your business, your future - northeast gas · your business, your future 5 enormous sales and...

Post on 11-Oct-2018






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YOUR BUSINESS, YOUR FUTURE5 Enormous Sales and Marketing Technology Trends that are

Changing the Way SMBs Do Business




FALSE1. Tokyo - 38m2. Delhi - 25m3. Shanghai - 23m4. Mexico City - 21m5. Mumbai - 21m6. Sao Paulo - 21m7. Osaka - 20m8. Beijing - 20m9. New York - 19m


False(it was Feb 1st)

Trend 1: Wait a minute…CRM doesn’t suck anymore.

Worldwide customer relationship management (CRM) software totaled $23.2 billion in 2015, up 13.3 percent from 20.4 billion in 2014Gartner

Customer retention and acquisition continue to be main drivers of both enterprises and smaller organizations.Gartner

Business owners need CRM.

The 3 Laws:-Administrator-Exec Buy-In-Reports

Leading Products-Sage CRM-Salesforce-Microsoft Dynamics-Zoho-Insightly

The 3 Benefits

Customer Relationship Management…

True/False: The CRM Market is $23 Billion

and growing quickly.


True/False: Reports are

unnecessary with a good CRM




Trend 1: Business owners need CRM.

Trend 2: You received 82 emails since I began talking.

73% of marketers agree that email marketing is core to their business.

Source: eMarketer, Venture Beat

60% of marketers claim that email is a critical enabler of products and services, versus 42% of marketers in 2014.

For 69.7% of US internet users, email is the preferred method of communicating with businesses.

Nearly 80 percent of marketers utilize email to deliver messages and experiences that are individualized to each user.

If you think email is dead, you’re dead wrong

93% of B2B marketers said they used content marketing in 2014, and 42% said they considered their strategy effective (up from 36% last year).

22 percent of CEOs Use LinkedIn, zero percent use Facebook or Google+.

Source: Weber Shandwick, QuintlyB2B Content Marketing Benchmarks report, 2015

Global brands spend 45-75 percent of their social media time on Facebook.

It’s not selling. It’s education.


Print-VistaPrint-PrintPlace-FeltApp-Local Print Shops

E-Mail-Constant Contact-MyEmma-A Weber


Content Hacks…..

PlaceItPuts your photo into stock images

PiktochartCreates InfoGraphics

TrelloProject management for content teams

IFTTIf This Than That…

SubjectLineAnalyzes your email’s subject line

Blog Hacks…

Contently Where to find bloggers

OutbrainDistributes your content to media

LinkedIn AuthorsPost your blogs to LinkedIn

Social Hacks….

SocedoAutomates workflow

CharlieTrolls your Google Calendar

HootsuiteManages all social media accounts

LikeAlzyerSuggests improvements to your Facebook Page

True/False: Email is the preferred

method of communicating with

businesses for only 5% of Internet



True/False: Tatango is a popular dance

with roots in Spain.


True/False: The best time to send an email

is 2AM.


$47 million


Trend 1: Business owners need CRM.

Trend 2: It’s not marketing. It’s education.

Trend 3: You watched 47 hours of The Walking Dead just last weekend. And you’re cool with that.


Source: Mary Meeker, Kleiner Perkins

Facebook: 1 billion to 4 billion video views per day since Q3:14 to Q1:15.

12/14 New Year's Event -37mm views in 24 hours

Winter X games - 1/15 -30mm views in 24 hours

April 2015 - Coachella -40mm views over 3 days

68 percent of marketers plan to increase digital video ads in 2016.

It’s all about video this year.

Live Events:Google HangoutsTwitter PeriscopeMeerkhat

Video Sites:YouTubeVimeo

Millennials:SnapChatWhat’s App


True/False: Google Hangouts on Air is

like having a free TV station for your



True/False: BrightTalk combines both video

with webinar tools.




True/False: Gene Marks’ latest book went to #1 on



True/False: Gene Marks’ monthly newsletter

has more than 1 million subscribers.

Trend 1: Business owners need CRM.

Trend 2: It’s not marketing. It’s education.

Trend 3: It’s all about video this year.

Trend 4: Sadly, you’re using the “Over 40” app more and more and it’s terrifying.

5.2 billion phone users in 2014 - 73% penetration compared to 80m in 1995 (1% penetration).

Typical adult spends 3 hours per day on mobile devices.

Digital-ad spending is expected to grow 17% this year to $58.1 billion, according to eMarketer.

B2C dominates mobile in 2016.


Business owners must have a mobile data and advertising strategy.

Buy ButtonsFacebook, Twitter, Google

Pinterest Cinematic PinVideo moves as user scrolls

Vessel4 second ads

Carousel adsScroll to browse multiple photos

Google 360 ViewPhotos inside your business

Google Local InventoryAds showing where inventory is locally


Mobile Optimizing Tools/ServicesDuda MobileGoDaddy and other ISPsYodl

Mobile Website and SEO

Search Engine Directories:-Google My Business-Bing Places for Business-Yahoo for Business-Donuts-YP

ConvertableCollects details from users on your site

MozThe go-to site for SEO tools, advice, content

iSpionageTrolls competitive sites for keywords, activity


AdRollRemarketing/retargeting service

DonutsCreate and register a NOT-COM website

Mobile Directories

Yahoo and Bing Represent 29 Percent of the U.S. Searches. 149 million unique searchers each month. 5.2 billion searches a month

70 percent of mobile searches from Bing Ads come from iOS. In addition to powering Yahoo, Bing also powers Web search on Siri on your iPhone.

True/False: Google recently changed

its search algorithm to prioritize mobile

optimized sites.


True/False: Yahoo and Bing represent

29% of U.S. searches online.


She’s 32!


She’s 16!

Trend 1: Business owners need CRM.

Trend 2: It’s not marketing. It’s education.

Trend 3: It’s all about video this year.

Trend 4: Business owners must have a mobile data and advertising strategy.

Trend 5: Target sent your niece a discount coupon for baby clothes…before she told her husband she was pregnant.

Amazon estimated to change its prices more than 2.5 million times daily (15-20% of its inventory)

Netflix says the average show takes 2-3 watches before a viewer keeps watching

Rolls Royce monitors 3,700 aircraft engines daily to spot problems before breakdown

LA's traffic surveillance and control system synchronizes all 4,500 traffic signals and has increased traffic speed 16% since 2013.

Marketing Automation

Revenue in the marketing automation industry is predicted to grow 60% in 2016.

Marketing automation only has a 3% adoption rate in non-tech companies.

Lead nurturing is the #1 most important feature to marketing automation software buyers, followed by CRM integration and analytics/reporting

Source: VentureBeat, Mintigo, PepperGlobal

In 2016, business owners must automate and analyze.

Marketing Automation


Key Features:-email marketing-integration with FB, Twitter ads (Marketo) -landing pages and forms-campaign management -lead nurturing/scoring -lead lifecycle management -CRM integration -social marketing capabilities -marketing analytics.

Google Customer Match (Sep 2015)

Advertisers upload lists of emails and match them to signed-in Google users on Gmail, Search and YouTube.

Google will also be giving advertisers the ability to use that same data to find similar audiences — that is, signed-in users who may not be on your own lists but match profiles of those who are and are therefore more likely to be interested in your products.

Cloud Reporting-Microsoft Power BI-Domo-Tableau-Chartio

Analytics-Google Analytics-Adobe Analytics

True/False: The cloud has made it

harder to share data.


True/False: Cloud based reporting

applications can draw data from

multiple sources at one time.


True/False: Bridget Pardot is a world

famous French actress.


True/False: According to a 2006 study from the British Medical Journal, sword swallowers run a higher risk of injury when they are distracted.


FALSE. It’s only 50%*

*Journal of Food Microbiology – 2012 study

Trend 1: Business owners need CRM.

Trend 2: It’s not marketing. It’s education.

Trend 3: It’s all about video this year.

Trend 4: Business owners must have a mobile data and advertising strategy.

Trend 5: Business owners must automate and analyze.


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