year 3 home learning pack number 9 home learning resources/… · y3 learning pack 9 monday 6th...

Post on 04-Jul-2020






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Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Year 3 – home learning pack number 9 This week’s learning This is our last week on fractions (the children will probably have mixed reactions to this!!!). I hope that the lessons have been useful to help your child’s understanding. Any feedback through class email on how this has gone is welcome, so do let me know. There are also BBC Bitesize lessons linked to each small step should you wish to refer to them, and you can also consolidate skills via the Year 2 area on BBC Bitesize daily if appropriate. Please note for Tuesday’s lesson you will need a good cardboard box to construct an Anglo Saxon building out of! Zoom and Move Up Day! Meetings this week - surnames A – B are on Monday 6

th July, and surnames C – G are on Tuesday 7

th July. See you then!

Further groups will be: surnames H – M on Monday 13th

July and surnames O – W on Tuesday 14th

July. All start times are 3.45pm and the session will last for 30-45 mins. Bring something to show that you are proud of from one of your home learning lessons, and something to show from home that you are pleased about or show us a skill that you have learnt to share with your friends. I am using the same meeting ID and password as previously, but I’ve sent you a Parentmail reminder of these in case you’ve not got a note of the details. Our Year 4 Move Up Day is on Wednesday 8

th July. A Parentmail has been sent with morning and afternoon slots and

instructions. I look forward to seeing the children then! With home lessons, ask an adult to mark your work and try to correct any mistakes. Collate work in your book or a folder (this will become a ‘lockdown keepsake in future years to come when you look back at home learning!). Sheets and resources are attached on this actual learning pack, so remember to scroll down. You do not have to print everything off - you can write answers on paper if more convenient. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Remember these ‘little and often’ tasks – preferably daily:

Read for 15 minutes daily – get your reading logs signed by an adult.

Practise your multiplications. Year 3 children are expected to know 3, 4 and 8 x tables facts. Please also keep practising 2s, 5s and 10s – use the following to help you:

Sumdog, the Pixl app – use personal logins to access multiplications consolidation. Also visit Topmarks ‘Hit the Button’.

Keep up maths fluency skills – all four operations: +, -, x and ÷ - use Sumdog for this, and check that you are completing any Sumdog challenges that I set!

Practise spellings on the word lists for Y1 & 2, and Year 3 & 4. Try learning 5 a day. Use Look, Cover, Write, Check and get an adult to test you. Access Sumdog and Spelling Frame too to help you.

Write an interesting sentence about a picture. Don’t forget to use full punctuation. Make sure you practise your joined handwriting, and include adjectives and adverbs – use

Do something active – PE with Joe Wicks, walking, skipping…..see our website under CV-19 for further suggestions.

Ongoing with each pack as they are so useful! Ongoing: are you meeting your maths targets? (look at your school report). Make sure that you practise them! The same goes for your reading and writing targets. handy resource for reading, writing, language development organised into appropriate year groups. Visit for free e-books. Also visit Roald Dahl activities: For other websites and resources that we all like as a teaching staff (including P.E activities), visit the CV-19 tab on the school website, or look at the suggestions from previous learning packs. Remember my email is: As usual, stay safe everyone! Mrs Taylor

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Week planner – w/b 6.7.20

Day Maths English Topics and activities









White Rose Maths home learning Y3 Summer Term Week 8 w/c 15


June Lesson 1 – ordering fractions

SPaG Recap your knowledge of noun phrases, learn how to expand them – try the activities and the sheet attached.

Science Animals and Humans Lesson 3 Looking at the skeleton and muscles for support. Look at the PPT (it may be PDF format) on the skeleton and different joints. Different parts of the skeleton have different roles. Then try the activity sheet attached and see if can sort the x-rays to the function. Can you identify the bones from the x-ray pictures on the PPT?



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White Rose Maths home learning Y3 Summer Term Week 8 w/c 15


June Lesson 2 –add fractions

The BFG. Read the next chapter – Journey to Dream Country. Then answer these questions:

There are alternative versions of The BFG being read on YouTube – bear in mind that adult supervision is recommended when accessing these. Also, some readers tones don’t quite do the text justice!

Anglo Saxons – DT / Art Do you have a box that you can turn into an Anglo Saxon house? Think about your building design from last week. What materials do you need to make your house? Your fist job is to turn your box inside out (run along the joins / seams of the box) and put it back together again so that it is easy to paint! If you have masking tape use this to join the house back together again – you can paint over masking tape, not sellotape. Think about how many windows it will need, and where the door will go. Can you cut out the windows and door before putting the house together (it will be easier!)? Try to ensure that the door opens and closes, and that the windows have a shutter to close at night time (no glass for Anglo Saxons!). Then choose an appropriate colour for your house and paint it. Leave it to dry. Take photos of each stage if you like (it would be lovely to see these on class email).

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Weds 8th

July - today is move up / transition day! Some of you will be coming in for the morning session, and some of you will see me in the afternoon, so if you can, try a little maths or English today, but don’t worry if you struggle to fit it all in!



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White Rose Maths home learning Y3 Summer Term Week 8 w/c 15


June Lesson 3 – subtract fractions

Writing warm up – Frothbungling Bully. Lesson theme: Friendship. Think about yesterday’s chapter from the BFG Journey To Dream Country. How would you describe the relationship between the BFG and the other giants? Are they friends? Task 1: dealing with Bullies! Read the extract attached from Journey to Dream Country (attached). Underline or highlight parts where you think the BFG is being bullied. This could be verbal – saying unkind things - or physical. Now imagine that you are Sophie. Can you come up with some suggestions for the BFG as to what he could have done to avoid being bullied? Think about how we respond in school to a situation where somebody is saying something negative or making wrong choices. (Examples: walking away, finding someone else to talk to, speaking up for others) Task 2: My Frothbungling Bully. Think about how the Bloodbottler is described by Roald Dahl. Look at the extract attached. Why does Roald Dahl say that his drool is like ‘rivers of spit’? Why does he use ‘craggy’ for teeth? Rivers and craggy mountains are huge objects, so the author uses these effects to show us how huge and horrible the Bloodbottler is. These are metaphors. Can you spot the simile in the extract too? Both of these writing techniques help us to imagine just how horrible this character is! Now I want you to invent a horrible bully using the My Frothbungling Bully sheet. Remember that lots of great stories have a really nasty ‘baddie’ in the plot to add to the excitement! What would they look like? How does the bully behave? Think about appearance and behaviour. Choose ambitious vocabulary, as tomorrow you will be writing a full character description of your character creation!

Anglo Saxons – DT / Art Now that you house is dry, you can think about adding a roof, and decorating it. Straw, paper straws, textured paper are all good materials to use.

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020









White Rose Maths home learning Y3 Summer Term Week 8 w/c 15


June Lesson 4 – problem solving with fractions

BFG – writing task Now create and write a character description for the Giant that you have invented. Use the template sheet to help you. Don’t forget to use similes and metaphors. Challenge: can you suggest three top tips to give your character to help them to make good choices and friendships? What might Sophie say to them to help them?

Music Now that we have taken part in The Big Sing, you can still log on and access some lovely music resources. This week I would like you to: Visit Go to the pupil and teacher log in area on the left. Log in by entering your username and password into the Charanga YUMU student login in the middle box: Username: Mexico Password: Browick Click on ‘launch’ – Bringing Us Together. Read through the overview instructions, and this week I’d like you to click on the right hand side of the screen – select Listen and Appraise / ‘Bringing Us Together’. Listen to the song, toggle between options for listen / appraise / fast facts / history. Once you have done this, look again at the menu on the right of the screen and have a try at the warm up games for ‘Bringing Ust Together’. Try the Bronze Challenge. If you feel confident after completing this, move on to the Silver Challenge. Have fun!



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Test yourself on your times tables and spend some time on Sumdog or Topmarks. Then try the nrich equivalent fractions challenges. Fraction walls are a brilliant way for children to see equivalent fractions. The web link is:

and However, I have attached the resources and adjusted / inverted the fraction wall which your child may find easier to understand. Use a ruler to help your child find equivalent fractions on the wall once they have labelled the parts with the correct fraction.

BFG – read the next chapter – Dream Catching

Creative writing Use Pobble for inspiration, or write a story about anything that you like. You could write about the giant that you created this week, or about a type of dream that you have caught. You can write any story that you like! Or continue with a story that you are already working on. Don’t forget similes, adjectives and adverbs to make your writing interesting. Challenge: think about chapter headings, and using paragraphs to organise you writing / ideas.

Add any finishing touches to your Anglo Saxon building. Can you add a sign written in Runes above your doorway? Cosmic Kids – Yoga Dance Party! Shake it all out for the weekend!

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Monday 6th July – Lesson 1 – ordering fractions

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Monday 6th July – Lesson 1 – ordering fractions

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Monday answers

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Monday – Noun phrases sheet

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Monday answers

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Monday – Science – Skeletons and muscles for support

Movement Protection Support

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Tues – lesson 2 – adding fractions

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Tues lesson 2 – adding fractions

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Tues lesson 2 – answers

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Tuesday reading comprehension questions:

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Weds – lesson 3 – subtract fractions

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Weds – lesson 3 – subtract fractions

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Weds lesson 3 – answers

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Wednesday English – Frothbungling Bully Task 1 Highlight or underline where you think the BFG is being treated unfairly:

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Bloodbottler extract task 2:

Wednesday writing template:

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Thurs – lesson 4 – problem solve with fractions

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Thurs lesson 4

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Thurs lesson 4

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Thursday lesson 4 – answers

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Thursday writing task – character description

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Friday maths investigation – Fraction Wall and equivalent fractions. Look at the fraction wall and then answer the questions below to begin with. It is actually a bar model! Each different colour band has been divided into equal amounts. The purple bar at the top is 1 or the whole amount – this is a whole number. Can you work out what they show? If a colour band has been divided equally into 2 parts, each part will be a ½ or half / halves. Remember that your denominator (the number at the bottom) shows you how many equal parts there are in total along the whole bar.

Task 1:

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Friday Task 2 – look again and answer the next set of questions. It might be useful to use a ruler to help you look for equivalent fractions. I have enlarged it so that it is clearer to read and label.

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Friday Task 2 questions. (use a ruler to help you find the equivalent fractions)

Y3 Learning Pack 9 Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020


Friday - answers

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