yo u t h e 2007-2008 an n u a l re p o r t

Post on 29-Dec-2021






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Youth EncountEr2007-2008 AnnuAl rEport

Partnering with Christian communities to strengthen their youth ministry.

MEssAgE froM thE prEsidEnt

Dear Friends of Youth Encounter,

Youth Encounter seeks to partner with Christian communities to strengthen their ministry to, with, and through young people.

Annually, Youth Encounter facilitates over 200,000 encounters with Christ all over the world and 70% of our alumni become professional church leaders. The stories of these encounters are life changing and noteworthy.

An international team member Kami Kimmel ministered on our Kindred team to Ecuador, Columbia, and Venezuela in 2008. Her father, Roger, was delighted to see the life- changing impact team ministry had on his daughter and surprised to see the effect of her ministry on his congregation and his community. Now Roger is going on a mission trip to El Salvador with Thrivent! The story of Kami’s experience continues on page 3.

This last year, I visited with more than one hundred parish youth ministry leaders to secure their partnership in designing our youth events to be as effective as possible for their congregations and young people. As I visited, leaders shared many comments about the value of a Youth Encounter event:

Young people love the Quakes.•

The event helps youth connect with one another.•

The event increases the desire of youth to attend church.•

The spiritual high of an event carries through the year.•

Youth mention the Quake in their confirmation faith stories.•

Serving as junior guides energizes senior high youth.•

Our confirmation high school guides fit right into the program.•

I can spend time with my youth instead of running the event.•

In these very difficult financial times, your prayers and support of this ministry are greatly appreciated. This ministry would not be possible without the many generous people who are involved through prayer, financial giving, volunteering, hosting a team member, having a team at your church or bringing your youth to one of our events.

Sincerely in Christ,

Rev. Dr. Larry Dean JohnsonPresident

thE iMpAct of tEAM MinistrY

Our family has been around and aware of Youth Encounter for some time as we have had many teams at our church over the years. But this past year and a half we have experienced “team” through our daughter, Kami. I can’t emphasize enough what an impact a teamer can have through the sharing of their experiences. Being on team was definitely a life-changing event in Kami’s life. What we had not anticipated, however, was how it would shape and influence the lives of so many others.

Kami’s emails to her sponsor list and the team journals became eagerly anticipated communications to a number of people. For months it seemed that everywhere I went people would tell me how much they

appreciated the stories that our daughter was sharing with them. Through these communications whole congregations, not just donors, had their eyes opened as to what was happening “out on the road” - both in the Western half of the U.S. and then in Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. The digital images that she and her team were able to send via the internet were also very powerful and gave us a real sense of where this particular work of God was taking place. From the churches and orphanages in the cities to Kami’s host “Abuelita” who lived in a house on stilts on a small island, we were able to see and hear what God is doing in far off places.

The friendships that Kami formed during her time with Youth Encounter will last a lifetime. We now consider her teammates extended family. Our entire family was also privileged to meet the staff at Camp Wapo and look forward to seeing them again also. In short, I don’t think we could have ever believed how far-reaching a Youth Encounter team members experience could be. I really want to encourage others to make the commitment and invest a year volunteering with Youth Encounter. They will never be the same. People’s lives are being changed - the gospel is being lived and experienced - and the effect is like ripples on a pond, spreading ever wider and touching more people than you can imagine.

- Roger Kimmel, Father of Kami Kimmel (Kindred 07-08)

thE iMpAct of EvEnt MinistrY

I have attended Quakes and Zones for years with Immanuel Lutheran and now the Methodist church in Washington, IA. We look forward to the Quad Cities Quake and the Chicago Zone all year and have many times had our expectations exceeded! These events have proven over and over again to make a difference in the lives of the youth that we have been priveledged enough to take! This is a great thing that Youth Encounter is doing!!- Dean Eaton, Youth Leader

My children have been attending Youth Encounter events for the past three years, the Service Projects, the music, speakers, and crew have a major impact on them. My oldest is 16 years old she looks forward to attending every year, my youngest greatly anticipated her first Quake this year,

she is really on fire, she talked about being a Junior Guide when she’s old enough. Thanks for helping to keep the fire for Christ burning in my kids!- Barbara Keim, Parent

Youth Quake is a wonderful event to go to. I always cry for a month after we leave. Youth Quake is wonderful in so many ways. The speakers and musicians

preach great messages that always touch my heart. I always make new friendships that last a lifetime. So many great activities that are bunches of fun but also teaches about God. I love the concerts because people dance around and worship the Lord... I am going again next year and the year after that and so on. Jesus is really working in so many teen’s hearts. I hope to be in Captive Free some day to spread my love for Christ and my love for music everywhere.- Danielle, 14

govErning BoArd of dirEctors

Mr. Walter (Bud) Meadley (Chair) - Edina, MNRev. Bill Ameiss- Wheaton, IL Rev. Dr. James Bangsund - San Jose, CAMr. Henry Betts* - Rockport, MAMrs. Eleanor Carlson - Eagan, MNRev. Dr. Jack Eichhorst* - Washburn, NDMr. Larry Gadbaw - Long Lake, MN Rev. Johan Hinderlie - Plymouth, MN Mrs. Sandra Hutchinson - Phoenix, AZRev. Molly Juntunen - W. Des Moines, IAMr. Richard Lock - Sylvania, OHRev. Jana Swenson - Marion, IARev. Dr. Larry Johnson, Ex Officio - Minneapolis, MN

* Terms ended August 2008

ExEcutivE MAnAgEMEnt tEAMRev. Dr. Larry Johnson - PresidentBert Amdahl - Chief Administrative and Financial OfficerLisa Rykken Kastler - Program Executive Meg Schmidt - PR, HR, & Development Executive

foundAtion BoArd of dirEctors

Mr. Brian Brooks (Chair) - Conway, ARRev. Johan Hinderlie - Plymouth, MNRev. Dr. Larry Johnson - Minneapolis, MN Mr. Brett Koopman - Brooklyn Center, MNMr. James Meier - Stillwater, MN Mr. David Paul - North Lauderdale, FLRev. Hal Stoa - Brooklyn Park, MN Mrs. Nora Tahtinen - Pewaukee, WI


Income Total PercentageGifts/Grants $738,323 15.5%Program $2,354,759 49.3%In Kind $1,231,699 25.8%Program Offering $365,176 7.7%Sales (Net) $24,841 0.5%Other $58,397 1.2% $4,773,195 100.0%ExpensesProgram $4,080,295 85.8%Administration $275,952 5.8%Fund Raising $398,354 8.4% $4,754,601 100.0% Final Balance $18,594

Youth Encounter’s financial statements were audited by LarsonAllen.

A copy of Youth Encounter’s finacial information is available upon request.

hEritAgE sociEtY MEMBErs

The following are recognized as having given $10,000 or more to Youth Encounter, or made provisions for Youth Encounter’s ministries in their estate plans:

Kjellgren Alkire • Bert & Gwen Amdahl • Richard Andersen • David L.C. & Barb Anderson • Rev. Tom & Charlotte Ashbrook • Jason Asselstine • Constance Bakken • Earl & Doris Bakken • Anonymous • * Harold & Doris Berg • Burton & Virginia Berge • Greg & Michelle Birgy • Rev. Richard & Cynthia Borrud • Rich & Virginia Boureston • Lisa Brinkman • Dr. Doug & Barbara Brown • Kevin Brown • Donald & Carol Bruns • Rev. Erland & Eleanor Carlson • Dr. Wayne & Jean Carlson • Cathy Dalton • Georgie Helberg-Dhein •* Gordon Dhein • Rusty & Barbie Dicks • Rev. Mark & Linda Diemer • Dale & Deb Fagre • Don & Julie Falk • Dan & Diane Freiburger • Dan & Sue Giblin •* Lucille Giblin • Sam & Linda Giesy • Alvin & Ann Grospiron • Norman & Evangeline Hagfors • Terry & Sue Hahm • Kenyon & Wendy Hathaway • Pauline Hietala • Philip Hokanson • Evelyn Hollander • Bryan & Jenny Huesby • Sandra K. Hutchinson • Rev. Larry & Marlinda Johnson • Olaf & Marilyn Johnson • Rev. Dale & Dr. Chris Johnston • Lissa (Peterson) Kahl • John & Barbara Kinast • Karl Klemm • Brett & Heidi Koopman • Gary & Nancy Korpi •* Violet Kvarnstorm • Sally Larson • Rev. Ken J. Licht • Ed & Becky Leister • Jerry & Anita Litteer • Richard & Elizabeth Lock • Ron & Lyn Lundeen • Rich & Debby Luquette • John & Beth McClure • Walter & Nancy Meadley • James & Marilyn Meier •* Louis Michelson • Donald & Marlyce Miller • Brenda & Scott Moore • Rev. Dr. Wm. G. & Martha B. Moorhead • Erik Neumann • Wolfgang & Janet Neumann • Terry & Amy Niemann • Colleen Nori • Dan & Lori Olson • Jared Parmley • Michelle (Sloan) Pavasars • Gary & Dee Ann Pearce • Mrs. Paul Pearce • Rev. Steve & Susan Perry • Dallen & Glennis Peterson • Rolland & Sharon Preuss • Bill & Linda Prueter • Bill & Carolyn Quehl • Jeff & Susan Reich • Willard & Leitha Richardson • Denise Rode & Michael Mooney • Dr. Robert V. & Ellen Schnabel • Rev. Rick & Deby Schowalter • Clifford L. & Emma C. Schreck • John & Kim Simshauser • Roland L. & Sherry R. Skillings • Rev. Michael & Pam (Grove) Sneath • Eric & Janine Sommer • Jim & Chris Stade • Bob & Cookie Stam • Carl & Paula Stecker • Jerry & Cheri Steffen • Rev. Hal & Virginia Stoa • Raymond & Polly Sund • Joyce Thonesen • Rev. Gordy & Gloria Thorpe • Tom & Sherry Torkelson • Joel & Beth Vaughn • Kelly & Bruce Volden • Paul & Kari Lyn Wampler, Jr. • Rev. Ralph & Eunice Wiechmann •* Tillie Wohler

Youth MinistrY BuildErs

The Youth Ministry Builder society is a giving club that gratefully acknowledges friends of Youth Encounter who make a significant impact in the lives of young people. A Youth Ministry Builder supports Youth Encounter with a gift of $250 or more. Youth Encounter honors these donors as members of the Youth Ministry Builder Society for 2007-08 (non-offering gifts recorded for the period 8/1/07 to 7/31/08).

$10,000-$24,999Earl & Doris Bakken • Norman & Evangeline Hagfors • Norm & Carol Nagel

$5,000-$9,999Larry & Marlinda Johnson • Philip & Sharon Lindau • Richard & Elizabeth Lock • Carl & Paula Stecker

$2,500-$4,999Samuel & Linda Giesy • Sandra Hutchinson • Teresa Jones • Ravic Ringlaben • David & Carolyn Sandifer • Harold & Virginia Stoa • Gordon & Gloria Thorpe

$1,000-$2,499Mark & Melanie Allen • T.J. & Susie Anderson • Douglas & Mary Anderson • Craig & Deanna Bane • Jeff & Betsy Bates • Katharine Blackburn • John & Ruth Boe • Robert & Dianne Bonfiglio • Andrew Bromhal • Doug Brown • Erland & Eleanor Carlson • Jeffrey & Robin Cherwinka • Doug & Melva Cowper • Donald & Marilyn Dotson • Chris & Shannon Driscoll • Faith Dunn • Stephen Eichhorst • Corey & Laura Erkes • Jim Fischetti • Gary & Gail Fredensborg • Rodney & Kathy Freed • Donna Gapinski • Brad & Kelly Hamilton • Dave & Joan Hance • Oscar & Darlene Heltne • Michael & Nancy Holien • Harold & Deborah Hoover • Ron & Angie Horkey • Christopher & Deborah Houlihan • Olaf & Marilynn Johnson • Patrick & Stacy Karle • Calvin & Janet Kehr • Pat Klinge • Herb & Lavonne Koenig • Gerald & Karen Kolschowsky • Timothy & Linda Kuenzli • Larry & Karen Larson • Justin Lenhardt • Kalin & Kathy Liefer • Richard & Debby Luquette • Shawn Maassel • Paul & Joyce Maier • Pamela Malinoski • Roland & Sharon Martinson • Walter (Bud) & Nancy Meadley • James & Marilyn Meier • Ronnie Melin • Ronald & Marianne Melin • Janet Meyer • Joel & Susan Minster • Alec & Deborah Oesterling • Lori & Daniel Olson • Andrew Paine • William & Debbie Provencher • Charles & Brooksie Rentz • Jennie Ringlaben • Mark & Lynn Roeben • Charles Sauer • Bryan Sawyer • James Schneider • George & Sally Schofer • Lucinda & Andy Schottelkorb • Michael & Heidi Schroeder • Dan & Geraldine Schwabe • Mark & Mary Beth Selbo • Amy Serflaten • Vince & Wanda Shannon • Jennifer Shaw • Ken & Linda Slipka • David & Mrs. Smith • Lenora Tahtinen • Jeffrey & Carol Tonkin • Robert & Verna Vandercar • Ralph & Eunice Wiechmann • Tina Wood • Matthew & Katie Zitzow • Gary & Barb Zumbiel

$500-$999Joe & Kristie Adney • Wallace & Linda Anderson • Meredith Anderson • Charles & Ruth Anderson • Cindy Bakko • Charles & Lois Bane • James & Judy Bangsund • Judith Bangsund • Bill & Nancy Beitler • Elizabeth & Rich Below • David & Lonna Benson • Eric & Kim Berg • Crosby & Nieves Bodden • Audrey Boersting • Natasha Bowlds • Robert & Dora Bowne • Laura Bragg • Rick & Karen Brewster • Jim & Sandra Browning • Paul & Nikki Buchanan • Thomas & Mrs Butts • Janice Casel • William & Carol Cavett • Connie Charles • Norbert Charleswood • Pat & Daria Chason • John & Lisa Chisholm • James & Cheryl Corneliussen • Steve & Chris Dahlberg • Milan & Joan Davig • Karen Dee • Becky & Steve Del Rio • John & Barb Deradoorian • Donald Divers • Steve & Kathy Dornbusch • Donald & Gloria Dovre • Ralph & Norma Dovre • Phillip & Candice Duerksen • Merran Dunlop • Albert & Viola Elias • Stephen Ellwein • Kent & Connie Emerson • Kent & Dawn Erdmann • Tim & Susan Erickson • Mary Joy Ewers • John & Marla Ewers • Donald & Julie Falk • Andrew & Lita Ferdinand • George & Judy Frank • Harlan Fredenberg • Donald & Susan Gerke • Gary & Beth Germann • Paul & Suzanne Gikas • Gaylen & Stella Gilbertson • Mark & Mrs. Gribble • James & Kelly Gruetzner • Russell & Paula Gundermann • Dave & Carol Haddix • Shaina Halverson • Gary & Donna Harkness • Scott &

Lee Havens • Steve & Leilin Hilde • Elden & Stephanie Hildebrandt • Richard Hoefs • Anthony & Angela Holder • Deborah Holte • Jon & Gail Howard • Larry & Marcia Janssen • Harry & Valetta Janssen • Lara Janssen • Mark & Mary Johnson • Ken & Chris Kallem • Lisa & Brent Kastler • Derek & Kelli Kent • Roger & Diane Kimmel • Marie Kinzler • Brenden Kline • Rick & Carol Konik • Henry Krebs • Capt. Ralph Laedtke • Richard & Saundra Lambie • Christopher & Pam Lang • George & Rose Lanter • Shane & Jennifer Larkin • David LaSota • Christy Leighton • Larry & Janet Lemke • Margaret Lienemann • Henry & Rebecca Lindsey • Richard Linkhorn • Herman & Margaret Louters • Kathy & Art Luedtke • Spencer & Sally Lynch • John & Ann Lyons • Eugene & LaVaun Maier • Clarence & Patricia Marks • Anita Markwardt • Jim & Patti McCabe • James & Dawn Mehring • Carolyn Mollenkopf • Susan Morrow • Joseph & Marilyn Murchison • Paul & Pamela Murray • Jennifer Muth • Richard & Esther Nelson • Wolfgang & Janet Neumann • William & Dolores Nord • Richard & Joan Norris • Kenwood & Diane Peet • Lyle & Barbara Peterson • Michelle Pitts • Joel & Linda Pladson • Steve & Suzanne Popelka • Martha Prince • Darrell & Dorothy Pulscher • Mark & Nancy Quigley • Glenn & Michele Racine • Cheryl Ralston • Owen Rasmussen • John & Susan Reinbold • Renata Rislow • Les & Sue Roberts • Karin Rock • James & Michele Rockhill • Gerald & Karen Roesener • Glenn & Gail Rogers • Stuart & Shannon Rowson • Peter & Margaret Rude • Gerald & Denise Ruud • Herbert & Frances Sandifer • Jim Schafer • Frank & Donna Schmitz • Fred & Karen Schneider • Sally & George Schofer • Richard & Jean Schuman • Beth Schuman • Bethany Schwartz • David & Robin Shriner • Carol Smith • Milton Smith • Scott & Heidi Smith • Chris & Ann Smitherman • Karen Soeken • Greg Spotts • Ronald Steiger • Jim & Leslie Stollberg • Jarod & Jenny Stowell • Heather & Dain Swanson • Lynne Taylor • Loren & Debbie Teig • Brian & Laura Theaker • Karsten Tjernagel • Roger & Frances Trainor • Clark & Marian Twedt • Dale & Janice Van Wulfen • David & Whitney Vandercar • Bryan & Faith Voight • Robert & Renee Wade • Steven & Paula Wegert • Deanne Wells • Jeff & Debbie Werronen • Wayne & Marta Westgor • Don & Charlene Whitcomb • Lynn & Carol Whittaker • Telford Wollan • Andrew Wright • Tom & Joanne Yates • Russell Zielesch

$250-$499Sid & Vivian Aarestad • Steve & Gerry Albert • Kay Althouse • Bert & Gwen Amdahl • David & Barbara Anderson • Tom & Sheri Asmus • Marie Assmus • Donald & Charlotte Aurand • Gayle Balster • Ted & Lois Banke • Dorothy & Glenn Banner • Lynn Barranger • Bob & Susan Bastian • Dan & Sarah Beane • Bill & LeeAnn Beck • John Beem • Franklin Behler • Timothy & Kristine Bennett • Jerry & Jane Bernecker • Amy & Derrick Bianchi • Carol & Mike Boehnke • Karla & Thomas Martin Bohmbach • Charlie & Lois Boll • Jean Bonior • Daniel & Natasha Bowlds • Randy & Marsha Brandt • Cliff Brockman • Chad & Roni Brueggemann • Maxine Burden • Karl & Nancy Cambronne • Lynn Celing • Vivian Chapin • Chris & Joan Christensen • Elmer Cool • Beth Cuda • Patricia Cummings • Cynthia Dahl • David & Kari Dahlin • John & Margaret Danno • Patrick & Kathleen Dean • Steve & Becky Del Rio • Douglas & Helen Didyoung • Michael & Sandra Difilippo • Duane & Susan Dippon • Nels Dovre • David & Nancy Dubberke • Carol Dunker • Calvin & Judith Eichhorst • Barry & Sharon Eid • Ruth Engelbert • Linda Engle • David & Marilyn Erickson • Michelle Evens • Mary Faulstich • Ronald & Alma Flandermeyer • Bruce & Sue Floyd • Kirsten Fodness • Heather Foseide • Eugene & Patricia Fulghum • Lonnie Fuller • David & Linda Fulton • Michael & Jennifer Gallagher • Jim & Deanne Gerking • Ned & Mrs Gosa • David & Mary Graper • Lynne Groskurth • Craig & Carol Guinta • Ray & Nellie Faye Hagberg • Robert & Sandra Haines • Luke & Clare Halverson • Scott & Carol Hamre • Amber & Zachary Harder • Jim & Debbie Haugan • Mark Haugen • Alex Havens • Michael & Sabine Heckenberger • Howard Heidebrink • Orlando Helgerson • Jay & Betsy Hickey • Jeffrey & Shelly Higgins • John & BJ Hitchcock • John & Angie Hobson • Patricia & Gary Hoenshell • Ken Hooper • Charles & Marsha Horkey • Allen & Cynthia Hortop • Diana Huey • Irving & Joanne Hulbert • Jerold & Nancy Hurliman • Erami & Kara Izquierdo • Harold & Janice Jernigan • Mary Jane Joehlin • Becky Johnson • Kevin & Lori Ann Johnson • Elsie Johnson • Gary Johnson • Darlynn Jones • Jeffrey & Jennifer Jordan • Diane Kane • Keith Keihl • James & Nancy Kennedy • Dennis & Jane Kieft • Timothy & Tina King • Kenneth & Evelyn Knight • John & Dianne Knuteson • Kevin & Nicole Koch • David & Cindy Koch • Dennis & Sherri Koehntopp • Kristy & Luke Kotovic • Tim & Kim Kroll • Paul & Julie Krueger • Gale & Bobbie Lair • Daniel & Ruth Larson • Donna Leach • Darcy & Jacque Leerssen • Marianne LeGreco • Emily Lenz • Sandra Leppanen • Ronald & Lois Lerom • Larry & Linda Lewis • Bret & Sandra Lindaman • Monica Lites • William & Christina Londenberg • Thomas Lucas • John & Donna Magyar • George Mahler • Hilary Mahoney • Rodney & Nancy Marshall • Lisa Mason • George Mason • Steve & Cheryl McAninch • Debra McCleary • John & Nancy McCoy • Fred & Sandi McCracken • Tina & David McGuffey • David & Paula McPherson • William & Myra Melad • Lyle Middendorf • Marc & Susan Miller • Doug & Virginia Miller • Kay Millies-Wright • Elaine Morse • Kathryn Morton • Jim Mueller • Rick & Linda Muth • Linda & Rick Muth • Jonathon & Barbara Nadler • Roland & Sue Nagel • Lorri & Anthony Neeley • Robert & Christina Neeley • Keith & Jane Nelsen • Delos Nelson • Nancy Nelson • Steve & Cheryl Newhouse • Brian Norsman • Mark & Carol Oliver • Kip & Mary Othold • John & Michelle Pavasars • Kyle Pedersen •

Gerald & Susan Perkins • Dixie Perkins • Janice Peters • Joseph & Mrs. Phillips • Richard & Carol Plowman • Randy & Ann Poulson • Rolland & Sharon Preuss • Dean & Tonia Purkoski • Jim Puskar • Silke Pyrlik • George Reinbold • Eric Reishus • Richard Rentz • James & Debbie Repp • Mike & Janet Rhoda • Fred & Becky Rice • David & Cathy Roberson • Lowery & Vicky Robinson • Ralph & Kathleen Rognlie • Dave & Doris Rollens • Jeffery & Jeanne Roscoe • Russ & Shari Rourke • Peter & Madeline Ruehlicke • Thomas Rummel • David & Janice Rykken • Charles & Ruth Salvaggio • Lee & Jo Lee Sandelbach • Ed & Janeen Sanders • Susan Schalon • Joseph & Joan Schardl • Tara & Daniel Schmidt • Dan Schmidt • Sherry Scott • Tamara Scott-Gantz • Gordon & Elsie Selbo • Sam Shaffer • Jim & Pat Shaw • Maryann Shaw • Rosann Shepherd • Orville & Mary Sides • Josiah Sjostrom • Jim & Patricia Small • Andrew Smith • JoAnn Smith • Cheryl Smith • Dan & Pam Smith • Michael & Pamela Sneath • Daniel & Janice Somers • Jim & Lois Sowles • Larry & Corlis Sowles • Mark & Elaine Spademan • Jim Stage • Barbara Starling • Jean Stewart • Henry & Karen Stewart • Sterling & Barbara Strause • Randy & Pat Strom • Randy & Susan Stuckemeyer • Jay Thorson • Randy & Kathy Torgerson • David & Elaine Tornero • James & Lois Urnes • Richard & Mary Jane Valuck • Don & Cathy Van Hove • Robert & Deb VanHoef • Charles & Linda Volz • Duane Voorman • Howard & Rena Wagner • Jerry & Noreen Waller • Gabrielle & Peter Walsh • Eugene & Joan Ward • Nancy Webb • Thomas & Bonnie Wells • Carol Mae Wendt • Janet Wenk • David & Linda Werman • Margie Wesinger • Gordon & Chris White • Mark & Diane Wiedemann • Reid & Kathy Willen • Tom & Betty Wirt • Len & Florence Woehler • Al & Tiffani Wollum • Ray & Eunice Wollum • Elaine Wood • Ray & Lisa Zaun • Alan & Diane Zeithamer



Youth Encounter would like to thank the following businesses, churches, and organizations for their support.

$25,000 +Thrivent Financial for Lutherans; Appleton, WI

$5,000- $9,999Calvary Lutheran Church; Golden Valley, MN • St John Lutheran Church; Alexandria, VA

$2,500- $4,999Christ Hamilton United Lutheran Church; Stroudsburg, PA • Community of Hope Lutheran Church; Tucson, AZ • Faith Lutheran Church; North Palm Beach, FL • Grace Lutheran Church; Lafayette, IN • Grace Lutheran Church; Westbrook, MN • Living Word Lutheran Church; Moses Lake, WA • Resurrection Lutheran Church; Cary, NC • St John Lutheran Church; Beaver Dam, WI • St Matthew Lutheran Church; Davenport, IA

$1,000- $2,499Big Timber Lutheran Church; Big Timber, MT • Calvary Lutheran Church; Verona, NJ • Christ Community Church; Columbia, IL • Christ the King Lutheran Church; Birmingham, AL • Faith Lutheran Church; Hutchinson, MN • Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund; Boston, MA • First Lutheran Church; Rice Lake, WI • Holy Trinity Lutheran Church; Edmond, OK • Lutheran Church of the Covenant; Dale City, VA • Lutheran Community Foundation; Minneapolis, MN • Messiah Lutheran Church; Plano, TX • Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church; Naperville, IL • Saint Michael Lutheran Church; Baltimore, MD • Saint Olaf Lutheran Church; Fort Dodge, IA • Saint Paul Lutheran Church; Imlay City, MI • Saint Timothy Lutheran Church; Bemus Point, NY • Thrivent Financial for Lutherans; North Saint Paul, MN • Thrivent Financial for Lutherans; Baltimore, MD • Trinity Lutheran Church; Mount Morris, IL

$500- $999Calvary Lutheran Church; Alexandria, MN • Cross Lutheran Church; Burlington, WI • Faith Lutheran Church; Little Rock, AR • Good Shepherd Lutheran Church; Manchester, MO • Grace Lutheran Church; Ashland, OR • Heritage Lutheran Church; Valparaiso, IN • Holy Trinity Luth Church; Brant Beach, NJ • Messiah Lutheran Church; Hays, KS • Our Redeemer Lutheran Church; Overland, MO • Roseville Lutheran Church; Roseville, MN • Sauk Valley Lutheran Church; Osakis, MN • Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church; Sidney, MT • South Main Baptist Church; Houston, TX • St John Lutheran Church; Saginaw, MN • Trinity Lutheran Church; Sheridan, WY • Word of Peace Lutheran Church; Rogers, MN

$250- $499Bemus Pt United Methodist Church; Bemus Point, NY • Coca-Cola Enterprises Bottling Companies; Brandon, FL • El Milagro/The Miracle; Minneapolis, MN • Faith Lutheran Church; Monticello, MN • First Baptist Church; Kirksville, MO • First Presbyterian Church; Fenton, MI • Grace Lutheran Church; Reading, PA • Hettinger Lutheran Church; Hettinger, ND • Holy Cross Lutheran Church; Maple Lake, MN • Immanuel Lutheran Church; Forest City, IA • King of Glory Lutheran Church; Billings, MT • Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd; Salinas, CA • Palestine Lutheran Church; Huxley, IA • Resurrection Lutheran Church; Newport News, VA • St Andrew Lutheran Church; Mundelein, IL • St Paul Lutheran Church; Oregon, IL • Zion & Lost Island Lutheran Churches; Ruthven, IA

pArtnEring with congrEgAtions to strEngthEn thEir Youth MinistrY.

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