your fabulous facebook page checklist...get your audience to want more and sign up for your email....

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Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

Your Fabulous Facebook Page Checklist

Your Facebook Basics Checklist

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

Make sure your MAIN (Profile) Facebook Page under the ‘about’ you section is actually linking to your business Facebook Page - you’ll note that in the Work and Education Section.

Now your Facebook Page link will show on the front right column of your Main Profile Page

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

❑ Express your identity with your cover photo, profile picture, and Page timeline

The purpose of your business page is to promote your business, product or service and build the reputation of your brand.

The ‘about you’ section is another opportunity to do this.

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

Use your Facebook page checklist to get the best possible resultsfrom your business promotion efforts.

• ❑ Your About Section

• Your ‘About’ section on your Facebook business pageLet people know what your page is about. This is where you could share your mission and marketing message of who you help, how you help, and why!

A professional bio on a social network is an introduction - a foot in the door so your potential audience can evaluate you and decide if you’re worth their time.

“Pick up your Freebie Facebook Checklist @ know how some business owners struggle with social media and they really don’t know how to ‘get’ these skills? So, they spend a ton of time and money working on and hiring staff but they never get any gain for it, which means that they’re frustrated and not seeing any ROI.

Well, what I offer is this specific system to gain visibility in the world of social media. And the result is you get known, you make offers and your offers get paid more attention to and you get money coming in.

I help develop online confidence to market more effectively and become an online success. Getting results with your Facebook Posts! Posting awesome content ** Getting more Likes, comments, shares ** Reaching more Fans”

Here is my own mission statement…As an example.I strongly suggest that you have a link offering for a free gift – and put it towards the top, so it can easily be seen!

Your Fabulous Facebook Page Checklist

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

How Do YOU Talk About Your Business on Your Facebook Page

TIP: Stay focused on how you solve your audience’s problems.

❑ People buy from you because they have a (problem, want, need) and you have the solution.

Your Online Presence

❑Make sure that you understand where Facebook fits into your business promotion efforts before you start changing your Facebook tactics.

❑ Be present and active on your Facebook Page consistently

❑ Your Blog, or Website, is the center of your online business presence.

Facebook is your promotional support for your blog, or website.

✓ Share your best information first on your blog/website and ✓ Then use your URL link to post on Facebook.

TIP: If you don’t have a website/blog, this is your first

goal. I suggest you go to (Of

course, my affiliate link )

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

❑ Use Email As Your Primary Customer Communication Tool

Facebook works best as a place to have a two-way conversations with your audience –

Get your audience to want more and sign up for your email. Then you are able to send your business messages to your target audience more directly.

If you don’t have a customer email list and an email list service, start building it today.

❑ Be consistently determined to win your customers’ attention.Develop your plan and find out what makes them tick.

✓ Build emotional connections ✓ Form lasting relationshipsHelping you create those targeted messages that appeal to ideal audience as individuals. ❑Online customer engagement means you’ll need to become an expert

at cutting through the noise and create an emotional connection to drive interest and future sales.

Put in the effort and your Facebook Page will show your real interest in your audience. • Don’t expect to get thousands of fans to your Facebook page within your first month, but set a realistic goal and try to make progress towards it every day.

TIP: Your goal? Nurture those leads to want more from you and to start buying your products and services.

✓Use email marketing and email automation services like AWeber – you can get a 30 day Free Trail – go have some fun at (my affiliate link) to nurture leads into (repeat) customers.

Your Fabulous Facebook Page Checklist

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

❑ Search for other complimentary or like-type Facebook pages and groups using the search bar at the top of Facebook

search bar

❑ Start Engaging regularly✓ A great example of sharing and engaging through storytelling: use personal

video stories and newsletter updates to explain how you help, maybe showing your product in action

✓ To truly engage with your audience on Facebook, your conversations need to be about— and include— your ideal audience i.e. prospects and customers

❑ Grow your friends from those great groups you join and invite them to like your page (from your Facebook Page)

Your Fabulous Facebook Page Checklist

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

❑ Invite your Facebook friends to your page. You probably have your own friends on Facebook, continue to build up your friends, and know that some will be interested in the work you do. Follow Steps #1 thru 3 below!

#1 Click on ‘KnowFriends WhoMight Like YourPage

#2 This is a popup of all your Facebook friends.You may invite them by checking the ‘circle’ and a blue check will show –telling you you’ve invited that friend.

#3 You may also check here to send a Message to invite your friends!

This is what your message will say when you check the box in Step #3

You will also note here that I’ve only invited 557 of my friends and have 2084 others I can invite!

❑ Link your Facebook page to Twitter.

Your Fabulous Facebook Page Checklist

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

❑ According to Social Bakers there really isn’t a magic number for the amount you should be posting. • Posting less than 2 times per week is not enough to maintain a social connection with your audience. • The average page should receive somewhere between 5-10 new posts per week. I like at least 2 to 3 posts a day.

❑ Your page should be social - not just another avenue for press releases.

❑ The content should be a quick read by your audience. Think of short, engaging and to the point posts. A reader needs to understand the gist of your content in 10 seconds or less.

❑ Keep the content varied, fun, and interesting. Think about exclusive videos, bonus material, bloopers, podcasts, tips, gifts, discussion threads, coupon codes, etc.

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

❑ 4 Principles That Add Power to Your Facebook Strategy

1. Have a product or service?Validate its worth to your audience and how it benefits

them2. Be passionate about certain topics – people like a brand that is! ♥

Here’s a great example of my own…I hope you don’t mind that I share this: As a Christian, I really am shy about sharing my thoughts, I used to think it was unprofessional. But I felt such a strong push to do this. So…I investigated what other like type businesses and coaches share regarding the same…And WOW! I discovered as I shared my own thoughts and valuable information that was business oriented mixed with faith - that’s where my own peeps were. My reach and engagement grew. Christianity is my foundation aftercall. And I share with the emphasis on business. My page became more active with engagement! And I felt so much more in line with what I was doing!

Now I don’t talk religion – mainly quotes, videos and thoughts about how that relates to our businesses.

Your Fabulous Facebook Page Checklist

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

❑ 4 Principles That Add Power to Your Facebook Strategy

3. When you speak with your audience – you become a part of their conversation. So ask questions and get involvement and understanding of your audience will grow!

4. Create a community with your Facebook PageShow appreciation and say thanks and recognize fans when they share, like, or comment. Make them feel they are special! ♥

Your Fabulous Facebook Page Checklist

Your Fabulous Facebook Page Checklist

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

Create engaging content and continue to add power to add power to your Facebook strategy… • Ask timely questions • Ask yes or no questions • Ask specific questions • Ask edgy questions • Ask true or false questions • Ask questions about a photo • Ask poll questions • Ask fun questions • Ask preference questions • Ask who’s attending an event • Ask fill in the blank questions • Reply and pay attention

Your Fabulous Facebook Page Checklist

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

What is Facebook looking for when they rank your posts?

Coming up with innovative strategies to win customers means that you also want to keep in mind their well being.

What’s that mean?Instead of creating junk food content that would hook people, creating conversational content that would open people up in positive way.

♥ Quit writing to everyone♥ Ask questions♥ Make your post about having a two-way conversation

- instead of using me and I, use more of you and us♥ Add some of your own personality♥ Use visual words – words that give imagery and emotion

TIP: Businesses that are lighthearted in their posts cultivate their audience’s interest better than their stuffy counterparts ♥

♥ As newsfeeds reach shrinks, new opportunities are waiting for you!Like LIVE and Messenger bots.

Start playing with the serious game of ‘marketing popularity’ for your business and you’ll start getting more responses!

One extra huge ‘How-To’ Tip:

How to Start Your Blog or Website – in 15 Minutes

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

Starting a blog with Bluehost is really cheap and only costs a few dollars a month.

The best part about starting your WordPress blog is the low startup costs. I’ve been using Bluehost for the past 6 years! (Of course, I love their affiliate program and this is an affiliate link!)

Remember this: If you don’t have a website/blog, this is your first goal. I suggest you go to (Of course, my affiliate link )

Facebook can boost your business. But when you have a blog or website to back it up you’ll be able to repurpose and draw more people in. Why? • Your blog/website is the official online “face” of your business. Social media – including Facebook – is a tool to drive traffic there


Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

Select your domain nameThis is important, so put some thought into blog name. Remember to pick one that is also easy to remember and type.

Bluehost gives a FREE domain name when you sign up for their hosting plan. This is a really good value, so make sure you take advantage of it.



♥ Thought you’d like to see just how easy it is to start a blog!

Of course, I’m here if you need my help! ♥

Your WordPress Setup

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

Okay, now that you’ve checked out, you can install your very own WordPress. ✓ Bluehost has made easy for you to create your WordPressblog. They do most of the work for you!

In Bluehost, click on the hosting tab and then the cpanel tab. Scroll down and select Install WordPress.


Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

Your WordPress Setup Continues

Now you’ll see the drop down box and click on your domain name.

Select a really safe and secure password.

Fill out the form.



Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

Your WordPress Setup Continues

CONGRATULATIONS! You now have your own WordPress site!

Now that you have a WordPress blog, you will be able to design it. Here’s exactly what I offer my own clients when they want to do it themselves. And, remember I am here to coach or do it for you ☺

Click on this link to learn more >>> The Beginners Guide To Setting Up A WordPress Blog Is The Ultimate Video Series For

Those About To Venture Into The Powerful World Of WordPress Blogging

And Site Creation.

This Seven Part Video Series Takes You By The Hand And Teaches You

The A To Z's Of WordPress

Your Facebook Marketing Checklist

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

Questions?There is a huge value in knowing how you can be…

⇒ Using Facebook to grow your email lists and that points to → SuccessGrow your business and attract new customers with

Facebook + your social media strategy.The basic formula is simple:•Create interesting and valuable content that is useful to potential clients and social media connections•Publish the content to your website or blog•Share your content via social platforms, and email marketing•Setup a schedule to consistently share useful content•Grow your online communities through many social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and you can also go into LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram. Go where your audience is.•Generate leads for your email list and•Market your business!

Contact me via my Facebook at if you’d like to chat or have questions!

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❖Then I invite you to join my free Facebook 10 Day Get It Done Challenge group

And get your Facebook 10 Day Get It Done Challenge email course at>>

Legal Information | Affiliate Disclosure© 2018 |

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc.Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way.

FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing direct response marketing and advertising since 2008,

and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails

risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.

❖Whether you’re just starting out on Facebook and/or list building, you’ll discover Facebook marketing methods to

help you dramatically increase your visibility online.

Your Fabulous Facebook Page Checklist

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

Join Coach Donna's Quick & Easy 10-Day Get-It-Done Facebook Challenge (100% Free)

Click Here to Join!

The aim of this 10-day series of emails and blog posts is to help you to use the power of Facebook to build your brand and business and act as your own Facebook Manager!

By the end of 10 days you will have gone over the email course and hopefully implemented as you:

Discover more approaches in how to boost your community, build your email list, and grow your business in 60 min or less a day…•You'll receive short daily emails each day for 10 days with simple, achievable Facebook daily tasks

•Create your strategic plan to confidently move forward more quickly and easily

•Reach your targeted community, drive engagement, and make more impactful decisions using a system to grow your business faster -even if you’re just starting out

•Overcome the top 5 mistakes businesses make on Facebook

•How to promote your Facebook pageChallenges are about you implementing and getting things done.

You probably have your own Facebook Page set up and have been hoping for and working towards having the effect of brand loyalty and building your customer base to help you get more customers! The challenge gives you so much more to help you along the way!

Your Fabulous Facebook Page Checklist

Coach Donna Ward 2018 ©

Thank you so much, again for downloading “Your Facebook Business Checklist” – I am honored. And, would love to hear from you - what you’ve implemented and loved, plus your thoughts, ideas, and what you need help with!

I set up, manage, and maintain social media platforms, blogs, email marketing, and online reputation for business. I help establish trust in a business by building relationships which involves creating and managing engaging content.Resume:

Most businesses don't have time to set up and run their social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, or a Blog. - This is where I can help - set up and run your social media sites for you - giving you time and freedom to run your business.

I am a Social Media Manger, Consultant, Mentor, and digital strategist. All of my work falls under one umbrella: helping YOU create the blog for your business and the life you want to live.

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