year i / sem ii

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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nus architecure year I / sem II


genevieve ang

year I / semester II


a retreat

semester II / term I

cilent : myself

location : machritchie, simei inlet

programme : a retreat for ukulele playing

notes : simei inlet is the longest site

site map with the retreat

abstract charcoal analysis

the retreat :

it is an attempt to bring in nature and

the aspect of playing the ukulele into the


floors of different levels are introduced

to allow water to interact with the owner as

she sits down to play the instrument.

a retreat of fun, play and rhythm

plan during low water margin

plan during high water margin

why concrete and wood?

concrete : floors

wood : walls become floors

what is floor?

the retreat ultimately question the

idea of floor, wall and even roof.

where roof becomes floor


an outdoor platform.



floor becomes the main element that brings

nature to the user and activity to nature

bare ground of nature becomes part of

an architectural element - floor

wood, concrete, hydrillas & soil

the floor also brings in the aspect of

rhythm and fun, a characteristic of a


ups & down of the floor within the space

provides a sense of rhythm

while the change in floor plans during

different water margin provides the

essence of fun


Vcafe x living

an affair of three

semester II / term II

cilent : two chefs and a lady

location : 717 north bridge road

programme : a cafe and living space for three

notes : all three are in a trio relationship

the cafe :

it is where one enters a private realm into

a trio affair

a cafe that reveals itself as one proceed further into this relationship and eventually

understanding the uncanny affair

place of private revelation

sectional perspective

why wood & concrete ?

concrete : private realm

wood : revelation skin

from elevation :

one conceive the cafe as a private space,

concealed in a wooden box.

wooden box slowly disintegrate from one level to

the next until most concrete is eventually exposed

longitunal elevation

level 1.0 :

the bakery & living quarters, first male chef

the essence of private is played up in level to-wards

cafe dwellers

a hint of sub-level is shown to provoke curiousity

level one plan

level 1.5 :

shared space between first male chef & lady

a place of rendezvous

change in public stairs material to further

provoke curiousity

level 2.0 :

cafe & living quarters, lady

on this level, all sub spaces are revealed to the

cafe dwellers

as they travel from kitchen to kitchen of each

level, connection between the relationship would

likely be made

level two plan

level 2.25 :

open space, both man

it is a space of open interaction between two man

a connection for both man to travel from first and

third level without crossing their individual

private spaces with the female

level 2.5 :

shared space between second male chef & lady

a place of rendezvous

level 3.0 :

main dining & living quarters, second male chef

on this level, all three levels are visible

cafe dwellers draw visual connection between the

trio and conclusively being exposed to their

private affair

level three plan

thank you

sanson & studio 3

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