your job

Post on 26-Oct-2014






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Why Did You Resign From Your Job?

I resigned because there were limited opportunities for advancement and I wanted to further my


I graduated from college and resigned in order to find a position where I could use my education

and related experience.

To be honest, the position wasn't a fit and I decided it made sense to resign and to refocus my

career path.

I resigned because the position required me to be on-call evenings and weekends and it was

difficult to arrange child care on short notice.

I resigned because the position was part-time and my personal situation has changed so I need full-

time employment.

My skills weren't a good match for my previous employer's needs but it looks like they'd be a terrific

fit for this position.

I resigned from my job because I am interested in a new challenge and an opportunity to use my

skills and experience in a different capacity than I have in the past.

My family relocated to this area and my previous employer doesn't have an office here.

I've been working as a temp, but I'm seeking a permanent position, so I resigned from the temp

agency's staffing roster.

I resigned for personal reasons, however, at this point in time, I am excited about moving into a

new position.

I'm seeking a a new challenge and to grow my career and it was difficult to job search while


I resigned due to family circumstances, however, I have regained the flexibility I need to work

effectively in a full-time job.

Why Did You Quit Your Job

I quit my job because my supervisor retired. I felt that after many years of working in the office that

it was time for a change and this seem like the ideal time to move on.

I was able to take advantage of an early retirement offer due to company downsizing and am ready

for a new challenge.

I resigned to focus on finding a job that is closer to home and will use my skills and experience in a

different capacity.

I don't have room to grow with my current employer and I'm ready to move on to a new challenge.

I'm looking for a new challenge and to grow my career and I couldn't job hunt part time while


I have been volunteering in this capacity and love it. I'm seeking to turn my passion into the next

step of my career.

I was laid-off from my last position when my job was eliminated due to downshizing.

After several years in my last position, I'm looking for an company where I can contribute and grow

in a team-oriented environment.

I am interested in a new challenge and an opportunity to use my skills and experience in a different

capacity than I have in the past.

I recently achieved certification and I want to utilize my educational background and technical skills

in my next position.

I am interested in a job with more responsibility, and I am very ready for a new challenge.

I left my last position in order to spend more time with an ill family member. Circumstances have

changed and I'm more than ready for full-time employment again.

I was commuting and spending an hour each day on travel. I would prefer to be closer to home.

To be honest, I wasn't considering a change, but, a former colleague recommended this job to me

and was intrigued by the position and the company. It sounds like an exciting opportunity and an

ideal match for my qualifications.

This position seemed like an excellent match for my skills and experience and I am not able to fully

utilize them in my present job.

The company was downsizing and I thought it made sense to seek another position before my job

was eliminated.

What Have You Been Doing Since Your Last Job?

I worked on several freelance projects, while actively job seeking.

I volunteered for a literacy program that assists disadvantaged children.

My aging parents needed a temporary caregiver and I spent time looking after them.

I spent time being a stay-at-home mom and volunteering at my daughter's school.

I took some continuing education classes and seminars.

As I said, it doesn't really matter what you did, as long as you have an explanation. Hiring managers

understand that people lose their job - it can happen to anyone - and it's not always easy to find a new

job fast. Also, there are legitimate non-employment reasons for being out of the workforce.

50 Most Asked Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

1. Tell me about yourself.Keep the answer job or skill related. 

2. Tell me about your dream job.Don't mention a specific job. Say something generic like, "I want a job where I love the work and the people I work with." 

3. Why did you leave your last job?Never refer to a major problem with management or say undesirable things about your supervisors, co-workers or the organization. Keep smiling and talk about leaving for a positive reason such as an opportunity, or a chance to do something better. 

4. What is your weakness?Always try to give a positive answer. For example, "It takes me a long time to get ready in the morning, so I set my alarm two hours ahead of my time in for work."

5. What are your strengths?Sell yourself. Say how you can be a desirable employee for the company.

6. What do you know about the type of work we do?Do a research about the company before going to the job interview.

7. Why should we hire you?This is your chance to show why working for the company is important to you and why you think you will fit in. Don't mention other applicants for comparison.

8. Tell me about a suggestion you have made.This will show that you care about the company's growth. Use an example that was accepted and successful, especially one that is related to the position.

9. Do you consider yourself successful?You should always answer yes. Success doesn't necessarily have to be big ones, just mention how you have achieved goals you have set for yourself.

10. Why have you been unemployed for such a long time?Mention the activities you have done that would help market yourself like trainings or short courses you attended, or for example say, "I gave birth and had to take care of my baby and this experience taught me so much about patience and time management.

11. What do co-workers say about you?Recall good things that your co-workers have said like, "My manager, Mr. Santos, once told me that I am a very organized person".

12. How long would you expect to work for us if hired?Don't give a specific answer. Say something like, "I plan on staying for long." or "As long as we both feel I'm doing a good job."

13. Do you think you are overqualified for this position?Regardless of your qualifications, state that you are very well qualified for the position. Or you may say something like, "I don't think I am overqualified, but I am fully qualified."

14. Have you ever had to fire anyone? How did you feel about that?If you had, always explain yourself in a way that implies you did not want to, but had to. 

15. Are you applying for other jobs?Be honest. If you are considered an asset to the company, they just might give you a good salary offer to get you to work with them, instead of the other companies you are applying to.

16. Describe your management style.Mention how you deal with your subordinates or your projects like, "I provide team members with effective guidance and motivation to complete assignments on time so our projects succeed." Or you can simply say "For me, good communication among members is the best way."

17. Are you a team player?The answer should always be a yes then cite examples. You may mention situations where you were part of a group or organization, and the activities you've had that show you worked well with them.

18. What is your philosophy towards work?Don't give a monologue here. Say something short and positive like, "My philosophy is to do my best at all times."

19. What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?You may say you are comfortable with any position in the team, may it be the leader, or follower. This shows that you can lead a team but at the same time also able to follow directions. This shows you are flexible. 

20. Have you ever been asked to leave a position? If you have, be honest and never say anything negative about your former boss or company. Focus on saying positive like how much you have grown from the experience. 

21. What irritates you about co-workers?Do not speak badly of your past co-workers, as this reflects a flaw on your attitude, not theirs. Divert the negativity posed by the question. Assure the interviewer you get along well with fellow co-workers.

22. Why do you think you would do well at this job?Mention your skills, experience and interest.

23. What is more important to you: the money or the work?You can say something like, "Both are important because everybody needs money to live but job satisfaction is also important."

24. What has been your biggest professional disappointment?Mention something that was beyond your control but show acceptance and no negative feelings.

25. What would your previous supervisor say your strongest point is?There are many good qualities you can mention but be sure to give an example or a situation to back your answer. Or if you have a recommendation letter you may say, "I believe my supervisor would say that my strongest point is that I'm reliable, hard-working, efficient, timely, and responsible. I know this because he has written it in my letter of recommendation. Would you like to see it?"

26. Tell me about a problem you had with a supervisor.Never mention a problem or anything negative about your supervisor. Try to think and then come up with none.

27. Are you willing to work overtime? Nights? Weekends?This is up to you. Be totally honest.

28. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.You may say that you thrive under certain types of pressure. Give an example that relates to the type of position applied for.

29. How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?You may point out that you are a quick learner and hard worker. Or state experiences that may not be from work but are somewhat related like for a managerial position, you may cite experiences you had as a leader in a school project.

30. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?Never give the interviewer the impression that you are more interested on other jobs.

31. Tell me about the most fun you have had on the job.Talk about having fun but at the same time accomplishing something like a team building you had where you gained a good relationship with your co-workers.

32. Would you be willing to relocate if required?Be honest. Discuss with your family beforehand, assuming this question should come up.

33. What motivates you to do your best on the job?Some examples are challenge, achievement, recognition, integrity.

34. How would you know you were successful on this job?You can say something like, "When I have achieved all the goals that were set and I have given more than what is expected of me."

35. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead of your own?Just say yes. This is a test of your loyalty.

36. What qualities do you look for in a boss?Be generic and positive. Some examples are fair, competent, good motivator.

37. How do you see yourself five years from now?If you answer that you have not thought about it or you have no plans yet, the interviewer could conclude you have no vision and goals. Say something that is achievable but not too low as this could imply you lack initiative. It should be consistent with the objective on your resume and the skills you mentioned you have. 

38. What have you learned from mistakes on the job?Mention mistakes you've had but be sure to focus more on the lessons you have learned from that mistake.

39. Do you have any blind spots?Don't say something specific but just say everyone has them that's why working as a team is very important to point out and cover each other's blind spots. This answer diverts the question to how you are as a team player.

40. If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for?Mention qualities that are needed for the position that you have.

41. Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between others.Pick a specific incident and what role you played in its resolution.

42. Describe your work ethic.Emphasize benefits to the organization. Things like, determination to get the job done and work hard but enjoy your work are good.

43. What are your expectations from this job/company?You will be able to answer this question well through company research and self-assessment. Think as if you are already part of the company. You may say something like, "I expect challenging tasks."

44. Do you have references? Contact your references ahead of time and have their names and contact details ready

45. Do you have any questions for me?Always prepare questions, but those that are not answered in the company's website or those you have not discussed. Asking questions shows you are interested to know more about the company or the job. 

46. Why do you think you will be successful at this job?You can say something like, "Basing on my research of the company and the job description, I can say that I have the skills and experience you are looking for.

47. What do you think of the last company you worked for?As always, never say anything negative about the last company you worked for. You can say you learned a lot from the company and the job, and you consider it an important stepping stone in reaching everything you have achieved.

48. How do you handle criticism?You can say something like, "I see criticism as an opportunity to improve my work." Then give an example where you were criticized and you handled it in a positive way like, "My manager once told me that the reports I gave him were unorganized so I tried to review my past reports and asked if he had any preferences. I followed my manager's suggestions and reconstructed my reports. My manager was happy with all the reports I handed him after that."

49. Do you feel you are ready to take on greater responsibilities?Employers ask this especially if the position you are applying for is higher than your former position. This is for them to gauge if you are up for the challenge of the new position. Give a positive answer and show them you are the job.

50. What are your activities and interests outside of work?Say something about your interest and how it can help you on the job you are applying for. Like basketball can

teach you team work, or baking can teach you accuracy. If you are applying for a job that requires you to be fit, you may mention physical activities that you do like swimming or any other sport.

Select Call Center Walkthroughs

I hope these help.

Teleperformance exam processThis is the process for Technical Support Applicants1. English as a Secondary Language basic questions. Multiple choice. Just choose the right words to make the sentence understandable.1.2 Basic and Advanced computer related questions. Multiple choice. CPU, Monitor, ISP, Operating System, Cache, DSL, Email, Aniti-virus... depending on your job preference.2. First interview with Recruitment specialist. They will check your accent and your ability to respond to questions. Example, Tell me something that's not in your resume, Why did you choose Teleperformance, If experienced, why did you leave your previous employer, if not experienced, why should we hire you...3. Google test, 10 questions for you to research using google. This has ten minutes time limit. So worked fast. Example, who is the first millionaire in the United States? When is the birthday of Jose Rizal?...4. Typing test. Just type the sentences as fast and accurate as possible.5. Final Interview. Senior Recruitment Specialist. You will be assessed if your english meets his or her standards. You may be asked anything related to cellphones, if they are in need of agents for Sprint or other cellphone accounts, computers particularly hardware or software programs for their Toshiba account. This depends on the competence of the recruiter. Chances are these are just basic questions because the recruiter has absolutely no background on all of the accounts.Sometimes a recruiter will conduct a simulation where you are asked to be an agent for a cellphone or Internet Service Provider or Computers, where you will try and provide basic steps in resolving the issue. Again, the recruiter will gauge your english.As long you speak with confidence and clarity in your final interview they will offer you the contract.

Concentrix CSR exam 1. Initial interview with the recruiter. Tell me something about yourself. Why do you want to work for Concentrix. Why should we hire you. The recruiter will gauge how well you speak english.2.Typing test. Type the prepared sentences as fast and accurate as possible under one minute.3. Final interview. Phone interview. The senior recruiter will ask questions about your previous employer, what did you like or dislike about your boss, why did you leave, why work for concentrix.You will be asked to read a prepared paragraph. Something related to Dr. Seuss a childrens book. Becareful with packet and pocket because it can cause you to pronounce them the same way. Its a very short paragraph.You will know if you pass or fail. Good luck.

Dell exam process for Technical Service representative.1 Online registration2. Interview with the recruiter. Tell me something about yourself. How long have you been an agent. Why leave your current employer. Why join Dell. What have you heard aboutDell. The recruiter gauges your english proficiency.3. Basic technical exam. What is USP. What does it do. What are the different kinds of Windows Vista. Name three internet browsers. What is POST. What does a NIC card or LAN card do....4. Phone in Exam. You will follow instructions from a voice in the telephone. 4 parts. 1.Repeat the sentence. 2. Answer the question from two choices. 3. Complete the phrases to make it a sentence. 4. Answer each 3 questions with a one minute statement. Just try to be clear with your answers. Example: 100 hundred years ago the established truth were undisputed now they are wrong. Do you think the truth today will be wrong tomorrow. Explain your answer.5. Technical Exam. 133 questions about English as a secondary language. Multiple choice. 35 minutes.Math or something related to it. Multiple choice. Has something to do with addition or subtraction. Just read the question. All the answers are posted. 15 minutes Call simulation. You will be instructed to familiarize an account for call center company. you are an agent supporting car owners on their on board GPS tracking service. First part is text only inquires. So just put the name, address, phone number of the customer, then select the best response from 1-4 choices. Part 2-4 are voice calls work fast in typing the name, address, zip

code, phone number, then select the best response from 4 choices. Choose fast because the voice will react if take you take more than 30 seconds to choose a response.The recruiter will inform you if you passed for the final interview with the Operations Manager. Good Luck.

Convergys Technical Service Representative Exam

1. Group interview. Two or three other applicants will be with you when the recruiter ask to tell something about yourself. Your job experience. Your strenghts and weaknesses. Why should they hire you. 

2. Examination. English as a secondary language. Testing your english comprehension by choosing the best answer to make the sentence correct.Computer related exam. Something about Internet Service Provider and basic computer knowledge. What is a monitor. What is an OS. What is a keyboard.Call simulation. Answer each inquiry by selecting the best 1-4 responses. This part you have to be careful. Because I have taken the test twice and I keep failing on this part. So read and understand your role as agent.

Final Interview with the Senior recruiter. The recruiter will ask questions about you and what you can bring to the company. Sometimes, they will conduct a verbal simulation for the account that they will assign to you. Example, I am not connected to the internet please help me. Just be clear and understandable.

Contract will given to you. Good Luck.

Advanced Contact Solutions TSR/CSR exam

1. Online registration. 

2. Initial interview with recruiter. tell me something about yourself. Where did you find out that ACS is hiring. Why do you want to leave your current employer. Why join ACS. The recruiter will keep asking questions until he or she is satisfied with how well you speak english.

3. Technical exam. Part one English as a secondary language. Choose the best answer to make the sentence correct.Part two Listening skills. You will listen to a prerecorded program and you will select the best answers. Multiple choice. Part three Typing skills. You will copy a prepared paragraph. Just type as fast and accurate as possible. 3 minutes.

4. Questionnaire related to computers and internet connections. Basic information. (For tech support only)

The recruiter will inform you if you pass or fail. good luck.

Just Flowers or Garret and Thalon csr exam

Three level of Interviews.

1. HR representative. Why join JF. What do you bring with the company. Tell me something about your previous employer.

2. Team Leader. Tell me something that you did not include in your resume. Why leave your current employer. What do you know about Just Flowers. Read a paragraph. Becareful with the name Carlyle. 

3. Operations Manager. What do you know about the company. Why should we hire you. Which are you pro agent or pro management. Explain. Read 15 words. 

You will be informed if you pass or fail. Pursue this company its a start up company. They use 25 inch HDMI samsung monitors. They pay 24,000 for all CSR agents. Team leaders are 38,000.



1. Interview with the recruiter. Tell me something about yourself. How long have you been an agent. Why leave your current employer. Why join APAC. What have you heard about APAC. The recruiter gauges your english proficiency.

2. English as a secondary language. Just select the best answer from the choices provided to make the sentence or statement correct. 

3.Phone in Exam. You will follow instructions from a voice in the telephone. 4 parts. 1.Repeat the sentence. 2. Answer the question from two choices. 3. Complete the phrases to make it a sentence. 4. Answer each 3 questions with a one minute statement. Just try to be clear with your answers. Example: 100 hundred years ago the established truth were undisputed now they are wrong. Do you think the truth today will be wrong tomorrow. Explain your answer

Panel interview with Team leader and Trainer. Why did you leave your current employer. Why should we hire you. What do you bring to the company. Are you amenable to graveyard shifts. Read 10-20 words. Read a paragraph. Describe red to a blind person.

recruiter will offer you a contract. good luck.

While some of these questions are going to pop-up during an interview application, i would advise against following this "walkthrough" word-for-word. Recruitment Associates/Officers like to mix things up. If they feel that an applicants answers are too "scripted" they will throw in random questions to catch the applicant off-guard.

Remember, each interviewer has a different personality, they have different questions that they like asking, they won't be just asking the questions posted here.

Also, even if you get through the whole interview process, it doesn't guarantee a job offer/contract signing right away. Some call centers will still process applicants even if they don't have any hiring requirements. Don't expect a job offer after your interview right away, or you may just walk away disappointed.


1. Fill up forms - Written, online (1 hour)2. Take exams - call simulation, computer based english exam (1 hour)3. Wait forever. (1-2 hours depending on the site...In Sta Rosa it takes longer)4. Computer proficiency exam - theres a desktop with directions and you follow it, like save a document, send an email etc. (30min)5. Wait again6. If you pass the exam, they will say that you did, but they will send you home and call you again for job offer.

Dell Final Interview Process 

Operations Manager. Why do you want to work for Dell? What are some instances from your previous work that you consider hard? What are some conflicts that you can remember in your previous employer and how did you handle that? What analogy can you give for the computer? Explain. 

Simulations. Irate Dell laptop owner experiencing audio problems. (Instruct caller to check the audio icon sa lower part ng monitor kung naka mute or disabled) (try checking the the device manager kung ang Sound card needs reinstalling) (try rebooting or removing the batteries of the laptop and then test audio by playing a file) If nothing else works then determine that the speakers are faulty and advise to have a local technician check the laptop.

Good Luck

Star Tek Buendia CSR exam

1. Online registration

2. Initial Interview. The recruiter will ask you about your employment history, where did you hear about Star Tek, followed by a barrage of scenarios. Take note; some recruiters from this company will keep you answering questions for 30-40 minutes. Example, what was your weirdest call, what did you do to help a fellow agent, what did your supervisor do after you assisted a fellow agent. All answers you give will be followed by another question related to your previous answer so just keep speaking in english. 

3. Online Exam. 1. English test. Multiple choice. Just choose a,b,c,d that correspond to the right answer.

Basic computer Literacy. They have a unique program that determines how well you know your computer. Example; how do you save a document? Where do you find a deleted file. How do you increase the image (font or text) of your document.2. Call center scenarios. You will select the best response as a call center agent. Each scenario are text form so just read carefully and choose the proper response.3. Listening skills. A conversation will be played twice between two americans. They will talk casually and exchange questions or statements. After the conversation is repeated you will read a question and select the best answer. a,b,c,d. All answers will depend on how well you listened in the conversation.4. Typing skills. Just type as fast and accurate as possible.

4. Clear Voice. You will record how well you speak in english following several instructions. 1. Read from a paragraph 1 and 2.2. Answer 3 questions about yourself. Example:

What will you do if you win 5 million pesos.

You will be informed if you pass or fail. If you pass the recruiter will schedule you for the Final Interview.

Good Luck.

Jobstreet Referral Examination for TSR/CSR

First, let me emphasize that Jobstreet is a referral agency. They will not hire you instead refer you to a Call center company that they know will most likely hire you. Personally, I think this is a waste of time considering that they entertain more than 100 applicants a day. So just imagine how long and congested their small office is to conduct interviews and examinations.By the way, some companies they refer you to will conduct the same if not much longer evaluation process. So I suggest you just directly apply to the company instead of being assessed at jobstreet then take the evaluation process again at the company they referred you to. 

Regardless, these are the procedure;

1. Group Interview. 5-7 applicants are interviewed by a jobstreet agent. Your answers must be in english at all times. If you have experience as a call center agent most of the question will revolve on that. If you applied before to a call center company the agent will want to know that so she or he can cross out that company for your referral. As far as I have noticed, the agents prepares a list of questions probably 15 or more, but because you are grouped he or she will ask two or three questions only from the list. Example; What was the most difficult call you received? Why did you leave that company? Why should we hire you?

2. Typing test. Just get 25 words per minute and 85 percent accuracy. They use Typing Master. You will be given three tries if you cannot get it the first time.

3. Written Examination. The agent will hand you 1 or 2 questionnaire depending on the company they think you may pass to 1-10, 11-15, 16-20 answer sheet. Example Telus questionnaire for Tech Support Applicant; Where would you categorize Monitor, keyboard, mouse and printer, answer is Hardware. They are multiple choice. English test and scenarios. A listening test will be prepared. As far as I could tell they have two audio samples only. One for Telus and another for PLDT Ventus. You will listen to two people talking and a questionnaire will be prepared where you will write your answer. For Telus; Hongkong to Canada. A guy is being interviewed about his birthplace in HongKong and his memorable experiences there. Followed by his experiences growing up in his new home in Canada.

The questionnaire can be tricky because it will ask information that are mentioned fast so if the agent isn't watching just click right button on the MP3 program or repeat the whole audio file. The agent will not rush you especially if he or she is interviewing another batch or checking the papers of another group. They will mostlikely leave you alone at this point of the evaluation process.

For financial accounts like Citigroup, they will prepare 3-5 computations were you will add something like 33,567.80 and 49,764.90 or what is 150% of 25. Followed by english test and scenarios. There are no listening skills test for financial accounts.

The agent then check your papers where you will wait for the companies they will refer you too. Maximum of referrals are 4 if I am not mistaken. They refer you to either Telus, Teleperformance, VXi, Citigroup, HSBC, PLDT Ventus. They may have more but it wasn't offered to our group.

I hope this help. Good luck.


1. fill up forms2. wait until name is called3. exam(grammar, english and mental ability) "i may say easy"4. initial interview (will check your pronunciation) they will ask something about yourself and will let you read different paragraphs and words to check..5. 2nd interview (will ask about your educational background, current employers and why you leave)- if you pass this one they will ask you to come back around 9pm for final interview6. final interview with the operations manager (just be yourself)

Sutherland Global Services

Online registrationInitial Interview: The ussual Tell me something Blah blah...Exams: Analytical Math, English test then EssayLanguage Assessment: They will ask you to read something and some questions as wellFinal Interview Job Offer


panel intkung sa tsr pos katech examwait ka kung kelan a tatawagin for behavioralafter behavioral nilawait ka para sa result ako nag antay ako nun g 2 hours siguro hehehtapos tuturuan ka ni jay r ng mga sasagot mo para sa final interviewsa final naman papapuntahin ka ng 10pm ang interview usually 2 am na magsisimula goodluck pa kungmakakapasa ka hehhee

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