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Post on 14-Dec-2014






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brook kreder,marketing coaching


Q: H ow long have you been a business coach?I actually coached for a long time before I ever got paid for it. Over the course of my career, I had dozens of people ask me to be their agent, their promoter, their coach and/or their marketing director (and a combination of all of the above). It took me a long time to realize that coaching was my zone of genius and that I could actually help soul-centered entrepreneurs better control the outcomes in their business. It’s been awesome to finally step into the role and help people transform their organization.

Q: Who are your clients? I have a number of doctors and licensed practitioners on my client list. All of my clients are strongly connected to their “soulful” or “creative side”. They are people who KNOW they were put on the planet to do amazing work, but sometimes the strategy of marketing, processes and structure eludes them. The size of their business varies from start-up to multi-million dollar empires.

Q: How are you different from other coaches? All of my 1-on-1 coaching programs are curriculum based, so when I work with someone, I teach them the strategy and tactics they need to build a knockout business. This includes worksheets, handouts, templates, etc. I’ve also been an entrepreneur half my life – the first half not so successfully, the second half very successfully. My MBA doesn’t hurt either.

Q: What kind of personality do you work best with?Before I agree to work with someone I let them know we’ll be doing some heavy lifting in their business - it’s not for the weak or the lazy. My role as their coach is to hold them accountable and lift them out of their own stink…and sometimes that means a good ass kicking. My clients are brilliant, heart-centered, savvy, and willing to get their hands dirty (i.e. do the work). All are high evolved and very spiritual which is fun…they have the soul down so we can dig into the strategy.

Q: What kind of personality or client do you NOT work well with? I hand-pick my clients so I am very blessed. My application process helps me determine if the person and/or business is a good fit for my style of coaching. People not willing to take personal responsibility for the outcomes in their business are out. As are whiners, story tellers, etc.

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Q: How do you work? What can I expect?

Every new client starts with a half or full day strategy session with me in Denver, Colorado, to chart the course of our time together. We do another in-person strategy session, usually in month four. They also have 2-3 calls per month along with e-mail and crisis support.

Q: Can I just sign up for one session with you?No, I don’t offer a by-the-hour option (or just 1 session). I have learned that I best serve my peeps by taking them through a process where we cover all of the basics of building a solid foundation for their business. My intention is that the strategy and tactics they learn more than pay for the cost of the package…either in new revenue and/or by saving them time, money and energy.

I see so many business owners wait until they have the money before they invest in their growth. They miss out on learning the tactics and building the mindset which ultimately LEADS to their growth. The work I do frees them of that cycle and puts them more in control of their marketing, income and success.

Q: Does this really work?I know it works because I practice every single thing I teach in my own business. I have witnessed business owners generate tens of thousands of dollars by executing some of these strategies…it’s awesome. The secret is that imperfect action performed consistently, yields results. Marketing is energy, and when you put out good *stuff* it does comes back.

Q: What results can I expect? The results vary depending on where you are in your business and what business you’re in. For example, an architect may be awarded a $25M project while a start-up may make $50k in their first year. The most important thing my clients do for themselves during our time together is take imperfect action (i.e. GET THINGS DONE).

Because we go deep on a number of levels, it’s inevitable that fear, guilt, overwhelm, and/or anger show up. I’ll give you an example. I have a client who was letting her customers walk all over her. She had no boundaries, which eventually led to resentment and overwhelm. During one of our calls, she stomped out of the room. (I’m so surprised she didn’t hang up!) A few minutes later she walked back in and we had a heart to heart about setting boundaries. Now she’s the expert at letting her clients know THIS IS HOW IT WORKS HERE. It’s inspiring.

Q: Why do I need you? Can’t I just do this on my own?How is “doing it on your own” working for you today? Most people who go this far in exploring a coaching relationship already know either 1) they’ve plateaued in their business or 2) they know that what they’re doing isn’t working. A coach will hold you to the highest and best form of yourself…it’s amazing what you can create (wealth, freedom, a life you love) when you have dogged support. I too have a coach and it’s the easiest check I write.

Q: I’m really busy and overwhelmed. How much time is involved before I get results?I understand my clients are busy people. That being said, they hire a coach because they want to create something bigger. So, we find a balance. We look at their existing schedule and find time to get the work done. We create an action item list and prioritize it so they know where to put their efforts. The average amount of time it takes is 3-4 months before they see results, however it depends on a number of factors (i.e. how big their list is, how long they’ve been in business, if they have support, etc.).

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Q: How can I get the best results fast?There’s no other way to say it…do the work.

Q: Can I contact other clients you’ve worked with?I sign confidentiality agreements with all of my clients – if you’d like to read what my raving fans have to say visit

Q: I’ve never invested in myself like this before. How can I justify the expense?Warren Buffet says the best investment you can make is in yourself. Based on his business and his life, I believe him.

I use to base my purchase decisions on the price of the item. Now I base them on what I AM WORTH. What’s it worth to create and actually live your ideal life? What’s it worth to have a business you love…one that generates the money and freedom you want? Your vision, your dreams and your soul are worth it.

Q: If I’m not quite ready to get started, is there a way to sample your work?You can download a free copy of my e-book, 8 Killer Ways to Leave Less Money on the Table, at You will also receive a free subscription to my weekly Be a Legend eZine that shares guerrilla tactics to boost your sales, create an irresistible brand and build a knock out business.

A few times a year I also offer a group coaching program, Empire Blueprint. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list e-mail

Q: I have a few questions; can I talk with you on the phone?Absolutely. E-mail and someone on my team will contact you to set up a call.

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You’re a Leader.

Be a Legend!

P: 402-750-4924 | E: |

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