year 5 home learning activities – week beg:...

Post on 08-Jul-2020






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Year 5 Home Learning Activities – Week beg: 18.5.20 

Hi Year 5! 

We hope you’re all doing really well - we are missing you lots! 

This week, we have created teaching videos on Seesaw to go with each activity in the Home Learning Pack. The videos will explain how to complete the activity, including demonstrating key skills you will need to do so. The videos are part of a trial, also including Years 2 and 3, and so we are very keen to get your feedback on them, e.g. How useful they are? How could they be even better? Please leave us any comments you have on Seesaw. 

To access the videos, you will need to open the Seesaw app on your device, click on ‘Student’ and then scan the following QR code: 


Alternatively, you can use the following code: NIUI PAKW VNEA. 

Please note, you won’t be able to leave comments below the videos or post your work. To do this, you should logout, and then login again using your personal Seesaw code. 

Some of you have asked whether other children in the class can see the work you post to Seesaw. When you post at home, only your teacher can see your work. This is different to when you’re in school where you can view your classmates’ work. 

This week, we’re continuing with the next part of The Tempest, focusing on Plots and Magic. We hope that you are enjoying the story so far. Remember to make sure you watch the videos on ‘The Tempest Online’ website to remind yourself of what has happened. 

Enjoy and have fun!   

Jo, Lucy, Katy and Sharon 

 Reading activity 1: Read through Part 1 of this week’s text from Shakespeare’s The Tempest and look up any tricky words. Watch Jo’s Activity 1 video to help you. 



Reading activity 2: Re-read the first part of ‘Plots and Magic’ above and then answer the questions below. Watch Jo’s Activity 2 video to help you. 



Reading activity 3: Find and circle each of the words from the list below. Words may appear forwards or backwards, horizontally, vertically or diagonally in the grid. Can you beat Jo’s time? Watch this week’s Reading Activity 3 video to find out! 


Reading activity 4: Read through Part 2 of this week’s text from Shakespeare’s The Tempest and look up any tricky words. Watch Jo’s Activity 4 video to help you. 


Reading activity 5: Re-read the second part of ‘Plots and Magic’ above and then answer the questions below. Watch Jo’s Activity 5 video to help you. 


Other reading activities: 

● Find a funny place to read a book - it could be up a tree, under the bed or in a den. Take a photo and post it on Seesaw.   

● Write down any unfamiliar words from the chapter you have read. Explore the meanings of these words by using a dictionary or reading around the sentence. 

● Read something around the house that isn’t a book e.g. a magazine, recipe book etc. 

















Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG)  


Useful video: 






Useful video: 





Writing: Writing in role as a character from The Tempest 

Activity 1: Write an Ode. Using the planning template and word banks from below, write an ode (a love poem!) as one of the characters suggested to another e.g. Ferdinand writing to Miranda. There are templates and sentence starters to help you get your creative juices flowing! Have fun!  







Choose an ode then choose a scenario  



To help you get started…. 






Activity 2: Write an insult. 

Yesterday, you wrote of love and sweet thoughts. Today is the time for insults! Don’t forget to write in character. e.g. write an insult from Prospero to Alonso.  

Remember: Use all the resources provided to help you create your poem. 



2. Read it again, this time with real disdain (this means disgust)  









Activity 3: Write an ode (not an insult!!) to a friend or family member using Shakespearean language. Use the words and sentence starters from above to help you.  

You can decorate it, make it into a scroll and deliver it to them. 


Activity 4:  



Activity 5:  

You need to add to your character list from last week. Which new characters have entered the story since then? 


Art - Create a collage of nature 

Look at this week's PSHE and design and make a collage with the title “Isn’t nature a wonderful thing?!”  

Use any bits of scrap paper, newspaper or card you can find. If there is none available, just draw or paint a scene from nature that makes you feel happy and thankful. Give it to someone special to say ‘Thank You’  


● Useful advice from the NRICH maths team about maths at home - 

● NCETM –Visit to find two new areas of the website designed to support parents/carers of primary and secondary school children throughout the period of school closures. All the resources are free to access and do not require a login. 


Maths- Year 5 

AMAZING MATHS LESSONS - Watch these mini maths challenge lessons for Years 5 and 6, which are posted daily online. Everything is explained really clearly and you can easily join in at home. There are 

activities that you can complete too linked to the maths lesson. Enjoy! .  

Are you enjoying these lessons? Tell us what you have learnt on seesaw.  

● Practise times tables using Times Table Rockstars (your logins are in your homework book). You can also logon to Numbots using your TT Rockstars login details. 

● Watch Countdown and try to solve the maths problems just like we do in class. Maybe you could play against one of your family members and see if you can win!   


Activity 1: To read and find coordinates. To identify, describe and represent the position of a shape following a reflection.   What are coordinates? 

 Useful video: Watch Katy’s Activity 1 video on Seesaw in the Year 5 Home Learning area  

 Key vocabulary:  Reflection: a transformation in which a shape is reflected in a mirror line and changed into its mirror image. The graph below shows that the red shape is a reflection of the blue shape (a mirror image). 



Activity 2:  

 Useful video: 

Watch Katy’s Activity 2 video on Seesaw - Year 5 Home Learning area  





  Challenge: Go back over the directions you have written. Can you create a quicker route for each part of the island they travel through?  

Activity 3: To solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information tables  


Watch Katy’s Activity 3 video on Seesaw - Year 5 Home Learning area     

Use the table to answer the following questions: 

Answer is degrees celsius or mm where appropriate℃   

1. Which season on the Island was the second hottest? 

2. Which was the rainiest season on the Island?  

3. Which season in Milan was the second hottest? 

4. Which was the rainiest season in Milan?  

5. Are there any months with the same number of rainy days in Milan and 

the Island? 

6. Which place has the coldest mean temperature? What is it?  

7. Which country has the hottest mean temperature? What is it?  

8. Does the hottest month have the least rainfall in both cities?  

9. Does the coolest month have the most rainfall in both places? Explain 

your answer 

10. Which months do you think most tourists visit Milan? Why?  

Challenge: Think of two of your own comparison questions and challenge a family member to answer them. Make sure you know the answer too so you can tell them if they are correct or incorrect.  











Activity 4 - Treasure Map 

Watch Katy’s Activity 4 video on Seesaw - Year 5 Home Learning area  


Challenge: The words can be used in a special way to find the coordinates of the buried treasure. Can you work out where the treasure is?  

Activity 5 - Let’s reason and problem solve - Mathematics is a creative subject. It involves spotting patterns, making connections, and finding new ways of looking at things. Creative mathematicians play with ideas, draw pictures, have the courage to experiment and ask good questions.  

The problem this week is called ‘The Magic Letter V’   Watch Katy’s Activity 5 video on Seesaw to help you to get started, it’s in 

the Year 5 Home Learning area.  


You could use this sheet to record your Vs. Or draw your own, like I did.  



Science: Living things and their habitats 

As this is the final week of our Living things and their Habitats topic. We thought it would be nice to end with two fun activities: 

1. A Research Task 

Below are pictures of some dedicated naturalists, (people who study plants and animals as they live in nature) and animal behaviourists, (people who study animal behaviour, especially in the natural environment). 


Sir David Attenborough 



Dame Jane Goodall 

 Steve Backshall Scroll down to find her. 

Two more below  

Scroll down to find her. 

  Steve Irwin 


Your task is to choose one of these people to create a fact file about. You can use the template below or you can be creative about how to present your information by using a comic strip or poster format for example. It must include information on their life’s achievements and the things they have done to help understand aspects of the natural world. 














2. Creative Task 

Imagine you are a famous naturalist and have discovered a new species of plant or animal in a remote part of the world (e.g. the rainforest, desert, Antarctica, under the sea…). 

a) Draw or make a model of your new species.  

b) Give it a name.  

c) Describe its characteristics and...  

d) Explain its life cycle. Include if it is a mammal, bird, plant, insect… how it is fed when young etc. Describe and illustrate how it develops at each stage of its life and how it reproduces. (All the things you have been learning about.) You can use the template below or create your own! 


Walt: Describe the life process of reproduction in plants and animals. 
















For your Computing home learning this week, we would like you to explore the Chrome Music Lab:  

Once you have tried the different activities, why not put it all together and make a song using the Song Maker: 



Our focus for PE this summer term is athletics and cricket. This week we will be thinking about cricket and catching. If you have a tennis ball or one of a similar size at home then that’s great.  Practise throwing and catching the ball with a partner outside or if you’re on your own you can throw the ball against an outside wall and catch it.  Watch this video for some hints and tips on how to catch a ball in cricket:   Other ideas:  

● Join Joe Wick’s for his PE lesson every weekday 

● Just Dance - can you find your favourite tune? 

● Try a daily Joe Wicks 5 minute mover video  ● Have a go at these workouts to keep fit at home - 

● Relax with some yoga - 

● ● Take a look at Go Noodle (You will need to create a login)  

Strengthen your focus - Wake up Stretch - Bring it down -   



Fashion and clothing was an important part of life in Elizabethan times. This was especially true for the wealthy who used fashion to display their wealth and success. 

Research as much information as you can (use the link above as a starting point) to find out more about how and why people dressed the way they did, in the time of William Shakespeare. Then design an outfit for a wealthy visitor and a poor visitor to the Globe Theatre for the production of The Tempest. One thing is for certain- they would have looked very different!!  

You could either draw and label the costumes or if you have the materials available (not real diamonds of course!) you could try making a mini version of the outfits. 


PSHE: Being Thankful 

Isn’t nature a wonderful thing? 


This week take time to really look around you and see the many different wonders nature holds for us. The trees, the sky, even just the sun shining or the birds singing. 

Enjoying the simple things around us can be really helpful at a time like this when we can not see so much of our friends and the world can get a little dull and boring. Next time you are out and about, don’t forget to be grateful for the beauty that is around us all the time. 

Write a list of your favourite things in nature and why they make you thankful. Share it with one of your family and see if they can add to it! 

French: Click the French tab on the Hitherfield website to find fun short activities you can do! 


Other useful resources: 

KS2 BBC bitesize -   

Oak Academy - 

Mathematics Shed -   

Nrich -  

Topmarks - 

Fun art activities - 


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