yizkor book of remembrance 5781 2020 2021 · 2020. 9. 15. · we flourish as flowers in the field....

Post on 04-Oct-2020






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rvkzy Yizkor

Book of Remembrance 5781 2020 - 2021

May the pains of past bereavements grow more gentle;

indeed, let them be transformed into gratitude to our

dear ones who have died and tenderness to those who are still with us.

The following prayer may be recited by worshippers who are blessed by having their parents still living while others are reciting Yizkor: ALMIGHTY GOD, while those who have lost their parents and their dear ones call to mind those who have gone to their eternal rest, I at this solemn moment raise my eyes unto You, the Giver of Life, and from a grateful heart thank You for Your mercies in having preserved the life of my beloved father and mother. MAY it be Your will, O Lord my God and the God of my ancestors, to bless them with health and strength, so that they may be with me for many years to come. Bless them even as they have blessed me, and guard them even as they have guarded me. IN return for all their affection and the sacrifices which they have made for me, may I bring them joy and lighten their cares. May it be my privilege to help them in every way that lies within my power; may I learn to understand and recognize the duty I owe unto them, that I may never have cause to reproach myself when it is too late. SHIELD my home from all sorrow. May peace and harmony and Your spirit ever reign within its walls. Keep me true to You and to all with whom I contact so that I may do Your will with a perfect heart, my God in Heaven. Amen.


Adonai, what are we humans, that You have regard for us,

mere mortals, that You take account of us?

We are as a breath,

Our days are like a fleeting shadow.

In the morning they flourish anew,

In the evening they shrivel and die.

Teach us to number our days,

That we may acquire a heart of wisdom.

The Lord redeems the life of God’s servants;

And those who trust in God shall not feel forsaken.

I have set the Lord before me always,

God is at my right hand; I shall not fail.

Therefore my heart rejoices, my whole being exults,

And my body rests secure.



There is a time for everything;

there is a time for all things under the sun:

a time to be born and a time to die

a time to laugh and a time to cry

a time to dance and a time to mourn

a time to seek and a time to lose

a time to forget and a time to remember.

This day in sacred convocation we remember those

who gave us life.

This day we remember those who enriched our life with

love and with beauty, with kindness and compassion, with

thoughtfulness and understanding.

This day we renew the bonds that bind us to those

who have gone the way of all the earth.

As we reflect upon those whose memory moves us this day,

we seek consolation, and the strength and the insight born

of faith.



Tender as parents with their children,

the Lord is merciful with the worshippers.

God knows how we are fashioned;

God remembers that we are dust.

Our days are as grass;

We flourish as flowers in the field.

The wind passes over them and they are gone,

and no one can recognize where they grew.

But the Lord’s compassion for the worshippers,

God’s righteousness to children’s children,

remain, age after age, unchanging.

Three score and ten our years may number,

four score years if granted the vigor.

Laden with trouble and travail,

life quickly passes, it flies away.

Teach us to use all of our days, O Lord,

that we may attain a heart of wisdom.

Grant us of Your love in the morning,

that we may joyously sing all our days.



I haven’t forgotten you, even though it’s been some time now

since I’ve seen your face, touched your hand, heard your voice.

You are with me all the time.

I used to think you left me. I know better now. You come to me.

Sometimes in fleeting moments I feel your presence close by.

But I still miss you. And nothing — no person, no joy, no accom-

plishment, no distraction, not even God — can fill the gaping

hole your absence has left in my life.

But mixed together with all my sadness, there is a great joy for

having known you. I want to thank you for the time we shared,

for the love you gave, for the wisdom you spread.

Thank you for the magnificent moments and for the ordinary ones

too. There was beauty in our simplicity. Holiness in our

unspectacular days. And I will carry the lessons you taught me


Your life has ended, but your light can never be extinguished. It

continues to shine upon me even on the darkest nights and

illuminates my way.

I light this candle in your honor and in your memory. May God

bless you as you have blessed me with love, with grace and with

peace. Amen.

Rabbi Naomi Levy,

“Talking with God”



Memories. Photographs. Video and audio recordings. We try our best to remember our loved ones as they were. We try our best to remember them as though they are still here. We try our best to remember their lessons of life, their sense of humor, and their beautiful songs. We try our best to remember them for their strength and their courage, for their standing for justice and for peace. We try our best to remember them with their passion and determination, for rising for the fallen and for speaking truths. In this solemn hour, we try our best to remember, for they endure in our hearts forever.

Hayim Weiss


May those we loved and lost visit us in our dreams

and in all our days. May their memory, their legacy,

their love, and their light shine on us always. Amen.

Rabbi Naomi Levy,

“Einstein and the Rabbi”



Do not come when I am dead

To sit beside a low green mound,

Or bring the first gay daffodils,

Because I love them so,

for I shall not be there.

You cannot find me there.

Where will I be?

I will be reflected from the bright eyes of little children;

In the smile of a bride under the chupah;

In the flames of Shabbat candles at the family simcha.

I will warm your hands through the glow of the winter fire;

I will soothe you with the drop of the rain on the roof;

I will speak to you out of the wisdom of the sages;

And make your heart leap with the rhythm of a hora;

I will flood your soul with the flaming radiance of the sunrise,

And bring you peace in the tender rose and

gold of the after-sunset.

All these have made me happy.

They are a part of me; I shall become part of them.

Juanita DeLong



Some of us recall parents who watched over us, nursed us, guided us, and sacrificed for us.

Some of us lovingly call to mind a wife, husband, or partner with whom we were truly united—in our hopes and our pains, in our failures and our achievements, in our joys and our sorrows.

Some of us remember brothers and sisters, who grew up together with us, sharing in the play of childhood, in the youthful adventure of discovering life’s possibilities, bound to us by a heritage of family tradition and by years of togetherness and love.

Some of us call to mind children, entrusted to us too briefly, to whom we gave our loving care and from whom we received a trust that enriched our lives.

So many of us recall beloved relatives and friends whose affection and devotion enhanced our lives, and whose visible presence will never return to cheer, encourage, or support us.

Though they are gone, we are grateful for the blessings they brought to our lives. We are sustained and comforted by the thought that their presence in our lives remains an enduring blessing that we can bequeath to others. We can show our devotion to them by our devotion to those ideas that they cherished.

O God of love, make us worthy of the love we have received by teaching us to love You with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our might, and to spread the light of Your divine love on all whose lives touch ours.

Give us strength to live faithfully, for we are cheered by our confidence that You will not permit our lives to be wasted, but will bring all our worthy strivings to live on, even as we may not see their fulfillment.

Mordecai M. Kaplan, Eugene Kohn, and Ira Eisenstein



A personal meditation

Eternal God, Master of mercy, give me the gift of remembering.

May my memories of the dead be tender and true, undiminished

by time; let me recall them, and love them, as they were. Shelter

me with the gift of tears. Let me express my sense of loss, my

sorrow, my pain, as well as my love, and words unspoken. Bless

me with the gift of prayer.

May I face You with an open heart, with trusting faith,

unembarrassed and unashamed. Strengthen me with the gift of

hope. May I always believe in the beauty of life, the power of

goodness, the right to joy.

May I surrender my being, and the soul of the dead,

to Your all-knowing compassion.

Each congregant continues with the appropriate passages among the following, in silent meditation. Personal meditations may also be added.

We rise.



May God remember the soul of my father who has gone to his eternal home. In loving testimony to his life I pledge charity to help perpetuate ideals important to him. Through such deeds, and through prayer and remembrance, is his soul bound up in the bond of life. May I prove myself worthy of the gift of life and the many other gifts with which he blessed me. May these moments of meditation strengthen the ties that link me to his memory and to our entire family. May he rest forever in dignity and peace. Amen.

Additional meditation in memory of a father

In memory of your life, dear father, rises before me this solemn hour as I recall all the kindness, love and encouragement which you showed me during your life. With untiring zeal you provided for my physical and spiritual needs. You rejoiced in my achievements, you guided me in my perplexities, and strengthened me in my trials and disappointments. I can pay you the tribute which you so richly deserve, by cherishing the ideals and principles you have taught me, by continuing the noble work you have left unfinished, by loyally upholding the heritage of Israel which you have transmitted unto me, and by serving my people and all who need me. Though you are gone from my physical view, the bond of love which unites us can never be severed. May the memories of your life spur me on to follow truth and righteousness. Amen.



May God remember the soul of my mother who has gone to her eternal home. In loving testimony to her life I pledge charity to help perpetuate ideals important to her. Through such deeds, and through prayer and remembrance, is her soul bound up in the bond of life. May I prove myself worthy of the gift of life and the many other gifts with which she blessed me. May these moments of meditation strengthen the ties that link me to her memory and to our entire family. May she rest forever in dignity and peace. Amen.

Additional meditation in memory of a mother

Though we are separated, dear mother, in this solemn hour, I call to mind the love and solicitude with which you tended and watched over my childhood, ever mindful of my welfare, and ever anxious for my happiness. Many were the sacrifices you made to ennoble my heart and instruct my mind. What I achieved is because of your influence, and what I am, I have become through you. Though you are no longer physically present, the lessons that you imparted unto me shall ever remain with me.

If at times, I have failed in showing you the love and appreciation which you so worthily deserved, if I have been thoughtless and ungrateful, I ask to be forgiven. I pray that your spirit inspire me to noble and intelligent living, so that when my days on earth are ended, and I arrive at the Throne of Mercy, I shall be deemed worthy of you, and to be reunited with you in God. Amen.





May God remember the soul of my wife who has gone to her eternal home. In loving testimony to her life I pledge charity to help perpetuate ideals important to her. Through such deeds, and through prayer and remembrance, is her soul bound up in the bond of life. Love is as strong as death; deep bonds of love are indissoluble. The memory of our companionship and love overcomes loneliness, for all that we shared still endures. May she rest forever in dignity and peace. Amen.

May God remember the soul of my husband who has gone to his eternal home. In loving testimony to his life I pledge charity to help perpetuate ideals important to him. Through such deeds, and through prayer and remembrance, is his soul bound up in the bond of life. Love is as strong as death; deep bonds of love are indissoluble. The memory of our companionship and love overcomes loneliness, for all that we shared still endures. May he rest forever in dignity and peace. Amen.


Additional meditation in memory of a husband or a wife

With a sorrowing heart, O beloved ________ I fondly recall your love and companionship, your tenderness and devotion, and the many comforts and joys you brought into my life. Though death has taken you from me, the bond which unites us cannot be broken.

O God, I pray that my grief at the departure of my beloved, engender within me sympathy and kindness, understanding and helpfulness toward all mankind. Grant that the memories of my dear one impel me to seek goodness and truth, to serve Israel and humanity. Teach me by my aspirations and daily living to reflect honor upon my beloved who was dear to me in life. Be Thou my comfort and strength. Amen.

May God remember the soul of my beloved son/brother who has gone to his eternal home. In loving testimony to his life I pledge charity to help perpetuate ideals important to him. Through such deeds, and through prayer and remembrance, is his soul bound up in the bond of life. I am grateful for the sweetness of his life and for all he accomplished is his lifetime. May he rest forever in dignity and peace. Amen.



May God remember the soul of my beloved daughter/sister who has gone to her eternal home. In loving testimony to her life I pledge charity to help perpetuate ideals important to her. Through such deeds, and through prayer and remembrance, is her soul bound up in the bond of life. I am grateful for the sweetness of her life and for all she did accomplish in her lifetime. May she rest forever in dignity and peace. Amen.

Additional meditation in memory of a child

I remember in this solemn hour, beloved child, the many joys you afforded me during your lifetime. I recall the days when I delighted in your physical and mental growth, and planned for your future. Though death has taken you from me, you are not forgotten. Your spirit is enshrined in my heart.

O heavenly Provider, I thank Thee for the precious gift which Thou didst entrust to my keeping, and which in Thine infinite wisdom Thou hast called back unto Thyself. Though few were the years wherein I rejoiced with my child, many were the blessings that he (she) brought into my household. Teach me to live more nobly and to extend my love and devotion to other children in thankfulness for the privilege of having had and loved this child, though but for a few, brief years. Thus may his (her) soul be bound up in the bond of life and his (her) memory remain an inspiration to me. Amen.




God, we are weary and grieved. We were anticipating the birth of a child, but the promise of life was ended too soon. Our arms yearned to cradle new life, our mouths to sing soft lullabies. Our hearts ache from the emptiness and the silence. We are sad-dened and we are angry. We weep and we mourn. Weep with us, God, Creator of Life, for the life that could not be. Source of healing, help us to find healing among those who care for us and those for whom we care. Shelter us under wings of love and help us to stand up again for life even as we mourn our loss.

Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso “My Jewish Learning”

May God remember the soul of ___________________ and of all relatives and friends who have gone to their eternal home. In loving testimony to their lives I pledge charity to help perpetuate ideals important to them. Through such deeds, and through prayer and remembrance, are their souls bound up in the bond of life. May these moments of meditation strengthen the ties that link me to their memory. May they rest forever in dignity and peace. Amen.



Dear God,

You know my heart. Indeed, You know me better than I know

myself, so I turn to You before I rise for Kaddish.

My emotions swirl as I say this prayer. The parent I remember

was not kind to me. His/her death left me with a legacy of

unhealed wounds, of anger and of dismay that a parent could hurt

a child as I was hurt.

I do not want to pretend to love, or to grief that I do not feel, but I

do want to do what is right as a Jew and as a child.

Help me, O God, to subdue my bitter emotions that do me no

good, and to find that place in myself where happier memories

may lie hidden, and where grief for all that could have been, all

that should have been, may be calmed by forgiveness, or at least

soothed by the passage of time.

I pray that You, who raise up slaves to freedom, will liberate me

from the oppression of my hurt and anger, and that You will lead

me from this desert to Your holy place.

Robert Saks




On this solemn day of memorial, we recall in loving remembrance the sons of Congregation Beth Shalom who served in the armed forces of the United States of America and who gave their last, full measure of devotion in its service and in service of all Humanity. Harry Fineman Benjamin M. Simon Seymour Miller Arthur M. Blatman Bernard I. Greenberg Harry M. First Herbert Rubenstein Maurice Jacobs Nathan Balick Robert Lisansky Herman Cohen

Mayest Thou, O God, comfort the hearts of their beloved ones. And may their souls rest in peace. Amen.


We lovingly recall the members of our Congregation who have died since we gathered in this sanctuary from last Rosh HaShanah to this Rosh HaShanah.

They have a special place in our hearts. We pray this day that all who have sustained the loss of loved ones in the year gone by be granted comfort and strength.

Exalted compassionate God, comfort the bereaved families of this congregation and their loved ones. Help all of us to perpetuate the worthy values in the lives of those no longer with us, whose names we respectfully recall:

Lillian Waxman Balick Annette Kellem Miriam Burr Elsie Zutz Klein Yetta Zutz Chaiken Roberta “Renee” Markovitz Elaine Cohen Rosalie Popper Mildred Cohen Jean Sachs Robert Davis Louis Weiner Barbara “Bobbi” Ertel Ann D. Zion

May their memory endure as a blessing. And let us say: Amen.


Exalted, compassionate God, grant infinite rest in Your sheltering

presence, among the holy and pure, to the souls of our brethren

who perished in the Shoah—men, women, and children of the

House of Israel who were slaughtered and suffocated and burned

to ashes. May their memory endure, and inspire deeds of charity

and goodness in our lives. May their souls thus be bound up in the

bond of life. May they rest in peace. And let us say: Amen.



Exalted, compassionate God, grant infinite rest in Your sheltering

presence, among the holy and pure, to the souls of all our beloved

who have gone to their eternal home. Merciful One, we ask that

our loved ones find perfect peace in Your tender embrace, their

memory enduring as inspiration for commitment to their ideals

and integrity in our lives. May their souls thus be bound up in the

bond of life. May they rest in peace. And let us say: Amen.



Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow; I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain; I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awaken in the morning hush, I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there; I did not die.




The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Adonai makes me lie down in green pastures; The Lord leads me, beside the still waters.

Adonai restores my soul; The Lord guides me in straight paths for Adonai’s holy name.

Truly, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff give me comfort.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I shall dwell in the house of Adonai forever.

Ani ma-amin be-emunah sh’leima b’viat ha-mashiach. V’af

al pi she-yitmahmei-a, Im kol zeh ani ma-amin im

kol zeh achakeh lo b’chol yom sheyavo.

I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah, and

although God may tarry, I still believe; although God may tarry, I

will wait daily for God’s coming.



El maley rakhamim,

God, full of mercy, who dwells above,

Remind us of your Divine Presence here, below,

where hearts break as blood flows.

Our neighborhood has lost dozens and dozens of community

members and beloveds to gun violence in just the last few years,

and we are not alone.

Give rest on the wings of the Divine Presence to the souls of

these individuals whose lives were taken far too soon

And may they find rest on your wings in the knowledge that we,

their neighbors, their survivors, will not forget them and will not

forget the work that we must do to fix this broken world.

Merciful One, as we work to protect living souls so that no more

lives will be lost to guns, protect our lost neighbors and loved

ones’ souls forever. The Everlasting is their heritage, and they

shall rest peacefully at their lying places.

And let us say: Amen.

Rabbi Hannah Spiro



Avinu Shebashamayim Heavenly Father, Master of the Universe,

we mourn for those who were murdered and pray that You will

grant consolation to their families in the depths of their grief.

Send a speedy recovery to the injured and peace of mind to all

who have been traumatized by this act of barbarity.

Help us, Almighty God, to promote reconciliation and respect

between the faiths and their adherents in this land, so that we may

live in peace and security, working together for the good of all.

May the love of unity, compassion, justice, peace and harmony

prevail over the forces of darkness who use terror to achieve their

perverted goals.

Grant us the resolve to live together under the tabernacle of Your

peace, as it is written, “they shall beat their swords into

plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks...”

May this be Your will and let us say, Amen.

excerpt from

Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis (May 2017)

Manchester, England



Rabbi Jessica Fisher (April 2020)

Beth El Synagogue Center

New Rochelle, NY

Exalted, compassionate God who dwells in the heavens, grant

true rest in Your sheltering presence to the souls of those who

have died alone these past months, without family or friends to

hold their hands or sit at their bedsides, because of the dangers of

the coronavirus.

Master of Mercy, please grant these souls the comfort and warmth

they were denied in their last days. May their memory be a

blessing and may they be held eternally beneath Your sheltering


Remember, too, the souls of those who contracted the virus while

caring for others--the health care professionals, those who work

with the elderly, essential workers of all kinds, chaplains, and

faith leaders. In their memory we pray. May our lives reflect a

measure of their bravery and dedication.

May all of these souls be bound up in the bond of life and may

they be remembered with honor.



Almighty and eternal God, we recall those whom Thou has

summoned unto Thee. In love we remember their kind words and

their unselfish deeds. We thank Thee, O Lord, for their lives, for

our companionship with them, for the sweet memories they leave

behind. May we, in tribute to our departed, live wisely,

courageously and usefully. Thus will our departed be bound up in

the bond of life and endure as a living influence among us.

Comfort, we pray Thee, those who mourn. Strengthen them in

their sorrow and deepen their faith as we rise to sanctify Thy


Mourn me not with tears, ashes or sackcloth. Nor dwell in darkness, sadness or remorse.

Remember that I love you, and wish for you a life of song. My immortality, if there be such for me, is not in tears, blame or self-recrimination.

But in the joy you give to others, in raising the fallen and loosening the fetters of the bound.

In your loyalty to God’s special children – the widow, the orphan, the poor, the stranger in your gates, the weak – I take pride.

The fringes of the tallit placed on my body are torn, for the dead cannot praise You, O Lord.

The dead have no mitzvot. But your tallit is whole and you are alive, and alive you are called to mitzvot.

You can choose, you can act, you can transform the world. My immortality is bound up with God’s eternity, with God’s justice, truth and righteousness.

And that eternity is strengthened by your loyalty and your love. Honor me with laughter and with goodness. With these, the better part of me lives on beyond the grave.

Rabbi Harold Schulweis Memorial Prayers





Congregation and Mourner:





Yitgadal v'yitkadash sh'mei raba, b'alma di-v'ra chirutei, v'yamlich malchutei, b'chayeichon uvyomeichon uvchayei d'chol beit yisrael, ba'agala uvizman kariv, v'im'ru: Amain.

Magnified and sanctified be the name of God throughout the world which was created by and according to the will of God. May God establish the divine kingdom during the days of your life and during the life of all the house of Israel, speedily, and let us say, Amen.

Congregation and Mourner:

Y'hei sh'mei raba m'varach l'alam ul'almei almaya.

May God’s great name be blessed forever and ever.


Yitbarach v'yishtabach, v'yitpa'ar v'yitromam v'yitnaseh, v'yithadar v'yit'aleh v'yit'halal sh'mei d'kud'sha, b'rich hu, L’eyla (l’eyla) mi-kol bir-hata v’shi-rata Tush-b’hata v’ne-hemata da-amiran b’alma, v’imru Amain.

Exalted and honored be the name of the Holy One, source of blessing, whose glory transcends, and is beyond all praises, hymns and blessings that humanity can render, and let us say, Amen.

Y'hei shlama raba min-sh'maya v'chayim aleinu v'al-kol-yisrael, v'im'ru: amain.

May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life for us and for all Israel and let us say, Amen.

Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya'aseh shalom aleinu v'al kol-yisrael, v'imru: Amain.

May the One, who establishes peace in the heavens, grant peace to us and to all Israel; and let us say, Amen.






Diane Aaron Joseph Maline Rubin Aaron David Maline Mildred Aaron Alice Maline David Aaron

Remembered by Howard Aaron

Howard Sabin Harold Abramson Michael Sabin Mildred Abramson

Remembered by Ellen and Ben Abramson and Family

Donald Adelman

Remembered by The Adelman Family

Norman Weiner Herbert Keller Esther Weiner Norma Keller William Weiner Ernest Saunders Max Aerenson Jean Saunders Minnie Aerenson Frances B. Aerenson

Remembered by Phyllis and Norman Aerenson

Esther Weiner Frances Aerenson Max Aerenson Sylvia Berger Minnie Aerenson Harry Berger William Weiner

Remembered by Robert and Sylvia Aerenson and Family

Sidney Albom Helen Goldberg Rose Albom Aaron Goldberg Jack Sherman Ann Zion

Remembered by Tammy, Mark, Aaron, and Jacob Albom

Keith J. Alexander Robert F. Kan Steven L. Alexander

Remembered by Elly and Rick Alexander and Family

Sondra Kay Kenneth Shader Seymour Kay Lisa Appelbaum

Remembered by Brian, Pam, Rachel Shayna and Jordan Appelbaum


Steven L. Matter Mae Steinberg Jack Matter Irvin Jacobs Mike Leon Bloom Carolyn Matter-Berger Herbert Steinberg Howard Aronson

Remembered by Anita Matter-Aronson

Fae-Lee Bailis Herman Rothberg Beatrice Bailis Reba Rothberg Harry Bailis

Remembered by Abraham and Janet Bailis and Family

Jennie Balick Simon Balick Walter Shaffer Clarissa Shaffer Jerry Balick Martin Balick Jack Shaffer Max Shaffer Sidney Balick Albert J. Stiftel

Remembered by Bernard and Helen Balick

Max and Alice Feldman Martin and Lillian Balick Millie and George Rosenbaum Ruth Lescaud Rebecca Weintraub Fannie and David Waxman Seymour Waxman Steven Westerman

Remembered by Ester and Leslie Balick and Family

Abraham Young Philip Zeidman Beatrice Young Fannie Zeidman Louis Barth Anna Yosovitz Sarah Barth Harry Yosovitz Mel Fisher Robert Cowen Harriet Risman Dorothy Indeck Janet Kessin Bernard Indeck

Remembered by Nedda and Howard Barth and Family


Esther Green Alan Beals Avrom Green Diane Rochlin Sonya Rochlin Raie Beals Moses Rochlin Anna Lukin William Beals David Lukin Philip Tammer Denise Osharow Stanley Green Jerry Fineblum Michal Cherrin Arthur Stuart Hass Patricia Tammer Mark Hass Sidney Tammer Gustav Hass Sol Fineblum Pauline Ann Hass Charlie Brucker Rita Brucker Sydney Serritt Alma Serritt Katinka Easton

Remembered by Ariella, Shira, Rabbi Michael and Elissa Green Beals

Rosel Wolf Sally Green Arthur Wolf Herman Bennett Rachel Wolf Matthew Bennett Shirley Seiden Smith Ellen Pregl Anna Greenfield Anna Bernatsky Gladys Zuckerman Michael Bennett Pam Roth-Berman

Remembered by Lew Bennett and Diane Wolf

Grace First Berger Edmond Jacobs Morry Berger Joseph Mattes Nathan Berger Kate Mattes Sarah Berger Bill Sklut Theodore Berger Bea Sklut Miriam Berger Irv Berger Carol June Sherr Ted Mattes Leah Berger Paula Mattes Haynes Harry M. Berger Jimmy Berger

Remembered by Philip and Diane Berger

Gerry Berman Bruce Cohen Ted Berman Sidney Cohen Michael Berman Shirley E. Cohen

Remembered by Debbie, Bob, Andy and Danette, Ken and MaryPat Berman


Rosalyn and Herman Gordon Paul Bernhardt Herschel Gordon Leah and Morris Freedenberg

Remembered by Rabbi Ellen and Dr. Steven Bernhardt and Family

Sheila Bernstein Ronald Epstein Lillian Bernstein Anna Epstein Morris Bernstein Lou Epstein Brenda Bernstein Herman Rasdolsky Jeanette Oser Carolyn Rasdolsky Julius Oser Gert Kutner

Remembered by The Bernstein Family

Lawrence Biener Melvin Ratner Muriel Biener Janet Ratner

Remembered by Frances Ratner and Steven Biener

George Bleier Margie B. Bleier Harriet R. Bleier

Remembered by Alan Bleier

Isaac Bloom Philip Sawyer, M.D. Ed Duffy Cyta Sawyer

Remembered by Mace, Joy, Mark, Cassandra and Fisher Bloom,

Ilene, Eran and Yael Cohen

Joseph H. Bloom Ralph Friedberg Robert L. Ellis Richard Marcus

Remembered by Seth, Kathy, Rachel, Adam, Rae, and Liora Bloom

Betty Hembree Marvin Blumberg George Hembree

Remembered by The Blumberg/Hembree Family


Vivian Steiger Ruthe Granite Natalie Greenberg Sidney Granite Jerome Blumberg Joseph Granite Morris Fischer Celia Granite Florence Fischer Jack Liebman Pauline Liebman Benjamin Greenberg Alvin E. Granite Sidney Steiger

Remembered by David and Barbara, Amy and Andrew Blumberg

Edmond H. Jacobs Fredric M. Rosen Betty Jacobs Nina Roffman Leon Jacobs Milton Roffman Lt. Col. Bernard I. Greenberg

Remembered by Beth, Bill, Emma and Madeline Bonsall

Joshua Borin Gladys and Harry David Zutz Fanny and Barney Rich Dorothy and David Zutz Elsie and Manny Klein Teddy Zutz Ruth and Maurice Goldstein Deborah Goldstein Stein Bebe and Jolly Handloff James Jamieson

Remembered by Marsha and Howard Borin and Family Hannah Arieff Braunstein Bertram W. Braunstein George Braunstein Clara Arieff Beverly Simon James Arieff Max Simon Anna Braunstein

Remembered by Sandra Braunstein and Samuel Powell

Ann G. Breslow Elizabeth Goodman David Breslow Joseph Goodman Fannie Breslow Maurice Goodman Ralph Breslow Pauline Goodman Alexander Breslow Daniel B. Seltzer Lawrence Breslow Lillian G. Stillman Mildred Novick David Goodman

Remembered by Family of Ann G. and David Breslow

Stanley Epstein

Remembered by Melissa Donimirski Brodsky


E. M. Budner Aaron Hollett Meyer Hirsch Budner Amos Hollett Ruth Budner Anne Hollett Sophie Budner Lena Hollett Fran Berkover David Krigstein Frank Berkover Isaac Krigstein Harry Glickman Rose Krigstein Rose Glickman Doris Hollett Budner Elaine Miriam Budner Gorsuch Dr. Israel H. Weiner Maxim Dadoun Jacob Sokoloff Mary Sokoloff

Remembered by Momilani and Stanley Budner and Family

Isaac L. Budovitch Isabella Greengold Myer Budovitch Mark J. Caplan Ethel Budovitch Mitchell Budovitch Samuel Greengold

Remembered by Mrs. Florence Budovitch

James H. Burns III Phyllis M. Lipsky Sarah Ashley Burns Erwin J. Lipsky

Remembered by Fran Lipsky-Burns and Halle Burns

Gerald Burr Samuel Nathan Simon Florence Brandes Lottie Burr Nathan Brandes Bernard D. Whittemore Wendy Simon Kappy Whittemore Barbara Davidson Beverly Giarra Ira Davidson Sandra Goldsmith Irv Goldsmith Miriam Burr

Remembered by Warren, Amy, Geri, Becky, and Abraham Burr

Byron Butt Joseph Schwartz Cele and Si Fox Rainey Kellog

Remembered by Warren Butt, Elaine Schmerling, Shira and Jordan, and Gladys Butt


Elihu Gottesman Max Bycer Muriel Gottesman Mildred Bycer Celia Bycer Bessie Schifrin Charles Bycer Saul Schifrin Harry Charlestein Bertha Gottesman Henrietta Charlestein Philip Gottesman

Remembered by Margo Gottesman-Bycer and Robert Bycer

Mark Jeffery Caplan Mitchell Brian Budovitch Ronald Caplan Isaac L. Budovitch Dorothy Smith Caplan Dr. Milton Caplan

Remembered by Rona Caplan, and Elana and Amber Brandes-Caplan

Bob Varner

Remembered by Erika Varner, Scott Caplan and Family

James N. Chaikin Esther Long Chaikin J. Jacob Baylson H. H. Chaikin Phyllis Baylson Garry Parker Helen Chaiken Blum Harold A. Parker Carroll W. Baylson Janet Parker Lewin

Remembered by Eddi Chaikin and Family

Joseph Chernekoff Mae Schier Bunny Solkin George Schier

Remembered by Norma Chernekoff

Paul Chesler Hilda Chesler

Remembered by Rabbi and Mrs. Keith Chesler and Children, Paul Aaron, Leonard Isaac, Hilda, Raphael Bernard,

Rachmiel Marvin, Jacob, Josiah Moses, Adele Sarah and Hezekiah Joshua Chesler

Walter Cloud Fredric Rosen Lt. Col. Bernard I. Greenberg Joseph Cloud, Sr. Milton Roffman Elizabeth Cloud Nina Roffman Beloved Family and Friends Edmond Jacobs

Remembered by Beverly Cloud and Meredith Cloud Rector


Bruce D. Cobin

Remembered by Marlene Cobin and Michael Cobin

Paul Cohen

Remembered by Benjie and Jodi Cohen and Family Seymour S. Cohen Nan Keil Cohen James Keil Cohen Helene Keil Marie Jacoby Shirley and Sidney Cohen Bruce Cohen Pauline and Edward Cohen Evelyn Elise Bundesen William A. Bundesen, Jr. Vinetta and Mart Martone Evelyn and Don Martone John D. Martone, Jr. Marie and Tom Martone Thomas A. Martone III Ruth and Bill Cann Peg and Bill Cann Carol Cann VanLoon Marilyn and David Levitsky

Remembered by Donna Cohen

Shirley Martin Gerald Cohen Rae Holtzman Zelda Cohen William Holtzman Michael Cohen

Remembered by Lorraine Cohen and Family

Herman Cohen Jacob Shore Abraham Cohen Leon Shore Arnold Cohen Morris Shore Janet Cohen Rose Shore Sarah Cohen

Remembered by the Family of Mildred Cohen

Elaine A. Cohen Edna Cohen Anne B. Abramov Philip Cohen Joseph Abramov Ruth Schwartz Martin Schwartz

Remembered by Mr. Robert Cohen

Albert Cohen Nathan E. Sklar Martha Henes Cohen Ruth G. Sklar Stephen Ira Cohen

Remembered by Robert and Barbara Cohen


Sidney Cohen Joseph Graboyes Vera Gitlow Mabel Mackoff Manny Gitlow Bruce Cohen Shirley E. Cohen

Remembered by Ron, Merle, and Valerie Cohen

Allen and Betty Chanan Robert and Sylvia Abrams David Cohn Isaac and Fortune Babani Shiri Siena Kaikov

Remembered by Cantor Elisa Abrams Cohn and Daniel Cohn

Joan DeKeyser Baron Toby Colton Robert Alex Baron Robert Colton

Remembered by Stacey, Steven and Jonathan Colton, and Andrew Kerber

Renée Gail Covin Dorothy Katherine Cooper Jordan Dale Covin David C. Cooper II Gordon E. Cooper David C. Cooper III

Remembered by Marla, Ross, Jordan and Ethan Cooper

Renée Gail Covin Jordan Dale Covin

Remembered by Dr. Jerome Covin

Robert Davis Hyman W. Davis Anna Sacks Sherman Mary Davis Mendel Sherman Morris Davis Saul Sherman Lewis Finkel Louis Sherman

Remembered by Arlene Davis and Family


Abraham Aaron Louis Deitcher Lillian Aaron Bessie Deitcher Sally Basevitz Wolfe Deitcher Betty Kreshtool Warren Deitcher Syd Derley

Remembered by Mrs. Thelma Deitcher, Eileen Deitcher and Candy Schachat

Eleanor Diznoff Miriam Westrich Alex Diznoff Sherman Westrich

Remembered by Betty and Barry Diznoff, Jennifer Matzner and Emily Diznoff

Eric Dolinger Stanley Harad Jay Dolinger Herman Dolinger Esther Harad Rae Dolinger Nathan Harad

Remembered by Judy Dolinger and Ed Squire, Neil, Rebecca and Julia Dolinger, Beth, Molly and Ben Dolinger

Brian Dombchik Ann P. Simon Henrietta B. Dombchik Abraham Simon, M.D. Louis Dombchik

Remembered by Steven, Rhoda, Jeffrey, Dawn, and Gregory Dombchik

Ellen Marie Downard Cheryl Gary Dorsch Ralph Broihier Downard Helen Rosowsky Michael Downard Arlene Blustein Ellen Carsch

Remembered by The Downard Family

Joseph Dressler Karol Szabo Roslyn Dressler

Remembered by Robert Dressler, Susan Szabo, Jeremy Dressler, Jane Seymour, Louisa Dressler, and Gabrielle Dressler

Mark Goldman Jennie Leventhal Charlotte Goldman Mollie Bergman Lawrence J. Driban

Remembered by Lisa and David Driban


Sarah Drowos Bertha Shusterman Harry Drowos Marjorie Havel Sam Drowos Jean Drowos Benjamin Shusterman I. Paul Drowos Ann Strickler Max Strickler

Remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Drowos, Bryan, Joanna, Lila and Jackson Drowos

Leonard Dukart Esther Hyman Dora Dukart Nathaniel Hyman Bonnie Dukart Susan Hirshman

Remembered by Barbara, Les, and Joel Dukart

Len Dukart Dora Dukart Bonnie Dukart

Remembered by Janet, Alan, Lisa and Curtis Dukart

Nathaniel Hyman Dora Dukart Esther Hyman Leonard Dukart Declan Roberts

Remembered by Mike, Kim and Eli Dukart

Ellin Dwares Gertrude Rudman Ida Dwares Harry A. Rudman Louis Dwares Louis Rudman Philip N. Dwares Mary Rudman Jennie Dwares Ida Caras Rose Cohen Max Caras

Remembered by Leonard Dwares, Rachel, Bob, Matthew, Jeffrey, David, Susan, Ethan, Jonah, and Anna

Avernus S. Lyon Allan T. and Betty Dym Esther and Jack Lyon H. Louis Morrison Max A. and Jeanette May Sam and Molly Morrison Harry and Rebecca Gelbwaks Norman and Mildred Morrison

Remembered by Shari, Aaron, Ari and Brian Dym


William H. Fost Frances Kurland Rebecca Fost Ida S. Edell Herbert Fost Beatrice Goldfarb Nathan Edell

Remembered by Dr. and Mrs. Steven Edell and Family

Robert Einhorn Theodore M. Silverman Ethel Silverman Charles Einhorn Fannie Einhorn Maxwell Silverman Doris Baum Silverman

Remembered by Nathalie and Carol Einhorn

Anita Elliott Shirley Elliott Walter Elliott

Remembered by Lisa Elliott and Thomas Leitch

Tillie Entel Mark Feigen Louis Entel Patricia Jempty Frances Feigen

Remembered by Esther and Leonard Entel and Family

Irving Epstein Tillie Epstein Morton Epstein

Remembered by Barbara, Phil, Rachel and Daniel Epstein

Barbara (Bobbi) Schuster Ertel Mamie Ertel Beatrice Fuld Schuster Harry Ertel Arthur Schuster Rhoda Ertel Jacobs Lina Rosenstack Fuld

Remembered by Norman Ertel and Family

Evelyn Stander Leonard Stander

Remembered by Dr. Robert and Kathy (Stander) Farber

Abraham and Bertha Feinson Charles and Irene Slosberg Abraham Dick Sylvia Saldinger Joel Feinson

Remembered by Deborah and Robert Feinson


Irving Gilbert Martha Kaufman Helen Gilbert Doris Kaufman Herman Cohen Arnold Cohen Mildred Cohen Janet Cohen

Remembered by Renée and Tom Felder and Family

Harry Ehrlich George Feldman Joan Ehrlich Sidney Feldman Helen Feldman

Remembered by Miriam Feldman and Family

Adele Abrams Lionel Felzer Stanley Mittin Doris Felzer

Remembered by Barbara, Stuart, Brian, and Alex Felzer

Edward Fine Leonard Strick Ann Fine Gloria Strick Howard Berg Seth Strick Sandra Berg

Remembered by Paul and Gloria Fine

Louis Finger Nathan Kraushar Dorothy K. Finger Sarah Kraushar Aaron Finger Jacob Krause Anna E. Finger Anna Krause Ruth F. Gordon Abraham Gordon

Remembered by Jonathan R. Finger, David L. Finger, and Susan J. Finger

Sylvia Mass Rebecca Fink Louis Mass Dr. Benjamin Fink Alex Rosenberg Dr. Robert Fink Esther Chernik Dr. Sondra Lynne Cramer

Remembered by Phyllis and Alan Fink

Gregory Joseph Fink Rae Fink Harold Fink Rose Rubin Alexander Rubin Jack Fink

Remembered by I. Hinda Fink, Fred and Cheryl Rubin


Julius Finkelman Florence Finkelman

Remembered by Roy and Pamela Finkelman

Nisson A. Finkelstein Rona G. Finkelstein

Remembered by the families of Jesse and Elizabeth Finkelstein and Loren Finkelstein and Shelly Toltz

Margery Anne Fisher Harry Fisher Herbert Fisher, M.D. Ida Fisher Lillian April Albert Schulman Morris April Cass Kardon Samuel April Kenneth (Bunny) Kardon Leon April S. Harry Galfand Miriam April Blanche Kramer Robert Luedtke

Remembered by Josephine and Fred Fisher

Estelle Berg Leon Pollett Herman Forman Dorothy Pollett Marvin Forman Grace Cherrin Herbert Keller

Remembered by Mrs. Ruth Forman and Family

Alfred Fitzgerald Waterland, Jr. Hugo W. Havet Katherine S. Waterland Guy Havet Helen S. Havet Chris Kowtna

Remembered by Nellie W. Forwood

Sharon Leichtman Ida and Rube Goldenberg

Remembered by Jodi Frank and Family

Robert Freedman Albert Heyman Stanley Freedman Esther Heyman Edith Freedman Harry Schwartz Abe Freedman Mollie Schwartz Shirley Freedman Stuart Schwartz Harry Bloom Pearl Bloom

Remembered by Fran Freedman and Family


Mary Friedland Elsie Gross Morris Friedland Mildred Gross Janiel Friedland Sylvia Shalen Donald Thailer Joe Bernofsky Gladys Thailer Irving Brecker Helen Brecker

Remembered by Allen and Stacey Friedland

Allen Friedman Thelma Anapol Toby Friedman Leonard Anapol

Remembered by Karen Friedman and Family

Eda Fruchtman Brenda Hewit Leon Fruchtman Gilda Hewit Bertha Bachner Lisa Hewit Joseph Greenbaum

Remembered by The Fruchtman Family

Fradelle Fuhrman James L. Reding Doris M. Reding Nathan Fuhrman

Remembered by The Fuhrman Family

Michael Hecht Ann Garber Samuel Garber

Remembered by Robert and Sena Garber and Family

Harriet H. Cohen Norman H. Cohen Al Goodman Becky Cohen Rhoda Goodman Henry Cohen Jeannette Goodman Stanley Cohen Jerome Goodman Selma Cohen

Remembered by Meryl Gardner, Isaac Schlecht and Bill Spinn

Norman Gardner Ida Preven Belle Gardner Abe Preven

Remembered by Sheila Gardner and Family


Leonard Levin Simon Ger Rose Levin Rachel Ger

Remembered by Errol and Ruth Ann Ger, Dana Ger, Leora Bloom and Families

Pam Roth-Berman Dr. Louis Gillman David Honig Phelia Gillman Helen Honig

Remembered by Berman Gillman Family

Robert M. Cahn Mildred C. Glass Vera Glass Sophia Cahn Dr. Adolph Glass

Remembered by Anne and Mitchell Glass

Dora K. Davidoff Frances C. Glick Morris A. Davidoff Albert A. Glick

Remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Glick and Family

Miriam Liff Byron Doris Belsh Gold Aaron Arthur Byron Leo Pak Gold

Remembered by Gary, Marlene, Steve, Brian Gold and Julia Mayer

Gerald Goldberg Anna and Herman Goldberg Dorothy and Nathan Romansky

Remembered by Myra R. Goldberg

David Sklut Bebe Sklut Albert Goldberg Helen Goldberg

Remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Steven Goldberg and Family

Morris Brumberg Ruth Goldenberg Miriam Brumberg Joseph Goldenberg Stephen Brumberg

Remembered by Ed and Leslie Goldenberg

Anna Goldman Samuel Goldman Myer Goldman Mark Harris Rose Goldman Rose Harris

Remembered by Mark H. Goldman and Sally Goldman


Lee Charles Goldstein Samuel W. Slomowitz Faye Eve Goldstein Betty Slomowitz Albert Goldstein Linda Helene Goldstein

Remembered by Cindy, Lara, Jared and Adam Goldstein

Jean H. Goldstein Louis Goldstein Morris Goldstein Sidney Hoffman Robert Hoffman Irving Hoffman Louis Hoffman Selma Goldstein Elizabeth N. Hoffman Abraham Hoffman Samuel Goldstein Julie Steinberg Sadie Goldstein Simon Steinberg Jacob Goldstein Clara Hoffman Fannie G. Baylin Vera Steinberg Abraham Baylin Barbara L. Goldstein Beatrice Hoffman Connie Hoffman Karen Goldstein Lipsy

Remembered by Lawrence S. Goldstein

Herschel Frankel

Remembered by Howard, Debra, Noah and Eden Goldstein

Mollie Altman Abraham Goodman Fae Altman Florence Goodman Morris Altman Isadore Goodman Max Markfield Sophie Markfield

Remembered by Charlie, Debbie, Felicia, and Mara Goodman

Joseph Herson Warren C. Grad Frances Stirman Morris Stirman David Herson Gertrude Herson

Remembered by Lynn Herson Grad

Helen Leah Fink Benjamin Steinberg Samuel Miles Fink Miriam Steinberg Ann Grant Dr. Diane Barton Jack Grant Howard Barton Norman Grant

Remembered by Stuart, Suzanne, Niki, Jake and Sam Grant


Ethel Stiefel Max Greenberg Morton Stiefel Louis Greenberg June Sherman Ann Greenberg Jules Greenberg Marlene Greenberg

Remembered by Mitchell Greenberg and Family

Samuel Marck Dolly Rosenblum Anna Marck Sara Cohen Alex Marck Bernard George Greenberg

Remembered by Ruth Greenberg

Beverly Kogan Myra Grossman Marvin Grossman

Remembered by Debbie and Marni Grossman and Hannah Singerman

Jerome Grossman

Remembered by Marni Grossman and Hannah Singerman

Jerry Grossman Marvin and Myra Grossman Lee and Doris Grossman Harry and Ann Bell

Remembered by Susan Grossman

Steven Guzik Ruth Guzik

Remembered by Irene Guzik and Joshua, Jeremy and Jonah Farber

Myrna Rubenstein

Remembered by Kara and Brad Haines and Family

Samuel Halio Anna Halio Elliott Halio Samuel E. Cohen Rachel Russo

Remembered by Jay L. Halio

Samuel Harad Herman Rogol Sylvia Harad Ida Rogol Alexander Queller Abraham Harad Susie Queller Anna Harad Pearl Porilles David Porilles

Remembered by Jackie and Gary Harad and Family


Lawrence Kraut

Remembered by Gary Harad, Ilana Blum, and Danielle Carey

Shyer Harowitz Ben Mason Judith Harowitz Jeanette Mason Ruth Harowitz Siegel David Sugarman

Remembered by Jay and Harriet Harowitz

Leah Z. Kraft Rose Kraft Rabbi Jacob Kraft Leslie Stone Ruth Kraft Gumerman Annabel Stone Dr. Lewis Gumerman Howard G. Cohen Harry Zimmerman Sharon Cohen Mollie Zimmerman Louis Kraft Shirley Z. Stolzer Carol A. Harris Charles Harris Ethel Harris Sherwin Harris

Remembered by Debbie Kraft Harris and Jerry Harris

Abraham A. Golden Bernard P. Heiman Cissie Raphaelson Golden Sylvia Stern Heiman Bette O. Heiman

Remembered by Tina and Henry Heiman and Family

Matthew Hirshout Alan Schoenberg Bernard Moskowitz Dora Moskowitz Samuel Hirshout Gussie Hirshout

Remembered by Beatrice Hirshout and The Schoenberg Family Louis Sitkoff Ray Hochheiser Blanche Sitkoff Morris Katz Hyman Hochheiser Helen Katz

Remembered by Ruth and Marty Hochheiser

Lottie and Peter Buncher Bessie and Max Hochman, M.D. Sarah and Isadore Jacobson Mildred and Melvin Jacobson Rose and Joseph Corn Elliot Jacobson Eva Hochman

Remembered by Moe, Ronna, and Marc Hochman, and Lorin Hurst


Harold Holob Betty Holob Philip Holob Alfred Koerner Ruth Holob Nelly E. Koerner

Remembered by Adeline and Gary Holob, Alyson Holob and Rob, Ethan, and Asher Flicker, Marissa Holob and Brian, Alexa, and Bailey Lasky

Max Raskow William Holtzman Sylvia Raskow Rae Holtzman Louis L. Raskow Shirley Holtzman Cohen Charlene Cohen Stuart Cohen Anne Shahan Gerald Cohen Alan Beals

Remembered by Phyllis and Arnold Holtzman

Eli Friedman Leatrice Leapman Sylvia F. Friedman Martin Horden

Remembered by Shirley and Ira Horden, Eli, Sylviann and Jacob

Donald Messinger

Remembered by Stacy, Alan, Justin, Zack and Clay Horowitz

Judie Baker Peter Hronsky Bruce E. Baker Hugo Hronsky Helen Hronsky

Remembered by The Baker and Hronsky Families

Paul Seidenstat Terri Seidenstat Lucier Lillian Paikin Kessler

Remembered by Mindye and Robert Hughes and Daughters

Aaron Imber Richard Silverman Cynthia Imber Esther Rosen Percival Imber Jacob Rosen Rita Imber Ceyl Silverman Harry Snyderman Minnie Snyderman Claire Mae Silverman

Remembered by Dr. and Mrs. Paul Imber and Family


Ruth Rowling Inden Harvey Inden I. Edward Inden Dora Inden Hilda Raymond Jacobs David Inden Reuben Jacobs Esther Raymond William Raymond Toby Weiner Rae Bennett Beatrice Raymond Yellin Faith Grossman Inden Eugene Weiner Judy Bloom

Remembered by Arthur and Sheila Inden

Minnie Jacobs Sidney Minushkin Judith Strauss Anna Minushkin Murry Jacobs

Remembered by Barbara and Andrea Jacobs, Francine and Andrew Katz

Harvey H. Jacobs William Jacobs Anna Folk Blanche Jacobs David Harris Thelma Wallach Molly Harris Erwin Wallach

Remembered by Ina B. Jacobs

Ida Antiles Louis K. Jacobs Abner Antiles Jacob Fagin Phoebe P. Jacobs

Remembered by Jack and Marion Jacobs and Family

Murry Jacobs Isidor Marians Joseph Jacobs Fannie Marians Sarah Jacobs Clara Ulrich Minnie Jacobs Frederick Ulrich S. Bobbie Jacobs

Remembered by Robert and Mary Jacobs, Andrea, and Francine

Henry Kahn (Kokotek)

Remembered by Edith Kahn, Leonard, Arielle, Jared and Evan Kahn, and

Rochelle, Michael, Olivia, Alexandra, and Sophie Dobson


Dr. Leonard Kanofsky Herbert Cohen Marcy Kanofsky Beatrice Cohen Dr. David Cohen

Remembered by Shelley and Barry Kanofsky and Family

Bertha Kantar Melvin A. Brown Martin Kantar Hannah B. Brown Mary Braverman Elizabeth Small

Remembered by Barney and Claire Kantar

Dr. Zachary Slomovitz Dr. Arie Ben-Bassat Ruth Zevin Slomovitz

Remembered by Laura Michelle Kaplan, Oren and Daniella Ben-Bassat

Leonard Karel Charlotte L. Karel

Remembered by The Karel Family

Deane Chinn Kattler Ilane Sherman Mildred Chinn Anna Kattler Peter W. Chinn Hyman Kattler Mildred Dubois Lucky Salidar

Remembered by Dr. Howard J. Kattler and Family

Daniel Katz Frieda Katz Jennie Zelda Katz Nathan Katz

Remembered by The Family of Daniel Katz

Florence Barg Pauline Simon Alan Barg Adolph Simon Bernard Katz Esther Simon Aneta Katz Hyman Katz

Remembered by Phyliss Katz

Freda Evans Lillian Kaufman Bruce Evans Ronald C. Kaufman Isadore Evans James Kaufman

Remembered by Janet, Susan, and Hilary Kaufman


Josephine Del Campo Rabbi Jacob Kraft Perry Flame Hugh Lafferty Catherine A. Gary Phyllis Lafferty Orville Gary Dora Lieberman Adolph D. Kaufman Eva Lieberman Dorothy L. Kaufman Hyman Lieberman Charles Kaufman Jay F. Lieberman Harriet E. Kaufman Dr. Samuel H. Lieberman Pauline Kaufman Charles Schreibstein Samuel Kaufman Felix Flanagan Anna McVeigh Margaret McMahon Dora Kaufman Phyllis Flame Pearl Drayman Eleanor Daney William Drayman Leo Daney Lillian Flanagan Michael Flanagan Ida Schreibstein Suzi Drayman Kaufman

Remembered by Larry and Lynda Kaufman

Dennis E. Kazinoff Harry E. Goldberg Shirley S. Goldberg

Remembered by Phyllis Kazinoff and Family

Annette Kellem Jacob C. Kellem Anna Kellem Katie Tobin Louis Kellem Louis Tobin Ruth K. Levin Alexander Tobin Philip Levin

Remembered by The Family of Annette Kellem

Arnold D. Kerr Riva Kierszkowski Grace Borgenicht Brandt Osher Kierszkowski Jack Borgenicht David Kierszkowski Margie Alonzo Max Kierszkowski Itzhak Kierszkowski

Remembered by Berta Kerr, Orin, Ainsley, Jonah and Levi Kerr,

Regina, Chris, David and Jayson Alonzo


Alfred Kessler Josephine Kessler Anna T. Gerber Mary Taub Beatrice I. Kessler Samuel Taub Irving Kessler Sadie Taub Anna Lewin Henry Taub Isaac Lewin William Taub Beatrice Taub Lillian T. Kurman Lillian Kemper Max M. Kurman Frances "Mutzie" Bellak

Remembered by The Families of Alan and Steve Kessler

Paul E. Kessler Sylvia L. Kessler Sol Kessler Julius Lipstein Rose Kessler Ida E. Lipstein Elaine Seltzer Harold Seltzer Brent H. Seltzer

Remembered by Irene Kessler-Millius and Jane Seltzer-Hough

Abraham Haberman Cecilia Haberman Belle Haberman David Krigstein Rose Klassman Herman Klassman Rita Krigstein Steven Krigstein Elaine Levin

Remembered by Shirley and Barry Klassman

Henry Klein Phillip Goldstein Lillian Klein Samuel Goldstein Benjamin Goldstein Samuel Schulman Beatrice Goldstein Rebecca Schulman Anna Griff Goldstein Max Marks

Remembered by Ann, Larry, Lily and Aaron Klein

Elsie Z. Klein Manny Klein Gladys R. Zutz Harry David Zutz David Zutz Dorothy Zutz Anna Klein Israel Klein Mary Zutz Theodore (Ted) Zutz Nina Hopen Klein

Remembered by Stephen L. Klein


Naomi R. Klein Charles Klein Anna S. Rudman Freda Klein I. Ellis Rudman Harry L. Klein Peter S. Rudman

Remembered by The Family of Naomi R. Klein

Henry Klein Bernard G. Greenberg Dorothy Klein Adam Phillip Janet Rina Lee Janet

Remembered by Frances and Steven Klein and Family

Abraham Schlein Herbert Kletter Bina Kletter

Remembered by Lisa and Michael Kletter

David Komins Stanley Brenner Hedda Komins Pearlia Brenner Palmer Milton Palmer

Remembered by Jeffry and Susan Komins, Elisa Morris and Deborah Ross

Elizabeth Schneider Charles Koniver Abraham Jenner Esther Koniver

Remembered by Garth and Ellen Koniver and Family

Abraham Kristol Max Podolsky Pearl Kristol Jeannette Podolsky Arthur Podolsky

Remembered by Howard and Rochelle Kristol

Dr. Cheryl Barbanel Nadja Kuller Leon Joseph Barbanel Abraham Kuller Beatrice Kuller

Remembered by Lori Barbanel, Mark Kuller, Aryeh, Hope and Danielle


Lillian Fractenberg Harold Fractenberg Ralph Kantrowitz Beatrice Kantrowitz Alexander Kutz Ethel Kutz Murray Allen Ruth Allen

Remembered by Bethany and Jason Kutz, Vicki and Jonathan Kantrowitz, Karen Lloyd, Ronald Kutz

Evelyn Laiken Joseph Laiken Minnie Cutler Isaac Cutler Noah Laiken Pearl Laiken Elizabeth Laiken Cohen Sydney Cohen

Remembered by Nancy Laiken Swartz and Dr. Stephen Laiken

David Cohen Eva Laiken Ray Cohen Frank Laiken Wolf Cohen Estée Lauder Annie Friedman Joseph Lauder Aaron Knopf Sylvia Knopf Levitt Fannie Knopf Grace Paul Joseph Knopf Horace Rosenblatt Edith Labovsky Wilma Rudnick Joseph Labovsky Barry Rudnick Ted Levitt

Remembered by Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder

Gerson and Faye Blatnick L. Morris and Sylvia Lipschitz Maurice and Edith Picon Celia Jacobs Meislich Clara Dubrow Charles and Esther Blatnick Jacob Nadler Ferne Pressman Mary Schwartz

Remembered by Maris and Michael Laurence and Family

Zachary Lowe Charles Laws Kathryne Laws William Laws

Remembered by Juliette Laws and Kayla Lowe

Judith Lessner Frances Sawicki David Lessner

Remembered by the Lessner Family


Jonathan Abraham Morris Grace Sandler Doris R. Morris Sam Golman Irving Morris Arlene Morris Anne Markowitz Levenson Rabbi Herbert Morris Melvin Morris Ruth Lichtman Elaine Kornblum Morris Golman Jack Richter George Mutnick Ruth Richter Robert Levenson Ben Markowitz Larry Levenson Ida Markowitz Richard Wells Abraham Morris Bruce Zakheim Katie Morris Louise Golman Abe Levenson Donald Levenson Henrietta Levenson

Remembered by Karen L. Morris and Alan Levenson

Diane Levin Edward Kauffman Harry Levin Samuel Levin Louis Foreman Anna Levin Shirley Foreman Sarah Menkes Ceal Levin Joel Menkes Marilyn Urken

Remembered by Andrew, Jessica, Hannah, Leah, James, Daniel, Lauren, Charlotte, Jason, Ellen and Alan Levin

Elaine S. Stein Leonard Stein Steven R. Stone Ethel S. Silvers Leslie R. Stone Jacob R. Silvers Arnold J. Silvers

Remembered by Debbie and Bruce Levin and Family

Diane Levin Evelyn Sussman Harry Levin Ceal Levin Anna Levin Sam Levin Louis Foreman Francine Davidson Shirley Foreman Eleanor Kay Pauline Sussman Marilyn Urken Avery Kay

Remembered by Carol Levin and Children


Marvin Wolf Levin Pat-Pat Lynn Michael Rosenthal

Remembered by Edward, Lori Beth, Ari and Madyn Levin

Florence Levin Samuel Levin

Remembered by Irvin, Phyllis and Jamie Levin

Diane Levin Harry Levin Samuel Levin Leonard Herman Ceal Levin Bettye Herman Mae Lipshutz William Levin Myer Lipshutz Mordko Gershkov Levit Volke Gershkov Levit Velvel Gershkov Levit

Remembered by Marilyn and Richard Levin and Family

Selma Levin Henry O. Levin

Remembered by The Family of Simi Levin

Elva Levine Allen Levine Ron Levine Chuck Klein Sam Swinger Naomi Klein

Remembered by Susan Polmanski, Phyl Levine, Marcy Lucas and our Families

Herman Rozans Kenneth Levine

Remembered by Linda, Rachel, and Miriam Levine

Marjory Stone

Remembered by James and Katie Levine

Dr. Eugene W. Rogosin Emil Dobkin

Remembered by Emily Rogosin

Andrea Levine Nathan R. Levine Doris Dobkin Dolores Rossow

Remembered by Richard, James, and Katie Levine and Emily Rogosin


Alfred Bernstein Ruth E. Rump Anna F. Bernstein Harry H. Rump Shirley Rothstein

Remembered by Barbara Levitt

Edward Fleischman Samuel Levy Tillie Fleischman Leanora Miller Elias Kalcheim Nathan Miller Edwin J. Levy Richard Miller Ethel F. Levy Andrew L. Miller Malvina Levy

Remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Levy

Lawrence L. Lobel Louis and Ida Levy Esther Lobel Jacob and Rose Weiner Dear Family and Friends

Remembered by Stan, Rhea, Faith and Bill Levy, Ray, Ellen and Zachary Dagastine

Bessie Lewis Walter Greenbaum Robert A. Lewis Hanna Greenbaum Sarah Lewis Dora Katz Benjamin Y. Lewis Esther Freedman Ann Lewis Leviton Jacob Freedman Louis Caney Family members who perished in the Holocaust

Remembered by Judith, Jeffery and Liza Lewis

Edward G. Lipman Zoltan Spitzer Adam Spizz Susan Spitzer

Remembered by Karolin and Mark Lipman and Family

Marcia Bortnick Jay Lipson Albert Bortnick

Remembered by Connie, Gary, Samantha, and Brandon Lipson

Larry Lobel Rose Weiner Esther Lobel Israel Weiner Jacob Weiner George J. Weiner Louis Weiner

Remembered by Bess Lobel and Daughters


Martin I. Lubaroff Ida Preven Sarah B. Lubaroff Abe Preven Herman Lubaroff

Remembered by Sandy, Terri and Rick Lubaroff, Beth and Rob Pfeifer

Lolo and Otto A. Heitlinger Izaak Mamberg Benjamin Krumholz Etta Mamberg Rose Krumholz Shepsel Mamberg Helene Hanau Abraham Klager Myrtil Hanau Frieda Klager Lilly Heitlinger Adam Klager Nathan Heitlinger (While Serving Our Country) Nate Henn John Lowenstein

Remembered by Elias and Vivian Mamberg, Ariane, Jeffrey, Reese and Zoe Gittleman,

Elana, Peter, Sydney and Benjamin Rothschild, Anika, James, Maya and Kole Dzwilewski, and

Briana, Gabe, Aviva and Ayla Kopin

Molly A. Cohen Benjamin David Cohen Meyer J. Mand Lena S. Mand

Remembered by Shelly and Martin Mand and Family

Stanley Miller Martin Manin Anne Miller Janet Manin David Waitz

Remembered by Gordon Manin and Margot Waitz

Roberta Marcus Regina and Abe Klar Pauline B. and Max Marcus Toni and Ben Marcus Pauline O. and John Marcus Pauline Cutler Marcus Eda and Adolf Marcus Sydelle Greenstein Fannie and Morris Blum Caroline and Louis Osias Ida and Harry Goldman Charles and Mildred Alderson

Remembered by Gene Marcus and Felisha and Gary Alderson and Family


Selinda A. Melnik Sylvia Hoffman Goldberg Isaac Hoffman Mildred Beizer Howard Hoffman Samuel Goldberg Anna Romanoff Mitchell Melnik Lillian Snyder Esther Hoffman Robert W. Beizer Solomon Carson Milton Beizer

Remembered by The Family of Selinda A. Melnik

Charles Meyer Louis Shaffer Bertha Silberman Meyer Sarah Thalenfeld Shaffer Jonah Meyer Freda Thalenfeld Popky Jennie Meyer Harriet Thalenfeld Gray Charles Silberman Moses Shaffer Sophie Cohen Silberman Rachel Thomberg Shaffer Lois Shaffer Diamond Isador Thalenfeld Robert Shaffer Mollie Feuerman Thalenfeld Sara Thalenfeld Cohn Jonathan Gray Eileen Conner Kathi Lewis Deanna Shanley

Remembered by Ellen and Robert Meyer, Jeremy, Rebecca, Noah, Matthew and Allison

Wilma Kass Morton Shapiro Albert N. Kass William Konin

Remembered by Donna Miller and Ross Rudnitsky

Sally Miller Rosalyn Radner Jack Miller Ethel Radner

Remembered by Elinor Miller

Dorothy McKinney

Remembered by Gregg and Susan Millman and Family

Marsha Mason Morris Milner Dorothy Kwait Fay Segal Jack Weinstein Beatrice Milner Cary Takacs

Remembered by Sharon and Ralph Milner


Dora and Micha Montag Lolo and Otto Heitlinger

Remembered by The Montag and Laughlin Families

Mindy Curley Rose Morganstein Louis Morganstein Freda Singer

Remembered by Elaine and Lester Morganstein

Rae Korr Oscar Morris William Korr Abraham Morris Dr. Leonard Korr Dr. Louis Morris Meyer Morris Al Goodman Sarah Morris Molly Goodman Yvonne Adele Rothschild Ruth Morris Zelda Pearl Edward Morris Sara Morris Michelle Pearl

Remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morris

Hedda and David Komins Adele Rothschild Pearlia and Stanley Brenner Sarah and Meyer Morris Rae and William Korr Milton Palmer Linda Ross Zelda Pearl Missy Steele

Remembered by Elisa, Bret, Jake and Cole Morris

Claire Willey Maynard Willey Marsha Trahan Mark Willey Sigmund Z. Moskow

Remembered by Cynthia Willey-Moskow

Jack and Joan Gold Sam and Nellie Gold Arthur and Ruth Beitman Charles and Ruth Moss Arnold Moss Tonette V. Morgan

Remembered by The Moss and Morgan-Moss Families

David Mussaf Ellen Mussaf Deborah Dobrow

Remembered by Josh, Rachel, Jenna and Henry Mussaf

Arnold Nachlis Ralph Friedberg

Remembered by Jerome, Debbie, Josh and Aaron Nachlis


Ruth G. Neipris Joan J. Ryder Eli Neipris Martin M. Ryder

Remembered by Myrna Ryder and Jonathan Neipris

Mary D. Farrell Max Novil Anne Novil

Remembered by Martin Novil

Maurice M. Goldfinger

Remembered by Judi and Ron Obstfeld and Family

Abraham "Reds" Orgiefsky Faga Albert Orgiefsky Rose Orgiefsky Louis Albert Joseph Orgiefsky Bessie Albert Jack Orgiefsky Morton Albert Murray Solomon Pearl Albert Solomon

Remembered by The Orgiefsky Family

Marjory Stone

Remembered by Katie Levine and James Orman

Lillian April Gertrude D. Ornston Morris April Sidney J. Ornston Samuel April Sidgert Ornston Leon April Joyce Ornston Miriam April Mimi Ornston

Remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ornston, Elizabeth and Lincoln

David Paikin Ben Backman Lillian Paikin Kessler Ann Backman Paul E. Kessler Ethel Denenberg Danielle R. Paikin Sol Denenberg Mary Paikin Dr. Paul Seidenstat Max Paikin Terri Seidenstat Lucier Elic Paikin Samuel Friedman Abba Backman Breena Friedman Celia Backman Rose Kessler Rose Abrams Wagner Sol Kessler Martin Abrams Elaine Seltzer Barry Abrams Harold Seltzer

Remembered by Steven, Alan and Susan Paikin


Anita Braunstein Stewart Braunstein Benjamin Braunstein Sarah Braunstein Joseph Lee Kowins Louise S. Kowins Nathan Summerfield Barbara Rothbloom Rose Zimmerman Jacob Zimmerman Julia Pezzner Benjamin Pezzner Calvin Pezzner Louis Pezzner Samuel Pezzner

Remembered by Jodie, Ashley, Josh, Zack, Jewel Pezzner and Adir, Raichel and Aliyah Barzilay

Joseph Vederman

Remembered by Liz Vederman Platsis

Elliott Rosman Roberta Platt Fred Weinstein Stephen Platt

Remembered by Ira, Elizabeth, Ryan and Ethan Platt

Rosalie Popper Linda Popper Cilli Popper Milton Lemberger Ida Lemberger Paul Popper

Remembered by Peter Popper

Jacob Garfen Rachel Eskenazi Marlene Garfen Sol P. Eskenazi Barbara Bernard

Remembered by Norma, Michael and Eloise Pressman, Emily, Yoni, Ellie and Joshua Appelbaum

Shirley Rosinoff Lillian Goldstein Lawrence Goldstein Toby Raskin Paul Quinn

Remembered by Mara Raskin, Rebecca and Rachel Harrison

Lydia S. Keil Harry A. Remsen Dr. Joseph M. Keil Rose L. Remsen Alicia B. Keil

Remembered by Harriet and Alfred Remsen


Etta Fisher Edna Riebman Annette K. Goldberg Isidor Riebman Harry J. Goldberg Sylvia Riebman

Remembered by Celina and Ronald S. Riebman and Family

Ethan Benjamin Rosen

Remembered by Andrew, Jessica, Isabella, Aviva, Emmet Rosen and Family

Herbert J. Sperber Irving Rosen Clare Sperber

Remembered by Sharon, Jordon, Brian, Shiri, Gavriel, Amalia, Moriah, Eric and Hillary Rosen

Beloved Family and Friends Lt. Col. Bernard Greenberg Reuben Rosen Edmond H. Jacobs Ruth Sherby Rosen Nina Roffman Milton Roffman Fredric M. Rosen Leon Jacobs Betty Jacobs

Remembered by Susan Rosen, Beth Bonsall and Michelle Jacobs

George Rosenberg Ida and Samuel Olicker

Remembered by Marie Rosenberg and Sherry and Mel Olicker and Family

Helyn Ripps Katz Dora Ripps Benjamin Katz Jacob Ripps

Remembered by Wendy and Arthur Rosengarten, Sharon and David Rosengarten and Family

William and Florence Goldstein Leon and Anna Vinokur Frances and Herman Lorber Clara and Gerson Rosenthal

Remembered by Dan, Meredith, Max and Annie Rosenthal

Linda and Barry Ross Pearlia and Stanley Brenner Carol and Joseph Herman Hedda and David Komins Milton Palmer

Remembered by Deborah, David, Bennett and Carter Ross


Belle Ross Dorothy Chudnofsky Harry L. Ross Hyman Chudnofsky

Remembered by Adele and Stan Ross, Children and Grandchildren

Yetta Roth Shirley Hirsch Martin Roth Sol Hirsch Len Hirschfeld

Remembered by Carol and Jeff Roth

Eric Rotholz Morris Sloan Rae B. Sloan

Remembered by Sandy and Jay Rotholz and Aliza Abramovitz

Steven James Rothschild Alfred and Ilse Rothschild Edgar Rothschild Leo and Nora Schick Alfred Appel, Jr. Emil and Clara Thein

Remembered by Carol Rothschild and Family

Moshe Alexander Rubin Pinchas Wojdyslawski Edward Lipman Zipora Fela Wojdyslawski Fanny Lipman

Remembered by Dola Rubin, Joel and Gila Lipman, David and Anna Lipman, and Lauren and Jackson, and Jennifer and Jonathan Samuels, and Alexis and Zachary

Helen Likover Albert Rubin Karl Likover Faye Rubin Leonard Rubin

Remembered by Laura Rubin

Steven H. Rudnitsky

Remembered by Ross Rudnitsky

Edna Riebman Isidor Riebman Sylvia Riebman Bernard Sachs Jean Sachs

Remembered by Harriet and Marvin Sachs

Cantor Andrew and Margaret Salzer

Remembered by Agi Salzer


Cantor Andrew Salzer Betty Monahan Margaret Salzer

Remembered by Dr. Eva Salzer and Elizabeth Monahan

Bertha Stuzin Bessie Sandell Fred Stuzin Sydney S. Sandell

Remembered by Nancy and Lionel Sandell and Family

Bernard Schaffer Sarah Schaffer Morris Brodsky Bessie Litwin Nettie L. Brodsky Louis Litwin Harry Schaffer Robert Vanderloo

Remembered by Esther A. Schaffer, Children and Grandchildren

Miriam and Louis Geller Clara and Herman Geller Rose and Arthur Lebersfeld Lillie and Max Weinstock Helen and Harold Schloss Nettie and Ray Leven Ida and Emanuel Wilkins Blanche and Eddie Kaplan Marty Kaplan Rose and Louis Kaplan Ruth and Max Geller

Remembered by Hershey and Lew Schloss

Erwin Schmerling Irving Feldman Leah Feldman Herman Feldman Jake Feldman Moses Lipshiltz Annette Feldman

Remembered by Elaine and Esther Schmerling

Jodi Ludmerer Sidney Schultz Inga Cussel Jacobsohn

Remembered by Karen, Jeff, Ethan and Erik Schultz

N. Norman Schutzman Ralph Tomases Rubin Maisel Aryeh Leib Tomases Sylvia Maisel Morris B. Tomases Ida Schutzman Nettie Tomases Isador Schutzman Bernice Tomases Norma Lavin

Remembered by Helen T. Schutzman and Family


Jerry Schwartz Max Rudlin Lillian Bonett Bessie Rudlin Irving Bonett Jack Schwartz Ann Schwartz

Remembered by Barbara Schwartz, Bob Schwartz and Family, Michael Schwartz and Family

Leonard N. Schwartz

Remembered by Howard L. Schwartz

Bernard Katz Judith Schwartz Max Schwartz

Remembered by Pam-Sue, Michael, Alex and Dara Schwartz

Paul Seidenstat Max Paikin Ethel Denenberg Mary Paikin Solomon Denenberg David Paikin Ida Seidenstat Robin Haack Julius Seidenstat Danielle Paikin Terri Seidenstat Lucier Elic Paikin Florence Seidenstat Lillian Paikin Kessler Irwin H. Seidenstat

Remembered by Linda Seidenstat and Family

Yetta Chaiken Frank Chaiken Nathan Spivack Lena Spivack Max Zutz Robert Chaiken Tillie Zutz Lena Chaiken Justin Orr

Remembered by Janice Selekman

Adolph Kaufman Harriet Kaufman Dorothy Kaufman

Remembered by Sue and Lou Shane, Hilary Shane and David Shane

Herbert Sherr Abraham Aserkoff Lawrence Albert Sima Aserkoff Ruth Sherr Albert Dr. Ralph Aserkoff Allen Twer

Remembered by Nancy Sherr and Family


Bernard L. Siegel Miriam S. Spector Benjamin C. Benjamin Reba L. Benjamin Elaine B. Gaby William Benjamin Mary Siegel Max Siegel Florence Applefeld Riscelle Nerenberg

Remembered by Ruth B. Siegel Betty Abrams Pauline Siegell Benjamin Siegell Peter Schmeidler

Remembered by Stuart Siegell

Louis Sigman Lola Schaffir Sybil Sigman Daisy Nelkin Rebecca Gallant Walter Schaffir Samuel Gallant Elaine Gallant

Remembered by Michael and Linda Sigman and Family

Robert Silberglied Lenny Rubin

Remembered by The Silberglied Family

Lester Cohen Bella Silton Margery Cohen Morris Silton Leonard Sager Richard Cohen Ruthe Sager Sumner Silton

Remembered by Miriam Silton

Harry and Ida Kimel Janice and Irving Silverstein Clara and Moses Kimel Harry and Ruth Silver Tillie and Max Silverstein Ethel Silverstein

Remembered by Paul and Faith Silver

Marton Simonowits Willie Moore Helen Simonowits Ruby Moore

Remembered by Jerry Simonowits and Terry Moore

Albert Sklar Marion Greenberg Esther Sklar Levitt Alfred Greenberg Harold Levitt Joyce Greenberg Mutzie Bellak Lillian Abrams

Remembered by Terry and Lynne Sklar, Jamie, Scott and Alex


Jacob Sklut Mollye H. Sklut Friends and Relatives Arlene L. Sklut

Remembered by Diane Sklut

Lillian E. Sobel Ethel Gorenstein Harry A. Sobel Samuel Gorenstein Bernice Sobel

Remembered by Anita and Edward Sobel and Family

Sheila Bernstein Ryan Solomon Anne Epstein Haim Solomon Brenda Bernstein Lillian Bernstein Lou Epstein Jacob Aizic Ron Epstein Leia Aizic Morris Bernstein

Remembered by Ethan, Sandra, Jacob and Adam Solomon

Joseph Sommers Selma Reiser Sommers Morris Sommers Edward Reiser Bertha Sommers Rose Reiser Hyman Sommers Dr. Martin Reiser Zelda Sommers Charlotte Sommers Paul Harry Sommers Miriam Berman

Remembered by Dr. William Sommers and Family

Rosalie Popper Linda Joyce Popper

Remembered by Laura Greenlee Sparks and Family

Terry Frank Fran Frank Stacy Frank

Remembered by Melissa, Mike and Aviva Stanley

Roberta Marcus Lois Stape Max Marcus Jack Stape Pauline Marcus Charles Stape John Marcus Louis Paul Pauline Marcus Helen Johnston

Remembered by Jeff Stape, Caryl Marcus-Stape and Family


Bruce M. Stargatt Sydney S. Stargatt Deborah Stargatt Feldman Janet F. Stargatt Harry Mayer Hirschfield Bessie Feldman Rabinowitz Clare Weitz Hirschfield Irving Adler Marjorie Silverstein Rose Adler Lillian S. Bloch

Remembered by Barbara Stargatt and Family

Nicole Lisa Stark Mary Weil Hugo Weil

Remembered by Michael and Shirley Stark and Henry Weil

Morris L. Stein Anna Atlas Phyllis A. Wilkins Sara Levy Stein Harry Atlas Dear Friends and Relatives

Remembered by Frances Stein and Family

A. Archie Stoltz Jack Freedman Evelyn F. Stoltz Lillian Steinberg Jack Matter Cecelia Stoltz Steven L. Matter Benjamin Steinberg Harry Matter Sue Haberman Ethel Matter Samuel Stoltz Herbert Steinberg Mike Bloom Mae Steinberg Faith Inden Fannie Feinberg Irv Jacobs Aaron Matter Carolyn Berger Eugene Mondry Murray Bloom Arneita Grimes Pauline Stoltz Florine Hill Chuck White Michael Goldman Midge Pettinaro Iris Jacobs George Feldman Andrew Miller Betty Freedman Ted Silton

Remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Stoltz

Samuel Swinger Hannah R. Alper Gertrude Swinger Louis L. Alper Louis Swinger Norman Alper Herman Swinger Sarah Haber Mollie Swinger

Remembered by Barbara Swinger and Family


Julius Held Abraham Tannenbaum Pauline Held Clare Tannenbaum Phil Held Paul Tannenbaum Doris Louick

Remembered by Felicia Tannenbaum, Stephen Tannenbaum, Joyce and Jeff Turner

Myra Tocker

Remembered by Allan Tocker

Ralph Tomases Bernice Handelman Tomases Morris Tomases Israel Handelman Nettie Tomases Bessie W. Handelman Millard K. Handelman Howard M. Handelman Ilene Handelman Bunin Jeanne F. Handelman N. Norman Schutzman

Remembered by Tomases Family

Henry Topel Phyllis L. Topel Louis Topel Rabbi Abraham Cohen Rachel Topel Anna Cohen Clara Topel Beryl Topel

Remembered by Avrim Topel and Family

Steven Turnauer Lillian Turnauer Eleanor Brandt Louis Turnauer Max Brandt Julius Turnauer Avraham Farkas Alice Turnauer Bella Farkas Max Lotto Yetta Brandt Jennie Lotto Herman Brandt Manette Newstat Harold Brandt Frank Turnauer Susan Turnauer Mehrlust Sidney Turnauer Mildred Turnauer Nathan Turnauer Jenny Turnauer Susan Gelber Alex Gross Kate Gross Sara Levine David Levine Victor Lederman

Remembered by Sandye and Jerry Turnauer


Daniel Ufberg Oleg Shubinsky Inna Shubinsky Alexander Shubinsky

Remembered by Maria, David, and Max Ufberg

Anna and Leon Vinokur Allan Blume Florence Newstadt Goldstein William Goldstein Miriam Newstadt Louis Newstadt Mildred Vinokur Isaac Vinokur

Remembered by Iris and Jack Vinokur

Wilbert T. Viviano

Remembered by Cindi J. Viviano, Daughter

Hy Hochheiser Jason Lau Ray Hochheiser Morris Katz Blanche Sitkoff Helen Katz Louis Sitkoff Lee Goldstein Betty Slomowitz Faye Goldstein Sam Slomowitz

Remembered by Jake, Stacy, Brandon and Emma Weaver

Ruth Weile Stanley Rubin

Remembered by Daniel, Stacy, Hannah and Benjamin Weile

Morris Weiler Gerry Gosler Bernard Weiler Molly Gosler Harry Weiler Rose Gosler Blitz

Remembered by Marilyn Weiler

Morris Weiler Bernie Weiler Herman Truitt Gerry Gosler Thomas Truitt Molly Gosler

Remembered by Steven Weiler and Sarah Truitt

Selma Weiner Louis Weiner Israel Weiner George Weiner Jacob Weiner Jacob Harrison Rose Weiner Lena Harrison

Remembered by The Family of Louis Weiner


Helen M. Weiner Joseph Weiner

Remembered by Michele E. Weiner

Rose Kron Rachel Schulman Saul Kron Karl Weiner Myrna Rubenstein

Remembered by Marilyn, Sam, Jared, Carey, Vanessa and Simone Weiner, Courtney, Justin, Reese and Griffin Villere

Harold Levy Marvin Weingart Irene Levy Gerald Levy

Remembered by Ellen and Steven Weingart

Nathalie LeBost David Schlecker Henry LeBost

Remembered by Ginger Weiss

Barbara Azoff Bell and Alan Schultz Ruth and Martin Weiss Lillian and Albert Zeid Rose and Fred Goldstein Renee Azoff

Remembered by Meredith and Hayim Weiss

Aaron Weissman Susan Spitzer Adam P. Spizz Zoltan Spitzer Malofsky Family Weissman Family Spitzer Family Maron Family

Remembered by Eva and Howard Weissman, Marian Weissman and Family

Nathan Cohen Clair Cylinder Selma Dubyn Esther Cohen Yetta Dubyn Ben Dubyn

Remembered by Arlene Wilson, Stacy Wintjen, and Marc Wintjen

Harriet Richman

Remembered by Jeremy Winaker

Arie Ben-Bassat

Remembered by Jeannie Winnick


Stuart B. Young Helen Field Ann B. Young Samuel Field H. Albert Young Charles Levy Claire Perlman Ruth B. Levy Sidney Perlman

Remembered by Toni Young and Family

Rose Lieberman Nathan Zahn Jeno Lieberman Joseph Zahn Laura Zahn

Remembered by Bonnie Zahn, Joseph and Anna Zahn, Rachel and Brian Clark

Ethel Meiner Sylvia Ziering Jack Meiner William Ziering

Remembered by Lin and Lance Ziering and Family with Love

Jacob Berman Yetta Steinberg Goldie Berman Herman Zucker Israel Kurfirst Ann Zucker Anna Kurfirst Fannie Zucker Rosalie Berman Kurfirst Morris Zucker Dr. Harry Louis Kurfirst Joseph Zucker Paul Zucker Lillian Zucker Gertrude Zucker Karen Zucker Irene Z. Nemerov

Remembered by Howard and Judy Zucker

Theodore (Ted) Zutz Samuel Hochman David Zutz Thelma Hochman Dorothy Zutz Elaine Hochman Ross Gladys R. Zutz Manny Klein Harry David Zutz

Remembered by Sylvia H. Zutz and Family



1801 Baynard Boulevard Wilmington, Delaware 19802

(302) 654-4462

Rabbi Michael S. Beals


Elisa Abrams Cohn

President Ralph Downard

You are cordially invited to attend our services

throughout the year.


5781 • 2020 - 2021

Yom Kippur Monday, September 28, 2020

Shemini Atzeret

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Passover Day 8 Sunday, April 4, 2021

Shavuot Day 2

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

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