year 3 totley primary school home learning pack week 12 ...€¦ · noun phrases and fronted...

Post on 25-Aug-2020






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Year 3

Totley Primary School

Home Learning Pack

Week 12



English - Narrative- Stig of the Dump

Over the next few weeks you are going to be writing your own version of a story based on meeting somebody from the Stone

Age. For inspiration, we are looking at the story ‘Stig of the Dump’. Remember that the story has been uploaded to the website

for you to listen along to.

Monday- Immerse (Draw Stig)

Tuesday- Immerse (Design a den)


Thursday- Ambitious vocabulary choices

Friday- Apostrophes for plural possession


In today’s lesson you are going to think carefully about character descriptions. Listen to

chapter 1 of ‘Stig of the Dump’ on the Y3 Blog. Now read the following description of Stig:

Something, or Somebody, had a lot of shaggy black hair and two bright black eyes that were looking very

hard at Barney. The Thing sitting in the corner seemed to be interested. It got up and moved towards

Barney into the light. Barney was glad to see it was Somebody after all. Funny way to dress though, he

thought, rabbit- skins round the middle and no shoes or socks. Stig did not seem much bigger than

himself, but he looked very strong and his hands looked cleverer than his face. But how old was he? Ten?

Twenty? A hundred? A thousand?

Draw a picture of what you imagine Stig looks like. Use the description above to help you.

Now add some of your own sentences to describe Stig. Make sure you include expanded

noun phrases and fronted adverbials. Use the WAGOLL to support you.


The strange person stood in the dim light of the cave. He was rather short, but very

stocky. His legs were as thick as tree trunks. In his wise, old hands, he held a smooth,

sharp piece of flint. His face looked serious but kind and was smeared with dirty, greasy

marks. From the back of the cave, he grinned broadly at Barney.

Over to you-












Read this together. What words are used in this text that help us build a picture in our minds? What phrases make us feel we could be there?

Underline these key words and phrases that help you do this and then draw a picture of what you imagine the scene to look like.

On safari

The morning sun wakes slowly and stretches its long, glowing arms over the horizon of

the most beautiful and tranquil safari. The many visitors are still asleep in their beds so it

is the animal’s favourite time to explore, wonder and graze. The rough, hard sand covers

the ground as far as the eye can see and sharp, spikey bushes push through the sandy

soil. Around a large, shallow watering hole animals gather for their morning drink. There

are enormous, wrinkled elephants, tall, elegant giraffes and colossal, proud rhino dipping

their heads into cool water. There is not a sound except the call of the exotic birds and

grunt of the animals slowly arising from their deep sleep.

Challenge! Write a short paragraph to completely change the scene you have drawn.

For example, if you had a beautiful sunset at the beach, what would it look like if you

changed it and lightening flashed across the sky?

How will this sentence change your picture? Use a different colour to add this to your







Monday: History- The Romans

At the beginning of Year 3 we learnt about the Roman Empire and explored how it became so large and powerful! Can you colour in the map to show just how large the Roman was at its peak? Can you work out which countries were part of the Roman Empire?

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