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Year 7 “Thinking Harder”All Subjects

Week 6: 11-15 May

Reading “Thinking Harder” Article One Week 6: 11 – 15 May

Title: Fur flies over fickle love of Ozzy the catREWORD IT

Read the title and source and highlight any words you are unsure of. Use to help

you understand them.

Should cats be allowed to choose their owners? A bitter row has erupted in public over a majestic Maine

Coon cat that started spending most of its time enjoying the high life away from home.

On a brisk morning in West London, Ozzy the cat slinks his way down the street. He is heading home. But

which home will he go to today?

Ozzy has a clear choice. He can go to his official residence and his legal “parents” John Hall and his wife

Jackie, a children’s art therapist. Very decent people. Perfectly nice ironing to lie on. Regular meals.

Or he can go to the rather comfy hotel he has discovered just 10 doors down the street.

In August 2018, the Halls realised that Ozzy’s forays were emphatically more than occasional when they

noticed his collar had gone. In its place was a new one bearing Nicola Lesbirel’s phone number.

This declaration of war triggered a complex and bitter neighbourhood row, culminating in a £20,000

court settlement.

And Ozzy? On the advice of a vet, he is confined to barracks for several months to re-adjust before he is

let outside again – and then only with a GPS collar fitted.

The drama has sharply divided cat lovers.

“Poor Ozzy. I think he’s entitled to choose where he wishes to be, and it’s sad that humans have to be so

controlling,” said one.

“I don’t agree,” retorted another angrily. “This seems a clear case of cat grooming.”

Beneath it all lies one of the big questions of existence: should cats be allowed to choose their owners?

Paws for thought

No, say those who believe that law is the ultimate authority. Legally, a cat is a possession like a car or a

pair of earrings. If you own a cat, there are laws that forbid anyone else claiming it is theirs – for

example, by removing a collar and replacing it with their own.

Yes, say those who believe that truth is more important than the law. The truth is that a cat – unlike a

dog – still has a wild soul. No human has the right to “own” this wildness. We cannot own the waves or

the wind.

SUMMARISE ITIn your own words, write 5

full bullet points summarising the issue of ownership involving Ozzy

CRUNCH ITSkim read the source and identify

six words that best capture the row over Ozzy the cat

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

FIND ITHighlight and annotate with inferences:

• Where the writer suggest the argument over Ozzy has been hostile

• Where the writer suggests Ozzy enjoys luxury over homely stability

• Where the writer suggests that Ozzy is sneaky.

CONSIDER ITTo what extent do you

believe that we own our pets and why?

Write a paragraph explaining your


Reading “Thinking Harder” Article Two Week 6: 11 – 15 May

Title: Esports industry set to break $1bn barrierREWORD IT

Read the title and source and highlight any words you are unsure of. Use to help

you understand them.

An addictive waste of time or a serious competitive sport? After a US teenager won $3m in the first-ever

Fortnight World Cup on Sunday, the debate over the future of esports has exploded.

Kyle Giersdorf steps up onto the winner’s podium. He holds the trophy above his head. At 16 years old, he

triumphantly announces that “the grind has paid off”.

On the giant screens above, 20,000 cheering fans and thousands more watching live broadcasts see his

family embrace him. As of this moment, he is $3m richer. “Ladies and gentlemen,” the announcer

bellows, “Your Fortnite World Champion!”

This week, the esports industry — which is small but growing rapidly — is expected to break the $1bn

barrier by the end of this year, and grow its global audience to 545 million.

Yet it has struggled to be seen as a mainstream sport — when over 40 million players across the world had

competed in the online qualifying rounds.

To these players, gaming is not just a hobby. Many teenagers train for over eight hours a day, managing

social media accounts, and earning millions by competing in global tournaments.

But in 2018, at the height of the Fortnite craze, the World Health Organisation officially classed gaming

addiction as a mental illness.

Last month, British MPs asked if game developers did enough to prove the age of players or encourage

them to take breaks.

Are they a serious sport or a waste of time?

Absolutely serious, say some. Players compete in regional and international competitions, streamed live

around the world. The biggest teams live together, training for hours a day to improve their skills. Top

players can perform up to 500 “actions” a minute. It is old-fashioned to say that esports are not “real”


How ridiculous, argue others. Fornite may have millions of players around the world, but for how long? If

your only skill is moving your thumbs quickly, you’re not athlete. Great sports require greatest of mind,

body and soul. To compare an esports champion to Lionel Messi is a joke.

SUMMARISE ITIn your own words, write 5

full bullet points summarising the debate

around EsportsCRUNCH IT

Skim read the source and identify six words that describe the

development of ESports

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

FIND ITHighlight and annotate with inferences:

• Where it is suggested that gaming isn’t as straight forward as it seems

• Where it is suggested that there is a split opinion on those dedicated to gaming.

• Where it is suggested that sport requires physical prowess.

CONSIDER ITHow would you define what makes a sport?

Write a paragraph outlining your criteria for what sport is. Do Esports pass your test? Why/ Why


CRUNCH ITReduce the extract to the five most significant words and define them

Title – Quirky design house lets the customers also be designers By Lauren Izso JANUARY 6, 2020, 8:00 AM






Find it

What is the Jumbo and why is it better than other existing products?

What is the Egguins and why has It been described as ‘the best thing since sliced


Year 7 DT ”Thinking Harder” Week 6: 11 – 15 May

Quirky Israeli brand Peleg Design offers customers a chance to send ideas online. But that’s only one source of Shahar Peleg’s inspiration.

From optical illusion flower vases to playful elephant-shaped cutlery drainers, Shahar Peleg wants his products to bring his customers joy, but first and foremost to fulfill a need. How does he figure out what those needs are? “In many ways,” the designer and founder of the brand tells ISRAEL21c.

ConclusionsHow are Peleg different to other design companies?

Egguins, one of Peleg Design’s cute and functional creations.

Bag Bunny was inspired by a customer’s suggestion.

Peleg Design’s Magnetic Vase is a best seller.

Jumbo, a cutlery holder that drains into the sink.

One of those ways is from his customers. “Some of the ideas came to us while daydreaming, some in the shower, some we woke up with and some just came to us by email,” reads Peleg Design website’s “Suggest an Idea” section. People from all over the world reach out, he says. “Once in a while we get a great idea, and we pay royalties to the designers or inventors. It’s really amazing because a lot of people have a lot of ideas,” Peleg says. For example, the Bag Bunny, a magnetic bunny-shaped tool for easily opening plastic packaging, was inspired by a customer suggestion.

Founded in 2005 and based in Tel Aviv, Peleg Design’s online store offers around 100 unique products that stem from everyday needs, each with quirks, twists or optical illusions that Peleg describes as “magical.” Nothing, he says, is really what it seems. The product that kicked off the company’s success was a vase Peleg designed for his own wedding in 2005. These “floating” vases are anchored by magnetic bases hidden underneath the tablecloth.

To this day, the Magnetic Vase set is one of Peleg Design’s best sellers. “It was a huge hit,” he says. “That’s what really began to generate business.” Another universal problem Peleg wanted to solve was grime building up at the bottom of a cutlery drainer. His answer was Jumbo, an elephant-shaped cutlery holder that drains water out of its trunk, directly into the sink.

Peleg says function is key, and design is secondary to usefulness. But still, he hopes his customers will fall in love with his “cute” designs. His newest item, the Egguins, is a great example of that. The penguin-shaped eggholder makes it easy to remove hot hard-boiled eggs from boiling water and store them in the fridge — and also makes the eggs much cuter. One comment on Peleg Design’s Instagram page calls the item “the best thing since sliced bread.”

Many of Peleg’s products are made from plastic but they are meant to last. Sensitive to environmental issues, he explains that he wants his customers to develop an emotional connection to the items and use them for as long as possible before throwing them away.

Passion and professionGrowing up, Peleg dreamed of being an astronaut, but he would eventually find his passion in a different form of exploration: design. “It started off as a one man show,” he says. Peleg studied interior design at the Holon Institute of Design. A class project made him realize he had an eye for creating quirky but useful knick-knacks. He had made a wine-bottle holder that seemed to defy gravity. He was able to sell a few even before graduating. “It started from selling one product in two or three stores in Tel Aviv,” Peleg tells ISRAEL21C. “It’s now become both my passion and my profession.”

CRUNCH ITReduce the article to the five most significant words and define them

Title – what makes a good and a bad map?

Extract –

Read through all the stages, if you feel up to it, take the test too!

DEBATE ITWhich point do you find most interesting based on what you

have learnt?1





ConclusionsHave these facts changed your opinion on map making? Have you learnt anything new? Has it improved

your understanding? Do you have any questions after watching the video?

Find itFind sentences/keywords which are

most fascinating:

Year 7 Geography ”Thinking Harder” Week 6: 11-15 May

CRUNCH ITReduce the extract to the five most significant words and define them

Overall idea – History of the string Family

Extract – DEBATE IT• What string instrument do

you like the most and why? Which one do you like the least and why? 1





ConclusionsHas the article changed your opinion? Have you learnt anything new? Has it improved your understanding?

Do you have any questions after reading the article?

Find itFind sentences/keywords which:

Year 7 Music ”Thinking Harder” Week 6: 11 – 15 May

CRUNCH ITReduce the extract to the five most significant words and define them

Overall argument – The Casinnispace mission cost $3.27 billion, but it was money well spent.






Imagine- The passage describes Titan as a moon which shares similar environmental conditions to Early Earth. It has rain, wind, rivers, lakes and sea’s of methane gas. It is covered n volcanoes. Imagine you are the first scientist to document life on this moon. Draw a scientific diagram of the alien microorganism (unicellular creature so tiny you need a microscope to see it) you have found,

label how it has adapted to survive! Would it be more likely to resemble a plant cell or animal cell… discuss!

Stretch: Watch this GCSE video on the evolution of the Early Earths atmosphere! Can you make a similar movie if you have time?

Find it• Find a sentence in the passage that shows the reader how far away Saturn is

in real terms…

• Find a sentence that explains how studying Saturn helps us to learn about early Earth…

• Find a sentence that supports the authors claim that “Saturn’s moons are some of the most exciting places in the solar system!”

KS3 Science ”Thinking Harder” Week 6: 11th May-15th May

THINKING HARDERItalian • THINKING HARDER- Complete questions 20-25

from the “Thinking harder work” folder

Week 6:11th-15th May

• THINK HARDER: Open the yellow “THINKING HARDER” folder and complete TASK 6: Cinco de Mayo

Year 7 SpanishHome Learning

Week 6: 11th-15th May

CRUNCH ITReduce the extract to the five most significant words and define them

Overall argument -

Extract –There were various reasons for why people went on Crusades. Some people did it to obey the Pope’s call to free the Holy city from the infidels and ensure access for pilgrims. Others went to be forgiven for past sins. Some went to see the world, have an adventure and prove their bravery. Some people went on a Crusade to get land overseas or to gain wealth. Serfs went as they were promised their freedom by the Pope if they went.

Some historians would argue that whilst the primary motive may have been religious, many Crusaders got side-tracked by their greed and lust for power. This may explain why they slaughtered fellow Christians in Constantinople during the first Crusade and took control of Edessa, which was not on the route to Jerusalem and did not contain any holy sites.

RESEARCH ITResearch examples of why

people went on Crusades and try to decide which was the most

popular reason for people to go on a Crusade.






ConclusionsHas the article changed your opinion? Have you learnt anything new? Has it improved your understanding?

Do you have any questions after reading the article?

Find itFind sentences/keywords which show 3 different reasons for why people went

on a Crusade:

Year 7 History ”Thinking Harder” Week 6: 11th-15th May

CRUNCH ITReduce the extract to the five most significant words and define them

Overview: Ivy and Seb Sparrow return to their grandmother’s house to discover it’s been ransacked by unknown intruders. Suddenly they find themselves in a completely uncommon world, where ordinary objects have amazing powers.

Extract: DEBATE ITWhat impression do you get of Ivy and Seb in this extract?

The following questions might help you to gather your thoughts: Do either of them take a leadership role? Is one braver than the other? Are they acting instinctively or taking a well-calculated risk?

Use evidence to support your answer.






ConclusionsHow do you think the tension and atmosphere is created? What do you think the scratching sound could be?

FIND ITFind words/phrases which are used to

create atmosphere:

Year 7 English: The Uncommoners: The Crooked Sixpence by Jennifer Bell Week 6: 11 – 15 May

'Ivy . . .’ All of a sudden Seb’s voice sounded odd.

‘What?’ she snapped, turning back to him. He was holding a shaky finger out towards the house. Ivy followed it and almost tripped over. She didn’t understand how she could have missed it . . .

The front door was ajar. The frame was splintered, and there were deep scratch marks around the lock.

Seb lowered his finger to his side as if he wasn’t sure whether to stay or run. Finally he whispered, ‘Police.’ He got out his phone and tapped the screen. Ivy could see it from where she was standing. The words 'No Service' flashed as he tried to make the call. Perfect.

‘What do we do?’ she asked.

Seb tiptoed over the gravel towards the house and peered in through the front windows. ‘The curtains are drawn,’ he hissed. ‘I’ll have to go in and use the landline.’

Ivy nodded. Right. Good idea. ‘What about me?’

Seb looked back at the door. ‘We’ll go in together; you stay behind me.’

As Ivy set foot over the threshold, her skin prickled. There was a slow scratching noise coming from inside, like thick wallpaper being ripped off a wall.

CRUNCH ITWho is Joe Wicks? Fins 10 words to

summarise who he and what he does?

Overall argument – Is Joe Wicks the Body Coach a PE Teacher?Link to Joe Wick the body Coach’s Lessons:

Extract – DEBATE ITWhat do you think your own PE teacher aim to teach you during your lessons? Is Joe Wicks able to

do the same? 1 6

2 7

3 8

4 9

5 10

ConclusionsDo you think Joe Wicks would be

a good PE teacher? Are there elements of his lessons that could

be incorporated to your PE lessons? What do you think PE will

look like after lockdown?

Find itWhat are the benefits of doing PE with

Joe Wicks?

What are Joe Wicks aims of his PE lessons?

Year 7 PE ”Thinking Harder” Week 6: 11-15th May

Joe is technically not a PE teacher but he has a whole host of other qualifications to be proud of and he has done plenty of work with people of all ages. Wicks is a fitness coach and he calls himself "a man on a mission to rescue people from the awful dieting industry", not wanting to see people go hungry on poorly-planned diets. He has been a personal trainer for five years and has a 1st degree in sports science, so he definitely knows what he is talking about.

Joe has also taught for three years as an online nutrition coach, saying he can transform someone's body in just 90 days. Fans have fallen in love with his online PE sessions, during which he dresses up and creates fun moves especially for children.

Joe has a number of plans to cater for different groups including a veggie 90-day plan and a graduate plan for people to build on existing progress. The Telegraph reported Wicks wanted to be "the Jamie Oliver of kids' fitness" as he has big plans to get the country's children moving. He was due to take part in a tour around schools, inspiring youngsters to stay active and eat healthily, but his plans were put on hold as schools closed following the coronavirus lockdown.

Instead he set up PE with Joe, a revolutionary online PE class for children and their families to take part in during isolation. The fitness classes, which start from 9am every morning and are half an hour long, have gone down a storm with families across the world.Joe is aware people of all ages and abilities have been taking part in his online PE sessions and he has catered for everyone. The classes are not just aimed at children, as parents have been joining in too, as well as people with limited mobility.

But Joe has been getting creative with his exercises and has introduced some fun and quirky moves especially for children. Fan-favourites so far have been the "Spider-Man" lunge and the "bunny bounces", during which Joe uses his hands to create bunny ears. He has plenty of charm and is great when it comes to interacting with children and their families. Joe has been pausing every now and then to read out messages from fans and do shout-outs to those who are taking part across the globe.

Gospel for Sunday 10 May: ‘Jesus the way to the Father’ (John 14:1-12)

“Do not be worried and upset,” Jesus told them. “Believe in God and believe also in me. There are many rooms in my Father's house, and I am going to prepare a place for you. I would not tell you this if it were not so. And after I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to myself, so that you will be where I am. You know the way that leads to the place where I am going.”Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going; so how can we know the way to get there?”Jesus answered him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one goes to the Father except by me. Now that you have known me,” he said to them, “you will know my Father also, and from now on you do know him and you have seen him.”Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father; that is all we need.”Jesus answered, “For a long time I have been with you all; yet you do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. Why, then, do you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do you not believe, Philip, that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I have spoken to you,” Jesus said to his disciples, “do not come from me. The Father, who remains in me, does his own work. Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. If not, believe because of the things I do. I am telling you the truth: those who believe in me will do what I do—yes, they will do even greater things, because I am going to the Father.

Year 7 RE ”Thinking Harder” Week 6: 11-15 May


1. Which attributes (qualities) of God are communicated in this passage?

2. What do we learn about the relationship between God the Father and God the Son in this passage?

3. Why do you think the Church has chosen to have this reading at this point in the liturgical year i.e. after Easter Sunday, and before the Feast of the Ascension?

LINK ITWe looked at the Nicene Creed at the beginning of the year. Choose, and quote, at least three sections of the Nicene Creed which you could link to

this particular reading. Explain why you have chosen these quotations.

2. KEYWORDSTo describe the artwork.


8. CONCLUSIONSCan you answer any of your questions that you originally had about this artwork? OR can you add any additional thoughts to any of the other questions here. Has your opinion changed about the artwork? Why?

4. DESCRIBEWhat can you see in the artwork?

The composition (arrangement / layout)What’s happening in the artwork?

How does it make you feel?

KS3 ”Thinking Harder” Look at the artwork either write down or discuss with a member of your household the answers to the questions Week 6: 11 – 15 May

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

7. WHAT’S YOUR OPINION?Do you like or dislike the artwork?


Artist: KATSUSHIKA HOKUSAITitle: The Great Wave of Kanagawa 1829 / 1833

3. IDENTIFY What formal elements are in this piece of artwork where and how have they been used?


1. QUESTIONS? What questions do you have about this artwork?

5. CONSIDER / RESEARCHWhat materials and techniques have been used to create this


WHY is the giant wave on the left hand side of the image?


IWHAT is the possible hidden meaning behind this piece of


Is humankind able to control and tame nature?

TechnologyWhat computing

technology is discussed in this article?

CRUNCH ITReduce the extract to the five most significant words and define them

Overall idea – History of Cryptography

Extract – go to this link and watch the video or read the transcript

You are experts in cryptography. Which methods in this extract are new to you?

Complete this document and upload to Showbie.






ConclusionsHas the article changed your opinion? Have you learnt anything new? Has it improved your understanding?

Do you have any questions after reading the article?

Find ItWhat was Thomas Jefferson’s


Year 7 Computing ”Thinking Harder” Week 6: 11 - 15 May

IDENTIFYFind 5 words that you think should be

emphasised by this character

Overall response -

Extract - IDEASWhat kind of person do you think this character is? Who are they talking to?






ConclusionsWhat do we know from reading the text? What can we assume? What would you still like to find out?

ACTIONWhat do you think should be happening

onstage while the character says this line? What should the character be


Year 7 Drama ”Thinking Harder” Week 6: 11-15 May

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