designed 12 step program to help you look and feel great.

Make sure you see:

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Chapter – 2: Belly Fat, a Universal Snag

Belly fat is a common problem in both, men as well as women and getting rid of it is the most daunting task. Belly fat can be controlled when exercise and diet is combined. But, this is difficult to follow. One tip that

can help in reducing belly fat is to drink plenty of water, as it gives you energy and has no side effects. So it is very good for your body. Similarly, taking less salt is beneficial for your body. Another significant thing to be altered is to take cholesterol free butter and add lots of baked foods to your meals rather than fried items. Belly fat surely reduces if you give concentration to your diet. But, this is effective only when you also perform some simple exercises. Exercise is the key to lose belly weight. Extra fat is dangerous and causes lots of detrimental diseases such as arthritis as well as heart problems. You have to work on reducing the belly fat and stick to the program constantly to have successful results. The belly fat makes you self conscious at the beach or pool and you can also hear jiggles at the back of you. The very thought of seeing your belly reduced should trigger your feelings, then you can surely accomplish it.

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Belly fats can be reduced if you make a regular practice of working for a few minutes everyday. You need not spend huge amounts on some abs gadget; instead focus on exercises that get your gut fat working on your entire body. Some of the belly fat exercises include planks, Spiderman Push-ups, Wood chops, Stability ball jack

knifes, Cross body chops, Cross body mountain climbers, Renegade rows and Cross body mountain climbers. All these exercises work for your chest, back, legs, lower back and shoulders. These exercises help in making your abs stronger and give you a better posture. You can try this workout without taking intervals in between. Taking 5-6 seconds rest after the last exercise and repeating the same a couple of times may prove to be beneficial. Firstly, Push ups – 10 reps, Stability ball jack knifes – 15 reps, Wood chops- 15 reps and Cross body chops - reps. You can do these exercises as per your preference, at the beginning when you feel fresh or at the end when you are fatigued so that these workouts help you in getting refreshed. Belly fat is a daunting task, but is not an impossible task such that you cannot reduce it. Strong determination and perfect focus can help you in achieving success.

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Chapter – 3: Belly Fat- an Impervious Glitch Belly fat is considered impervious glitch as it is the most arduous type of fat that is hard to lose, in spite of diet and various kinds of exercises. Today, there are millions suffering with belly fat problems. The

frustration is severe when you try working on losing your belly fat. You may have noticed that but for your belly, your body becomes slender as well as toned. However, there are few steps to get rid of this obstinate fat, provided you follow it sternly. Firstly, you have to increase the metabolism of your body. Metabolism is easily controllable and also can be manipulated as weight loss depends on fast metabolism, the belly fat also responds. Eating small meals almost six times a day is more effective than eating three large meals. The three meals system augments the calories in your body and makes the metabolism sluggish in your body. Smaller meals help your body with proper fat burning energy. Secondly, avoiding fat diets. Fat diets are dangerous and hardly any of them help in losing weight. So it is best avoided. Similarly, high protein foods lead to gout and kidney stones if consumed for a longer period of time.

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You have to lose the belly weight but you should consider your health.

Thirdly, eat lots of whole foods. The unprocessed foods that are available in the natural state give you tons of energy and this is useful in burning additional belly fat. These foods that are available in the organic form also increase your well being and your overall health. You can eat fresh fruits, nuts, vegetables, whole grains and cold water fish with each meal.

Fourthly, the most important thing is to eat something in the morning. You should not skip your breakfast as it only makes the belly fat stick longer. Belly fat is caused due to blood sugar problems and mainly missing the morning meal causes havoc with insulin and blood sugar in the system. You will experience lack of energy due to slow metabolism.

Fifthly, drinking plenty of water helps in eliminating the toxins from your body. Moreover, water gives you energy that helps in keeping you active the entire day.

Sixthly, a regular brisk walk in the morning for 10 to 15 minutes is enough to reduce the belly size and also to keep you active for the whole day.

Why is losing belly fat important?

Although the link between belly fat and health is not entirely clear, experts do know that people with a lot of belly fat are at higher risk of health problems than are people who accumulate fat in other

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areas — and men are more likely than women to put on weight around the waist.

Our bodies are designed to store fat for release during times when there is not enough food. But when we put on weight and never have these lean times, fat cells begin to release fat molecules into the blood at a higher rate. This affects normal metabolism and the way the body uses insulin. These metabolic changes can worsen or increase your risk of health problems, including:

* Diabetes

* Some types of cancers

* High blood pressure

* Sleep apnea

* Abnormal lipids — high triglycerides and low HDL ("good" cholesterol)

* Insulin resistance

* Metabolic syndrome

When you lose fat through exercise and improved eating habits, you improve your metabolism. This reduces your risk of health problems — and may improve existing health problems.

For some ideas with minimal or no equipment see:

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Chapter – 4: Exercise Machines, a Boon People today are extremely busy; especially the city buffs have no time to spare for themselves. Their schedule of work keeps them highly occupied that they hardly take care of their appearance, the way they look. But,

recently the alarm of losing weight has gained impetus and people have seriously started working for it. However, losing weight cannot be done immediately. You have to follow a schedule of controlling your diet and also perform few exercises. Lack of activity is one of the significant reasons to add weight. Losing weight employing exercise machines is a fascinating option as you can change the workouts so that you are not bored. Exercise machines are of immense help in regulating your activities. You can perform exercise everyday at your home as people easily get bored of running, walking and jogging. So losing weight using exercise machines is best as you can always alter your routines. However, using one weight loss machine all alone at home is also boring. It is recommended to become a member of a gym as you can have an option to variety of machines.

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You can access different machines and can change things as per your desire. You can make them interesting by trying various machines and this keeps you far from boredom and you also lose weight.

Losing weight by using various exercise machines helps you as different muscles are used and instead of targeting a part of your body, the entire body gets movements. You can do pushups as well as sit ups and also

constantly change the machines that you like and are comfortable and beneficial in losing weight. Things that interest you and are fun are the best sources to assist you in losing weight. As there is numerous fitness centers opened in the recent few years, you can have a program done from them so that your muscles are worked out and you burn your fat and calories. Exercise machines are a boon to people who intend on losing weight, but it is effective only when you are willing to do hard work. Having a membership in a gym or the best equipments in the world will not help you in losing an ounce also, if your determination is not strong. On the other hand, if you are ready to put your efforts, you will notice that the machines are of great help in shedding the unwanted pounds effectively.

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Chapter – 5: Exercise Machines, a Poise The world is today revolving around the weight loss and fitness industry. The scope is the global. Today many experts have introduced their concepts in performing various exercises that ascertain weight loss in a

very short time gap. There are many such exercise devices that are patented and definitely slim your bank accounts and wallets. It is amazing to watch the number of exercise machines flooding the market and proclaiming to make anybody slim. Lots of experts harp patented machines for losing weight and also fitness through numerous e-books as well as video presentations. Advertising firms have made a striking business by utilizing models on the exercise machines. They show well trimmed models and people get carried away. In fact, many times it is observed that using the exercise machines, experts are trying to exploit the market and are making immediate money. However, not all the exercise machines are useless, hence it is advised that before purchasing any patented exercise machines, considering few things such as the cost, safety, your need and the function of the machine is essential to serve your purpose. The costs of these patented machines are relatively high and the function that it ascertains can be done

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effectively without these machines as well by walking or jogging.

The soaring prices have transformed many health buffs to bicycles. They have stopped using gas vehicles for daily travel owing to health concept and the gas prices. In this manner they are also assisting in maintaining eco-balance. Using manual grass cutters than motorized lawn movers are ways to perform exercise as well as save money. However, the elliptical exercise machines are the preferred choice at home and at gym. Very few people turn towards traditional bikes or treadmills. The popularity of the elliptical exercise machines is that the impact on the joints is totally absent.

The elliptical exercise machines give a total workout for your entire body. With less effort on the elliptical machines in comparison to the treadmills and bikes, the result is far better. This is probably owing to the lack of influence on the joints.

However, the calories get burnt and the machines are available in great discount prices. Moreover, people can also buy them online as there are numerous sites offering you machines at discounted prices. The exercise machines are of great benefit as people have restricted time and these machines help them in performing exercise with less effort and provide a positive benefit of losing weight.

The Elliptical is not the only the only machine easy on the joints. Two of our favorite are:

• Rebounders • Whole Body Vibration Plates

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Rebounding on a rebounder is Possibly the Perfect Exercise!

It’s fun, it’s easy, and it’s safe for almost anybody of any age… It’s quoted by NASA as “the most efficient and effective exercise yet devised by man”, and you can do it at home whilst watching TV!

How Whole Body Vibration Works

The technology was originally designed to increase bone density and muscle mass. When you start to use a vibration plate, you will notice how your body automatically adapts to the vibrations. One of the first results you will have is increased flexibility and range of motion. By standing on the plate, the vibration generates systematic involuntary muscle contraction through out the body, which not only increases your flexibility but also burns fat by increasing your metabolism while it improves your circulation and provides your cells with ideal oxygen and nutrient delivery to slow the degenerative process.

You can delve deeper into fitness and exercise at:

Exercise is an important part of step 3 in our 12 Step Life in Balance Program a professionally designed 12 step program to help you look and feel great.

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Chapter – 6: Obesity in Children, A Conundrum

Obesity in Children is one of the growing concerns for many parents. Recently, it is noted that children put on weight very quickly, especially the girl in the age group of 6 to 8 years. The diet as well as the eating habits of the

children is the main cause for obesity in children. Though, there are various other causes for obesity, proper care in eating and dieting is the root cause for obesity.

Neglecting in the childhood stages goes uncontrollable in the older stages. As working parents are forced to leave their children stay all alone at home, the loneliness and boredom makes them eat more, and especially a chocolate or an ice cream makes them feel secure.

Obesity in children is found due to lack of activity. Any child who keeps eating good rich food that are opulent in carbohydrates and do very little or no physical activity, then he or she is sure to add more weight. However, obesity is also genetic and can be inherited from the parents. Obesity can be easily controlled if parents take proper care of their children’s diet. The children should be restricted from taking any food that is high in carbohydrates or fats such as chocolates, sweets, etc. Children should be given protein rich food and that too at proper timings.

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A long interval in between meals is a bad habit. This makes the children hungry and they tend to overeat instead of eating. So it is highly recommended to give frequent as well as short meals to children. Children should be served vegetables in large bowl for lunch as well as dinner. They should drink lots of water and must eat some seasonal fruit each day. The diet of the children should include pulses, sprouts and whole wheat.

Children should be taught of proper bowel habits from young age. Teaching them to chew their food properly before swallowing also regulates their digestive system. Children should be encouraged to take active participation in sports and games so that the child is fit and healthy.

Being parents, you are the main role model for the children, so if you follow regular eating habits, you child will be forced to pursue your footsteps. Moreover, your affection and love will relieve the child of mental stress and make him or her more relaxed. You should not taunt children or pass strict orders, instead tell them the pros and cons of obesity, that will help them steer their way towards well and healthy being.

Children are our future, and your children’s future is heavily dependent upon the lessons they learn from you.

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Chapter – 7: Obesity in Children, an Ordeal The speedy increase in the rate of child obesity has caught the awareness of many owing to the media coverage. Though people are aware of obesity crisis, most of them do not know the method to control or suppress it. The greatest

problem is that parents fail to realize the existence of obesity in their children. They assume their child to be healthy. However, children are totally ignorant of the corollary of obesity they are undergoing.

It is the responsibility of the parents to take utmost care to keep their children from obesity. Fighting obesity is equally important as providing education. However, there are few ideas that have given visible results in controlling obesity in children.

First, is controlling the quantity of food they intake. The calories should be restricted. The fast food restaurants serve double food than the normal food is a belief, but that is not apparent in Asian and European countries. The obesity in children is mostly found among the children of the United States. It is advisable to encourage your children to share one meal between two.

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Similarly, restricting sugary drinks as well as fruit juices is essential to control obesity. Especially, reducing the dependence of junk food is the best alternative to give them a choice to turn towards natural foods such as fruits and vegetables.

You can make them attractive and easier by cutting these foods into slices such that they can be easily popped into the mouths. This unknowingly becomes a norm.

Another significant reason for growing fat and developing obesity in children is owing to inactiveness. Children mostly concentrate on television and settle in front of it with their chips. This is commonly found during their vacations. You have to substitute this by promoting activities such as cycling, dancing or exercising.

Vacations are the ideal time for your children to take part in some sports or other activities that demands physical challenge. This is a splendid way to trigger children physically as well as mentally.

Obesity in children now has acquired the status of macro- levels and hence has to be dealt with care. As it can give a negative impact, it is best to curb in the initial stages. If obesity is neglected it develops strongly with time and definitely affects various aspects of life. Hence, it is essential to take care of obesity at the earliest, than repenting at the later stages when reversing anything may be a bygone tale.

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Chapter – 8: Organic Foods and Detoxification

As you already know by now that you have a lot of toxins accumulated in your body and that they need to be ejected right away, you must be wondering ‘how do I do it?’ Well, there’s one simple way and it does not take more than just

a few extra dollars out of your pocket.

In case you haven’t heard of organic foods, they are foods produced in total harmony with nature. They contain no harmful chemicals because no pesticides have been used in their production. How is this possible? Well, all these chemical additives have been introduced only in the last century and before that all produce was dependant on the fertility of the land.

That was why the food was organic by default. But since there has been a population explosion all over the world and this has created a massive demand for food, fertilizers have been used to increase the farm yield.

But where do all the chemicals in the fertilizers go? Well, they go directly into the food chain. And when you eat crops grown with pesticides, you consume a small amount of those pesticides which ultimately get accumulated in your body, and start

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interfering with the everyday processes and ultimately make you prone to numerous diseases.

Organic foods are certified by USFDA and you should buy only from a certified store or a package which carries the certification stamp. Apart from this while detoxifying your body through organic foods, it is advised that you do not eat outside your home.

The food served in fast food outlets and in restaurants is not good for your health because of their overall high oil and fat content and because the origin of stuff used is not credible.

Organic foods help in reducing the overall toxin levels in the body and therefore allow the cells to eject more toxins because they are now not receiving any toxins along from the food you eat.

Apart from this the other major advantage of organic foods is that they taste much better than the regular inorganic variety because of the fact that they do not contain all those harmful chemicals absorbed as a result of chemical treatment.

Also, organic foods tend to remain fresh for longer periods of time because the toxins in non organic variety often catalyze several reactions which lead to rotting of the foodstuff.

People might say that organic foods cost about 15-20% more than the non organic variety, but then consider your options and tell me wisely that what would you like to give to your body – Healthy food or food with pesticides?

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What price can you put on your health?

Essentially what you put in your mouth will be reflect in your health (or lack of it) and around your waist. We are just scratching the surface here on food, which is actually virtually 100% of step 1 in our 12 step Life in Balance Program.

You can delve deeper into food and its role in your weight and your health at:

The first page in the section is an eye opener, you’ll find a lot of great resources there, and also at:

The first page in the section has a very old saying you may have heard that really starts to put some simple perspective on the whole wellness idea. It’s not really as complicated as ‘big pharma’ would like you to believe.

If you are starting to get the impression that your food and your weight have a lot to do with each other you are right.

If you are also starting to get the impression that your food and your weight have a lot to do with your state of wellness, you are also right.

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Chapter – 9: Tips to Losing Weight for Women

Losing weight has become very important in this real world. You cannot go through life overweight as it carries a bundle of health problems.

You can lose weight faster by concentrating on five points and making a decision

by pursuing it to the end. The five steps are simple as it deals with your regular schedule of eating and work. However, losing weight for middle aged women is not a simple task as their activities and hours of sleep get reduced, and as a result they experience weight gain.

The basic things that you have to look for in losing weight are;

Firstly take a hard look at your eating habits and be bluntly honest with yourself. You should make an ethical decision to alter your eating habits for the best. You should strictly stick to a schedule and must never miss your breakfast. Eating small meals six times a day is better than eating three big meals a day.

Similarly, water must be had in plenty. Lots of water will help in flushing the toxins out of your body. Drinking appropriate amount of water keeps you hydrated as well and makes you feel better.

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Exercise is a must to assist you in losing fat from your body quicker than doing no exercise. Daily in the morning it is best to do at least few simple exercises. The most important tip in losing weight in women is to motivate your self.

This can be difficult especially on days when you do not feel too well. You need to keep your mind on the net result that you desire to achieve and should keep reminding your self of it few times every day so that you keep your track and reach your goal.

An effective Tip for losing weight in women is to write down the weight you would like to be and keep it in front of you. It is a powerful aid to losing weight faster. Pinpoint the goal and note it in a book and in small card pieces and hang it around your house as this will remind you of the objective and the goal to be achieved.

The effect of writing down the things and noting it regularly makes your decision and determination stronger. In fact you will see a complete change and dramatically will also comprehend the things you are efficient in achieving.

You can delve deeper into weight loss information at:

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Chapter – 10: Weight Loss in Children The large increase in the number of obese children is very concerning to parents who wonder how to foster healthy eating habits and lifestyles to keep their children healthy and avoid excessive weight gain.

There are quick steps to save your children from obesity and any weight related problems.

One of the initial steps is to restrict introduction to dessert, sweets and fast food. You have to teach them to eat fruits for a treat and to opt for lean chicken breast over chicken nuggets. There may be many who may call you over protective, but your main concern is regarding your children.

Weight loss in children can be effective only when you do not force your child to have more food than they desire. You should help your children in losing weight by teaching them the proper methods to respond to hunger, the art of eating slowly and enjoying the food. As a parent never use food as a reward or punishment. The psychological implication with food associated with feelings brings about many problems. It is best to express your feelings by hugging your child for a good job and you can offer him some toy or a book that will be of immense help.

Obesity and weight loss in children is great problem as the metabolism and immune system is entirely

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different from the adults. This makes planning their weight loss program difficult.

You should encourage children to have a nutritional diet and should be aware of the sources of surplus fat, so that you can seize them. Encouraging them to exercise is a perfect way to lose weight in children. Exercises and being active assists children in gaining health and also in losing weight. Regular exercises help in balancing the calories and keep the children energetic and full of vigor.

Parents must keep the children aware about the side effects of being overweight and the importance of weight loss in children. Children may develop diseases such as asthma owing to excess weight and can also become victims of heart disease and diabetes as well. Hence losing weight is essential to stay healthy. Children learn from their parents and so parents should be the role model and this they can do by promoting healthy eating habits and introducing more physical activities.

Though, weight loss in children is a lengthy process, parent’s encouragement in eating habits and physical activities ensure a healthy life in the long run.

Take a cue from the song “Teach your children well” because you don’t want them waiting until they are adults to start developing healthy habits, the body has to work too hard to overcome years of bad habits.

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Chapter – 11: Weight Loss in Children a Need of Today

Weight loss in children is a big concern throughout the entire world. This is best started by restricting unhealthy fast foods as well as processed garbage. Initially, this treatment may sound harsh to your children, but later they will thank you all their life. All the fried foods, pizza, burgers, etc are unhealthy foods that basically load your children with empty calories and future medical

problems. This in the future decreases their life quality and even worse, shortens the span of your children’s lives drastically.

You may presume that you are keeping your children happy by getting them a happy meal, but this happiness is only for 10 minutes. A healthy child is the one who leads a happy life throughout. This means you have to keep them active and also nurture them by giving healthier meals.

Weight loss in children is a must as obesity in them makes them inactive and dull. You must involve your children in activities of their choice. If they love swimming, encourage them to learn swimming laps, rather than merely wading in the water. If they overly indulge in computer games, encourage them to play outside.

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You can make it appear to be an exciting game by calling their friends and giving them some favorite characters roles. Such things will keep them healthier and busier. Moreover, any fat saturated foods they do consume will be somewhat mitigated and less costly to their future health. You can show them your true concern and affection by really treating them with healthy food.

Weight loss in children is gaining impetus owing to the obesity and overweight epidemic. This is in fact frightening and has become a sensitive subject. The overweight children grow to be obese adults and endure great risk of threatening and life limiting ailments that exhibit an overall decline in life expectancy. It is very essential to stress the significance of weight loss in children so that they take extra care. Receiving the nutrients in balance ensures healthy growth. Therefore, weight loss should be undergone such that there is no nutritional deficiency.

Children develop eating habits and progress with their social lives, but as parents you can impart knowledge about nutrition and provide tasty as well as healthy meals. You can include some preferred foods of their choice so that they are not deprived totally. The combination of a healthy and sensible diet associated with regular exercise is the best to be introduced sooner into the child’s life is the best. You can consult a doctor and comprehend the calories required for your child so that he can recommend the required weight loss and at the same time the appropriate food.

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Chapter – 12: Weight Loss in Women Weight loss in women in their 20s is different from women more than 40. The middle aged women not only deal with slower metabolisms, they also face various other problems such as hormonal imbalances that exhibit side effects such as

bloating, thyroid problems, weight gain and fluid retention.

Mostly, the women reaching forties are deprived of their sleep and this is one of the factors that lead to weight gain. However, women more than 40 fail to accomplish best weight loss results. The best way to lose weight for any middle aged woman is by adapting to healthy lifestyle.

Weight loss in women can be done by restricting foods that are deficient in nutrition and are chemically loaded as it burdens the liver. To lose weight women should avoid processed as well as packaged foods that are high in fat and sugars and are low in nutrients and fiber. Avoiding even the diet sodas is mandatory as artificial sweeteners are worse than any natural sugars and can be addictive. A healthy diet for a younger person is different than a woman more than 40. This is so because the body is less efficient in carbohydrates processing.

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The only recommended diet is food that is high in proteins, vegetables and fruits associated with plenty of water are the main key to regain fitness and health. However, it is very essential to eat breakfast to kick start the metabolism.

Weight loss in women may be very slow, but when it is followed in a regular process, the effect will be apparent. Having numerous small meals the entire day is more beneficial for weight loss than having three big meals. The large meals release lots of insulin in the blood and also interfere with metabolism. Similarly, cutting the intake of food will reduce the metabolic rate and retain the body fat. The only key to lose weight is by eating nutritious foods so that your body can metabolize it easily.

Sleep is a very essential factor and women sleeping less than eight hours at night are more likely to be overweight than women who sleep regularly. If you maintain the diet and proper sleep then you can notice the weight loss in women.

In spite of this, if you do not lose weight, then hormonal imbalance is the only reason. Though the weight loss is not complicated, there is a concern regarding losing weight and this can be achieved by maintaining proper diet and sleep.

Do not underestimate the importance of sleep, not only for weight loss, but for your overall state of wellness. Our 12 Step Life in Balance program pays a lot of attention to sleep in step 5. For some healthy sleep tips see:

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Chapter – 13: Yoga, A Health Treasure Yoga is a physical as well as mental exercise that originally developed thousands of years ago in India. Yoga comes in various forms and is designed to meet various types of people.

Yoga has gained popularity all over the world particularly in the western side in the recent centuries. Today, there are numerous styles with different goals. Yoga does not require you to fast nor does it preach religion.

Yoga is a stretching exercise.

It teaches you not only physical fitness but also the holistic tradition that is inclusive of meditation and contemplation. The techniques of meditation are an amalgamation of concentration, ideation and sublimation. There are no injuries caused due to yoga.

Yoga is effective as it reduces anxiety and stress. Yoga unites the systems in the body and the consciousness of the mind. Theoretically, yoga creates a union of mind, body and energy and brings a state of calmness. Yoga is effective in handling even the psychosomatic problems. Yoga when practiced diligently for a long span has a significant positive effect on the health of a person.

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Yoga helps in controlling as existing problems. The benefits of yoga are substantial. Yoga improves strength, stamina, balance, and flexibility.

Yoga deals with breathing correctly and integrating breath into your body. Yoga is excellent for pregnant mothers. Practicing yoga during the pregnancy stages helps in strengthening and stretching muscles. It releases tension and steers you toward maintaining good posture. Yoga does not deal with mere exercises. It is a philosophy dating back more than 5000 years. Definitely, practicing yoga helps in living a healthy and integrated life. It liberates your nature. Yoga fits all the lifestyles as it includes postures, meditation that develops positive mental health and breathing exercises.

Practicing yoga strips away obstacles and alleviates tension. It clears the blocks and rejuvenates energy in your mind and body. Yoga teaches you the right way of life, the integrated system for the advantage of your mind, body and inner spirit. The stress reducing practice of yoga is critically important in the busy world, today. These healing arts can be accessed by all as you can attain balance and greater health and moreover harmony in life. Yoga is excellent for kids as it is an ancient science that triggers self development and releases physical stress and tensions and also keeps you energized and peaceful.

We utilize yoga extensively at our Life in Balance events.

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Chapter – 14: Yoga, The Dual Benefit Yoga is well known today and is practiced by lots of people. All are aware of its benefits to the body as well as mind. Yoga originated in India thousands of years ago and has gained prominence in the recent centuries. Today, yoga is very

popular in the western countries as well and there are several training centers for yoga practice. These centers teach the right way of practicing yoga. Though people are aware of the health benefits of yoga, they do not know the real benefits of yoga.

Basically, yoga benefits are divided in two categories, benefit for your body as well as benefit for the mind.

Yoga benefits for your body relate to the muscle toning. Practicing yoga makes your muscle tone better and helps in maintaining balance as well as posture while stretching. Yoga makes your body very flexible such that doing any posture effortlessly will become easy with regular work. As the body is flexible, the joints in the legs experience less pain. Yoga helps in cleaning the vermin residing in your internal organs. For instance, it helps your body in processing the food that you eat effectively.

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Practicing yoga increases the strength in your body and you feel an increase in your physical ability. Yoga also is of paramount help in controlling your weight and prevents ailments such as diabetes, gout, etc.

Yoga benefits the mind also to a very great extent. Yoga makes you very relaxed and your mind is peaceful. This peace helps you in decreasing stress to a great extent.

Some people experience higher tension and so practicing yoga definitely calms the mind and alleviates your tension. Blood pressure also can be controlled by performing yoga. Yoga brings your blood pressure to a stable position and decreases your blood pressure in case it reaches higher levels.

The benefits of yoga are many and everything relates to your body and mind. The advantages of practicing Yoga has reached every nook and corner of the world and day by day people doing yoga practice is on a constant increase. Yoga relieves back pain and also diabetics.

There are yoga therapies to treat diseases such as carpal tunnel and also for disabled people. It is an exercise that is of immense help in daily life. It paves way for a sound mind and perfect body. Once this is done, you are the best person to think and behave properly. Moreover, its health benefits are a great catch. However, practicing yoga does not require great investment on devices. It is only a matter of determination and constant practice.

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Chapter – 15: The Power of Minerals and Enzymes

Milk, Honey and Lemon – The power of minerals and fat fighting enzymes.

Do you remember how your mother used to coax you into drinking a glassful of milk every. Well, she was right in doing that and you

should be thankful to her if she ever did that to you because she gave you the best food in the world.

In the eastern world milk has always been regarded as the most important part of the diet and is often consumed in the form of toned milk, curd or yoghurt, cottage cheese, buttermilk etc. But most of us don’t realize its importance and potential.

Milk contains a lot of proteins too which is essential for repairing the muscles and also building newer muscles. Whole Milk also contains a lot of enzymes which are essential for enhancing the digestive power of stomach.

Honey, the best natural sweetener available in nature is something that you should consume regularly. Honey not only soothes your throat but also gives body the much wanted energy. Apart from that honey is also given to patients with Asthma and although its power is not yet fully understood, it is a very commonly used medium in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.

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Milk and honey together for breakfast will give you the much needed boost and prepare you for the onslaught for the rest of the day. Milk and honey is also given to patients suffering from viral infections and weakness.

Lemon is a powerful detoxifying agent. It contains the much needed acids which help in killing germs and bacteria inside the stomach and intestines. Apart from that lemon also contains the much needed Vitamin C which protects the body against common cough and cold.

Replace your soft drinks with a glassful of lemonade made in water. It would help in digesting the food faster and also help in protecting you against any bacteria that might be there in the foodstuff.

Lemon in Honey. While a lot of weight loss experts might not believe it, but this is the oldest remedy for weight loss used by Indians. Ayurvedic texts have extensively described the benefits of honey and lemon mixture.

The benefits include giving the body fat free energy and also help in increasing the metabolism rate. A glassful of lemonade and a couple of teaspoonfuls of honey mixed in it is all that you should drink after a workout to reap greater benefits.

The assumption here is that we are talking about live, raw, natural, organic, un-pasteurized products where the beneficial enzymes are still alive.

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Chapter – 16: The Road to Six Pack Abs Are you looking forward to a fit body? Do you want a body which looks just like that of all those models walking down the ramp? Well, for most of us it is very convenient to say that

only models can have that kind of a body. What we don’t see is that they are as much human beings as we all are. Often we start searching for excuses rather than trying to find solutions and invent innovative ways to include certain other activities into our everyday schedule.

If you want those six pack abs then all that you’ll have to do is squeeze in an hour of exercise every day. Depending on how much time you have and how much effort you can put in, the results will appear. But in any case it should not take you more than 30 day or 4 weeks to see the results visibly on your tummy.

The very first thing that you’ll have to do is the total avoidance of all junk foods like burgers, pizzas, colas, chocolates and fries.

All these high fat, low mineral and vitamin diet makes you fat and sluggish which ultimately keeps you away from exercising because you spend more time lying around.

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The next thing that you have to do is to throw away all the peanut butter and other types of high fat foods from your refrigerator and replace them with low calorie, high vitamin and mineral foodstuffs like cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, toned milk, soy milk, fresh fruits and vegetables.

From now on your diet should have bare minimum oil and that too only because your body needs certain essential oils every day. Apart from that the focus should be on using up the built up calories and burn them and replace them with proteins and muscles.

Start your day with a few minutes of jogging and cycling. Add to it a few minutes of swimming so that all the muscles in your body are in action and burning fat right from the beginning. Drink a glassful of honey mixed in lemon and water to further increase the rate of metabolism.

Join a gym and do some heavy weight training exercises and tell the instructor that you want to build toned abs and then accordingly he or she will advise exercises like crunches etc which have a direct impact on your abdominal muscles.

Just an hour of regular exercise in the gym combined with a proper diet is enough to make you not just fit but also give you a splendidly carved set of six pack abs.



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Chapter – 17: Summary and Conclusion 

When we set out to bring you this e-book we had the following 3 objectives in mind;

1. To provide you with some weight loss information you can immediately use to help you get you started to getting to your ideal body weight and help accomplish your personal weight loss goals. And to provide you with the additional other resources to further aid you in getting there.

2. To introduce you to the idea that your weight and your state of health and wellness are inextricably linked, and to give you the starting point for getting to a better healthier life, a Life in Balance. We also want to introduce you to the fact that wellness is a journey, not a destination, and give you some of the answers that will allow you to simplify your Journey to Wellness.

3. To introduce you to the fact that we have the tools and resources to assist you in your Journey to Wellness and that your journey can be easier with a knowledgeable guide who will share with you the simple secrets that can un-complicate your Journey.

Hopefully we have accomplished our objective.


We now know the following:

How to start on the path to weight loss.

Where to find additional information when we need it.

Our weight and our state of health and wellness are inextricably linked.

Wellness is a journey, not a destination.

Where to find a knowledgeable guide to assist on the Journey to Wellness.

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We hope we have opened your eyes enough to see that in spite of the glut of information available today there are certain simple truths found in nature that can easily un-complicate your Journey to Wellness.

Some of the Resources we have available to assist you are listed here for your convenience.

VIP Network Resources

VIP Wellness Network

Practitioner and Provider Evaluation, & Licensing

The VIP Wellness Network is the common wellness component of the network. The VIP Wellness Network is the arm of the network that provides the wellness information and licenses independently owned and operated network providers who provide portions of the Life in Balance program. It is the independent members of the VIP Wellness Network that enable the Life in Balance program to be accessed by members on a year round and local basis in between visits to one of the VIP Spa Network destination health resorts and spas.

VIP Spa Club

Education and Operations

The VIP Spa Club is the educational and operation arm and the base membership component of the network and provides commonality to all network components. The VIP Spa Club provides a base membership for access to wellness information, our Life in Balance program, VIP Spa Network members, and VIP Wellness Network members to assist each member in fully implementing our Life in Balance program.

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VIP Health Information

Health & Wellness Resource Library

Available to Members & the public through VIP Spa Club

Life in Balance Program

12 Step Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Program

Available to Members & the public

VIP Spa Network

Destination and Day Spa Evaluation & Licensing

The VIP Spa Network is the group of destination spas and day spas that can be accessed by members. The spas in the VIP Spa Network all provide either the complete or some components of our Life in Balance program and are a combination of spas owned and operated by the network or independently owned and operated spas that are licensed by the network to provide all or a portion of our Life in Balance program. The spas are a combination of destination health resorts and spas along with day spas. The VIP Spa Network ensures members are able to access our Life in Balance program as needed to optimize their individual wellness plans. Some spas are private member only facilities and others are public facilities that offer our Life in Balance program.

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Next Steps: What you need to do next You should immediately begin to apply some of the things we have made available to you here.

You should set some concrete goals for what you would like to accomplish. You must write them down and commit them to memory.

You should immediately start working toward your goal and start thinking of how it will feel to achieve it.

With that picture in mind start think and acting as if you have already achieved it and before you know it, you will have achieved it and can move on to the next goal.

Be sure to visit:

and bookmark the site as it will be a great reference you will refer to often. Be sure to take a good look at:

It will give you the information on our Life in Balance program.

We would love to have you join us for one of our week long Life in Balance programs where we can not only give you some more of the pieces to the puzzle, but take you by the hand and guide you on the right path to start your own Journey to Wellness.

Hope to see you soon!

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