your mind is unique

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  • 7/28/2019 Your Mind is Unique


    Your Mind Is Unique

    Written by Sen on October 2nd, 2011

    There are billions of us living on this planet, and yet, you wont find two people who have a similar mind.

    By mind I am specifically referring to the thinking part of you. The thinking center in a human

    body is biologically the Brain. So, basically, no two brains are similar in the way they think. Its

    amazing to know that the way your brain thinks is unique, and hence the way you perceive your reality

    is unique. There may be a lot of similarities in the way humans think, but no two human will have the

    same thinking in all aspects there is always something unique about each mind. Your uniqueness is

    what makes you who you are as this human being you are present as. Very few of us really know our own

    mind, and its unique behavior patterns, and hence we are always conflicted about what is right or wrong

    for us indecisions, guilt, inferiority complex or low self esteem are all issues stemming from the core

    issue that you are not accepting/appreciating yourself as who you are and are trying to compare yourself

    with the way others are living.

    Take the time to be with yourself

    Everything you really need to know is already within you because all you really need to know is your

    mind. There is a lot of knowledge and information that you can imbibe from the outside and its enjoyable

    to do so, but the core knowing that is needed is the knowledge of who you are as this human mind.

    Without this knowing you will just be like a boat adrift in the ocean with no oars, with no real sense of

    direction. When you know who you really are as a person, when you know your mind, you automatically

    have a clear sense of direction you always know what you should be doing at any given moment, there

    is an immense clarity that is present.

    The problem is that know yourself seems so clichd as an advice that very few people take it seriously

    enough. Most of us just know our minds on the surface without really digging deep into its layers. A

    surface level understanding of who you are, is hardly of any use because it does not help resolve the

    conflicts that you are dealing with respect to your lifes movement. So how do you get to know your

    mind? By being with it, by taking the time to really be with the mind. Most of us are just trying to run

    away from our mind, a lot of spiritual seekers are trying to get to no mind, a lot of misguided teachings

    ask you to suppress your mind and these pointers give a very wrong message because your mind is your

    uniqueness, and if you try to keep escaping it you will never be able to find yourself as a human being or

    express your uniqueness.

    You are pure consciousness in essence, but right now you are also a human

    A lot of people who try to escape their mind, try to find refuge in the truth that who you are is

    ultimately the one consciousness or the source of everything. They want to merge with their source

    nature and what to disassociate with their human nature. They associate humanness with suffering and

    hence try their best to detach from their human mind, trying out all forms of meditation to zone out into

    some transcendental realm. They try to detach from their human desires, from their preferences/drives

    /inclinations, and try to dissolve into some mystical realm. Such a person is no different than a

    cocaine/heroine junkie who is trying to escape his mind by numbing it with drugs. There is nothing wrong

    r Mind Is Unique

    5 17-08-2012 23:51

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    with wanting to experience some mystical experiences, but make sure you understand that its just an

    experience, its not a superior way of living.

    When you really understand your human mind its behavior patterns, its inclinations/preferences, its

    outlook, its eccentricities, you will know how unique it is in its make-up. You are the human mind right

    now, and you are a unique mind. Your minds desires, and preferences, create a unique life stream for you,

    and it attracts a unique set of circumstances for you to experience. Everything that is born is created from

    a unique intention, and when you are true to yourself you fulfill the intention that lead to your birth inother words, you fulfill your destiny. This destiny is not a narrow script of life that you are forced to

    live out, but rather potential realities that you have the capacity to manifest from the uniqueness of your

    minds thinking.

    Who you are is fine just the way you are, the only problem is with the negative thoughts created out of

    fear, and lack, based thinking. You dont need to compete with anyone, you dont have to push your way

    around, you dont have to struggle and strive, you dont have to put others down, to be yourself or to

    manifest your desired realities. When you love yourself unconditionally, and accept/appreciate yourself as

    you are in every aspect, and you accept others as they are, it opens the door to allowing the flowering of

    your expression automatically. Hatred and fear are the two blocks that keep you from being true to yourexpression. Stop undermining your mind, stop judging yourself, stop comparing, stop trying to fit in

    and be true to yourself, as you are. Only when you are true to yourself will you be able to attract a reality

    that is true to you, or congruent with you this is the end of living a conflicted life.

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    Joy says:

    March 15, 2012 at 7:07 am

    Again and again constantly amazed with posts and pointers you give as they keep inspiring,

    wakening and shaking all sleepy narrowness.


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