year 8 project - d-day anniversary june 2020

Post on 30-Dec-2021






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Year 8 project -

D-Day Anniversary June 2020

Hi year 8,

We hope you are staying safe and well.

On 6th June 2020 it was the Anniversary of D-Day, so we thought it would be good to do a

project on it to help us remember and celebrate it.

• Literacy Task - What are the features of a diary? Write a diary as a D-Day soldier

• Numeracy Task – Work out the D-Day words by solving the calculations.

• Science Task – Investigate Waves

• Humanities Task – Who was there? Write a profile about a D-Day hero.

• Art Task – Design your own D-Day medal

Stay safe ☺

From Mrs Jones, Miss Walsh and Mr Rogers

Note to parents –

Tasks are labelled with *, **, or *** based on their level of difficulty, *** being the most difficult

Lesson – Literacy – What are the features of a diary?

Task – Write a diary as a D-Day soldier

Read the D-Day fact sheet.

(The sheets have been given *, ** and *** to help you choose which one is best for you to read)

Use this link to find out more about some brave D-Day veterans.

D-Day Fact sheet *

Read the D-Day fact sheet.

(The sheets have been given *, ** and *** to help you choose which one is best for you to read)

Use this link to find out more about some brave D-Day veterans.

D-Day Fact sheet **

Read the D-Day fact sheet:

(The sheets have been given *, ** and *** to help you choose which one is best for you to read)

Use this link to find out more about some brave D-Day veterans.

D-Day Fact sheet ***

Dear diary Introduction Written in the past tense

personal pronouns (me, I, we, my)

Talks about feelings. Time conjunctions (e.g. before , next, after that

Written as if talking to someone

Date paragraphs

Lesson – Literacy – What are the features of a diary?

Task – Write a diary as a D-Day soldier*

First up:

Discuss and label the features of a diary.

Plan your diary entry * – you may want to use your fact sheet to help you

What date is it? Remember you are writing as if you are a soldier on Normandy beach.

Where are you and how did you get there?

Why are you there?

What can you see? What can you hear? What can you smell?

How do you feel?

Use your fact sheet and plan to write your diary using the template *

Draw a picture to show what happened on that day

Date: ___________________________


Today I arrived at ____________________________, I travelled here by ____________________

I am here because _______________________________________________________________


I can see ______________________________________________________________________

I can hear ______________________________________________________________________

There is a smell of _______________________________________________________ in the air.


I feel __________________________________________________________________________

From ______________________________________________________

Dear diary Introduction Written in the past tense

personal pronouns (me, I, we, my)

Talks about feelings. Time conjunctions (e.g. before , next, after that

Written as if talking to someone

Date paragraphs

Lesson – Literacy – What are the features of a diary?

Task – Write a diary as a D-Day soldier**

First up:

Discuss and label the features of a diary.

Plan your diary entry ** – you may want to use your fact sheet to help you

What date is it? Remember you are writing as if you are a soldier on Normandy beach.

Where are you and how did you get there?

Why are you there?

What can you see? What can you hear? What can you smell?

What are you carrying? Is it heavy?

How do you feel?


Draw a picture to show what happened on that day

Use your fact sheet and plan to write your diary using the template **

Date: ___________________________


Today I arrived at ____________________________, I travelled here by ____________________

with lots of other soldiers. I am here because __________________________________________


I can see __________________________________and _________________________________

I can hear ______________________________________________________________________

There is a smell of ______________________________________________________ in the air.

I am carrying ______________________________________________________________ it is


I feel ____________________________________ because ______________________________


From ______________________________________________________

Dear diary Introduction Written in the past tense

Uses some personal pronouns (me, I, we, my)

Talks about feeling, reactions and opinions

from writers point of view

uses time conjunctions to show when things

happened (e.g. before , next, after that

Written as if talking to someone (informal)

writes about events that are important to the writer

Uses paragraphs to organise events

Lesson – Literacy – What are the features of a diary?

Task – Write a diary as a D-Day soldier***

First up:

Discuss and label the features of a diary.

What date is it? Remember you are writing as if you are a soldier on Normandy beach.

Where are you and how did you get there?

Why are you there?

What can you see? What can you hear? What can you smell?

What are you carrying? Is it heavy?

How do you feel?

Plan your diary entry *** – you may want to use your fact sheet to help you

Use your fact sheet and plan to write your diary using the template ***

Date: ___________________________


















From __________________________________________

Year 8 Numeracy challenge

On Tuesday 6th June 1944, a day which will always be remembered as D-Day, hundreds of thousands of soldiers lost their lives in a battle on

Normandy beach. Below are a number of codebreakers for you to work out. Each one is a key word to help us remember D-Day.

Each number is linked to a letter which you can find below, complete each question to reveal the missing letters and these will help you to

work out the key words relating to D-Day.

A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6

G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12

M=13 N=14 0=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18

S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26.


1+1=2 B

2+3=5 E The answer to this question would be BEECH.

4+1=5 E

4-1=3 C

4+4=8 H

D-Day numeracy challenge

D-Day word 1 D-Day word 2 D-Day word 3 D-Day word 4

7+7= 10-9= 4+3= 4x2=

5x3= 6x2= 10-5= 20-11=

6x3= 4x3= 10+8= 5x4=

20-7= 3x3= 7+6= 6+6=

5-4= 3+2= 20-19= 1+4=

10+4= 10+9= 20-6= 14+4=

2x2= 13+12=


D-Day words:





Lesson – Numeracy

Task –

During the D Day attack, there were air

raid sirens to notify of the landings. Within

hours of the Normandy invasion, the

people of Statesboro were aware

something was about to happen thanks to

the air raid siren. These sirens were very

loud and had a cone shaped horn, this

structure was effective as it allowed for

the soundwaves to project the siren and

allow for everyone to hear.

Your task is to put your investigative skills

to use and observe how sound waves work (These are caused by a movement of energy).

Here is a step by step guide to an experiment you can try at home.

What will you need:

• A large bowl

• Plastic wrap (clear cling film)

• 1 teaspoon of uncooked rice

• A metal pan

• Metal Spoon

Step 1: Tear off a piece of plastic wrap, ensure there is enough of the cling film to cover the

top of the bowl.

Step 2: Secure the plastic wrap over the bowl and make sure the plastic wrap is tightly


Step 3: Pour one teaspoon of uncooked rice on top of the plastic wrap.

Step 4: Hold the Metal pan in the air and position it next to the bowl.

Lesson – Science

Task – Investigating waves

Step 5: Take the metal spoon and tap on the metal pan like a drum and watch what

happens to the rice.


So did the rice move when the spoon hit the pan? Yes? This will be because the sound

waves from the spoon hitting the pan have travelled. They have reached the plastic wrap,

impacted it, causing it to vibrate which has caused the rice to move.

As an extension, perhaps try creating your own siren disk to observe how the use of air can

produce higher pitched sounds! (The link below has a step by step tutorial to create your

siren disks)

Have fun! ☺

D-Day last hero

Name of hero (Add a picture of your hero)

My D-Day hero is named


What was their title

His title was


What was their role?

His role was __________________________________________


What did they do after the war?

After the war he ____________________________________


Other interesting facts about your hero.

My hero ____________________________________________


Lesson – Humanities – Who was there?

Task – Create a profile about one of the D-Day last heroes*

First up:

Click the link to view videos about the D-Day heroes.

Choose one person to write a profile about.

D-Day last hero

Name of hero (Add a picture of your hero)

What was their title

What was their role?

What did they do after the war?

Other interesting facts about your hero.

Lesson – Humanities – Who was there?

Task – Create a profile about one of the D-Day last heroes**

First up:

Click the link to view videos about the D-Day heroes.

Choose one person to write a profile about.

D-Day last hero

Name of hero (Add a picture of your hero)

What was their title

What was their role?

What did they do after the war?

Other interesting facts about your hero.

Lesson – Humanities – Who was there?

Task – Create a profile about one of the D-Day last heroes ***

First up:

Click the link to view videos about the D-Day heroes.

Choose one person to write a profile about.

BIG QUESTION: What role would you have wanted to play in the D-Day landings? Why?

To commemorate and celebrate the achievements of the soldiers

that fought and demonstrated bravery during a conflict, medals

are often awarded.

Your task is to design and create medal for soldiers who served

on D Day.

An outline has been provided for you but feel free to create your

own if you prefer, remember to make it as artistic and creative as

you can and place the date of D Day (6th June 1944) somewhere

on the medal as well.

Lesson – Art

Task – Design your own D-Day medal

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