you get even better data with facebook reports

Post on 13-Nov-2014






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Facebook has always been about social engagement with people having literally hundreds of friends, many of whom are just website acquaintances. Facebook advertising has been used in the past to get a message to these buddies in cyberspace. It is now possible to go one step beyond the ordinary. Advertisers should note that this particular report will allow for accurate tracking of the action and conversion data generated.


You Get Even Better Data with Facebook Reports

Facebook is not the 800 pound gorilla in the parlour; it is the one ton gorilla in the whole darn house!

This social media platform has been at the heart of advertising almost since the day it was introduced to the general public.

It has friends and accounts well over 1 billion all over the world. No advertising executive in his or her right mind is going to ignore Facebook.

Some important decisions are on how to best use Facebook. There are an awful lot of options that this social media has and not everything has to be used all at once.

Rather than go through every single report step-by-step, there are couple of them that really stand out and they can be extremely helpful. The following are worth concentrating attention on.

The Website Conversion Report:

Facebook has always been about social engagement with people having literally hundreds of friends, many of whom are just website acquaintances.

Facebook advertising has been used in the past to get a message to these buddies in cyberspace. It is now possible to go one step beyond the ordinary.

Advertisers should note that this particular report will allow for accurate tracking of the action and conversion data generated.

So, what does that do to help? Social media advertisers want to get a hold of as much conversion data as possible to justify advertising campaigns.

The website conversion report will allow for optimizations on Leads, Registrations, App Installs, Website Conversions, and a number of other options.

What can happen is a mountain of figures regarding conversion can be generated by that report.

This will allow a clear view of the ads and the effectiveness of each one.

They can help an account executive find out those marketing messages that are doing well with the number of conversion options.

That can allow the person responsible for the account to maximize the use of advertisements using Conversion Rates and CPA.

Facebook Placement Reports:

This looks at the location of advertisements on Facebook. These can be newsfeeds on mobile or desktop computers, or right column ads.

The report permits viewers not only see where the persons are showing, but also the activity. The performance statistics can be reviewed using any metrics at the disposal of the account executive for social media analysis.

This helps better determine if scarce advertising dollars are better spent on what placement over another.

Demographics Reports:

The demographics are one of the star qualities of the Facebook reports. It allows an individual to take a look at various data categories such as location, gender, and age.

There are other possibilities as well but these are three that are used quite frequently. The report is something that allows for even greater concentration on a target audience.

Like peeling away the leaves of an artichoke, a person can gradually get to the heart of the performance; finding out what those demographics are that are showing the greatest response to any advertisements and noting the all-important conversion rates.

This allows the right demographics to receive the necessary enhancements to encourage even better results, and those demographics that are becoming problem areas that need remedial action as soon as possible.

The reports naturally will identify those demographics that are major money makers. One caveat is that you are able to select just one demographic per report generated.

However, that alone can reveal performance figures that can lead to better focused adjustments should they be needed.

What is been mentioned is not all-inclusive. There are even more Facebook reports that can be considered when reviewing the progress of any advertising campaign.

Facebook is very much a treasure chest of reporting options. An account executive can review the other reporting tools to see which will work the best.

The three mentioned here can actually pave the way to taking a look at what other possibilities Facebook can offer regarding analysis.

It is left up to the decision of the account executive to determine those reports which are important, while the others are set aside for possible later use.

Given the enormous exposure of Facebook to an audience numbering now in the billions, the data generated by the reports allow for greater optimization of advertising campaigns and lead to even better sales figures.

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