yoga teacher training essay

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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How I can make a difference in the world by becoming a Yoga Teacher

By Julie Fraser

Most people today feel they are struggling to find balance in their lives. As the vibration of the

Earth continues shifting, this will intensify. Yoga is a practice that can offset that shift. It helps

tune into the vibration of the self, explore its place in the universe and find body-mind-spirit

balance. Yoga is at once healthy and gentle exercise for the body, calming and freeing for the

mind, and uplifting for the spirit.

Practicing Yoga has helped me find balance, increased peace and energy, and put me on a

spiritual quest. Learning to teach yoga will further raise my vibration and propel forward anyone

I have the honor to teach who is seeking a better life.

Those practicing yoga also find compassion for themselves and others. Yoga opens a

mindfulness of each person’s connection to their higher self, to all other people, and to the

entire universe. The more people who live in this mindful and compassionate state, the more

harmony and good can come into the world.

All who tap into the inner self that Yoga makes more easily available can have more of what

they want. Those who have the lives they want can live with less fear, worry and anxiety. The

more people teaching and practicing Yoga, the happier and more fulfilled the world will be.

As I learn more, I expect to bring the philosophies and attitudes of Yoga more fully into every

aspect of my life. As I work as an advisor to businesses and individuals, this Yoga mindset will

improve the outcomes for both me and for my clients. Those outcomes will impact a variety of

others in the lives of those people, and the virtuous circle of love, peace, calm and compassion

will spread to more people.

As one person practicing and teaching yoga, I can change the world for the better. I invoke and

decree that as a Yoga teacher, I’ll be starting a ripple effect of love, joy, and ascension that will

result in better outcomes for years and generations to come.

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